#include #include #include #include #include "../version.h" #include "game_server.h" #include "srv_common.h" #include "srv_ctf.h" #include "srv_tdm.h" #include "srv_dm.h" data_container *data = 0x0; class player* get_player(int index); void create_damageind(vec2 p, float angle_mod, int amount); void create_explosion(vec2 p, int owner, int weapon, bool bnodamage); void create_smoke(vec2 p); void create_spawn(vec2 p); void create_death(vec2 p); void create_sound(vec2 pos, int sound, int loopflags = 0); void create_targetted_sound(vec2 pos, int sound, int target, int loopflags = 0); class player *intersect_player(vec2 pos0, vec2 pos1, vec2 &new_pos, class entity *notthis = 0); game_world *world; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event handler ////////////////////////////////////////////////// event_handler::event_handler() { clear(); } void *event_handler::create(int type, int size, int target) { if(num_events == MAX_EVENTS) return 0; if(current_offset+size >= MAX_DATASIZE) return 0; void *p = &data[current_offset]; offsets[num_events] = current_offset; types[num_events] = type; sizes[num_events] = size; targets[num_events] = target; current_offset += size; num_events++; return p; } void event_handler::clear() { num_events = 0; current_offset = 0; } void event_handler::snap(int snapping_client) { for(int i = 0; i < num_events; i++) { if (targets[i] == -1 || targets[i] == snapping_client) { void *d = snap_new_item(types[i], i, sizes[i]); mem_copy(d, &data[offsets[i]], sizes[i]); } } } event_handler events; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Entity ////////////////////////////////////////////////// entity::entity(int objtype) { this->objtype = objtype; pos = vec2(0,0); flags = FLAG_ALIVE; proximity_radius = 0; id = snap_new_id(); next_entity = 0; prev_entity = 0; prev_type_entity = 0; next_type_entity = 0; } entity::~entity() { snap_free_id(id); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // game world ////////////////////////////////////////////////// game_world::game_world() { paused = false; reset_requested = false; first_entity = 0x0; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ENT_TYPES; i++) first_entity_types[i] = 0; } int game_world::find_entities(vec2 pos, float radius, entity **ents, int max) { int num = 0; for(entity *ent = first_entity; ent; ent = ent->next_entity) { if(!(ent->flags&entity::FLAG_ALIVE)) continue; if(distance(ent->pos, pos) < radius+ent->proximity_radius) { ents[num] = ent; num++; if(num == max) break; } } return num; } int game_world::find_entities(vec2 pos, float radius, entity **ents, int max, const int* types, int maxtypes) { int num = 0; for(int t = 0; t < maxtypes; t++) { for(entity *ent = first_entity_types[types[t]]; ent; ent = ent->next_type_entity) { if(!(ent->flags&entity::FLAG_ALIVE)) continue; if(distance(ent->pos, pos) < radius+ent->proximity_radius) { ents[num] = ent; num++; if(num == max) break; } } } return num; } void game_world::insert_entity(entity *ent) { entity *cur = first_entity; while(cur) { dbg_assert(cur != ent, "err"); cur = cur->next_entity; } // insert it if(first_entity) first_entity->prev_entity = ent; ent->next_entity = first_entity; ent->prev_entity = 0x0; first_entity = ent; // into typelist aswell if(first_entity_types[ent->objtype]) first_entity_types[ent->objtype]->prev_type_entity = ent; ent->next_type_entity = first_entity_types[ent->objtype]; ent->prev_type_entity = 0x0; first_entity_types[ent->objtype] = ent; } void game_world::destroy_entity(entity *ent) { ent->set_flag(entity::FLAG_DESTROY); } void game_world::remove_entity(entity *ent) { // not in the list if(!ent->next_entity && !ent->prev_entity && first_entity != ent) return; // remove if(ent->prev_entity) ent->prev_entity->next_entity = ent->next_entity; else first_entity = ent->next_entity; if(ent->next_entity) ent->next_entity->prev_entity = ent->prev_entity; if(ent->prev_type_entity) ent->prev_type_entity->next_type_entity = ent->next_type_entity; else first_entity_types[ent->objtype] = ent->next_type_entity; if(ent->next_type_entity) ent->next_type_entity->prev_type_entity = ent->prev_type_entity; ent->next_entity = 0; ent->prev_entity = 0; ent->next_type_entity = 0; ent->prev_type_entity = 0; } // void