/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "binds.h" #include "camera.h" #include "controls.h" #include "hud.h" #include "voting.h" CHud::CHud() { // won't work if zero m_FrameTimeAvg = 0.0f; m_FPSTextContainerIndex = -1; } void CHud::ResetHudContainers() { for(auto &ScoreInfo : m_aScoreInfo) { TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(ScoreInfo.m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex); TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(ScoreInfo.m_TextRankContainerIndex); TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(ScoreInfo.m_TextScoreContainerIndex); if(ScoreInfo.m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex != -1) Graphics()->DeleteQuadContainer(ScoreInfo.m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex); ScoreInfo.Reset(); } TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_FPSTextContainerIndex); } void CHud::OnWindowResize() { ResetHudContainers(); } void CHud::OnReset() { m_TimeCpDiff = 0.0f; m_DDRaceTime = 0; m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick = 0; m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick = 0; m_ShowFinishTime = false; m_ServerRecord = -1.0f; m_aPlayerRecord[0] = -1.0f; m_aPlayerRecord[1] = -1.0f; ResetHudContainers(); } void CHud::OnInit() { OnReset(); m_HudQuadContainerIndex = Graphics()->CreateQuadContainer(false); Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(0, 0, 1, 1); PrepareAmmoHealthAndArmorQuads(); // all cursors for the different weapons for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; ++i) { float ScaleX, ScaleY; RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[i].m_pSpriteCursor, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_aCursorOffset[i] = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 64.f * ScaleX, 64.f * ScaleY); } // the flags m_FlagOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 8.f, 16.f); PreparePlayerStateQuads(); Graphics()->QuadContainerUpload(m_HudQuadContainerIndex); } void CHud::RenderGameTimer() { float Half = m_Width / 2.0f; if(!(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_SUDDENDEATH)) { char aBuf[32]; int Time = 0; if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_TimeLimit && (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer <= 0)) { Time = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_TimeLimit * 60 - ((Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) - m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_RoundStartTick) / Client()->GameTickSpeed()); if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER) Time = 0; } else if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_RACETIME) { //The Warmup timer is negative in this case to make sure that incompatible clients will not see a warmup timer Time = (Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) + m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer) / Client()->GameTickSpeed(); } else Time = (Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) - m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_RoundStartTick) / Client()->GameTickSpeed(); str_time((int64_t)Time * 100, TIME_DAYS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); float FontSize = 10.0f; static float s_TextWidthM = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, "00:00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidthH = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, "00:00:00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth0D = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, "0d 00:00:00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth00D = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, "00d 00:00:00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth000D = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, "000d 00:00:00", -1, -1.0f); float w = Time >= 3600 * 24 * 100 ? s_TextWidth000D : Time >= 3600 * 24 * 10 ? s_TextWidth00D : Time >= 3600 * 24 ? s_TextWidth0D : Time >= 3600 ? s_TextWidthH : s_TextWidthM; // last 60 sec red, last 10 sec blink if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_TimeLimit && Time <= 60 && (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer <= 0)) { float Alpha = Time <= 10 && (2 * time() / time_freq()) % 2 ? 0.5f : 1.0f; TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f, Alpha); } TextRender()->Text(0, Half - w / 2, 2, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderPauseNotification() { if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_PAUSED && !(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER)) { const char *pText = Localize("Game paused"); float FontSize = 20.0f; float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, pText, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0, 150.0f * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() + -w / 2.0f, 50.0f, FontSize, pText, -1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderSuddenDeath() { if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_SUDDENDEATH) { float Half = m_Width / 2.0f; const char *pText = Localize("Sudden Death"); float FontSize = 12.0f; float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, pText, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0, Half - w / 2, 2, FontSize, pText, -1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderScoreHud() { // render small score hud if(!(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER)) { int GameFlags = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags; float StartY = 229.0f; // the height of this display is 56, so EndY is 285 const float ScoreSingleBoxHeight = 18.0f; bool ForceScoreInfoInit = !m_aScoreInfo[0].m_Initialized || !m_aScoreInfo[1].m_Initialized; m_aScoreInfo[0].m_Initialized = m_aScoreInfo[1].m_Initialized = true; if(GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_TEAMS && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj) { char aScoreTeam[2][16]; str_format(aScoreTeam[TEAM_RED], sizeof(aScoreTeam), "%d", m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj->m_TeamscoreRed); str_format(aScoreTeam[TEAM_BLUE], sizeof(aScoreTeam), "%d", m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj->m_TeamscoreBlue); bool aRecreateTeamScore[2] = {str_comp(aScoreTeam[0], m_aScoreInfo[0].m_aScoreText) != 0, str_comp(aScoreTeam[1], m_aScoreInfo[1].m_aScoreText) != 0}; int aFlagCarrier[2] = { m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj->m_FlagCarrierRed, m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameDataObj->m_FlagCarrierBlue}; bool RecreateRect = ForceScoreInfoInit; for(int t = 0; t < 2; t++) { if(aRecreateTeamScore[t]) { m_aScoreInfo[t].m_ScoreTextWidth = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 14.0f, aScoreTeam[t == 0 ? TEAM_RED : TEAM_BLUE], -1, -1.0f); mem_copy(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aScoreText, aScoreTeam[t == 0 ? TEAM_RED : TEAM_BLUE], sizeof(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aScoreText)); RecreateRect = true; } } static float s_TextWidth100 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 14.0f, "100", -1, -1.0f); float ScoreWidthMax = maximum(maximum(m_aScoreInfo[0].m_ScoreTextWidth, m_aScoreInfo[1].m_ScoreTextWidth), s_TextWidth100); float Split = 3.0f; float ImageSize = GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_FLAGS ? 16.0f : Split; for(int t = 0; t < 2; t++) { // draw box if(RecreateRect) { if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex != -1) Graphics()->DeleteQuadContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex); if(t == 0) Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f); else Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f); m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex = RenderTools()->CreateRoundRectQuadContainer(m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - ImageSize - 2 * Split, StartY + t * 20, ScoreWidthMax + ImageSize + 2 * Split, ScoreSingleBoxHeight, 5.0f, CUI::CORNER_L); } Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex != -1) Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex, -1); // draw score if(aRecreateTeamScore[t]) { TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, m_Width - ScoreWidthMax + (ScoreWidthMax - m_aScoreInfo[t].m_ScoreTextWidth) / 2 - Split, StartY + t * 20 + (18.f - 14.f) / 2.f, 14.