/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_SHARED_PROTOCOL7_H #define ENGINE_SHARED_PROTOCOL7_H namespace protocol7 { enum { NETMSG_NULL = 0, // the first thing sent by the client // contains the version info for the client NETMSG_INFO = 1, // sent by server NETMSG_MAP_CHANGE, // sent when client should switch map NETMSG_MAP_DATA, // map transfer, contains a chunk of the map file NETMSG_SERVERINFO, NETMSG_CON_READY, // connection is ready, client should send start info NETMSG_SNAP, // normal snapshot, multiple parts NETMSG_SNAPEMPTY, // empty snapshot NETMSG_SNAPSINGLE, // ? NETMSG_SNAPSMALL, // NETMSG_INPUTTIMING, // reports how off the input was NETMSG_RCON_AUTH_ON, // rcon authentication enabled NETMSG_RCON_AUTH_OFF, // rcon authentication disabled NETMSG_RCON_LINE, // line that should be printed to the remote console NETMSG_RCON_CMD_ADD, NETMSG_RCON_CMD_REM, NETMSG_UNUSED1, NETMSG_UNUSED2, // sent by client NETMSG_READY, // NETMSG_ENTERGAME, NETMSG_INPUT, // contains the inputdata from the client NETMSG_RCON_CMD, // NETMSG_RCON_AUTH, // NETMSG_REQUEST_MAP_DATA, // NETMSG_UNUSED3, NETMSG_UNUSED4, // sent by both NETMSG_PING, NETMSG_PING_REPLY, NETMSG_UNUSED5, NETMSG_MAPLIST_ENTRY_ADD, // todo 0.8: move up NETMSG_MAPLIST_ENTRY_REM, }; } #endif