/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "console.h" class CConsoleLogger : public ILogger { CGameConsole *m_pConsole; std::mutex m_ConsoleMutex; public: CConsoleLogger(CGameConsole *pConsole) : m_pConsole(pConsole) { dbg_assert(pConsole != nullptr, "console pointer must not be null"); } void Log(const CLogMessage *pMessage) override; void OnConsoleDeletion(); }; void CConsoleLogger::Log(const CLogMessage *pMessage) { // TODO: Fix thread-unsafety of accessing `g_Config.m_ConsoleOutputLevel` if(pMessage->m_Level > IConsole::ToLogLevel(g_Config.m_ConsoleOutputLevel)) { return; } ColorRGBA Color = gs_ConsoleDefaultColor; if(pMessage->m_HaveColor) { Color.r = pMessage->m_Color.r / 255.0; Color.g = pMessage->m_Color.g / 255.0; Color.b = pMessage->m_Color.b / 255.0; } std::unique_lock Guard(m_ConsoleMutex); if(m_pConsole) { m_pConsole->m_LocalConsole.PrintLine(pMessage->m_aLine, pMessage->m_LineLength, Color); } } void CConsoleLogger::OnConsoleDeletion() { std::unique_lock Guard(m_ConsoleMutex); m_pConsole = nullptr; } CGameConsole::CInstance::CInstance(int Type) { m_pHistoryEntry = 0x0; m_Type = Type; if(Type == CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL) { m_pName = "local_console"; m_CompletionFlagmask = CFGFLAG_CLIENT; } else { m_pName = "remote_console"; m_CompletionFlagmask = CFGFLAG_SERVER; } m_aCompletionBuffer[0] = 0; m_CompletionUsed = false; m_CompletionChosen = -1; m_CompletionRenderOffset = 0.0f; m_ReverseTAB = false; m_aUser[0] = '\0'; m_UserGot = false; m_UsernameReq = false; m_IsCommand = false; } void CGameConsole::CInstance::Init(CGameConsole *pGameConsole) { m_pGameConsole = pGameConsole; } void CGameConsole::CInstance::ClearBacklog() { m_BacklogLock.lock(); m_Backlog.Init(); m_BacklogCurPage = 0; m_BacklogLock.unlock(); } void CGameConsole::CInstance::ClearBacklogYOffsets() { m_BacklogLock.lock(); auto *pEntry = m_Backlog.First(); while(pEntry) { pEntry->m_YOffset = -1.0f; pEntry = m_Backlog.Next(pEntry); } m_BacklogLock.unlock(); } void CGameConsole::CInstance::ClearHistory() { m_History.Init(); m_pHistoryEntry = 0; } void CGameConsole::CInstance::ExecuteLine(const char *pLine) { if(m_Type == CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL) m_pGameConsole->m_pConsole->ExecuteLine(pLine); else { if(m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed()) m_pGameConsole->Client()->Rcon(pLine); else { if(!m_UserGot && m_UsernameReq) { m_UserGot = true; str_copy(m_aUser, pLine); } else { m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuth(m_aUser, pLine); m_UserGot = false; } } } } void CGameConsole::CInstance::PossibleCommandsCompleteCallback(int Index, const char *pStr, void *pUser) { CGameConsole::CInstance *pInstance = (CGameConsole::CInstance *)pUser; if(pInstance->m_CompletionChosen == Index) pInstance->m_Input.Set(pStr); } void CGameConsole::CInstance::OnInput(IInput::CEvent Event) { bool Handled = false; if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed()) // jump to spaces and special ASCII characters { int SearchDirection = 0; if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_LEFT) || m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_BACKSPACE)) SearchDirection = -1; else if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_RIGHT) || m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_DELETE)) SearchDirection = 1; if(SearchDirection != 0) { int OldOffset = m_Input.GetCursorOffset(); int FoundAt = SearchDirection > 0 ? m_Input.GetLength() - 1 : 0; for(int i = m_Input.GetCursorOffset() + SearchDirection; SearchDirection > 0 ? i < m_Input.GetLength() - 1 : i > 0; i += SearchDirection) { int Next = i + SearchDirection; if((m_Input.GetString()[Next] == ' ') || (m_Input.GetString()[Next] >= 32 && m_Input.GetString()[Next] <= 47) || (m_Input.GetString()[Next] >= 58 && m_Input.GetString()[Next] <= 64) || (m_Input.GetString()[Next] >= 91 && m_Input.GetString()[Next] <= 96)) { FoundAt = i; if(SearchDirection < 