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = -1; TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex, &Cursor, aScoreTeam[t]); } if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex != -1) { ColorRGBA TColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); ColorRGBA TOutlineColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex, TColor, TOutlineColor); } if(GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_FLAGS) { int BlinkTimer = (m_pClient->m_aFlagDropTick[t] != 0 && (Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) - m_pClient->m_aFlagDropTick[t]) / Client()->GameTickSpeed() >= 25) ? 10 : 20; if(aFlagCarrier[t] == FLAG_ATSTAND || (aFlagCarrier[t] == FLAG_TAKEN && ((Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) / BlinkTimer) & 1))) { // draw flag Graphics()->TextureSet(t == 0 ? m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed : m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagBlue); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_FlagOffset, m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - ImageSize, StartY + 1.0f + t * 20); } else if(aFlagCarrier[t] >= 0) { // draw name of the flag holder int ID = aFlagCarrier[t] % MAX_CLIENTS; const char *pName = m_pClient->m_aClients[ID].m_aName; if(str_comp(pName, m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText) != 0 || RecreateRect) { mem_copy(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText, pName, sizeof(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText)); TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex); float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 8.0f, pName, -1, -1.0f); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, minimum(m_Width - w - 1.0f, m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - ImageSize - 2 * Split), StartY + (t + 1) * 20.0f - 2.0f, 8.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = -1; TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex, &Cursor, pName); } if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex != -1) { ColorRGBA TColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); ColorRGBA TOutlineColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex, TColor, TOutlineColor); } // draw tee of the flag holder CTeeRenderInfo TeeInfo = m_pClient->m_aClients[ID].m_RenderInfo; TeeInfo.m_Size = ScoreSingleBoxHeight; CAnimState *pIdleState = CAnimState::GetIdle(); vec2 OffsetToMid; RenderTools()->GetRenderTeeOffsetToRenderedTee(pIdleState, &TeeInfo, OffsetToMid); vec2 TeeRenderPos(m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - TeeInfo.m_Size / 2 - Split, StartY + (t * 20) + ScoreSingleBoxHeight / 2.0f + OffsetToMid.y); RenderTools()->RenderTee(pIdleState, &TeeInfo, EMOTE_NORMAL, vec2(1.0f, 0.0f), TeeRenderPos); } } StartY += 8.0f; } } else { int Local = -1; int aPos[2] = {1, 2}; const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *apPlayerInfo[2] = {0, 0}; int i = 0; for(int t = 0; t < 2 && i < MAX_CLIENTS && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]; ++i) { if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]->m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS) { apPlayerInfo[t] = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]; if(apPlayerInfo[t]->m_ClientID == m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID) Local = t; ++t; } } // search local player info if not a spectator, nor within top2 scores if(Local == -1 && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalInfo && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalInfo->m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS) { for(; i < MAX_CLIENTS && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]; ++i) { if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]->m_Team != TEAM_SPECTATORS) ++aPos[1]; if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]->m_ClientID == m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID) { apPlayerInfo[1] = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore[i]; Local = 1; break; } } } char aScore[2][16]; for(int t = 0; t < 2; ++t) { if(apPlayerInfo[t]) { if(m_pClient->m_GameInfo.m_TimeScore && g_Config.m_ClDDRaceScoreBoard) { if(apPlayerInfo[t]->m_Score != -9999) str_time((int64_t)abs(apPlayerInfo[t]->m_Score) * 100, TIME_HOURS, aScore[t], sizeof(aScore[t])); else aScore[t][0] = 0; } else str_format(aScore[t], sizeof(aScore) / 2, "%d", apPlayerInfo[t]->m_Score); } else aScore[t][0] = 0; } static int LocalClientID = -1; bool RecreateScores = str_comp(aScore[0], m_aScoreInfo[0].m_aScoreText) != 0 || str_comp(aScore[1], m_aScoreInfo[1].m_aScoreText) != 0 || LocalClientID != m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID; LocalClientID = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID; bool RecreateRect = ForceScoreInfoInit; for(int t = 0; t < 2; t++) { if(RecreateScores) { m_aScoreInfo[t].m_ScoreTextWidth = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 14.0f, aScore[t], -1, -1.0f); mem_copy(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aScoreText, aScore[t], sizeof(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aScoreText)); RecreateRect = true; } if(apPlayerInfo[t]) { int ID = apPlayerInfo[t]->m_ClientID; if(ID >= 0 && ID < MAX_CLIENTS) { const char *pName = m_pClient->m_aClients[ID].m_aName; if(str_comp(pName, m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText) != 0) RecreateRect = true; } } else { if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText[0] != 0) RecreateRect = true; } char aBuf[16]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d.", aPos[t]); if(str_comp(aBuf, m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aRankText) != 0) RecreateRect = true; } static float s_TextWidth10 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 14.0f, "10", -1, -1.0f); float ScoreWidthMax = maximum(maximum(m_aScoreInfo[0].m_ScoreTextWidth, m_aScoreInfo[1].m_ScoreTextWidth), s_TextWidth10); float Split = 3.0f, ImageSize = 16.0f, PosSize = 16.0f; for(int t = 0; t < 2; t++) { // draw box if(RecreateRect) { if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex != -1) Graphics()->DeleteQuadContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex); if(t == Local) Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f); else Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f); m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex = RenderTools()->CreateRoundRectQuadContainer(m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - ImageSize - 2 * Split - PosSize, StartY + t * 20, ScoreWidthMax + ImageSize + 2 * Split + PosSize, ScoreSingleBoxHeight, 5.0f, CUI::CORNER_L); } Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex != -1) Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_RoundRectQuadContainerIndex, -1); if(RecreateScores) { TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, m_Width - ScoreWidthMax + (ScoreWidthMax - m_aScoreInfo[t].m_ScoreTextWidth) - Split, StartY + t * 20 + (18.f - 14.f) / 2.f, 14.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = -1; TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex, &Cursor, aScore[t]); } // draw score if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex != -1) { ColorRGBA TColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); ColorRGBA TOutlineColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextScoreContainerIndex, TColor, TOutlineColor); } if(apPlayerInfo[t]) { // draw name int ID = apPlayerInfo[t]->m_ClientID; if(ID >= 0 && ID < MAX_CLIENTS) { const char *pName = m_pClient->m_aClients[ID].m_aName; if(RecreateRect) { mem_copy(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText, pName, sizeof(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText)); TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex); CTextCursor Cursor; float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 8.0f, pName, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, minimum(m_Width - w - 1.0f, m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - ImageSize - 2 * Split - PosSize), StartY + (t + 1) * 20.0f - 2.0f, 8.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = -1; TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex, &Cursor, pName); } if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex != -1) { ColorRGBA TColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); ColorRGBA TOutlineColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_OptionalNameTextContainerIndex, TColor, TOutlineColor); } // draw tee CTeeRenderInfo TeeInfo = m_pClient->m_aClients[ID].m_RenderInfo; TeeInfo.m_Size = ScoreSingleBoxHeight; CAnimState *pIdleState = CAnimState::GetIdle(); vec2 OffsetToMid; RenderTools()->GetRenderTeeOffsetToRenderedTee(pIdleState, &TeeInfo, OffsetToMid); vec2 TeeRenderPos(m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - TeeInfo.m_Size / 2 - Split, StartY + (t * 20) + ScoreSingleBoxHeight / 2.0f + OffsetToMid.y); RenderTools()->RenderTee(pIdleState, &TeeInfo, EMOTE_NORMAL, vec2(1.0f, 0.0f), TeeRenderPos); } } else { m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aPlayerNameText[0] = 0; } // draw position char aBuf[16]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d.", aPos[t]); if(RecreateRect) { mem_copy(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aRankText, aBuf, sizeof(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_aRankText)); TextRender()->DeleteTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextRankContainerIndex); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, m_Width - ScoreWidthMax - ImageSize - Split - PosSize, StartY + t * 20 + (18.f - 10.f) / 2.f, 10.