game_world::snap(int snapping_client) { for(entity *ent = first_entity; ent; ent = ent->next_entity) ent->snap(snapping_client); } void game_world::reset() { // reset all entities for(entity *ent = first_entity; ent; ent = ent->next_entity) ent->reset(); remove_entities(); for(entity *ent = first_entity; ent; ent = ent->next_entity) ent->post_reset(); remove_entities(); reset_requested = false; } void game_world::remove_entities() { // destroy objects marked for destruction entity *ent = first_entity; while(ent) { entity *next = ent->next_entity; if(ent->flags&entity::FLAG_DESTROY) { remove_entity(ent); ent->destroy(); } ent = next; } } void game_world::tick() { if(reset_requested) reset(); if(!paused) { // update all objects for(entity *ent = first_entity; ent; ent = ent->next_entity) ent->tick(); for(entity *ent = first_entity; ent; ent = ent->next_entity) ent->tick_defered(); } remove_entities(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // projectile ////////////////////////////////////////////////// projectile::projectile(int type, int owner, vec2 pos, vec2 vel, int span, entity* powner, int damage, int flags, float force, int sound_impact, int weapon) : entity(OBJTYPE_PROJECTILE) { this->type = type; this->pos = pos; this->vel = vel; this->lifespan = span; this->owner = owner; this->powner = powner; this->flags = flags; this->force = force; this->damage = damage; this->sound_impact = sound_impact; this->weapon = weapon; this->bounce = 0; world->insert_entity(this); } void projectile::reset() { world->destroy_entity(this); } void projectile::tick() { vec2 oldpos = pos; int collide = 0; if(bounce) { int numbounces; vel.y += 0.25f; move_point(&pos, &vel, 0.25f, &numbounces); bounce -= numbounces; } else { vel.y += 0.25f; pos += vel; collide = col_check_point((int)pos.x, (int)pos.y); } lifespan--; // check player intersection as well vec2 new_pos; entity *targetplayer = (entity*)intersect_player(oldpos, pos, new_pos, powner); if(targetplayer || lifespan < 0 || collide || bounce < 0) { if (lifespan >= 0 || weapon == WEAPON_ROCKET) create_sound(pos, sound_impact); if (flags & PROJECTILE_FLAGS_EXPLODE) create_explosion(oldpos, owner, weapon, false); else if (targetplayer) { targetplayer->take_damage(normalize(vel) * max(0.001f, force), damage, owner, weapon); } world->destroy_entity(this); } } void projectile::snap(int snapping_client) { obj_projectile *proj = (obj_projectile *)snap_new_item(OBJTYPE_PROJECTILE, id, sizeof(obj_projectile)); proj->x = (int)pos.x; proj->y = (int)pos.y; proj->vx = (int)vel.x; // TODO: should be an angle proj->vy = (int)vel.y; proj->type = type; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // player ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO: move to separate file player::player() : entity(OBJTYPE_PLAYER) { init(); } void player::init() { proximity_radius = phys_size; name[0] = 'n'; name[1] = 'o'; name[2] = 'o'; name[3] = 'b'; name[4] = 0; client_id = -1; team = 0; extrapowerflags = 0; ninjaactivationtick = 0; latency_accum = 0; latency_accum_min = 0; latency_accum_max = 0; latency_avg = 0; latency_min = 0; latency_max = 0; reset(); } void player::reset() { pos = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); core.vel = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); //direction = vec2(0.0f, 1.0f); score = 0; dead = true; spawning = false; die_tick = 0; damage_taken = 0; state = STATE_UNKNOWN; mem_zero(&input, sizeof(input)); mem_zero(&previnput, sizeof(previnput)); last_action = -1; emote_stop = 0; damage_taken_tick = 0; attack_tick = 0; } void player::destroy() { } void player::set_weapon(int w) { last_weapon = active_weapon; active_weapon = w; } void player::respawn() { spawning = true; } bool try_spawntype(int t, vec2 *pos) { // get spawn point int start, num; map_get_type(t, &start, &num); if(!num) return false; mapres_spawnpoint *sp = (mapres_spawnpoint*)map_get_item(start + (rand()%num), NULL, NULL); *pos = vec2((float)sp->x, (float)sp->y); return true; } void player::try_respawn() { vec2 spawnpos = vec2(100.0f, -60.0f); // get spawn point if(gameobj->gametype == GAMETYPE_CTF) { // try first try own team spawn, then normal spawn and then enemy