0) FoundAt++; break; } } if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_BACKSPACE)) { if(m_Input.GetCursorOffset() != 0) { char aText[512]; str_copy(aText, m_Input.GetString(), FoundAt + 1); if(m_Input.GetCursorOffset() != str_length(m_Input.GetString())) str_append(aText, m_Input.GetString() + m_Input.GetCursorOffset(), str_length(m_Input.GetString())); m_Input.Set(aText); } } if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_DELETE)) { if(m_Input.GetCursorOffset() != m_Input.GetLength()) { char aText[512]; aText[0] = '\0'; str_copy(aText, m_Input.GetString(), m_Input.GetCursorOffset() + 1); if(FoundAt != m_Input.GetLength()) str_append(aText, m_Input.GetString() + FoundAt, sizeof(aText)); m_Input.Set(aText); FoundAt = OldOffset; } } m_Input.SetCursorOffset(FoundAt); } } if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_V)) { const char *pText = m_pGameConsole->Input()->GetClipboardText(); if(pText) { char aLine[256]; int i, Begin = 0; for(i = 0; i < str_length(pText); i++) { if(pText[i] == '\n') { if(i == Begin) { Begin++; continue; } int max = minimum(i - Begin + 1, (int)sizeof(aLine)); str_copy(aLine, pText + Begin, max); Begin = i + 1; ExecuteLine(aLine); } } int max = minimum(i - Begin + 1, (int)sizeof(aLine)); str_copy(aLine, pText + Begin, max); m_Input.Append(aLine); } } else if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_C)) { m_pGameConsole->Input()->SetClipboardText(m_Input.GetString()); } else if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_A)) { m_Input.SetCursorOffset(0); } else if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_E)) { m_Input.SetCursorOffset(m_Input.GetLength()); } else if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_U)) { m_Input.SetRange("", 0, m_Input.GetCursorOffset()); } else if(m_pGameConsole->Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && m_pGameConsole->Input()->KeyPress(KEY_K)) { m_Input.SetRange("", m_Input.GetCursorOffset(), m_Input.GetLength()); } if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS) { if(Event.m_Key == KEY_RETURN || Event.m_Key == KEY_KP_ENTER) { if(m_Input.GetString()[0] || (m_UsernameReq && !m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed() && !m_UserGot)) { if(m_Type == CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL || m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed()) { char *pEntry = m_History.Allocate(m_Input.GetLength() + 1); str_copy(pEntry, m_Input.GetString(), m_Input.GetLength() + 1); } ExecuteLine(m_Input.GetString()); m_Input.Clear(); m_pHistoryEntry = 0x0; } Handled = true; } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_UP) { if(m_pHistoryEntry) { char *pTest = m_History.Prev(m_pHistoryEntry); if(pTest) m_pHistoryEntry = pTest; } else m_pHistoryEntry = m_History.Last(); if(m_pHistoryEntry) m_Input.Set(m_pHistoryEntry); Handled = true; } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_DOWN) { if(m_pHistoryEntry) m_pHistoryEntry = m_History.Next(m_pHistoryEntry); if(m_pHistoryEntry) m_Input.Set(m_pHistoryEntry); else m_Input.Clear(); Handled = true; } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_TAB) { if(m_Type == CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL || m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed()) { if(m_ReverseTAB && m_CompletionUsed) m_CompletionChosen--; else if(!m_ReverseTAB) m_CompletionChosen++; int CompletionEnumerationCount = m_pGameConsole->m_pConsole->PossibleCommands(m_aCompletionBuffer, m_CompletionFlagmask, m_Type != CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL && m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed() && m_pGameConsole->Client()->UseTempRconCommands(), PossibleCommandsCompleteCallback, this); m_CompletionUsed = true; // handle wrapping if(CompletionEnumerationCount && (m_CompletionChosen >= CompletionEnumerationCount || m_CompletionChosen < 0)) { m_CompletionChosen = (m_CompletionChosen + CompletionEnumerationCount) % CompletionEnumerationCount; m_pGameConsole->m_pConsole->PossibleCommands(m_aCompletionBuffer, m_CompletionFlagmask, m_Type != CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL && m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed() && m_pGameConsole->Client()->UseTempRconCommands(), PossibleCommandsCompleteCallback, this); } } } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_PAGEUP) { ++m_BacklogCurPage; m_pGameConsole->m_HasSelection = false; } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { m_pGameConsole->m_HasSelection = false; --m_BacklogCurPage; if(m_BacklogCurPage < 0) m_BacklogCurPage = 0; } // in order not to conflict with CLineInput's handling of Home/End only // react to it when the input is empty else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_HOME && m_Input.GetString()[0] == '\0') { m_BacklogCurPage = INT_MAX; m_pGameConsole->m_HasSelection = false; } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_END && m_Input.GetString()[0] == '\0') { m_BacklogCurPage = 0; m_pGameConsole->m_HasSelection = false; } else if(Event.m_Key == KEY_LSHIFT) { m_ReverseTAB = true; Handled = true; } } if(Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_RELEASE && Event.m_Key == KEY_LSHIFT) { m_ReverseTAB = false; Handled = true; } if(!Handled) m_Input.ProcessInput(Event); if(Event.m_Flags & (IInput::FLAG_PRESS | IInput::FLAG_TEXT)) { if((Event.m_Key != KEY_TAB) && (Event.m_Key != KEY_LSHIFT)) { m_CompletionUsed = false; m_CompletionChosen = -1; str_copy(m_aCompletionBuffer, m_Input.GetString()); m_CompletionRenderOffset = 0.0f; } // find the current command { char aBuf[64] = {0}; const char *pSrc = GetString(); int i = 0; for(; i < (int)sizeof(aBuf) - 1 && *pSrc && *pSrc != ' '; i++, pSrc++) aBuf[i] = *pSrc; aBuf[i] = 0; const IConsole::CCommandInfo *pCommand = m_pGameConsole->m_pConsole->GetCommandInfo(aBuf, m_CompletionFlagmask, m_Type != CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL && m_pGameConsole->Client()->RconAuthed() && m_pGameConsole->Client()->UseTempRconCommands()); if(pCommand) { m_IsCommand = true; str_copy(m_aCommandName, pCommand->m_pName); str_copy(m_aCommandHelp, pCommand->m_pHelp); str_copy(m_aCommandParams, pCommand->m_pParams); } else m_IsCommand = false; } } } void CGameConsole::CInstance::PrintLine(const char *pLine, int Len, ColorRGBA PrintColor) { if(Len > 255) Len = 255; m_BacklogLock.lock(); CBacklogEntry *pEntry = m_Backlog.Allocate(sizeof(CBacklogEntry) + Len); pEntry->m_YOffset = -1.0f; pEntry->m_PrintColor = PrintColor; str_copy(pEntry->m_aText, pLine, Len + 1); if(m_pGameConsole->m_ConsoleType == m_Type) m_pGameConsole->m_NewLineCounter++; m_BacklogLock.unlock(); } CGameConsole::CGameConsole() : m_LocalConsole(CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL), m_RemoteConsole(CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE) { m_ConsoleType = CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL; m_ConsoleState = CONSOLE_CLOSED; m_StateChangeEnd = 0.0f; m_StateChangeDuration = 0.1f; } CGameConsole::~CGameConsole() { if(m_pConsoleLogger) m_pConsoleLogger->OnConsoleDeletion(); } float CGameConsole::TimeNow() { static int64_t s_TimeStart = time_get(); return float(time_get() - s_TimeStart) / float(time_freq()); } CGameConsole::CInstance *CGameConsole::CurrentConsole() { if(m_ConsoleType == CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE) return &m_RemoteConsole; return &m_LocalConsole; } void CGameConsole::OnReset() { } // only defined for 0<=t<=1 static float ConsoleScaleFunc(float t) { //return t; return sinf(acosf(1.0f - t)); } struct CRenderInfo { CGameConsole *m_pSelf; CTextCursor m_Cursor; const char *m_pCurrentCmd; int m_WantedCompletion; int m_EnumCount; float m_Offset; float m_Width; }; void CGameConsole::PossibleCommandsRenderCallback(int Index, const char *pStr, void *pUser) { CRenderInfo *pInfo = static_cast(pUser); if(pInfo->m_EnumCount == pInfo->m_WantedCompletion) { float tw = pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextWidth(pInfo->m_Cursor.m_pFont, pInfo->m_Cursor.m_FontSize, pStr, -1, -1.0f); pInfo->m_pSelf->RenderTools()->DrawRect(pInfo->m_Cursor.m_X - 2.5f, pInfo->m_Cursor.m_Y - 4.f / 2.f, tw + 5.f, pInfo->m_Cursor.m_FontSize + 4.f, ColorRGBA(229.