/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "console.h" #include "linereader.h" #include // std::size #include // todo: rework this const char *CConsole::CResult::GetString(unsigned Index) const { if(Index >= m_NumArgs) return ""; return m_apArgs[Index]; } int CConsole::CResult::GetInteger(unsigned Index) const { if(Index >= m_NumArgs) return 0; return str_toint(m_apArgs[Index]); } float CConsole::CResult::GetFloat(unsigned Index) const { if(Index >= m_NumArgs) return 0.0f; return str_tofloat(m_apArgs[Index]); } ColorHSLA CConsole::CResult::GetColor(unsigned Index, bool Light) const { ColorHSLA Hsla = ColorHSLA(0, 0, 0); if(Index >= m_NumArgs) return Hsla; const char *pStr = m_apArgs[Index]; if(str_isallnum(pStr) || ((pStr[0] == '-' || pStr[0] == '+') && str_isallnum(pStr + 1))) // Teeworlds Color (Packed HSL) { Hsla = ColorHSLA(str_toulong_base(pStr, 10), true); if(Light) Hsla = Hsla.UnclampLighting(); } else if(*pStr == '$') // Hex RGB { ColorRGBA Rgba = ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 1); int Len = str_length(pStr); if(Len == 4) { unsigned Num = str_toulong_base(pStr + 1, 16); Rgba.r = (((Num >> 8) & 0x0F) + ((Num >> 4) & 0xF0)) / 255.0f; Rgba.g = (((Num >> 4) & 0x0F) + ((Num >> 0) & 0xF0)) / 255.0f; Rgba.b = (((Num >> 0) & 0x0F) + ((Num << 4) & 0xF0)) / 255.0f; } else if(Len == 7) { unsigned Num = str_toulong_base(pStr + 1, 16); Rgba.r = ((Num >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; Rgba.g = ((Num >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; Rgba.b = ((Num >> 0) & 0xFF) / 255.0f; } else { return Hsla; } Hsla = color_cast(Rgba); } else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "red")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(0.0f / 6.0f, 1, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "yellow")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(1.0f / 6.0f, 1, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "green")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(2.0f / 6.0f, 1, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "cyan")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(3.0f / 6.0f, 1, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "blue")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(4.0f / 6.0f, 1, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "magenta")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(5.0f / 6.0f, 1, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "white")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(0, 0, 1); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "gray")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(0, 0, .5f); else if(!str_comp_nocase(pStr, "black")) Hsla = ColorHSLA(0, 0, 0); return Hsla; } const IConsole::CCommandInfo *CConsole::CCommand::NextCommandInfo(int AccessLevel, int FlagMask) const { const CCommand *pInfo = m_pNext; while(pInfo) { if(pInfo->m_Flags & FlagMask && pInfo->m_AccessLevel >= AccessLevel) break; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext; } return pInfo; } const IConsole::CCommandInfo *CConsole::FirstCommandInfo(int AccessLevel, int FlagMask) const { for(const CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { if(pCommand->m_Flags & FlagMask && pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= AccessLevel) return pCommand; } return 0; } // the maximum number of tokens occurs in a string of length CONSOLE_MAX_STR_LENGTH with tokens size 1 separated by single spaces int CConsole::ParseStart(CResult *pResult, const char *pString, int Length) { char *pStr; int Len = sizeof(pResult->m_aStringStorage); if(Length < Len) Len = Length; str_copy(pResult->m_aStringStorage, pString, Len); pStr = pResult->m_aStringStorage; // get command pStr = str_skip_whitespaces(pStr); pResult->m_pCommand = pStr; pStr = str_skip_to_whitespace(pStr); if(*pStr) { pStr[0] = 0; pStr++; } pResult->m_pArgsStart = pStr; return 0; } int CConsole::ParseArgs(CResult *pResult, const char *pFormat) { char Command = *pFormat; char *pStr; int Optional = 0; int Error = 0; pResult->ResetVictim(); pStr = pResult->m_pArgsStart; while(true) { if(!Command) break; if(Command == '?') Optional = 1; else { pStr = str_skip_whitespaces(pStr); if(!