/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "jobs.h" IJob::IJob() : m_Status(STATE_PENDING) { } IJob::IJob(const IJob &Other) : m_Status(STATE_PENDING) { } IJob &IJob::operator=(const IJob &Other) { m_Status = STATE_PENDING; return *this; } IJob::~IJob() { } int IJob::Status() { return m_Status.load(); } CJobPool::CJobPool() { // empty the pool m_NumThreads = 0; m_Shutdown = false; m_Lock = lock_create(); sphore_init(&m_Semaphore); m_pFirstJob = 0; m_pLastJob = 0; } CJobPool::~CJobPool() { m_Shutdown = true; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumThreads; i++) sphore_signal(&m_Semaphore); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumThreads; i++) thread_wait(m_apThreads[i]); lock_destroy(m_Lock); sphore_destroy(&m_Semaphore); } void CJobPool::WorkerThread(void *pUser) { CJobPool *pPool = (CJobPool *)pUser; while(!pPool->m_Shutdown) { std::shared_ptr pJob = 0; // fetch job from queue sphore_wait(&pPool->m_Semaphore); lock_wait(pPool->m_Lock); if(pPool->m_pFirstJob) { pJob = pPool->m_pFirstJob; pPool->m_pFirstJob = pPool->m_pFirstJob->m_pNext; if(!pPool->m_pFirstJob) pPool->m_pLastJob = 0; } lock_unlock(pPool->m_Lock); // do the job if we have one if(pJob) { pJob->m_Status = IJob::STATE_RUNNING; pJob->Run(); pJob->m_Status = IJob::STATE_DONE; } } } void CJobPool::Init(int NumThreads) { // start threads m_NumThreads = NumThreads > MAX_THREADS ? MAX_THREADS : NumThreads; for(int i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++) m_apThreads[i] = thread_init(WorkerThread, this); } void CJobPool::Add(std::shared_ptr pJob) { lock_wait(m_Lock); // add job to queue if(m_pLastJob) m_pLastJob->m_pNext = pJob; m_pLastJob = std::move(pJob); if(!m_pFirstJob) m_pFirstJob = m_pLastJob; lock_unlock(m_Lock); sphore_signal(&m_Semaphore); }