if(!try_spawntype(MAPRES_SPAWNPOINT_RED+(team&1), &spawnpos)) { if(!try_spawntype(MAPRES_SPAWNPOINT, &spawnpos)) try_spawntype(MAPRES_SPAWNPOINT_RED+((team+1)&1), &spawnpos); } } else { if(!try_spawntype(MAPRES_SPAWNPOINT, &spawnpos)) try_spawntype(MAPRES_SPAWNPOINT_RED+(rand()&1), &spawnpos); } // check if the position is occupado entity *ents[2] = {0}; int types[] = {OBJTYPE_PLAYER}; int num_ents = world->find_entities(spawnpos, 64, ents, 2, types, 1); for(int i = 0; i < num_ents; i++) { if(ents[i] != this) return; } spawning = false; pos = spawnpos; core.pos = pos; core.hooked_player = -1; health = 10; armor = 0; jumped = 0; dead = false; set_flag(entity::FLAG_ALIVE); state = STATE_PLAYING; core.hook_state = HOOK_IDLE; mem_zero(&input, sizeof(input)); core.vel = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); // init weapons mem_zero(&weapons, sizeof(weapons)); weapons[WEAPON_HAMMER].got = true; weapons[WEAPON_HAMMER].ammo = -1; weapons[WEAPON_GUN].got = true; weapons[WEAPON_GUN].ammo = data->weapons[WEAPON_GUN].maxammo; active_weapon = WEAPON_GUN; last_weapon = WEAPON_HAMMER; reload_timer = 0; // Create sound and spawn effects create_sound(pos, SOUND_PLAYER_SPAWN); create_spawn(pos); gameobj->on_player_spawn(this); } bool player::is_grounded() { if(col_check_point((int)(pos.x+phys_size/2), (int)(pos.y+phys_size/2+5))) return true; if(col_check_point((int)(pos.x-phys_size/2), (int)(pos.y+phys_size/2+5))) return true; return false; } int player::handle_ninja() { vec2 direction = normalize(vec2(input.target_x, input.target_y)); if ((server_tick() - ninjaactivationtick) > (data->weapons[WEAPON_NINJA].duration * server_tickspeed() / 1000)) { // time's up, return active_weapon = last_weapon; return 0; } // Check if it should activate if ((input.fire && !(previnput.fire)) && (server_tick() > currentcooldown)) { // ok then, activate ninja attack_tick = server_tick(); activationdir = direction; currentmovetime = data->weapons[WEAPON_NINJA].movetime * server_tickspeed() / 1000; currentcooldown = data->weapons[WEAPON_NINJA].firedelay * server_tickspeed() / 1000 + server_tick(); // reset hit objects numobjectshit = 0; create_sound(pos, SOUND_NINJA_FIRE); // release all hooks when ninja is activated //release_hooked(); //release_hooks(); } currentmovetime--; if (currentmovetime == 0) { // reset player velocity core.vel *= 0.2f; //return MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEWEAPON; } if (currentmovetime > 0) { // Set player velocity core.vel = activationdir * data->weapons[WEAPON_NINJA].velocity; vec2 oldpos = pos; move_box(&core.pos, &core.vel, vec2(phys_size, phys_size), 0.0f); // reset velocity so the client doesn't predict stuff core.vel = vec2(0.0f,0.0f); if ((currentmovetime % 2) == 0) { create_smoke(pos); } // check if we hit anything along the way { int type = OBJTYPE_PLAYER; entity *ents[64]; vec2 dir = pos - oldpos; float radius = phys_size * 2.0f; //length(dir * 0.5f); vec2 center = oldpos + dir * 0.5f; int num = world->find_entities(center, radius, ents, 64, &type, 1); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // Check if entity is a player if (ents[i] == this) continue; // make sure we haven't hit this object before bool balreadyhit = false; for (int j = 0; j < numobjectshit; j++) { if (hitobjects[j] == ents[i]) balreadyhit = true; } if (balreadyhit) continue; // check so we are sufficiently close if (distance(ents[i]->pos, pos) > (phys_size * 2.0f)) continue; // hit a player, give him damage and stuffs... create_sound(ents[i]->pos, SOUND_NINJA_HIT); // set his velocity to fast upward (for now) hitobjects[numobjectshit++] = ents[i]; ents[i]->take_damage(vec2(0,10.0f), data->weapons[WEAPON_NINJA].meleedamage, client_id,WEAPON_NINJA); } } return MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEVELOCITY | MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEPOSITION | MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEGRAVITY; } return 0; } int player::handle_weapons() { vec2 direction = normalize(vec2(input.target_x, input.target_y)); if(config.stress) { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; i++) { weapons[i].got = true; weapons[i].ammo = 10; } if(reload_timer) // twice as fast reload reload_timer--; } // check reload timer if(reload_timer) { reload_timer--; return 