/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "pickup.h" #include "character.h" #include void CPickup::Tick() { Move(); // Check if a player intersected us CCharacter *apEnts[MAX_CLIENTS]; int Num = GameWorld()->FindEntities(m_Pos, 20.0f, (CEntity **)apEnts, MAX_CLIENTS, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for(int i = 0; i < Num; ++i) { CCharacter *pChr = apEnts[i]; if(pChr && pChr->IsAlive()) { if(GameWorld()->m_WorldConfig.m_IsVanilla && distance(m_Pos, pChr->m_Pos) >= 20.0f * 2) // pickup distance is shorter on vanilla due to using ClosestEntity continue; if(m_Layer == LAYER_SWITCH && !Collision()->m_pSwitchers[m_Number].m_Status[pChr->Team()]) continue; bool sound = false; // player picked us up, is someone was hooking us, let them go switch(m_Type) { case POWERUP_HEALTH: //pChr->Freeze(); break; case POWERUP_ARMOR: if(!GameWorld()->m_WorldConfig.m_IsDDRace || !GameWorld()->m_WorldConfig.m_PredictDDRace) continue; if(pChr->m_Super) continue; for(int i = WEAPON_SHOTGUN; i < NUM_WEAPONS; i++) { if(pChr->GetWeaponGot(i)) { pChr->SetWeaponGot(i, false); pChr->SetWeaponAmmo(i, 0); sound = true; } } pChr->SetNinjaActivationDir(vec2(0, 0)); pChr->SetNinjaActivationTick(-500); pChr->SetNinjaCurrentMoveTime(0); if(sound) pChr->SetLastWeapon(WEAPON_GUN); if(pChr->GetActiveWeapon() >= WEAPON_SHOTGUN) pChr->SetActiveWeapon(WEAPON_HAMMER); break; case POWERUP_WEAPON: if(m_Subtype >= 0 && m_Subtype < NUM_WEAPONS && (!pChr->GetWeaponGot(m_Subtype) || pChr->GetWeaponAmmo(m_Subtype) != -1)) pChr->GiveWeapon(m_Subtype); break; case POWERUP_NINJA: { // activate ninja on target player pChr->GiveNinja(); break; } default: break; }; } } } void CPickup::Move() { if(GameWorld()->GameTick() % int(GameWorld()->GameTickSpeed() * 0.15f) == 0) { int Flags; int index = Collision()->IsMover(m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, &Flags); if(index) { m_Core = Collision()->CpSpeed(index, Flags); } m_Pos += m_Core; } } CPickup::CPickup(CGameWorld *pGameWorld, int ID, CNetObj_Pickup *pPickup) : CEntity(pGameWorld, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_PICKUP) { m_Pos.x = pPickup->m_X; m_Pos.y = pPickup->m_Y; m_Type = pPickup->m_Type; m_Subtype = pPickup->m_Subtype; m_Core = vec2(0.f, 0.f); m_ID = ID; m_Layer = LAYER_GAME; m_Number = 0; } void CPickup::FillInfo(CNetObj_Pickup *pPickup) { pPickup->m_X = (int)m_Pos.x; pPickup->m_Y = (int)m_Pos.y; pPickup->m_Type = m_Type; pPickup->m_Subtype = m_Subtype; } bool CPickup::Match(CPickup *pPickup) { if(pPickup->m_Type != m_Type || pPickup->m_Subtype != m_Subtype) return false; if(distance(pPickup->m_Pos, m_Pos) > 2.0f) return false; return true; }