#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CStatboard::CStatboard() { m_Active = false; m_ScreenshotTaken = false; m_ScreenshotTime = -1; } void CStatboard::OnReset() { for(auto &Stat : m_pClient->m_aStats) Stat.Reset(); m_Active = false; m_ScreenshotTaken = false; m_ScreenshotTime = -1; } void CStatboard::OnRelease() { m_Active = false; } void CStatboard::ConKeyStats(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { ((CStatboard *)pUserData)->m_Active = pResult->GetInteger(0) != 0; } void CStatboard::OnConsoleInit() { Console()->Register("+statboard", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, ConKeyStats, this, "Show stats"); } bool CStatboard::IsActive() { return m_Active; } void CStatboard::OnMessage(int MsgType, void *pRawMsg) { if(m_pClient->m_SuppressEvents) return; if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_KILLMSG) { CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsg *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsg *)pRawMsg; CGameClient::CClientStats *pStats = m_pClient->m_aStats; pStats[pMsg->m_Victim].m_Deaths++; pStats[pMsg->m_Victim].m_CurrentSpree = 0; if(pMsg->m_Weapon >= 0) pStats[pMsg->m_Victim].m_aDeathsFrom[pMsg->m_Weapon]++; if(pMsg->m_Victim != pMsg->m_Killer) { pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_Frags++; pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_CurrentSpree++; if(pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_CurrentSpree > pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_BestSpree) pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_BestSpree = pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_CurrentSpree; if(pMsg->m_Weapon >= 0) pStats[pMsg->m_Killer].m_aFragsWith[pMsg->m_Weapon]++; } else pStats[pMsg->m_Victim].m_Suicides++; } else if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_KILLMSGTEAM) { CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsgTeam *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_KillMsgTeam *)pRawMsg; CGameClient::CClientStats *pStats = m_pClient->m_aStats; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_pClient->m_Teams.Team(i) == pMsg->m_Team) { pStats[i].m_Deaths++; pStats[i].m_Suicides++; } } } else if(MsgType == NETMSGTYPE_SV_CHAT) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Sv_Chat *)pRawMsg; if(pMsg->m_ClientID < 0) { const char *p, *t; const char *pLookFor = "flag was captured by '"; if((p = str_find(pMsg->m_pMessage, pLookFor))) { char aName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; p += str_length(pLookFor); t = str_rchr(p, '\''); if(t <= p) return; str_utf8_truncate(aName, sizeof(aName), p, t - p); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!m_pClient->m_aStats[i].IsActive()) continue; if(str_comp(m_pClient->m_aClients[i].m_aName, aName) == 0) { m_pClient->m_aStats[i].m_FlagCaptures++; break; } } } } } } void CStatboard::OnRender() { if((g_Config.m_ClAutoStatboardScreenshot || g_Config.m_ClAutoCSV) && Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { if(m_ScreenshotTime < 0 && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameStateFlags & GAMESTATEFLAG_GAMEOVER) m_ScreenshotTime = time_get() + time_freq() * 3; if(m_ScreenshotTime > -1 && m_ScreenshotTime < time_get()) m_Active = true; if(!m_ScreenshotTaken && m_ScreenshotTime > -1 && m_ScreenshotTime + time_freq() / 5 < time_get()) { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoStatboardScreenshot) AutoStatScreenshot(); if(g_Config.m_ClAutoCSV) AutoStatCSV(); m_ScreenshotTaken = true; } } if(IsActive()) RenderGlobalStats(); } void CStatboard::RenderGlobalStats() { const float StatboardWidth = 400 * 3.0f * Graphics()->ScreenAspect(); const float StatboardHeight = 400 * 3.0f; float StatboardContentWidth = 260.0f; float StatboardContentHeight = 750.0f; const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *apPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS] = {0}; int NumPlayers = 0; // sort red or dm players by score for(const auto *pInfo : m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore) { if(!pInfo || !m_pClient->m_aStats[pInfo->m_ClientID].IsActive() || m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Team != TEAM_RED) continue; apPlayers[NumPlayers] = pInfo; NumPlayers++; } // sort blue players by score after if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_TEAMS) { for(const auto *pInfo : m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore) { if(!pInfo || !m_pClient->m_aStats[pInfo->m_ClientID].IsActive() || m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Team != TEAM_BLUE) continue; apPlayers[NumPlayers] = pInfo; NumPlayers++; } } // Dirty hack. Do not show scoreboard if there are more than 32 players // remove as soon as support of more than 32 players is required if(NumPlayers > 32) return; //clear motd if it is active if(m_pClient->m_Motd.IsActive()) m_pClient->m_Motd.Clear(); bool GameWithFlags = m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_FLAGS; StatboardContentWidth += 7 * 85 + 95; // Suicides 95; other labels 85 if(GameWithFlags) StatboardContentWidth += 150; // Grabs & Flags bool aDisplayWeapon[NUM_WEAPONS] = {false}; for(int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++) { const CGameClient::CClientStats *pStats = &m_pClient->m_aStats[apPlayers[i]->m_ClientID]; for(int j = 0; j < NUM_WEAPONS; j++) aDisplayWeapon[j] = aDisplayWeapon[j] || pStats->m_aFragsWith[j] || pStats->m_aDeathsFrom[j]; } for(bool DisplayWeapon : aDisplayWeapon) if(DisplayWeapon) StatboardContentWidth += 80; float x = StatboardWidth / 2 - StatboardContentWidth / 2; float y = 200.0f; Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, StatboardWidth, StatboardHeight); Graphics()->DrawRect(x - 10.f, y - 10.f, StatboardContentWidth, StatboardContentHeight, ColorRGBA(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f), IGraphics::CORNER_ALL, 17.0f); float tw; int px = 325; TextRender()->Text(x + 10, y - 5, 22.0f, Localize("Name"), -1.0f); const char *apHeaders[] = { Localize("Frags"), Localize("Deaths"), Localize("Suicides"), Localize("Ratio"), Localize("Net"), Localize("FPM"), Localize("Spree"), Localize("Best"), Localize("Grabs")}; for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if(i == 2) px += 10.0f; // Suicides if(i == 8 && !GameWithFlags) // Don't draw "Grabs" in game with no flag continue; tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(22.0f, apHeaders[i], -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x + px - tw, y - 5, 22.0f, apHeaders[i], -1.0f); px += 85; } px -= 40; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; i++) { if(!aDisplayWeapon[i]) continue; float ScaleX, ScaleY; RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[i].m_pSpriteBody, ScaleX, ScaleY); Graphics()->TextureSet(GameClient()->m_GameSkin.m_aSpriteWeapons[i]); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); if(i == 0) RenderTools()->DrawSprite(x + px, y + 10, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[i].m_VisualSize * 0.8f * ScaleX, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[i].m_VisualSize * 0.8f * ScaleY); else RenderTools()->DrawSprite(x + px, y + 10, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[i].m_VisualSize * ScaleX, g_pData->m_Weapons.m_aId[i].m_VisualSize * ScaleY); px += 80; Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } if(GameWithFlags) { Graphics()->TextureSet(GameClient()->m_GameSkin.m_SpriteFlagRed); float ScaleX, ScaleY; RenderTools()->GetSpriteScale(SPRITE_FLAG_RED, ScaleX, ScaleY); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); Graphics()->QuadsSetRotation(0.78f); RenderTools()->DrawSprite(x + px, y + 15, 48 * ScaleX, 48 * ScaleY); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); } y += 29.0f; float FontSize = 24.0f; float LineHeight = 50.0f; float TeeSizemod = 0.8f; float ContentLineOffset = LineHeight * 0.05f; if(NumPlayers > 16) { FontSize = 20.0f; LineHeight = 22.0f; TeeSizemod = 0.34f; ContentLineOffset = 0; } else if(NumPlayers > 14) { FontSize = 24.0f; LineHeight = 40.0f; TeeSizemod = 0.7f; } for(int j = 0; j < NumPlayers; j++) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pInfo = apPlayers[j]; const CGameClient::CClientStats *pStats = &m_pClient->m_aStats[pInfo->m_ClientID]; if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID == pInfo->m_ClientID || (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active && pInfo->m_ClientID == m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID)) { // background so it's easy to find the local player Graphics()->DrawRect(x - 10, y + ContentLineOffset / 2, StatboardContentWidth, LineHeight - ContentLineOffset, ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f), IGraphics::CORNER_NONE, 0.0f); } CTeeRenderInfo Teeinfo = m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_RenderInfo; Teeinfo.m_Size *= TeeSizemod; const CAnimState *pIdleState = CAnimState::GetIdle(); vec2 OffsetToMid; RenderTools()->GetRenderTeeOffsetToRenderedTee(pIdleState, &Teeinfo, OffsetToMid); vec2 TeeRenderPos(x + Teeinfo.m_Size / 2, y + LineHeight / 2.0f + OffsetToMid.y); RenderTools()->RenderTee(pIdleState, &Teeinfo, EMOTE_NORMAL, vec2(1, 0), TeeRenderPos); char aBuf[128]; CTextCursor Cursor; TextRender()->SetCursor(&Cursor, x + 64, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, TEXTFLAG_RENDER | TEXTFLAG_STOP_AT_END); Cursor.m_LineWidth = 220; TextRender()->TextEx(&Cursor, m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_aName, -1); px = 325; // FRAGS { str_from_int(pStats->m_Frags, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // DEATHS { str_from_int(pStats->m_Deaths, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // SUICIDES { px += 10; str_from_int(pStats->m_Suicides, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // RATIO { if(pStats->m_Deaths == 0) str_copy(aBuf, "--"); else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.2f", (float)(pStats->m_Frags) / pStats->m_Deaths); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // NET { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%+d", pStats->m_Frags - pStats->m_Deaths); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // FPM { float Fpm = pStats->GetFPM(Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy), Client()->GameTickSpeed()); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%.1f", Fpm); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // SPREE { str_from_int(pStats->m_CurrentSpree, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // BEST SPREE { str_from_int(pStats->m_BestSpree, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // GRABS if(GameWithFlags) { str_from_int(pStats->m_FlagGrabs, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 85; } // WEAPONS px -= 40; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; i++) { if(!aDisplayWeapon[i]) continue; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d/%d", pStats->m_aFragsWith[i], pStats->m_aDeathsFrom[i]); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x + px - tw / 2, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); px += 80; } // FLAGS if(GameWithFlags) { str_from_int(pStats->m_FlagCaptures, aBuf); tw = TextRender()->TextWidth(FontSize, aBuf, -1, -1.0f); TextRender()->Text(x - tw + px, y + (LineHeight * 0.95f - FontSize) / 2.f, FontSize, aBuf, -1.0f); } y += LineHeight; } } void CStatboard::AutoStatScreenshot() { if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) Client()->AutoStatScreenshot_Start(); } void CStatboard::AutoStatCSV() { if(Client()->State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { char aDate[20], aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_timestamp(aDate, sizeof(aDate)); str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "screenshots/auto/stats_%s.csv", aDate); IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); if(File) { char aStats[1024 * (VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS + 1)]; FormatStats(aStats, sizeof(aStats)); io_write(File, aStats, str_length(aStats)); io_close(File); } Client()->AutoCSV_Start(); } } std::string CStatboard::ReplaceCommata(char *pStr) { if(!str_find(pStr, ",")) return