/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include #include #include #include "ed_editor.hpp" static int checker_texture = 0; static int background_texture = 0; static int cursor_texture = 0; static int entities_texture = 0; static const void *ui_got_context = 0; EDITOR editor; LAYERGROUP::LAYERGROUP() { name = ""; visible = true; game_group = false; offset_x = 0; offset_y = 0; parallax_x = 100; parallax_y = 100; use_clipping = 0; clip_x = 0; clip_y = 0; clip_w = 0; clip_h = 0; } LAYERGROUP::~LAYERGROUP() { clear(); } void LAYERGROUP::convert(RECT *rect) { rect->x += offset_x; rect->y += offset_y; } void LAYERGROUP::mapping(float *points) { mapscreen_to_world( editor.world_offset_x, editor.world_offset_y, parallax_x/100.0f, parallax_y/100.0f, offset_x, offset_y, gfx_screenaspect(), editor.world_zoom, points); points[0] += editor.editor_offset_x; points[1] += editor.editor_offset_y; points[2] += editor.editor_offset_x; points[3] += editor.editor_offset_y; } void LAYERGROUP::mapscreen() { float points[4]; mapping(points); gfx_mapscreen(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]); } void LAYERGROUP::render() { mapscreen(); if(use_clipping) { float points[4]; editor.map.game_group->mapping(points); float x0 = (clip_x - points[0]) / (points[2]-points[0]); float y0 = (clip_y - points[1]) / (points[3]-points[1]); float x1 = ((clip_x+clip_w) - points[0]) / (points[2]-points[0]); float y1 = ((clip_y+clip_h) - points[1]) / (points[3]-points[1]); gfx_clip_enable((int)(x0*gfx_screenwidth()), (int)(y0*gfx_screenheight()), (int)((x1-x0)*gfx_screenwidth()), (int)((y1-y0)*gfx_screenheight())); } for(int i = 0; i < layers.len(); i++) { if(layers[i]->visible && layers[i] != editor.map.game_layer) { if(editor.show_detail || !(layers[i]->flags&LAYERFLAG_DETAIL)) layers[i]->render(); } } gfx_clip_disable(); } bool LAYERGROUP::is_empty() const { return layers.len() == 0; } void LAYERGROUP::clear() { layers.deleteall(); } void LAYERGROUP::add_layer(LAYER *l) { layers.add(l); } void LAYERGROUP::delete_layer(int index) { if(index < 0 || index >= layers.len()) return; delete layers[index]; layers.removebyindex(index); } void LAYERGROUP::get_size(float *w, float *h) { *w = 0; *h = 0; for(int i = 0; i < layers.len(); i++) { float lw, lh; layers[i]->get_size(&lw, &lh); *w = max(*w, lw); *h = max(*h, lh); } } int LAYERGROUP::swap_layers(int index0, int index1) { if(index0 < 0 || index0 >= layers.len()) return index0; if(index1 < 0 || index1 >= layers.len()) return index0; if(index0 == index1) return index0; swap(layers[index0], layers[index1]); return index1; } void EDITOR_IMAGE::analyse_tileflags() { mem_zero(tileflags, sizeof(tileflags)); int tw = width/16; // tilesizes int th = height/16; if ( tw == th ) { unsigned char *pixeldata = (unsigned char *)data; int tile_id = 0; for(int ty = 0; ty < 16; ty++) for(int tx = 0; tx < 16; tx++, tile_id++) { bool opaque = true; for(int x = 0; x < tw; x++) for(int y = 0; y < th; y++) { int p = (ty*tw+y)*width + tx*tw+x; if(pixeldata[p*4+3] < 250) { opaque = false; break; } } if(opaque) tileflags[tile_id] |= TILEFLAG_OPAQUE; } } } /******************************************************** OTHER *********************************************************/ // copied from gc_menu.cpp, should be more generalized //extern int ui_do_edit_box(void *id, const RECT *rect, char *str, int str_size, float font_size, bool hidden=false); int ui_do_edit_box(void *id, const RECT *rect, char *str, int str_size, float font_size, bool hidden=false) { int inside = ui_mouse_inside(rect); int r = 0; static int at_index = 0; if(ui_last_active_item() == id) { int len = strlen(str); if (inside && ui_mouse_button(0)) { int mx_rel = (int)(ui_mouse_x() - rect->x); for (int i = 1; i <= len; i++) { if (gfx_text_width(0, font_size, str, i) + 10 > mx_rel) { at_index = i - 1; break; } if (i == len) at_index = len; } } for(int i = 0; i < inp_num_events(); i++) { INPUT_EVENT e = inp_get_event(i); char c = e.ch; int k = e.key; if (at_index > len) at_index = len; if (!(c >= 0 && c < 32)) { if (len < str_size - 1 && at_index < str_size - 1) { memmove(str + at_index + 1, str + at_index, len - at_index + 1); str[at_index] = c; at_index++; } } if(e.flags&INPFLAG_PRESS) { if (k == KEY_BACKSPACE && at_index > 0) { memmove(str + at_index - 1, str + at_index, len - at_index + 1); at_index--; } else if (k == KEY_DEL && at_index < len) memmove(str + at_index, str + at_index + 1, len - at_index); else if (k == KEY_ENTER) ui_clear_last_active_item(); else if (k == KEY_LEFT && at_index > 0) at_index--; else if (k == KEY_RIGHT && at_index < len) at_index++; else if (k == KEY_HOME) at_index = 0; else if (k == KEY_END) at_index = len; } } r = 1; } bool just_got_active = false; if(ui_active_item() == id) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) ui_set_active_item(0); } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { if (ui_last_active_item() != id) just_got_active = true; ui_set_active_item(id); } } if(inside) ui_set_hot_item(id); RECT textbox = *rect; ui_draw_rect(&textbox, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_vmargin(&textbox, 5.0f, &textbox); const char *display_str = str; char stars[128]; if(hidden) { unsigned s = strlen(str); if(s >= sizeof(stars)) s = sizeof(stars)-1; memset(stars, '*', s); stars[s] = 0; display_str = stars; } ui_do_label(&textbox, display_str, font_size, -1); if (ui_last_active_item() == id && !just_got_active) { float w = gfx_text_width(0, font_size, display_str, at_index); textbox.x += w*ui_scale(); ui_do_label(&textbox, "_", font_size, -1); } return r; } static vec4 get_button_color(const void *id, int checked) { if(checked < 0) return vec4(0,0,0,0.5f); if(checked > 0) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) return vec4(1,0,0,0.75f); return vec4(1,0,0,0.5f); } if(ui_hot_item() == id) return vec4(1,1,1,0.75f); return vec4(1,1,1,0.5f); } void draw_editor_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 10, 0, -1); } static void draw_editor_button_file(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; if(ui_hot_item() == id) ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); RECT t = *r; ui_vmargin(&t, 5.0f, &t); ui_do_label(&t, text, 10, -1, -1); } static void draw_editor_button_menu(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *rect, const void *extra) { /* if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; if(ui_hot_item() == id) ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); */ RECT r = *rect; /* if(ui_popups[id == id) { ui_draw_rect(&r, vec4(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f,0.75f), CORNER_T, 3.0f); ui_margin(&r, 1.0f, &r); ui_draw_rect(&r, vec4(0,0,0,0.75f), CORNER_T, 3.0f); } else*/ ui_draw_rect(&r, vec4(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f, 1.0f), CORNER_T, 3.0f); r = *rect; ui_vmargin(&r, 5.0f, &r); ui_do_label(&r, text, 10, -1, -1); //RECT t = *r; } void draw_editor_button_menuitem(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; if(ui_hot_item() == id || checked) ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); RECT t = *r; ui_vmargin(&t, 5.0f, &t); ui_do_label(&t, text, 10, -1, -1); } static void draw_editor_button_l(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_L, 3.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 10, 0, -1); } static void draw_editor_button_m(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), 0, 3.