/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include // ft2 texture #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; struct SFontSizeChar { int m_ID; // these values are scaled to the pFont size // width * font_size == real_size float m_Width; float m_Height; float m_CharWidth; float m_CharHeight; float m_OffsetX; float m_OffsetY; float m_AdvanceX; float m_aUVs[4]; FT_UInt m_GlyphIndex; }; typedef vector4_base STextCharQuadVertexColor; struct STextCharQuadVertex { STextCharQuadVertex() { m_Color.r = m_Color.g = m_Color.b = m_Color.a = 255; } float m_X, m_Y; // do not use normalized floats as coordinates, since the texture might grow float m_U, m_V; STextCharQuadVertexColor m_Color; }; struct STextCharQuad { STextCharQuadVertex m_aVertices[4]; }; struct STextureSkyline { // the height of each column std::vector m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn; }; struct SFontSizeData { int m_FontSize; FT_Face *m_pFace; std::map m_Chars; }; constexpr int MIN_FONT_SIZE = 6; constexpr int MAX_FONT_SIZE = 128; constexpr int NUM_FONT_SIZES = (MAX_FONT_SIZE - MIN_FONT_SIZE + 1); class CFont { public: ~CFont() { free(m_pBuf); delete[] m_apTextureData[0]; delete[] m_apTextureData[1]; for(auto &FtFallbackFont : m_vFtFallbackFonts) { free(FtFallbackFont.m_pBuf); } } void InitFontSizes() { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_FONT_SIZES; ++i) { m_aFontSizes[i].m_FontSize = i + MIN_FONT_SIZE; m_aFontSizes[i].m_pFace = &this->m_FtFace; m_aFontSizes[i].m_Chars.clear(); } } SFontSizeData *GetFontSize(int Pixelsize) { int FontSize = (Pixelsize >= MIN_FONT_SIZE ? (Pixelsize > MAX_FONT_SIZE ? MAX_FONT_SIZE : Pixelsize) : MIN_FONT_SIZE); return &m_aFontSizes[FontSize - MIN_FONT_SIZE]; } void *m_pBuf; char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; FT_Face m_FtFace; struct SFontFallBack { void *m_pBuf; char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; FT_Face m_FtFace; }; std::vector m_vFtFallbackFonts; SFontSizeData m_aFontSizes[NUM_FONT_SIZES]; IGraphics::CTextureHandle m_aTextures[2]; // keep the full texture, because opengl doesn't provide texture copying uint8_t *m_apTextureData[2]; // width and height are the same int m_aCurTextureDimensions[2]; STextureSkyline m_aTextureSkyline[2]; }; struct STextString { int m_QuadBufferObjectIndex; int m_QuadBufferContainerIndex; size_t m_QuadNum; int m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex; std::vector m_vCharacterQuads; }; struct STextContainer { STextContainer() { Reset(); } CFont *m_pFont; int m_FontSize; STextString m_StringInfo; // keep these values to calculate offsets float m_AlignedStartX; float m_AlignedStartY; float m_X; float m_Y; int m_Flags; int m_LineCount; int m_GlyphCount; int m_CharCount; int m_MaxLines; float m_StartX; float m_StartY; float m_LineWidth; float m_UnscaledFontSize; unsigned m_RenderFlags; bool m_HasCursor; bool m_HasSelection; bool m_SingleTimeUse; STextBoundingBox m_BoundingBox; void Reset() { m_pFont = nullptr; m_FontSize = 0; m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex = m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex = m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex = -1; m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = 0; m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.clear(); m_AlignedStartX = m_AlignedStartY = m_X = m_Y = 0.f; m_Flags = m_LineCount = m_CharCount = m_GlyphCount = 0; m_MaxLines = -1; m_StartX = m_StartY = 0.f; m_LineWidth = -1.f; m_UnscaledFontSize = 0.f; m_RenderFlags = 0; m_HasCursor = false; m_HasSelection = false; m_SingleTimeUse = false; m_BoundingBox = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; } }; class CTextRender : public IEngineTextRender { IGraphics *m_pGraphics; IGraphics *Graphics() { return m_pGraphics; } unsigned m_RenderFlags; std::vector m_vpTextContainers; std::vector m_vTextContainerIndices; int m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex; SBufferContainerInfo m_DefaultTextContainerInfo; std::vector m_vpFonts; CFont *m_pCurFont; std::chrono::nanoseconds m_CursorRenderTime; int GetFreeTextContainerIndex() { if(m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex == -1) { int Index = (int)m_vTextContainerIndices.size(); m_vTextContainerIndices.push_back(Index); return Index; } else { int Index = m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex; m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex = m_vTextContainerIndices[Index]; m_vTextContainerIndices[Index] = Index; return Index; } } void FreeTextContainerIndex(int &Index) { m_vTextContainerIndices[Index] = m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex; m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex = Index; Index = -1; } void FreeTextContainer(int &Index) { m_vpTextContainers[Index]->Reset(); FreeTextContainerIndex(Index); } STextContainer &GetTextContainer(int Index) { dbg_assert(Index >= 0, "Text container index was invalid."); if(Index >= (int)m_vpTextContainers.size()) { int Size = (int)m_vpTextContainers.size(); for(int i = 0; i < (Index + 1) - Size; ++i) m_vpTextContainers.push_back(new STextContainer()); } return *m_vpTextContainers[Index]; } int WordLength(const char *pText) const { const char *pCursor = pText; while(true) { if(*pCursor == '\0') return pCursor - pText; if(*pCursor == '\n' || *pCursor == '\t' || *pCursor == ' ') return pCursor - pText + 1; str_utf8_decode(&pCursor); } } ColorRGBA m_Color; ColorRGBA m_OutlineColor; ColorRGBA m_SelectionColor; CFont *m_pDefaultFont; FT_Library m_FTLibrary; void SetRenderFlags(unsigned Flags) override { m_RenderFlags = Flags; } unsigned GetRenderFlags() const override { return m_RenderFlags; } void Grow(const unsigned char *pIn, unsigned char *pOut, int w, int h, int OutlineCount) const { for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int c = pIn[y * w + x]; for(int sy = -OutlineCount; sy <= OutlineCount; sy++) { for(int sx = -OutlineCount; sx <= OutlineCount; sx++) { int GetX = x + sx; int GetY = y + sy; if(GetX >= 0 && GetY >= 0 && GetX < w && GetY < h) { int Index = GetY * w + GetX; if(pIn[Index] > c) c = pIn[Index]; } } } pOut[y * w + x] = c; } } } void InitTextures(size_t Width, size_t Height, IGraphics::CTextureHandle (&aTextures)[2], uint8_t *(&aTextureData)[2]) { const size_t NewTextureSize = Width * Height; void *pTmpTextData = malloc(NewTextureSize); void *pTmpTextOutlineData = malloc(NewTextureSize); mem_copy(pTmpTextData, aTextureData[0], NewTextureSize); mem_copy(pTmpTextOutlineData, aTextureData[1], NewTextureSize); Graphics()->LoadTextTextures(Width, Height, aTextures[0], aTextures[1], pTmpTextData, pTmpTextOutlineData); } void UnloadTextures(IGraphics::CTextureHandle (&aTextures)[2]) { Graphics()->UnloadTextTextures(aTextures[0], aTextures[1]); } void IncreaseFontTextureImpl(CFont *pFont, size_t TextureIndex, size_t NewDimensions) const { unsigned char *pTmpTexBuffer = new unsigned char[NewDimensions * NewDimensions]; mem_zero(pTmpTexBuffer, NewDimensions * NewDimensions * sizeof(unsigned char)); for(int y = 0; y < pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]; ++x) { pTmpTexBuffer[x + y * NewDimensions] = pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex][x + y * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]]; } } delete[] pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex]; pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex] = pTmpTexBuffer; pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] = NewDimensions; pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[TextureIndex].