name: Check ASan & UBSan on: push: branches-ignore: - master - staging.tmp - trying.tmp - staging-squash-merge.tmp pull_request: jobs: check-clang-san: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: true - name: Prepare linux run: | sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install pkg-config cmake ninja-build libfreetype6-dev libnotify-dev libsdl2-dev libsqlite3-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswresample-dev libswscale-dev libx264-dev libvulkan-dev glslang-tools spirv-tools -y - name: Build with ASan and UBSan run: | export CC=clang export CXX=clang++ export CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" export CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address,undefined -fsanitize-recover=address,undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer" cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DHEADLESS_CLIENT=ON -Werror=dev -DDOWNLOAD_GTEST=ON -DDEV=ON -DCMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG=. . make -j"$(nproc)" - name: Run server and headless client with ASan and UBSan run: | export UBSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=./ubsan.supp:log_path=./SAN:print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_errors=0 export ASAN_OPTIONS=log_path=./SAN:print_stacktrace=1:check_initialization_order=1:detect_leaks=1:halt_on_errors=0 export LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=./lsan.supp ./DDNet "cl_download_skins 0;quit" || true ./DDNet-Server shutdown || true if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'SAN.*' -print -quit)" then cat ./SAN.* exit 1 fi - name: Run unit tests with ASan and UBSan run: | cmake --build . --config Debug --target run_cxx_tests # Rust tests work locally, but still not in CI, even with the same directory if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'SAN.*' -print -quit)" then cat ./SAN.* exit 1 fi - name: Run integration tests with ASan and UBSan run: | make run_integration_tests if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'SAN.*' -print -quit)" then cat ./SAN.* exit 1 fi