#include #include "gc_client.hpp" #include "../generated/gc_data.hpp" // NOTE: the way the particle system works isn't very cache friendly enum { MAX_PARTICLES=1024*8, }; static PARTICLE particles[MAX_PARTICLES]; static int first_free = -1; static int first_part[NUM_PARTGROUPS] = {-1}; void particle_reset() { // reset particles for(int i = 0; i < MAX_PARTICLES; i++) { particles[i].prev_part = i-1; particles[i].next_part = i+1; } particles[0].prev_part = 0; particles[MAX_PARTICLES-1].next_part = -1; first_free = 0; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTGROUPS; i++) first_part[i] = -1; } void particle_add(int group, PARTICLE *part) { if (first_free == -1) return; // remove from the free list int id = first_free; first_free = particles[id].next_part; particles[first_free].prev_part = -1; // copy data particles[id] = *part; // insert to the group list particles[id].prev_part = -1; particles[id].next_part = first_part[group]; if(first_part[group] != -1) particles[first_part[group]].prev_part = id; first_part[group] = id; // set some parameters particles[id].life = 0; } void particle_update(float time_passed) { static float friction_fraction = 0; friction_fraction += time_passed; if(friction_fraction > 2.0f) // safty messure friction_fraction = 0; int friction_count = 0; while(friction_fraction > 0.05f) { friction_count++; friction_fraction -= 0.05f; } for(int g = 0; g < NUM_PARTGROUPS; g++) { int i = first_part[g]; while(i != -1) { int next = particles[i].next_part; particles[i].vel += flow_get(particles[i].pos)*time_passed * particles[i].flow_affected; particles[i].vel.y += particles[i].gravity*time_passed; for(int f = 0; f < friction_count; f++) // apply friction particles[i].vel *= particles[i].friction; // move the point vec2 vel = particles[i].vel*time_passed; move_point(&particles[i].pos, &vel, 0.1f+0.9f*frandom(), NULL); particles[i].vel = vel* (1.0f/time_passed); particles[i].life += time_passed; particles[i].rot += time_passed * particles[i].rotspeed; // check particle death if(particles[i].life > particles[i].life_span) { // remove it from the group list if(particles[i].prev_part != -1) particles[particles[i].prev_part].next_part = particles[i].next_part; else first_part[g] = particles[i].next_part; if(particles[i].next_part != -1) particles[particles[i].next_part].prev_part = particles[i].prev_part; // insert to the free list if(first_free != -1) particles[first_free].prev_part = i; particles[i].prev_part = -1; particles[i].next_part = first_free; first_free = i; } i = next; } } } void particle_render(int group) { gfx_blend_normal(); //gfx_blend_additive(); gfx_texture_set(data->images[IMAGE_PARTICLES].id); gfx_quads_begin(); int i = first_part[group]; while(i != -1) { select_sprite(particles[i].spr); float a = particles[i].life / particles[i].life_span; vec2 p = particles[i].pos; float size = mix(particles[i].start_size, particles[i].end_size, a); gfx_quads_setrotation(particles[i].rot); gfx_setcolor( particles[i].color.r, particles[i].color.g, particles[i].color.b, particles[i].color.a); // pow(a, 0.75f) * gfx_quads_draw(p.x, p.y, size, size); i = particles[i].next_part; } gfx_quads_end(); gfx_blend_normal(); }