0; } if (active_weapon == WEAPON_NINJA) { // don't update other weapons while ninja is active return handle_ninja(); } // switch weapon if wanted if(input.activeweapon && data->weapons[active_weapon].duration <= 0) { int new_weapon = active_weapon; if(input.activeweapon > 0) // straight selection new_weapon = input.activeweapon-1; else if(input.activeweapon == -1 && !previnput.activeweapon) // next weapon { do new_weapon = (new_weapon+1)%NUM_WEAPONS; while(!weapons[new_weapon].got); } else if(input.activeweapon == -2 && !previnput.activeweapon) { do new_weapon = (new_weapon-1)<0?NUM_WEAPONS-1:new_weapon-1; while(!weapons[new_weapon].got); } if(new_weapon >= 0 && new_weapon < NUM_WEAPONS && weapons[new_weapon].got) { if(active_weapon != new_weapon) create_sound(pos, SOUND_WEAPON_SWITCH); last_weapon = active_weapon; active_weapon = new_weapon; } } if(!previnput.fire && input.fire) { if(reload_timer == 0) { // fire! if(weapons[active_weapon].ammo) { switch(active_weapon) { case WEAPON_HAMMER: // reset objects hit numobjectshit = 0; create_sound(pos, SOUND_HAMMER_FIRE); break; case WEAPON_GUN: new projectile(WEAPON_GUN, client_id, pos+vec2(0,0), direction*30.0f, 100, this, 1, 0, 0, -1, WEAPON_GUN); create_sound(pos, SOUND_GUN_FIRE); break; case WEAPON_ROCKET: { new projectile(WEAPON_ROCKET, client_id, pos+vec2(0,0), direction*15.0f, 100, this, 1, projectile::PROJECTILE_FLAGS_EXPLODE, 0, SOUND_ROCKET_EXPLODE, WEAPON_ROCKET); create_sound(pos, SOUND_ROCKET_FIRE); break; } case WEAPON_SHOTGUN: { int shotspread = 2; for(int i = -shotspread; i <= shotspread; i++) { float a = get_angle(direction); a += i*0.08f; new projectile(WEAPON_SHOTGUN, client_id, pos+vec2(0,0), vec2(cosf(a), sinf(a))*25.0f, //vec2(cosf(a), sinf(a))*20.0f, (int)(server_tickspeed()*0.4f), this, 1, 0, 0, -1, WEAPON_SHOTGUN); } create_sound(pos, SOUND_SHOTGUN_FIRE); break; } } weapons[active_weapon].ammo--; attack_tick = server_tick(); reload_timer = data->weapons[active_weapon].firedelay * server_tickspeed() / 1000; } else { create_sound(pos, SOUND_WEAPON_NOAMMO); } } } // Update weapons if (active_weapon == WEAPON_HAMMER && reload_timer > 0) { // Handle collisions // only one that needs update (for now) // do selection for the weapon and bash anything in it // check if we hit anything along the way int type = OBJTYPE_PLAYER; entity *ents[64]; vec2 lookdir(direction.x > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f, 0.0f); vec2 dir = lookdir * data->weapons[active_weapon].meleereach; float radius = length(dir * 0.5f); vec2 center = pos + dir * 0.5f; int num = world->find_entities(center, radius, ents, 64, &type, 1); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // Check if entity is a player if (ents[i] == this) continue; // make sure we haven't hit this object before bool balreadyhit = false; for (int j = 0; j < numobjectshit; j++) { if (hitobjects[j] == ents[i]) balreadyhit = true; } if (balreadyhit) continue; // check so we are sufficiently close if (distance(ents[i]->pos, pos) > (phys_size * 2.0f)) continue; // hit a player, give him damage and stuffs... // create sound for bash //create_sound(ents[i]->pos, sound_impact); vec2 fdir = normalize(ents[i]->pos- pos); // set his velocity to fast upward (for now) create_smoke(ents[i]->pos); create_sound(pos, SOUND_HAMMER_HIT); hitobjects[numobjectshit++] = ents[i]; ents[i]->take_damage(vec2(0,-1.0f), data->weapons[active_weapon].meleedamage, client_id, active_weapon); player* target = (player*)ents[i]; vec2 dir; if (length(target->pos - pos) > 0.0f) dir = normalize(target->pos - pos); else dir = vec2(0,-1); target->core.vel += dir * 25.0f + vec2(0,-5.0f); } } if (data->weapons[active_weapon].ammoregentime) { // If equipped and not active, regen ammo? if (reload_timer <= 0) { if (weapons[active_weapon].ammoregenstart < 0) weapons[active_weapon].ammoregenstart = server_tick(); if ((server_tick() - weapons[active_weapon].ammoregenstart) >= data->weapons[active_weapon].ammoregentime * server_tickspeed() / 1000) { // Add some ammo weapons[active_weapon].ammo = min(weapons[active_weapon].ammo + 1, data->weapons[active_weapon].maxammo); weapons[active_weapon].ammoregenstart = -1; } } else { weapons[active_weapon].ammoregenstart = -1; } } return 