#include "SDL.h" #include "graphics_threaded.h" # if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOSX) #include class CAutoreleasePool { private: id m_Pool; public: CAutoreleasePool() { Class NSAutoreleasePoolClass = (Class) objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool"); m_Pool = class_createInstance(NSAutoreleasePoolClass, 0); SEL selector = sel_registerName("init"); objc_msgSend(m_Pool, selector); } ~CAutoreleasePool() { SEL selector = sel_registerName("drain"); objc_msgSend(m_Pool, selector); } }; #endif // basic threaded backend, abstract, missing init and shutdown functions class CGraphicsBackend_Threaded : public IGraphicsBackend { public: // constructed on the main thread, the rest of the functions is runned on the render thread class ICommandProcessor { public: virtual ~ICommandProcessor() {} virtual void RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer *pBuffer) = 0; }; CGraphicsBackend_Threaded(); virtual void RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer *pBuffer); virtual bool IsIdle() const; virtual void WaitForIdle(); protected: void StartProcessor(ICommandProcessor *pProcessor); void StopProcessor(); private: ICommandProcessor *m_pProcessor; CCommandBuffer * volatile m_pBuffer; volatile bool m_Shutdown; semaphore m_Activity; semaphore m_BufferDone; void *m_pThread; static void ThreadFunc(void *pUser); }; // takes care of implementation independent operations class CCommandProcessorFragment_General { void Cmd_Nop(); void Cmd_Signal(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Signal *pCommand); public: bool RunCommand(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand * pBaseCommand); }; // takes care of opengl related rendering class CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL { struct CTexture { GLuint m_Tex; int m_MemSize; }; CTexture m_aTextures[CCommandBuffer::MAX_TEXTURES]; volatile int *m_pTextureMemoryUsage; public: enum { CMD_INIT = CCommandBuffer::CMDGROUP_PLATFORM_OPENGL, }; struct SCommand_Init : public CCommandBuffer::SCommand { SCommand_Init() : SCommand(CMD_INIT) {} volatile int *m_pTextureMemoryUsage; }; private: static int TexFormatToOpenGLFormat(int TexFormat); static unsigned char Sample(int w, int h, const unsigned char *pData, int u, int v, int Offset, int ScaleW, int ScaleH, int Bpp); static void *Rescale(int Width, int Height, int NewWidth, int NewHeight, int Format, const unsigned char *pData); void SetState(const CCommandBuffer::SState &State); void Cmd_Init(const SCommand_Init *pCommand); void Cmd_Texture_Update(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Update *pCommand); void Cmd_Texture_Destroy(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Destroy *pCommand); void Cmd_Texture_Create(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Texture_Create *pCommand); void Cmd_Clear(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Clear *pCommand); void Cmd_Render(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Render *pCommand); void Cmd_Screenshot(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Screenshot *pCommand); public: CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL(); bool RunCommand(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand * pBaseCommand); }; // takes care of sdl related commands class CCommandProcessorFragment_SDL { // SDL stuff SDL_Window *m_pWindow; SDL_GLContext m_GLContext; public: enum { CMD_INIT = CCommandBuffer::CMDGROUP_PLATFORM_SDL, CMD_SHUTDOWN, }; struct SCommand_Init : public CCommandBuffer::SCommand { SCommand_Init() : SCommand(CMD_INIT) {} SDL_Window *m_pWindow; SDL_GLContext m_GLContext; }; struct SCommand_Shutdown : public CCommandBuffer::SCommand { SCommand_Shutdown() : SCommand(CMD_SHUTDOWN) {} }; private: void Cmd_Init(const SCommand_Init *pCommand); void Cmd_Shutdown(const SCommand_Shutdown *pCommand); void Cmd_Swap(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Swap *pCommand); void Cmd_VSync(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_VSync *pCommand); void Cmd_Resize(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_Resize *pCommand); void Cmd_VideoModes(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand_VideoModes *pCommand); public: CCommandProcessorFragment_SDL(); bool RunCommand(const CCommandBuffer::SCommand *pBaseCommand); }; // command processor impelementation, uses the fragments to combine into one processor class CCommandProcessor_SDL_OpenGL : public CGraphicsBackend_Threaded::ICommandProcessor { CCommandProcessorFragment_OpenGL m_OpenGL; CCommandProcessorFragment_SDL m_SDL; CCommandProcessorFragment_General m_General; public: virtual void RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer *pBuffer); }; // graphics backend implemented with SDL and OpenGL class CGraphicsBackend_SDL_OpenGL : public CGraphicsBackend_Threaded { SDL_Window *m_pWindow; SDL_GLContext m_GLContext; ICommandProcessor *m_pProcessor; volatile int m_TextureMemoryUsage; int m_NumScreens; public: virtual int Init(const char *pName, int *Screen, int *pWidth, int *pHeight, int FsaaSamples, int Flags, int *pDesktopWidth, int *pDesktopHeight); virtual int Shutdown(); virtual int MemoryUsage() const; virtual int GetNumScreens() const { return m_NumScreens; } virtual void Minimize(); virtual void Maximize(); virtual bool Fullscreen(bool State); virtual void SetWindowBordered(bool State); // on=true/off=false virtual bool SetWindowScreen(int Index); virtual int GetWindowScreen(); virtual int WindowActive(); virtual int WindowOpen(); virtual void SetWindowGrab(bool Grab); virtual void NotifyWindow(); };