pStr; char aOutbuf[256]; mem_zero(aOutbuf, sizeof(aOutbuf)); for(int i = 0, skip = 0; i < 64; i++) { if(pStr[i] == ',') { aOutbuf[i + skip++] = '%'; aOutbuf[i + skip++] = '2'; aOutbuf[i + skip] = 'C'; } else aOutbuf[i + skip] = pStr[i]; } return aOutbuf; } void CStatboard::FormatStats(char *pDest, size_t DestSize) { // server stats CServerInfo CurrentServerInfo; Client()->GetServerInfo(&CurrentServerInfo); char aServerStats[1024]; str_format(aServerStats, sizeof(aServerStats), "Servername,Game-type,Map\n%s,%s,%s", ReplaceCommata(CurrentServerInfo.m_aName).c_str(), ReplaceCommata(CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType).c_str(), ReplaceCommata(CurrentServerInfo.m_aMap).c_str()); // player stats // sort players const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *apPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS] = {0}; int NumPlayers = 0; // sort red or dm players by score for(const auto *pInfo : m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore) { if(!pInfo || !m_pClient->m_aStats[pInfo->m_ClientID].IsActive() || m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Team != TEAM_RED) continue; apPlayers[NumPlayers] = pInfo; NumPlayers++; } // sort blue players by score after if(m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_TEAMS) { for(const auto *pInfo : m_pClient->m_Snap.m_apInfoByScore) { if(!pInfo || !m_pClient->m_aStats[pInfo->m_ClientID].IsActive() || m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Team != TEAM_BLUE) continue; apPlayers[NumPlayers] = pInfo; NumPlayers++; } } char aPlayerStats[1024 * VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS]; str_copy(aPlayerStats, "Local-player,Team,Name,Clan,Score,Frags,Deaths,Suicides,F/D-ratio,Net,FPM,Spree,Best,Hammer-F/D,Gun-F/D,Shotgun-F/D,Grenade-F/D,Laser-F/D,Ninja-F/D,GameWithFlags,Flag-grabs,Flag-captures\n"); for(int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++) { const CNetObj_PlayerInfo *pInfo = apPlayers[i]; const CGameClient::CClientStats *pStats = &m_pClient->m_aStats[pInfo->m_ClientID]; // Pre-formatting // Weapons frags/deaths char aWeaponFD[64 * NUM_WEAPONS]; for(int j = 0; j < NUM_WEAPONS; j++) { if(j == 0) str_format(aWeaponFD, sizeof(aWeaponFD), "%d/%d", pStats->m_aFragsWith[j], pStats->m_aDeathsFrom[j]); else str_format(aWeaponFD, sizeof(aWeaponFD), "%s,%d/%d", aWeaponFD, pStats->m_aFragsWith[j], pStats->m_aDeathsFrom[j]); } // Frag/Death ratio float fdratio = 0.0f; if(pStats->m_Deaths != 0) fdratio = (float)(pStats->m_Frags) / pStats->m_Deaths; // Local player bool localPlayer = (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_LocalClientID == pInfo->m_ClientID || (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_Active && pInfo->m_ClientID == m_pClient->m_Snap.m_SpecInfo.m_SpectatorID)); // Game with flags bool GameWithFlags = (m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj && m_pClient->m_Snap.m_pGameInfoObj->m_GameFlags & GAMEFLAG_FLAGS); char aBuf[1024]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d,%d,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%.2f,%i,%.1f,%d,%d,%s,%d,%d,%d\n", localPlayer ? 1 : 0, // Local player m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_Team, // Team ReplaceCommata(m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_aName).c_str(), // Name ReplaceCommata(m_pClient->m_aClients[pInfo->m_ClientID].m_aClan).c_str(), // Clan clamp(pInfo->m_Score, -999, 999), // Score pStats->m_Frags, // Frags pStats->m_Deaths, // Deaths pStats->m_Suicides, // Suicides fdratio, // fdratio pStats->m_Frags - pStats->m_Deaths, // Net pStats->GetFPM(Client()->GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy), Client()->GameTickSpeed()), // FPM pStats->m_CurrentSpree, // CurSpree pStats->m_BestSpree, // BestSpree aWeaponFD, // WeaponFD GameWithFlags ? 1 : 0, // GameWithFlags pStats->m_FlagGrabs, // Flag grabs pStats->m_FlagCaptures); // Flag captures str_append(aPlayerStats, aBuf); } str_format(pDest, DestSize, "%s\n\n%s", aServerStats, aPlayerStats); }