/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include "netban.h" #include "network.h" bool CNetServer::Open(NETADDR BindAddr, CNetBan *pNetBan, int MaxClients, int MaxClientsPerIP, int Flags) { // zero out the whole structure mem_zero(this, sizeof(*this)); // open socket m_Socket = net_udp_create(BindAddr); if(!m_Socket.type) return false; m_pNetBan = pNetBan; // clamp clients m_MaxClients = MaxClients; if(m_MaxClients > NET_MAX_CLIENTS) m_MaxClients = NET_MAX_CLIENTS; if(m_MaxClients < 1) m_MaxClients = 1; m_MaxClientsPerIP = MaxClientsPerIP; for(int i = 0; i < NET_MAX_CLIENTS; i++) m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.Init(m_Socket); return true; } int CNetServer::SetCallbacks(NETFUNC_NEWCLIENT pfnNewClient, NETFUNC_DELCLIENT pfnDelClient, void *pUser) { m_pfnNewClient = pfnNewClient; m_pfnDelClient = pfnDelClient; m_UserPtr = pUser; return 0; } int CNetServer::Close() { // TODO: implement me return 0; } int CNetServer::Drop(int ClientID, const char *pReason) { // TODO: insert lots of checks here /*NETADDR Addr = ClientAddr(ClientID); dbg_msg("net_server", "client dropped. cid=%d ip=%d.%d.%d.%d reason=\"%s\"", ClientID, Addr.ip[0], Addr.ip[1], Addr.ip[2], Addr.ip[3], pReason );*/ if(m_pfnDelClient) m_pfnDelClient(ClientID, pReason, m_UserPtr); m_aSlots[ClientID].m_Connection.Disconnect(pReason); return 0; } int CNetServer::Update() { int64 Now = time_get(); for(int i = 0; i < MaxClients(); i++) { m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.Update(); if(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.State() == NET_CONNSTATE_ERROR) { if (Now - m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.ConnectTime() < time_freq() / 5 && NetBan()) NetBan()->BanAddr(ClientAddr(i), 60, "Too many connections"); else Drop(i, m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.ErrorString()); } } return 0; } /* TODO: chopp up this function into smaller working parts */ int CNetServer::Recv(CNetChunk *pChunk) { while(1) { NETADDR Addr; // check for a chunk if(m_RecvUnpacker.FetchChunk(pChunk)) return 1; // TODO: empty the recvinfo int Bytes = net_udp_recv(m_Socket, &Addr, m_RecvUnpacker.m_aBuffer, NET_MAX_PACKETSIZE); // no more packets for now if(Bytes <= 0) break; // check if we just should drop the packet char aBuf[128]; if(NetBan() && NetBan()->IsBanned(&Addr, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf))) { // banned, reply with a message CNetBase::SendControlMsg(m_Socket, &Addr, 0, NET_CTRLMSG_CLOSE, aBuf, str_length(aBuf)+1); continue; } bool Found = false; if(CNetBase::UnpackPacket(m_RecvUnpacker.m_aBuffer, Bytes, &m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data) == 0) { if(m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data.m_Flags&NET_PACKETFLAG_CONNLESS) { pChunk->m_Flags = NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS; pChunk->m_ClientID = -1; pChunk->m_Address = Addr; pChunk->m_DataSize = m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data.m_DataSize; pChunk->m_pData = m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data.m_aChunkData; return 1; } else { // TODO: check size here if(m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data.m_Flags&NET_PACKETFLAG_CONTROL && m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data.m_aChunkData[0] == NET_CTRLMSG_CONNECT) { Found = false; // check if we already got this client for(int i = 0; i < MaxClients(); i++) { if(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.State() != NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE && net_addr_comp(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.PeerAddress(), &Addr) == 0) { Found = true; // silent ignore.. we got this client already break; } } // client that wants to connect if(!Found) { // only allow a specific number of players with the same ip NETADDR ThisAddr = Addr, OtherAddr; int FoundAddr = 1; ThisAddr.port = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MaxClients(); ++i) { if(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.State() == NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE) continue; OtherAddr = *m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.PeerAddress(); OtherAddr.port = 0; if(!net_addr_comp(&ThisAddr, &OtherAddr)) { if(FoundAddr++ >= m_MaxClientsPerIP) { char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Only %d players with the same IP are allowed", m_MaxClientsPerIP); CNetBase::SendControlMsg(m_Socket, &Addr, 0, NET_CTRLMSG_CLOSE, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); return 0; } } } for(int i = 0; i < MaxClients(); i++) { if(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.State() == NET_CONNSTATE_OFFLINE) { Found = true; m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.Feed(&m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data, &Addr); if(m_pfnNewClient) m_pfnNewClient(i, m_UserPtr); break; } } if(!Found) { const char FullMsg[] = "This server is full"; CNetBase::SendControlMsg(m_Socket, &Addr, 0, NET_CTRLMSG_CLOSE, FullMsg, sizeof(FullMsg)); } } } else { // normal packet, find matching slot for(int i = 0; i < MaxClients(); i++) { if(net_addr_comp(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.PeerAddress(), &Addr) == 0) { if(m_aSlots[i].m_Connection.Feed(&m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data, &Addr)) { if(m_RecvUnpacker.m_Data.m_DataSize) m_RecvUnpacker.Start(&Addr, &m_aSlots[i].m_Connection, i); } } } } } } } return 0; } int CNetServer::Send(CNetChunk *pChunk) { if(pChunk->m_DataSize >= NET_MAX_PAYLOAD) { dbg_msg("netserver", "packet payload too big. %d. dropping packet", pChunk->m_DataSize); return -1; } if(pChunk->m_Flags&NETSENDFLAG_CONNLESS) { // send connectionless packet CNetBase::SendPacketConnless(m_Socket, &pChunk->m_Address, pChunk->m_pData, pChunk->m_DataSize); } else { int Flags = 0; dbg_assert(pChunk->m_ClientID >= 0, "errornous client id"); dbg_assert(pChunk->m_ClientID < MaxClients(), "errornous client id"); if(pChunk->m_Flags&NETSENDFLAG_VITAL) Flags = NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL; if(m_aSlots[pChunk->m_ClientID].m_Connection.QueueChunk(Flags, pChunk->m_DataSize, pChunk->m_pData) == 0) { if(pChunk->m_Flags&NETSENDFLAG_FLUSH) m_aSlots[pChunk->m_ClientID].m_Connection.Flush(); } else { Drop(pChunk->m_ClientID, "Error sending data"); } } return 0; } void CNetServer::SetMaxClientsPerIP(int Max) { // clamp if(Max < 1) Max = 1; else if(Max > NET_MAX_CLIENTS) Max = NET_MAX_CLIENTS; m_MaxClientsPerIP = Max; }