#include // sscanf #include #include #include #include "auto_map.h" #include "editor.h" CAutoMapper::CAutoMapper(CEditor *pEditor) { m_pEditor = pEditor; m_FileLoaded = false; } void CAutoMapper::Load(const char* pTileName) { char aPath[256]; str_format(aPath, sizeof(aPath), "editor/%s.rules", pTileName); IOHANDLE RulesFile = m_pEditor->Storage()->OpenFile(aPath, IOFLAG_READ, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); if(!RulesFile) return; CLineReader LineReader; LineReader.Init(RulesFile); CConfiguration *pCurrentConf = 0; CRun *pCurrentRun = 0; CIndexRule *pCurrentIndex = 0; char aBuf[256]; // read each line while(char *pLine = LineReader.Get()) { // skip blank/empty lines as well as comments if(str_length(pLine) > 0 && pLine[0] != '#' && pLine[0] != '\n' && pLine[0] != '\r' && pLine[0] != '\t' && pLine[0] != '\v' && pLine[0] != ' ') { if(pLine[0]== '[') { // new configuration, get the name pLine++; CConfiguration NewConf; int ConfigurationID = m_lConfigs.add(NewConf); pCurrentConf = &m_lConfigs[ConfigurationID]; str_copy(pCurrentConf->m_aName, pLine, str_length(pLine)); // add start run CRun NewRun; NewRun.m_AutomapCopy = true; int RunID = pCurrentConf->m_aRuns.add(NewRun); pCurrentRun = &pCurrentConf->m_aRuns[RunID]; } else if(str_startswith(pLine, "NewRun")) { // add new run CRun NewRun; NewRun.m_AutomapCopy = true; int RunID = pCurrentConf->m_aRuns.add(NewRun); pCurrentRun = &pCurrentConf->m_aRuns[RunID]; } else if(str_startswith(pLine, "Index") && pCurrentRun) { // new index int ID = 0; char aOrientation1[128] = ""; char aOrientation2[128] = ""; char aOrientation3[128] = ""; sscanf(pLine, "Index %d %127s %127s %127s", &ID, aOrientation1, aOrientation2, aOrientation3); CIndexRule NewIndexRule; NewIndexRule.m_ID = ID; NewIndexRule.m_Flag = 0; NewIndexRule.m_RandomProbability = 1.0; NewIndexRule.m_DefaultRule = true; if(str_length(aOrientation1) > 0) { if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "XFLIP")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_VFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "YFLIP")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_HFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "ROTATE")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_ROTATE; } if(str_length(aOrientation2) > 0) { if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "XFLIP")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_VFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "YFLIP")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_HFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "ROTATE")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_ROTATE; } if(str_length(aOrientation3) > 0) { if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "XFLIP")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_VFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "YFLIP")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_HFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "ROTATE")) NewIndexRule.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_ROTATE; } // add the index rule object and make it current int IndexRuleID = pCurrentRun->m_aIndexRules.add(NewIndexRule); pCurrentIndex = &pCurrentRun->m_aIndexRules[IndexRuleID]; } else if(str_startswith(pLine, "Pos") && pCurrentIndex) { int x = 0, y = 0; char aValue[128]; int Value = CPosRule::NORULE; array NewIndexList; sscanf(pLine, "Pos %d %d %127s", &x, &y, aValue); if(!str_comp(aValue, "EMPTY")) { Value = CPosRule::INDEX; CIndexInfo NewIndexInfo = {0, 0}; NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); } else if(!str_comp(aValue, "FULL")) { Value = CPosRule::NOTINDEX; CIndexInfo NewIndexInfo1 = {0, 0}; //CIndexInfo NewIndexInfo2 = {-1, 0}; NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo1); //NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo2); } else if(!str_comp(aValue, "INDEX") || !str_comp(aValue, "NOTINDEX")) { if(!str_comp(aValue, "INDEX")) Value = CPosRule::INDEX; else Value = CPosRule::NOTINDEX; int pWord = 4; while(true) { int ID = 0; char aOrientation1[128] = ""; char aOrientation2[128] = ""; char aOrientation3[128] = ""; char aOrientation4[128] = ""; sscanf(str_trim_words(pLine, pWord), "%d %127s %127s %127s %127s", &ID, aOrientation1, aOrientation2, aOrientation3, aOrientation4); CIndexInfo NewIndexInfo; NewIndexInfo.m_ID = ID; NewIndexInfo.m_Flag = -1; if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "OR")) { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); pWord += 2; continue; } else if(str_length(aOrientation1) > 0) { if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "XFLIP")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag = TILEFLAG_VFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "YFLIP")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag = TILEFLAG_HFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "ROTATE")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag = TILEFLAG_ROTATE; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation1, "NONE")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag = 0; } else { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); break; } if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "OR")) { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); pWord += 3; continue; } else if(str_length(aOrientation2) > 0 && NewIndexInfo.m_Flag != 