##### authors ##### #originally created by: # Watz #modified by: # ##### /authors ##### ##### translated strings ##### %ds left == %d сек. %i minute left == %i мин. %i minutes left == %i мин. %i second left == %i сек. %i seconds left == %i сек. %s wins! == %s çĕнтерчĕ! -Page %d- == -Страница %d- Abort == Каялла Add == Хуш Add Friend == Юлташа хуш Address == Адрес All == Пурте Are you sure that you want to quit? == Эсир тухасшăн-и? Automatically record demos == Демосене автоматикăла çыр Automatically take game over screenshot == Вăйăн пайта çут-ӳкерчĕк ту Blue team == Кăвак ушкăн Blue team wins! == Кăвак ушкăн çĕнтерчĕ! Body == Ӳт Call vote == Сасăла Change settings == Йĕркелӳсене урăхлатма Chat == Калаçу Clan == Кланĕ Client == Клиент Connecting to == Çыхăну Connection Problems... == Çыхăну проблемасем Console == Консоль Controls == Пăхăнтару Count players only == Çынсене анчах шутлама Current == Хальхи Custom colors == Усă кураканăн тĕсĕсем Delete == Шăлса тасатма Delete demo == Демо шăлса тасатма Demo details == Демо тĕплĕсем Demofile: %s == Демо: %s Demos == Демосем Disconnect == Çыхăну чарма Disconnected == Çыхăну чарăнчĕ Downloading map == Карта илӳ Draw! == Никам та çĕнтермерĕ! Dynamic Camera == Куçакан камера Emoticon == Кăмăл-туйăмсем Error == Йăнăш Error loading demo == Демо илĕвĕн йăнăш Favorite == Суйланни Favorites == Суйланнисем Feet == Урасем Filter == Фильтр Fire == Пĕрӳ Folder == Папка Force vote == Вăйлăт Free-View == Ирĕклĕ обзор Friends == Юлташсем Fullscreen == Тулли экран Game == Вăйă Game info == Вăйă пĕлтерӳ Game over == Вăйа вĕçленчĕ Game type == Вăйăн тĕс Game types: == Вăйăн тĕсĕсем General == Тĕп Graphics == Ӳкерӳ Grenade == Гранатомёт Hammer == Мăлатук Has people playing == Вылякан пур High Detail == Лайăх ӳкерӳ Hook == Çекĕл Invalid Demo == Тĕрĕс мар демо Join blue == Кăваксемпе! Join red == Хĕрлĕсемпе! Jump == Сик Kick player == Вылякана бан Language == Чĕлхе MOTD == MOTD Map == Карта Move left == Сулахаялла Move player to spectators == Пăхакансем çине куçарма Move right == Сылтăмалла Movement == Куçăм Mute when not active == Тивмен чух сасăна шăплантар Name == Ят Next weapon == Тепĕр хĕç-пăшал Nickname == Ят No == Çук No password == Вăрттăн сăмахсăр No servers found == Серверсем çук No servers match your filter criteria == Фильтр майлă серверсем çук Ok == Çапла Open == Уçма Parent Folder == Аслă каталог Password == Вăрттăн сăмах Password incorrect == Тĕрĕс мар вăрттăн сăмах Ping == Пинг Pistol == Пистолет [Demo browser] Play == Пăхма Play background music == Кĕвви Player == Вылякан Player country: == Çĕршыв: Player options == Опцисем Players == Çынсем Please balance teams! == Вылякан ушкăнĕсене шайлаштар! Prev. weapon == Малтанхи хĕç-пăшал Quit == Туху Reason: == Сăлтав: Red team == Хĕрлĕ ушкăн Red team wins! == Хĕрлĕ ушкăн çĕнтерчĕ! Refresh == Каллех вула Remote console == Сервер консолĕ Remove == Тасат Remove friend == Юлташа тасат Rename == Çĕнĕ ят Rename demo == Демо çĕнĕ ят Reset filter == Фильтрсене тасат Score == Паллă Score limit == Паллă лимичĕ Scoreboard == Паллăсен хăмми Screenshot == Экран ӳкерӳ Server address: == Сервер адресĕ Server details == Сервер тĕплĕсем Server filter == Серверсен фильтр Server info == Пĕлтерӳ Server not full == Сервер тулли мар Shotgun == Йĕтре пăшал Show chat == Калаçӳ кăтартма Show friends only == Юлташсемпе анчах Show ingame HUD == Вăйă çинчи HUD кăтартма Show name plates == Вылякансен ят кăтартма Sound == Сасă Sound error == Сасă йăнăш Spectate == Пăхма Spectate next == Тепĕрне пăхма Spectate previous == Малтанхине пăхма Spectator mode == Пăхакан Spectators == Пăхакансем Stop record == Чарма Strict gametype filter == Хытă вăйă тĕс фильтрĕ Sudden Death == Хăвăрт вилӳ Switch weapon on pickup == Хĕç-пăшал илнĕ чух улăштарма Team == Ушкăн Team chat == Ушкăнри калаçу The audio device couldn't be initialised. == Аудио ярма пултараймасть The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type. == Серверта стардартлă мар опцисемпе таса вăйă тĕсĕрĕ There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it before you quit the game. == Редакторта упраман карта пур. Туху умĕн ăна упрама пултарать Time limit == Вăхăт лимичĕ Time limit: %d min == Вăхăт лимичĕ: %d мин Try again == Тепĕр хут Type == Тĕс Unable to rename the demo == Демо ячĕ улăштарма пулмасть Use sounds == Сасă уса курма Use team colors for name plates == Ушкăн тĕсĕсем ятсем валли V-Sync == Вертикаллĕ синхронизаци Version == Версие Vote command: == Суйлав хушу: Vote description: == Суйлав пирки: Vote no == Хирĕç Vote yes == Çинчен Voting == Суйлав Warmup == Карăну Weapon == Хĕç-пăшал Yes == Çапла You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == Режим улăштарма валли вăйă сӳнтер тата каллер яр ##### needs translation ##### New name: == Çĕн ят Max demos == Чи пысăк демо хисепĕ Internet == Интернет Round == Раунд Quit anyway? == Туху? News == Хыпарсем Join game == Выляма Crc: == Crc: FSAA samples == FSAA якату Sat. == Контраст LAN == LAN Sound volume == Сасă янравлăш Created: == Хайланă: Record demo == Демо çыр Miscellaneous == Хушнисем Netversion: == Версия: Info == Пĕлтерӳ UI Color == Интерфейс тĕсĕ Max Screenshots == Ӳкерчĕксен чи пысăк хисепĕ Size: == Пыçăкăш: Hue == Тĕс сĕмĕ Your skin == Санăн сăн Reset to defaults == Йĕркелӳ тасат Laser == Бластер Version: == Версие: Map: == Карта: Lht. == Çутăллăх Alpha == Тăрă Length: == Вăрăмăш Name plates size == Пысăкăш Type: == Тĕс: [Graphics error] Failed during initialization. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. == [Graphics error] Out of VRAM. Try removing custom assets (skins, entities, etc.), especially those with high resolution. == [Graphics error] An error during command recording occurred. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] A render command failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] Submitting the render commands failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] Failed to swap framebuffers. Try to update your GPU drivers. == [Graphics error] Unknown error. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. == [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, reverting to the default backend now. == [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, this is probably because you didn't install the driver of the integrated graphics card. == Could not save downloaded map. Try manually deleting this file: %s == Successfully saved the replay! == Saving ddnet-settings.cfg failed == Replay feature is disabled! == The width of texture %s is not divisible by %d, or the height is not divisible by %d, which might cause visual bugs. == The format of texture %s is not RGBA which will cause visual bugs. == Preparing demo playback == Connected == Loading map file from storage == Loading DDNet Client == Why are you slowmo replaying to read this? == Initializing components == Initializing assets == Initializing map logic == Sending initial client info == Warning == Quitting. Please wait… == Restarting. Please wait… == Debug mode enabled. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to disable debug mode. == Game paused == Position: == Speed: == Angle: == Multi-View == Server best: == Personal best: == Team %d == Uploading map data to GPU == Reset == Browser == Ghost == Trying to determine UDP connectivity... == UDP seems to be filtered. == UDP and TCP IP addresses seem to be different. Try disabling VPN, proxy or network accelerators. == No answer from server yet. == Getting game info == Requesting to join the game == Reconnect in %d sec == Rename folder == Render demo == Welcome to DDNet == DDraceNetwork is a cooperative online game where the goal is for you and your group of tees to reach the finish line of the map. As a newcomer you should start on Novice servers, which host the easiest maps. Consider the ping to choose a server close to you. == Use k key to kill (restart), q to pause and watch other players. See settings for other key binds. == It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server. == Please