/* (c) Shereef Marzouk. See "licence DDRace.txt" and the readme.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include "door.h" CDoor::CDoor(CGameWorld *pGameWorld, vec2 Pos, float Rotation, int Length, int Number) : CEntity(pGameWorld, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_LASER) { m_Number = Number; m_Pos = Pos; m_Length = Length; m_Direction = vec2(sin(Rotation), cos(Rotation)); vec2 To = Pos + normalize(m_Direction) * m_Length; GameServer()->Collision()->IntersectNoLaser(Pos, To, &this->m_To, 0); ResetCollision(); GameWorld()->InsertEntity(this); } void CDoor::Open(int Tick, bool ActivatedTeam[]) { m_EvalTick = Server()->Tick(); } void CDoor::ResetCollision() { for(int i = 0; i < m_Length - 1; i++) { vec2 CurrentPos(m_Pos.x + (m_Direction.x * i), m_Pos.y + (m_Direction.y * i)); if(GameServer()->Collision()->CheckPoint(CurrentPos) || GameServer()->Collision()->GetTile(m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y) || GameServer()->Collision()->GetFTile(m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y)) break; else GameServer()->Collision()->SetDCollisionAt( m_Pos.x + (m_Direction.x * i), m_Pos.y + (m_Direction.y * i), TILE_STOPA, 0 /*Flags*/, m_Number); } } void CDoor::Open(int Team) { } void CDoor::Close(int Team) { } void CDoor::Reset() { } void CDoor::Tick() { } void CDoor::Snap(int SnappingClient) { if(NetworkClipped(SnappingClient, m_Pos) && NetworkClipped(SnappingClient, m_To)) return; CNetObj_Laser *pObj = static_cast(Server()->SnapNewItem( NETOBJTYPE_LASER, m_ID, sizeof(CNetObj_Laser))); if(!pObj) return; pObj->m_X = (int)m_Pos.x; pObj->m_Y = (int)m_Pos.y; CCharacter *Char = GameServer()->GetPlayerChar(SnappingClient); int Tick = (Server()->Tick() % Server()->TickSpeed()) % 11; if(SnappingClient > -1 && (GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->GetTeam() == -1 || GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->IsPaused()) && GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->m_SpectatorID != SPEC_FREEVIEW) Char = GameServer()->GetPlayerChar(GameServer()->m_apPlayers[SnappingClient]->m_SpectatorID); if(Char == 0) return; if(Char->IsAlive() && GameServer()->Collision()->m_NumSwitchers > 0 && !GameServer()->Collision()->m_pSwitchers[m_Number].m_Status[Char->Team()] && (!Tick)) return; if(Char->Team() == TEAM_SUPER) { pObj->m_FromX = (int)m_Pos.x; pObj->m_FromY = (int)m_Pos.y; } else if(Char->IsAlive() && GameServer()->Collision()->m_NumSwitchers > 0 && GameServer()->Collision()->m_pSwitchers[m_Number].m_Status[Char->Team()]) { pObj->m_FromX = (int)m_To.x; pObj->m_FromY = (int)m_To.y; } else { pObj->m_FromX = (int)m_Pos.x; pObj->m_FromY = (int)m_Pos.y; } pObj->m_StartTick = Server()->Tick(); }