##### authors ##### #originally created by: # orange #modified by: # ##### /authors ##### ##### translated strings ##### %ds left == 残り %ds %i minute left == 残り %i 分 %i minutes left == 残り %i 分 %i second left == 残り %i 秒 %i seconds left == 残り %i 秒 %s wins! == %s の勝ち! -Page %d- == -%d ページ- Abort == 中止 Add == 追加 Add Friend == 友達追加 Address == アドレス All == 全部 Are you sure that you want to delete the demo? == デモを削除してもよろしいですか? Are you sure that you want to quit? == 終了してもよろしいですか? Are you sure that you want to remove the player from your friends list? == このプレイヤーを友達リストから削除してもよろしいですか? Automatically record demos == 自動的にデモを保存する Automatically take game over screenshot == 自動的にスクリーンショットを保存する Blue team == 青チーム Blue team wins! == 青チームの勝ち! Body == 体 Call vote == 投票を開始する Change settings == 設定を変える Chat == チャット Clan == クラン Client == クライアント Close == 閉じる Compatible version == 互換性のあるバージョン Connect == 接続 Connecting to == 接続先 Connection Problems... == 接続中に問題が発生 Console == コンソール Controls == コントロール Count players only == 実際のプレイヤー数を表示 Current == 現行 Custom colors == 色変更 Delete == 削除 Delete demo == デモを削除 Demo details == デモの詳細 Demofile: %s == デモファイル: %s Demos == デモ Disconnect == 切断 Disconnected == 切断されました Downloading map == マップをダウンロード中 Draw! == 引き分け! Dynamic Camera == ダイナミックカメラ Emoticon == エモティコン Enter == Enter Error == エラー Error loading demo == デモの読み込みに失敗しました Favorite == お気に入り Favorites == お気に入り Feet == 足 Filter == フィルタ Fire == 射撃 Folder == フォルダ Force vote == 強制投票 Free-View == 自由視点 Friends == 友達 Fullscreen == フルスクリーン Game == ゲーム Game info == ゲーム情報 Game over == ゲームオーバー Game type == ゲームタイプ Game types: == ゲームタイプ: General == 一般 Graphics == グラフィック Grenade == グレネード Hammer == ハンマー Has people playing == プレイヤーがいるサーバー High Detail == High Detail表示 Hook == フック Invalid Demo == 無効なデモ Join blue == 青チームに参加 Join red == 赤チームに参加 Jump == ジャンプ Kick player == プレイヤーをキック Language == 言語 MOTD == 説明 Map == マップ Maximum ping: == Pingの最大値: Mouse sens. == マウス感度 Move left == 左移動 Move player to spectators == プレイヤーを観戦席に移動 Move right == 右移動 Movement == 動き Mute when not active == 非アクティブ時にミュート Name == 名前 Next weapon == 次の武器 Nickname == ハンドルネーム No == いいえ No password == パスワードがないサーバー No servers found == サーバーが見つかりません No servers match your filter criteria == フィルタに適合するサーバーが見つかりません Ok == Ok Open == 開く Parent Folder == 親フォルダ Password == パスワード Password incorrect == パスワードが正しくありません Ping == Ping Pistol == ピストル Play == プレイ Play background music == BGMを再生する Player == プレイヤー Player country: == 国籍: Player options == プレイヤー設定 Players == プレイヤー Please balance teams! == チーム人数が偏っています! Prev. weapon == 前の武器 Quit == 終了 Reason: == 理由: Red team == 赤チーム Red team wins! == 赤チームの勝ち! Refresh == 更新 Refreshing master servers == サーバーリスト更新 Remote console == リモコン Remove == 削除 Remove friend == 友達を削除 Rename == 名前変更 Rename demo == デモの名前変更 Reset filter == フィルタをリセット Sample rate == サンプルレート Score == スコア Score limit == スコア上限 Scoreboard == スコアボード Screenshot == スクリーンショット Server address: == IPアドレス: Server details == サーバーの詳細 Server filter == サーバーフィルタ Server info == サーバー情報 Server not full == 空きがあるサーバー Shotgun == ショットガン Show chat == チャットを見る Show friends only == 友達がいるサーバー Show ingame HUD == ゲーム内でHUDを表示 Show name plates == 名前を表示 Show only supported == 対応している項目のみを表示 Skins == スキン Sound == サウンド Sound error == サウンドエラー Spectate == 観戦 Spectate next == 次の人を見る Spectate previous == 前の人を見る Spectator mode == 観戦モード Spectators == 観戦者 Standard gametype == 標準のゲームタイプ Standard map == 標準のマップ Stop record == 録画停止 Strict gametype filter == ゲームタイプ完全一致検索 Sudden Death == サドンデス Switch weapon on pickup == 拾った武器に持ちかえる Team == チーム Team chat == チームチャット The audio device couldn't be initialised. == オーディオデバイスの初期化に失敗しました。 The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type. == サーバーがMODを導入しているようです。 There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it before you quit the game. == 保存されていないデータがありますが、よろしいですか。 Time limit == 残り時間 Time limit: %d min == 残り %d 分 Try again == もう一度 Type == タイプ Unable to delete the demo == デモを削除できません。 Unable to rename the demo == デモの名前を変更できません。 Use sounds == 音を鳴らす Use team colors for name plates == 名前表示にチームカラーを使う V-Sync == V-Sync Version == バージョン Vote command: == 投票コマンド: Vote description: == 投票の説明: Vote no == 反対 Vote yes == 賛成 Voting == 投票 Warmup == 準備中 Weapon == 武器 Yes == はい You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == 設定を反映するためにはゲームの再起動が必要です。 ##### needs translation ##### New name: == 新しい名前: Max demos == デモの最大数 Internet == オンライン Round == ラウンド Quit anyway? == 終了しますか? News == ニュース Join game == ゲームに参加 Crc: == Crc: FSAA samples == FSAAサンプル数 Sat. == 彩度 LAN == LAN Sound volume == 音量 Created: == 作成: Record demo == デモを録画 %d of %d servers, %d players == %d of %d サーバー, %d プレイヤー Miscellaneous == その他 Netversion: == Netversion: Info == 情報 UI Color == UIカラー Max Screenshots == スクリーンショットの最大数 Size: == サイズ: Hue == 色相 Your skin == あなたのスキン Reset to defaults == 初期設定に戻す Laser == ライフル Display Modes == 画面モード Version: == バージョン: Map: == マップ: Lht. == 明るさ Host address == IPアドレス:ポート Alpha == 透明度 Length: == 長さ: Name plates size == 名前表示の大きさ Type: == タイプ: Successfully saved the replay! == Replay feature is disabled! == The width or height of texture %s is not divisible by 16, which might cause visual bugs. == Game paused == Server best: == Personal best: == Learn == Browser == Ghost == Loading DDNet Client == Reconnect in %d sec == Render demo == Replace video == File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == Are you sure that you want to disconnect? == Disconnect Dummy == Are you sure that you want to disconnect your dummy? == Welcome to DDNet == DDraceNetwork is a cooperative online game where the goal is for you and your group of tees to reach the finish line of the map. As a newcomer you should start on Novice servers, which host the easiest maps. Consider the ping to choose a server close to you. == The maps contain freeze, which temporarily make a tee unable to move. You have to work together to get through these parts. == The mouse wheel changes weapons. Hammer (left mouse) can be used to hit other tees and wake them up from being frozen. == Hook (right mouse) can be used to swing through the map and to hook other tees to you. == Most importantly communication is key: There is no tutorial so you'll have to chat (t key) with other players to learn the basics and tricks of the game. == Use k key to kill (restart), q to pause and watch other players. See settings for other key binds. == It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server. == Please enter your nick name below. == Country / Region == Destination file already exist == Video name: == Show DDNet map finishes in server browser == transmits your player name to info2.ddnet.tw == Search == Exclude == Filter connecting players == Indicate map finish == Unfinished map == Countries == Types == Select a name == Please use a different name == Remove chat == Markers: == %.2f MiB == %.2f KiB == Demo == Markers == Length == Date == Fetch Info == Render == Connecting dummy == Connect Dummy == Kill == Pause == Reload == Deactivate == Activate == Save == Switch weapon when out of ammo == Reset wanted weapon on death == Show only chat messages from friends == Show clan above name plates == Clan plates size == Skip the main menu == Refresh Rate == Show console window == Automatically take statboard screenshot == Automatically create statboard csv == Max CSVs == Dummy settings == Vanilla skins only == Fat skins (DDFat) == Skin prefix == Hook collisions == Zoom in == Zoom out == Default zoom == Show others == Show all == Toggle dyncam == Toggle dummy == Toggle ghost == Dummy copy == Hammerfly dummy == Converse == Statboard == Lock team == Show entities == Show HUD == UI mouse s. == Borderless window == may cause delay == Screen == Use OpenGL 3.3 (experimental) == Preinit VBO (iGPUs only) == Multiple texture units (disable for MacOS) == Use high DPI == Enable game sounds == Enable gun sound == Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze) == Enable server message sound == Enable regular chat sound == Enable team chat sound == Enable highlighted chat sound == Threaded sound loading == Map sound volume == HUD == DDNet == DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update! == Use DDRace Scoreboard == Show client IDs in Scoreboard == Show score == Show health + ammo == Show names in chat in team colors == Show kill messages == Show votes window after voting == Messages == System message == Reset == Highlighted message == Spectator == Look out! == Team message == We will win == Friend message == Friend == Hi o/ == Normal message == Hello and welcome == Client message == Inner color == Outline color == Wait before try for == second == seconds == Save the best demo of each race == Default length: %d == Enable replays == Show ghost == Save ghost == Gameplay == Overlay entities == Size == Show text entities == Show others (own team only) == Show quads == AntiPing limit == AntiPing == AntiPing: predict other players == AntiPing: predict weapons == AntiPing: predict grenade paths == Show other players' hook collision lines == Show other players' key presses == Old mouse mode == Background (regular) == Background (entities) == Show tiles layers from BG map == Try fast HTTP map download first == DDNet %s is available: == Update now == Updating... == DDNet Client updated! == No updates available == Check now == New random timeout code == Settings == Run server == Stop server == https://wiki.ddnet.tw/ == Editor == DDNet %s is out! == Downloading %s: == Update failed! Check log... == Restart == Time == Manual %3d:%02d == Race %3d:%02d == Auto %3d:%02d == Replay %3d:%02d == Follow == Frags == Deaths == Suicides == Ratio == Net == FPM == Spree == Best == Grabs == 1 new mention == %d new mentions == 9+ new mentions ==