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = -1; TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextRankContainerIndex, &Cursor, aBuf); } if(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextRankContainerIndex != -1) { ColorRGBA TColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); ColorRGBA TOutlineColor(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.3f); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_aScoreInfo[t].m_TextRankContainerIndex, TColor, TOutlineColor); } StartY += 8.0f; } } } } void CHud::RenderWarmupTimer() { // render warmup timer if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer > 0 && !(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_RACETIME)) { char aBuf[256]; float FontSize = 20.0f; float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, Localize("Warmup"), -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0, 150 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() + -w / 2, 50, FontSize, Localize("Warmup"), -1.0f); int Seconds = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer / SERVER_TICK_SPEED; if(Seconds < 5) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d.%d", Seconds, (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_WarmupTimer * 10 / SERVER_TICK_SPEED) % 10); else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", Seconds); w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0, 150 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() + -w / 2, 75, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderTextInfo() { if(g_Config.m_ClShowfps) { // calculate avg. fps m_FrameTimeAvg = m_FrameTimeAvg * 0.9f + Client()->RenderFrameTime() * 0.1f; char aBuf[64]; int FrameTime = (int)(1.0f / m_FrameTimeAvg + 0.5f); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", FrameTime); static float s_TextWidth0 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12.f, "0", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth00 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12.f, "00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12.f, "000", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth0000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12.f, "0000", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth00000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12.f, "00000", -1, -1.0f); static float s_aTextWidth[5] = {s_TextWidth0, s_TextWidth00, s_TextWidth000, s_TextWidth0000, s_TextWidth00000}; int DigitIndex = GetDigitsIndex(FrameTime, 4); //TextRender()->Text(0, m_Width-10-TextRender()->TextWidth(0,12,Buf,-1,-1.0f), 5, 12, Buf, -1.0f); CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, m_Width - 10 - s_aTextWidth[DigitIndex], 5, 12, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = -1; auto OldFlags = TextRender()->GetRenderFlags(); TextRender()->SetRenderFlags(OldFlags | TEXT_RENDER_FLAG_ONE_TIME_USE); if(m_FPSTextContainerIndex == -1) TextRender()->CreateTextContainer(m_FPSTextContainerIndex, &Cursor, "0"); else TextRender()->RecreateTextContainerSoft(&Cursor, m_FPSTextContainerIndex, aBuf); TextRender()->SetRenderFlags(OldFlags); ColorRGBA TColor(1, 1, 1, 1); ColorRGBA TOutColor(0, 0, 0, 0.3f); TextRender()->RenderTextContainer(m_FPSTextContainerIndex, TColor, TOutColor); } if(g_Config.m_ClShowpred) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", Client()->GetPredictionTime()); TextRender()->Text(0, m_Width - 10 - TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12, aBuf, -1, -1.0f), g_Config.m_ClShowfps ? 20 : 5, 12, aBuf, -1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderConnectionWarning() { if(Client()->ConnectionProblems()) { const char *pText = Localize("Connection Problems..."); float w = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 24, pText, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0, 150 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() - w / 2, 50, 24, pText, -1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderTeambalanceWarning() { // render prompt about team-balance bool Flash = time() / (time_freq() / 2) % 2 == 0; if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_TEAMS) { int TeamDiff = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[TEAM_RED] - m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aTeamSize[TEAM_BLUE]; if(g_Config.m_ClWarningTeambalance && (TeamDiff >= 2 || TeamDiff <= -2)) { const char *pText = Localize("Please balance teams!"); if(Flash) TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 0.5f, 1); else TextRender()->TextColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.2f, 1.0f); TextRender()->Text(0x0, 5, 50, 6, pText, -1.0f); TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } } } void CHud::RenderVoting() { if((!g_Config.m_ClShowVotesAfterVoting && !m_pClient->m_Scoreboard.Active() && m_pClient->m_Voting.TakenChoice()) || !m_pClient->m_Voting.IsVoting() || Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) return; Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0, 0, 0, 0.40f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRect(-10, 60 - 2, 100 + 10 + 4 + 5, 46, 5.0f); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); CTextCursor Cursor; char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("%ds left"), m_pClient->m_Voting.SecondsLeft()); float tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(0x0, 6, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, 5.0f + 100.0f - tw, 60.0f, 6.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aBuf, -1); TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, 5.0f, 60.0f, 6.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); Cursor.m_LineWidth = 100.0f - tw; Cursor.m_MaxLines = 3; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, m_pClient->m_Voting.VoteDescription(), -1); // reason str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %s", Localize("Reason:"), m_pClient->m_Voting.VoteReason()); TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, 5.0f, 79.0f, 6.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER | TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END); Cursor.m_LineWidth = 100.0f; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, aBuf, -1); CUIRect Base = {5, 88, 100, 4}; m_pClient->m_Voting.RenderBars(Base, false); char aKey[64]; m_pClient->m_Binds.GetKey("vote yes", aKey, sizeof(aKey)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s - %s", aKey, Localize("Vote yes")); Base.y += Base.h; Base.h = 11.f; UI()->DoLabel(&Base, aBuf, 6.0f, TEXTALIGN_LEFT); m_pClient->m_Binds.GetKey("vote no", aKey, sizeof(aKey)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s - %s", Localize("Vote no"), aKey); UI()->DoLabel(&Base, aBuf, 6.0f, TEXTALIGN_RIGHT); } void CHud::RenderCursor() { if(!m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter || Client()->State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) return; RenderTools()->MapScreenToGroup(m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Center.x, m_pClient->m_Camera.m_Center.y, Layers()->GameGroup()); // render cursor int CurWeapon = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter->m_Weapon % NUM_WEAPONS; Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_aSpriteWeaponCursors[CurWeapon]); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_aCursorOffset[CurWeapon], m_pClient->m_Controls.m_aTargetPos[g_Config.m_ClDummy].x, m_pClient->m_Controls.m_aTargetPos[g_Config.m_ClDummy].y); } void CHud::PrepareAmmoHealthAndArmorQuads() { float x = 5; float y = 5; IGraphics::CQuadItem Array[10]; // ammo of the different weapons for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; ++i) { // 0.6 for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++) Array[n] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + n * 12, y, 10, 10); m_aAmmoOffset[i] = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // 0.7 if(i == WEAPON_GRENADE) { // special case for 0.7 grenade for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++) Array[n] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(1 + x + n * 12, y, 10, 10); } else { for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++) Array[n] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + n * 12, y, 12, 12); } Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); } // health for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y, 10, 10); m_HealthOffset = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // 0.7 for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y, 12, 12); Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // empty health for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y, 10, 10); m_EmptyHealthOffset = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // 0.7 for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y, 12, 12); Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // armor meter for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y + 12, 10, 10); m_ArmorOffset = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // 0.7 for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y + 12, 12, 12); Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // empty armor meter for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y + 12, 10, 10); m_EmptyArmorOffset = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // 0.7 for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y + 12, 12, 12); Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); } void CHud::RenderAmmoHealthAndArmor(const CNetObj_Character *pCharacter) { if(!pCharacter) return; bool IsSixupGameSkin = m_pClient->m_GameSkin.IsSixup(); int QuadOffsetSixup = (IsSixupGameSkin ? 10 : 0); if(GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudAmmo) { // ammo display float AmmoOffsetY = GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudHealthArmor ? 24 : 0; int CurWeapon = pCharacter->m_Weapon % NUM_WEAPONS; if(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_aSpriteWeaponProjectiles[CurWeapon].IsValid()) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_aSpriteWeaponProjectiles[CurWeapon]); if(AmmoOffsetY > 0) { Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_aAmmoOffset[CurWeapon] + QuadOffsetSixup, minimum(pCharacter->m_AmmoCount, 10), 0, AmmoOffsetY); } else { Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_aAmmoOffset[CurWeapon] + QuadOffsetSixup, minimum(pCharacter->m_AmmoCount, 10)); } } } if(GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudHealthArmor) { // health display Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteHealthFull); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_HealthOffset + QuadOffsetSixup, minimum(pCharacter->m_Health, 10)); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteHealthEmpty); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_EmptyHealthOffset + QuadOffsetSixup + minimum(pCharacter->m_Health, 10), 10 - minimum(pCharacter->m_Health, 10)); // armor display Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteArmorFull); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_ArmorOffset + QuadOffsetSixup, minimum(pCharacter->m_Armor, 10)); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteArmorEmpty); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_ArmorOffset + QuadOffsetSixup + minimum(pCharacter->m_Armor, 10), 10 - minimum(pCharacter->m_Armor, 10)); } } void CHud::PreparePlayerStateQuads() { float x = 5; float y = 5 + 24; IGraphics::CQuadItem Array[10]; // Quads for displaying the available and used jumps for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y, 12, 12); m_AirjumpOffset = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Array[i] = IGraphics::CQuadItem(x + i * 12, y, 12, 12); m_AirjumpEmptyOffset = Graphics()->QuadContainerAddQuads(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, Array, 10); // Quads for displaying weapons float ScaleX, ScaleY; const float HudWeaponScale = 0.25f; RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_HAMMER].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_WeaponHammerOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_HAMMER].m_VisualSize * ScaleX * HudWeaponScale, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_HAMMER].m_VisualSize * ScaleY * HudWeaponScale); RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_GUN].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_WeaponGunOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_GUN].m_VisualSize * ScaleX * HudWeaponScale, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_GUN].m_VisualSize * ScaleY * HudWeaponScale); RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_SHOTGUN].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_WeaponShotgunOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_SHOTGUN].m_VisualSize * ScaleX * HudWeaponScale, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_SHOTGUN].m_VisualSize * ScaleY * HudWeaponScale); RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_GRENADE].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_WeaponGrenadeOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_GRENADE].m_VisualSize * ScaleX * HudWeaponScale, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_GRENADE].m_VisualSize * ScaleY * HudWeaponScale); RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_LASER].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_WeaponLaserOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_LASER].m_VisualSize * ScaleX * HudWeaponScale, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_LASER].m_VisualSize * ScaleY * HudWeaponScale); RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_NINJA].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); m_WeaponNinjaOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_NINJA].m_VisualSize * ScaleX * HudWeaponScale, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[WEAPON_NINJA].m_VisualSize * ScaleY * HudWeaponScale); // Quads for displaying capabilities m_EndlessJumpOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_EndlessHookOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_JetpackOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_TeleportGrenadeOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_TeleportGunOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_TeleportLaserOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); // Quads for displaying prohibited capabilities m_SoloOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoCollisionOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoHookHitOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoHammerHitOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoGunHitOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoShotgunHitOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoGrenadeHitOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_NoLaserHitOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); // Quads for displaying freeze status m_DeepFrozenOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_LiveFrozenOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); // Quads for displaying dummy actions m_DummyHammerOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); m_DummyCopyOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); // Quad for displaying practice mode m_PracticeModeOffset = RenderTools()->QuadContainerAddSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, 0.f, 0.f, 12.f, 12.f); } void CHud::RenderPlayerState(const int ClientID) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); // pCharacter contains the predicted character for local players or the last snap for players who are spectated CCharacterCore *pCharacter = &m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Predicted; CNetObj_Character *pPlayer = &m_pClient->m_aClients[ClientID].m_RenderCur; int TotalJumpsToDisplay = 0, AvailableJumpsToDisplay = 0; if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudJumpsIndicator) { if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_HasExtendedDisplayInfo) { bool Grounded = false; if(Collision()->CheckPoint(pPlayer->m_X + CCharacterCore::PhysicalSize() / 2, pPlayer->m_Y + CCharacterCore::PhysicalSize() / 2 + 5)) { Grounded = true; } if(Collision()->CheckPoint(pPlayer->m_X - CCharacterCore::PhysicalSize() / 2, pPlayer->m_Y + CCharacterCore::PhysicalSize() / 2 + 5)) { Grounded = true; } int UsedJumps = pCharacter->m_JumpedTotal; if(pCharacter->m_Jumps > 1) { UsedJumps += !Grounded; } else if(pCharacter->m_Jumps == 1) { // If the player has only one jump, each jump is the last one UsedJumps = pPlayer->m_Jumped & 2; } else if(pCharacter->m_Jumps == -1) { // The player has only one ground jump UsedJumps = !Grounded; } if(pCharacter->m_EndlessJump && UsedJumps >= abs(pCharacter->m_Jumps)) { UsedJumps = abs(pCharacter->m_Jumps) - 1; } int UnusedJumps = abs(pCharacter->m_Jumps) - UsedJumps; if(!