0; } void player::tick() { // do latency stuff { CLIENT_INFO info; if(server_getclientinfo(client_id, &info)) { latency_accum += info.latency; latency_accum_max = max(latency_accum_max, info.latency); latency_accum_min = min(latency_accum_min, info.latency); } if(server_tick()%server_tickspeed() == 0) { latency_avg = latency_accum/server_tickspeed(); latency_max = latency_accum_max; latency_min = latency_accum_min; latency_accum = 0; latency_accum_min = 1000; latency_accum_max = 0; } } if(spawning) try_respawn(); // TODO: rework the input to be more robust if(dead) { if(server_tick()-die_tick >= server_tickspeed()*5) // auto respawn after 3 sec respawn(); if(input.fire && server_tick()-die_tick >= server_tickspeed()/2) // auto respawn after 0.5 sec respawn(); return; } //player_core core; //core.pos = pos; //core.jumped = jumped; core.input = input; core.tick(); // handle weapons handle_weapons(); /* if (!(retflags & (MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEVELOCITY | MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEPOSITION))) { // add gravity //if (!(retflags & MODIFIER_RETURNFLAGS_OVERRIDEGRAVITY)) //vel.y += gravity; // do the move defered_pos = pos; move_box(&core.pos, &vel, vec2(phys_size, phys_size), 0); }*/ //defered_pos = core.pos; //jumped = core.jumped; state = input.state; // Previnput previnput = input; return; } void player::tick_defered() { core.move(); core.quantize(); pos = core.pos; // apply the new position //pos = defered_pos; } void player::die(int killer, int weapon) { gameobj->on_player_death(this, get_player(killer), weapon); dbg_msg("game", "kill killer='%d:%s' victim='%d:%s' weapon=%d", killer, players[killer].name, client_id, name, weapon); // send the kill message msg_pack_start(MSG_KILLMSG, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(killer); msg_pack_int(client_id); msg_pack_int(weapon); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(-1); // a nice sound create_sound(pos, SOUND_PLAYER_DIE); // set dead state dead = true; die_tick = server_tick(); clear_flag(entity::FLAG_ALIVE); create_death(pos); } bool player::take_damage(vec2 force, int dmg, int from, int weapon) { core.vel += force; // player only inflicts half damage on self if(from == client_id) dmg = max(1, dmg/2); // CTF and TDM (TODO: check for FF) //if (gameobj->gametype != GAMETYPE_DM && from >= 0 && players[from].team == team) //return false; damage_taken++; // create healthmod indicator if(server_tick() < damage_taken_tick+25) { // make sure that the damage indicators doesn't group together create_damageind(pos, damage_taken*0.25f, dmg); } else { damage_taken = 0; create_damageind(pos, 0, dmg); } if(armor) { armor -= 1; dmg--; } if(dmg > armor) { dmg -= armor; armor = 0; health -= dmg; } else armor -= dmg; damage_taken_tick = server_tick(); // do damage hit sound if(from >= 0) create_targetted_sound(get_player(from)->pos, SOUND_HIT, from); // check for death if(health <= 0) { die(from, weapon); // set attacker's face to happy (taunt!) if (from >= 0 && from != client_id) { player *p = get_player(from); p->emote_type = EMOTE_HAPPY; p->emote_stop = server_tick() + server_tickspeed(); } return false; } if (dmg > 2) create_sound(pos, SOUND_PLAYER_PAIN_LONG); else create_sound(pos, SOUND_PLAYER_PAIN_SHORT); emote_type = EMOTE_PAIN; emote_stop = server_tick() + 500 * server_tickspeed() / 1000; // spawn blood? return true; } void player::snap(int snaping_client) { obj_player *player = (obj_player *)snap_new_item(OBJTYPE_PLAYER, client_id, sizeof(obj_player)); core.write(player); if(snaping_client != client_id) { player->vx = 0; // make sure that we don't send these to clients who don't need them player->vy = 0; player->hook_dx = 0; player->hook_dy = 0; } if (emote_stop < server_tick()) { emote_type = EMOTE_NORMAL; emote_stop = -1; } player->emote = emote_type; player->latency = latency_avg; player->latency_flux = latency_max-latency_min; player->ammocount = weapons[active_weapon].ammo; player->health = 0; player->armor = 0; player->local = 0; player->clientid = client_id; player->weapon = active_weapon; player->attacktick = attack_tick; if(client_id == snaping_client) { player->local = 1; player->health = health; player->armor = armor; } if(dead) player->health = -1; //if(length(vel) > 15.0f) // player->emote = EMOTE_HAPPY; //if(damage_taken_tick+50 > server_tick()) // player->emote = EMOTE_PAIN; if (player->emote == EMOTE_NORMAL) { if(250 - ((server_tick() - last_action)%(250)) < 5) player->emote = EMOTE_BLINK; } player->score = score; player->team = team; player->state = state; } player *players; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // powerup ////////////////////////////////////////////////// powerup::powerup(int _type, int _subtype) : entity(OBJTYPE_POWERUP) { type = _type; subtype = _subtype; proximity_radius = phys_size; reset(); // TODO: should this be done here? world->insert_entity(this); } void powerup::reset() { if (data->powerupinfo[type].startspawntime > 0) spawntick = server_tick() + server_tickspeed() * data->powerupinfo[type].startspawntime; else spawntick = -1; } void powerup::tick() { // wait for respawn if(spawntick > 0) { if(server_tick() > spawntick) { // respawn spawntick = -1; if(type == POWERUP_WEAPON) create_sound(pos, SOUND_WEAPON_SPAWN, 0); } else return; } // Check if a player intersected us vec2 meh; player* pplayer = intersect_player(pos, pos + vec2(0,16), meh, 0); if (pplayer) { // player picked us up, is someone was hooking us, let them go int respawntime = -1; switch (type) { case POWERUP_HEALTH: if(pplayer->health < 10) { create_sound(pos, SOUND_PICKUP_HEALTH, 0); pplayer->health = min(10, pplayer->health + data->powerupinfo[type].amount); respawntime = data->powerupinfo[type].respawntime; } break; case POWERUP_ARMOR: if(pplayer->armor < 10) { create_sound(pos, SOUND_PICKUP_ARMOR, 0); pplayer->armor = min(10, pplayer->armor + data->powerupinfo[type].amount); respawntime = data->powerupinfo[type].respawntime; } break; case POWERUP_WEAPON: if(subtype >= 0 && subtype < NUM_WEAPONS) { if(pplayer->weapons[subtype].ammo < 10 || !pplayer->weapons[subtype].got) { pplayer->weapons[subtype].got = true; pplayer->weapons[subtype].ammo = min(10, pplayer->weapons[subtype].ammo + data->powerupinfo[type].amount); respawntime = data->powerupinfo[type].respawntime; // TODO: data compiler should take care of stuff like this if(subtype == WEAPON_ROCKET) create_sound(pos, SOUND_PICKUP_ROCKET); else if(subtype == WEAPON_SHOTGUN) create_sound(pos, SOUND_PICKUP_SHOTGUN); } } break; case POWERUP_NINJA: { // activate ninja on target player pplayer->ninjaactivationtick = server_tick(); pplayer->weapons[WEAPON_NINJA].got = true; pplayer->last_weapon = pplayer->active_weapon; pplayer->active_weapon = WEAPON_NINJA; respawntime = data->powerupinfo[type].respawntime; create_sound(pos, SOUND_PICKUP_NINJA); // loop through all players, setting their emotes entity *ents[64]; const int types[] = {OBJTYPE_PLAYER}; int num = world->find_entities(vec2(0, 0), 1000000, ents, 64, types, 1); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { player *p = (player *)ents[i]; if (p != pplayer) { p->emote_type = EMOTE_SURPRISE; p->emote_stop = server_tick() + server_tickspeed(); } } pplayer->emote_type = EMOTE_ANGRY; pplayer->emote_stop = server_tick() + 1200 * server_tickspeed() / 1000; break; } default: break; }; if(respawntime >= 0) { dbg_msg("game", "pickup player='%d:%s' item=%d/%d", pplayer->client_id, pplayer->name, type, subtype); spawntick = server_tick() + server_tickspeed() * respawntime; } } } void powerup::snap(int snapping_client) { if(spawntick != -1) return; obj_powerup *up = (obj_powerup *)snap_new_item(OBJTYPE_POWERUP, id, sizeof(obj_powerup)); up->x = (int)pos.x; up->y = (int)pos.y; up->type = type; // TODO: two diffrent types? what gives? up->subtype = subtype; } // POWERUP END /////////////////////// player *get_player(int index) { return &players[index]; } void create_damageind(vec2 p, float angle, int amount) { float a = 3 * 3.14159f / 2 + angle; //float a = get_angle(dir); float s = a-pi/3; float e = a+pi/3; for(int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { float f = mix(s, e, float(i+1)/float(amount+2)); ev_damageind *ev = (ev_damageind *)events.create(EVENT_DAMAGEINDICATION, sizeof(ev_damageind)); if(ev) { ev->x = (int)p.x; ev->y = (int)p.y; ev->angle = (int)(f*256.0f); } } } void create_explosion(vec2 p, int owner, int weapon, bool bnodamage) { // create the event ev_explosion *ev = (ev_explosion *)events.create(EVENT_EXPLOSION, sizeof(ev_explosion)); if(ev) { ev->x = (int)p.x; ev->y = (int)p.y; } if (!bnodamage) { // deal damage entity *ents[64]; const float radius = 128.0f; const float innerradius = 42.0f; int num = world->find_entities(p, radius, ents, 64); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { vec2 diff = ents[i]->pos - p; vec2 forcedir(0,1); float l = length(diff); if(l) forcedir = normalize(diff); l = 1-clamp((l-innerradius)/(radius-innerradius), 0.0f, 1.0f); float dmg = 6 * l; if((int)dmg) ents[i]->take_damage(forcedir*dmg*2, (int)dmg, owner, weapon); } } } void create_smoke(vec2 p) { // create the event ev_explosion *ev = (ev_explosion *)events.create(EVENT_SMOKE, sizeof(ev_explosion)); if(ev) { ev->x = (int)p.x; ev->y = (int)p.y; } } void create_spawn(vec2 p) { // create the event ev_spawn *ev = (ev_spawn *)events.create(EVENT_SPAWN, sizeof(ev_spawn)); if(ev) { ev->x = (int)p.x; ev->y = (int)p.y; } } void create_death(vec2 p) { // create the event ev_death *ev = (ev_death *)events.create(EVENT_DEATH, sizeof(ev_death)); if(ev) { ev->x = (int)p.x; ev->y = (int)p.y; } } void create_targetted_sound(vec2 pos, int sound, int target, int loopingflags) { if (sound < 0) return; // create a sound ev_sound *ev = (ev_sound *)events.create(EVENT_SOUND, sizeof(ev_sound), target); if(ev) { ev->x = (int)pos.x; ev->y = (int)pos.y; ev->sound = sound | loopingflags; } } void create_sound(vec2 pos, int sound, int loopingflags) { create_targetted_sound(pos, sound, -1, loopingflags); } // TODO: should be more general player* intersect_player(vec2 pos0, vec2 pos1, vec2& new_pos, entity* notthis) { // Find other players entity *ents[64]; vec2 dir = pos1 - pos0; float radius = length(dir * 0.5f); vec2 center = pos0 + dir * 0.5f; const int types[] = {OBJTYPE_PLAYER}; int num = world->find_entities(center, radius, ents, 64, types, 1); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // Check if entity is a player if (ents[i] != notthis) { new_pos = ents[i]->pos; return (player*)ents[i]; } } return 0; } // Server hooks void mods_tick() { // clear all events events.clear(); world->tick(); if(world->paused) // make sure that the game object always updates gameobj->tick(); if(config.restart) { if(config.restart > 1) gameobj->do_warmup(config.restart); else gameobj->startround(); config.restart = 0; } } void mods_snap(int client_id) { world->snap(client_id); events.snap(client_id); } void mods_client_input(int client_id, void *input) { if(!world->paused) { if (memcmp(&players[client_id].input, input, sizeof(player_input)) != 0) players[client_id].last_action = server_tick(); //players[client_id].previnput = players[client_id].input; players[client_id].input = *(player_input*)input; } } void send_chat(int cid, int team, const char *msg) { if(cid >= 0 && cid < MAX_CLIENTS) dbg_msg("chat", "%d:%d:%s: %s", cid, team, players[cid].name, msg); else dbg_msg("chat", "*** %s", msg); if(team == -1) { msg_pack_start(MSG_CHAT, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(cid); msg_pack_int(0); msg_pack_string(msg, 512); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(-1); } else { msg_pack_start(MSG_CHAT, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(cid); msg_pack_int(1); msg_pack_string(msg, 512); msg_pack_end(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(players[i].client_id != -1 && players[i].team == team) server_send_msg(i); } } } void send_set_name(int cid, const char *old_name, const char *new_name) { msg_pack_start(MSG_SETNAME, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(cid); msg_pack_string(new_name, 64); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(-1); char msg[256]; sprintf(msg, "*** %s changed name to %s", old_name, new_name); send_chat(-1, -1, msg); } void send_emoticon(int cid, int emoticon) { msg_pack_start(MSG_EMOTICON, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(cid); msg_pack_int(emoticon % 16); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(-1); } void mods_client_enter(int client_id) { players[client_id].init(); players[client_id].client_id = client_id; world->insert_entity(&players[client_id]); players[client_id].respawn(); CLIENT_INFO info; // fetch login name