#include "score.h" #include "entities/character.h" #include "gamemodes/DDRace.h" #include "player.h" #include "save.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // "6b407e81-8b77-3e04-a207-8da17f37d000" // "save-no-save-id@ddnet.tw" static const CUuid UUID_NO_SAVE_ID = {{0x6b, 0x40, 0x7e, 0x81, 0x8b, 0x77, 0x3e, 0x04, 0xa2, 0x07, 0x8d, 0xa1, 0x7f, 0x37, 0xd0, 0x00}}; CScorePlayerResult::CScorePlayerResult() { SetVariant(Variant::DIRECT); } void CScorePlayerResult::SetVariant(Variant v) { m_MessageKind = v; switch(v) { case DIRECT: case ALL: for(auto &aMessage : m_Data.m_aaMessages) aMessage[0] = 0; break; case BROADCAST: m_Data.m_Broadcast[0] = 0; break; case MAP_VOTE: m_Data.m_MapVote.m_Map[0] = '\0'; m_Data.m_MapVote.m_Reason[0] = '\0'; m_Data.m_MapVote.m_Server[0] = '\0'; break; case PLAYER_INFO: m_Data.m_Info.m_Score = -9999; m_Data.m_Info.m_Birthday = 0; m_Data.m_Info.m_HasFinishScore = false; m_Data.m_Info.m_Time = 0; for(float &CpTime : m_Data.m_Info.m_CpTime) CpTime = 0; } } CTeamrank::CTeamrank() : m_NumNames(0) { for(auto &aName : m_aaNames) aName[0] = '\0'; mem_zero(&m_TeamID.m_aData, sizeof(m_TeamID)); } bool CTeamrank::NextSqlResult(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, bool *pEnd, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { pSqlServer->GetBlob(1, m_TeamID.m_aData, sizeof(m_TeamID.m_aData)); pSqlServer->GetString(2, m_aaNames[0], sizeof(m_aaNames[0])); m_NumNames = 1; bool End = false; while(!pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize) && !End) { CUuid TeamID; pSqlServer->GetBlob(1, TeamID.m_aData, sizeof(TeamID.m_aData)); if(m_TeamID != TeamID) { *pEnd = false; return false; } pSqlServer->GetString(2, m_aaNames[m_NumNames], sizeof(m_aaNames[m_NumNames])); m_NumNames++; } if(!End) { return true; } *pEnd = true; return false; } bool CTeamrank::SamePlayers(const std::vector *aSortedNames) { if(aSortedNames->size() != m_NumNames) return false; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NumNames; i++) { if(str_comp(aSortedNames->at(i).c_str(), m_aaNames[i]) != 0) return false; } return true; } std::shared_ptr CScore::NewSqlPlayerResult(int ClientID) { CPlayer *pCurPlayer = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pCurPlayer->m_ScoreQueryResult != nullptr) // TODO: send player a message: "too many requests" return nullptr; pCurPlayer->m_ScoreQueryResult = std::make_shared(); return pCurPlayer->m_ScoreQueryResult; } void CScore::ExecPlayerThread( bool (*pFuncPtr)(IDbConnection *, const ISqlData *, char *pError, int ErrorSize), const char *pThreadName, int ClientID, const char *pName, int Offset) { auto pResult = NewSqlPlayerResult(ClientID); if(pResult == nullptr) return; auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlPlayerRequest(pResult)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Name, pName, sizeof(Tmp->m_Name)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Map, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_Map)); str_copy(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer)); Tmp->m_Offset = Offset; m_pPool->Execute(pFuncPtr, std::move(Tmp), pThreadName); } bool CScore::RateLimitPlayer(int ClientID) { CPlayer *pPlayer = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pPlayer == 0) return true; if(pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery + (int64)g_Config.m_SvSqlQueriesDelay * Server()->TickSpeed() >= Server()->Tick()) return true; pPlayer->m_LastSQLQuery = Server()->Tick(); return false; } void CScore::GeneratePassphrase(char *pBuf, int BufSize) { for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(i != 0) str_append(pBuf, " ", BufSize); // TODO: decide if the slight bias towards lower numbers is ok int Rand = m_Prng.RandomBits() % m_aWordlist.size(); str_append(pBuf, m_aWordlist[Rand].c_str(), BufSize); } } CScore::CScore(CGameContext *pGameServer, CDbConnectionPool *pPool) : m_pPool(pPool), m_pGameServer(pGameServer), m_pServer(pGameServer->Server()) { auto InitResult = std::make_shared(); auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlInitData(InitResult)); ((CGameControllerDDRace *)(pGameServer->m_pController))->m_pInitResult = InitResult; str_copy(Tmp->m_Map, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_Map)); uint64 aSeed[2]; secure_random_fill(aSeed, sizeof(aSeed)); m_Prng.Seed(aSeed); IOHANDLE File = GameServer()->Storage()->OpenFile("wordlist.txt", IOFLAG_READ, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); if(File) { CLineReader LineReader; LineReader.Init(File); char *pLine; while((pLine = LineReader.Get())) { char Word[32] = {0}; sscanf(pLine, "%*s %31s", Word); Word[31] = 0; m_aWordlist.push_back(Word); } } else { dbg_msg("sql", "failed to open wordlist, using fallback"); m_aWordlist.assign(std::begin(g_aFallbackWordlist), std::end(g_aFallbackWordlist)); } if(m_aWordlist.size() < 1000) { dbg_msg("sql", "too few words in wordlist"); Server()->SetErrorShutdown("sql too few words in wordlist"); return; } m_pPool->Execute(Init, std::move(Tmp), "load best time"); } bool CScore::Init(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlInitData *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScoreInitResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); char aBuf[512]; // get the best time str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Time FROM %s_race WHERE Map=? ORDER BY `Time` ASC LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { pResult->m_CurrentRecord = pSqlServer->GetFloat(1); } return false; } void CScore::LoadPlayerData(int ClientID) { ExecPlayerThread(LoadPlayerDataThread, "load player data", ClientID, "", 0); } // update stuff bool CScore::LoadPlayerDataThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); pResult->SetVariant(CScorePlayerResult::PLAYER_INFO); char aBuf[512]; // get best race time str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Time, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cp8, cp9, cp10, " " cp11, cp12, cp13, cp14, cp15, cp16, cp17, cp18, cp19, cp20, " " cp21, cp22, cp23, cp24, cp25 " "FROM %s_race " "WHERE Map = ? AND Name = ? " "ORDER BY Time ASC " "LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { // get the best time float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(1); pResult->m_Data.m_Info.m_Time = Time; pResult->m_Data.m_Info.m_Score = -Time; pResult->m_Data.m_Info.m_HasFinishScore = true; if(g_Config.m_SvCheckpointSave) { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_CHECKPOINTS; i++) { pResult->m_Data.m_Info.m_CpTime[i] = pSqlServer->GetFloat(i + 2); } } } // birthday check str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS Current, MIN(Timestamp) AS Stamp " "FROM %s_race " "WHERE Name = ?", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End && !pSqlServer->IsNull(2)) { char aCurrent[TIMESTAMP_STR_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(1, aCurrent, sizeof(aCurrent)); char aStamp[TIMESTAMP_STR_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(2, aStamp, sizeof(aStamp)); int CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, CurrentDay; int StampYear, StampMonth, StampDay; if(sscanf(aCurrent, "%d-%d-%d", &CurrentYear, &CurrentMonth, &CurrentDay) == 3 && sscanf(aStamp, "%d-%d-%d", &StampYear, &StampMonth, &StampDay) == 3 && CurrentMonth == StampMonth && CurrentDay == StampDay) pResult->m_Data.m_Info.m_Birthday = CurrentYear - StampYear; } return false; } void CScore::MapVote(int ClientID, const char *MapName) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(MapVoteThread, "map vote", ClientID, MapName, 0); } bool CScore::MapVoteThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; char aFuzzyMap[128]; str_copy(aFuzzyMap, pData->m_Name, sizeof(aFuzzyMap)); sqlstr::FuzzyString(aFuzzyMap, sizeof(aFuzzyMap)); char aMapPrefix[128]; str_copy(aMapPrefix, pData->m_Name, sizeof(aMapPrefix)); str_append(aMapPrefix, "%", sizeof(aMapPrefix)); char aBuf[768]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Map, Server " "FROM %s_maps " "WHERE Map LIKE %s " "ORDER BY " " CASE WHEN Map = ? THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, " " CASE WHEN Map LIKE ? THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, " " LENGTH(Map), Map " "LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->CollateNocase()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, aFuzzyMap); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Name); pSqlServer->BindString(3, aMapPrefix); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { pResult->SetVariant(CScorePlayerResult::MAP_VOTE); auto *MapVote = &pResult->m_Data.m_MapVote; pSqlServer->GetString(1, MapVote->m_Map, sizeof(MapVote->m_Map)); pSqlServer->GetString(2, MapVote->m_Server, sizeof(MapVote->m_Server)); str_copy(MapVote->m_Reason, "/map", sizeof(MapVote->m_Reason)); for(char *p = MapVote->m_Server; *p; p++) // lower case server *p = tolower(*p); } else { pResult->SetVariant(CScorePlayerResult::DIRECT); str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "No map like \"%s\" found. " "Try adding a '%%' at the start if you don't know the first character. " "Example: /map %%castle for \"Out of Castle\"", pData->m_Name); } return false; } void CScore::MapInfo(int ClientID, const char *MapName) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(MapInfoThread, "map info", ClientID, MapName, 0); } bool CScore::MapInfoThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); char aFuzzyMap[128]; str_copy(aFuzzyMap, pData->m_Name, sizeof(aFuzzyMap)); sqlstr::FuzzyString(aFuzzyMap, sizeof(aFuzzyMap)); char aMapPrefix[128]; str_copy(aMapPrefix, pData->m_Name, sizeof(aMapPrefix)); str_append(aMapPrefix, "%", sizeof(aMapPrefix)); char aCurrentTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", aCurrentTimestamp, sizeof(aCurrentTimestamp)); char aTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("l.Timestamp", aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp)); char aMedianMapTime[2048]; char aBuf[4096]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT l.Map, l.Server, Mapper, Points, Stars, " " (SELECT COUNT(Name) FROM %s_race WHERE Map = l.Map) AS Finishes, " " (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Name) FROM %s_race WHERE Map = l.Map) AS Finishers, " " (%s) AS Median, " " %s AS Stamp, " " %s-%s AS Ago, " " (SELECT MIN(Time) FROM %s_race WHERE Map = l.Map AND Name = ?) AS OwnTime " "FROM (" " SELECT * FROM %s_maps " " WHERE Map LIKE %s " " ORDER BY " " CASE WHEN Map = ? THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, " " CASE WHEN Map LIKE ? THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, " " LENGTH(Map), " " Map " " LIMIT 1" ") as l;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->MedianMapTime(aMedianMapTime, sizeof(aMedianMapTime)), aTimestamp, aCurrentTimestamp, aTimestamp, pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->CollateNocase()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); pSqlServer->BindString(2, aFuzzyMap); pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_Name); pSqlServer->BindString(4, aMapPrefix); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { char aMap[MAX_MAP_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(1, aMap, sizeof(aMap)); char aServer[32]; pSqlServer->GetString(2, aServer, sizeof(aServer)); char aMapper[128]; pSqlServer->GetString(3, aMapper, sizeof(aMapper)); int Points = pSqlServer->GetInt(4); int Stars = pSqlServer->GetInt(5); int Finishes = pSqlServer->GetInt(6); int Finishers = pSqlServer->GetInt(7); float Median = pSqlServer->GetInt(8); int Stamp = pSqlServer->GetInt(9); int Ago = pSqlServer->GetInt(10); float OwnTime = pSqlServer->GetFloat(11); char aAgoString[40] = "\0"; char aReleasedString[60] = "\0"; if(Stamp != 0) { sqlstr::AgoTimeToString(Ago, aAgoString, sizeof(aAgoString)); str_format(aReleasedString, sizeof(aReleasedString), ", released %s ago", aAgoString); } char aMedianString[60] = "\0"; if(Median > 0) { str_time((int64)Median * 100, TIME_HOURS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); str_format(aMedianString, sizeof(aMedianString), " in %s median", aBuf); } char aStars[20]; switch(Stars) { case 0: str_copy(aStars, "✰✰✰✰✰", sizeof(aStars)); break; case 1: str_copy(aStars, "★✰✰✰✰", sizeof(aStars)); break; case 2: str_copy(aStars, "★★✰✰✰", sizeof(aStars)); break; case 3: str_copy(aStars, "★★★✰✰", sizeof(aStars)); break; case 4: str_copy(aStars, "★★★★✰", sizeof(aStars)); break; case 5: str_copy(aStars, "★★★★★", sizeof(aStars)); break; default: aStars[0] = '\0'; } char aOwnFinishesString[40] = "\0"; if(OwnTime > 0) { str_time_float(OwnTime, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); str_format(aOwnFinishesString, sizeof(aOwnFinishesString), ", your time: %s", aBuf); } str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "\"%s\" by %s on %s, %s, %d %s%s, %d %s by %d %s%s%s", aMap, aMapper, aServer, aStars, Points, Points == 1 ? "point" : "points", aReleasedString, Finishes, Finishes == 1 ? "finish" : "finishes", Finishers, Finishers == 1 ? "tee" : "tees", aMedianString, aOwnFinishesString); } else { str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "No map like \"%s\" found.", pData->m_Name); } return false; } void CScore::SaveScore(int ClientID, float Time, const char *pTimestamp, float CpTime[NUM_CHECKPOINTS], bool NotEligible) { CConsole *pCon = (CConsole *)GameServer()->Console(); if(pCon->m_Cheated || NotEligible) return; CPlayer *pCurPlayer = GameServer()->m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pCurPlayer->m_ScoreFinishResult != nullptr) dbg_msg("sql", "WARNING: previous save score result didn't complete, overwriting it now"); pCurPlayer->m_ScoreFinishResult = std::make_shared(); auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlScoreData(pCurPlayer->m_ScoreFinishResult)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Map, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_Map)); FormatUuid(GameServer()->GameUuid(), Tmp->m_GameUuid, sizeof(Tmp->m_GameUuid)); Tmp->m_ClientID = ClientID; str_copy(Tmp->m_Name, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(Tmp->m_Name)); Tmp->m_Time = Time; str_copy(Tmp->m_aTimestamp, pTimestamp, sizeof(Tmp->m_aTimestamp)); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_CHECKPOINTS; i++) Tmp->m_aCpCurrent[i] = CpTime[i]; m_pPool->ExecuteWrite(SaveScoreThread, std::move(Tmp), "save score"); } bool CScore::SaveScoreThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, bool Failure, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlScoreData *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; char aBuf[1024]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumFinished FROM %s_race WHERE Map=? AND Name=? ORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Name); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } int NumFinished = pSqlServer->GetInt(1); if(NumFinished == 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Points FROM %s_maps WHERE Map=?", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { int Points = pSqlServer->GetInt(1); if(pSqlServer->AddPoints(pData->m_Name, Points, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "You earned %d point%s for finishing this map!", Points, Points == 1 ? "" : "s"); } } // save score. Can't fail, because no UNIQUE/PRIMARY KEY constrain is defined. str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s INTO %s_race(" " Map, Name, Timestamp, Time, Server, " " cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cp8, cp9, cp10, cp11, cp12, cp13, " " cp14, cp15, cp16, cp17, cp18, cp19, cp20, cp21, cp22, cp23, cp24, cp25, " " GameID, DDNet7) " "VALUES (?, ?, %s, %.2f, ?, " " %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, " " %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, " " %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, " " ?, false);", pSqlServer->InsertIgnore(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->InsertTimestampAsUtc(), pData->m_Time, pData->m_aCpCurrent[0], pData->m_aCpCurrent[1], pData->m_aCpCurrent[2], pData->m_aCpCurrent[3], pData->m_aCpCurrent[4], pData->m_aCpCurrent[5], pData->m_aCpCurrent[6], pData->m_aCpCurrent[7], pData->m_aCpCurrent[8], pData->m_aCpCurrent[9], pData->m_aCpCurrent[10], pData->m_aCpCurrent[11], pData->m_aCpCurrent[12], pData->m_aCpCurrent[13], pData->m_aCpCurrent[14], pData->m_aCpCurrent[15], pData->m_aCpCurrent[16], pData->m_aCpCurrent[17], pData->m_aCpCurrent[18], pData->m_aCpCurrent[19], pData->m_aCpCurrent[20], pData->m_aCpCurrent[21], pData->m_aCpCurrent[22], pData->m_aCpCurrent[23], pData->m_aCpCurrent[24]); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Name); pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_aTimestamp); pSqlServer->BindString(4, g_Config.m_SvSqlServerName); pSqlServer->BindString(5, pData->m_GameUuid); pSqlServer->Print(); int NumInserted; if(pSqlServer->ExecuteUpdate(&NumInserted, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } return false; } void CScore::SaveTeamScore(int *aClientIDs, unsigned int Size, float Time, const char *pTimestamp) { CConsole *pCon = (CConsole *)GameServer()->Console(); if(pCon->m_Cheated) return; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Size; i++) { if(GameServer()->m_apPlayers[aClientIDs[i]]->m_NotEligibleForFinish) return; } auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlTeamScoreData()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Size; i++) str_copy(Tmp->m_aNames[i], Server()->ClientName(aClientIDs[i]), sizeof(Tmp->m_aNames[i])); Tmp->m_Size = Size; Tmp->m_Time = Time; str_copy(Tmp->m_aTimestamp, pTimestamp, sizeof(Tmp->m_aTimestamp)); FormatUuid(GameServer()->GameUuid(), Tmp->m_GameUuid, sizeof(Tmp->m_GameUuid)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Map, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_Map)); m_pPool->ExecuteWrite(SaveTeamScoreThread, std::move(Tmp), "save team score"); } bool CScore::SaveTeamScoreThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, bool Failure, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlTeamScoreData *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); char aBuf[512]; // get the names sorted in a tab separated string std::vector aNames; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pData->m_Size; i++) aNames.push_back(pData->m_aNames[i]); std::sort(aNames.begin(), aNames.end()); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT l.ID, Name, Time " "FROM (" // preselect teams with first name in team " SELECT ID " " FROM %s_teamrace " " WHERE Map = ? AND Name = ? AND DDNet7 = false" ") as l INNER JOIN %s_teamrace AS r ON l.ID = r.ID " "ORDER BY l.ID, Name COLLATE %s;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->BinaryCollate()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_aNames[0]); bool FoundTeam = false; float Time; CTeamrank Teamrank; bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { bool SearchTeamEnd = true; while(!SearchTeamEnd) { Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(3); if(Teamrank.NextSqlResult(pSqlServer, &SearchTeamEnd, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(Teamrank.SamePlayers(&aNames)) { FoundTeam = true; break; } } } if(FoundTeam) { dbg_msg("sql", "found team rank from same team (old time: %f, new time: %f)", Time, pData->m_Time); if(pData->m_Time < Time) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "UPDATE %s_teamrace SET Time=%.2f, Timestamp=?, DDNet7=false, GameID=? WHERE ID = ?;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pData->m_Time); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_aTimestamp); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_GameUuid); pSqlServer->BindBlob(3, Teamrank.m_TeamID.m_aData, sizeof(Teamrank.m_TeamID.m_aData)); pSqlServer->Print(); if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } } } else { CUuid GameID = RandomUuid(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pData->m_Size; i++) { // if no entry found... create a new one str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s INTO %s_teamrace(Map, Name, Timestamp, Time, ID, GameID, DDNet7) " "VALUES (?, ?, %s, %.2f, ?, ?, false);", pSqlServer->InsertIgnore(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->InsertTimestampAsUtc(), pData->m_Time); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_aNames[i]); pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_aTimestamp); pSqlServer->BindBlob(4, GameID.m_aData, sizeof(GameID.m_aData)); pSqlServer->BindString(5, pData->m_GameUuid); pSqlServer->Print(); int NumInserted; if(pSqlServer->ExecuteUpdate(&NumInserted, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } } } return false; } void CScore::ShowRank(int ClientID, const char *pName) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowRankThread, "show rank", ClientID, pName, 0); } bool CScore::ShowRankThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); // check sort method char aBuf[600]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Rank, Time, PercentRank " "FROM (" " SELECT RANK() OVER w AS Rank, PERCENT_RANK() OVER w as PercentRank, Name, MIN(Time) AS Time " " FROM %s_race " " WHERE Map = ? " " GROUP BY Name " " WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY Time)" ") as a " "WHERE Name = ?;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Name); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(1); float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(2); // CEIL and FLOOR are not supported in SQLite int BetterThanPercent = std::floor(100.0 - 100.0 * pSqlServer->GetFloat(3)); str_time_float(Time, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); if(g_Config.m_SvHideScore) { str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "Your time: %s, better than %d%%", aBuf, BetterThanPercent); } else { pResult->m_MessageKind = CScorePlayerResult::ALL; str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "%d. %s Time: %s, better than %d%%, requested by %s", Rank, pData->m_Name, aBuf, BetterThanPercent, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); } } else { str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "%s is not ranked", pData->m_Name); } return false; } void CScore::ShowTeamRank(int ClientID, const char *pName) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowTeamRankThread, "show team rank", ClientID, pName, 0); } bool CScore::ShowTeamRankThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); // check sort method char aBuf[2400]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT l.ID, Name, Time, Rank, PercentRank " "FROM (" // teamrank score board " SELECT RANK() OVER w AS Rank, PERCENT_RANK() OVER w AS PercentRank, ID " " FROM %s_teamrace " " WHERE Map = ? " " GROUP BY ID " " WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY Time)" ") AS TeamRank INNER JOIN (" // select rank with Name in team " SELECT ID " " FROM %s_teamrace " " WHERE Map = ? AND Name = ? " " ORDER BY Time " " LIMIT 1" ") AS l ON TeamRank.ID = l.ID " "INNER JOIN %s_teamrace AS r ON l.ID = r.ID ", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_Name); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(3); str_time_float(Time, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(4); // CEIL and FLOOR are not supported in SQLite int BetterThanPercent = std::floor(100.0 - 100.0 * pSqlServer->GetFloat(5)); CTeamrank Teamrank; if(Teamrank.NextSqlResult(pSqlServer, &End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } char aFormattedNames[512] = ""; for(unsigned int Name = 0; Name < Teamrank.m_NumNames; Name++) { str_append(aFormattedNames, Teamrank.m_aaNames[Name], sizeof(aFormattedNames)); if(Name < Teamrank.m_NumNames - 2) str_append(aFormattedNames, ", ", sizeof(aFormattedNames)); else if(Name < Teamrank.m_NumNames - 1) str_append(aFormattedNames, " & ", sizeof(aFormattedNames)); } if(g_Config.m_SvHideScore) { str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "Your team time: %s, better than %d%%", aBuf, BetterThanPercent); } else { pResult->m_MessageKind = CScorePlayerResult::ALL; str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "%d. %s Team time: %s, better than %d%%, requested by %s", Rank, aFormattedNames, aBuf, BetterThanPercent, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); } } else { str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0]), "%s has no team ranks", pData->m_Name); } return false; } void CScore::ShowTop5(int ClientID, int Offset) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowTop5Thread, "show top5", ClientID, "", Offset); } bool CScore::ShowTop5Thread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); int LimitStart = maximum(abs(pData->m_Offset) - 1, 0); const char *pOrder = pData->m_Offset >= 0 ? "ASC" : "DESC"; // check sort method char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Name, Time, Rank " "FROM (" " SELECT RANK() OVER w AS Rank, Name, MIN(Time) AS Time " " FROM %s_race " " WHERE Map = ? " " GROUP BY Name " " WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY Time)" ") as a " "ORDER BY Rank %s " "LIMIT %d, 5;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder, LimitStart); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); // show top5 str_copy(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0], "----------- Top 5 -----------", sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[0])); int Line = 1; bool End = false; while(!pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize) && !End) { char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(1, aName, sizeof(aName)); float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(2); str_time_float(Time, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(3); str_format(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[Line], sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[Line]), "%d. %s Time: %s", Rank, aName, aBuf); Line++; } if(!End) { return true; } str_copy(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[Line], "-------------------------------", sizeof(pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages[Line])); return false; } void