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn.resize(NewDimensions, 0); } void IncreaseFontTexture(CFont *pFont) { const int NewDimensions = pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0] * 2; UnloadTextures(pFont->m_aTextures); IncreaseFontTextureImpl(pFont, 0, NewDimensions); IncreaseFontTextureImpl(pFont, 1, NewDimensions); InitTextures(NewDimensions, NewDimensions, pFont->m_aTextures, pFont->m_apTextureData); } int AdjustOutlineThicknessToFontSize(int OutlineThickness, int FontSize) const { if(FontSize > 48) OutlineThickness *= 4; else if(FontSize >= 18) OutlineThickness *= 2; return OutlineThickness; } void UploadGlyph(CFont *pFont, int TextureIndex, int PosX, int PosY, int Width, int Height, const unsigned char *pData) { for(int y = 0; y < Height; ++y) { for(int x = 0; x < Width; ++x) { pFont->m_apTextureData[TextureIndex][x + PosX + ((y + PosY) * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex])] = pData[x + y * Width]; } } Graphics()->UpdateTextTexture(pFont->m_aTextures[TextureIndex], PosX, PosY, Width, Height, pData); } bool GetCharacterSpace(CFont *pFont, int TextureIndex, int Width, int Height, int &PosX, int &PosY) const { if(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] < Width) return false; if(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] < Height) return false; // skyline bottom left algorithm std::vector &vSkylineHeights = pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[TextureIndex].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn; // search a fitting area with less pixel loss int SmallestPixelLossAreaX = 0; int SmallestPixelLossAreaY = pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] + 1; int SmallestPixelLossCurPixelLoss = pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]; bool FoundAnyArea = false; for(size_t i = 0; i < vSkylineHeights.size(); i++) { int CurHeight = vSkylineHeights[i]; int CurPixelLoss = 0; // find width pixels, and we are happy int AreaWidth = 1; for(size_t n = i + 1; n < i + Width && n < vSkylineHeights.size(); ++n) { ++AreaWidth; if(vSkylineHeights[n] <= CurHeight) { CurPixelLoss += CurHeight - vSkylineHeights[n]; } // if the height changed, we will use that new height and adjust the pixel loss else { CurPixelLoss = 0; CurHeight = vSkylineHeights[n]; for(size_t l = i; l <= n; ++l) { CurPixelLoss += CurHeight - vSkylineHeights[l]; } } } // if the area is too high, continue if(CurHeight + Height > pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[TextureIndex]) continue; // if the found area fits our needs, check if we can use it if(AreaWidth == Width) { if(SmallestPixelLossCurPixelLoss >= CurPixelLoss) { if(CurHeight < SmallestPixelLossAreaY) { SmallestPixelLossCurPixelLoss = CurPixelLoss; SmallestPixelLossAreaX = (int)i; SmallestPixelLossAreaY = CurHeight; FoundAnyArea = true; if(CurPixelLoss == 0) break; } } } } if(FoundAnyArea) { PosX = SmallestPixelLossAreaX; PosY = SmallestPixelLossAreaY; for(int i = PosX; i < PosX + Width; ++i) { vSkylineHeights[i] = PosY + Height; } return true; } return false; } // 128k * 2 of data used for rendering glyphs unsigned char m_aGlyphData[(1024 / 4) * (1024 / 4)]; unsigned char m_aGlyphDataOutlined[(1024 / 4) * (1024 / 4)]; void RenderGlyph(CFont *pFont, SFontSizeData *pSizeData, int Chr) { FT_Face FtFace = pFont->m_FtFace; FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FtFace, 0, pSizeData->m_FontSize); FT_UInt GlyphIndex = 0; if(FtFace->charmap) GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FtFace, (FT_ULong)Chr); if(GlyphIndex == 0) { for(const CFont::SFontFallBack &FallbackFont : pFont->m_vFtFallbackFonts) { FtFace = FallbackFont.m_FtFace; FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FtFace, 0, pSizeData->m_FontSize); if(FtFace->charmap) GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FtFace, (FT_ULong)Chr); if(GlyphIndex != 0) break; } if(GlyphIndex == 0) { const int ReplacementChr = 0x25a1; // White square to indicate missing glyph FtFace = pFont->m_FtFace; GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FtFace, (FT_ULong)ReplacementChr); if(GlyphIndex == 0) { dbg_msg("textrender", "font has no glyph for either %d or replacement char %d", Chr, ReplacementChr); return; } } } if(FT_Load_Glyph(FtFace, GlyphIndex, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP)) { dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d", Chr); return; } const FT_Bitmap *pBitmap = &FtFace->glyph->bitmap; const unsigned RealWidth = pBitmap->width; const unsigned RealHeight = pBitmap->rows; // adjust spacing int OutlineThickness = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; if(RealWidth > 0) { OutlineThickness = AdjustOutlineThicknessToFontSize(1, pSizeData->m_FontSize); x += (OutlineThickness + 1); y += (OutlineThickness + 1); } const unsigned Width = RealWidth + x * 2; const unsigned Height = RealHeight + y * 2; int X = 0; int Y = 0; if(Width > 0 && Height > 0) { // prepare glyph data mem_zero(m_aGlyphData, (size_t)Width * Height); for(unsigned py = 0; py < pBitmap->rows; py++) for(unsigned px = 0; px < pBitmap->width; px++) m_aGlyphData[(py + y) * Width + px + x] = pBitmap->buffer[py * pBitmap->width + px]; // upload the glyph while(!GetCharacterSpace(pFont, 0, (int)Width, (int)Height, X, Y)) { IncreaseFontTexture(pFont); } UploadGlyph(pFont, 0, X, Y, (int)Width, (int)Height, m_aGlyphData); Grow(m_aGlyphData, m_aGlyphDataOutlined, Width, Height, OutlineThickness); while(!GetCharacterSpace(pFont, 1, (int)Width, (int)Height, X, Y)) { IncreaseFontTexture(pFont); } UploadGlyph(pFont, 1, X, Y, (int)Width, (int)Height, m_aGlyphDataOutlined); } // set char info { SFontSizeChar *pFontchr = &pSizeData->m_Chars[Chr]; const int BMPHeight = pBitmap->rows + y * 2; const int BMPWidth = pBitmap->width + x * 2; pFontchr->m_ID = Chr; pFontchr->m_Height = Height; pFontchr->m_Width = Width; pFontchr->m_CharHeight = RealHeight; pFontchr->m_CharWidth = RealWidth; pFontchr->m_OffsetX = (FtFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX >> 6); pFontchr->m_OffsetY = -((FtFace->glyph->metrics.height >> 6) - (FtFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingY >> 6)); pFontchr->m_AdvanceX = (FtFace->glyph->advance.x >> 6); pFontchr->m_aUVs[0] = X; pFontchr->m_aUVs[1] = Y; pFontchr->m_aUVs[2] = pFontchr->m_aUVs[0] + BMPWidth; pFontchr->m_aUVs[3] = pFontchr->m_aUVs[1] + BMPHeight; pFontchr->m_GlyphIndex = GlyphIndex; } } const SFontSizeChar *GetChar(CFont *pFont, SFontSizeData *pSizeData, int Chr) { const std::map::iterator it = pSizeData->m_Chars.find(Chr); if(it == pSizeData->m_Chars.end()) { // render and add character SFontSizeChar &FontSizeChr = pSizeData->m_Chars[Chr]; RenderGlyph(pFont, pSizeData, Chr); return &FontSizeChr; } else { return &it->second; } } float Kerning(CFont *pFont, FT_UInt GlyphIndexLeft, FT_UInt GlyphIndexRight) const { FT_Vector Kerning = {0, 0}; FT_Get_Kerning(pFont->m_FtFace, GlyphIndexLeft, GlyphIndexRight, FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &Kerning); return (Kerning.x >> 6); } public: CTextRender() { m_pGraphics = nullptr; m_Color = DefaultTextColor(); m_OutlineColor = DefaultTextOutlineColor(); m_SelectionColor = DefaultSelectionColor(); m_pCurFont = nullptr; m_pDefaultFont = nullptr; m_FTLibrary = nullptr; m_RenderFlags = 0; m_CursorRenderTime = time_get_nanoseconds(); } virtual ~CTextRender() { for(auto *pTextCont : m_vpTextContainers) { pTextCont->Reset(); delete pTextCont; } m_vpTextContainers.clear(); for(auto &pFont : m_vpFonts) { FT_Done_Face(pFont->m_FtFace); for(CFont::SFontFallBack &FallbackFont : pFont->m_vFtFallbackFonts) { FT_Done_Face(FallbackFont.m_FtFace); } delete pFont; } if(m_FTLibrary != nullptr) FT_Done_FreeType(m_FTLibrary); } void Init() override { m_pGraphics = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); FT_Init_FreeType(&m_FTLibrary); // print freetype version { int LMajor, LMinor, LPatch; FT_Library_Version(m_FTLibrary, &LMajor, &LMinor, &LPatch); dbg_msg("freetype", "freetype version %d.