/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "animstate.hpp" #include "render.hpp" static float sprite_w_scale; static float sprite_h_scale; /* static void layershot_begin() { if(!config.cl_layershot) return; Graphics()->Clear(0,0,0); } static void layershot_end() { if(!config.cl_layershot) return; char buf[256]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "screenshots/layers_%04d.png", config.cl_layershot); gfx_screenshot_direct(buf); config.cl_layershot++; }*/ void CRenderTools::select_sprite(SPRITE *spr, int flags, int sx, int sy) { int x = spr->x+sx; int y = spr->y+sy; int w = spr->w; int h = spr->h; int cx = spr->set->gridx; int cy = spr->set->gridy; float f = sqrtf(h*h + w*w); sprite_w_scale = w/f; sprite_h_scale = h/f; float x1 = x/(float)cx; float x2 = (x+w)/(float)cx; float y1 = y/(float)cy; float y2 = (y+h)/(float)cy; float temp = 0; if(flags&SPRITE_FLAG_FLIP_Y) { temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp; } if(flags&SPRITE_FLAG_FLIP_X) { temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp; } Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(x1, y1, x2, y2); } void CRenderTools::select_sprite(int id, int flags, int sx, int sy) { if(id < 0 || id > data->num_sprites) return; select_sprite(&data->sprites[id], flags, sx, sy); } void CRenderTools::draw_sprite(float x, float y, float size) { Graphics()->QuadsDraw(x, y, size*sprite_w_scale, size*sprite_h_scale); } void CRenderTools::draw_round_rect_ext(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r, int corners) { int num = 8; for(int i = 0; i < num; i+=2) { float a1 = i/(float)num * pi/2; float a2 = (i+1)/(float)num * pi/2; float a3 = (i+2)/(float)num * pi/2; float ca1 = cosf(a1); float ca2 = cosf(a2); float ca3 = cosf(a3); float sa1 = sinf(a1); float sa2 = sinf(a2); float sa3 = sinf(a3); if(corners&1) // TL Graphics()->QuadsDrawFreeform( x+r, y+r, x+(1-ca1)*r, y+(1-sa1)*r, x+(1-ca3)*r, y+(1-sa3)*r, x+(1-ca2)*r, y+(1-sa2)*r); if(corners&2) // TR Graphics()->QuadsDrawFreeform( x+w-r, y+r, x+w-r+ca1*r, y+(1-sa1)*r, x+w-r+ca3*r, y+(1-sa3)*r, x+w-r+ca2*r, y+(1-sa2)*r); if(corners&4) // BL Graphics()->QuadsDrawFreeform( x+r, y+h-r, x+(1-ca1)*r, y+h-r+sa1*r, x+(1-ca3)*r, y+h-r+sa3*r, x+(1-ca2)*r, y+h-r+sa2*r); if(corners&8) // BR Graphics()->QuadsDrawFreeform( x+w-r, y+h-r, x+w-r+ca1*r, y+h-r+sa1*r, x+w-r+ca3*r, y+h-r+sa3*r, x+w-r+ca2*r, y+h-r+sa2*r); } Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x+r, y+r, w-r*2, h-r*2); // center Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x+r, y, w-r*2, r); // top Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x+r, y+h-r, w-r*2, r); // bottom Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x, y+r, r, h-r*2); // left Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x+w-r, y+r, r, h-r*2); // right if(!(corners&1)) Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x, y, r, r); // TL if(!(corners&2)) Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x+w, y, -r, r); // TR if(!(corners&4)) Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x, y+h, r, -r); // BL if(!(corners&8)) Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(x+w, y+h, -r, -r); // BR } void CRenderTools::draw_round_rect(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r) { draw_round_rect_ext(x,y,w,h,r,0xf); } void CRenderTools::DrawUIRect(const CUIRect *r, vec4 color, int corners, float rounding) { Graphics()->TextureSet(-1); // TODO: FIX US Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); draw_round_rect_ext(r->x,r->y,r->w,r->h,rounding*UI()->Scale(), corners); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } void CRenderTools::RenderTee(ANIMSTATE *anim, TEE_RENDER_INFO *info, int emote, vec2 dir, vec2 pos) { vec2 direction = dir; vec2 position = pos; //Graphics()->TextureSet(data->images[IMAGE_CHAR_DEFAULT].id); Graphics()->TextureSet(info->texture); // TODO: FIX ME Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); //Graphics()->QuadsDraw(pos.x, pos.y-128, 128, 128); // first pass we draw the outline // second pass we draw the filling for(int p = 0; p < 2; p++) { int outline = p==0 ? 