(*pStr)) // error, non optional command needs value { if(!Optional) { Error = 1; break; } while(Command) { if(Command == 'v') { pResult->SetVictim(CResult::VICTIM_ME); break; } Command = NextParam(pFormat); } break; } // add token if(*pStr == '"') { char *pDst; pStr++; pResult->AddArgument(pStr); pDst = pStr; // we might have to process escape data while(true) { if(pStr[0] == '"') break; else if(pStr[0] == '\\') { if(pStr[1] == '\\') pStr++; // skip due to escape else if(pStr[1] == '"') pStr++; // skip due to escape } else if(pStr[0] == 0) return 1; // return error *pDst = *pStr; pDst++; pStr++; } // write null termination *pDst = 0; pStr++; } else { char *pVictim = 0; pResult->AddArgument(pStr); if(Command == 'v') { pVictim = pStr; } if(Command == 'r') // rest of the string break; else if(Command == 'v') // validate victim pStr = str_skip_to_whitespace(pStr); else if(Command == 'i') // validate int pStr = str_skip_to_whitespace(pStr); else if(Command == 'f') // validate float pStr = str_skip_to_whitespace(pStr); else if(Command == 's') // validate string pStr = str_skip_to_whitespace(pStr); if(pStr[0] != 0) // check for end of string { pStr[0] = 0; pStr++; } if(pVictim) { pResult->SetVictim(pVictim); } } } // fetch next command Command = NextParam(pFormat); } return Error; } char CConsole::NextParam(const char *&pFormat) { if(*pFormat) { pFormat++; if(*pFormat == '[') { // skip bracket contents for(; *pFormat != ']'; pFormat++) { if(!*pFormat) return *pFormat; } // skip ']' pFormat++; // skip space if there is one if(*pFormat == ' ') pFormat++; } } return *pFormat; } char *CConsole::Format(char *pBuf, int Size, const char *pFrom, const char *pStr) { char aTimeBuf[80]; str_timestamp_format(aTimeBuf, sizeof(aTimeBuf), FORMAT_TIME); str_format(pBuf, Size, "[%s][%s]: %s", aTimeBuf, pFrom, pStr); return pBuf; } LEVEL IConsole::ToLogLevel(int Level) { switch(Level) { case IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD: return LEVEL_INFO; case IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO: return LEVEL_DEBUG; case IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG: return LEVEL_TRACE; } dbg_assert(0, "invalid log level"); return LEVEL_INFO; } LOG_COLOR ColorToLogColor(ColorRGBA Color) { return LOG_COLOR{ (uint8_t)(Color.r * 255.0), (uint8_t)(Color.g * 255.0), (uint8_t)(Color.b * 255.0)}; } void CConsole::Print(int Level, const char *pFrom, const char *pStr, ColorRGBA PrintColor) const { LEVEL LogLevel = IConsole::ToLogLevel(Level); // if the color is pure white, use default terminal color if(mem_comp(&PrintColor, &gs_ConsoleDefaultColor, sizeof(ColorRGBA)) != 0) { log_log_color(LogLevel, ColorToLogColor(PrintColor), pFrom, "%s", pStr); } else { log_log(LogLevel, pFrom, "%s", pStr); } } void CConsole::SetTeeHistorianCommandCallback(FTeeHistorianCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pUser) { m_pfnTeeHistorianCommandCallback = pfnCallback; m_pTeeHistorianCommandUserdata = pUser; } void CConsole::SetUnknownCommandCallback(FUnknownCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pUser) { m_pfnUnknownCommandCallback = pfnCallback; m_pUnknownCommandUserdata = pUser; } void CConsole::InitChecksum(CChecksumData *pData) const { pData->m_NumCommands = 0; for(CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { if(pData->m_NumCommands < (int)(std::size(pData->m_aCommandsChecksum))) { FCommandCallback pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; void *pUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; TraverseChain(&pfnCallback, &pUserData); int CallbackBits = (uintptr_t)pfnCallback & 0xfff; int *pTarget = &pData->m_aCommandsChecksum[pData->m_NumCommands]; *pTarget = ((uint8_t)pCommand->m_pName[0]) | ((uint8_t)pCommand->m_pName[1] << 8) | (CallbackBits << 16); } pData->m_NumCommands += 1; } } bool CConsole::LineIsValid(const char *pStr) { if(!pStr || *pStr == 0) return false; do { CResult Result; const char *pEnd = pStr; const char *pNextPart = 0; int InString = 0; while(*pEnd) { if(*pEnd == '"') InString ^= 1; else if(*pEnd == '\\') // escape sequences { if(pEnd[1] == '"') pEnd++; } else if(!InString) { if(*pEnd == ';') // command separator { pNextPart = pEnd + 1; break; } else if(*pEnd == '#') // comment, no need to do anything more break; } pEnd++; } if(ParseStart(&Result, pStr, (pEnd - pStr) + 1) != 0) return false; CCommand *pCommand = FindCommand(Result.m_pCommand, m_FlagMask); if(!pCommand || ParseArgs(&Result, pCommand->m_pParams)) return false; pStr = pNextPart; } while(pStr && *pStr); return true; } void CConsole::ExecuteLineStroked(int Stroke, const char *pStr, int ClientID, bool InterpretSemicolons) { const char *pWithoutPrefix = str_startswith(pStr, "mc;"); if(pWithoutPrefix) { InterpretSemicolons = true; pStr = pWithoutPrefix; } while(pStr && *pStr) { CResult Result; Result.m_ClientID = ClientID; const char *pEnd = pStr; const char *pNextPart = 0; int InString = 0; while(*pEnd) { if(*pEnd == '"') InString ^= 1; else if(*pEnd == '\\') // escape sequences { if(pEnd[1] == '"') pEnd++; } else if(!InString && InterpretSemicolons) { if(*pEnd == ';') // command separator { pNextPart = pEnd + 1; break; } else if(*pEnd == '#') // comment, no need to do anything more break; } pEnd++; } if(ParseStart(&Result, pStr, (pEnd - pStr) + 1) != 0) return; if(!