/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_CLIENT_UI_H #define GAME_CLIENT_UI_H #include "ui_rect.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class IClient; class IGraphics; class IKernel; struct SUIAnimator { bool m_Active; bool m_ScaleLabel; bool m_RepositionLabel; std::chrono::nanoseconds m_Time; float m_Value; float m_XOffset; float m_YOffset; float m_WOffset; float m_HOffset; }; class IScrollbarScale { public: virtual float ToRelative(int AbsoluteValue, int Min, int Max) const = 0; virtual int ToAbsolute(float RelativeValue, int Min, int Max) const = 0; }; class CLinearScrollbarScale : public IScrollbarScale { public: float ToRelative(int AbsoluteValue, int Min, int Max) const override { return (AbsoluteValue - Min) / (float)(Max - Min); } int ToAbsolute(float RelativeValue, int Min, int Max) const override { return round_to_int(RelativeValue * (Max - Min) + Min + 0.1f); } }; class CLogarithmicScrollbarScale : public IScrollbarScale { private: int m_MinAdjustment; public: CLogarithmicScrollbarScale(int MinAdjustment) { m_MinAdjustment = maximum(MinAdjustment, 1); // must be at least 1 to support Min == 0 with logarithm } float ToRelative(int AbsoluteValue, int Min, int Max) const override { if(Min < m_MinAdjustment) { AbsoluteValue += m_MinAdjustment; Min += m_MinAdjustment; Max += m_MinAdjustment; } return (std::log(AbsoluteValue) - std::log(Min)) / (float)(std::log(Max) - std::log(Min)); } int ToAbsolute(float RelativeValue, int Min, int Max) const override { int ResultAdjustment = 0; if(Min < m_MinAdjustment) { Min += m_MinAdjustment; Max += m_MinAdjustment; ResultAdjustment = -m_MinAdjustment; } return round_to_int(std::exp(RelativeValue * (std::log(Max) - std::log(Min)) + std::log(Min))) + ResultAdjustment; } }; struct SUIExEditBoxProperties { bool m_SelectText = false; const char *m_pEmptyText = ""; }; class CUI; class CUIElement { friend class CUI; CUI *m_pUI; CUIElement(CUI *pUI, int RequestedRectCount) { Init(pUI, RequestedRectCount); } public: struct SUIElementRect { CUIElement *m_pParent; public: int m_UIRectQuadContainer; int m_UITextContainer; float m_X; float m_Y; float m_Width; float m_Height; std::string m_Text; CTextCursor m_Cursor; ColorRGBA m_TextColor; ColorRGBA m_TextOutlineColor; SUIElementRect(); ColorRGBA m_QuadColor; void Reset(); void Draw(const CUIRect *pRect, ColorRGBA Color, int Corners, float Rounding); }; protected: CUI *UI() const { return m_pUI; } std::vector m_vUIRects; public: CUIElement() = default; void Init(CUI *pUI, int RequestedRectCount); SUIElementRect *Rect(size_t Index) { return &m_vUIRects[Index]; } bool AreRectsInit() { return !m_vUIRects.empty(); } void InitRects(int RequestedRectCount); }; struct SLabelProperties { float m_MaxWidth = -1; int m_AlignVertically = 1; bool m_StopAtEnd = false; class CTextCursor *m_pSelCursor = nullptr; bool m_EnableWidthCheck = true; }; class CUIElementBase { private: static CUI *s_pUI; public: static void Init(CUI *pUI) { s_pUI = pUI; } IClient *Client() const; IGraphics *Graphics() const; IInput *Input() const; ITextRender *TextRender() const; CUI *UI() const { return s_pUI; } }; class CButtonContainer { }; /** * Type safe UI ID for popup menus. */ struct SPopupMenuId { }; class CUI { public: /** * These enum values are returned by popup menu functions to specify the behavior. */ enum EPopupMenuFunctionResult { /** * The current popup menu will be kept open. */ POPUP_KEEP_OPEN = 0, /** * The current popup menu will be closed. */ POPUP_CLOSE_CURRENT = 1, /** * The current popup menu and all popup menus above it will be closed. */ POPUP_CLOSE_CURRENT_AND_DESCENDANTS = 2, }; /** * Callback that draws a popup menu. * * @param pContext The context object of the popup menu. * @param View The UI rect where the popup menu's contents should be drawn. * @param Active Whether this popup is active (the top-most popup). * Only the active popup should handle key and mouse events. * * @return Value from the @link EPopupMenuFunctionResult @endlink enum. */ typedef EPopupMenuFunctionResult (*FPopupMenuFunction)(void *pContext, CUIRect View, bool Active); /** * Callback that is called when one or more popups are closed. */ typedef std::function FPopupMenuClosedCallback; private: bool m_Enabled; const void *m_pHotItem; const void *m_pActiveItem; const void *m_pLastActiveItem; const void *m_pBecomingHotItem; const void *m_pActiveTooltipItem; bool m_ActiveItemValid = false; float m_MouseX, m_MouseY; // in gui space float m_MouseDeltaX, m_MouseDeltaY; // in gui space float m_MouseWorldX, m_MouseWorldY; // in world space unsigned m_MouseButtons; unsigned m_LastMouseButtons; bool m_MouseSlow = false; IInput::CEvent *m_pInputEventsArray; int *m_pInputEventCount; unsigned m_HotkeysPressed = 0; bool m_MouseIsPress = false; bool m_HasSelection = false; int m_MousePressX = 0; int m_MousePressY = 0; int m_MouseCurX = 0; int m_MouseCurY = 0; int m_CurSelStart = 0; int m_CurSelEnd = 0; const void *m_pSelItem = nullptr; int m_CurCursor = 0; CUIRect m_Screen; std::vector m_vClips; void UpdateClipping(); struct SPopupMenu { static constexpr float POPUP_BORDER = 1.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_MARGIN = 4.0f; const SPopupMenuId *m_pID; CUIRect m_Rect; int m_Corners; void *m_pContext; FPopupMenuFunction m_pfnFunc; }; std::vector m_vPopupMenus; FPopupMenuClosedCallback m_pfnPopupMenuClosedCallback = nullptr; static CUI::EPopupMenuFunctionResult PopupMessage(void *pContext, CUIRect View, bool Active); static CUI::EPopupMenuFunctionResult PopupConfirm(void *pContext, CUIRect View, bool Active); static CUI::EPopupMenuFunctionResult PopupSelection(void *pContext, CUIRect View, bool Active); IClient *m_pClient; IGraphics *m_pGraphics; IInput *m_pInput; ITextRender *m_pTextRender; std::vector m_vpOwnUIElements; // ui elements maintained by CUI class std::vector m_vpUIElements; public: static const CLinearScrollbarScale ms_LinearScrollbarScale; static const CLogarithmicScrollbarScale ms_LogarithmicScrollbarScale; static float ms_FontmodHeight; void Init(IKernel *pKernel); void InitInputs(IInput::CEvent *pInputEventsArray, int *pInputEventCount); IClient *Client() const { return m_pClient; } IGraphics *Graphics() const { return m_pGraphics; } IInput *Input() const { return m_pInput; } ITextRender *TextRender() const { return m_pTextRender; } CUI(); ~CUI(); enum EHotkey : unsigned { HOTKEY_ENTER = 1 << 0, HOTKEY_ESCAPE = 1 << 1, HOTKEY_UP = 1 << 2, HOTKEY_DOWN = 1 << 3, HOTKEY_DELETE = 1 << 4, HOTKEY_TAB = 1 << 5, HOTKEY_SCROLL_UP = 1 << 6, HOTKEY_SCROLL_DOWN = 1 << 7, HOTKEY_PAGE_UP = 1 << 8, HOTKEY_PAGE_DOWN = 1 << 9, HOTKEY_HOME = 1 << 10, HOTKEY_END = 1 << 11, }; void ResetUIElement(CUIElement &UIElement); CUIElement *GetNewUIElement(int RequestedRectCount); void AddUIElement(CUIElement *pElement); void OnElementsReset(); void OnWindowResize(); void OnLanguageChange(); void SetEnabled(bool Enabled) { m_Enabled = Enabled; } bool Enabled() const { return m_Enabled; } void Update(float MouseX, float MouseY, float MouseWorldX, float MouseWorldY); float MouseDeltaX() const { return m_MouseDeltaX; } float MouseDeltaY() const { return m_MouseDeltaY; } float MouseX() const { return m_MouseX; } float MouseY() const { return m_MouseY; } float MouseWorldX() const { return m_MouseWorldX; } float MouseWorldY() const { return m_MouseWorldY; } int MouseButton(int Index) const { return (m_MouseButtons >> Index) & 1; } int MouseButtonClicked(int Index) const { return MouseButton(Index) && !