1 : 0; for(int f = 0; f < 2; f++) { float animscale = info->size * 1.0f/64.0f; float basesize = info->size; if(f == 1) { Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(anim->body.angle*pi*2); // draw body Graphics()->SetColor(info->color_body.r, info->color_body.g, info->color_body.b, 1.0f); vec2 body_pos = position + vec2(anim->body.x, anim->body.y)*animscale; select_sprite(outline?SPRITE_TEE_BODY_OUTLINE:SPRITE_TEE_BODY, 0, 0, 0); Graphics()->QuadsDraw(body_pos.x, body_pos.y, basesize, basesize); // draw eyes if(p == 1) { switch (emote) { case EMOTE_PAIN: select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_EYE_PAIN, 0, 0, 0); break; case EMOTE_HAPPY: select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_EYE_HAPPY, 0, 0, 0); break; case EMOTE_SURPRISE: select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_EYE_SURPRISE, 0, 0, 0); break; case EMOTE_ANGRY: select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_EYE_ANGRY, 0, 0, 0); break; default: select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_EYE_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0); break; } float eyescale = basesize*0.40f; float h = emote == EMOTE_BLINK ? basesize*0.15f : eyescale; float eyeseparation = (0.075f - 0.010f*fabs(direction.x))*basesize; vec2 offset = vec2(direction.x*0.125f, -0.05f+direction.y*0.10f)*basesize; Graphics()->QuadsDraw(body_pos.x-eyeseparation+offset.x, body_pos.y+offset.y, eyescale, h); Graphics()->QuadsDraw(body_pos.x+eyeseparation+offset.x, body_pos.y+offset.y, -eyescale, h); } } // draw feet ANIM_KEYFRAME *foot = f ? &anim->front_foot : &anim->back_foot; float w = basesize; float h = basesize/2; Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(foot->angle*pi*2); bool indicate = !info->got_airjump && config.cl_airjumpindicator; float cs = 1.0f; // color scale if(outline) select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_FOOT_OUTLINE, 0, 0, 0); else { select_sprite(SPRITE_TEE_FOOT, 0, 0, 0); if(indicate) cs = 0.5f; } Graphics()->SetColor(info->color_feet.r*cs, info->color_feet.g*cs, info->color_feet.b*cs, 1.0f); Graphics()->QuadsDraw(position.x+foot->x*animscale, position.y+foot->y*animscale, w, h); } } Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } static void calc_screen_params(float amount, float wmax, float hmax, float aspect, float *w, float *h) { float f = sqrt(amount) / sqrt(aspect); *w = f*aspect; *h = f; // limit the view if(*w > wmax) { *w = wmax; *h = *w/aspect; } if(*h > hmax) { *h = hmax; *w = *h*aspect; } } void CRenderTools::mapscreen_to_world(float center_x, float center_y, float parallax_x, float parallax_y, float offset_x, float offset_y, float aspect, float zoom, float *points) { float width, height; calc_screen_params(1150*1000, 1500, 1050, aspect, &width, &height); center_x *= parallax_x; center_y *= parallax_y; width *= zoom; height *= zoom; points[0] = offset_x+center_x-width/2; points[1] = offset_y+center_y-height/2; points[2] = offset_x+center_x+width/2; points[3] = offset_y+center_y+height/2; } void CRenderTools::render_tilemap_generate_skip() { for(int g = 0; g < layers_num_groups(); g++) { MAPITEM_GROUP *group = layers_get_group(g); for(int l = 0; l < group->num_layers; l++) { MAPITEM_LAYER *layer = layers_get_layer(group->start_layer+l); if(layer->type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) { MAPITEM_LAYER_TILEMAP *tmap = (MAPITEM_LAYER_TILEMAP *)layer; TILE *tiles = (TILE *)map_get_data(tmap->data); for(int y = 0; y < tmap->height; y++) { for(int x = 1; x < tmap->width; x++) { int sx; for(sx = 1; x+sx < tmap->width && sx < 255; sx++) { if(tiles[y*tmap->width+x+sx].index) break; } tiles[y*tmap->width+x].skip = sx-1; } } } } } }