import os, imp, sys from datatypes import * import content import network def create_enum_table(names, num): lines = [] lines += ["enum", "{"] lines += ["\t%s=0,"%names[0]] for name in names[1:]: lines += ["\t%s,"%name] lines += ["\t%s" % num, "};"] return lines def create_flags_table(names): lines = [] lines += ["enum", "{"] i = 0 for name in names: lines += ["\t%s = 1<<%d," % (name,i)] i += 1 lines += ["};"] return lines def EmitEnum(names, num): print "enum" print "{" print "\t%s=0,"%names[0] for name in names[1:]: print "\t%s,"%name print "\t%s" % num print "};" def EmitFlags(names, num): print "enum" print "{" i = 0 for name in names: print "\t%s = 1<<%d," % (name,i) i += 1 print "};" gen_network_header = False gen_network_source = False gen_client_content_header = False gen_client_content_source = False gen_server_content_header = False gen_server_content_source = False if "network_header" in sys.argv: gen_network_header = True if "network_source" in sys.argv: gen_network_source = True if "client_content_header" in sys.argv: gen_client_content_header = True if "client_content_source" in sys.argv: gen_client_content_source = True if "server_content_header" in sys.argv: gen_server_content_header = True if "server_content_source" in sys.argv: gen_server_content_source = True if gen_client_content_header: print "#ifndef CLIENT_CONTENT_HEADER" print "#define CLIENT_CONTENT_HEADER" if gen_server_content_header: print "#ifndef SERVER_CONTENT_HEADER" print "#define SERVER_CONTENT_HEADER" if gen_client_content_header or gen_server_content_header: # emit the type declarations contentlines = file("datasrc/").readlines() order = [] for line in contentlines: line = line.strip() if line[:6] == "class " and '(Struct)' in line: order += [line.split()[1].split("(")[0]] for name in order: EmitTypeDeclaration(content.__dict__[name]) # the container pointer print 'extern DATACONTAINER *data;'; # enums EmitEnum(["IMAGE_%s" for i in content.container.images.items], "NUM_IMAGES") EmitEnum(["ANIM_%s" for i in content.container.animations.items], "NUM_ANIMS") EmitEnum(["SPRITE_%s" for i in content.container.sprites.items], "NUM_SPRITES") if gen_client_content_source or gen_server_content_source: if gen_client_content_source: print '#include "gc_data.hpp"' if gen_server_content_source: print '#include "gs_data.hpp"' EmitDefinition(content.container, "datacontainer") print 'DATACONTAINER *data = &datacontainer;'; # NETWORK if gen_network_header: print "#ifndef FILE_G_PROTOCOL_H" print "#define FILE_G_PROTOCOL_H" print network.RawHeader for e in network.Enums: for l in create_enum_table(["%s_%s"%(, v) for v in e.values], 'NUM_%sS' print l print "" for e in network.Flags: for l in create_flags_table(["%s_%s" % (, v) for v in e.values]): print l print "" for l in create_enum_table(["NETOBJ_INVALID"]+[o.enum_name for o in network.Objects], "NUM_NETOBJTYPES"): print l print "" for l in create_enum_table(["NETMSG_INVALID"]+[o.enum_name for o in network.Messages], "NUM_NETMSGTYPES"): print l print "" for item in network.Objects + network.Messages: for line in item.emit_declaration(): print line print "" EmitEnum(["SOUND_%s" for i in content.container.sounds.items], "NUM_SOUNDS") EmitEnum(["WEAPON_%s" for i in], "NUM_WEAPONS") print "int netobj_validate(int type, void *data, int size);" print "const char *netobj_get_name(int type);" print "int netobj_get_size(int type);" print "void *netmsg_secure_unpack(int type);" print "const char *netmsg_get_name(int type);" print "const char *netmsg_failed_on();" print "int netobj_num_corrections();" print "const char *netobj_corrected_on();" print "#endif // FILE_G_PROTOCOL_H" if gen_network_source: # create names lines = [] lines += ['#include '] lines += ['#include "g_protocol.hpp"'] lines += ['const char *msg_failed_on = "";'] lines += ['const char *obj_corrected_on = "";'] lines += ['static int num_corrections = 0;'] lines += ['int netobj_num_corrections() { return num_corrections; }'] lines += ['const char *netobj_corrected_on() { return obj_corrected_on; }'] lines += ['const char *netmsg_failed_on() { return msg_failed_on; }'] lines += ['const int max_int = 0x7fffffff;'] lines += ['static int netobj_clamp_int(const char *error_msg, int v, int min, int max)'] lines += ['{'] lines += ['\tif(vmax) { obj_corrected_on = error_msg; num_corrections++; return max; }'] lines += ['\treturn v;'] lines += ['}'] lines += ["static const char *netobj_names[] = {"] lines += ['\t"invalid",'] lines += ['\t"%s",' % for o in network.Objects] lines += ['\t""', "};", ""] lines += ["static int netobj_sizes[] = {"] lines += ['\t0,'] lines += ['\tsizeof(%s),' % o.struct_name for o in network.Objects] lines += ['\t0', "};", ""] for l in lines: print l for item in network.Objects: for line in item.emit_validate(): print line print "" # create validate tables lines = [] lines += ['static int validate_invalid(void *data, int size) { return -1; }'] lines += ["typedef int(*VALIDATEFUNC)(void *data, int size);"] lines += ["static VALIDATEFUNC validate_funcs[] = {"] lines += ['\tvalidate_invalid,'] lines += ['\tvalidate_%s,' % for o in network.Objects] lines += ["\t0x0", "};", ""] lines += ["int netobj_validate(int type, void *data, int size)"] lines += ["{"] lines += ["\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETOBJTYPES) return -1;"] lines += ["\treturn validate_funcs[type](data, size);"] lines += ["};", ""] lines += ['const char *netobj_get_name(int type)'] lines += ['{'] lines += ['\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETOBJTYPES) return "(out of range)";'] lines += ['\treturn netobj_names[type];'] lines += ['};'] lines += [''] lines += ['int netobj_get_size(int type)'] lines += ['{'] lines += ['\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETOBJTYPES) return 0;'] lines += ['\treturn netobj_sizes[type];'] lines += ['};'] lines += [''] for item in network.Messages: for line in item.emit_unpack(): print line print "" lines += ['static void *secure_unpack_invalid() { return 0; }'] lines += ['typedef void *(*SECUREUNPACKFUNC)();'] lines += ['static SECUREUNPACKFUNC secure_unpack_funcs[] = {'] lines += ['\tsecure_unpack_invalid,'] for msg in network.Messages: lines += ['\tsecure_unpack_%s,' %] lines += ['\t0x0'] lines += ['};'] # lines += ['void *netmsg_secure_unpack(int type)'] lines += ['{'] lines += ['\tvoid *msg;'] lines += ['\tmsg_failed_on = "";'] lines += ['\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETMSGTYPES) { msg_failed_on = "(type out of range)"; return 0; }'] lines += ['\tmsg = secure_unpack_funcs[type]();'] lines += ['\tif(msg_unpack_error()) { msg_failed_on = "(unpack error)"; return 0; }'] lines += ['\treturn msg;'] lines += ['};'] lines += [''] lines += ['static const char *message_names[] = {'] lines += ['\t"invalid",'] for msg in network.Messages: lines += ['\t"%s",' %] lines += ['\t""'] lines += ['};'] lines += [''] lines += ['const char *netmsg_get_name(int type)'] lines += ['{'] lines += ['\tif(type < 0 || type >= NUM_NETMSGTYPES) return "(out of range)";'] lines += ['\treturn message_names[type];'] lines += ['};'] lines += [''] for l in lines: print l if gen_client_content_header or gen_server_content_header: print "#endif"