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 10, 0, -1); } static void draw_editor_button_r(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item() == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_R, 3.0f); ui_do_label(r, text, 10, 0, -1); } static void draw_inc_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_R, 3.0f); ui_do_label(r, text?text:">", 10, 0, -1); } static void draw_dec_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, const void *extra) { if(ui_hot_item == id) if(extra) editor.tooltip = (const char *)extra; ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, checked), CORNER_L, 3.0f); ui_do_label(r, text?text:"<", 10, 0, -1); } enum { BUTTON_CONTEXT=1, }; int do_editor_button(const void *id, const char *text, int checked, const RECT *r, ui_draw_button_func draw_func, int flags, const char *tooltip) { if(ui_mouse_inside(r)) { if(flags&BUTTON_CONTEXT) ui_got_context = id; if(tooltip) editor.tooltip = tooltip; } return ui_do_button(id, text, checked, r, draw_func, 0); } static void render_background(RECT view, int texture, float size, float brightness) { gfx_texture_set(texture); gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_setcolor(brightness,brightness,brightness,1.0f); gfx_quads_setsubset(0,0, view.w/size, view.h/size); gfx_quads_drawTL(view.x, view.y, view.w, view.h); gfx_quads_end(); } static LAYERGROUP brush; static LAYER_TILES tileset_picker(16, 16); static int ui_do_value_selector(void *id, RECT *r, const char *label, int current, int min, int max, float scale) { /* logic */ static float value; int ret = 0; int inside = ui_mouse_inside(r); if(ui_active_item() == id) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) { if(inside) ret = 1; editor.lock_mouse = false; ui_set_active_item(0); } else { if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) value += editor.mouse_delta_x*0.05f; else value += editor.mouse_delta_x; if(fabs(value) > scale) { int count = (int)(value/scale); value = fmod(value, scale); current += count; if(current < min) current = min; if(current > max) current = max; } } } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { editor.lock_mouse = true; value = 0; ui_set_active_item(id); } } if(inside) ui_set_hot_item(id); // render char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "%s %d", label, current); ui_draw_rect(r, get_button_color(id, 0), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_do_label(r, buf, 10, 0, -1); return current; } LAYERGROUP *EDITOR::get_selected_group() { if(selected_group >= 0 && selected_group < editor.map.groups.len()) return editor.map.groups[selected_group]; return 0x0; } LAYER *EDITOR::get_selected_layer(int index) { LAYERGROUP *group = get_selected_group(); if(!group) return 0x0; if(selected_layer >= 0 && selected_layer < editor.map.groups[selected_group]->layers.len()) return group->layers[selected_layer]; return 0x0; } LAYER *EDITOR::get_selected_layer_type(int index, int type) { LAYER *p = get_selected_layer(index); if(p && p->type == type) return p; return 0x0; } QUAD *EDITOR::get_selected_quad() { LAYER_QUADS *ql = (LAYER_QUADS *)get_selected_layer_type(0, LAYERTYPE_QUADS); if(!ql) return 0; if(selected_quad >= 0 && selected_quad < ql->quads.len()) return &ql->quads[selected_quad]; return 0; } static void callback_open_map(const char *filename) { editor.load(filename); } static void callback_append_map(const char *filename) { editor.append(filename); } static void callback_save_map(const char *filename) { editor.save(filename); } static void do_toolbar(RECT toolbar) { RECT button; // ctrl+o to open if(inp_key_down('O') && (inp_key_pressed(KEY_LCTRL) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RCTRL))) editor.invoke_file_dialog("Open Map", "Open", "maps/", "", callback_open_map); // ctrl+s to save if(inp_key_down('S') && (inp_key_pressed(KEY_LCTRL) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RCTRL))) editor.invoke_file_dialog("Save Map", "Save", "maps/", "", callback_save_map); // animate button ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 30.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int hq_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&hq_button, "Detail", editor.show_detail, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "[ctrl+h] Toggle High Detail") || (inp_key_down('H') && (inp_key_pressed(KEY_LCTRL) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RCTRL)))) { editor.show_detail = !editor.show_detail; } ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 5.0f, 0, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 30.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int animate_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&animate_button, "Anim", editor.animate, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "[ctrl+m] Toggle animation") || (inp_key_down('M') && (inp_key_pressed(KEY_LCTRL) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RCTRL)))) { editor.animate_start = time_get(); editor.animate = !editor.animate; } ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 5.0f, 0, &toolbar); // proof button ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 30.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int proof_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&proof_button, "Proof", editor.proof_borders, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "[ctrl-p] Toggles proof borders. These borders represent what a player maximum can see.") || (inp_key_down('P') && (inp_key_pressed(KEY_LCTRL) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RCTRL)))) { editor.proof_borders = !editor.proof_borders; } ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 15.0f, 0, &toolbar); // zoom group ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 16.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int zoom_out_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&zoom_out_button, "ZO", 0, &button, draw_editor_button_l, 0, "[NumPad-] Zoom out") || inp_key_down(KEY_KP_SUBTRACT)) editor.zoom_level += 50; ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 16.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int zoom_normal_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&zoom_normal_button, "1:1", 0, &button, draw_editor_button_m, 0, "[NumPad*] Zoom to normal and remove editor offset") || inp_key_down(KEY_KP_MULTIPLY)) { editor.editor_offset_x = 0; editor.editor_offset_y = 0; editor.zoom_level = 100; } ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 16.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int zoom_in_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&zoom_in_button, "ZI", 0, &button, draw_editor_button_r, 0, "[NumPad+] Zoom in") || inp_key_down(KEY_KP_ADD)) editor.zoom_level -= 50; if(inp_key_presses(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP)) editor.zoom_level -= 20.0f; if(inp_key_presses(KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN)) editor.zoom_level += 20.0f; if(editor.zoom_level < 50) editor.zoom_level = 50; editor.world_zoom = editor.zoom_level/100.0f; ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 10.0f, &button, &toolbar); // brush manipulation { int enabled = brush.is_empty()?-1:0; // flip buttons ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 20.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int flipx_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&flipx_button, "^X", enabled, &button, draw_editor_button_l, 0, "[N] Flip brush horizontal") || inp_key_down('N')) { for(int i = 0; i < brush.layers.len(); i++) brush.layers[i]->brush_flip_x(); } ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 20.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int flipy_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&flipy_button, "^Y", enabled, &button, draw_editor_button_r, 0, "[M] Flip brush vertical") || inp_key_down('M')) { for(int i = 0; i < brush.layers.len(); i++) brush.layers[i]->brush_flip_y(); } // rotate buttons ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 20.0f, &button, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 30.