CScore::ShowTeamTop5(int ClientID, int Offset) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowTeamTop5Thread, "show team top5", ClientID, "", Offset); } bool CScore::ShowTeamTop5Thread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; int LimitStart = maximum(abs(pData->m_Offset) - 1, 0); const char *pOrder = pData->m_Offset >= 0 ? "ASC" : "DESC"; // check sort method char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Name, Time, Rank, TeamSize " "FROM (" // limit to 5 " SELECT TeamSize, Rank, ID " " FROM (" // teamrank score board " SELECT RANK() OVER w AS Rank, ID, COUNT(*) AS Teamsize " " FROM %s_teamrace " " WHERE Map = ? " " GROUP BY Id " " WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY Time)" " ) as l1 " " ORDER BY Rank %s " " LIMIT %d, 5" ") as l2 " "INNER JOIN %s_teamrace as r ON l2.ID = r.ID " "ORDER BY Rank %s, r.ID, Name ASC;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder, LimitStart, pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); // show teamtop5 int Line = 0; str_copy(paMessages[Line++], "------- Team Top 5 -------", sizeof(paMessages[Line])); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { for(Line = 1; Line < 6; Line++) // print { bool Last = false; float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(2); str_time_float(Time, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(3); int TeamSize = pSqlServer->GetInt(4); char aNames[2300] = {0}; for(int i = 0; i < TeamSize; i++) { char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(1, aName, sizeof(aName)); str_append(aNames, aName, sizeof(aNames)); if(i < TeamSize - 2) str_append(aNames, ", ", sizeof(aNames)); else if(i == TeamSize - 2) str_append(aNames, " & ", sizeof(aNames)); if(pSqlServer->Step(&Last, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(Last) { break; } } str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%d. %s Team Time: %s", Rank, aNames, aBuf); if(Last) { Line++; break; } } } str_copy(paMessages[Line], "-------------------------------", sizeof(paMessages[Line])); return false; } void CScore::ShowTeamTop5(int ClientID, const char *pName, int Offset) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowPlayerTeamTop5Thread, "show team top5 player", ClientID, pName, Offset); } bool CScore::ShowPlayerTeamTop5Thread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; int LimitStart = maximum(abs(pData->m_Offset) - 1, 0); const char *pOrder = pData->m_Offset >= 0 ? "ASC" : "DESC"; // check sort method char aBuf[2400]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT l.ID, Name, Time, Rank " "FROM (" // teamrank score board " SELECT RANK() OVER w AS Rank, ID " " FROM %s_teamrace " " WHERE Map = ? " " GROUP BY ID " " WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY Time)" ") AS TeamRank INNER JOIN (" // select rank with Name in team " SELECT ID " " FROM %s_teamrace " " WHERE Map = ? AND Name = ? " " ORDER BY Time %s " " LIMIT %d, 5 " ") AS l ON TeamRank.ID = l.ID " "INNER JOIN %s_teamrace AS r ON l.ID = r.ID " "ORDER BY Time %s, l.ID ", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder, LimitStart, pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_Name); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { // show teamtop5 int Line = 0; str_copy(paMessages[Line++], "------- Team Top 5 -------", sizeof(paMessages[Line])); for(Line = 1; Line < 6; Line++) // print { float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(3); str_time_float(Time, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(4); CTeamrank Teamrank; bool Last; if(Teamrank.NextSqlResult(pSqlServer, &Last, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } char aFormattedNames[512] = ""; for(unsigned int Name = 0; Name < Teamrank.m_NumNames; Name++) { str_append(aFormattedNames, Teamrank.m_aaNames[Name], sizeof(aFormattedNames)); if(Name < Teamrank.m_NumNames - 2) str_append(aFormattedNames, ", ", sizeof(aFormattedNames)); else if(Name < Teamrank.m_NumNames - 1) str_append(aFormattedNames, " & ", sizeof(aFormattedNames)); } str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%d. %s Team Time: %s", Rank, aFormattedNames, aBuf); if(Last) { Line++; break; } } str_copy(paMessages[Line], "-------------------------------", sizeof(paMessages[Line])); } else { if(pData->m_Offset == 0) str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "%s has no team ranks", pData->m_Name); else str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "%s has no team ranks in the specified range", pData->m_Name); } return false; } void CScore::ShowTimes(int ClientID, int Offset) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowTimesThread, "show times", ClientID, "", Offset); } void CScore::ShowTimes(int ClientID, const char *pName, int Offset) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowTimesThread, "show times", ClientID, pName, Offset); } bool CScore::ShowTimesThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; int LimitStart = maximum(abs(pData->m_Offset) - 1, 0); const char *pOrder = pData->m_Offset >= 0 ? "DESC" : "ASC"; char aCurrentTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", aCurrentTimestamp, sizeof(aCurrentTimestamp)); char aTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("Timestamp", aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp)); char aBuf[512]; if(pData->m_Name[0] != '\0') // last 5 times of a player { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Time, (%s-%s) as Ago, %s as Stamp " "FROM %s_race " "WHERE Map = ? AND Name = ? " "ORDER BY Timestamp %s " "LIMIT ?, 5;", aCurrentTimestamp, aTimestamp, aTimestamp, pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Name); pSqlServer->BindInt(3, LimitStart); } else // last 5 times of server { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Time, (%s-%s) as Ago, %s as Stamp, Name, Server " "FROM %s_race " "WHERE Map = ? " "ORDER BY Timestamp %s " "LIMIT ?, 5;", aCurrentTimestamp, aTimestamp, aTimestamp, pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pOrder); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindInt(2, LimitStart); } // show top5 bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(End) { str_copy(paMessages[0], "There are no times in the specified range", sizeof(paMessages[0])); return false; } str_copy(paMessages[0], "------------- Last Times -------------", sizeof(paMessages[0])); int Line = 1; do { float Time = pSqlServer->GetFloat(1); str_time_float(Time, TIME_HOURS_CENTISECS, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); int