/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "friends.h" CFriends::CFriends() { mem_zero(m_aFriends, sizeof(m_aFriends)); m_NumFriends = 0; m_Foes = false; } void CFriends::ConAddFriend(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CFriends *pSelf = (CFriends *)pUserData; pSelf->AddFriend(pResult->GetString(0), pResult->GetString(1)); } void CFriends::ConRemoveFriend(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CFriends *pSelf = (CFriends *)pUserData; pSelf->RemoveFriend(pResult->GetString(0), pResult->GetString(1)); } void CFriends::Init(bool Foes) { m_Foes = Foes; IConfig *pConfig = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); if(pConfig) pConfig->RegisterCallback(ConfigSaveCallback, this); IConsole *pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); if(pConsole) { if(Foes) { pConsole->Register("add_foe", "ss", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConAddFriend, this, "Add a foe"); pConsole->Register("remove_foe", "ss", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConRemoveFriend, this, "Remove a foe"); } else { pConsole->Register("add_friend", "ss", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConAddFriend, this, "Add a friend"); pConsole->Register("remove_friend", "ss", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConRemoveFriend, this, "Remove a friend"); } } } const CFriendInfo *CFriends::GetFriend(int Index) const { return &m_aFriends[max(0, Index%m_NumFriends)]; } int CFriends::GetFriendState(const char *pName, const char *pClan) const { int Result = FRIEND_NO; unsigned NameHash = str_quickhash(pName); unsigned ClanHash = str_quickhash(pClan); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumFriends; ++i) { if((g_Config.m_ClFriendsIgnoreClan && m_aFriends[i].m_aName[0]) || m_aFriends[i].m_ClanHash == ClanHash) { if(m_aFriends[i].m_aName[0] == 0) Result = FRIEND_CLAN; else if(m_aFriends[i].m_NameHash == NameHash) { Result = FRIEND_PLAYER; break; } } } return Result; } bool CFriends::IsFriend(const char *pName, const char *pClan, bool PlayersOnly) const { unsigned NameHash = str_quickhash(pName); unsigned ClanHash = str_quickhash(pClan); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumFriends; ++i) { if(((g_Config.m_ClFriendsIgnoreClan && m_aFriends[i].m_aName[0]) || m_aFriends[i].m_ClanHash == ClanHash) && ((!PlayersOnly && m_aFriends[i].m_aName[0] == 0) || m_aFriends[i].m_NameHash == NameHash)) return true; } return false; } void CFriends::AddFriend(const char *pName, const char *pClan) { if(m_NumFriends == MAX_FRIENDS || (pName[0] == 0 && pClan[0] == 0)) return; // make sure we don't have the friend already unsigned NameHash = str_quickhash(pName); unsigned ClanHash = str_quickhash(pClan); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumFriends; ++i) { if(m_aFriends[i].m_NameHash == NameHash && ((g_Config.m_ClFriendsIgnoreClan && m_aFriends[i].m_aName[0]) || m_aFriends[i].m_ClanHash == ClanHash)) return; } str_copy(m_aFriends[m_NumFriends].m_aName, pName, sizeof(m_aFriends[m_NumFriends].m_aName)); str_copy(m_aFriends[m_NumFriends].m_aClan, pClan, sizeof(m_aFriends[m_NumFriends].m_aClan)); m_aFriends[m_NumFriends].m_NameHash = NameHash; m_aFriends[m_NumFriends].m_ClanHash = ClanHash; ++m_NumFriends; } void CFriends::RemoveFriend(const char *pName, const char *pClan) { unsigned NameHash = str_quickhash(pName); unsigned ClanHash = str_quickhash(pClan); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumFriends; ++i) { if(m_aFriends[i].m_NameHash == NameHash && ((g_Config.m_ClFriendsIgnoreClan && m_aFriends[i].m_aName[0]) || m_aFriends[i].m_ClanHash == ClanHash)) { RemoveFriend(i); return; } } } void CFriends::RemoveFriend(int Index) { if(Index >= 0 && Index < m_NumFriends) { mem_move(&m_aFriends[Index], &m_aFriends[Index+1], sizeof(CFriendInfo)*(m_NumFriends-(Index+1))); --m_NumFriends; } return; } void CFriends::ConfigSaveCallback(IConfig *pConfig, void *pUserData) { CFriends *pSelf = (CFriends *)pUserData; char aBuf[128]; const char *pEnd = aBuf+sizeof(aBuf)-4; for(int i = 0; i < pSelf->m_NumFriends; ++i) { str_copy(aBuf, pSelf->m_Foes ? "add_foe " : "add_friend ", sizeof(aBuf)); const char *pSrc = pSelf->m_aFriends[i].m_aName; char *pDst = aBuf+str_length(aBuf); *pDst++ = '"'; while(*pSrc && pDst < pEnd) { if(*pSrc == '"' || *pSrc == '\\') // escape \ and " *pDst++ = '\\'; *pDst++ = *pSrc++; } *pDst++ = '"'; *pDst++ = ' '; pSrc = pSelf->m_aFriends[i].m_aClan; *pDst++ = '"'; while(*pSrc && pDst < pEnd) { if(*pSrc == '"' || *pSrc == '\\') // escape \ and " *pDst++ = '\\'; *pDst++ = *pSrc++; } *pDst++ = '"'; *pDst++ = 0; pConfig->WriteLine(aBuf); } }