%d.%d (compiled = %d.%d.%d)", LMajor, LMinor, LPatch, FREETYPE_MAJOR, FREETYPE_MINOR, FREETYPE_PATCH); } m_FirstFreeTextContainerIndex = -1; m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_Stride = sizeof(STextCharQuadVertex); m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_VertBufferBindingIndex = -1; m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.emplace_back(); SBufferContainerInfo::SAttribute *pAttr = &m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.back(); pAttr->m_DataTypeCount = 2; pAttr->m_FuncType = 0; pAttr->m_Normalized = false; pAttr->m_pOffset = nullptr; pAttr->m_Type = GRAPHICS_TYPE_FLOAT; m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.emplace_back(); pAttr = &m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.back(); pAttr->m_DataTypeCount = 2; pAttr->m_FuncType = 0; pAttr->m_Normalized = false; pAttr->m_pOffset = (void *)(sizeof(float) * 2); pAttr->m_Type = GRAPHICS_TYPE_FLOAT; m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.emplace_back(); pAttr = &m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_vAttributes.back(); pAttr->m_DataTypeCount = 4; pAttr->m_FuncType = 0; pAttr->m_Normalized = true; pAttr->m_pOffset = (void *)(sizeof(float) * 2 + sizeof(float) * 2); pAttr->m_Type = GRAPHICS_TYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE; IStorage *pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; const char *pFontFile = "fonts/Icons.otf"; IOHANDLE File = pStorage->OpenFile(pFontFile, IOFLAG_READ, IStorage::TYPE_ALL, aFilename, sizeof(aFilename)); if(File) { void *pBuf; unsigned Size; io_read_all(File, &pBuf, &Size); io_close(File); LoadFont(aFilename, (unsigned char *)pBuf, Size); } } CFont *LoadFont(const char *pFilename, unsigned char *pBuf, size_t Size) override { CFont *pFont = new CFont(); str_copy(pFont->m_aFilename, pFilename); if(FT_New_Memory_Face(m_FTLibrary, pBuf, Size, 0, &pFont->m_FtFace)) { delete pFont; return nullptr; } dbg_msg("textrender", "loaded font from '%s'", pFilename); pFont->m_pBuf = pBuf; for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[i] = 1024; pFont->m_apTextureData[i] = new unsigned char[pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[i] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[i]]; mem_zero(pFont->m_apTextureData[i], (size_t)pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[i] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[i] * sizeof(unsigned char)); } InitTextures(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], pFont->m_aTextures, pFont->m_apTextureData); for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[i].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn.resize(pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[i], 0); pFont->InitFontSizes(); m_vpFonts.push_back(pFont); return pFont; } bool LoadFallbackFont(CFont *pFont, const char *pFilename, unsigned char *pBuf, size_t Size) const override { CFont::SFontFallBack FallbackFont; FallbackFont.m_pBuf = pBuf; str_copy(FallbackFont.m_aFilename, pFilename); if(FT_New_Memory_Face(m_FTLibrary, pBuf, Size, 0, &FallbackFont.m_FtFace) == 0) { dbg_msg("textrender", "loaded fallback font from '%s'", pFilename); pFont->m_vFtFallbackFonts.emplace_back(FallbackFont); return true; } return false; } CFont *GetFont(size_t FontIndex) override { if(FontIndex < m_vpFonts.size()) return m_vpFonts[FontIndex]; return nullptr; } CFont *GetFont(const char *pFilename) override { for(auto &pFont : m_vpFonts) { if(str_comp(pFilename, pFont->m_aFilename) == 0) return pFont; } return nullptr; } void SetDefaultFont(CFont *pFont) override { dbg_msg("textrender", "default font set to '%s'", pFont->m_aFilename); m_pDefaultFont = pFont; m_pCurFont = m_pDefaultFont; } void SetCurFont(CFont *pFont) override { if(pFont == nullptr) m_pCurFont = m_pDefaultFont; else m_pCurFont = pFont; } void SetCursor(CTextCursor *pCursor, float x, float y, float FontSize, int Flags) const override { mem_zero(pCursor, sizeof(*pCursor)); pCursor->m_FontSize = FontSize; pCursor->m_StartX = x; pCursor->m_StartY = y; pCursor->m_X = x; pCursor->m_Y = y; pCursor->m_LineCount = 1; pCursor->m_LineWidth = -1; pCursor->m_Flags = Flags; pCursor->m_GlyphCount = 0; pCursor->m_CharCount = 0; pCursor->m_MaxCharacterHeight = 0; pCursor->m_LongestLineWidth = 0; pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode = TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE; pCursor->m_PressMouseX = 0; pCursor->m_PressMouseY = 0; pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX = 0; pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY = 0; pCursor->m_SelectionStart = 0; pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = 0; pCursor->m_CursorMode = TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE; pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = -1; } void MoveCursor(CTextCursor *pCursor, float x, float y) const override { pCursor->m_X += x; pCursor->m_Y += y; } void SetCursorPosition(CTextCursor *pCursor, float x, float y) const override { pCursor->m_X = x; pCursor->m_Y = y; } void Text(float x, float y, float Size, const char *pText, float LineWidth = -1.0f) override { CTextCursor Cursor; SetCursor(&Cursor, x, y, Size, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth; TextEx(&Cursor, pText, -1); } float TextWidth(float Size, const char *pText, int StrLength = -1, float LineWidth = -1.0f, int Flags = 0, float *pHeight = nullptr, float *pAlignedFontSize = nullptr, float *pMaxCharacterHeightInLine = nullptr) override { CTextCursor Cursor; SetCursor(&Cursor, 0, 0, Size, Flags); Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth; TextEx(&Cursor, pText, StrLength); if(pHeight != nullptr) *pHeight = Cursor.Height(); if(pAlignedFontSize != nullptr) *pAlignedFontSize = Cursor.m_AlignedFontSize; if(pMaxCharacterHeightInLine != nullptr) *pMaxCharacterHeightInLine = Cursor.m_MaxCharacterHeight; return Cursor.m_LongestLineWidth; } STextBoundingBox TextBoundingBox(float Size, const char *pText, int StrLength = -1, float LineWidth = -1.0f, int Flags = 0) override { CTextCursor Cursor; SetCursor(&Cursor, 0, 0, Size, Flags); Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth; TextEx(&Cursor, pText, StrLength); return Cursor.BoundingBox(); } vec2 CaretPosition(float Size, const char *pText, int StrLength = -1, float LineWidth = -1.0f, int Flags = 0) override { CTextCursor Cursor; SetCursor(&Cursor, 0, 0, Size, Flags); Cursor.m_LineWidth = LineWidth; TextEx(&Cursor, pText, StrLength); return vec2(Cursor.m_X, Cursor.m_Y); } void TextColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) override { m_Color.r = r; m_Color.g = g; m_Color.b = b; m_Color.a = a; } void TextColor(ColorRGBA rgb) override { m_Color = rgb; } void TextOutlineColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) override { m_OutlineColor.r = r; m_OutlineColor.g = g; m_OutlineColor.b = b; m_OutlineColor.a = a; } void TextOutlineColor(ColorRGBA rgb) override { m_OutlineColor = rgb; } void TextSelectionColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) override { m_SelectionColor.r = r; m_SelectionColor.g = g; m_SelectionColor.b = b; m_SelectionColor.a = a; } void TextSelectionColor(ColorRGBA rgb) override { m_SelectionColor = rgb; } ColorRGBA GetTextColor() const override { return m_Color; } ColorRGBA GetTextOutlineColor() const override { return m_OutlineColor; } ColorRGBA GetTextSelectionColor() const override { return m_SelectionColor; } void TextEx(CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override { const unsigned OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags; m_RenderFlags |= TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONE_TIME_USE; int TextCont = -1; CreateTextContainer(TextCont, pCursor, pText, Length); m_RenderFlags = OldRenderFlags; if(TextCont != -1) { if((pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_RENDER) != 0) { ColorRGBA TextColor = DefaultTextColor(); ColorRGBA TextColorOutline = DefaultTextOutlineColor(); RenderTextContainer(TextCont, TextColor, TextColorOutline); } DeleteTextContainer(TextCont); } } bool CreateTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override { dbg_assert(TextContainerIndex == -1, "Text container index was not cleared."); TextContainerIndex = -1; CFont *pFont = pCursor->m_pFont; // fetch pFont data if(!pFont) pFont = m_pCurFont; if(!pFont) return false; const bool IsRendered = (pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_RENDER) != 0; TextContainerIndex = GetFreeTextContainerIndex(); STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); TextContainer.m_pFont = pFont; TextContainer.m_SingleTimeUse = (m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONE_TIME_USE) != 0; // calculate the font size of the displayed glyphs float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1; Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1); const float FakeToScreenX = Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / (ScreenX1 - ScreenX0); const float FakeToScreenY = Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / (ScreenY1 - ScreenY0); const int ActualX = round_to_int(pCursor->m_X * FakeToScreenX); const int ActualY = round_to_int(pCursor->m_Y * FakeToScreenY); TextContainer.m_AlignedStartX = ActualX / FakeToScreenX; TextContainer.m_AlignedStartY = ActualY / FakeToScreenY; TextContainer.m_X = pCursor->m_X; TextContainer.m_Y = pCursor->m_Y; TextContainer.m_Flags = pCursor->m_Flags; const unsigned OldRenderFlags = m_RenderFlags; if(pCursor->m_LineWidth <= 0) SetRenderFlags(OldRenderFlags | ETextRenderFlags::TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_FIRST_CHARACTER_X_BEARING | ETextRenderFlags::TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_LAST_CHARACTER_ADVANCE); TextContainer.m_RenderFlags = m_RenderFlags; SetRenderFlags(OldRenderFlags); // same with size const float Size = pCursor->m_FontSize; const int ActualSize = (int)(Size * FakeToScreenY); const SFontSizeData *pSizeData = pFont->GetFontSize(ActualSize); TextContainer.m_FontSize = pSizeData->m_FontSize; AppendTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length); if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.empty() && TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex == -1 && IsRendered) { FreeTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); return false; } else { TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size(); if(Graphics()->IsTextBufferingEnabled() && IsRendered && !TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.empty()) { if((TextContainer.m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_AUTOMATIC_QUAD_UPLOAD) == 0) { UploadTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); } } TextContainer.m_LineCount = pCursor->m_LineCount; TextContainer.m_GlyphCount = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; TextContainer.m_CharCount = pCursor->m_CharCount; TextContainer.m_MaxLines = pCursor->m_MaxLines; TextContainer.m_StartX = pCursor->m_StartX; TextContainer.m_StartY = pCursor->m_StartY; TextContainer.m_LineWidth = pCursor->m_LineWidth; TextContainer.m_UnscaledFontSize = pCursor->m_FontSize; return true; } } void AppendTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override { STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); // calculate the font size of the displayed glyphs float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1; Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1); const float FakeToScreenX = Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / (ScreenX1 - ScreenX0); const float FakeToScreenY = Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / (ScreenY1 - ScreenY0); const int ActualX = round_to_int(pCursor->m_X * FakeToScreenX); const int ActualY = round_to_int(pCursor->m_Y * FakeToScreenY); const float CursorX = ActualX / FakeToScreenX; const float CursorY = ActualY / FakeToScreenY; // same with size float Size = pCursor->m_FontSize; const int ActualSize = (int)(Size * FakeToScreenY); Size = ActualSize / FakeToScreenY; pCursor->m_AlignedFontSize = Size; SFontSizeData *pSizeData = TextContainer.m_pFont->GetFontSize(TextContainer.m_FontSize); // string length if(Length < 0) Length = str_length(pText); else Length = minimum(Length, str_length(pText)); const float Scale = 1.0f / pSizeData->m_FontSize; const char *pCurrent = pText; const char *pEnd = pCurrent + Length; const char *pEllipsis = "…"; const SFontSizeChar *pEllipsisChr = nullptr; if(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END) { if(pCursor->m_LineWidth != -1 && pCursor->m_LineWidth < TextWidth(pCursor->m_FontSize, pText, -1, -1.0f)) { pEllipsisChr = GetChar(TextContainer.m_pFont, pSizeData, 0x2026); // … if(pEllipsisChr == nullptr) { // no ellipsis char in font, just stop at end instead pCursor->m_Flags &= ~TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END; pCursor->m_Flags |= TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END; } } } const unsigned RenderFlags = TextContainer.m_RenderFlags; float DrawX = 0.0f, DrawY = 0.0f; if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_PIXEL_ALIGMENT) != 0) { DrawX = pCursor->m_X; DrawY = pCursor->m_Y; } else { DrawX = CursorX; DrawY = CursorY; } int LineCount = pCursor->m_LineCount; const bool IsRendered = (pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_RENDER) != 0; const float CursorInnerWidth = (((ScreenX1 - ScreenX0) / Graphics()->ScreenWidth())) * 2; const float CursorOuterWidth = CursorInnerWidth * 2; const float CursorOuterInnerDiff = (CursorOuterWidth - CursorInnerWidth) / 2; std::vector vSelectionQuads; bool SelectionStarted = false; bool SelectionUsedPress = false; bool SelectionUsedRelease = false; int SelectionStartChar = -1; int SelectionEndChar = -1; auto &&CheckInsideChar = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, float LastCharX, float LastCharWidth, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) -> bool { return (LastCharX - LastCharWidth / 2 <= CursorX_ && CharX + CharWidth / 2 > CursorX_ && CharY - Size <= CursorY_ && CharY > CursorY_) || (CheckOuter && CharY - Size > CursorY_); }; auto &&CheckSelectionStart = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, int &SelectionChar, bool &SelectionUsedCase, float LastCharX, float LastCharWidth, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) { if(!SelectionStarted && !SelectionUsedCase) { if(CheckInsideChar(CheckOuter, CursorX_, CursorY_, LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, CharY)) { SelectionChar = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted; SelectionUsedCase = true; } } }; auto &&CheckOutsideChar = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) -> bool { return (CharX + CharWidth / 2 > CursorX_ && CharY - Size <= CursorY_ && CharY > CursorY_) || (CheckOuter && CharY <= CursorY_); }; auto &&CheckSelectionEnd = [&](bool CheckOuter, int CursorX_, int CursorY_, int &SelectionChar, bool &SelectionUsedCase, float CharX, float CharWidth, float CharY) { if(SelectionStarted && !SelectionUsedCase) { if(CheckOutsideChar(CheckOuter, CursorX_, CursorY_, CharX, CharWidth, CharY)) { SelectionChar = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted; SelectionUsedCase = true; } } }; float LastSelX = DrawX; float LastSelWidth = 0; float LastCharX = DrawX; float LastCharWidth = 0; auto &&StartNewLine = [&]() { DrawX = pCursor->m_StartX; DrawY += Size; if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_PIXEL_ALIGMENT) == 0) { DrawX = round_to_int(DrawX * FakeToScreenX) / FakeToScreenX; // realign DrawY = round_to_int(DrawY * FakeToScreenY) / FakeToScreenY; } LastSelX = DrawX; LastSelWidth = 0; LastCharX = DrawX; LastCharWidth = 0; ++LineCount; }; if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode != TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE || pCursor->m_CursorMode != TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE) { if(IsRendered) Graphics()->QuadContainerReset(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex); // if in calculate mode, also calculate the cursor if(pCursor->m_CursorMode == TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_CALCULATE) pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = -1; } IGraphics::CQuadItem aCursorQuads[2]; bool HasCursor = false; FT_UInt LastCharGlyphIndex = 0; bool GotNewLine = false; bool GotNewLineLast = false; while(pCurrent < pEnd && (pCursor->m_MaxLines < 1 || LineCount <= pCursor->m_MaxLines) && pCurrent != pEllipsis) { bool NewLine = false; const char *pBatchEnd = pEnd; if(pCursor->m_LineWidth > 0 && !(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END) && !(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END)) { int Wlen = minimum(WordLength(pCurrent), (int)(pEnd - pCurrent)); CTextCursor Compare = *pCursor; Compare.m_CalculateSelectionMode = TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE; Compare.m_CursorMode = TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE; Compare.m_X = DrawX; Compare.m_Y = DrawY; Compare.m_Flags &= ~TEXTFLAG_RENDER; Compare.m_Flags |= TEXTFLAG_DISALLOW_NEWLINE; Compare.m_LineWidth = -1; TextEx(&Compare, pCurrent, Wlen); if(Compare.m_X - DrawX > pCursor->m_LineWidth) { // word can't be fitted in one line, cut it CTextCursor Cutter = *pCursor; Cutter.m_CalculateSelectionMode = TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_NONE; Cutter.m_CursorMode = TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE; Cutter.m_GlyphCount = 0; Cutter.m_CharCount = 0; Cutter.m_X = DrawX; Cutter.m_Y = DrawY; Cutter.m_Flags &= ~TEXTFLAG_RENDER; Cutter.m_Flags |= TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END | TEXTFLAG_DISALLOW_NEWLINE; TextEx(&Cutter, pCurrent, Wlen); Wlen = maximum(Cutter.m_CharCount - 1, 0); NewLine = true; if(Cutter.m_GlyphCount <= 3 && !GotNewLineLast) // if we can't place 3 chars of the word on this line, take the next Wlen = 0; } else if(Compare.m_X - pCursor->m_StartX > pCursor->m_LineWidth && !GotNewLineLast) { NewLine = true; Wlen = 0; } pBatchEnd = pCurrent + Wlen; } const char *pTmp = pCurrent; int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); while(pCurrent < pBatchEnd && pCurrent != pEllipsis) { pCursor->m_CharCount += pTmp - pCurrent; pCurrent = pTmp; int Character = NextCharacter; NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(Character == '\n') { if((pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_DISALLOW_NEWLINE) == 0) { LastCharGlyphIndex = 0; StartNewLine(); if(pCursor->m_MaxLines > 0 && LineCount > pCursor->m_MaxLines) break; continue; } else { Character = ' '; } } const SFontSizeChar *pChr = GetChar(TextContainer.m_pFont, pSizeData, Character); if(pChr) { bool ApplyBearingX = !(((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_X_BEARING) != 0) || (pCursor->m_GlyphCount == 0 && (RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_FIRST_CHARACTER_X_BEARING) != 0)); float Advance = ((((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONLY_ADVANCE_WIDTH) != 0) ? (pChr->m_Width) : (pChr->m_AdvanceX + ((!ApplyBearingX) ? (-pChr->m_OffsetX) : 0.f)))) * Scale * Size; float OutLineRealDiff = (pChr->m_Width - pChr->m_CharWidth) * Scale * Size; float CharKerning = 0.f; if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_KERNING) != 0) CharKerning = Kerning(TextContainer.m_pFont, LastCharGlyphIndex, pChr->m_GlyphIndex) * Scale * Size; LastCharGlyphIndex = pChr->m_GlyphIndex; if(pEllipsisChr != nullptr && pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_ELLIPSIS_AT_END && pCurrent < pBatchEnd && pCurrent != pEllipsis) { float AdvanceEllipsis = ((((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONLY_ADVANCE_WIDTH) != 0) ? (pEllipsisChr->m_Width) : (pEllipsisChr->m_AdvanceX + ((!ApplyBearingX) ? (-pEllipsisChr->m_OffsetX) : 0.f)))) * Scale * Size; float CharKerningEllipsis = 0.f; if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_KERNING) != 0) { CharKerningEllipsis = Kerning(TextContainer.m_pFont, pChr->m_GlyphIndex, pEllipsisChr->m_GlyphIndex) * Scale * Size; } if(DrawX + CharKerning + Advance + CharKerningEllipsis + AdvanceEllipsis - pCursor->m_StartX > pCursor->m_LineWidth) { // we hit the end, only render ellipsis and finish pTmp = pEllipsis; NextCharacter = 0x2026; continue; } } if(pCursor->m_Flags & TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END && (DrawX + CharKerning) + Advance - pCursor->m_StartX > pCursor->m_LineWidth) { // we hit the end of the line, no more to render or count pCurrent = pEnd; break; } float BearingX = (!ApplyBearingX ? 0.f : pChr->m_OffsetX) * Scale * Size; float CharWidth = pChr->m_Width * Scale * Size; float BearingY = (((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_Y_BEARING) != 0) ? 0.f : (pChr->m_OffsetY * Scale * Size)); float CharHeight = pChr->m_Height * Scale * Size; if((RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_OVERSIZE) != 0) { if(CharHeight + BearingY > Size) { BearingY = 0; float ScaleChar = (CharHeight + BearingY) / Size; CharHeight = Size; CharWidth /= ScaleChar; } } float TmpY = (DrawY + Size); float CharX = (DrawX + CharKerning) + BearingX; float CharY = TmpY - BearingY; // don't add text that isn't drawn, the color overwrite is used for that if(m_Color.a != 0.f && IsRendered) { TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.emplace_back(); STextCharQuad &TextCharQuad = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.back(); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_X = CharX; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Y = CharY; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[0]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[3]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_X = CharX + CharWidth; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Y = CharY; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[2]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[3]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_X = CharX + CharWidth; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Y = CharY - CharHeight; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[2]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[1]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_X = CharX; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Y = CharY - CharHeight; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_U = pChr->m_aUVs[0]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_V = pChr->m_aUVs[1]; TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.r = (unsigned char)(m_Color.r * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.g = (unsigned char)(m_Color.g * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.b = (unsigned char)(m_Color.b * 255.f); TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[3].m_Color.a = (unsigned char)(m_Color.a * 255.f); } // calculate the full width from the last selection point to the end of this selection draw on screen float SelWidth = (CharX + maximum(Advance, CharWidth - OutLineRealDiff / 2)) - (LastSelX + LastSelWidth); float SelX = (LastSelX + LastSelWidth); if(pCursor->m_CursorMode == TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_CALCULATE) { if(pCursor->m_CursorCharacter == -1 && CheckInsideChar(pCursor->m_GlyphCount == 0, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, pCursor->m_GlyphCount == 0 ? std::numeric_limits::lowest() : LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY)) { pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; } } if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_CALCULATE) { if(pCursor->m_GlyphCount == 0) { CheckSelectionStart(true, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, std::numeric_limits::lowest(), 0, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY); CheckSelectionStart(true, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, std::numeric_limits::lowest(), 0, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY); } // if selection didn't start and the mouse pos is at least on 50% of the right side of the character start CheckSelectionStart(false, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY); CheckSelectionStart(false, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, LastCharX, LastCharWidth, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY); CheckSelectionEnd(false, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY); CheckSelectionEnd(false, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, CharX, CharWidth, TmpY); } if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_SET) { if((int)pCursor->m_GlyphCount == pCursor->m_SelectionStart) { SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted; SelectionStartChar = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; SelectionUsedPress = true; } if((int)pCursor->m_GlyphCount == pCursor->m_SelectionEnd) { SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted; SelectionEndChar = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; SelectionUsedRelease = true; } } if(pCursor->m_CursorMode != TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE) { if((int)pCursor->m_GlyphCount == pCursor->m_CursorCharacter) { HasCursor = true; aCursorQuads[0] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(SelX - CursorOuterInnerDiff, DrawY, CursorOuterWidth, Size); aCursorQuads[1] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(SelX, DrawY + CursorOuterInnerDiff, CursorInnerWidth, Size - CursorOuterInnerDiff * 2); } } pCursor->m_MaxCharacterHeight = maximum(pCursor->m_MaxCharacterHeight, CharHeight + BearingY); if(NextCharacter == 0 && (RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_LAST_CHARACTER_ADVANCE) != 0 && Character != ' ') DrawX += BearingX + CharKerning + CharWidth; else DrawX += Advance + CharKerning; pCursor->m_GlyphCount++; if(SelectionStarted && IsRendered) { vSelectionQuads.emplace_back(SelX, DrawY, SelWidth, Size); } LastSelX = SelX; LastSelWidth = SelWidth; LastCharX = CharX; LastCharWidth = CharWidth; } pCursor->m_LongestLineWidth = maximum(pCursor->m_LongestLineWidth, DrawX - pCursor->m_StartX); } if(NewLine) { StartNewLine(); GotNewLine = true; GotNewLineLast = true; } else GotNewLineLast = false; } if(!TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.empty() && IsRendered) { TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size(); // setup the buffers if(Graphics()->IsTextBufferingEnabled()) { size_t DataSize = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size() * sizeof(STextCharQuad); void *pUploadData = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.data(); if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex != -1 && (TextContainer.m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_AUTOMATIC_QUAD_UPLOAD) == 0) { Graphics()->RecreateBufferObject(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex, DataSize, pUploadData, TextContainer.m_SingleTimeUse ? IGraphics::EBufferObjectCreateFlags::BUFFER_OBJECT_CREATE_FLAGS_ONE_TIME_USE_BIT : 0); Graphics()->IndicesNumRequiredNotify(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum * 6); } } } if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_CALCULATE) { pCursor->m_SelectionStart = -1; pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = -1; if(SelectionStarted) { CheckSelectionEnd(true, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, SelectionEndChar, SelectionUsedRelease, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, DrawY + Size); CheckSelectionEnd(true, pCursor->m_PressMouseX, pCursor->m_PressMouseY, SelectionStartChar, SelectionUsedPress, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, DrawY + Size); } } else if(pCursor->m_CalculateSelectionMode == TEXT_CURSOR_SELECTION_MODE_SET) { if((int)pCursor->m_GlyphCount == pCursor->m_SelectionStart) { SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted; SelectionStartChar = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; SelectionUsedPress = true; } if((int)pCursor->m_GlyphCount == pCursor->m_SelectionEnd) { SelectionStarted = !SelectionStarted; SelectionEndChar = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; SelectionUsedRelease = true; } } if(pCursor->m_CursorMode != TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_NONE) { if(pCursor->m_CursorMode == TEXT_CURSOR_CURSOR_MODE_CALCULATE && pCursor->m_CursorCharacter == -1 && CheckOutsideChar(true, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseX, pCursor->m_ReleaseMouseY, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0, DrawY + Size)) { pCursor->m_CursorCharacter = pCursor->m_GlyphCount; } if((int)pCursor->m_GlyphCount == pCursor->m_CursorCharacter) { HasCursor = true; aCursorQuads[0] = IGraphics::CQuadItem((LastSelX + LastSelWidth) - CursorOuterInnerDiff, DrawY, CursorOuterWidth, Size); aCursorQuads[1] = IGraphics::CQuadItem((LastSelX + LastSelWidth), DrawY + CursorOuterInnerDiff, CursorInnerWidth, Size - CursorOuterInnerDiff * 2); } } const bool HasSelection = !vSelectionQuads.empty() && SelectionUsedPress && SelectionUsedRelease; if((HasSelection || HasCursor) && IsRendered) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex == -1) TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex = Graphics()->CreateQuadContainer(false); if(HasCursor) Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, aCursorQuads, 2); if(HasSelection) Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, vSelectionQuads.data(), (int)vSelectionQuads.size()); Graphics()->QuadContainerUpload(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex); TextContainer.m_HasCursor = HasCursor; TextContainer.m_HasSelection = HasSelection; if(HasSelection) { pCursor->m_SelectionStart = SelectionStartChar; pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = SelectionEndChar; } else { pCursor->m_SelectionStart = -1; pCursor->m_SelectionEnd = -1; } } // even if no text is drawn the cursor position will be adjusted pCursor->m_X = DrawX; pCursor->m_LineCount = LineCount; if(GotNewLine) pCursor->m_Y = DrawY; TextContainer.m_BoundingBox = pCursor->BoundingBox(); } bool CreateOrAppendTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override { if(TextContainerIndex == -1) { return CreateTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length); } else { AppendTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length); return true; } } // just deletes and creates text container void RecreateTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override { DeleteTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); CreateTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length); } void RecreateTextContainerSoft(int &TextContainerIndex, CTextCursor *pCursor, const char *pText, int Length = -1) override { STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.clear(); TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum = 0; // the text buffer gets then recreated by the appended quads AppendTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, pCursor, pText, Length); } void DeleteTextContainer(int &TextContainerIndex) override { if(TextContainerIndex == -1) return; STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); if(Graphics()->IsTextBufferingEnabled()) Graphics()->DeleteBufferContainer(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex, true); Graphics()->DeleteQuadContainer(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex); FreeTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); } void UploadTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex) override { if(Graphics()->IsTextBufferingEnabled()) { STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); size_t DataSize = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.size() * sizeof(STextCharQuad); void *pUploadData = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads.data(); TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex = Graphics()->CreateBufferObject(DataSize, pUploadData, TextContainer.m_SingleTimeUse ? IGraphics::EBufferObjectCreateFlags::BUFFER_OBJECT_CREATE_FLAGS_ONE_TIME_USE_BIT : 0); m_DefaultTextContainerInfo.m_VertBufferBindingIndex = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferObjectIndex; TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex = Graphics()->CreateBufferContainer(&m_DefaultTextContainerInfo); Graphics()->IndicesNumRequiredNotify(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum * 6); } } void RenderTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &TextColor, const ColorRGBA &TextOutlineColor) override { const STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); const CFont *pFont = TextContainer.m_pFont; if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex != -1 && TextContainer.m_HasSelection) { Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->SetColor(m_SelectionColor); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, TextContainer.m_HasCursor ? 2 : 0, -1, 0, 0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum > 0) { if(Graphics()->IsTextBufferingEnabled()) { Graphics()->TextureClear(); // render buffered text Graphics()->RenderText(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex, TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum, pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0], pFont->m_aTextures[0].Id(), pFont->m_aTextures[1].Id(), TextColor, TextOutlineColor); } else { // render tiles const float UVScale = 1.0f / pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[0]; Graphics()->FlushVertices(); Graphics()->TextureSet(pFont->m_aTextures[1]); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); for(size_t i = 0; i < TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum; ++i) { const STextCharQuad &TextCharQuad = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads[i]; Graphics()->SetColor(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.r / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.r, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.g / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.g, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.b / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.b, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.a / 255.f * TextOutlineColor.a); Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_U * UVScale, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_V * UVScale, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_U * UVScale, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_V * UVScale); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadItem(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_X, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Y, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[1].m_X - TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_X, TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[2].m_Y - TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Y); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadItem, 1); } if(TextColor.a != 0) { Graphics()->QuadsEndKeepVertices(); Graphics()->TextureSet(pFont->m_aTextures[0]); for(size_t i = 0; i < TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum; ++i) { const STextCharQuad &TextCharQuad = TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_vCharacterQuads[i]; unsigned char CR = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.r) * TextColor.r); unsigned char CG = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.g) * TextColor.g); unsigned char CB = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.b) * TextColor.b); unsigned char CA = (unsigned char)((float)(TextCharQuad.m_aVertices[0].m_Color.a) * TextColor.a); Graphics()->ChangeColorOfQuadVertices((int)i, CR, CG, CB, CA); } // render non outlined Graphics()->QuadsDrawCurrentVertices(false); } else Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // reset Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); } } if(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex != -1 && TextContainer.m_HasCursor) { const auto CurTime = time_get_nanoseconds(); Graphics()->TextureClear(); if((CurTime - m_CursorRenderTime) > 500ms) { Graphics()->SetColor(TextOutlineColor); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, 0, 1, 0, 0); Graphics()->SetColor(TextColor); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(TextContainer.m_StringInfo.m_SelectionQuadContainerIndex, 1, 1, 0, 0); } if((CurTime - m_CursorRenderTime) > 1s) m_CursorRenderTime = time_get_nanoseconds(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } void RenderTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex, const ColorRGBA &TextColor, const ColorRGBA &TextOutlineColor, float X, float Y) override { STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); // remap the current screen, after render revert the change again float ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1; Graphics()->GetScreen(&ScreenX0, &ScreenY0, &ScreenX1, &ScreenY1); if((TextContainer.m_RenderFlags & TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_NO_PIXEL_ALIGMENT) == 0) { const float FakeToScreenX = Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / (ScreenX1 - ScreenX0); const float FakeToScreenY = Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / (ScreenY1 - ScreenY0); const int ActualX = round_to_int((TextContainer.m_X + X) * FakeToScreenX); const int ActualY = round_to_int((TextContainer.m_Y + Y) * FakeToScreenY); const float AlignedX = ActualX / FakeToScreenX; const float AlignedY = ActualY / FakeToScreenY; X = AlignedX - TextContainer.m_AlignedStartX; Y = AlignedY - TextContainer.m_AlignedStartY; } TextContainer.m_BoundingBox.m_X = X; TextContainer.m_BoundingBox.m_Y = Y; Graphics()->MapScreen(ScreenX0 - X, ScreenY0 - Y, ScreenX1 - X, ScreenY1 - Y); RenderTextContainer(TextContainerIndex, TextColor, TextOutlineColor); Graphics()->MapScreen(ScreenX0, ScreenY0, ScreenX1, ScreenY1); } STextBoundingBox GetBoundingBoxTextContainer(int TextContainerIndex) override { const STextContainer &TextContainer = GetTextContainer(TextContainerIndex); return TextContainer.m_BoundingBox; } void UploadEntityLayerText(void *pTexBuff, size_t ImageColorChannelCount, int TexWidth, int TexHeight, int TexSubWidth, int TexSubHeight, const char *pText, int Length, float x, float y, int FontSize) override { if(FontSize < 1) return; const char *pCurrent = pText; const char *pEnd = pCurrent + Length; const CFont *pFont = m_pDefaultFont; int WidthLastChars = 0; while(pCurrent < pEnd) { const char *pTmp = pCurrent; const int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(NextCharacter) { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFont->m_FtFace, 0, FontSize); if(FT_Load_Char(pFont->m_FtFace, NextCharacter, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP)) { dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d", NextCharacter); pCurrent = pTmp; continue; } const FT_Bitmap *pBitmap = &pFont->m_FtFace->glyph->bitmap; // prepare glyph data mem_zero(m_aGlyphData, (size_t)pBitmap->width * pBitmap->rows); if(pBitmap->pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY) { for(unsigned py = 0; py < pBitmap->rows; py++) { for(unsigned px = 0; px < pBitmap->width; px++) { m_aGlyphData[py * pBitmap->width + px] = pBitmap->buffer[py * pBitmap->width + px]; } } } uint8_t *pImageBuff = (uint8_t *)pTexBuff; for(unsigned OffY = 0; OffY < pBitmap->rows; ++OffY) { for(unsigned OffX = 0; OffX < pBitmap->width; ++OffX) { const int ImgOffX = clamp(x + OffX + WidthLastChars, x, (x + TexSubWidth) - 1); const int ImgOffY = clamp(y + OffY, y, (y + TexSubHeight) - 1); const size_t ImageOffset = ImgOffY * (TexWidth * ImageColorChannelCount) + ImgOffX * ImageColorChannelCount; const size_t GlyphOffset = OffY * pBitmap->width + OffX; for(size_t i = 0; i < ImageColorChannelCount; ++i) { if(i != ImageColorChannelCount - 1) { *(pImageBuff + ImageOffset + i) = 255; } else { *(pImageBuff + ImageOffset + i) = *(m_aGlyphData + GlyphOffset); } } } } WidthLastChars += (pBitmap->width + 1); } pCurrent = pTmp; } } int AdjustFontSize(const char *pText, int TextLength, int MaxSize, int MaxWidth) const override { const int WidthOfText = CalculateTextWidth(pText, TextLength, 0, 100); int FontSize = 100.f / ((float)WidthOfText / (float)MaxWidth); if(MaxSize > 0 && FontSize > MaxSize) FontSize = MaxSize; return FontSize; } float GetGlyphOffsetX(int FontSize, char TextCharacter) const override { const CFont *pFont = m_pDefaultFont; FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFont->m_FtFace, 0, FontSize); const char *pTmp = &TextCharacter; const int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(NextCharacter) { #if FREETYPE_MAJOR >= 2 && FREETYPE_MINOR >= 7 && (FREETYPE_MINOR > 7 || FREETYPE_PATCH >= 1) const FT_Int32 FTFlags = FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP; #else const FT_Int32 FTFlags = FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP; #endif if(FT_Load_Char(pFont->m_FtFace, NextCharacter, FTFlags)) { dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d in GetGlyphOffsetX", NextCharacter); return -1; } return (float)(pFont->m_FtFace->glyph->metrics.horiBearingX >> 6); } return 0; } int CalculateTextWidth(const char *pText, int TextLength, int FontWidth, int FontHeight) const override { const CFont *pFont = m_pDefaultFont; const char *pCurrent = pText; const char *pEnd = pCurrent + TextLength; int WidthOfText = 0; FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(pFont->m_FtFace, FontWidth, FontHeight); while(pCurrent < pEnd) { const char *pTmp = pCurrent; const int NextCharacter = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(NextCharacter) { #if FREETYPE_MAJOR >= 2 && FREETYPE_MINOR >= 7 && (FREETYPE_MINOR > 7 || FREETYPE_PATCH >= 1) const FT_Int32 FTFlags = FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP; #else const FT_Int32 FTFlags = FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP; #endif if(FT_Load_Char(pFont->m_FtFace, NextCharacter, FTFlags)) { dbg_msg("textrender", "error loading glyph %d in CalculateTextWidth", NextCharacter); pCurrent = pTmp; continue; } WidthOfText += (pFont->m_FtFace->glyph->metrics.width >> 6) + 1; } pCurrent = pTmp; } return WidthOfText; } bool SelectionToUTF8OffSets(const char *pText, int SelStart, int SelEnd, int &OffUTF8Start, int &OffUTF8End) const override { const char *pIt = pText; OffUTF8Start = -1; OffUTF8End = -1; int CharCount = 0; while(*pIt) { const char *pTmp = pIt; int Character = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(Character == -1) return false; if(CharCount == SelStart) OffUTF8Start = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText)); if(CharCount == SelEnd) OffUTF8End = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText)); pIt = pTmp; ++CharCount; } if(CharCount == SelStart) OffUTF8Start = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText)); if(CharCount == SelEnd) OffUTF8End = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText)); return OffUTF8Start != -1 && OffUTF8End != -1; } bool UTF8OffToDecodedOff(const char *pText, int UTF8Off, int &DecodedOff) const override { const char *pIt = pText; DecodedOff = -1; int CharCount = 0; while(*pIt) { if((int)(intptr_t)(pIt - pText) == UTF8Off) { DecodedOff = CharCount; return true; } const char *pTmp = pIt; int Character = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(Character == -1) return false; pIt = pTmp; ++CharCount; } if((int)(std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText) == UTF8Off) { DecodedOff = CharCount; return true; } return false; } bool DecodedOffToUTF8Off(const char *pText, int DecodedOff, int &UTF8Off) const override { const char *pIt = pText; UTF8Off = -1; int CharCount = 0; while(*pIt) { const char *pTmp = pIt; int Character = str_utf8_decode(&pTmp); if(Character == -1) return false; if(CharCount == DecodedOff) { UTF8Off = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText)); return true; } pIt = pTmp; ++CharCount; } if(CharCount == DecodedOff) UTF8Off = (int)((std::intptr_t)(pIt - pText)); return UTF8Off != -1; } void OnWindowResize() override { bool HasNonEmptyTextContainer = false; for(auto *pTextContainer : m_vpTextContainers) { if(pTextContainer->m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex != -1) { dbg_msg("textrender", "Found non empty text container with index %d with %d quads", pTextContainer->m_StringInfo.m_QuadBufferContainerIndex, (int)pTextContainer->m_StringInfo.m_QuadNum); HasNonEmptyTextContainer = true; // NOLINT(clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores) } } dbg_assert(!HasNonEmptyTextContainer, "text container was not empty"); for(auto &pFont : m_vpFonts) { // reset the skylines for(size_t j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { for(int &k : pFont->m_aTextureSkyline[j].m_vCurHeightOfPixelColumn) k = 0; mem_zero(pFont->m_apTextureData[j], (size_t)pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j] * pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j] * sizeof(unsigned char)); Graphics()->UpdateTextTexture(pFont->m_aTextures[j], 0, 0, pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j], pFont->m_aCurTextureDimensions[j], pFont->m_apTextureData[j]); } pFont->InitFontSizes(); } } }; IEngineTextRender *CreateEngineTextRender() { return new CTextRender; }