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 4.0f / 255.0f, 0.85f), CUI::CORNER_ALL, pInfo->m_Cursor.m_FontSize / 3.f); // scroll when out of sight if(pInfo->m_Cursor.m_X < 3.0f) pInfo->m_Offset = 0.0f; else if(pInfo->m_Cursor.m_X + tw > pInfo->m_Width) pInfo->m_Offset -= pInfo->m_Width / 2; pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextColor(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextEx(&pInfo->m_Cursor, pStr, -1); } else { const char *pMatchStart = str_find_nocase(pStr, pInfo->m_pCurrentCmd); if(pMatchStart) { pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextEx(&pInfo->m_Cursor, pStr, pMatchStart - pStr); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextColor(229.0f / 255.0f, 185.0f / 255.0f, 4.0f / 255.0f, 1); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextEx(&pInfo->m_Cursor, pMatchStart, str_length(pInfo->m_pCurrentCmd)); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextEx(&pInfo->m_Cursor, pMatchStart + str_length(pInfo->m_pCurrentCmd), -1); } else { pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextColor(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1); pInfo->m_pSelf->TextRender()->TextEx(&pInfo->m_Cursor, pStr, -1); } } pInfo->m_EnumCount++; pInfo->m_Cursor.m_X += 7.0f; } void CGameConsole::OnRender() { CUIRect Screen = *UI()->Screen(); float ConsoleMaxHeight = Screen.h * 3 / 5.0f; float ConsoleHeight; float Progress = (TimeNow() - (m_StateChangeEnd - m_StateChangeDuration)) / m_StateChangeDuration; if(Progress >= 1.0f) { if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_CLOSING) m_ConsoleState = CONSOLE_CLOSED; else if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPENING) m_ConsoleState = CONSOLE_OPEN; Progress = 1.0f; } if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPEN && g_Config.m_ClEditor) Toggle(CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL); if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_CLOSED) return; if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPEN) Input()->MouseModeAbsolute(); float ConsoleHeightScale; if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPENING) ConsoleHeightScale = ConsoleScaleFunc(Progress); else if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_CLOSING) ConsoleHeightScale = ConsoleScaleFunc(1.0f - Progress); else //if (console_state == CONSOLE_OPEN) ConsoleHeightScale = ConsoleScaleFunc(1.0f); ConsoleHeight = ConsoleHeightScale * ConsoleMaxHeight; UI()->MapScreen(); // do console shadow Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); IGraphics::CColorVertex Array[4] = { IGraphics::CColorVertex(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f), IGraphics::CColorVertex(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f), IGraphics::CColorVertex(2, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f), IGraphics::CColorVertex(3, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f)}; Graphics()->SetColorVertex(Array, 4); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(0, ConsoleHeight, Screen.w, 10.0f); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // do background Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[IMAGE_CONSOLE_BG].m_Id); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.9f); if(m_ConsoleType == CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE) Graphics()->SetColor(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.9f); Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(0, -ConsoleHeight * 0.075f, Screen.w * 0.075f * 0.5f, 0); QuadItem = IGraphics::CQuadItem(0, 0, Screen.w, ConsoleHeight); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // do small bar shadow Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Array[0] = IGraphics::CColorVertex(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f); Array[1] = IGraphics::CColorVertex(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.0f); Array[2] = IGraphics::CColorVertex(2, 