#ifndef GAME_SERVER_ENTITY_H #define GAME_SERVER_ENTITY_H #include #include #define MACRO_ALLOC_HEAP() \ public: \ void *operator new(size_t size) \ { \ void *p = mem_alloc(size, 1); \ /*dbg_msg("", "++ %p %d", p, size);*/ \ mem_zero(p, size); \ return p; \ } \ void operator delete(void *p) \ { \ /*dbg_msg("", "-- %p", p);*/ \ mem_free(p); \ } \ private: #define MACRO_ALLOC_POOL_ID() \ public: \ void *operator new(size_t size, int id); \ void operator delete(void *p); \ private: #define MACRO_ALLOC_POOL_ID_IMPL(POOLTYPE, poolsize) \ static char pool_data_##POOLTYPE[poolsize][sizeof(POOLTYPE)] = {{0}}; \ static int pool_used_##POOLTYPE[poolsize] = {0}; \ void *POOLTYPE::operator new(size_t size, int id) \ { \ dbg_assert(sizeof(POOLTYPE) == size, "size error"); \ dbg_assert(!pool_used_##POOLTYPE[id], "already used"); \ /*dbg_msg("pool", "++ %s %d", #POOLTYPE, id);*/ \ pool_used_##POOLTYPE[id] = 1; \ mem_zero(pool_data_##POOLTYPE[id], size); \ return pool_data_##POOLTYPE[id]; \ } \ void POOLTYPE::operator delete(void *p) \ { \ int id = (POOLTYPE*)p - (POOLTYPE*)pool_data_##POOLTYPE; \ dbg_assert(pool_used_##POOLTYPE[id], "not used"); \ /*dbg_msg("pool", "-- %s %d", #POOLTYPE, id);*/ \ pool_used_##POOLTYPE[id] = 0; \ mem_zero(pool_data_##POOLTYPE[id], sizeof(POOLTYPE)); \ } /* Class: Entity Basic entity class. */ class ENTITY { MACRO_ALLOC_HEAP() private: friend class GAMEWORLD; // thy these? ENTITY *prev_entity; ENTITY *next_entity; ENTITY *prev_type_entity; ENTITY *next_type_entity; protected: bool marked_for_destroy; int id; int objtype; public: ENTITY(int objtype); virtual ~ENTITY(); ENTITY *typenext() { return next_type_entity; } ENTITY *typeprev() { return prev_type_entity; } /* Function: destroy Destorys the entity. */ virtual void destroy() { delete this; } /* Function: reset Called when the game resets the map. Puts the entity back to it's starting state or perhaps destroys it. */ virtual void reset() {} /* Function: tick Called progress the entity to the next tick. Updates and moves the entity to it's new state and position. */ virtual void tick() {} /* Function: tick_defered Called after all entities tick() function has been called. */ virtual void tick_defered() {} /* Function: snap Called when a new snapshot is being generated for a specific client. Arguments: snapping_client - ID of the client which snapshot is being generated. Could be -1 to create a complete snapshot of everything in the game for demo recording. */ virtual void snap(int snapping_client) {} /* Function: networkclipped(int snapping_client) Performs a series of test to see if a client can see the entity. Arguments: snapping_client - ID of the client which snapshot is being generated. Could be -1 to create a complete snapshot of everything in the game for demo recording. Returns: Non-zero if the entity doesn't have to be in the snapshot. */ int networkclipped(int snapping_client); int networkclipped(int snapping_client, vec2 check_pos); /* Variable: proximity_radius Contains the physical size of the entity. */ float proximity_radius; /* Variable: pos Contains the current posititon of the entity. */ vec2 pos; }; #endif