/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include "animstate.h" static void AnimSeqEval(CAnimSequence *pSeq, float Time, CAnimKeyframe *pFrame) { if(pSeq->m_NumFrames == 0) { pFrame->m_Time = 0; pFrame->m_X = 0; pFrame->m_Y = 0; pFrame->m_Angle = 0; } else if(pSeq->m_NumFrames == 1) { *pFrame = pSeq->m_aFrames[0]; } else { //time = max(0.0f, min(1.0f, time / duration)); // TODO: use clamp CAnimKeyframe *pFrame1 = 0; CAnimKeyframe *pFrame2 = 0; float Blend = 0.0f; // TODO: make this smarter.. binary search for (int i = 1; i < pSeq->m_NumFrames; i++) { if (pSeq->m_aFrames[i-1].m_Time <= Time && pSeq->m_aFrames[i].m_Time >= Time) { pFrame1 = &pSeq->m_aFrames[i-1]; pFrame2 = &pSeq->m_aFrames[i]; Blend = (Time - pFrame1->m_Time) / (pFrame2->m_Time - pFrame1->m_Time); break; } } if (pFrame1 && pFrame2) { pFrame->m_Time = Time; pFrame->m_X = mix(pFrame1->m_X, pFrame2->m_X, Blend); pFrame->m_Y = mix(pFrame1->m_Y, pFrame2->m_Y, Blend); pFrame->m_Angle = mix(pFrame1->m_Angle, pFrame2->m_Angle, Blend); } } } static void AnimAddKeyframe(CAnimKeyframe *pSeq, CAnimKeyframe *pAdded, float Amount) { pSeq->m_X += pAdded->m_X*Amount; pSeq->m_Y += pAdded->m_Y*Amount; pSeq->m_Angle += pAdded->m_Angle*Amount; } static void AnimAdd(CAnimState *pState, CAnimState *pAdded, float Amount) { AnimAddKeyframe(pState->GetBody(), pAdded->GetBody(), Amount); AnimAddKeyframe(pState->GetBackFoot(), pAdded->GetBackFoot(), Amount); AnimAddKeyframe(pState->GetFrontFoot(), pAdded->GetFrontFoot(), Amount); AnimAddKeyframe(pState->GetAttach(), pAdded->GetAttach(), Amount); } void CAnimState::Set(CAnimation *pAnim, float Time) { AnimSeqEval(&pAnim->m_Body, Time, &m_Body); AnimSeqEval(&pAnim->m_BackFoot, Time, &m_BackFoot); AnimSeqEval(&pAnim->m_FrontFoot, Time, &m_FrontFoot); AnimSeqEval(&pAnim->m_Attach, Time, &m_Attach); } void CAnimState::Add(CAnimation *pAnim, float Time, float Amount) { CAnimState Add; Add.Set(pAnim, Time); AnimAdd(this, &Add, Amount); } CAnimState *CAnimState::GetIdle() { static CAnimState State; static bool Init = true; if(Init) { State.Set(&g_pData->m_aAnimations[ANIM_BASE], 0); State.Add(&g_pData->m_aAnimations[ANIM_IDLE], 0, 1.0f); Init = false; } return &State; }