#pragma once #include class CCommandBuffer { class CBuffer { unsigned char *m_pData; unsigned m_Size; unsigned m_Used; public: CBuffer(unsigned BufferSize) { m_Size = BufferSize; m_pData = new unsigned char[m_Size]; m_Used = 0; } ~CBuffer() { delete [] m_pData; m_pData = 0x0; m_Used = 0; m_Size = 0; } void Reset() { m_Used = 0; } void *Alloc(unsigned Requested) { if(Requested + m_Used > m_Size) return 0; void *pPtr = &m_pData[m_Used]; m_Used += Requested; return pPtr; } unsigned char *DataPtr() { return m_pData; } unsigned DataSize() { return m_Size; } unsigned DataUsed() { return m_Used; } }; CBuffer m_CmdBuffer; CBuffer m_DataBuffer; public: enum { MAX_TEXTURES=1024*4, }; enum { // CMD_NOP = 0, // CMD_INIT, CMD_SHUTDOWN, // CMD_RUNBUFFER, // syncronization CMD_SIGNAL, // texture commands CMD_TEXTURE_CREATE, CMD_TEXTURE_DESTROY, CMD_TEXTURE_UPDATE, // rendering CMD_CLEAR, CMD_RENDER, // swap CMD_SWAP, // CMD_SCREENSHOT, }; enum { TEXFORMAT_INVALID = 0, TEXFORMAT_RGB, TEXFORMAT_RGBA, TEXFORMAT_ALPHA, TEXFLAG_NOMIPMAPS = 1, }; enum { INITFLAG_FULLSCREEN = 1, INITFLAG_VSYNC = 2, INITFLAG_RESIZABLE = 4, }; enum { // PRIMTYPE_INVALID = 0, PRIMTYPE_LINES, PRIMTYPE_QUADS, }; enum { BLEND_NONE = 0, BLEND_ALPHA, BLEND_ADDITIVE, }; struct SPoint { float x, y, z; }; struct STexCoord { float u, v; }; struct SColor { float r, g, b, a; }; struct SVertex { SPoint m_Pos; STexCoord m_Tex; SColor m_Color; }; struct SCommand { public: SCommand(unsigned Cmd) : m_Cmd(Cmd), m_Size(0) {} unsigned m_Cmd; unsigned m_Size; }; struct SState { int m_BlendMode; int m_Texture; SPoint m_ScreenTL; SPoint m_ScreenBR; // clip bool m_ClipEnable; int m_ClipX; int m_ClipY; int m_ClipW; int m_ClipH; }; struct SCommand_Clear : public SCommand { SCommand_Clear() : SCommand(CMD_CLEAR) {} SColor m_Color; }; struct SCommand_Init : public SCommand { SCommand_Init() : SCommand(CMD_INIT) {} char m_aName[256]; int m_ScreenWidth; int m_ScreenHeight; int m_FsaaSamples; int m_Flags; volatile int *m_pResult; }; struct SCommand_Shutdown : public SCommand { SCommand_Shutdown() : SCommand(CMD_SHUTDOWN) {} }; struct SCommand_Signal : public SCommand { SCommand_Signal() : SCommand(CMD_SIGNAL) {} semaphore *m_pSemaphore; }; struct SCommand_RunBuffer : public SCommand { SCommand_RunBuffer() : SCommand(CMD_RUNBUFFER) {} CCommandBuffer *m_pOtherBuffer; }; struct SCommand_Render : public SCommand { SCommand_Render() : SCommand(CMD_RENDER) {} SState m_State; unsigned m_PrimType; unsigned m_PrimCount; SVertex *m_pVertices; }; struct SCommand_Screenshot : public SCommand { SCommand_Screenshot() : SCommand(CMD_SCREENSHOT) {} CImageInfo *m_pImage; // processor will fill this out, the one who adds this command must free the data as well }; struct SCommand_Swap : public SCommand { SCommand_Swap() : SCommand(CMD_SWAP) {} }; struct SCommand_Texture_Create : public SCommand { SCommand_Texture_Create() : SCommand(CMD_TEXTURE_CREATE) {} // texture information int m_Slot; int m_Width; int m_Height; int m_Format; int m_StoreFormat; int m_Flags; void *m_pData; // will be freed by the command processor }; struct SCommand_Texture_Update : public SCommand { SCommand_Texture_Update() : SCommand(CMD_TEXTURE_UPDATE) {} // texture information int m_Slot; int m_X; int m_Y; int m_Width; int m_Height; int m_Format; void *m_pData; // will be freed by the command processor }; struct SCommand_Texture_Destroy : public SCommand { SCommand_Texture_Destroy() : SCommand(CMD_TEXTURE_DESTROY) {} // texture information int m_Slot; }; // CCommandBuffer(unsigned CmdBufferSize, unsigned DataBufferSize) : m_CmdBuffer(CmdBufferSize), m_DataBuffer(DataBufferSize) { } void *AllocData(unsigned WantedSize) { return m_DataBuffer.Alloc(WantedSize); } template void AddCommand(const T &Command) { SCommand *pCmd = (SCommand *)m_CmdBuffer.Alloc(sizeof(Command)); if(!pCmd) return; mem_copy(pCmd, &Command, sizeof(Command)); pCmd->m_Size = sizeof(Command); } SCommand *GetCommand(unsigned *pIndex) { if(*pIndex >= m_CmdBuffer.DataUsed()) return NULL; SCommand *pCommand = (SCommand *)&m_CmdBuffer.DataPtr()[*pIndex]; *pIndex += pCommand->m_Size; return pCommand; } void