0) { if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "XFLIP")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_VFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "YFLIP")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_HFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation2, "ROTATE")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_ROTATE; } else { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); break; } if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "OR")) { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); pWord += 4; continue; } else if(str_length(aOrientation3) > 0 && NewIndexInfo.m_Flag != 0) { if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "XFLIP")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_VFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "YFLIP")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_HFLIP; else if(!str_comp(aOrientation3, "ROTATE")) NewIndexInfo.m_Flag |= TILEFLAG_ROTATE; } else { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); break; } if(!str_comp(aOrientation4, "OR")) { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); pWord += 5; continue; } else { NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); break; } } } if(Value != CPosRule::NORULE) { CPosRule NewPosRule = {x, y, Value, NewIndexList}; pCurrentIndex->m_aRules.add(NewPosRule); } } else if(str_startswith(pLine, "Random") && pCurrentIndex) { float Value; char Specifier = ' '; sscanf(pLine, "Random %f%c", &Value, &Specifier); if(Specifier == '%') { pCurrentIndex->m_RandomProbability = Value / 100.0; } else { pCurrentIndex->m_RandomProbability = 1.0 / Value; } } else if(str_startswith(pLine, "NoDefaultRule") && pCurrentIndex) { pCurrentIndex->m_DefaultRule = false; } else if(!str_comp_num(pLine, "NoLayerCopy", 11) && pCurrentRun) { pCurrentRun->m_AutomapCopy = false; } } } // add default rule for Pos 0 0 if there is none for (int g = 0; g < m_lConfigs.size(); ++g) { for (int h = 0; h < m_lConfigs[g].m_aRuns.size(); ++h) { for(int i = 0; i < m_lConfigs[g].m_aRuns[h].m_aIndexRules.size(); ++i) { bool Found = false; for(int j = 0; j < m_lConfigs[g].m_aRuns[h].m_aIndexRules[i].m_aRules.size(); ++j) { CPosRule *pRule = &m_lConfigs[g].m_aRuns[h].m_aIndexRules[i].m_aRules[j]; if(pRule && pRule->m_X == 0 && pRule->m_Y == 0) { Found = true; break; } } if(!Found && m_lConfigs[g].m_aRuns[h].m_aIndexRules[i].m_DefaultRule) { array NewIndexList; CIndexInfo NewIndexInfo = {0, 0}; NewIndexList.add(NewIndexInfo); CPosRule NewPosRule = {0, 0, CPosRule::NOTINDEX, NewIndexList}; m_lConfigs[g].m_aRuns[h].m_aIndexRules[i].m_aRules.add(NewPosRule); } } } } io_close(RulesFile); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf),"loaded %s", aPath); m_pEditor->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "editor", aBuf); m_FileLoaded = true; } const char* CAutoMapper::GetConfigName(int Index) { if(Index < 0 || Index >= m_lConfigs.size()) return ""; return m_lConfigs[Index].m_aName; } void CAutoMapper::Proceed(CLayerTiles *pLayer, int ConfigID) { if(!m_FileLoaded || pLayer->m_Readonly || ConfigID < 0 || ConfigID >= m_lConfigs.size()) return; CConfiguration *pConf = &m_lConfigs[ConfigID]; // for every run: copy tiles, automap, overwrite tiles for(int h = 0; h < pConf->m_aRuns.size(); ++h) { CRun *pRun = &pConf->m_aRuns[h]; // don't make copy if it's requested CLayerTiles *pReadLayer; if(pRun->m_AutomapCopy) { pReadLayer = new CLayerTiles(pLayer->m_Width, pLayer->m_Height); } else { pReadLayer = pLayer; } // copy tiles if(pRun->m_AutomapCopy) { for(int y = 0; y < pLayer->m_Height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < pLayer->m_Width; x++) { CTile *in = &pLayer->m_pTiles[y*pLayer->m_Width+x]; CTile *out = &pReadLayer->m_pTiles[y*pLayer->m_Width+x]; out->m_Index = in->m_Index; out->m_Flags = in->m_Flags; } } } // auto map for(int y = 0; y < pLayer->m_Height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < pLayer->m_Width; x++) { CTile *pTile = &(pLayer->m_pTiles[y*pLayer->m_Width+x]); m_pEditor->m_Map.m_Modified = true; for(int i = 0; i < pRun->m_aIndexRules.size(); ++i) { bool RespectRules = true; for(int j = 0; j < pRun->m_aIndexRules[i].m_aRules.size() && RespectRules; ++j) { CPosRule *pRule = &pRun->m_aIndexRules[i].m_aRules[j]; int CheckIndex, CheckFlags; int CheckX = x + pRule->m_X; int CheckY = y + pRule->m_Y; if(CheckX >= 0 && CheckX < pLayer->m_Width && CheckY >= 0 && CheckY < pLayer->m_Height) { int CheckTile = CheckY * pLayer->m_Width + CheckX; CheckIndex = pReadLayer->m_pTiles[CheckTile].m_Index; CheckFlags = pReadLayer->m_pTiles[CheckTile].m_Flags; } else { CheckIndex = -1; CheckFlags = 0; } if(pRule->m_Value == CPosRule::INDEX) { RespectRules = false; for(int i = 0; i < pRule->m_aIndexList.size(); ++i) { if(CheckIndex == pRule->m_aIndexList[i].m_ID && (pRule->m_aIndexList[i].m_Flag == -1 || CheckFlags == pRule->m_aIndexList[i].m_Flag)) { RespectRules = true; break; } } } else if(pRule->m_Value == CPosRule::NOTINDEX) { for(int i = 0; i < pRule->m_aIndexList.size(); ++i) { if(CheckIndex == pRule->m_aIndexList[i].m_ID && (pRule->m_aIndexList[i].m_Flag == -1 || CheckFlags == pRule->m_aIndexList[i].m_Flag)) { RespectRules = false; break; } } } } if(RespectRules && (pRun->m_aIndexRules[i].m_RandomProbability >= 1.0 || (float)rand() / ((float)RAND_MAX + 1) < pRun->m_aIndexRules[i].m_RandomProbability)) { pTile->m_Index = pRun->m_aIndexRules[i].m_ID; pTile->m_Flags = pRun->m_aIndexRules[i].m_Flag; } } } } // clean-up if(pRun->m_AutomapCopy) delete pReadLayer; } }