(pPlayer->m_Jumped & 2) && UnusedJumps <= 0) { // In some edge cases when the player just got another number of jumps, UnusedJumps is not correct UnusedJumps = 1; } TotalJumpsToDisplay = maximum(minimum(abs(pCharacter->m_Jumps), 10), 0); AvailableJumpsToDisplay = maximum(minimum(UnusedJumps, TotalJumpsToDisplay), 0); } else { TotalJumpsToDisplay = AvailableJumpsToDisplay = abs(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_ExtendedData.m_Jumps); } // render available and used jumps int JumpsOffsetY = ((GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudHealthArmor && g_Config.m_ClShowhudHealthAmmo ? 24 : 0) + (GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudAmmo && g_Config.m_ClShowhudHealthAmmo ? 12 : 0)); if(JumpsOffsetY > 0) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudAirjump); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_AirjumpOffset, AvailableJumpsToDisplay, 0, JumpsOffsetY); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudAirjumpEmpty); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerEx(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_AirjumpEmptyOffset + AvailableJumpsToDisplay, TotalJumpsToDisplay - AvailableJumpsToDisplay, 0, JumpsOffsetY); } else { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudAirjump); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_AirjumpOffset, AvailableJumpsToDisplay); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudAirjumpEmpty); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainer(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_AirjumpEmptyOffset + AvailableJumpsToDisplay, TotalJumpsToDisplay - AvailableJumpsToDisplay); } } float x = 5 + 12; float y = (5 + 12 + (GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudHealthArmor && g_Config.m_ClShowhudHealthAmmo ? 24 : 0) + (GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudAmmo && g_Config.m_ClShowhudHealthAmmo ? 12 : 0)); // render weapons if(pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_HAMMER].m_Got) { if(pPlayer->m_Weapon != WEAPON_HAMMER) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); } x -= 3; Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(pi * 7 / 4); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpritePickupHammer); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_WeaponHammerOffset, x, y); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); x += 16; } if(pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_GUN].m_Got) { if(pPlayer->m_Weapon != WEAPON_GUN) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); } Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(pi * 7 / 4); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpritePickupGun); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_WeaponGunOffset, x, y); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_SHOTGUN].m_Got) { if(pPlayer->m_Weapon != WEAPON_SHOTGUN) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); } Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(pi * 7 / 4); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpritePickupShotgun); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_WeaponShotgunOffset, x, y); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_GRENADE].m_Got) { if(pPlayer->m_Weapon != WEAPON_GRENADE) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); } Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(pi * 7 / 4); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpritePickupGrenade); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_WeaponGrenadeOffset, x, y); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_LASER].m_Got) { if(pPlayer->m_Weapon != WEAPON_LASER) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); } Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(pi * 7 / 4); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpritePickupLaser); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_WeaponLaserOffset, x, y); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_NINJA].m_Got) { if(pPlayer->m_Weapon != WEAPON_NINJA) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); } Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(pi * 7 / 4); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_GameSkin.m_SpritePickupNinja); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_WeaponNinjaOffset, x, y); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); const int Max = g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Ninja.m_Duration * Client()->GameTickSpeed() / 1000; float NinjaProgress = clamp(pCharacter->m_Ninja.m_ActivationTick + g_pData->m_Weapons.m_Ninja.m_Duration * Client()->GameTickSpeed() / 1000 - Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy), 0, Max) / (float)Max; if(NinjaProgress > 0.0f && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_HasExtendedDisplayInfo) { x += 12; RenderNinjaBarPos(x, y - 12, 6.f, 24.f, NinjaProgress); } } // render capabilities x = 5; y += 12; if(TotalJumpsToDisplay > 0) { y += 12; } bool HasCapabilities = false; if(pCharacter->m_EndlessJump) { HasCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudEndlessJump); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_EndlessJumpOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_EndlessHook) { HasCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudEndlessHook); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_EndlessHookOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_Jetpack) { HasCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudJetpack); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_JetpackOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_HasTelegunGun && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_GUN].m_Got) { HasCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudTeleportGun); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_TeleportGunOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_HasTelegunGrenade && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_GRENADE].m_Got) { HasCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudTeleportGrenade); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_TeleportGrenadeOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_HasTelegunLaser && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_LASER].m_Got) { HasCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudTeleportLaser); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_TeleportLaserOffset, x, y); } // render prohibited capabilities x = 5; if(HasCapabilities) { y += 12; } bool HasProhibitedCapabilities = false; if(pCharacter->m_Solo) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudSolo); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_SoloOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_NoCollision) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoCollision); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoCollisionOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_NoHookHit) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoHookHit); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoHookHitOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_NoHammerHit) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoHammerHit); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoHammerHitOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if((pCharacter->m_NoGrenadeHit && pCharacter->m_HasTelegunGun && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_GUN].m_Got)) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoGunHit); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoLaserHitOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if((pCharacter->m_NoShotgunHit && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_SHOTGUN].m_Got)) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoShotgunHit); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoShotgunHitOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if((pCharacter->m_NoGrenadeHit && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_GRENADE].m_Got)) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoGrenadeHit); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoGrenadeHitOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if((pCharacter->m_NoLaserHit && pCharacter->m_aWeapons[WEAPON_LASER].m_Got)) { HasProhibitedCapabilities = true; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNoLaserHit); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_NoLaserHitOffset, x, y); } // render dummy actions and freeze state x = 5; if(HasProhibitedCapabilities) { y += 12; } if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_HasExtendedDisplayInfo && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_ExtendedData.m_Flags & CHARACTERFLAG_PRACTICE_MODE) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudPracticeMode); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_PracticeModeOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_DeepFrozen) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudDeepFrozen); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_DeepFrozenOffset, x, y); x += 12; } if(pCharacter->m_LiveFrozen) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudLiveFrozen); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_LiveFrozenOffset, x, y); } } void CHud::RenderNinjaBarPos(const float x, float y, const float width, const float height, float Progress, const float Alpha) { Progress = clamp(Progress, 0.0f, 1.0f); // what percentage of the end pieces is used for the progress indicator and how much is the rest // half of the ends are used for the progress display const float RestPct = 0.5f; const float ProgPct = 0.5f; const float EndHeight = width; // to keep the correct scale - the width of the sprite is as long as the height const float BarWidth = width; const float WholeBarHeight = height; const float MiddleBarHeight = WholeBarHeight - (EndHeight * 2.0f); const float EndProgressHeight = EndHeight * ProgPct; const float EndRestHeight = EndHeight * RestPct; const float ProgressBarHeight = WholeBarHeight - (EndProgressHeight * 2.0f); const float EndProgressProportion = EndProgressHeight / ProgressBarHeight; const float MiddleProgressProportion = MiddleBarHeight / ProgressBarHeight; // beginning piece float BeginningPieceProgress = 1; if(Progress <= 1) { if(Progress <= (EndProgressProportion + MiddleProgressProportion)) { BeginningPieceProgress = 0; } else { BeginningPieceProgress = (Progress - EndProgressProportion - MiddleProgressProportion) / EndProgressProportion; } } // empty Graphics()->WrapClamp(); Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNinjaBarEmptyRight); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha); // Subset: btm_r, top_r, top_m, btm_m | it is mirrored on the horizontal axe and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(1, 1, 1, 0, ProgPct - ProgPct * (1.0f - BeginningPieceProgress), 0, ProgPct - ProgPct * (1.0f - BeginningPieceProgress), 1); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadEmptyBeginning(x, y, BarWidth, EndRestHeight + EndProgressHeight * (1.0f - BeginningPieceProgress)); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadEmptyBeginning, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // full if(BeginningPieceProgress > 0.0f) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNinjaBarFullLeft); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha); // Subset: btm_m, top_m, top_r, btm_r | it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(RestPct + ProgPct * (1.0f - BeginningPieceProgress), 1, RestPct + ProgPct * (1.0f - BeginningPieceProgress), 0, 1, 0, 1, 1); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadFullBeginning(x, y + (EndRestHeight + EndProgressHeight * (1.0f - BeginningPieceProgress)), BarWidth, EndProgressHeight * BeginningPieceProgress); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadFullBeginning, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } // middle piece y += EndHeight; float MiddlePieceProgress = 1; if(Progress <= EndProgressProportion + MiddleProgressProportion) { if(Progress <= EndProgressProportion) { MiddlePieceProgress = 0; } else { MiddlePieceProgress = (Progress - EndProgressProportion) / MiddleProgressProportion; } } const float FullMiddleBarHeight = MiddleBarHeight * MiddlePieceProgress; const float EmptyMiddleBarHeight = MiddleBarHeight - FullMiddleBarHeight; // empty ninja bar if(EmptyMiddleBarHeight > 0.0f) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNinjaBarEmpty); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha); // select the middle portion of the sprite so we don't get edge bleeding if(EmptyMiddleBarHeight <= EndHeight) { // prevent pixel puree, select only a small slice // Subset: btm_r, top_r, top_m, btm_m | it is mirrored on the horizontal axe and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(1, 1, 1, 0, 1.0f - (EmptyMiddleBarHeight / EndHeight), 0, 1.0f - (EmptyMiddleBarHeight / EndHeight), 1); } else { // Subset: btm_r, top_r, top_l, btm_l | it is mirrored on the horizontal axe and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); } IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadEmpty(x, y, BarWidth, EmptyMiddleBarHeight); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadEmpty, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } // full ninja bar Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNinjaBarFull); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha); // select the middle portion of the sprite so we don't get edge bleeding if(FullMiddleBarHeight <= EndHeight) { // prevent pixel puree, select only a small slice // Subset: btm_m, top_m, top_r, btm_r | it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(1.0f - (FullMiddleBarHeight / EndHeight), 1, 1.0f - (FullMiddleBarHeight / EndHeight), 0, 1, 0, 1, 1); } else { // Subset: btm_l, top_l, top_r, btm_r | it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1); } IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadFull(x, y + EmptyMiddleBarHeight, BarWidth, FullMiddleBarHeight); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadFull, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // ending piece y += MiddleBarHeight; float EndingPieceProgress = 1; if(Progress <= EndProgressProportion) { EndingPieceProgress = Progress / EndProgressProportion; } // empty if(EndingPieceProgress < 1.0f) { Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNinjaBarEmptyRight); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha); // Subset: btm_l, top_l, top_m, btm_m | it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(0, 1, 0, 0, ProgPct - ProgPct * EndingPieceProgress, 0, ProgPct - ProgPct * EndingPieceProgress, 1); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadEmptyEnding(x, y, BarWidth, EndProgressHeight * (1.0f - EndingPieceProgress)); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadEmptyEnding, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } // full Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudNinjaBarFullLeft); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha); // Subset: btm_m, top_m, top_l, btm_l | it is mirrored on the horizontal axe and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise Graphics()->QuadsSetSubsetFree(RestPct + ProgPct * EndingPieceProgress, 1, RestPct + ProgPct * EndingPieceProgress, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); IGraphics::CQuadItem QuadFullEnding(x, y + (EndProgressHeight * (1.0f - EndingPieceProgress)), BarWidth, EndRestHeight + EndProgressHeight * EndingPieceProgress); Graphics()->QuadsDrawTL(&QuadFullEnding, 1); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); Graphics()->QuadsSetSubset(0, 0, 1, 1); Graphics()->SetColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); Graphics()->WrapNormal(); } void CHud::RenderDummyActions() { if(!g_Config.m_ClShowhudDummyActions || (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER) || !Client()->DummyConnected()) { return; } // render small dummy actions hud const float BoxHeight = 29.0f; const float BoxWidth = 16.0f; float StartX = m_Width - BoxWidth; float StartY = 285.0f - BoxHeight - 4; // 4 units distance to the next display; if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerPosition || g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerSpeed || g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerAngle) { StartY -= 4; } StartY -= GetMovementInformationBoxHeight(); if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudScore) { StartY -= 56; } Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRectExt(StartX, StartY, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, 5.0f, CUI::CORNER_L); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); float y = StartY + 2; float x = StartX + 2; Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); if(g_Config.m_ClDummyHammer) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudDummyHammer); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_DummyHammerOffset, x, y); y += 13; Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f); if(g_Config.m_ClDummyCopyMoves) { Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } Graphics()->TextureSet(m_pClient->m_HudSkin.m_SpriteHudDummyCopy); Graphics()->RenderQuadContainerAsSprite(m_HudQuadContainerIndex, m_DummyCopyOffset, x, y); } inline int CHud::GetDigitsIndex(int Value, int Max) { if(Value < 0) { Value *= -1; } int DigitsIndex = (int)log10((Value ? Value : 1)); if(DigitsIndex > Max) { DigitsIndex = Max; } if(DigitsIndex < 0) { DigitsIndex = 0; } return DigitsIndex; } inline float CHud::GetMovementInformationBoxHeight() { float BoxHeight = 3 * MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT * (g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerPosition + g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerSpeed) + 2 * MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT * g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerAngle; if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerPosition || g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerSpeed || g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerAngle) { BoxHeight += 2; } return BoxHeight; } void CHud::RenderMovementInformation(const int ClientID) { // Draw the infomations depending on settings: Position, speed and target angle // This display is only to present the available information from the last snapshot, not to interpolate or predict if(!g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerPosition && !g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerSpeed && !g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerAngle) { return; } const float LineSpacer = 1.0f; // above and below each entry const float Fontsize = 6.0f; float BoxHeight = GetMovementInformationBoxHeight(); const float BoxWidth = 62.0f; float StartX = m_Width - BoxWidth; float StartY = 285.0f - BoxHeight - 4; // 4 units distance to the next display; if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudScore) { StartY -= 56; } Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRectExt(StartX, StartY, BoxWidth, BoxHeight, 5.0f, CUI::CORNER_L); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); Graphics()->SetColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); CNetObj_Character *pCharacter = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_Cur; const float TicksPerSecond = 50.0f; // To make the player position relative to blocks we need to divide by the block size float PosX = pCharacter->m_X / 32.0f; float PosY = pCharacter->m_Y / 32.0f; float VelspeedX = pCharacter->m_VelX / 256.0f * TicksPerSecond; if(pCharacter->m_VelX >= -1 && pCharacter->m_VelX <= 1) { VelspeedX = 0; } float VelspeedY = pCharacter->m_VelY / 256.0f * TicksPerSecond; if(pCharacter->m_VelY >= -128 && pCharacter->m_VelY <= 128) { VelspeedY = 0; } // We show the speed in Blocks per Second (Bps) and therefore have to divide by the block size float DisplaySpeedX = VelspeedX / 32; float VelspeedLength = length(vec2(pCharacter->m_VelX / 256.0f, pCharacter->m_VelY / 256.0f)) * TicksPerSecond; // Todo: Use Velramp tuning of each individual player // Since these tuning parameters are almost never changed, the default values are sufficient in most cases float Ramp = VelocityRamp(VelspeedLength, m_pClient->m_aTuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampStart, m_pClient->m_aTuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampRange, m_pClient->m_aTuning[g_Config.m_ClDummy].m_VelrampCurvature); DisplaySpeedX *= Ramp; float DisplaySpeedY = VelspeedY / 32; float Angle = 0.0f; if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_HasExtendedDisplayInfo) { // On DDNet servers the more accurate angle is displayed, calculated from the target coordinates CNetObj_DDNetCharacter *pExtendedData = &m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[ClientID].m_ExtendedData; Angle = atan2f(pExtendedData->m_TargetY, pExtendedData->m_TargetX); } else { Angle = pCharacter->m_Angle / 256.0f; } if(Angle < 0) { Angle += 2.0f * pi; } float DisplayAngle = Angle * 180.0f / pi; char aBuf[128]; float w; float y = StartY + LineSpacer * 2; float xl = StartX + 2; float xr = m_Width - 2; int DigitsIndex = 0; static float s_TextWidth0 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "0.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth00 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "00.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth0000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "0000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth00000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "00000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidth000000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "000000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_aTextWidth[6] = {s_TextWidth0, s_TextWidth00, s_TextWidth000, s_TextWidth0000, s_TextWidth00000, s_TextWidth000000}; static float s_TextWidthMinus0 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "-0.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidthMinus00 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "-00.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidthMinus000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "-000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidthMinus0000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "-0000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidthMinus00000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "-00000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_TextWidthMinus000000 = TextRender()->TextWidth(0, Fontsize, "-000000.00", -1, -1.0f); static float s_aTextWidthMinus[6] = {s_TextWidthMinus0, s_TextWidthMinus00, s_TextWidthMinus000, s_TextWidthMinus0000, s_TextWidthMinus00000, s_TextWidthMinus000000}; if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerPosition) { TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, Localize("Position:"), -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, "X:", -1.0f); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", PosX); DigitsIndex = GetDigitsIndex(PosX, 5); w = (PosX < 0) ? s_aTextWidthMinus[DigitsIndex] : s_aTextWidth[DigitsIndex]; TextRender()->Text(0, xr - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, "Y:", -1.0f); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", PosY); DigitsIndex = GetDigitsIndex(PosY, 5); w = (PosY < 0) ? s_aTextWidthMinus[DigitsIndex] : s_aTextWidth[DigitsIndex]; TextRender()->Text(0, xr - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; } if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerSpeed) { TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, Localize("Speed:"), -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, "X:", -1.0f); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", DisplaySpeedX); DigitsIndex = GetDigitsIndex(DisplaySpeedX, 5); w = (DisplaySpeedX < 0) ? s_aTextWidthMinus[DigitsIndex] : s_aTextWidth[DigitsIndex]; TextRender()->Text(0, xr - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, "Y:", -1.0f); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", DisplaySpeedY); DigitsIndex = GetDigitsIndex(DisplaySpeedY, 5); w = (DisplaySpeedY < 0) ? s_aTextWidthMinus[DigitsIndex] : s_aTextWidth[DigitsIndex]; TextRender()->Text(0, xr - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; } if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudPlayerAngle) { TextRender()->Text(0, xl, y, Fontsize, Localize("Angle:"), -1.0f); y += MOVEMENT_INFORMATION_LINE_HEIGHT; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", DisplayAngle); DigitsIndex = GetDigitsIndex(DisplayAngle, 5); w = (DisplayAngle < 0) ? s_aTextWidthMinus[DigitsIndex] : s_aTextWidth[DigitsIndex]; TextRender()->Text(0, xr - w, y, Fontsize, aBuf, -1.0f); } } void CHud::RenderSpectatorHud() { // draw the box Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRectExt(m_Width - 180.0f, m_Height - 15.0f, 180.0f, 15.0f, 5.0f, CUI::CORNER_TL); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // draw the text char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s: %s", Localize("Spectate"), m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID != SPEC_FREEVIEW ? m_pClient->m_aClients[m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID].m_aName : Localize("Free-View")); TextRender()->Text(0, m_Width - 174.0f, m_Height - 15.0f + (15.f - 8.f) / 2.f, 8.0f, aBuf, -1.0f); } void CHud::RenderLocalTime(float x) { if(!g_Config.m_ClShowLocalTimeAlways && !m_pClient->m_Scoreboard.Active()) return; //draw the box Graphics()->BlendNormal(); Graphics()->TextureClear(); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->SetColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f); RenderTools()->DrawRoundRectExt(x - 30.