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int rotation_amount = 90; rotation_amount = ui_do_value_selector(&rotation_amount, &button, "", rotation_amount, 1, 360, 2.0f); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 5.0f, &button, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 30.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int ccw_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&ccw_button, "CCW", enabled, &button, draw_editor_button_l, 0, "[R] Rotates the brush counter clockwise") || inp_key_down('R')) { for(int i = 0; i < brush.layers.len(); i++) brush.layers[i]->brush_rotate(-rotation_amount/360.0f*pi*2); } ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 30.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int cw_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&cw_button, "CW", enabled, &button, draw_editor_button_r, 0, "[T] Rotates the brush clockwise") || inp_key_down('T')) { for(int i = 0; i < brush.layers.len(); i++) brush.layers[i]->brush_rotate(rotation_amount/360.0f*pi*2); } } // quad manipulation { // do add button ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 10.0f, &button, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 60.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int new_button = 0; LAYER_QUADS *qlayer = (LAYER_QUADS *)editor.get_selected_layer_type(0, LAYERTYPE_QUADS); //LAYER_TILES *tlayer = (LAYER_TILES *)editor.get_selected_layer_type(0, LAYERTYPE_TILES); if(do_editor_button(&new_button, "Add Quad", qlayer?0:-1, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "Adds a new quad")) { if(qlayer) { float mapping[4]; LAYERGROUP *g = editor.get_selected_group(); g->mapping(mapping); int add_x = f2fx(mapping[0] + (mapping[2]-mapping[0])/2); int add_y = f2fx(mapping[1] + (mapping[3]-mapping[1])/2); QUAD *q = qlayer->new_quad(); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { q->points[i].x += add_x; q->points[i].y += add_y; } } } } } static void rotate(POINT *center, POINT *point, float rotation) { int x = point->x - center->x; int y = point->y - center->y; point->x = (int)(x * cosf(rotation) - y * sinf(rotation) + center->x); point->y = (int)(x * sinf(rotation) + y * cosf(rotation) + center->y); } static void do_quad(QUAD *q, int index) { enum { OP_NONE=0, OP_MOVE_ALL, OP_MOVE_PIVOT, OP_ROTATE, OP_CONTEXT_MENU, }; // some basic values void *id = &q->points[4]; // use pivot addr as id static POINT rotate_points[4]; static float last_wx; static float last_wy; static int operation = OP_NONE; static float rotate_angle = 0; float wx = ui_mouse_world_x(); float wy = ui_mouse_world_y(); // get pivot float center_x = fx2f(q->points[4].x); float center_y = fx2f(q->points[4].y); float dx = (center_x - wx); float dy = (center_y - wy); if(dx*dx+dy*dy < 10*10) ui_set_hot_item(id); // draw selection background if(editor.selected_quad == index) { gfx_setcolor(0,0,0,1); gfx_quads_draw(center_x, center_y, 7.0f, 7.0f); } if(ui_active_item() == id) { // check if we only should move pivot if(operation == OP_MOVE_PIVOT) { q->points[4].x += f2fx(wx-last_wx); q->points[4].y += f2fx(wy-last_wy); } else if(operation == OP_MOVE_ALL) { // move all points including pivot for(int v = 0; v < 5; v++) { q->points[v].x += f2fx(wx-last_wx); q->points[v].y += f2fx(wy-last_wy); } } else if(operation == OP_ROTATE) { for(int v = 0; v < 4; v++) { q->points[v] = rotate_points[v]; rotate(&q->points[4], &q->points[v], rotate_angle); } } rotate_angle += (editor.mouse_delta_x) * 0.002f; last_wx = wx; last_wy = wy; if(operation == OP_CONTEXT_MENU) { if(!ui_mouse_button(1)) { static int quad_popup_id = 0; ui_invoke_popup_menu(&quad_popup_id, 0, ui_mouse_x(), ui_mouse_y(), 120, 150, popup_quad); editor.lock_mouse = false; operation = OP_NONE; ui_set_active_item(0); } } else { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) { editor.lock_mouse = false; operation = OP_NONE; ui_set_active_item(0); } } gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,1); } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { ui_got_context = id; gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,1); editor.tooltip = "Left mouse button to move. Hold shift to move pivot. Hold ctrl to rotate"; if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) operation = OP_MOVE_PIVOT; else if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LCTRL) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RCTRL)) { editor.lock_mouse = true; operation = OP_ROTATE; rotate_angle = 0; rotate_points[0] = q->points[0]; rotate_points[1] = q->points[1]; rotate_points[2] = q->points[2]; rotate_points[3] = q->points[3]; } else operation = OP_MOVE_ALL; ui_set_active_item(id); editor.selected_quad = index; last_wx = wx; last_wy = wy; } if(ui_mouse_button(1)) { editor.selected_quad = index; operation = OP_CONTEXT_MENU; ui_set_active_item(id); } } else gfx_setcolor(0,1,0,1); gfx_quads_draw(center_x, center_y, 5.0f, 5.0f); } static void do_quad_point(QUAD *q, int quad_index, int v) { void *id = &q->points[v]; float wx = ui_mouse_world_x(); float wy = ui_mouse_world_y(); float px = fx2f(q->points[v].x); float py = fx2f(q->points[v].y); float dx = (px - wx); float dy = (py - wy); if(dx*dx+dy*dy < 10*10) ui_set_hot_item(id); // draw selection background if(editor.selected_quad == quad_index && editor.selected_points&(1< 0.5f) moved = true; } if(moved) { if(operation == OP_MOVEPOINT) { for(int m = 0; m < 4; m++) if(editor.selected_points&(1<points[m].x += f2fx(dx); q->points[m].y += f2fx(dy); } } else if(operation == OP_MOVEUV) { for(int m = 0; m < 4; m++) if(editor.selected_points&(1<texcoords[m].x += f2fx(dx*0.001f); q->texcoords[m].y += f2fx(dy*0.001f); } } } if(operation == OP_CONTEXT_MENU) { if(!ui_mouse_button(1)) { static int point_popup_id = 0; ui_invoke_popup_menu(&point_popup_id, 0, ui_mouse_x(), ui_mouse_y(), 120, 150, popup_point); ui_set_active_item(0); } } else { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) { if(!moved) { if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) editor.selected_points ^= 1<visible) editor.map.groups[g]->render(); //ui_clip_enable(&view); } // render the game above everything else if(editor.map.game_group->visible && editor.map.game_layer->visible) { editor.map.game_group->mapscreen(); editor.map.game_layer->render(); } } static void *editor_id = (void *)&editor_id; int inside = ui_mouse_inside(&view); // fetch mouse position float wx = ui_mouse_world_x(); float wy = ui_mouse_world_y(); float mx = ui_mouse_x(); float my = ui_mouse_y(); static float start_wx = 0; static float start_wy = 0; static float start_mx = 0; static float start_my = 0; enum { OP_NONE=0, OP_BRUSH_GRAB, OP_BRUSH_DRAW, OP_PAN_WORLD, OP_PAN_EDITOR, }; // remap the screen so it can display the whole tileset if(show_picker) { RECT screen = *ui_screen(); float size = 32.0*16.0f; float w = size*(screen.w/view.w); float h = size*(screen.h/view.h); float x = -(view.x/screen.w)*w; float y = -(view.y/screen.h)*h; wx = x+w*mx/screen.w; wy = y+h*my/screen.h; gfx_mapscreen(x, y, x+w, y+h); LAYER_TILES *t = (LAYER_TILES *)editor.get_selected_layer_type(0, LAYERTYPE_TILES); if(t) { tileset_picker.image = t->image; tileset_picker.tex_id = t->tex_id; tileset_picker.render(); } } static int operation = OP_NONE; // draw layer borders LAYER *edit_layers[16]; int num_edit_layers = 0; num_edit_layers = 0; if(show_picker) { edit_layers[0] = &tileset_picker; num_edit_layers++; } else { edit_layers[0] = editor.get_selected_layer(0); if(edit_layers[0]) num_edit_layers++; LAYERGROUP *g = editor.get_selected_group(); if(g) { g->mapscreen(); for(int i = 0; i < num_edit_layers; i++) { if(edit_layers[i]->type != LAYERTYPE_TILES) continue; float