if(server_getclientinfo(client_id, &info)) { strcpy(players[client_id].name, info.name); } else strcpy(players[client_id].name, "(bot)"); dbg_msg("game", "join player='%d:%s'", client_id, players[client_id].name); if (gameobj->gametype == GAMETYPE_TDM) { // Check which team the player should be on players[client_id].team = gameobj->getteam(client_id); } msg_pack_start(MSG_SETNAME, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(client_id); msg_pack_string(players[client_id].name, 64); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(-1); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(players[client_id].client_id != -1) { msg_pack_start(MSG_SETNAME, MSGFLAG_VITAL); msg_pack_int(i); msg_pack_string(players[i].name, 64); msg_pack_end(); server_send_msg(client_id); } } char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%s has joined the game", players[client_id].name); send_chat(-1, -1, buf); } void mods_client_drop(int client_id) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "%s has left the game", players[client_id].name); send_chat(-1, -1, buf); dbg_msg("game", "leave player='%d:%s'", client_id, players[client_id].name); gameobj->on_player_death(&players[client_id], 0, -1); world->remove_entity(&players[client_id]); players[client_id].client_id = -1; } void mods_message(int msg, int client_id) { if(msg == MSG_SAY) { int team = msg_unpack_int(); const char *text = msg_unpack_string(); if(team) team = players[client_id].team; else team = -1; send_chat(client_id, team, text); } else if (msg == MSG_SWITCHTEAM) { // Switch team on given client and kill/respawn him players[client_id].team = !players[client_id].team; players[client_id].die(client_id, -1); players[client_id].score--; } else if (msg == MSG_CHANGENAME) { const char *name = msg_unpack_string(); // check for invalid chars const char *p = name; while (*p) if (*p++ < 32) return; send_set_name(client_id, players[client_id].name, name); strcpy(players[client_id].name, name); } else if (msg == MSG_EMOTICON) { int emoteicon = msg_unpack_int(); send_emoticon(client_id, emoteicon % 16); } } extern unsigned char internal_data[]; void mods_init() { if(!data) /* only load once */ data = load_data_from_memory(internal_data); col_init(32); world = new game_world; players = new player[MAX_CLIENTS]; // select gametype if(strcmp(config.gametype, "ctf") == 0) gameobj = new gameobject_ctf; else if(strcmp(config.gametype, "tdm") == 0) gameobj = new gameobject_tdm; else gameobj = new gameobject_dm; // setup core world for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { players[i].core.world = &world->core; world->core.players[i] = &players[i].core; } // int start, num; map_get_type(MAPRES_ITEM, &start, &num); // TODO: this is way more complicated then it should be for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { mapres_item *it = (mapres_item *)map_get_item(start+i, 0, 0); int type = -1; int subtype = 0; switch(it->type) { case ITEM_WEAPON_GUN: type = POWERUP_WEAPON; subtype = WEAPON_GUN; break; case ITEM_WEAPON_SHOTGUN: type = POWERUP_WEAPON; subtype = WEAPON_SHOTGUN; break; case ITEM_WEAPON_ROCKET: type = POWERUP_WEAPON; subtype = WEAPON_ROCKET; break; case ITEM_WEAPON_HAMMER: type = POWERUP_WEAPON; subtype = WEAPON_HAMMER; break; case ITEM_HEALTH: type = POWERUP_HEALTH; break; case ITEM_ARMOR: type = POWERUP_ARMOR; break; case ITEM_NINJA: type = POWERUP_NINJA; subtype = WEAPON_NINJA; break; }; if(type != -1) { // LOL, the only new in the entire game code // perhaps we can get rid of it. seems like a stupid thing to have powerup *ppower = new powerup(type, subtype); ppower->pos = vec2(it->x, it->y); } } if(gameobj->gametype == GAMETYPE_CTF) { } world->insert_entity(gameobj); if(config.dbg_bots) { /* static int count = 0; if(count >= 0) { count++; if(count == 10) {*/ for(int i = 0; i < config.dbg_bots ; i++) { mods_client_enter(MAX_CLIENTS-i-1); strcpy(players[MAX_CLIENTS-i-1].name, "(bot)"); if(gameobj->gametype != GAMETYPE_DM) players[MAX_CLIENTS-i-1].team = i&1; } /* count = -1; } }*/ } } void mods_shutdown() { delete [] players; delete gameobj; delete world; gameobj = 0; players = 0; world = 0; } void mods_presnap() {} void mods_postsnap() {} extern "C" const char *mods_net_version() { return TEEWARS_NETVERSION; }