/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include "sounds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CSoundLoading::CSoundLoading(CGameClient *pGameClient, bool Render) : m_pGameClient(pGameClient), m_Render(Render) { } void CSoundLoading::Run() { for(int s = 0; s < g_pData->m_NumSounds; s++) { for(int i = 0; i < g_pData->m_aSounds[s].m_NumSounds; i++) { int Id = m_pGameClient->Sound()->LoadWV(g_pData->m_aSounds[s].m_aSounds[i].m_pFilename); g_pData->m_aSounds[s].m_aSounds[i].m_Id = Id; } if(m_Render) m_pGameClient->m_pMenus->RenderLoading(); } } int CSounds::GetSampleId(int SetId) { if(!g_Config.m_SndEnable || !Sound()->IsSoundEnabled() || m_WaitForSoundJob || SetId < 0 || SetId >= g_pData->m_NumSounds) return -1; CDataSoundset *pSet = &g_pData->m_aSounds[SetId]; if(!pSet->m_NumSounds) return -1; if(pSet->m_NumSounds == 1) return pSet->m_aSounds[0].m_Id; // return random one int Id; do { Id = rand() % pSet->m_NumSounds; } while(Id == pSet->m_Last); pSet->m_Last = Id; return pSet->m_aSounds[Id].m_Id; } void CSounds::OnInit() { // setup sound channels m_MapSoundVolume = g_Config.m_SndMapSoundVolume / 100.0f; Sound()->SetChannel(CSounds::CHN_GUI, 1.0f, 0.0f); Sound()->SetChannel(CSounds::CHN_MUSIC, 1.0f, 0.0f); Sound()->SetChannel(CSounds::CHN_WORLD, 0.9f, 1.0f); Sound()->SetChannel(CSounds::CHN_GLOBAL, 1.0f, 0.0f); Sound()->SetChannel(CSounds::CHN_MAPSOUND, m_MapSoundVolume, 1.0f); Sound()->SetListenerPos(0.0f, 0.0f); ClearQueue(); // load sounds if(g_Config.m_ClThreadsoundloading) { m_pSoundJob = std::make_shared(m_pClient, false); m_pClient->Engine()->AddJob(m_pSoundJob); m_WaitForSoundJob = true; } else { CSoundLoading(m_pClient, true).Run(); m_WaitForSoundJob = false; } } void CSounds::OnReset() { if(Client()->State() >= IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { Sound()->StopAll(); ClearQueue(); } } void CSounds::OnStateChange(int NewState, int OldState) { if(NewState == IClient::STATE_ONLINE || NewState == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) OnReset(); } void CSounds::OnRender() { // check for sound initialisation if(m_WaitForSoundJob) { if(m_pSoundJob->Status() == IJob::STATE_DONE) m_WaitForSoundJob = false; else return; } // set listener pos Sound()->SetListenerPos(m_pClient->m_pCamera->m_Center.x, m_pClient->m_pCamera->m_Center.y); // update volume float NewMapSoundVol = g_Config.m_SndMapSoundVolume / 100.0f; if(NewMapSoundVol != m_MapSoundVolume) { m_MapSoundVolume = NewMapSoundVol; Sound()->SetChannel(CSounds::CHN_MAPSOUND, m_MapSoundVolume, 1.0f); } // play sound from queue if(m_QueuePos > 0) { int64 Now = time(); if(m_QueueWaitTime <= Now) { Play(m_aQueue[0].m_Channel, m_aQueue[0].m_SetId, 1.0f); m_QueueWaitTime = Now + time_freq() * 3 / 10; // wait 300ms before playing the next one if(--m_QueuePos > 0) mem_move(m_aQueue, m_aQueue + 1, m_QueuePos * sizeof(QueueEntry)); } } } void CSounds::ClearQueue() { mem_zero(m_aQueue, sizeof(m_aQueue)); m_QueuePos = 0; m_QueueWaitTime = time(); } void CSounds::Enqueue(int Channel, int SetId) { // add sound to the queue if(m_QueuePos < QUEUE_SIZE) { if(Channel == CHN_MUSIC || !g_Config.m_ClEditor) { m_aQueue[m_QueuePos].m_Channel = Channel; m_aQueue[m_QueuePos++].m_SetId = SetId; } } } void CSounds::PlayAndRecord(int Chn, int SetId, float Vol, vec2 Pos) { CNetMsg_Sv_SoundGlobal Msg; Msg.m_SoundID = SetId; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_NOSEND | MSGFLAG_RECORD); Play(Chn, SetId, Vol); } void CSounds::Play(int Chn, int SetId, float Vol) { if(Chn == CHN_MUSIC && !g_Config.m_SndMusic) return; int SampleId = GetSampleId(SetId); if(SampleId == -1) return; int Flags = 0; if(Chn == CHN_MUSIC) Flags = ISound::FLAG_LOOP; Sound()->Play(Chn, SampleId, Flags); } void CSounds::PlayAt(int Chn, int SetId, float Vol, vec2 Pos) { if(Chn == CHN_MUSIC && !g_Config.m_SndMusic) return; int SampleId = GetSampleId(SetId); if(SampleId == -1) return; int Flags = 0; if(Chn == CHN_MUSIC) Flags = ISound::FLAG_LOOP; Sound()->PlayAt(Chn, SampleId, Flags, Pos.x, Pos.y); } void CSounds::Stop(int SetId) { if(m_WaitForSoundJob || SetId < 0 || SetId >= g_pData->m_NumSounds) return; CDataSoundset *pSet = &g_pData->m_aSounds[SetId]; for(int i = 0; i < pSet->m_NumSounds; i++) Sound()->Stop(pSet->m_aSounds[i].m_Id); } ISound::CVoiceHandle CSounds::PlaySample(int Chn, int SampleId, float Vol, int Flags) { if((Chn == CHN_MUSIC && !g_Config.m_SndMusic) || SampleId == -1) return ISound::CVoiceHandle(); if(Chn == CHN_MUSIC) Flags |= ISound::FLAG_LOOP; return Sound()->Play(Chn, SampleId, Flags); } ISound::CVoiceHandle CSounds::PlaySampleAt(int Chn, int SampleId, float Vol, vec2 Pos, int Flags) { if((Chn == CHN_MUSIC && !g_Config.m_SndMusic) || SampleId == -1) return ISound::CVoiceHandle(); if(Chn == CHN_MUSIC) Flags |= ISound::FLAG_LOOP; return Sound()->PlayAt(Chn, SampleId, Flags, Pos.x, Pos.y); }