Reset() { m_CmdBuffer.Reset(); m_DataBuffer.Reset(); } }; class ICommandProcessor { public: virtual ~ICommandProcessor() {} virtual void RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer *pBuffer) = 0; }; class CCommandProcessorHandler { ICommandProcessor *m_pProcessor; CCommandBuffer * volatile m_pBuffer; volatile bool m_Shutdown; semaphore m_Activity; semaphore m_BufferDone; void *m_pThread; static void ThreadFunc(void *pUser); public: CCommandProcessorHandler(); void Start(ICommandProcessor *pProcessor); void Stop(); void RunBuffer(CCommandBuffer *pBuffer); bool IsIdle() const { return m_pBuffer == 0; } void WaitForIdle(); }; class CGraphics_Threaded : public IEngineGraphics { CCommandBuffer::SState m_State; CCommandProcessorHandler m_Handler; ICommandProcessor *m_pProcessor; CCommandBuffer *m_apCommandBuffers[2]; CCommandBuffer *m_pCommandBuffer; unsigned m_CurrentCommandBuffer; // class IStorage *m_pStorage; class IConsole *m_pConsole; enum { MAX_VERTICES = 32*1024, MAX_TEXTURES = 1024*4, DRAWING_QUADS=1, DRAWING_LINES=2 }; CCommandBuffer::SVertex m_aVertices[MAX_VERTICES]; int m_NumVertices; CCommandBuffer::SColor m_aColor[4]; CCommandBuffer::STexCoord m_aTexture[4]; bool m_RenderEnable; float m_Rotation; int m_Drawing; bool m_DoScreenshot; char m_aScreenshotName[128]; int m_InvalidTexture; struct CTexture { int m_State; int m_MemSize; int m_Flags; int m_Next; }; CTexture m_aTextures[MAX_TEXTURES]; int m_FirstFreeTexture; int m_TextureMemoryUsage; void FlushVertices(); void AddVertices(int Count); void Rotate4(const CCommandBuffer::SPoint &rCenter, CCommandBuffer::SVertex *pPoints); static unsigned char Sample(int w, int h, const unsigned char *pData, int u, int v, int Offset, int ScaleW, int ScaleH, int Bpp); static unsigned char *Rescale(int Width, int Height, int NewWidth, int NewHeight, int Format, const unsigned char *pData); void KickCommandBuffer(); int IssueInit(); int InitWindow(); public: CGraphics_Threaded(); virtual void ClipEnable(int x, int y, int w, int h); virtual void ClipDisable(); virtual void BlendNone(); virtual void BlendNormal(); virtual void BlendAdditive(); virtual int MemoryUsage() const; virtual void MapScreen(float TopLeftX, float TopLeftY, float BottomRightX, float BottomRightY); virtual void GetScreen(float *pTopLeftX, float *pTopLeftY, float *pBottomRightX, float *pBottomRightY); virtual void LinesBegin(); virtual void LinesEnd(); virtual void LinesDraw(const CLineItem *pArray, int Num); virtual int UnloadTexture(int Index); virtual int LoadTextureRaw(int Width, int Height, int Format, const void *pData, int StoreFormat, int Flags); virtual int LoadTextureRawSub(int TextureID, int x, int y, int Width, int Height, int Format, const void *pData); // simple uncompressed RGBA loaders virtual int LoadTexture(const char *pFilename, int StorageType, int StoreFormat, int Flags); virtual int LoadPNG(CImageInfo *pImg, const char *pFilename, int StorageType); void ScreenshotDirect(const char *pFilename); virtual void TextureSet(int TextureID); virtual void Clear(float r, float g, float b); virtual void QuadsBegin(); virtual void QuadsEnd(); virtual void QuadsSetRotation(float Angle); virtual void SetColorVertex(const CColorVertex *pArray, int Num); virtual void SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a); virtual void QuadsSetSubset(float TlU, float TlV, float BrU, float BrV); virtual void QuadsSetSubsetFree( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3); virtual void QuadsDraw(CQuadItem *pArray, int Num); virtual void QuadsDrawTL(const CQuadItem *pArray, int Num); virtual void QuadsDrawFreeform(const CFreeformItem *pArray, int Num); virtual void QuadsText(float x, float y, float Size, float r, float g, float b, float a, const char *pText); virtual void Minimize(); virtual void Maximize(); virtual int WindowActive(); virtual int WindowOpen(); virtual bool Init(); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual void TakeScreenshot(const char *pFilename); virtual void Swap(); virtual int GetVideoModes(CVideoMode *pModes, int MaxModes); // syncronization virtual void InsertSignal(semaphore *pSemaphore); virtual bool IsIdle(); virtual void WaitForIdle(); };