*Result.m_pCommand) return; CCommand *pCommand = FindCommand(Result.m_pCommand, m_FlagMask); if(pCommand) { if(ClientID == IConsole::CLIENT_ID_GAME && !(pCommand->m_Flags & CFGFLAG_GAME)) { if(Stroke) { char aBuf[96]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Command '%s' cannot be executed from a map.", Result.m_pCommand); Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } } else if(ClientID == IConsole::CLIENT_ID_NO_GAME && pCommand->m_Flags & CFGFLAG_GAME) { if(Stroke) { char aBuf[96]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Command '%s' cannot be executed from a non-map config file.", Result.m_pCommand); Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Hint: Put the command in '%s.cfg' instead of '%s.map.cfg' ", g_Config.m_SvMap, g_Config.m_SvMap); Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } } else if(pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= m_AccessLevel) { int IsStrokeCommand = 0; if(Result.m_pCommand[0] == '+') { // insert the stroke direction token Result.AddArgument(m_apStrokeStr[Stroke]); IsStrokeCommand = 1; } if(Stroke || IsStrokeCommand) { if(ParseArgs(&Result, pCommand->m_pParams)) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Invalid arguments... Usage: %s %s", pCommand->m_pName, pCommand->m_pParams); Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "chatresp", aBuf); } else if(m_StoreCommands && pCommand->m_Flags & CFGFLAG_STORE) { m_ExecutionQueue.AddEntry(); m_ExecutionQueue.m_pLast->m_pCommand = pCommand; m_ExecutionQueue.m_pLast->m_Result = Result; } else { if(pCommand->m_Flags & CMDFLAG_TEST && !g_Config.m_SvTestingCommands) return; if(m_pfnTeeHistorianCommandCallback && !(pCommand->m_Flags & CFGFLAG_NONTEEHISTORIC)) { m_pfnTeeHistorianCommandCallback(ClientID, m_FlagMask, pCommand->m_pName, &Result, m_pTeeHistorianCommandUserdata); } if(Result.GetVictim() == CResult::VICTIM_ME) Result.SetVictim(ClientID); if(Result.HasVictim() && Result.GetVictim() == CResult::VICTIM_ALL) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { Result.SetVictim(i); pCommand->m_pfnCallback(&Result, pCommand->m_pUserData); } } else { pCommand->m_pfnCallback(&Result, pCommand->m_pUserData); } if(pCommand->m_Flags & CMDFLAG_TEST) m_Cheated = true; } } } else if(Stroke) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Access for command %s denied.", Result.m_pCommand); Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } } else if(Stroke) { // Pass the original string to the unknown command callback instead of the parsed command, as the latter // ends at the first whitespace, which breaks for unknown commands (filenames) containing spaces. if(!m_pfnUnknownCommandCallback(pStr, m_pUnknownCommandUserdata)) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such command: %s.", Result.m_pCommand); Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "chatresp", aBuf); } } pStr = pNextPart; } } int CConsole::PossibleCommands(const char *pStr, int FlagMask, bool Temp, FPossibleCallback pfnCallback, void *pUser) { int Index = 0; for(CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { if(pCommand->m_Flags & FlagMask && pCommand->m_Temp == Temp) { if(str_find_nocase(pCommand->m_pName, pStr)) { pfnCallback(Index, pCommand->m_pName, pUser); Index++; } } } return Index; } CConsole::CCommand *CConsole::FindCommand(const char *pName, int FlagMask) { for(CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { if(pCommand->m_Flags & FlagMask) { if(str_comp_nocase(pCommand->m_pName, pName) == 0) return pCommand; } } return 0x0; } void CConsole::ExecuteLine(const char *pStr, int ClientID, bool InterpretSemicolons) { CConsole::ExecuteLineStroked(1, pStr, ClientID, InterpretSemicolons); // press it CConsole::ExecuteLineStroked(0, pStr, ClientID, InterpretSemicolons); // then release it } void CConsole::ExecuteLineFlag(const char *pStr, int FlagMask, int ClientID, bool