0, 0, 0, 0.25f); Array[3] = IGraphics::CColorVertex(3, 0, 0, 0, 0.25f); Graphics()->SetColorVertex(Array, 4); QuadItem = IGraphics::CQuadItem(0, ConsoleHeight - 20, Screen.w, 10); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // do the lower bar Graphics()->TextureSet(g_pData->m_aImages[IMAGE_CONSOLE_BAR].m_Id); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.9f); Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(0, 0.1f, Screen.w * 0.015f, 1 - 0.1f); QuadItem = IGraphics::CQuadItem(0, ConsoleHeight - 10.0f, Screen.w, 10.0f); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); ConsoleHeight -= 22.0f; CInstance *pConsole = CurrentConsole(); { float FontSize = 10.0f; float RowHeight = FontSize * 1.25f; float x = 3; float y = ConsoleHeight - RowHeight - 5.0f; CRenderInfo Info; Info.m_pSelf = this; Info.m_WantedCompletion = pConsole->m_CompletionUsed ? pConsole->m_CompletionChosen : -1; Info.m_EnumCount = 0; Info.m_Offset = pConsole->m_CompletionRenderOffset; Info.m_Width = Screen.w; Info.m_pCurrentCmd = pConsole->m_aCompletionBuffer; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Info.m_Cursor, x + Info.m_Offset, y + RowHeight + 2.0f, FontSize, TEXTFLAG_RENDER | TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END); Info.m_Cursor.m_LineWidth = std::numeric_limits::max(); // render prompt CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, x, y, FontSize, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); const char *pPrompt = "> "; if(m_ConsoleType == CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE) { if(Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_LOADING || Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { if(Client()->RconAuthed()) pPrompt = "rcon> "; else { if(pConsole->m_UsernameReq) { if(!pConsole->m_UserGot) pPrompt = "Enter Username> "; else pPrompt = "Enter Password> "; } else pPrompt = "Enter Password> "; } } else pPrompt = "NOT CONNECTED> "; } TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, pPrompt, -1); x = Cursor.m_X; //console text editing bool Editing = false; int EditingCursor = Input()->GetEditingCursor(); if(Input()->GetIMEState()) { if(str_length(Input()->GetIMEEditingText())) { pConsole->m_Input.Editing(Input()->GetIMEEditingText(), EditingCursor); Editing = true; } } //hide rcon password char aInputString[512]; str_copy(aInputString, pConsole->m_Input.GetString(Editing)); if(m_ConsoleType == CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE && Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE && !Client()->RconAuthed() && (pConsole->m_UserGot || !pConsole->m_UsernameReq)) { for(int i = 0; i < pConsole->m_Input.GetLength(Editing); ++i) aInputString[i] = '*'; } // render console input (wrap line) TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, x, y, FontSize, 0); Cursor.m_LineWidth = Screen.w - 10.0f - x; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aInputString, pConsole->m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing)); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aInputString + pConsole->m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing), -1); int Lines = Cursor.m_LineCount; int InputExtraLineCount = Lines - 1; y -= InputExtraLineCount * FontSize; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, x, y, FontSize, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = Screen.w - 10.0f - x; if(m_LastInputLineCount != InputExtraLineCount) { m_HasSelection = false; m_MouseIsPress = false; m_LastInputLineCount = InputExtraLineCount; } TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aInputString, pConsole->m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing)); CTextCursor Marker = Cursor; Marker.m_LineWidth = -1; TextRender()->TextEx(&Marker, "|", -1); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aInputString + pConsole->m_Input.GetCursorOffset(Editing), -1); Input()->SetEditingPosition(Marker.m_X, Marker.m_Y + Marker.m_FontSize); // render possible commands if(m_ConsoleType == CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL || Client()->RconAuthed()) { if(pConsole->m_Input.GetString()[0] != 0) { m_pConsole->PossibleCommands(pConsole->m_aCompletionBuffer, pConsole->m_CompletionFlagmask, m_ConsoleType != CGameConsole::CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL && Client()->RconAuthed() && Client()->UseTempRconCommands(), PossibleCommandsRenderCallback, &Info); pConsole->m_CompletionRenderOffset = Info.m_Offset; if(Info.m_EnumCount <= 0) { if(pConsole->m_IsCommand) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Help: %s ", pConsole->m_aCommandHelp); TextRender()->TextEx(&Info.m_Cursor, aBuf, -1); TextRender()->TextColor(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Usage: %s %s", pConsole->m_aCommandName, pConsole->m_aCommandParams); TextRender()->TextEx(&Info.m_Cursor, aBuf, -1); } } } } pConsole->m_BacklogLock.lock(); // render log (current page, wrap lines) CInstance::CBacklogEntry *pEntry = pConsole->m_Backlog.Last(); float OffsetY = 0.0f; float LineOffset = 1.0f; bool WantsSelectionCopy = false; if(Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && Input()->KeyPress(KEY_C)) WantsSelectionCopy = true; std::string SelectionString; // check if mouse is pressed if(!m_MouseIsPress && Input()->NativeMousePressed(1)) { m_MouseIsPress = true; Input()->NativeMousePos(&m_MousePressX, &m_MousePressY); m_MousePressX = (m_MousePressX / (float)Graphics()->WindowWidth()) * Screen.w; m_MousePressY = (m_MousePressY / (float)Graphics()->WindowHeight()) * Screen.h; } if(m_MouseIsPress) { Input()->NativeMousePos(&m_MouseCurX, &m_MouseCurY); m_MouseCurX = (m_MouseCurX / (float)Graphics()->WindowWidth()) * Screen.w; m_MouseCurY = (m_MouseCurY / (float)Graphics()->WindowHeight()) * Screen.h; } if(m_MouseIsPress && !Input()->NativeMousePressed(1)) { m_MouseIsPress = false; } static int s_LastActivePage = pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage; int TotalPages = 1; for(int Page = 0; Page <= maximum(s_LastActivePage, pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage); ++Page, OffsetY = 0.0f) { while(pEntry) { TextRender()->TextColor(pEntry->m_PrintColor); // get y offset (calculate it if we haven't yet) if(pEntry->m_YOffset < 0.0f) { TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, 0.0f, 0.0f, FontSize, 0); Cursor.m_LineWidth = Screen.w - 10; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, pEntry->m_aText, -1); pEntry->m_YOffset = Cursor.m_Y + Cursor.m_AlignedFontSize + LineOffset; } OffsetY += pEntry->m_YOffset; if((m_HasSelection || m_MouseIsPress) && m_NewLineCounter > 0) { float MouseExtraOff = pEntry->m_YOffset; m_MousePressY -= MouseExtraOff; if(!m_MouseIsPress) m_MouseCurY -= MouseExtraOff; } // next page when lines reach the top if(y - OffsetY <= RowHeight) break; // just render output from current backlog page (render bottom up) if(Page == s_LastActivePage) { TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, 0.0f, y - OffsetY, FontSize, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = Screen.w - 10.0f; Cursor.m_CalculateSelectionMode = (m_MouseIsPress || (m_CurSelStart != m_CurSelEnd) || m_HasSelection) ? TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_CALCULATE : TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE; Cursor.m_PressMouseX = m_MousePressX; Cursor.m_PressMouseY = m_MousePressY; Cursor.m_ReleaseMouseX = m_MouseCurX; Cursor.m_ReleaseMouseY = m_MouseCurY; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, pEntry->m_aText, -1); if(Cursor.m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_CALCULATE) { m_CurSelStart = minimum(Cursor.m_SelectionStart, Cursor.m_SelectionEnd); m_CurSelEnd = maximum(Cursor.m_SelectionStart, Cursor.m_SelectionEnd); } if(m_CurSelStart != m_CurSelEnd) { if(WantsSelectionCopy) { bool HasNewLine = false; if(!SelectionString.empty()) HasNewLine = true; int OffUTF8Start = 0; int OffUTF8End = 