/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include static int keyboard_state[2][1024]; /* TODO: fix this!! */ static int keyboard_current = 0; static int keyboard_first = 1; static struct { unsigned char presses; unsigned char releases; } input_count[2][1024] = {{{0}}, {{0}}}; static unsigned char input_state[2][1024] = {{0}, {0}}; static int input_current = 0; static unsigned int last_release = 0; static unsigned int release_delta = -1; void inp_mouse_relative(int *x, int *y) { static int last_x = 0, last_y = 0; static int last_sens = 100.0f; int nx, ny; float sens = config.inp_mousesens/100.0f; if(last_sens != config.inp_mousesens) { last_x = (last_x/(float)last_sens)*(float)config.inp_mousesens; last_y = (last_y/(float)last_sens)*(float)config.inp_mousesens; last_sens = config.inp_mousesens; } glfwGetMousePos(&nx, &ny); nx *= sens; ny *= sens; *x = nx-last_x; *y = ny-last_y; last_x = nx; last_y = ny; } static char last_c = 0; static int last_k = 0; static void char_callback(int character, int action) { if(action == GLFW_PRESS && character < 256) last_c = (char)character; } static void key_callback(int key, int action) { if(action == GLFW_PRESS) last_k = key; if(action == GLFW_PRESS) input_count[input_current^1][key].presses++; if(action == GLFW_RELEASE) input_count[input_current^1][key].releases++; input_state[input_current^1][key] = action; } static void mousebutton_callback(int button, int action) { if(action == GLFW_PRESS) last_k = KEY_MOUSE_FIRST+button; if(action == GLFW_PRESS) input_count[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_FIRST+button].presses++; if(action == GLFW_RELEASE) { if(button == 0) { release_delta = time_get() - last_release; last_release = time_get(); } input_count[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_FIRST+button].releases++; } input_state[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_FIRST+button] = action; } static void mousewheel_callback(int pos) { if(pos > 0) { while(pos-- != 0) { input_count[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP].presses++; input_count[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP].releases++; } last_k = KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP; } else if(pos < 0) { while(pos++ != 0) { input_count[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN].presses++; input_count[input_current^1][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN].releases++; } last_k = KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN; } glfwSetMouseWheel(0); } void inp_init() { glfwEnable(GLFW_KEY_REPEAT); glfwSetCharCallback(char_callback); glfwSetKeyCallback(key_callback); glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(mousebutton_callback); glfwSetMouseWheelCallback(mousewheel_callback); } char inp_last_char() { return last_c; } int inp_last_key() { return last_k; } void inp_clear() { last_k = 0; last_c = 0; } void inp_mouse_mode_absolute() { glfwEnable(GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR); } void inp_mouse_mode_relative() { glfwDisable(GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR); } int inp_mouse_doubleclick() { return release_delta < (time_freq() >> 2); } int inp_key_presses(int key) { return input_count[input_current][key].presses; } int inp_key_releases(int key) { return input_count[input_current][key].releases; } int inp_key_state(int key) { return input_state[input_current][key]; } int inp_key_pressed(int key) { return keyboard_state[keyboard_current][key]; } int inp_key_was_pressed(int key) { return keyboard_state[keyboard_current^1][key]; } int inp_key_down(int key) { return inp_key_pressed(key)&&!inp_key_was_pressed(key); } int inp_button_pressed(int button) { return keyboard_state[keyboard_current][button]; } void inp_update() { int i, v; /* clear and begin count on the other one */ mem_zero(&input_count[input_current], sizeof(input_count[input_current])); memcpy(input_state[input_current], input_state[input_current^1], sizeof(input_state[input_current])); input_current^=1; if(keyboard_first) { /* make sure to reset */ keyboard_first = 0; inp_update(); } keyboard_current = keyboard_current^1; for(i = 0; i < KEY_LAST; i++) { if (i >= KEY_MOUSE_FIRST) v = glfwGetMouseButton(i-KEY_MOUSE_FIRST) == GLFW_PRESS ? 1 : 0; else v = glfwGetKey(i) == GLFW_PRESS ? 1 : 0; keyboard_state[keyboard_current][i] = v; } /* handle mouse wheel */ /* i = glfwGetMouseWheel(); keyboard_state[keyboard_current][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP] = 0; keyboard_state[keyboard_current][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN] = 0; if(w > 0) keyboard_state[keyboard_current][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP] = 1; if(w < 0) keyboard_state[keyboard_current][KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN] = 1; glfwSetMouseWheel(0);*/ }