InterpretSemicolons) { int Temp = m_FlagMask; m_FlagMask = FlagMask; ExecuteLine(pStr, ClientID, InterpretSemicolons); m_FlagMask = Temp; } void CConsole::ExecuteFile(const char *pFilename, int ClientID, bool LogFailure, int StorageType) { // make sure that this isn't being executed already for(CExecFile *pCur = m_pFirstExec; pCur; pCur = pCur->m_pPrev) if(str_comp(pFilename, pCur->m_pFilename) == 0) return; if(!m_pStorage) return; // push this one to the stack CExecFile ThisFile; CExecFile *pPrev = m_pFirstExec; ThisFile.m_pFilename = pFilename; ThisFile.m_pPrev = m_pFirstExec; m_pFirstExec = &ThisFile; // exec the file IOHANDLE File = m_pStorage->OpenFile(pFilename, IOFLAG_READ | IOFLAG_SKIP_BOM, StorageType); char aBuf[128]; if(File) { char *pLine; CLineReader Reader; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "executing '%s'", pFilename); Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); Reader.Init(File); while((pLine = Reader.Get())) ExecuteLine(pLine, ClientID); io_close(File); } else if(LogFailure) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "failed to open '%s'", pFilename); Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } m_pFirstExec = pPrev; } void CConsole::Con_Echo(IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CConsole *)pUserData)->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", pResult->GetString(0)); } void CConsole::Con_Exec(IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CConsole *)pUserData)->ExecuteFile(pResult->GetString(0), -1, true, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); } void CConsole::Con_Reset(IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CConsole *)pUserData)->ConfigManager()->Reset(pResult->GetString(0)); } void CConsole::ConCommandAccess(IResult *pResult, void *pUser) { CConsole *pConsole = static_cast(pUser); char aBuf[128]; CCommand *pCommand = pConsole->FindCommand(pResult->GetString(0), CFGFLAG_SERVER); if(pCommand) { if(pResult->NumArguments() == 2) { pCommand->SetAccessLevel(pResult->GetInteger(1)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "moderator access for '%s' is now %s", pResult->GetString(0), pCommand->GetAccessLevel() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "helper access for '%s' is now %s", pResult->GetString(0), pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= ACCESS_LEVEL_HELPER ? "enabled" : "disabled"); pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "user access for '%s' is now %s", pResult->GetString(0), pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= ACCESS_LEVEL_USER ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "moderator access for '%s' is %s", pResult->GetString(0), pCommand->GetAccessLevel() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "helper access for '%s' is %s", pResult->GetString(0), pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= ACCESS_LEVEL_HELPER ? "enabled" : "disabled"); pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "user access for '%s' is %s", pResult->GetString(0), pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= ACCESS_LEVEL_USER ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } } else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such command: '%s'.", pResult->GetString(0)); pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } void CConsole::ConCommandStatus(IResult *pResult, void *pUser) { CConsole *pConsole = static_cast(pUser); char aBuf[240]; mem_zero(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); int Used = 0; for(CCommand *pCommand = pConsole->m_pFirstCommand; pCommand; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { if(pCommand->m_Flags & pConsole->m_FlagMask && pCommand->GetAccessLevel() >= clamp(pResult->GetInteger(0), (int)ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN, (int)ACCESS_LEVEL_USER)) { int Length = str_length(pCommand->m_pName); if(Used + Length + 2 < (int)(sizeof(aBuf))) { if(Used > 0) { Used += 2; str_append(aBuf, ", ", sizeof(aBuf)); } str_append(aBuf, pCommand->m_pName, sizeof(aBuf)); Used += Length; } else { pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "chatresp", aBuf); mem_zero(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); str_copy(aBuf, pCommand->m_pName); Used = Length; } } } if(Used > 0) pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "chatresp", aBuf); } void CConsole::ConUserCommandStatus(IResult *pResult, void *pUser) { CConsole *pConsole = static_cast(pUser); CResult