w, h; edit_layers[i]->get_size(&w, &h); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_lines_begin(); gfx_lines_draw(0,0, w,0); gfx_lines_draw(w,0, w,h); gfx_lines_draw(w,h, 0,h); gfx_lines_draw(0,h, 0,0); gfx_lines_end(); } } } if(inside) { ui_set_hot_item(editor_id); // do global operations like pan and zoom if(ui_active_item() == 0 && ui_mouse_button(0)) { start_wx = wx; start_wy = wy; start_mx = mx; start_my = my; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LALT)) { if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT)) operation = OP_PAN_EDITOR; else operation = OP_PAN_WORLD; ui_set_active_item(editor_id); } } // brush editing if(ui_hot_item() == editor_id) { if(brush.is_empty()) editor.tooltip = "Use left mouse button to drag and create a brush."; else editor.tooltip = "Use left mouse button to paint with the brush. Right button clears the brush."; if(ui_active_item() == editor_id) { RECT r; r.x = start_wx; r.y = start_wy; r.w = wx-start_wx; r.h = wy-start_wy; if(r.w < 0) { r.x += r.w; r.w = -r.w; } if(r.h < 0) { r.y += r.h; r.h = -r.h; } if(operation == OP_BRUSH_DRAW) { if(!brush.is_empty()) { // draw with brush for(int k = 0; k < num_edit_layers; k++) { if(edit_layers[k]->type == brush.layers[0]->type) edit_layers[k]->brush_draw(brush.layers[0], wx, wy); } } } else if(operation == OP_BRUSH_GRAB) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) { // grab brush dbg_msg("editor", "grabbing %f %f %f %f", r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); // TODO: do all layers int grabs = 0; for(int k = 0; k < num_edit_layers; k++) grabs += edit_layers[k]->brush_grab(&brush, r); if(grabs == 0) brush.clear(); } else { //editor.map.groups[selected_group]->mapscreen(); for(int k = 0; k < num_edit_layers; k++) edit_layers[k]->brush_selecting(r); gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); } } } else { if(ui_mouse_button(1)) brush.clear(); if(ui_mouse_button(0) && operation == OP_NONE) { ui_set_active_item(editor_id); if(brush.is_empty()) operation = OP_BRUSH_GRAB; else { operation = OP_BRUSH_DRAW; for(int k = 0; k < num_edit_layers; k++) { if(edit_layers[k]->type == brush.layers[0]->type) edit_layers[k]->brush_place(brush.layers[0], wx, wy); } } } if(!brush.is_empty()) { brush.offset_x = -(int)wx; brush.offset_y = -(int)wy; for(int i = 0; i < brush.layers.len(); i++) { if(brush.layers[i]->type == LAYERTYPE_TILES) { brush.offset_x = -(int)(wx/32.0f)*32; brush.offset_y = -(int)(wy/32.0f)*32; break; } } LAYERGROUP *g = editor.get_selected_group(); brush.offset_x += g->offset_x; brush.offset_y += g->offset_y; brush.parallax_x = g->parallax_x; brush.parallax_y = g->parallax_y; brush.render(); float w, h; brush.get_size(&w, &h); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_lines_begin(); gfx_lines_draw(0,0, w,0); gfx_lines_draw(w,0, w,h); gfx_lines_draw(w,h, 0,h); gfx_lines_draw(0,h, 0,0); gfx_lines_end(); } } } // quad editing { if(!show_picker && brush.is_empty()) { // fetch layers LAYERGROUP *g = editor.get_selected_group(); if(g) g->mapscreen(); for(int k = 0; k < num_edit_layers; k++) { if(edit_layers[k]->type == LAYERTYPE_QUADS) { LAYER_QUADS *layer = (LAYER_QUADS *)edit_layers[k]; gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); for(int i = 0; i < layer->quads.len(); i++) { for(int v = 0; v < 4; v++) do_quad_point(&layer->quads[i], i, v); do_quad(&layer->quads[i], i); } gfx_quads_end(); } } gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); } // do panning if(ui_active_item() == editor_id) { if(operation == OP_PAN_WORLD) { editor.world_offset_x -= editor.mouse_delta_x*editor.world_zoom; editor.world_offset_y -= editor.mouse_delta_y*editor.world_zoom; } else if(operation == OP_PAN_EDITOR) { editor.editor_offset_x -= editor.mouse_delta_x*editor.world_zoom; editor.editor_offset_y -= editor.mouse_delta_y*editor.world_zoom; } // release mouse if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) { operation = OP_NONE; ui_set_active_item(0); } } } } if(editor.get_selected_group() && editor.get_selected_group()->use_clipping) { LAYERGROUP *g = editor.map.game_group; g->mapscreen(); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_lines_begin(); RECT r; r.x = editor.get_selected_group()->clip_x; r.y = editor.get_selected_group()->clip_y; r.w = editor.get_selected_group()->clip_w; r.h = editor.get_selected_group()->clip_h; gfx_setcolor(1,0,0,1); gfx_lines_draw(r.x, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y); gfx_lines_draw(r.x+r.w, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h); gfx_lines_draw(r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, r.x, r.y+r.h); gfx_lines_draw(r.x, r.y+r.h, r.x, r.y); gfx_lines_end(); } // render screen sizes if(editor.proof_borders) { LAYERGROUP *g = editor.map.game_group; g->mapscreen(); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_lines_begin(); float last_points[4]; float start = 1.0f; //9.0f/16.0f; float end = 16.0f/9.0f; const int num_steps = 20; for(int i = 0; i <= num_steps; i++) { float points[4]; float aspect = start + (end-start)*(i/(float)num_steps); mapscreen_to_world( editor.world_offset_x, editor.world_offset_y, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, aspect, 1.0f, points); if(i == 0) { gfx_lines_draw(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[1]); gfx_lines_draw(points[0], points[3], points[2], points[3]); } if(i != 0) { gfx_lines_draw(points[0], points[1], last_points[0], last_points[1]); gfx_lines_draw(points[2], points[1], last_points[2], last_points[1]); gfx_lines_draw(points[0], points[3], last_points[0], last_points[3]); gfx_lines_draw(points[2], points[3], last_points[2], last_points[3]); } if(i == num_steps) { gfx_lines_draw(points[0], points[1], points[0], points[3]); gfx_lines_draw(points[2], points[1], points[2], points[3]); } mem_copy(last_points, points, sizeof(points)); } if(1) { gfx_setcolor(1,0,0,1); for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { float points[4]; float aspects[] = {4.0f/3.0f, 16.0f/10.0f, 5.0f/4.0f, 16.0f/9.0f}; float aspect = aspects[i]; mapscreen_to_world( editor.world_offset_x, editor.world_offset_y, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, aspect, 1.0f, points); RECT r; r.x = points[0]; r.y = points[1]; r.w = points[2]-points[0]; r.h = points[3]-points[1]; gfx_lines_draw(r.x, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y); gfx_lines_draw(r.x+r.w, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h); gfx_lines_draw(r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, r.x, r.y+r.h); gfx_lines_draw(r.x, r.y+r.h, r.x, r.y); gfx_setcolor(0,1,0,1); } } gfx_lines_end(); } gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); //ui_clip_disable(); } int EDITOR::do_properties(RECT *toolbox, PROPERTY *props, int *ids, int *new_val) { int change = -1; for(int i = 0; props[i].name; i++) { RECT slot; ui_hsplit_t(toolbox, 13.0f, &slot, toolbox); RECT label, shifter; ui_vsplit_mid(&slot, &label, &shifter); ui_hmargin(&shifter, 1.0f, &shifter); ui_do_label(&label, props[i].name, 10.0f, -1, -1); if(props[i].type == PROPTYPE_INT_STEP) { RECT inc, dec; char buf[64]; ui_vsplit_r(&shifter, 10.0f, &shifter, &inc); ui_vsplit_l(&shifter, 10.0f, &dec, &shifter); sprintf(buf, "%d", props[i].value); ui_draw_rect(&shifter, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), 0, 0.0f); ui_do_label(&shifter, buf, 10.0f, 0, -1); if(do_editor_button(&ids[i], 0, 0, &dec, draw_dec_button, 0, "Decrease")) { if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) *new_val = props[i].value-5; else *new_val = props[i].value-1; change = i; } if(do_editor_button(((char *)&ids[i])+1, 0, 0, &inc, draw_inc_button, 0, "Increase")) { if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) *new_val = props[i].value+5; else *new_val = props[i].value+1; change = i; } } else if(props[i].type == PROPTYPE_BOOL) { RECT no, yes; ui_vsplit_mid(&shifter, &no, &yes); if(do_editor_button(&ids[i], "No", !props[i].value, &no, draw_dec_button, 0, "")) { *new_val = 0; change = i; } if(do_editor_button(((char *)&ids[i])+1, "Yes", props[i].value, &yes, draw_inc_button, 0, "")) { *new_val = 1; change = i; } } else if(props[i].type == PROPTYPE_INT_SCROLL) { int new_value = ui_do_value_selector(&ids[i], &shifter, "", props[i].value, props[i].min, props[i].max, 1.0f); if(new_value != props[i].value) { *new_val = new_value; change = i; } } else if(props[i].type == PROPTYPE_COLOR) { static const char *texts[4] = {"R", "G", "B", "A"}; static int shift[] = {24, 16, 8, 0}; int new_color = 0; for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { int v = (props[i].value >> shift[c])&0xff; new_color |= ui_do_value_selector(((char *)&ids[i])+c, &shifter, texts[c], v, 0, 255, 1.0f)<name); if(do_editor_button(&ids[i], buf, 0, &shifter, draw_editor_button, 0, 0)) popup_select_image_invoke(props[i].value, ui_mouse_x(), ui_mouse_y()); int r = popup_select_image_result(); if(r >= -1) { *new_val = r; change = i; } } } return change; } static void render_layers(RECT toolbox, RECT toolbar, RECT view) { RECT layersbox = toolbox; if(!editor.gui_active) return; RECT slot, button; char buf[64]; int valid_group = 0; int valid_layer = 0; if(editor.selected_group >= 0 && editor.selected_group < editor.map.groups.len()) valid_group = 1; if(valid_group && editor.selected_layer >= 0 && editor.selected_layer < editor.map.groups[editor.selected_group]->layers.len()) valid_layer = 1; // render layers { for(int g = 0; g < editor.map.groups.len(); g++) { RECT visible_toggle; ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 12.0f, &slot, &layersbox); ui_vsplit_l(&slot, 12, &visible_toggle, &slot); if(do_editor_button(&editor.map.groups[g]->visible, editor.map.groups[g]->visible?"V":"H", 0, &visible_toggle, draw_editor_button_l, 0, "Toggle group visibility")) editor.map.groups[g]->visible = !editor.map.groups[g]->visible; sprintf(buf, "#%d %s", g, editor.map.groups[g]->name); if(int result = do_editor_button(&editor.map.groups[g], buf, g==editor.selected_group, &slot, draw_editor_button_r, BUTTON_CONTEXT, "Select group. Right click for properties.")) { editor.selected_group = g; editor.selected_layer = 0; static int group_popup_id = 0; if(result == 2) ui_invoke_popup_menu(&group_popup_id, 0, ui_mouse_x(), ui_mouse_y(), 120, 200, popup_group); } ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 2.0f, &slot, &layersbox); for(int i = 0; i < editor.map.groups[g]->layers.len(); i++) { //visible ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 12.0f, &slot, &layersbox); ui_vsplit_l(&slot, 12.0f, 0, &button); ui_vsplit_l(&button, 15, &visible_toggle, &button); if(do_editor_button(&editor.map.groups[g]->layers[i]->visible, editor.map.groups[g]->layers[i]->visible?"V":"H", 0, &visible_toggle, draw_editor_button_l, 0, "Toggle layer visibility")) editor.map.groups[g]->layers[i]->visible = !editor.map.groups[g]->layers[i]->visible; sprintf(buf, "#%d %s ", i, editor.map.groups[g]->layers[i]->type_name); if(int result = do_editor_button(editor.map.groups[g]->layers[i], buf, g==editor.selected_group&&i==editor.selected_layer, &button, draw_editor_button_r, BUTTON_CONTEXT, "Select layer. Right click for properties.")) { editor.selected_layer = i; editor.selected_group = g; static int layer_popup_id = 0; if(result == 2) ui_invoke_popup_menu(&layer_popup_id, 0, ui_mouse_x(), ui_mouse_y(), 120, 150, popup_layer); } ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 2.0f, &slot, &layersbox); } ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 5.0f, &slot, &layersbox); } } { ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 12.0f, &slot, &layersbox); static int new_group_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&new_group_button, "Add Group", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button, 0, "Adds a new group")) { editor.map.new_group(); editor.selected_group = editor.map.groups.len()-1; } } ui_hsplit_t(&layersbox, 5.0f, &slot, &layersbox); } static void extract_name(const char *filename, char *name) { int len = strlen(filename); int start = len; int end = len; while(start > 0) { start--; if(filename[start] == '/' || filename[start] == '\\') { start++; break; } } end = start; for(int i = start; i < len; i++) { if(filename[i] == '.') end = i; } if(end == start) end = len; int final_len = end-start; mem_copy(name, &filename[start], final_len); name[final_len] = 0; dbg_msg("", "%s %s %d %d", filename, name, start, end); } static void replace_image(const char *filename) { EDITOR_IMAGE imginfo; if(!gfx_load_png(&imginfo, filename)) return; EDITOR_IMAGE *img = editor.map.images[editor.selected_image]; gfx_unload_texture(img->tex_id); *img = imginfo; extract_name(filename, img->name); img->tex_id = gfx_load_texture_raw(imginfo.width, imginfo.height, imginfo.format, imginfo.data, IMG_AUTO, 0); } static void add_image(const char *filename) { EDITOR_IMAGE imginfo; if(!gfx_load_png(&imginfo, filename)) return; EDITOR_IMAGE *img = new EDITOR_IMAGE; *img = imginfo; img->tex_id = gfx_load_texture_raw(imginfo.width, imginfo.height, imginfo.format, imginfo.data, IMG_AUTO, 0); img->external = 1; // external by default extract_name(filename, img->name); editor.map.images.add(img); } static int modify_index_deleted_index; static void modify_index_deleted(int *index) { if(*index == modify_index_deleted_index) *index = -1; else if(*index > modify_index_deleted_index) *index = *index - 1; } static int popup_image(RECT view) { static int replace_button = 0; static int remove_button = 0; RECT slot; ui_hsplit_t(&view, 2.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); EDITOR_IMAGE *img = editor.map.images[editor.selected_image]; static int external_button = 0; if(img->external) { if(do_editor_button(&external_button, "Embedd", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Embedds the image into the map file.")) { img->external = 0; return 1; } } else { if(do_editor_button(&external_button, "Make external", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Removes the image from the map file.")) { img->external = 1; return 1; } } ui_hsplit_t(&view, 10.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&replace_button, "Replace", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Replaces the image with a new one")) { editor.invoke_file_dialog("Replace Image", "Replace", "mapres/", "", replace_image); return 1; } ui_hsplit_t(&view, 10.