enter your nickname below. == Existing Player == Your nickname '%s' is already used (%d points). Do you still want to use it? == Checking for existing player with your name == A demo with this name already exists == A folder with this name already exists == Unable to rename the folder == File '%s' already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == Replace video == (paused) == Speed == Video name: == Join Tutorial Server == Skip Tutorial == Show DDNet map finishes in server browser == transmits your player name to info.ddnet.org == Theme == Loading menu images == AFR == ASI == AUS == EUR == NA == SA == CHN == Getting server list from master server == Search == Exclude == %d of %d servers == %d of %d server == %d players == %d player == Are you sure that you want to disconnect and switch to a different server? == Filter connecting players == Indicate map finish == Unfinished map == Countries == Types == Copy info == Leak IP == No server selected == Online players (%d) == Online clanmates (%d) == [friends (server browser)] Offline (%d) == Click to select server. Double click to join your friend. == Click to remove this player from your friends list. == Click to remove this clan from your friends list. == None == Are you sure that you want to remove the player '%s' from your friends list? == Are you sure that you want to remove the clan '%s' from your friends list? == Add Clan == Play the current demo == Pause the current demo == Stop the current demo == Go back one tick == Go forward one tick == Slow down the demo == Speed up the demo == Mark the beginning of a cut (right click to reset) == Mark the end of a cut (right click to reset) == Export cut as a separate demo == Go back one marker == Go forward one marker == Close the demo player == Toggle keyboard shortcuts == Export demo cut == Cut interval == Cut length == Remove chat == Render cut to video == Please use a different name == File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == Loading demo files == All combined == Folder Link == Markers: == %.2f MiB == %.2f KiB == Demo == Markers == Length == Date == Fetch Info == Demos directory == Open the directory that contains the demo files == Are you sure that you want to delete the folder '%s'? == Are you sure that you want to delete the demo '%s'? == Delete folder == Render == Unable to delete the demo '%s' == Unable to delete the folder '%s'. Make sure it's empty first. == Are you sure that you want to disconnect? == Connect Dummy == Connecting dummy == Disconnect Dummy == Are you sure that you want to disconnect your dummy? == Kill == Pause == Loading ghost files == Time == Reload == Deactivate == Activate == Save == Menu opened. Press Esc key again to close menu. == Smooth Dynamic Camera == Switch weapon when out of ammo == Skip the main menu == Refresh Rate == Save power by lowering refresh rate (higher input latency) == Settings file == Open the settings file == Config directory == Open the directory that contains the configuration and user files == Themes directory == Open the directory to add custom themes == Automatically take statboard screenshot == Automatically create statboard csv == Max CSVs == Dummy settings == Toggle to edit your dummy settings == Loading skin files == Download skins == Download community skins == Vanilla skins only == Fat skins (DDFat) == Skin prefix == Choose default eyes when joining a server == Create a random skin == Skin Database == Skins directory == Open the directory to add custom skins == Hook collisions == Zoom in == Zoom out == Default zoom == Show others == Show all == Toggle dyncam == Toggle ghost == Converse == Chat command == Toggle dummy == Dummy copy == Hammerfly dummy == Statboard == Lock team == Show entities == Show HUD == Enable controller == Controller == Ingame controller mode == [Ingame controller mode] Relative == [Ingame controller mode] Absolute == Ingame controller sens. == UI controller sens. == Controller jitter tolerance == No controller