((m_LastMouseButtons >> Index) & 1); } int MouseButtonReleased(int Index) const { return ((m_LastMouseButtons >> Index) & 1) && !MouseButton(Index); } void SetHotItem(const void *pID) { m_pBecomingHotItem = pID; } void SetActiveItem(const void *pID) { m_ActiveItemValid = true; m_pActiveItem = pID; if(pID) m_pLastActiveItem = pID; } bool CheckActiveItem(const void *pID) { if(m_pActiveItem == pID) { m_ActiveItemValid = true; return true; } return false; } void SetActiveTooltipItem(const void *pID) { m_pActiveTooltipItem = pID; } void ClearLastActiveItem() { m_pLastActiveItem = nullptr; } const void *HotItem() const { return m_pHotItem; } const void *NextHotItem() const { return m_pBecomingHotItem; } const void *ActiveItem() const { return m_pActiveItem; } const void *ActiveTooltipItem() const { return m_pActiveTooltipItem; } const void *LastActiveItem() const { return m_pLastActiveItem; } void StartCheck() { m_ActiveItemValid = false; } void FinishCheck() { if(!m_ActiveItemValid && m_pActiveItem != nullptr) { SetActiveItem(nullptr); m_pHotItem = nullptr; m_pBecomingHotItem = nullptr; } } bool MouseInside(const CUIRect *pRect) const; bool MouseInsideClip() const { return !IsClipped() || MouseInside(ClipArea()); } bool MouseHovered(const CUIRect *pRect) const { return MouseInside(pRect) && MouseInsideClip(); } void ConvertMouseMove(float *pX, float *pY, IInput::ECursorType CursorType) const; void ResetMouseSlow() { m_MouseSlow = false; } bool ConsumeHotkey(EHotkey Hotkey); void ClearHotkeys() { m_HotkeysPressed = 0; } bool OnInput(const IInput::CEvent &Event); constexpr float ButtonColorMulActive() const { return 0.5f; } constexpr float ButtonColorMulHot() const { return 1.5f; } constexpr float ButtonColorMulDefault() const { return 1.0f; } float ButtonColorMul(const void *pID); const CUIRect *Screen(); void MapScreen(); float PixelSize(); void ClipEnable(const CUIRect *pRect); void ClipDisable(); const CUIRect *ClipArea() const; inline bool IsClipped() const { return !m_vClips.empty(); } int DoButtonLogic(const void *pID, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect); int DoDraggableButtonLogic(const void *pID, int Checked, const CUIRect *pRect, bool *pClicked, bool *pAbrupted); int DoPickerLogic(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float *pX, float *pY); void DoSmoothScrollLogic(float *pScrollOffset, float *pScrollOffsetChange, float ViewPortSize, float TotalSize, float ScrollSpeed = 10.0f); void DoLabel(const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, const SLabelProperties &LabelProps = {}); void DoLabel(CUIElement::SUIElementRect &RectEl, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, const SLabelProperties &LabelProps, int StrLen = -1, const CTextCursor *pReadCursor = nullptr); void DoLabelStreamed(CUIElement::SUIElementRect &RectEl, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pText, float Size, int Align, float MaxWidth = -1, int AlignVertically = 1, bool StopAtEnd = false, int StrLen = -1, const CTextCursor *pReadCursor = nullptr); bool DoEditBox(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, char *pStr, unsigned StrSize, float FontSize, float *pOffset, bool Hidden = false, int Corners = IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, const SUIExEditBoxProperties &Properties = {}); bool DoClearableEditBox(const void *pID, const void *pClearID, const CUIRect *pRect, char *pStr, unsigned StrSize, float FontSize, float *pOffset, bool Hidden = false, int Corners = IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, const SUIExEditBoxProperties &Properties = {}); int DoButton_PopupMenu(CButtonContainer *pButtonContainer, const char *pText, const CUIRect *pRect, int Align); enum { SCROLLBAR_OPTION_INFINITE = 1, SCROLLBAR_OPTION_NOCLAMPVALUE = 2, }; float DoScrollbarV(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float Current); float DoScrollbarH(const void *pID, const CUIRect *pRect, float Current, const ColorRGBA *pColorInner = nullptr); void DoScrollbarOption(const void *pID, int *pOption, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pStr, int Min, int Max, const IScrollbarScale *pScale = &ms_LinearScrollbarScale, unsigned Flags = 0u); void DoScrollbarOptionLabeled(const void *pID, int *pOption, const CUIRect *pRect, const char *pStr, const char **ppLabels, int NumLabels, const IScrollbarScale *pScale = &ms_LinearScrollbarScale); // popup menu void DoPopupMenu(const SPopupMenuId *pID, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, void *pContext, FPopupMenuFunction pfnFunc, int Corners = IGraphics::CORNER_ALL); void RenderPopupMenus(); void ClosePopupMenu(const SPopupMenuId *pID, bool IncludeDescendants = false); void ClosePopupMenus(); bool IsPopupOpen() const; bool IsPopupOpen(const SPopupMenuId *pID) const; bool IsPopupHovered() const; void SetPopupMenuClosedCallback(FPopupMenuClosedCallback pfnCallback); struct SMessagePopupContext : public SPopupMenuId { static constexpr float POPUP_MAX_WIDTH = 200.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_FONT_SIZE = 10.0f; CUI *m_pUI; // set by CUI when popup is shown char m_aMessage[1024]; ColorRGBA m_TextColor; void DefaultColor(class ITextRender *pTextRender); void ErrorColor(); }; void ShowPopupMessage(float X, float Y, SMessagePopupContext *pContext); struct SConfirmPopupContext : public SPopupMenuId { enum EConfirmationResult { UNSET = 0, CONFIRMED, CANCELED, }; static constexpr float POPUP_MAX_WIDTH = 200.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_FONT_SIZE = 10.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 12.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_BUTTON_SPACING = 5.0f; CUI *m_pUI; // set by CUI when popup is shown char m_aPositiveButtonLabel[128]; char m_aNegativeButtonLabel[128]; char m_aMessage[1024]; EConfirmationResult m_Result; SConfirmPopupContext(); void Reset(); void YesNoButtons(); }; void ShowPopupConfirm(float X, float Y, SConfirmPopupContext *pContext); struct SSelectionPopupContext : public SPopupMenuId { static constexpr float POPUP_MAX_WIDTH = 300.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_FONT_SIZE = 10.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_ENTRY_HEIGHT = 12.0f; static constexpr float POPUP_ENTRY_SPACING = 5.0f; CUI *m_pUI; // set by CUI when popup is shown char m_aMessage[256]; std::set m_Entries; std::vector m_vButtonContainers; const std::string *m_pSelection; SSelectionPopupContext(); void Reset(); }; void ShowPopupSelection(float X, float Y, SSelectionPopupContext *pContext); }; #endif