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&remove_button, "Remove", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Removes the image from the map")) { delete img; editor.map.images.removebyindex(editor.selected_image); modify_index_deleted_index = editor.selected_image; editor.map.modify_image_index(modify_index_deleted); return 1; } return 0; } static void render_images(RECT toolbox, RECT toolbar, RECT view) { for(int e = 0; e < 2; e++) // two passes, first embedded, then external { RECT slot; ui_hsplit_t(&toolbox, 15.0f, &slot, &toolbox); if(e == 0) ui_do_label(&slot, "Embedded", 12.0f, 0); else ui_do_label(&slot, "External", 12.0f, 0); for(int i = 0; i < editor.map.images.len(); i++) { if((e && !editor.map.images[i]->external) || (!e && editor.map.images[i]->external)) { continue; } char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "%s", editor.map.images[i]->name); ui_hsplit_t(&toolbox, 12.0f, &slot, &toolbox); if(int result = do_editor_button(&editor.map.images[i], buf, editor.selected_image == i, &slot, draw_editor_button, BUTTON_CONTEXT, "Select image")) { editor.selected_image = i; static int popup_image_id = 0; if(result == 2) ui_invoke_popup_menu(&popup_image_id, 0, ui_mouse_x(), ui_mouse_y(), 120, 80, popup_image); } ui_hsplit_t(&toolbox, 2.0f, 0, &toolbox); // render image if(editor.selected_image == i) { RECT r; ui_margin(&view, 10.0f, &r); if(r.h < r.w) r.w = r.h; else r.h = r.w; gfx_texture_set(editor.map.images[i]->tex_id); gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_quads_drawTL(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h); gfx_quads_end(); } } } RECT slot; ui_hsplit_t(&toolbox, 5.0f, &slot, &toolbox); // new image static int new_image_button = 0; ui_hsplit_t(&toolbox, 10.0f, &slot, &toolbox); ui_hsplit_t(&toolbox, 12.0f, &slot, &toolbox); if(do_editor_button(&new_image_button, "Add", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button, 0, "Load a new image to use in the map")) editor.invoke_file_dialog("Add Image", "Add", "mapres/", "", add_image); } static const char *file_dialog_title = 0; static const char *file_dialog_button_text = 0; static void (*file_dialog_func)(const char *filename); static char file_dialog_filename[512] = {0}; static char file_dialog_path[512] = {0}; static char file_dialog_complete_filename[512] = {0}; static void editor_listdir_callback(const char *name, int is_dir, void *user) { if(name[0] == '.' || is_dir) // skip this shit! return; RECT *view = (RECT *)user; RECT button; ui_hsplit_t(view, 15.0f, &button, view); ui_hsplit_t(view, 2.0f, 0, view); //char buf[512]; if(do_editor_button((void*)(10+(int)button.y), name, 0, &button, draw_editor_button_file, 0, 0)) { strncpy(file_dialog_filename, name, sizeof(file_dialog_filename)); file_dialog_complete_filename[0] = 0; strcat(file_dialog_complete_filename, file_dialog_path); strcat(file_dialog_complete_filename, file_dialog_filename); if(inp_mouse_doubleclick()) { if(file_dialog_func) file_dialog_func(file_dialog_complete_filename); editor.dialog = DIALOG_NONE; } } } static void render_file_dialog() { // GUI coordsys gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); RECT view = *ui_screen(); ui_draw_rect(&view, vec4(0,0,0,0.25f), 0, 0); ui_vmargin(&view, 150.0f, &view); ui_hmargin(&view, 50.0f, &view); ui_draw_rect(&view, vec4(0,0,0,0.75f), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_margin(&view, 10.0f, &view); RECT title, filebox, filebox_label, buttonbar; ui_hsplit_t(&view, 18.0f, &title, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 5.0f, 0, &view); // some spacing ui_hsplit_b(&view, 14.0f, &view, &buttonbar); ui_hsplit_b(&view, 10.0f, &view, 0); // some spacing ui_hsplit_b(&view, 14.0f, &view, &filebox); ui_vsplit_l(&filebox, 50.0f, &filebox_label, &filebox); // title ui_draw_rect(&title, vec4(1,1,1,0.25f), CORNER_ALL, 5.0f); ui_vmargin(&title, 10.0f, &title); ui_do_label(&title, file_dialog_title, 14.0f, -1, -1); // filebox ui_do_label(&filebox_label, "Filename:", 10.0f, -1, -1); static int filebox_id = 0; ui_do_edit_box(&filebox_id, &filebox, file_dialog_filename, sizeof(file_dialog_filename), 10.0f); file_dialog_complete_filename[0] = 0; strcat(file_dialog_complete_filename, file_dialog_path); strcat(file_dialog_complete_filename, file_dialog_filename); // the list fs_listdir(file_dialog_path, editor_listdir_callback, &view); // the buttons static int ok_button = 0; static int cancel_button = 0; RECT button; ui_vsplit_r(&buttonbar, 50.0f, &buttonbar, &button); if(do_editor_button(&ok_button, file_dialog_button_text, 0, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, 0)) { if(file_dialog_func) file_dialog_func(file_dialog_complete_filename); editor.dialog = DIALOG_NONE; } ui_vsplit_r(&buttonbar, 40.0f, &buttonbar, &button); ui_vsplit_r(&buttonbar, 50.0f, &buttonbar, &button); if(do_editor_button(&cancel_button, "Cancel", 0, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, 0) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_ESC)) editor.dialog = DIALOG_NONE; } void EDITOR::invoke_file_dialog(const char *title, const char *button_text, const char *basepath, const char *default_name, void (*func)(const char *filename)) { file_dialog_title = title; file_dialog_button_text = button_text; file_dialog_func = func; file_dialog_filename[0] = 0; file_dialog_path[0] = 0; if(default_name) strncpy(file_dialog_filename, default_name, sizeof(file_dialog_filename)); if(basepath) strncpy(file_dialog_path, basepath, sizeof(file_dialog_path)); editor.dialog = DIALOG_FILE; } static void render_modebar(RECT view) { RECT button; // mode buttons { ui_vsplit_l(&view, 40.0f, &button, &view); static int tile_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&tile_button, "Layers", editor.mode == MODE_LAYERS, &button, draw_editor_button_m, 0, "Switch to edit layers.")) editor.mode = MODE_LAYERS; ui_vsplit_l(&view, 40.0f, &button, &view); static int img_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&img_button, "Images", editor.mode == MODE_IMAGES, &button, draw_editor_button_r, 0, "Switch to manage images.")) editor.mode = MODE_IMAGES; } ui_vsplit_l(&view, 5.0f, 0, &view); // spacing //ui_vsplit_l(&view, 10.0f, 0, &view); } static void render_statusbar(RECT view) { RECT button; ui_vsplit_r(&view, 60.0f, &view, &button); static int envelope_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&envelope_button, "Envelopes", editor.show_envelope_editor, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "Toggles the envelope editor.")) editor.show_envelope_editor = (editor.show_envelope_editor+1)%4; if(editor.tooltip) { if(ui_got_context && ui_got_context == ui_hot_item()) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%s Right click for context menu.", editor.tooltip); ui_do_label(&view, buf, 10.0f, -1, -1); } else ui_do_label(&view, editor.tooltip, 10.0f, -1, -1); } } static void render_envelopeeditor(RECT view) { if(editor.selected_envelope < 0) editor.selected_envelope = 0; if(editor.selected_envelope >= editor.map.envelopes.len()) editor.selected_envelope--; ENVELOPE *envelope = 0; if(editor.selected_envelope >= 0 && editor.selected_envelope < editor.map.envelopes.len()) envelope = editor.map.envelopes[editor.selected_envelope]; bool show_colorbar = false; if(envelope && envelope->channels == 4) show_colorbar = true; RECT toolbar, curvebar, colorbar; ui_hsplit_t(&view, 15.0f, &toolbar, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 15.0f, &curvebar, &view); ui_margin(&toolbar, 2.0f, &toolbar); ui_margin(&curvebar, 2.0f, &curvebar); if(show_colorbar) { ui_hsplit_t(&view, 20.0f, &colorbar, &view); ui_margin(&colorbar, 2.0f, &colorbar); render_background(colorbar, checker_texture, 16.0f, 1.0f); } render_background(view, checker_texture, 32.0f, 0.1f); // do the toolbar { RECT button; ENVELOPE *new_env = 0; ui_vsplit_r(&toolbar, 50.0f, &toolbar, &button); static int new_4d_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&new_4d_button, "Color+", 0, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "Creates a new color envelope")) new_env = editor.map.new_envelope(4); ui_vsplit_r(&toolbar, 5.0f, &toolbar, &button); ui_vsplit_r(&toolbar, 50.0f, &toolbar, &button); static int new_2d_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&new_2d_button, "Pos.