found. Plug in a controller. == Axis == Status == Aim bind == Mouse == Ingame mouse sens. == UI mouse sens. == Reset controls == Are you sure that you want to reset the controls to their defaults? == Cancel == Dummy == Windowed == Windowed borderless == Windowed fullscreen == Desktop fullscreen == Screen == may cause delay == Allows maps to render with more detail == Use high DPI == Renderer == default == custom == Graphics card == auto == Enable game sounds == Enable gun sound == Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze) == Enable server message sound == Enable regular chat sound == Enable team chat sound == Enable highlighted chat sound == Game sound volume == Chat sound volume == Map sound volume == Background music volume == Appearance == DDNet == Assets == DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update! == HUD == Name Plate == Hook Collisions == Kill Messages == Show health, shields and ammo == Show kill messages == Show score == Show votes window after voting == DDRace HUD == Use DDRace Scoreboard == Show client IDs in scoreboard == Show DDRace HUD == Show jumps indicator == Show dummy actions == Show player position == Show player speed == Show player target angle == Show freeze bars == Opacity of freeze bars inside freeze == Show names in chat in team colors == Show only chat messages from friends == Use old chat style == Messages == System message == Highlighted message == Team message == Friend message == Normal message == Client message == Preview == Show clan above name plates == Clan plates size == Show hook strength indicator == Show other players' key presses == Show local player's key presses == Hook collision line == Show other players' hook collision lines == Hook collision line width == Hook collision line opacity == Colors of the hook collision line, in case of a possible collision with: == Your movements are not taken into account when calculating the line colors == Nothing hookable == Something hookable == A Tee == Normal Color == Highlight Color == Weapons == Rifle Laser Outline Color == Rifle Laser Inner Color == Shotgun Laser Outline Color == Shotgun Laser Inner Color == Entities == Door Laser Outline Color == Door Laser Inner Color == Freeze Laser Outline Color == Freeze Laser Inner Color == Set all to Rifle == Save the best demo of each race == Enable replays == Default length == When you cross the start line, show a ghost tee replicating the movements of your best time == Show ghost == Save ghost == Gameplay == Overlay entities == Show text entities == Size == Opacity == Adjust the opacity of entities belonging to other teams, such as tees and nameplates == Show others (own team only) == Show quads == Quads are used for background decoration == AntiPing == Tries to predict other entities to give a feel of low latency == AntiPing: predict other players == AntiPing: predict weapons == AntiPing: predict grenade paths == Background == Entities Background color == Use current map as background == Show tiles layers from BG map == Regular Background Color == New random timeout code == Run on join == Chat command (e.g. showall 1) == Unregister protocol and file extensions == DDNet %s is available: == Update now == Updating... == DDNet Client updated! == No updates available == Check now == Emoticons == Particles == Extras == Loading assets == Assets directory == Open the directory to add custom assets == Discord == https://ddnet.org/discord == Learn == https://wiki.ddnet.org/ == Tutorial == Can't find a Tutorial server == Website == Settings == Stop server == Run server == Server executable not found, can't run server == Editor == [Start menu] Play == DDNet %s is out! == Downloading %s: == Update failed! Check log... == Restart == Loading race demo files == Super == Manual == Race == Auto == Replay == Loading sound files == Follow == Frags == Deaths == Suicides == Ratio == Net == FPM == Spree == Best == Grabs == 1 new mention == %d new mentions == 9+ new mentions == Moved ingame ==