#!/bin/bash # $HOME must be used instead of ~ else cargo-ndk cannot find the folder export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc) export MAKEFLAGS ANDROID_NDK_VERSION="$(cd "$ANDROID_HOME/ndk" && find . -maxdepth 1 | sort -n | tail -1)" ANDROID_NDK_VERSION="${ANDROID_NDK_VERSION:2}" # ANDROID_NDK_HOME must be exported for cargo-ndk export ANDROID_NDK_HOME="$ANDROID_HOME/ndk/$ANDROID_NDK_VERSION" # ANDROID_API_LEVEL must specify the _minimum_ supported SDK version, otherwise this will cause linking errors at launch ANDROID_API_LEVEL=24 ANDROID_SUB_BUILD_DIR=build_arch COLOR_RED="\e[1;31m" COLOR_YELLOW="\e[1;33m" COLOR_CYAN="\e[1;36m" COLOR_RESET="\e[0m" SHOW_USAGE_INFO=0 if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then SHOW_USAGE_INFO=1 printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass Android build type" else ANDROID_BUILD=$1 printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Android build type: ${ANDROID_BUILD}" fi if [ -z ${2+x} ]; then SHOW_USAGE_INFO=1 printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass game name" else GAME_NAME=$2 printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Game name: ${GAME_NAME}" fi if [ -z ${3+x} ]; then SHOW_USAGE_INFO=1 printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass package name" else PACKAGE_NAME=$3 printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Package name: ${PACKAGE_NAME}" fi if [ -z ${4+x} ]; then SHOW_USAGE_INFO=1 printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass build type" else BUILD_TYPE=$4 printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Build type: ${BUILD_TYPE}" fi if [ -z ${5+x} ]; then SHOW_USAGE_INFO=1 printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass build folder" else BUILD_FOLDER=$5 printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Build folder: ${BUILD_FOLDER}" fi if [ $SHOW_USAGE_INFO == 1 ]; then printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Usage: ./cmake_android.sh " exit 1 fi # These are the properties of the default Android debug key. The debug key will # automatically be created during the Gradle build if it does not exist already, # so you don't need to create it yourself. DEFAULT_KEY_NAME=~/.android/debug.keystore DEFAULT_KEY_PW=android DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS=androiddebugkey if [ -z ${TW_KEY_NAME+x} ]; then printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass a key path for the APK signer, using default: ${DEFAULT_KEY_NAME}" else DEFAULT_KEY_NAME=$TW_KEY_NAME fi if [ -z ${TW_KEY_PW+x} ]; then printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass a key password for the APK signer, using default: ${DEFAULT_KEY_PW}" else DEFAULT_KEY_PW=$TW_KEY_PW fi if [ -z ${TW_KEY_ALIAS+x} ]; then printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass a key alias for the APK signer, using default: ${DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS}" else DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS=$TW_KEY_ALIAS fi export TW_KEY_NAME="${DEFAULT_KEY_NAME}" export TW_KEY_PW=$DEFAULT_KEY_PW export TW_KEY_ALIAS=$DEFAULT_KEY_ALIAS ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=1 if [ -z ${TW_VERSION_CODE+x} ]; then ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(grep '#define DDNET_VERSION_NUMBER' src/game/version.h | awk '{print $3}') if [ -z ${ANDROID_VERSION_CODE+x} ]; then ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=1 fi printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass a version code, using default: ${ANDROID_VERSION_CODE}" else ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$TW_VERSION_CODE fi export TW_VERSION_CODE=$ANDROID_VERSION_CODE ANDROID_VERSION_NAME="1.0" if [ -z ${TW_VERSION_NAME+x} ]; then ANDROID_VERSION_NAME="$(grep '#define GAME_RELEASE_VERSION' src/game/version.h | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d '"')" if [ -z ${ANDROID_VERSION_NAME+x} ]; then ANDROID_VERSION_NAME="1.0" fi printf "${COLOR_YELLOW}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Did not pass a version name, using default: ${ANDROID_VERSION_NAME}" else ANDROID_VERSION_NAME=$TW_VERSION_NAME fi export TW_VERSION_NAME=$ANDROID_VERSION_NAME printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Building cmake..." function build_for_type() { cmake \ -H. \ -G "Ninja" \ -DPREFER_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="${BUILD_TYPE}" \ -DANDROID_PLATFORM="android-${ANDROID_API_LEVEL}" \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" \ -DANDROID_NDK="$ANDROID_NDK_HOME" \ -DANDROID_ABI="${2}" \ -DANDROID_ARM_NEON=TRUE \ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK="$ANDROID_NDK_HOME" \ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android \ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION="$ANDROID_API_LEVEL" \ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI="${2}" \ -DCARGO_NDK_TARGET="${3}" \ -DCARGO_NDK_API="$ANDROID_API_LEVEL" \ -B"${BUILD_FOLDER}/$ANDROID_SUB_BUILD_DIR/$1" \ -DSERVER=OFF \ -DTOOLS=OFF \ -DDEV=TRUE \ -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=ON \ -DVULKAN=ON \ -DVIDEORECORDER=OFF ( cd "${BUILD_FOLDER}/$ANDROID_SUB_BUILD_DIR/$1" || exit 1 cmake --build . --target game-client ) } mkdir -p "${BUILD_FOLDER}" if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "arm" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then build_for_type arm armeabi-v7a armv7-linux-androideabi & PID_BUILD_ARM=$! fi if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "arm64" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then build_for_type arm64 arm64-v8a aarch64-linux-android & PID_BUILD_ARM64=$! fi if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "x86" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then build_for_type x86 x86 i686-linux-android & PID_BUILD_X86=$! fi if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "x86_64" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "x64" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then build_for_type x86_64 x86_64 x86_64-linux-android & PID_BUILD_X86_64=$! fi if [ -n "$PID_BUILD_ARM" ] && ! wait "$PID_BUILD_ARM"; then printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Building for arm failed" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$PID_BUILD_ARM64" ] && ! wait "$PID_BUILD_ARM64"; then printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Building for arm64 failed" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$PID_BUILD_X86" ] && ! wait "$PID_BUILD_X86"; then printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Building for x86 failed" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$PID_BUILD_X86_64" ] && ! wait "$PID_BUILD_X86_64"; then printf "${COLOR_RED}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Building for x86_64 failed" exit 1 fi printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Copying project files..." cd "${BUILD_FOLDER}" || exit 1 mkdir -p src/main mkdir -p src/main/res/values mkdir -p src/main/res/xml mkdir -p src/main/res/mipmap function copy_dummy_files() { rm -f ./"$2" cp ../"$1" "$2" } copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/build.sh build.sh copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/gradle-wrapper.jar gradle-wrapper.jar copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/build.gradle build.gradle copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/gradle-wrapper.properties gradle-wrapper.properties copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/gradle.properties gradle.properties copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/proguard-rules.pro proguard-rules.pro copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/settings.gradle settings.gradle copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/AndroidManifest.xml src/main/AndroidManifest.xml copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/res/values/strings.xml src/main/res/values/strings.xml copy_dummy_files scripts/android/files/res/xml/shortcuts.xml src/main/res/xml/shortcuts.xml copy_dummy_files other/icons/DDNet_256x256x32.png src/main/res/mipmap/ic_launcher.png copy_dummy_files other/icons/DDNet_256x256x32.png src/main/res/mipmap/ic_launcher_round.png printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Copying libraries..." function copy_libs() { mkdir -p "lib/$2" cp "$ANDROID_SUB_BUILD_DIR/$1/libDDNet.so" "lib/$2" || exit 1 } if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "arm" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then copy_libs arm armeabi-v7a fi if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "arm64" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then copy_libs arm64 arm64-v8a fi if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "x86" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then copy_libs x86 x86 fi if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "x86_64" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "x64" || "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then copy_libs x86_64 x86_64 fi ANDROID_BUILD_DUMMY=$ANDROID_BUILD if [[ "${ANDROID_BUILD}" == "all" ]]; then ANDROID_BUILD_DUMMY=arm fi printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Copying data folder..." mkdir -p assets/asset_integrity_files cp -R "$ANDROID_SUB_BUILD_DIR/$ANDROID_BUILD_DUMMY/data" ./assets/asset_integrity_files printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Downloading certificate..." curl -s -S --remote-name --time-cond cacert.pem https://curl.se/ca/cacert.pem cp ./cacert.pem ./assets/asset_integrity_files/data/cacert.pem || exit 1 printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Creating integrity index file..." ( cd assets/asset_integrity_files || exit 1 tmpfile="$(mktemp /tmp/hash_strings.XXX)" find data -iname "*" -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do sha_hash=$(sha256sum "$file" | cut -d' ' -f 1) echo "$file $sha_hash" >> "$tmpfile" done full_hash="$(sha256sum "$tmpfile" | cut -d' ' -f 1)" rm -f "integrity.txt" { echo "$full_hash" cat "$tmpfile" } > "integrity.txt" ) printf "${COLOR_CYAN}%s${COLOR_RESET}\n" "Preparing gradle build..." rm -R -f src/main/java/org mkdir -p src/main/java cp -R ../scripts/android/files/java/org src/main/java/ cp -R ../ddnet-libs/sdl/java/org src/main/java/ # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source ./build.sh "$GAME_NAME" "$PACKAGE_NAME" "$BUILD_TYPE" cd ..