+", 0, &button, draw_editor_button, 0, "Creates a new pos envelope")) new_env = editor.map.new_envelope(3); if(new_env) // add the default points { if(new_env->channels == 4) { new_env->add_point(0, 1,1,1,1); new_env->add_point(1000, 1,1,1,1); } else { new_env->add_point(0, 0); new_env->add_point(1000, 0); } } RECT shifter, inc, dec; ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 60.0f, &shifter, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_r(&shifter, 15.0f, &shifter, &inc); ui_vsplit_l(&shifter, 15.0f, &dec, &shifter); char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%d/%d", editor.selected_envelope+1, editor.map.envelopes.len()); ui_draw_rect(&shifter, vec4(1,1,1,0.5f), 0, 0.0f); ui_do_label(&shifter, buf, 10.0f, 0, -1); static int prev_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&prev_button, 0, 0, &dec, draw_dec_button, 0, "Previous Envelope")) editor.selected_envelope--; static int next_button = 0; if(do_editor_button(&next_button, 0, 0, &inc, draw_inc_button, 0, "Next Envelope")) editor.selected_envelope++; if(envelope) { ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 15.0f, &button, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 35.0f, &button, &toolbar); ui_do_label(&button, "Name:", 10.0f, -1, -1); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 80.0f, &button, &toolbar); static int name_box = 0; ui_do_edit_box(&name_box, &button, envelope->name, sizeof(envelope->name), 10.0f); } } if(envelope) { static array selection; static int envelope_editor_id = 0; static int active_channels = 0xf; if(envelope) { RECT button; ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 15.0f, &button, &toolbar); static const char *names[4][4] = { {"X", "", "", ""}, {"X", "Y", "", ""}, {"X", "Y", "R", ""}, {"R", "G", "B", "A"}, }; static int channel_buttons[4] = {0}; int bit = 1; ui_draw_button_func draw_func; for(int i = 0; i < envelope->channels; i++, bit<<=1) { ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 15.0f, &button, &toolbar); if(i == 0) draw_func = draw_editor_button_l; else if(i == envelope->channels-1) draw_func = draw_editor_button_r; else draw_func = draw_editor_button_m; if(do_editor_button(&channel_buttons[i], names[envelope->channels-1][i], active_channels&bit, &button, draw_func, 0, 0)) active_channels ^= bit; } } float end_time = envelope->end_time(); if(end_time < 1) end_time = 1; envelope->find_top_bottom(active_channels); float top = envelope->top; float bottom = envelope->bottom; if(top < 1) top = 1; if(bottom >= 0) bottom = 0; float timescale = end_time/view.w; float valuescale = (top-bottom)/view.h; if(ui_mouse_inside(&view)) ui_set_hot_item(&envelope_editor_id); if(ui_hot_item() == &envelope_editor_id) { // do stuff if(envelope) { if(ui_mouse_button_clicked(1)) { // add point int time = (int)(((ui_mouse_x()-view.x)*timescale)*1000.0f); //float env_y = (ui_mouse_y()-view.y)/timescale; float channels[4]; envelope->eval(time, channels); envelope->add_point(time, f2fx(channels[0]), f2fx(channels[1]), f2fx(channels[2]), f2fx(channels[3])); } editor.tooltip = "Press right mouse button to create a new point"; } } vec3 colors[] = {vec3(1,0.2f,0.2f), vec3(0.2f,1,0.2f), vec3(0.2f,0.2f,1), vec3(1,1,0.2f)}; // render lines { ui_clip_enable(&view); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_lines_begin(); for(int c = 0; c < envelope->channels; c++) { if(active_channels&(1<eval(0.000001f, results); float prev_value = results[c]; int steps = (int)((view.w/ui_screen()->w) * gfx_screenwidth()); for(int i = 1; i <= steps; i++) { float a = i/(float)steps; envelope->eval(a*end_time, results); float v = results[c]; v = (v-bottom)/(top-bottom); gfx_lines_draw(view.x + prev_x*view.w, view.y+view.h - prev_value*view.h, view.x + a*view.w, view.y+view.h - v*view.h); prev_x = a; prev_value = v; } } gfx_lines_end(); ui_clip_disable(); } // render curve options { for(int i = 0; i < envelope->points.len()-1; i++) { float t0 = envelope->points[i].time/1000.0f/end_time; float t1 = envelope->points[i+1].time/1000.0f/end_time; //dbg_msg("", "%f", end_time); RECT v; v.x = curvebar.x + (t0+(t1-t0)*0.5f) * curvebar.w; v.y = curvebar.y; v.h = curvebar.h; v.w = curvebar.h; v.x -= v.w/2; void *id = &envelope->points[i].curvetype; const char *type_name[] = { "N", "L", "S", "F", "M" }; if(do_editor_button(id, type_name[envelope->points[i].curvetype], 0, &v, draw_editor_button, 0, "Switch curve type")) envelope->points[i].curvetype = (envelope->points[i].curvetype+1)%NUM_CURVETYPES; } } // render colorbar if(show_colorbar) { gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); for(int i = 0; i < envelope->points.len()-1; i++) { float r0 = fx2f(envelope->points[i].values[0]); float g0 = fx2f(envelope->points[i].values[1]); float b0 = fx2f(envelope->points[i].values[2]); float a0 = fx2f(envelope->points[i].values[3]); float r1 = fx2f(envelope->points[i+1].values[0]); float g1 = fx2f(envelope->points[i+1].values[1]); float b1 = fx2f(envelope->points[i+1].values[2]); float a1 = fx2f(envelope->points[i+1].values[3]); gfx_setcolorvertex(0, r0, g0, b0, a0); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, r1, g1, b1, a1); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, r1, g1, b1, a1); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, r0, g0, b0, a0); float x0 = envelope->points[i].time/1000.0f/end_time; // float y0 = (fx2f(envelope->points[i].values[c])-bottom)/(top-bottom); float x1 = envelope->points[i+1].time/1000.0f/end_time; //float y1 = (fx2f(envelope->points[i+1].values[c])-bottom)/(top-bottom); RECT v; v.x = colorbar.x + x0*colorbar.w; v.y = colorbar.y; v.w = (x1-x0)*colorbar.w; v.h = colorbar.h; gfx_quads_drawTL(v.x, v.y, v.w, v.h); } gfx_quads_end(); } // render handles { static bool move = false; int current_value = 0, current_time = 0; gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_quads_begin(); for(int c = 0; c < envelope->channels; c++) { if(!(active_channels&(1<points.len(); i++) { float x0 = envelope->points[i].time/1000.0f/end_time; float y0 = (fx2f(envelope->points[i].values[c])-bottom)/(top-bottom); RECT final; final.x = view.x + x0*view.w; final.y = view.y+view.h - y0*view.h; final.x -= 2.0f; final.y -= 2.0f; final.w = 4.0f; final.h = 4.0f; void *id = &envelope->points[i].values[c]; if(ui_mouse_inside(&final)) ui_set_hot_item(id); float colormod = 1.0f; if(ui_active_item() == id) { if(!ui_mouse_button(0)) { ui_set_active_item(0); move = false; } else { envelope->points[i].values[c] -= f2fx(editor.mouse_delta_y*valuescale); if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_LSHIFT) || inp_key_pressed(KEY_RSHIFT)) { if(i != 0) { envelope->points[i].time += (int)((editor.mouse_delta_x*timescale)*1000.0f); if(envelope->points[i].time < envelope->points[i-1].time) envelope->points[i].time = envelope->points[i-1].time + 1; if(i+1 != envelope->points.len() && envelope->points[i].time > envelope->points[i+1].time) envelope->points[i].time = envelope->points[i+1].time - 1; } } } colormod = 100.0f; gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,1); } else if(ui_hot_item() == id) { if(ui_mouse_button(0)) { selection.clear(); selection.add(i); ui_set_active_item(id); } // remove point if(ui_mouse_button_clicked(1)) envelope->points.removebyindex(i); colormod = 100.0f; gfx_setcolor(1,0.75f,0.75f,1); editor.tooltip = "Left mouse to drag. Hold shift to alter time point aswell. Right click to delete."; } if(ui_active_item() == id || ui_hot_item() == id) { current_time = envelope->points[i].time; current_value = envelope->points[i].values[c]; } gfx_setcolor(colors[c].r*colormod, colors[c].g*colormod, colors[c].b*colormod, 1.0f); gfx_quads_drawTL(final.x, final.y, final.w, final.h); } } gfx_quads_end(); char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%.3f %.3f", current_time/1000.0f, fx2f(current_value)); ui_do_label(&toolbar, buf, 10.0f, 0, -1); } } } static int popup_menu_file(RECT view) { static int new_map_button = 0; static int save_button = 0; static int save_as_button = 0; static int open_button = 0; static int append_button = 0; RECT slot; ui_hsplit_t(&view, 2.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&new_map_button, "New", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Creates a new map")) { editor.reset(); return 1; } ui_hsplit_t(&view, 10.