/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef BASE_TL_ALGORITHM_H #define BASE_TL_ALGORITHM_H #include "base/tl/range.h" #include #include /* insert 4 v 1 2 3 4 5 6 */ template R partition_linear(R range, T value) { concept_empty::check(range); concept_forwarditeration::check(range); concept_sorted::check(range); for(; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if(!(range.front() < value)) return range; } return range; } template R partition_binary(R range, T value) { concept_empty::check(range); concept_index::check(range); concept_size::check(range); concept_slice::check(range); concept_sorted::check(range); if(range.empty()) return range; if(range.back() < value) return R(); while(range.size() > 1) { unsigned pivot = (range.size() - 1) / 2; if(range.index(pivot) < value) range = range.slice(pivot + 1, range.size() - 1); else range = range.slice(0, pivot + 1); } return range; } template R find_linear(R range, T value) { concept_empty::check(range); concept_forwarditeration::check(range); for(; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) if(value == range.front()) break; return range; } template R find_binary(R range, T value) { range = partition_binary(range, value); if(range.empty()) return range; if(range.front() == value) return range; return R(); } template void sort_bubble(R range) { concept_empty::check(range); concept_forwarditeration::check(range); concept_backwarditeration::check(range); // slow bubblesort :/ for(; !range.empty(); range.pop_back()) { R section = range; typename R::type *prev = §ion.front(); section.pop_front(); for(; !section.empty(); section.pop_front()) { typename R::type *cur = §ion.front(); if(*cur < *prev) swap(*cur, *prev); prev = cur; } } } /* template void sort_quick(R range) { concept_index::check(range); }*/ template void sort(R range) { std::sort(&range.front(), &range.back() + 1); } template bool sort_verify(R range) { concept_empty::check(range); concept_forwarditeration::check(range); typename R::type *prev = &range.front(); range.pop_front(); for(; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { typename R::type *cur = &range.front(); if(*cur < *prev) return false; prev = cur; } return true; } template void for_each(R range, std::function fcn) { concept_empty::check(range); concept_forwarditeration::check(range); for(; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { typename R::type *cur = &range.front(); fcn(*cur); } } #endif // TL_FILE_ALGORITHMS_HPP