Natural Docs
Language SupportOutput Formats
Language Support
Full Language Support

The following languages have full language support, which means you get:

Full code documentation.  All functions, variables, and classes will appear in the output regardless of whether you wrote anything for them.  This can be turned off with the -do command line option.

Inheritance diagrams.  They will appear in the output wherever appropriate.

Auto-scoping.  The class a topic is part of is determined by the source code rather than class and section topics.

  • C#
  • Perl
  • ActionScript 2
Basic Language Support

The following languages have basic language support, which means you have:

Explicit documentation only.  Only things you write Natural Docs topics for will appear in the output.

No inheritance diagrams.  Sorry.

Topic scoping.  The class a topic is part of is determined by the topic scoping rules.

  • C/C++
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • PL/SQL
  • Visual Basic
  • Pascal/Delphi
  • Ada
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Tcl
  • Flash ActionScript
  • ColdFusion
  • Assembly
  • Fortran (free-format only)
  • R
  • Makefiles
  • Plain Text
  • Custom Languages
Getting Full Language Support

This is the current order in which languages will be getting full support.  The order is roughly determined by the total donation amount, then the number of votes, and then the language’s general importance.  It’s not an absolute formula — a large number of one thing can override something else.  For example, C++ and Java’s very high prominence overrides the vote counts, but a high total donation amount could override even them.  A particularly high total donation amount would cause me to start working on that language immediately.

You vote by sending me an e-mail telling me which language you want me to give full support to.  You donate towards a language by donating to the project and filling in the “Donate towards a language?” field on the second page.  You can split it any way you want, and it can be refunded at any point before serious work starts on that language.

  • C/C++  (High importance, $45 in donations, 15 votes)
  • Ada  ($120 in donations, 5 votes)
  • Java  (High importance, 3 votes)
  • PHP  ($10 in donations, 11 votes)
  • Pascal  (8 votes)
  • Python  (5 votes)
  • PL/SQL  (4 votes)
  • ColdFusion  (4 votes)
  • Visual Basic  (3 votes)
  • JavaScript (2 votes)
  • Ruby  ($10 in donations, 1 vote)
  • (2 votes)
  • Fortran  (2 votes)
  • C# 2.0  (1 vote)
List last updated on March 20th.
Copyright © 2003-2005 Greg Valure