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f, 12.5f, 3.75f, CUI::CORNER_B); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); //draw the text char aTimeStr[6]; str_timestamp_format(aTimeStr, sizeof(aTimeStr), "%H:%M"); TextRender()->Text(0, x - 25.0f, (12.5f - 5.f) / 2.f, 5.0f, aTimeStr, -1.0f); } void CHud::OnRender() { if(!m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj) return; m_Width = 300.0f * Graphics()->ScreenAspect(); m_Height = 300.0f; Graphics()->MapScreen(0.0f, 0.0f, m_Width, m_Height); #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) if((IVideo::Current() && g_Config.m_ClVideoShowhud) || (!IVideo::Current() && g_Config.m_ClShowhud)) #else if(g_Config.m_ClShowhud) #endif { if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter && !m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active && !(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER)) { if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudHealthAmmo) { RenderAmmoHealthAndArmor(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pLocalCharacter); } if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID].m_HasExtendedData && g_Config.m_ClShowhudDDRace && GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudDDRace) { RenderPlayerState(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID); } RenderMovementInformation(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID); RenderDDRaceEffects(); } else if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active) { int SpectatorID = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID; if(SpectatorID != SPEC_FREEVIEW && g_Config.m_ClShowhudHealthAmmo) { RenderAmmoHealthAndArmor(&m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[SpectatorID].m_Cur); } if(SpectatorID != SPEC_FREEVIEW && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_aCharacters[SpectatorID].m_HasExtendedData && g_Config.m_ClShowhudDDRace && GameClient()->m_GameInfo.m_HudDDRace) { RenderPlayerState(SpectatorID); } if(SpectatorID != SPEC_FREEVIEW) { RenderMovementInformation(SpectatorID); } RenderSpectatorHud(); } if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudTimer) RenderGameTimer(); RenderPauseNotification(); RenderSuddenDeath(); if(g_Config.m_ClShowhudScore) RenderScoreHud(); RenderDummyActions(); RenderWarmupTimer(); RenderTextInfo(); RenderLocalTime((m_Width / 7) * 3); if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) RenderConnectionWarning(); RenderTeambalanceWarning(); RenderVoting(); if(g_Config.m_ClShowRecord) RenderRecord(); } RenderCursor(); } void CHud::OnMessage(int MsgType, void *pRawMsg) { if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_DDRACETIME || MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_DDRACETIMELEGACY) { CNetMsg_Sv_DDRaceTime *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_DDRaceTime *)pRawMsg; m_DDRaceTime = pMsg->m_Time; m_ShowFinishTime = pMsg->m_Finish != 0; if(!m_ShowFinishTime) { m_TimeCpDiff = (float)pMsg->m_Check / 100; m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); } else { m_FinishTimeDiff = (float)pMsg->m_Check / 100; m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); } } else if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_RECORD || MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_RECORDLEGACY) { CNetMsg_Sv_Record *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_Record *)pRawMsg; // NETMSGTYPE_SV_RACETIME on old race servers if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_RECORDLEGACY && m_pClient->m_GameInfo.m_DDRaceRecordMessage) { m_DDRaceTime = pMsg->m_ServerTimeBest; // First value: m_Time m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); if(pMsg->m_PlayerTimeBest) // Second value: m_Check { m_TimeCpDiff = (float)pMsg->m_PlayerTimeBest / 100; m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick = Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); } } else if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_RECORD || m_pClient->m_GameInfo.m_RaceRecordMessage) { m_ServerRecord = (float)pMsg->m_ServerTimeBest / 100; m_aPlayerRecord[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = (float)pMsg->m_PlayerTimeBest / 100; } } } void CHud::RenderDDRaceEffects() { if(m_DDRaceTime) { char aBuf[64]; char aTime[32]; if(m_ShowFinishTime && m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 6 > Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) { str_time(m_DDRaceTime, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Finish time: %s", aTime); // calculate alpha (4 sec 1 than get lower the next 2 sec) float alpha = 1.0f; if(m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 4 < Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) && m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 6 > Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) { // lower the alpha slowly to blend text out alpha = ((float)(m_FinishTimeLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 6) - (float)Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) / (float)(Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 2); } TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, alpha); TextRender()->Text(0, 150 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() - TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 12, aBuf, -1, -1.0f) / 2, 20, 12, aBuf, -1.0f); if(m_FinishTimeDiff != 0.0f) { if(m_FinishTimeDiff < 0) { str_time_float(-m_FinishTimeDiff, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "-%s", aTime); TextRender()->TextColor(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, alpha); // green } else { str_time_float(m_FinishTimeDiff, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "+%s", aTime); TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, alpha); // red } TextRender()->Text(0, 150 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() - TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 10, aBuf, -1, -1.0f) / 2, 34, 10, aBuf, -1.0f); } TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } else if(!m_ShowFinishTime && m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 6 > Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) { if(m_TimeCpDiff < 0) { str_time_float(-m_TimeCpDiff, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "-%s", aTime); } else { str_time_float(m_TimeCpDiff, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "+%s", aTime); } // calculate alpha (4 sec 1 than get lower the next 2 sec) float alpha = 1.0f; if(m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 4 < Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) && m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 6 > Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) { // lower the alpha slowly to blend text out alpha = ((float)(m_TimeCpLastReceivedTick + Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 6) - (float)Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) / (float)(Client()->GameTickSpeed() * 2); } if(m_TimeCpDiff > 0) TextRender()->TextColor(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, alpha); // red else if(m_TimeCpDiff < 0) TextRender()->TextColor(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, alpha); // green else if(!m_TimeCpDiff) TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, alpha); // white TextRender()->Text(0, 150 * Graphics()->ScreenAspect() - TextRender()->TextWidth(0, 10, aBuf, -1, -1.0f) / 2, 20, 10, aBuf, -1.0f); TextRender()->TextColor(1, 1, 1, 1); } } } void CHud::RenderRecord() { if(m_ServerRecord > 0.0f) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("Server best:")); TextRender()->Text(0, 5, 75, 6, aBuf, -1.0f); char aTime[32]; str_time_float(m_ServerRecord, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s%s", m_ServerRecord > 3600 ? "" : "   ", aTime); TextRender()->Text(0, 53, 75, 6, aBuf, -1.0f); } const float PlayerRecord = m_aPlayerRecord[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; if(PlayerRecord > 0.0f) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), Localize("Personal best:")); TextRender()->Text(0, 5, 82, 6, aBuf, -1.0f); char aTime[32]; str_time_float(PlayerRecord, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s%s", PlayerRecord > 3600 ? "" : "   ", aTime); TextRender()->Text(0, 53, 82, 6, aBuf, -1.0f); } }