Result; Result.m_pCommand = "access_status"; char aBuf[4]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d", IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_USER); Result.AddArgument(aBuf); pConsole->ConCommandStatus(&Result, pConsole); } struct CIntVariableData { IConsole *m_pConsole; int *m_pVariable; int m_Min; int m_Max; int m_OldValue; }; struct CColVariableData { IConsole *m_pConsole; unsigned *m_pVariable; bool m_Light; bool m_Alpha; unsigned m_OldValue; }; struct CStrVariableData { IConsole *m_pConsole; char *m_pStr; int m_MaxSize; char *m_pOldValue; }; static void IntVariableCommand(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CIntVariableData *pData = (CIntVariableData *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { int Val = pResult->GetInteger(0); // do clamping if(pData->m_Min != pData->m_Max) { if(Val < pData->m_Min) Val = pData->m_Min; if(pData->m_Max != 0 && Val > pData->m_Max) Val = pData->m_Max; } *(pData->m_pVariable) = Val; if(pResult->m_ClientID != IConsole::CLIENT_ID_GAME) pData->m_OldValue = Val; } else { char aBuf[32]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Value: %d", *(pData->m_pVariable)); pData->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } } static void ColVariableCommand(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CColVariableData *pData = (CColVariableData *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { ColorHSLA Col = pResult->GetColor(0, pData->m_Light); int Val = Col.Pack(pData->m_Light ? 0.5f : 0.0f, pData->m_Alpha); *(pData->m_pVariable) = Val; if(pResult->m_ClientID != IConsole::CLIENT_ID_GAME) pData->m_OldValue = Val; } else { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Value: %u", *(pData->m_pVariable)); pData->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); ColorHSLA Hsla(*(pData->m_pVariable), true); if(pData->m_Light) Hsla = Hsla.UnclampLighting(); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "H: %d°, S: %d%%, L: %d%%", round_truncate(Hsla.h * 360), round_truncate(Hsla.s * 100), round_truncate(Hsla.l * 100)); pData->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); ColorRGBA Rgba = color_cast(Hsla); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "R: %d, G: %d, B: %d, #%06X", round_truncate(Rgba.r * 255), round_truncate(Rgba.g * 255), round_truncate(Rgba.b * 255), Rgba.Pack(false)); pData->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); if(pData->m_Alpha) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "A: %d%%", round_truncate(Hsla.a * 100)); pData->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } } } static void StrVariableCommand(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CStrVariableData *pData = (CStrVariableData *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { const char *pString = pResult->GetString(0); if(!str_utf8_check(pString)) { char aTemp[4]; int Length = 0; while(*pString) { int Size = str_utf8_encode(aTemp, static_cast(*pString++)); if(Length + Size < pData->m_MaxSize) { mem_copy(pData->m_pStr + Length, aTemp, Size); Length += Size; } else break; } pData->m_pStr[Length] = 0; } else str_copy(pData->m_pStr, pString, pData->m_MaxSize); if(pResult->m_ClientID != IConsole::CLIENT_ID_GAME) str_copy(pData->m_pOldValue, pData->m_pStr, pData->m_MaxSize); } else { char aBuf[1024]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Value: %s", pData->m_pStr); pData->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } } void CConsole::TraverseChain(FCommandCallback *ppfnCallback, void **ppUserData) { while(*ppfnCallback == Con_Chain) { CChain *pChainInfo = static_cast(*ppUserData); *ppfnCallback = pChainInfo->m_pfnCallback; *ppUserData = pChainInfo->m_pCallbackUserData; } } void CConsole::ConToggle(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUser) { CConsole *pConsole = static_cast(pUser); char aBuf[128] = {0}; CCommand *pCommand = pConsole->FindCommand(pResult->GetString(0), pConsole->m_FlagMask); if(pCommand) { FCommandCallback pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; void *pUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; TraverseChain(&pfnCallback, &pUserData); if(pfnCallback == IntVariableCommand) { CIntVariableData *pData = static_cast(pUserData); int Val = *(pData->m_pVariable) == pResult->GetInteger(1) ? pResult->GetInteger(2) : pResult->GetInteger(1); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %i", pResult->GetString(0), Val); pConsole->ExecuteLine(aBuf); aBuf[0] = 0; } else if(pfnCallback == StrVariableCommand) { CStrVariableData *pData = static_cast(pUserData); const char *pStr = !str_comp(pData->m_pStr, pResult->GetString(1)) ? pResult->GetString(2) : pResult->GetString(1); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s \"", pResult->GetString(0)); char *pDst = aBuf + str_length(aBuf); str_escape(&pDst, pStr, aBuf + sizeof(aBuf)); str_append(aBuf, "\"", sizeof(aBuf)); pConsole->ExecuteLine(aBuf); aBuf[0] = 0; } else if(pfnCallback == ColVariableCommand) { CColVariableData *pData = static_cast(pUserData); bool Light = pData->m_Light; float Darkest = Light ? 