Format: 1.35 # This is the main Natural Docs topics file. If you change anything here, it # will apply to EVERY PROJECT you use Natural Docs on. If you'd like to # change something for just one project, edit the Topics.txt in its project # directory instead. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SYNTAX: # # Topic Type: [name] # Creates a new topic type. Each type gets its own index and behavior # settings. Its name can have letters, numbers, spaces, and these # charaters: - / . ' # # The Enumeration type is special. It's indexed with Types but its members # are indexed with Constants according to the rules in Languages.txt. # # Plural: [name] # Sets the plural name of the topic type, if different. # # Keywords: # [keyword] # [keyword], [plural keyword] # ... # Defines a list of keywords for the topic type. They may only contain # letters, numbers, and spaces and are not case sensitive. Plural keywords # are used for list topics. # # Index: [yes|no] # Whether the topics get their own index. Defaults to yes. Everything is # included in the general index regardless of this setting. # # Scope: [normal|start|end|always global] # How the topics affects scope. Defaults to normal. # normal - Topics stay within the current scope. # start - Topics start a new scope for all the topics beneath it, # like class topics. # end - Topics reset the scope back to global for all the topics # beneath it. # always global - Topics are defined as global, but do not change the scope # for any other topics. # # Class Hierarchy: [yes|no] # Whether the topics are part of the class hierarchy. Defaults to no. # # Variable Type: [yes|no] # Whether the topics can be a variable type. Defaults to no. # # Page Title If First: [yes|no] # Whether the topic's title becomes the page title if it's the first one in # a file. Defaults to no. # # Break Lists: [yes|no] # Whether list topics should be broken into individual topics in the output. # Defaults to no. # # Can Group With: [type], [type], ... # Defines a list of topic types that this one can possibly be grouped with. # Defaults to none. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following topics MUST be defined in this file: # # Generic, Class, Interface, Section, File, Group, Function, Variable, # Property, Type, Constant, Enumeration, Event, Delegate # If you add something that you think would be useful to other developers # and should be included in Natural Docs by default, please e-mail it to # topics [at] naturaldocs [dot] org. Topic Type: Generic Index: No Keywords: topic, topics about, list note notes Topic Type: Class Plural: Classes Scope: Start Class Hierarchy: Yes Page Title If First: Yes Can Group With: Interfaces Keywords: class, classes structure, structures struct, structs package, packages namespace, namespaces Topic Type: Interface Plural: Interfaces Scope: Start Class Hierarchy: Yes Page Title If First: Yes Can Group With: Classes Keywords: interface, interfaces Topic Type: Section Plural: Sections Index: No Scope: End Page Title If First: Yes Keywords: section title Topic Type: File Plural: Files Scope: Always global Page Title If First: Yes Keywords: file, files program, programs script, scripts document, documents doc, docs header, headers Topic Type: Group Plural: Groups Index: No Keywords: group Topic Type: Function Plural: Functions Break Lists: Yes Can Group With: Properties Keywords: function, functions func, funcs procedure, procedures proc, procs routine, routines subroutine, subroutines sub, subs method, methods callback, callbacks constructor, constructors destructor, destructors Topic Type: Variable Plural: Variables Can Group With: Types, Constants, Macros, Enumerations Keywords: variable, variables var, vars integer, integers int, ints uint, uints long, longs ulong, ulongs short, shorts ushort, ushorts byte, bytes ubyte, ubytes sbyte, sbytes float, floats double, doubles real, reals decimal, decimals scalar, scalars array, arrays arrayref, arrayrefs hash, hashes hashref, hashrefs bool, bools boolean, booleans flag, flags bit, bits bitfield, bitfields field, fields pointer, pointers ptr, ptrs reference, references ref, refs object, objects obj, objs character, characters wcharacter, wcharacters char, chars wchar, wchars string, strings wstring, wstrings str, strs wstr, wstrs handle, handles Topic Type: Property Plural: Properties Can Group With: Functions Keywords: property, properties prop, props Topic Type: Type Plural: Types Can Group With: Variables, Constants, Macros, Enumerations Keywords: type, types typedef, typedefs Topic Type: Constant Plural: Constants Can Group With: Variables, Types, Macros, Enumerations Keywords: constant, constants const, consts Topic Type: Enumeration Plural: Enumerations Index: No Can Group With: Variables, Types, Macros, Constants Keywords: enum, enums enumeration, enumerations Topic Type: Event Plural: Events Keywords: event, events Topic Type: Delegate Plural: Delegates Keywords: delegate, delegates Topic Type: Macro Plural: Macros Can Group With: Variables, Types, Constants Keywords: define, defines def, defs macro, macros Topic Type: Database Plural: Databases Page Title If First: Yes Keywords: database, databases db, dbs Topic Type: Database Table Plural: Database Tables Scope: Start Page Title If First: Yes Keywords: table, tables database table, database tables databasetable, databasetables db table, db tables dbtable, dbtables Topic Type: Database View Plural: Database Views Scope: Start Page Title If First: Yes Keywords: view, views database view, database views databaseview, databaseviews db view, db views dbview, dbviews Topic Type: Database Index Plural: Database Indexes Keywords: index, indexes index, indices database index, database indexes database index, database indices databaseindex, databaseindexes databaseindex, databaseindices db index, db indexes db index, db indices dbindex, dbindexes dbindex, dbindices key, keys database key, database keys databasekey, databasekeys db key, db keys dbkey, dbkeys primary key, primary keys primarykey, primarykeys database primary key, database primary keys databaseprimarykey, databaseprimarykeys db primary key, db primary keys dbprimarykey, dbprimarykeys Topic Type: Database Cursor Plural: Database Cursors Keywords: cursor, cursors database cursor, database cursors databasecursor, databasecursors db cursor, db cursors dbcursor, dbcursors Topic Type: Database Trigger Plural: Database Triggers Keywords: trigger, triggers database trigger, database triggers databasetrigger, databasetriggers db trigger, db triggers dbtrigger, dbtriggers Topic Type: Cookie Plural: Cookies Scope: Always global Keywords: cookie, cookies Topic Type: Build Target Plural: Build Targets Keywords: target, targets build target, build targets buildtarget, buildtargets