Ago = pSqlServer->GetInt(2); int Stamp = pSqlServer->GetInt(3); char aServer[5]; pSqlServer->GetString(5, aServer, sizeof(aServer)); char aServerFormatted[8] = "\0"; if(str_comp(aServer, "UNK") != 0) str_format(aServerFormatted, sizeof(aServerFormatted), "[%s] ", aServer); char aAgoString[40] = "\0"; sqlstr::AgoTimeToString(Ago, aAgoString, sizeof(aAgoString)); if(pData->m_Name[0] != '\0') // last 5 times of a player { if(Stamp == 0) // stamp is 00:00:00 cause it's an old entry from old times where there where no stamps yet str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%s%s, don't know how long ago", aServerFormatted, aBuf); else str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%s%s ago, %s", aServerFormatted, aAgoString, aBuf); } else // last 5 times of the server { char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(4, aName, sizeof(aName)); if(Stamp == 0) // stamp is 00:00:00 cause it's an old entry from old times where there where no stamps yet { str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%s%s, %s, don't know when", aServerFormatted, aName, aBuf); } else { str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%s%s, %s ago, %s", aServerFormatted, aName, aAgoString, aBuf); } } Line++; } while(!pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize) && !End); if(!End) { return true; } str_copy(paMessages[Line], "----------------------------------------------------", sizeof(paMessages[Line])); return false; } void CScore::ShowPoints(int ClientID, const char *pName) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowPointsThread, "show points", ClientID, pName, 0); } bool CScore::ShowPointsThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT (" " SELECT COUNT(Name) + 1 FROM %s_points WHERE Points > (" " SELECT points FROM %s_points WHERE Name = ?" ")) as Rank, Points, Name " "FROM %s_points WHERE Name = ?;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Name); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Name); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(1); int Count = pSqlServer->GetInt(2); char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(3, aName, sizeof(aName)); pResult->m_MessageKind = CScorePlayerResult::ALL; str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "%d. %s Points: %d, requested by %s", Rank, aName, Count, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); } else { str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "%s has not collected any points so far", pData->m_Name); } return false; } void CScore::ShowTopPoints(int ClientID, int Offset) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(ShowTopPointsThread, "show top points", ClientID, "", Offset); } bool CScore::ShowTopPointsThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; int LimitStart = maximum(pData->m_Offset - 1, 0); char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT RANK() OVER (ORDER BY a.Points DESC) as Rank, Points, Name " "FROM (" " SELECT Points, Name " " FROM %s_points " " ORDER BY Points DESC LIMIT ?" ") as a " "LIMIT ?, 5;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindInt(1, LimitStart + 5); pSqlServer->BindInt(2, LimitStart); // show top points str_copy(paMessages[0], "-------- Top Points --------", sizeof(paMessages[0])); bool End = false; int Line = 1; while(!pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize) && !End) { int Rank = pSqlServer->GetInt(1); int Points = pSqlServer->GetInt(2); char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; pSqlServer->GetString(3, aName, sizeof(aName)); str_format(paMessages[Line], sizeof(paMessages[Line]), "%d. %s Points: %d", Rank, aName, Points); Line++; } if(!End) { return true; } str_copy(paMessages[Line], "-------------------------------", sizeof(paMessages[Line])); return false; } void CScore::RandomMap(int ClientID, int Stars) { auto pResult = std::make_shared(ClientID); GameServer()->m_SqlRandomMapResult = pResult; auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlRandomMapRequest(pResult)); Tmp->m_Stars = Stars; str_copy(Tmp->m_CurrentMap, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_CurrentMap)); str_copy(Tmp->m_ServerType, g_Config.m_SvServerType, sizeof(Tmp->m_ServerType)); str_copy(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer, GameServer()->Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer)); m_pPool->Execute(RandomMapThread, std::move(Tmp), "random map"); } bool CScore::RandomMapThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlRandomMapRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScoreRandomMapResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); char aBuf[512]; if(0 <= pData->m_Stars && pData->m_Stars <= 5) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Map FROM %s_maps " "WHERE Server = ? AND Map != ? AND Stars = ? " "ORDER BY %s LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->Random()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindInt(3, pData->m_Stars); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Map FROM %s_maps " "WHERE Server = ? AND Map != ? " "ORDER BY %s LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->Random()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_ServerType); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_CurrentMap); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { pSqlServer->GetString(1, pResult->m_Map, sizeof(pResult->m_Map)); } else { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "No maps found on this server!", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); } return false; } void CScore::RandomUnfinishedMap(int ClientID, int Stars) { auto pResult = std::make_shared(ClientID); GameServer()->m_SqlRandomMapResult = pResult; auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlRandomMapRequest(pResult)); Tmp->m_Stars = Stars; str_copy(Tmp->m_CurrentMap, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_CurrentMap)); str_copy(Tmp->m_ServerType, g_Config.m_SvServerType, sizeof(Tmp->m_ServerType)); str_copy(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer, GameServer()->Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer)); m_pPool->Execute(RandomUnfinishedMapThread, std::move(Tmp), "random unfinished map"); } bool CScore::RandomUnfinishedMapThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlRandomMapRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScoreRandomMapResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); char aBuf[512]; if(pData->m_Stars >= 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Map " "FROM %s_maps " "WHERE Server = ? AND Map != ? AND Stars = ? AND Map NOT IN (" " SELECT Map " " FROM %s_race " " WHERE Name = ?" ") ORDER BY %s " "LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->Random()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_ServerType); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_CurrentMap); pSqlServer->BindInt(3, pData->m_Stars); pSqlServer->BindString(4, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Map " "FROM %s_maps AS maps " "WHERE Server = ? AND Map != ? AND Map NOT IN (" " SELECT Map " " FROM %s_race as race " " WHERE Name = ?" ") ORDER BY %s " "LIMIT 1;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pSqlServer->Random()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_ServerType); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_CurrentMap); pSqlServer->BindString(3, pData->m_RequestingPlayer); } bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { pSqlServer->GetString(1, pResult->m_Map, sizeof(pResult->m_Map)); } else { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "You have no more unfinished maps on this server!", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); } return false; } void CScore::SaveTeam(int ClientID, const char *Code, const char *Server) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; auto *pController = ((CGameControllerDDRace *)(GameServer()->m_pController)); int Team = pController->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(ClientID); if(pController->m_Teams.GetSaving(Team)) return; auto SaveResult = std::make_shared(ClientID, pController); SaveResult->m_SaveID = RandomUuid(); int Result = SaveResult->m_SavedTeam.Save(Team); if(CSaveTeam::HandleSaveError(Result, ClientID, GameServer())) return; pController->m_Teams.SetSaving(Team, SaveResult); auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlTeamSave(SaveResult)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Code, Code, sizeof(Tmp->m_Code)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Map, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_Map)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Server, Server, sizeof(Tmp->m_Server)); str_copy(Tmp->m_ClientName, this->Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(Tmp->m_ClientName)); Tmp->m_aGeneratedCode[0] = '\0'; GeneratePassphrase(Tmp->m_aGeneratedCode, sizeof(Tmp->m_aGeneratedCode)); pController->m_Teams.KillSavedTeam(ClientID, Team); m_pPool->ExecuteWrite(SaveTeamThread, std::move(Tmp), "save team"); } bool CScore::SaveTeamThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, bool Failure, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlTeamSave *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScoreSaveResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); char aSaveID[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE]; FormatUuid(pResult->m_SaveID, aSaveID, UUID_MAXSTRSIZE); char *pSaveState = pResult->m_SavedTeam.GetString(); char aBuf[65536]; dbg_msg("score/dbg", "code=%s failure=%d", pData->m_Code, (int)Failure); bool UseGeneratedCode = pData->m_Code[0] == '\0' || Failure; bool Retry = false; // two tries, first use the user provided code, then the autogenerated do { Retry = false; char Code[128] = {0}; if(UseGeneratedCode) str_copy(Code, pData->m_aGeneratedCode, sizeof(Code)); else str_copy(Code, pData->m_Code, sizeof(Code)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s INTO %s_saves(Savegame, Map, Code, Timestamp, Server, SaveID, DDNet7) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?, false)", pSqlServer->InsertIgnore(), pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pSaveState); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(3, Code); pSqlServer->BindString(4, pData->m_Server); pSqlServer->BindString(5, aSaveID); pSqlServer->Print(); int NumInserted; if(pSqlServer->ExecuteUpdate(&NumInserted, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(NumInserted == 1) { if(!Failure) { if(str_comp(pData->m_Server, g_Config.m_SvSqlServerName) == 0) { str_format(pResult->m_aMessage, sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage), "Team successfully saved by %s. Use '/load %s' to continue", pData->m_ClientName, Code); } else { str_format(pResult->m_aMessage, sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage), "Team successfully saved by %s. Use '/load %s' on %s to continue", pData->m_ClientName, Code, pData->m_Server); } } else { str_copy(pResult->m_aBroadcast, "Database connection failed, teamsave written to a file instead. Admins will add it manually in a few days.", sizeof(pResult->m_aBroadcast)); if(str_comp(pData->m_Server, g_Config.m_SvSqlServerName) == 0) { str_format(pResult->m_aMessage, sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage), "Team successfully saved by %s. The database connection failed, using generated save code instead to avoid collisions. Use '/load %s' to continue", pData->m_ClientName, Code); } else { str_format(pResult->m_aMessage, sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage), "Team successfully saved by %s. The database connection failed, using generated save code instead to avoid collisions. Use '/load %s' on %s to continue", pData->m_ClientName, Code, pData->m_Server); } } pResult->m_Status = CScoreSaveResult::SAVE_SUCCESS; } else if(!UseGeneratedCode) { UseGeneratedCode = true; Retry = true; } } while(Retry); if(pResult->m_Status != CScoreSaveResult::SAVE_SUCCESS) { dbg_msg("sql", "ERROR: This save-code already exists"); pResult->m_Status = CScoreSaveResult::SAVE_FAILED; str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "This save-code already exists", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); } return false; } void CScore::LoadTeam(const char *Code, int ClientID) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; auto *pController = ((CGameControllerDDRace *)(GameServer()->m_pController)); int Team = pController->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(ClientID); if(pController->m_Teams.GetSaving(Team)) return; if(Team < TEAM_FLOCK || Team >= MAX_CLIENTS || (g_Config.m_SvTeam != 3 && Team == TEAM_FLOCK)) { GameServer()->SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You have to be in a team (from 1-63)"); return; } if(pController->m_Teams.GetTeamState(Team) != CGameTeams::TEAMSTATE_OPEN) { GameServer()->SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Team can't be loaded while racing"); return; } auto SaveResult = std::make_shared(ClientID, pController); SaveResult->m_Status = CScoreSaveResult::LOAD_FAILED; pController->m_Teams.SetSaving(Team, SaveResult); auto Tmp = std::unique_ptr(new CSqlTeamLoad(SaveResult)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Code, Code, sizeof(Tmp->m_Code)); str_copy(Tmp->m_Map, g_Config.m_SvMap, sizeof(Tmp->m_Map)); Tmp->m_ClientID = ClientID; str_copy(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(Tmp->m_RequestingPlayer)); Tmp->m_NumPlayer = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(pController->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(i) == Team) { // put all names at the beginning of the array str_copy(Tmp->m_aClientNames[Tmp->m_NumPlayer], Server()->ClientName(i), sizeof(Tmp->m_aClientNames[Tmp->m_NumPlayer])); Tmp->m_aClientID[Tmp->m_NumPlayer] = i; Tmp->m_NumPlayer++; } } m_pPool->ExecuteWrite(LoadTeamThread, std::move(Tmp), "load team"); } bool CScore::LoadTeamThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, bool Failure, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlTeamLoad *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScoreSaveResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); pResult->m_Status = CScoreSaveResult::LOAD_FAILED; char aCurrentTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", aCurrentTimestamp, sizeof(aCurrentTimestamp)); char aTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("Timestamp", aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp)); char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT Savegame, %s-%s AS Ago, SaveID " "FROM %s_saves " "where Code = ? AND Map = ? AND DDNet7 = false;", aCurrentTimestamp, aTimestamp, pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Code); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Map); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(End) { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "No such savegame for this map", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); return false; } pResult->m_SaveID = UUID_NO_SAVE_ID; if(!pSqlServer->IsNull(3)) { char aSaveID[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE]; pSqlServer->GetString(3, aSaveID, sizeof(aSaveID)); if(ParseUuid(&pResult->m_SaveID, aSaveID) || pResult->m_SaveID == UUID_NO_SAVE_ID) { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "Unable to load savegame: SaveID corrupted", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); return false; } } char aSaveString[65536]; pSqlServer->GetString(1, aSaveString, sizeof(aSaveString)); int Num = pResult->m_SavedTeam.FromString(aSaveString); if(Num != 0) { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "Unable to load savegame: data corrupted", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); return false; } bool Found = false; for(int i = 0; i < pResult->m_SavedTeam.GetMembersCount(); i++) { if(str_comp(pResult->m_SavedTeam.m_pSavedTees->GetName(), pData->m_RequestingPlayer) == 0) { Found = true; break; } } if(!Found) { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "You don't belong to this team", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); return false; } int Since = pSqlServer->GetInt(2); if(Since < g_Config.m_SvSaveGamesDelay) { str_format(pResult->m_aMessage, sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage), "You have to wait %d seconds until you can load this savegame", g_Config.m_SvSaveGamesDelay - Since); return false; } bool CanLoad = pResult->m_SavedTeam.MatchPlayers( pData->m_aClientNames, pData->m_aClientID, pData->m_NumPlayer, pResult->m_aMessage, sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); if(!CanLoad) return false; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "DELETE FROM %s_saves " "WHERE Code = ? AND Map = ? AND SaveID %s;", pSqlServer->GetPrefix(), pResult->m_SaveID != UUID_NO_SAVE_ID ? "= ?" : "IS NULL"); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Code); pSqlServer->BindString(2, pData->m_Map); char aUuid[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE]; if(pResult->m_SaveID != UUID_NO_SAVE_ID) { FormatUuid(pResult->m_SaveID, aUuid, sizeof(aUuid)); pSqlServer->BindString(3, aUuid); } pSqlServer->Print(); int NumDeleted; if(pSqlServer->ExecuteUpdate(&NumDeleted, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(NumDeleted != 1) { str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "Unable to load savegame: loaded on a different server", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); return false; } pResult->m_Status = CScoreSaveResult::LOAD_SUCCESS; str_copy(pResult->m_aMessage, "Loading successfully done", sizeof(pResult->m_aMessage)); return false; } void CScore::GetSaves(int ClientID) { if(RateLimitPlayer(ClientID)) return; ExecPlayerThread(GetSavesThread, "get saves", ClientID, "", 0); } bool CScore::GetSavesThread(IDbConnection *pSqlServer, const ISqlData *pGameData, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { const CSqlPlayerRequest *pData = dynamic_cast(pGameData); CScorePlayerResult *pResult = dynamic_cast(pGameData->m_pResult.get()); auto *paMessages = pResult->m_Data.m_aaMessages; char aSaveLike[128] = ""; str_append(aSaveLike, "%\n", sizeof(aSaveLike)); sqlstr::EscapeLike(aSaveLike + str_length(aSaveLike), pData->m_RequestingPlayer, sizeof(aSaveLike) - str_length(aSaveLike)); str_append(aSaveLike, "\t%", sizeof(aSaveLike)); char aCurrentTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", aCurrentTimestamp, sizeof(aCurrentTimestamp)); char aMaxTimestamp[512]; pSqlServer->ToUnixTimestamp("MAX(Timestamp)", aMaxTimestamp, sizeof(aMaxTimestamp)); char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumSaves, %s-%s AS Ago " "FROM %s_saves " "WHERE Map = ? AND Savegame LIKE ?;", aCurrentTimestamp, aMaxTimestamp, pSqlServer->GetPrefix()); if(pSqlServer->PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } pSqlServer->BindString(1, pData->m_Map); pSqlServer->BindString(2, aSaveLike); bool End; if(pSqlServer->Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } if(!End) { int NumSaves = pSqlServer->GetInt(1); int Ago = pSqlServer->GetInt(2); char aAgoString[40] = "\0"; char aLastSavedString[60] = "\0"; if(Ago) { sqlstr::AgoTimeToString(Ago, aAgoString, sizeof(aAgoString)); str_format(aLastSavedString, sizeof(aLastSavedString), ", last saved %s ago", aAgoString); } str_format(paMessages[0], sizeof(paMessages[0]), "%s has %d save%s on %s%s", pData->m_RequestingPlayer, NumSaves, NumSaves == 1 ? "" : "s", pData->m_Map, aLastSavedString); } return false; }