0.5f : 0.0f; bool Alpha = pData->m_Alpha; unsigned Cur = *pData->m_pVariable; ColorHSLA Val = Cur == pResult->GetColor(1, Light).Pack(Darkest, Alpha) ? pResult->GetColor(2, Light) : pResult->GetColor(1, Light); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %u", pResult->GetString(0), Val.Pack(Darkest, Alpha)); pConsole->ExecuteLine(aBuf); aBuf[0] = 0; } else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Invalid command: '%s'.", pResult->GetString(0)); } else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such command: '%s'.", pResult->GetString(0)); if(aBuf[0] != 0) pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } void CConsole::ConToggleStroke(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUser) { CConsole *pConsole = static_cast(pUser); char aBuf[128] = {0}; CCommand *pCommand = pConsole->FindCommand(pResult->GetString(1), pConsole->m_FlagMask); if(pCommand) { FCommandCallback pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; void *pUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; TraverseChain(&pfnCallback, &pUserData); if(pfnCallback == IntVariableCommand) { int Val = pResult->GetInteger(0) == 0 ? pResult->GetInteger(3) : pResult->GetInteger(2); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %i", pResult->GetString(1), Val); pConsole->ExecuteLine(aBuf); aBuf[0] = 0; } else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Invalid command: '%s'.", pResult->GetString(1)); } else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such command: '%s'.", pResult->GetString(1)); if(aBuf[0] != 0) pConsole->Print(OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "console", aBuf); } CConsole::CConsole(int FlagMask) { m_FlagMask = FlagMask; m_AccessLevel = ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN; m_pRecycleList = 0; m_TempCommands.Reset(); m_StoreCommands = true; m_apStrokeStr[0] = "0"; m_apStrokeStr[1] = "1"; m_ExecutionQueue.Reset(); m_pFirstCommand = 0; m_pFirstExec = 0; m_pfnTeeHistorianCommandCallback = 0; m_pTeeHistorianCommandUserdata = 0; m_pStorage = 0; // register some basic commands Register("echo", "r[text]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, Con_Echo, this, "Echo the text"); Register("exec", "r[file]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_Exec, this, "Execute the specified file"); Register("reset", "s[config-name]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Reset, this, "Reset a config to its default value"); Register("toggle", "s[config-option] i[value 1] i[value 2]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConToggle, this, "Toggle config value"); Register("+toggle", "s[config-option] i[value 1] i[value 2]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConToggleStroke, this, "Toggle config value via keypress"); Register("access_level", "s[command] ?i[accesslevel]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConCommandAccess, this, "Specify command accessibility (admin = 0, moderator = 1, helper = 2, all = 3)"); Register("access_status", "i[accesslevel]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConCommandStatus, this, "List all commands which are accessible for admin = 0, moderator = 1, helper = 2, all = 3"); Register("cmdlist", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_CHAT, ConUserCommandStatus, this, "List all commands which are accessible for users"); // DDRace m_Cheated = false; } CConsole::~CConsole() { CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; while(pCommand) { CCommand *pNext = pCommand->m_pNext; { FCommandCallback pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; void *pUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; CChain *pChain = nullptr; while(pfnCallback == Con_Chain) { pChain = static_cast(pUserData); pfnCallback = pChain->m_pfnCallback; pUserData = pChain->m_pCallbackUserData; delete pChain; } } // Temp commands are on m_TempCommands heap, so don't delete them if(!pCommand->m_Temp) delete pCommand; pCommand = pNext; } } void CConsole::Init() { m_pConfigManager = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConfig = m_pConfigManager->Values(); m_pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); // TODO: this should disappear #define MACRO_CONFIG_INT(Name, ScriptName, Def, Min, Max, Flags, Desc) \ { \ static CIntVariableData Data = {this, &g_Config.m_##Name, Min, Max, Def}; \ Register(#ScriptName, "?i", Flags, IntVariableCommand, &Data, \ Min == Max ? Desc " (default: " #Def ")" : Max == 0 ? Desc " (default: " #Def ", min: " #Min ")" : Desc " (default: " #Def ", min: " #Min ", max: " #Max ")"); \ } #define MACRO_CONFIG_COL(Name, ScriptName, Def, Flags, Desc) \ { \ static CColVariableData Data = {this, &g_Config.m_##Name, static_cast((Flags)&CFGFLAG_COLLIGHT), \ static_cast((Flags)&CFGFLAG_COLALPHA), Def}; \ Register(#ScriptName, "?i", Flags, ColVariableCommand, &Data, Desc " (default: " #Def ")"); \ } #define MACRO_CONFIG_STR(Name, ScriptName, Len, Def, Flags, Desc) \ { \ static char s_aOldValue[Len] = Def; \ static CStrVariableData Data = {this, g_Config.m_##Name, Len, s_aOldValue}; \ Register(#ScriptName, "?r", Flags, StrVariableCommand, &Data, Desc " (default: " #Def ", max length: " #Len ")"); \ } #include "config_variables.h" #undef MACRO_CONFIG_INT #undef MACRO_CONFIG_COL #undef MACRO_CONFIG_STR } void CConsole::ParseArguments(int NumArgs, const char **ppArguments) { for(int i = 0; i < NumArgs; i++) { // check for scripts to execute if(ppArguments[i][0] == '-' && ppArguments[i][1] == 'f' && ppArguments[i][2] == 0) { if(NumArgs - i > 1) ExecuteFile(ppArguments[i + 1], -1, true, IStorage::TYPE_ABSOLUTE); i++; } else if(!str_comp("-s", ppArguments[i]) || !str_comp("--silent", ppArguments[i])) { // skip silent param continue; } else { // search arguments for overrides ExecuteLine(ppArguments[i]); } } } void CConsole::AddCommandSorted(CCommand *pCommand) { if(!m_pFirstCommand || str_comp(pCommand->m_pName, m_pFirstCommand->m_pName) <= 0) { if(m_pFirstCommand && m_pFirstCommand->m_pNext) pCommand->m_pNext = m_pFirstCommand; else pCommand->m_pNext = 0; m_pFirstCommand = pCommand; } else { for(CCommand *p = m_pFirstCommand; p; p = p->m_pNext) { if(!p->m_pNext || str_comp(pCommand->m_pName, p->m_pNext->m_pName) <= 0) { pCommand->m_pNext = p->m_pNext; p->m_pNext = pCommand; break; } } } } void CConsole::Register(const char *pName, const char *pParams, int Flags, FCommandCallback pfnFunc, void *pUser, const char *pHelp) { CCommand *pCommand = FindCommand(pName, Flags); bool DoAdd = false; if(pCommand == 0) { pCommand = new CCommand(); DoAdd = true; } pCommand->m_pfnCallback = pfnFunc; pCommand->m_pUserData = pUser; pCommand->m_pName = pName; pCommand->m_pHelp = pHelp; pCommand->m_pParams = pParams; pCommand->m_Flags = Flags; pCommand->m_Temp = false; if(DoAdd) AddCommandSorted(pCommand); if(pCommand->m_Flags & CFGFLAG_CHAT) pCommand->SetAccessLevel(ACCESS_LEVEL_USER); } void CConsole::RegisterTemp(const char *pName, const char *pParams, int Flags, const char *pHelp) { CCommand *pCommand; if(m_pRecycleList) { pCommand = m_pRecycleList; str_copy(const_cast(pCommand->m_pName), pName, TEMPCMD_NAME_LENGTH); str_copy(const_cast(pCommand->m_pHelp), pHelp, TEMPCMD_HELP_LENGTH); str_copy(const_cast(pCommand->m_pParams), pParams, TEMPCMD_PARAMS_LENGTH); m_pRecycleList = m_pRecycleList->m_pNext; } else { pCommand = new(m_TempCommands.Allocate(sizeof(CCommand))) CCommand; char *pMem = static_cast(m_TempCommands.Allocate(TEMPCMD_NAME_LENGTH)); str_copy(pMem, pName, TEMPCMD_NAME_LENGTH); pCommand->m_pName = pMem; pMem = static_cast(m_TempCommands.Allocate(TEMPCMD_HELP_LENGTH)); str_copy(pMem, pHelp, TEMPCMD_HELP_LENGTH); pCommand->m_pHelp = pMem; pMem = static_cast(m_TempCommands.Allocate(TEMPCMD_PARAMS_LENGTH)); str_copy(pMem, pParams, TEMPCMD_PARAMS_LENGTH); pCommand->m_pParams = pMem; } pCommand->m_pfnCallback = 0; pCommand->m_pUserData = 0; pCommand->m_Flags = Flags; pCommand->m_Temp = true; AddCommandSorted(pCommand); } void CConsole::DeregisterTemp(const char *pName) { if(!m_pFirstCommand) return; CCommand *pRemoved = 0; // remove temp entry from command list if(m_pFirstCommand->m_Temp && str_comp(m_pFirstCommand->m_pName, pName) == 0) { pRemoved = m_pFirstCommand; m_pFirstCommand = m_pFirstCommand->m_pNext; } else { for(CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand->m_pNext; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) if(pCommand->m_pNext->m_Temp && str_comp(pCommand->m_pNext->m_pName, pName) == 0) { pRemoved = pCommand->m_pNext; pCommand->m_pNext = pCommand->m_pNext->m_pNext; break; } } // add to recycle list if(pRemoved) { pRemoved->m_pNext = m_pRecycleList; m_pRecycleList = pRemoved; } } void CConsole::DeregisterTempAll() { // set non temp as first one for(; m_pFirstCommand && m_pFirstCommand->m_Temp; m_pFirstCommand = m_pFirstCommand->m_pNext) ; // remove temp entries from command list for(CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand && pCommand->m_pNext; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { CCommand *pNext = pCommand->m_pNext; if(pNext->m_Temp) { for(; pNext && pNext->m_Temp; pNext = pNext->m_pNext) ; pCommand->m_pNext = pNext; } } m_TempCommands.Reset(); m_pRecycleList = 0; } void CConsole::Con_Chain(IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CChain *pInfo = (CChain *)pUserData; pInfo->m_pfnChainCallback(pResult, pInfo->m_pUserData, pInfo->m_pfnCallback, pInfo->m_pCallbackUserData); } void CConsole::Chain(const char *pName, FChainCommandCallback pfnChainFunc, void *pUser) { CCommand *pCommand = FindCommand(pName, m_FlagMask); if(!pCommand) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "failed to chain '%s'", pName); Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "console", aBuf); return; } CChain *pChainInfo = new CChain(); // store info pChainInfo->m_pfnChainCallback = pfnChainFunc; pChainInfo->m_pUserData = pUser; pChainInfo->m_pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; pChainInfo->m_pCallbackUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; // chain pCommand->m_pfnCallback = Con_Chain; pCommand->m_pUserData = pChainInfo; } void CConsole::StoreCommands(bool Store) { if(!Store) { for(CExecutionQueue::CQueueEntry *pEntry = m_ExecutionQueue.m_pFirst; pEntry; pEntry = pEntry->m_pNext) pEntry->m_pCommand->m_pfnCallback(&pEntry->m_Result, pEntry->m_pCommand->m_pUserData); m_ExecutionQueue.Reset(); } m_StoreCommands = Store; } const IConsole::CCommandInfo *CConsole::GetCommandInfo(const char *pName, int FlagMask, bool Temp) { for(CCommand *pCommand = m_pFirstCommand; pCommand; pCommand = pCommand->m_pNext) { if(pCommand->m_Flags & FlagMask && pCommand->m_Temp == Temp) { if(str_comp_nocase(pCommand->m_pName, pName) == 0) return pCommand; } } return 0; } std::unique_ptr CreateConsole(int FlagMask) { return std::make_unique(FlagMask); } void CConsole::ResetServerGameSettings() { #define MACRO_CONFIG_INT(Name, ScriptName, Def, Min, Max, Flags, Desc) \ { \ if(((Flags) & (CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME)) == (CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME)) \ { \ CCommand *pCommand = FindCommand(#ScriptName, CFGFLAG_SERVER); \ void *pUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; \ FCommandCallback pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; \ TraverseChain(&pfnCallback, &pUserData); \ CIntVariableData *pData = (CIntVariableData *)pUserData; \ *pData->m_pVariable = pData->m_OldValue; \ } \ } #define MACRO_CONFIG_COL(Name, ScriptName, Def, Save, Desc) MACRO_CONFIG_INT(Name, ScriptName, Def, 0, 0, Save, Desc) #define MACRO_CONFIG_STR(Name, ScriptName, Len, Def, Flags, Desc) \ { \ if(((Flags) & (CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME)) == (CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME)) \ { \ CCommand *pCommand = FindCommand(#ScriptName, CFGFLAG_SERVER); \ void *pUserData = pCommand->m_pUserData; \ FCommandCallback pfnCallback = pCommand->m_pfnCallback; \ TraverseChain(&pfnCallback, &pUserData); \ CStrVariableData *pData = (CStrVariableData *)pUserData; \ str_copy(pData->m_pOldValue, pData->m_pStr, pData->m_MaxSize); \ } \ } #include "config_variables.h" #undef MACRO_CONFIG_INT #undef MACRO_CONFIG_COL #undef MACRO_CONFIG_STR } int CConsole::CResult::GetVictim() const { return m_Victim; } void CConsole::CResult::ResetVictim() { m_Victim = VICTIM_NONE; } bool CConsole::CResult::HasVictim() { return m_Victim != VICTIM_NONE; } void CConsole::CResult::SetVictim(int Victim) { m_Victim = clamp(Victim, VICTIM_NONE, MAX_CLIENTS - 1); } void CConsole::CResult::SetVictim(const char *pVictim) { if(!str_comp(pVictim, "me")) m_Victim = VICTIM_ME; else if(!str_comp(pVictim, "all")) m_Victim = VICTIM_ALL; else m_Victim = clamp(str_toint(pVictim), 0, MAX_CLIENTS - 1); }