0; if(TextRender()->SelectionToUTF8OffSets(pEntry->m_aText, m_CurSelStart, m_CurSelEnd, OffUTF8Start, OffUTF8End)) { SelectionString.insert(0, (std::string(&pEntry->m_aText[OffUTF8Start], OffUTF8End - OffUTF8Start) + (HasNewLine ? "\n" : ""))); } } m_HasSelection = true; } } pEntry = pConsole->m_Backlog.Prev(pEntry); // reset color TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); if(m_NewLineCounter > 0) --m_NewLineCounter; } if(WantsSelectionCopy && !SelectionString.empty()) { Input()->SetClipboardText(SelectionString.c_str()); } if(!pEntry) break; TotalPages++; } pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage = clamp(pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage, 0, TotalPages - 1); s_LastActivePage = pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage; pConsole->m_BacklogLock.unlock(); // render page char aBuf[128]; TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("-Page %d-"), pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage + 1); TextRender()->Text(0, 10.0f, FontSize / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); // render version str_copy(aBuf, "v" GAME_VERSION " on " CONF_PLATFORM_STRING " " CONF_ARCH_STRING); float Width = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0, Screen.w - Width - 10.0f, FontSize / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); } } void CGameConsole::OnMessage(int MsgType, void *pRawMsg) { } bool CGameConsole::OnInput(IInput::CEvent Event) { // accept input when opening, but not at first frame to discard the input that caused the console to open if(m_ConsoleState != CONSOLE_OPEN && (m_ConsoleState != CONSOLE_OPENING || m_StateChangeEnd == TimeNow() + m_StateChangeDuration)) return false; if((Event.m_Key >= KEY_F1 && Event.m_Key <= KEY_F12) || (Event.m_Key >= KEY_F13 && Event.m_Key <= KEY_F24)) return false; if(Event.m_Key == KEY_ESCAPE && (Event.m_Flags & IInput::FLAG_PRESS)) Toggle(m_ConsoleType); else CurrentConsole()->OnInput(Event); return true; } void CGameConsole::Toggle(int Type) { if(m_ConsoleType != Type && (m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPEN || m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPENING)) { // don't toggle console, just switch what console to use } else { if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_CLOSED || m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_OPEN) { m_StateChangeEnd = TimeNow() + m_StateChangeDuration; } else { float Progress = m_StateChangeEnd - TimeNow(); float ReversedProgress = m_StateChangeDuration - Progress; m_StateChangeEnd = TimeNow() + ReversedProgress; } if(m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_CLOSED || m_ConsoleState == CONSOLE_CLOSING) { UI()->SetEnabled(false); m_ConsoleState = CONSOLE_OPENING; Input()->SetIMEState(true); } else { Input()->MouseModeRelative(); UI()->SetEnabled(true); m_pClient->OnRelease(); m_ConsoleState = CONSOLE_CLOSING; Input()->SetIMEState(false); } } if(m_ConsoleType != Type) m_HasSelection = false; m_ConsoleType = Type; } void CGameConsole::Dump(int Type) { CInstance *pConsole = Type == CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE ? &m_RemoteConsole : &m_LocalConsole; char aBuf[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 64]; char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_timestamp(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "dumps/%s_dump_%s.txt", pConsole->m_pName, aBuf); IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(File) { pConsole->m_BacklogLock.lock(); for(CInstance::CBacklogEntry *pEntry = pConsole->m_Backlog.First(); pEntry; pEntry = pConsole->m_Backlog.Next(pEntry)) { io_write(File, pEntry->m_aText, str_length(pEntry->m_aText)); io_write_newline(File); } pConsole->m_BacklogLock.unlock(); io_close(File); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s contents were written to '%s'", pConsole->m_pName, aFilename); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Failed to open '%s'", aFilename); } Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } void CGameConsole::ConToggleLocalConsole(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->Toggle(CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL); } void CGameConsole::ConToggleRemoteConsole(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->Toggle(CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE); } void CGameConsole::ConClearLocalConsole(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->m_LocalConsole.ClearBacklog(); } void CGameConsole::ConClearRemoteConsole(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->m_RemoteConsole.ClearBacklog(); } void CGameConsole::ConDumpLocalConsole(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->Dump(CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL); } void CGameConsole::ConDumpRemoteConsole(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->Dump(CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE); } void CGameConsole::ConConsolePageUp(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CInstance *pConsole = ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->CurrentConsole(); pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage++; } void CGameConsole::ConConsolePageDown(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CInstance *pConsole = ((CGameConsole *)pUserData)->CurrentConsole(); --pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage; if(pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage < 0) pConsole->m_BacklogCurPage = 0; } void CGameConsole::RequireUsername(bool UsernameReq) { if((m_RemoteConsole.m_UsernameReq = UsernameReq)) { m_RemoteConsole.m_aUser[0] = '\0'; m_RemoteConsole.m_UserGot = false; } } void CGameConsole::PrintLine(int Type, const char *pLine) { if(Type == CONSOLETYPE_LOCAL) m_LocalConsole.PrintLine(pLine, str_length(pLine), ColorRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1}); else if(Type == CONSOLETYPE_REMOTE) m_RemoteConsole.PrintLine(pLine, str_length(pLine), ColorRGBA{1, 1, 1, 1}); } void CGameConsole::OnConsoleInit() { // init console instances m_LocalConsole.Init(this); m_RemoteConsole.Init(this); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); Console()->Register("toggle_local_console", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConToggleLocalConsole, this, "Toggle local console"); Console()->Register("toggle_remote_console", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConToggleRemoteConsole, this, "Toggle remote console"); Console()->Register("clear_local_console", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConClearLocalConsole, this, "Clear local console"); Console()->Register("clear_remote_console", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConClearRemoteConsole, this, "Clear remote console"); Console()->Register("dump_local_console", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConDumpLocalConsole, this, "Write local console contents to a text file"); Console()->Register("dump_remote_console", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConDumpRemoteConsole, this, "Write remote console contents to a text file"); Console()->Register("console_page_up", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConConsolePageUp, this, "Previous page in console"); Console()->Register("console_page_down", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConConsolePageDown, this, "Next page in console"); } void CGameConsole::OnInit() { m_pConsoleLogger = new CConsoleLogger(this); Engine()->SetAdditionalLogger(std::unique_ptr(m_pConsoleLogger)); // add resize event Graphics()->AddWindowResizeListener([this](void *) { m_LocalConsole.ClearBacklogYOffsets(); m_RemoteConsole.ClearBacklogYOffsets(); m_HasSelection = false; }, nullptr); } void CGameConsole::OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) { if(OldState == IClient::STATE_ONLINE && NewState < IClient::STATE_LOADING) { m_RemoteConsole.m_UserGot = false; m_RemoteConsole.m_aUser[0] = '\0'; m_RemoteConsole.m_Input.Clear(); m_RemoteConsole.m_UsernameReq = false; } }