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&open_button, "Open", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Opens a map for editing")) { editor.invoke_file_dialog("Open Map", "Open", "maps/", "", callback_open_map); return 1; } ui_hsplit_t(&view, 10.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&append_button, "Append", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Opens a map and adds everything from that map to the current one")) { editor.invoke_file_dialog("Append Map", "Append", "maps/", "", callback_append_map); return 1; } ui_hsplit_t(&view, 10.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&save_button, "Save (NOT IMPL)", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Saves the current map")) { return 1; } ui_hsplit_t(&view, 2.0f, &slot, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 12.0f, &slot, &view); if(do_editor_button(&save_as_button, "Save As", 0, &slot, draw_editor_button_menuitem, 0, "Saves the current map under a new name")) { editor.invoke_file_dialog("Save Map", "Save", "maps/", "", callback_save_map); return 1; } return 0; } static void render_menubar(RECT menubar) { static RECT file /*, view, help*/; ui_vsplit_l(&menubar, 60.0f, &file, &menubar); if(do_editor_button(&file, "File", 0, &file, draw_editor_button_menu, 0, 0)) ui_invoke_popup_menu(&file, 1, file.x, file.y+file.h-1.0f, 120, 150, popup_menu_file); /* ui_vsplit_l(&menubar, 5.0f, 0, &menubar); ui_vsplit_l(&menubar, 60.0f, &view, &menubar); if(do_editor_button(&view, "View", 0, &view, draw_editor_button_menu, 0, 0)) (void)0; ui_vsplit_l(&menubar, 5.0f, 0, &menubar); ui_vsplit_l(&menubar, 60.0f, &help, &menubar); if(do_editor_button(&help, "Help", 0, &help, draw_editor_button_menu, 0, 0)) (void)0; */ } void EDITOR::render() { // basic start gfx_clear(1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); RECT view = *ui_screen(); gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); // reset tip editor.tooltip = 0; // render checker render_background(view, checker_texture, 32.0f, 1.0f); RECT menubar, modebar, toolbar, statusbar, envelope_editor, toolbox; if(editor.gui_active) { ui_hsplit_t(&view, 16.0f, &menubar, &view); ui_vsplit_l(&view, 80.0f, &toolbox, &view); ui_hsplit_t(&view, 16.0f, &toolbar, &view); ui_hsplit_b(&view, 16.0f, &view, &statusbar); if(editor.show_envelope_editor) { float size = 125.0f; if(editor.show_envelope_editor == 2) size *= 2.0f; else if(editor.show_envelope_editor == 3) size *= 3.0f; ui_hsplit_b(&view, size, &view, &envelope_editor); } } // a little hack for now if(editor.mode == MODE_LAYERS) do_map_editor(view, toolbar); if(editor.gui_active) { float brightness = 0.25f; render_background(menubar, background_texture, 128.0f, brightness*0); ui_margin(&menubar, 2.0f, &menubar); render_background(toolbox, background_texture, 128.0f, brightness); ui_margin(&toolbox, 2.0f, &toolbox); render_background(toolbar, background_texture, 128.0f, brightness); ui_margin(&toolbar, 2.0f, &toolbar); ui_vsplit_l(&toolbar, 150.0f, &modebar, &toolbar); render_background(statusbar, background_texture, 128.0f, brightness); ui_margin(&statusbar, 2.0f, &statusbar); // do the toolbar if(editor.mode == MODE_LAYERS) do_toolbar(toolbar); if(editor.show_envelope_editor) { render_background(envelope_editor, background_texture, 128.0f, brightness); ui_margin(&envelope_editor, 2.0f, &envelope_editor); } } if(editor.mode == MODE_LAYERS) render_layers(toolbox, toolbar, view); else if(editor.mode == MODE_IMAGES) render_images(toolbox, toolbar, view); gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); if(editor.gui_active) { render_menubar(menubar); render_modebar(modebar); if(editor.show_envelope_editor) render_envelopeeditor(envelope_editor); } if(editor.dialog == DIALOG_FILE) { static int null_ui_target = 0; ui_set_hot_item(&null_ui_target); render_file_dialog(); } ui_do_popup_menu(); if(editor.gui_active) render_statusbar(statusbar); // if(config.ed_showkeys) { gfx_mapscreen(ui_screen()->x, ui_screen()->y, ui_screen()->w, ui_screen()->h); TEXT_CURSOR cursor; gfx_text_set_cursor(&cursor, view.x+10, view.y+view.h-24-10, 24.0f, TEXTFLAG_RENDER); int nkeys = 0; for(int i = 0; i < KEY_LAST; i++) { if(inp_key_pressed(i)) { if(nkeys) gfx_text_ex(&cursor, " + ", -1); gfx_text_ex(&cursor, inp_key_name(i), -1); nkeys++; } } } if (editor.show_mouse_pointer) { // render butt ugly mouse cursor float mx = ui_mouse_x(); float my = ui_mouse_y(); gfx_texture_set(cursor_texture); gfx_quads_begin(); if(ui_got_context == ui_hot_item()) gfx_setcolor(1,0,0,1); gfx_quads_drawTL(mx,my, 16.0f, 16.0f); gfx_quads_end(); } } void EDITOR::reset(bool create_default) { editor.map.clean(); // create default layers if(create_default) editor.map.create_default(entities_texture); /* { }*/ selected_layer = 0; selected_group = 0; selected_quad = -1; selected_points = 0; selected_envelope = 0; selected_image = 0; } void MAP::make_game_layer(LAYER *layer) { game_layer = (LAYER_GAME *)layer; game_layer->tex_id = entities_texture; } void MAP::make_game_group(LAYERGROUP *group) { game_group = group; game_group->game_group = true; game_group->name = "Game"; } void MAP::clean() { groups.deleteall(); envelopes.deleteall(); images.deleteall(); game_layer = 0x0; game_group = 0x0; } void MAP::create_default(int entities_texture) { make_game_group(new_group()); make_game_layer(new LAYER_GAME(50, 50)); game_group->add_layer(game_layer); } extern "C" void editor_init() { checker_texture = gfx_load_texture("editor/checker.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); background_texture = gfx_load_texture("editor/background.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); cursor_texture = gfx_load_texture("editor/cursor.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); entities_texture = gfx_load_texture("editor/entities.png", IMG_AUTO, 0); tileset_picker.make_palette(); tileset_picker.readonly = true; editor.reset(); } extern "C" void editor_update_and_render() { static int mouse_x = 0; static int mouse_y = 0; if(editor.animate) editor.animate_time = (time_get()-editor.animate_start)/(float)time_freq(); else editor.animate_time = 0; ui_got_context = 0; // handle mouse movement float mx, my, mwx, mwy; int rx, ry; { inp_mouse_relative(&rx, &ry); editor.mouse_delta_x = rx; editor.mouse_delta_y = ry; if(!editor.lock_mouse) { mouse_x += rx; mouse_y += ry; } if(mouse_x < 0) mouse_x = 0; if(mouse_y < 0) mouse_y = 0; if(mouse_x > ui_screen()->w) mouse_x = (int)ui_screen()->w; if(mouse_y > ui_screen()->h) mouse_y = (int)ui_screen()->h; // update the ui mx = mouse_x; my = mouse_y; mwx = 0; mwy = 0; // fix correct world x and y LAYERGROUP *g = editor.get_selected_group(); if(g) { float points[4]; g->mapping(points); float world_width = points[2]-points[0]; float world_height = points[3]-points[1]; mwx = points[0] + world_width * (mouse_x/ui_screen()->w); mwy = points[1] + world_height * (mouse_y/ui_screen()->h); editor.mouse_delta_wx = editor.mouse_delta_x*(world_width / ui_screen()->w); editor.mouse_delta_wy = editor.mouse_delta_y*(world_height / ui_screen()->h); } int buttons = 0; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_MOUSE_1)) buttons |= 1; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_MOUSE_2)) buttons |= 2; if(inp_key_pressed(KEY_MOUSE_3)) buttons |= 4; ui_update(mx,my,mwx,mwy,buttons); } // toggle gui if(inp_key_down(KEY_TAB)) editor.gui_active = !editor.gui_active; if(inp_key_down(KEY_F5)) editor.save("maps/debug_test2.map"); if(inp_key_down(KEY_F6)) editor.load("maps/debug_test2.map"); if(inp_key_down(KEY_F8)) editor.load("maps/debug_test.map"); if(inp_key_down(KEY_F10)) editor.show_mouse_pointer = false; editor.render(); if(inp_key_down(KEY_F10)) { gfx_screenshot(); editor.show_mouse_pointer = true; } inp_clear_events(); }