#include "connection.h" #include #include #include #include class CSqliteConnection : public IDbConnection { public: CSqliteConnection(const char *pFilename, bool Setup); virtual ~CSqliteConnection(); void Print(IConsole *pConsole, const char *pMode) override; CSqliteConnection *Copy() override; const char *BinaryCollate() const override { return "BINARY"; } void ToUnixTimestamp(const char *pTimestamp, char *aBuf, unsigned int BufferSize) override; const char *InsertTimestampAsUtc() const override { return "DATETIME(?, 'utc')"; } const char *CollateNocase() const override { return "? COLLATE NOCASE"; } const char *InsertIgnore() const override { return "INSERT OR IGNORE"; } const char *Random() const override { return "RANDOM()"; } const char *MedianMapTime(char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) const override; // Since SQLite 3.23.0 true/false literals are recognized, but still cleaner to use 1/0, because: // > For compatibility, if there exist columns named "true" or "false", then // > the identifiers refer to the columns rather than Boolean constants. const char *False() const override { return "0"; } const char *True() const override { return "1"; } bool Connect(char *pError, int ErrorSize) override; void Disconnect() override; bool PrepareStatement(const char *pStmt, char *pError, int ErrorSize) override; void BindString(int Idx, const char *pString) override; void BindBlob(int Idx, unsigned char *pBlob, int Size) override; void BindInt(int Idx, int Value) override; void BindInt64(int Idx, int64_t Value) override; void BindFloat(int Idx, float Value) override; void Print() override; bool Step(bool *pEnd, char *pError, int ErrorSize) override; bool ExecuteUpdate(int *pNumUpdated, char *pError, int ErrorSize) override; bool IsNull(int Col) override; float GetFloat(int Col) override; int GetInt(int Col) override; int64_t GetInt64(int Col) override; void GetString(int Col, char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) override; // passing a negative buffer size is undefined behavior int GetBlob(int Col, unsigned char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) override; bool AddPoints(const char *pPlayer, int Points, char *pError, int ErrorSize) override; private: // copy of config vars char m_aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; bool m_Setup; sqlite3 *m_pDb; sqlite3_stmt *m_pStmt; bool m_Done; // no more rows available for Step // returns false, if the query succeeded bool Execute(const char *pQuery, char *pError, int ErrorSize); // returns true if an error was formatted bool FormatError(int Result, char *pError, int ErrorSize); void AssertNoError(int Result); std::atomic_bool m_InUse; }; CSqliteConnection::CSqliteConnection(const char *pFilename, bool Setup) : IDbConnection("record"), m_Setup(Setup), m_pDb(nullptr), m_pStmt(nullptr), m_Done(true), m_InUse(false) { str_copy(m_aFilename, pFilename, sizeof(m_aFilename)); } CSqliteConnection::~CSqliteConnection() { if(m_pStmt != nullptr) sqlite3_finalize(m_pStmt); sqlite3_close(m_pDb); m_pDb = nullptr; } void CSqliteConnection::Print(IConsole *pConsole, const char *pMode) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "SQLite-%s: DB: '%s'", pMode, m_aFilename); pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); } void CSqliteConnection::ToUnixTimestamp(const char *pTimestamp, char *aBuf, unsigned int BufferSize) { str_format(aBuf, BufferSize, "strftime('%%s', %s)", pTimestamp); } CSqliteConnection *CSqliteConnection::Copy() { return new CSqliteConnection(m_aFilename, m_Setup); } bool CSqliteConnection::Connect(char *pError, int ErrorSize) { if(m_InUse.exchange(true)) { dbg_assert(0, "Tried connecting while the connection is in use"); } if(m_pDb != nullptr) { return false; } if(sqlite3_libversion_number() < 3025000) { dbg_msg("sql", "SQLite version %s is not supported, use at least version 3.25.0", sqlite3_libversion()); } int Result = sqlite3_open(m_aFilename, &m_pDb); if(Result != SQLITE_OK) { str_format(pError, ErrorSize, "Can't open sqlite database: '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDb)); return true; } // wait for database to unlock so we don't have to handle SQLITE_BUSY errors sqlite3_busy_timeout(m_pDb, -1); if(m_Setup) { char aBuf[1024]; FormatCreateRace(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); if(Execute(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) return true; FormatCreateTeamrace(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "BLOB"); if(Execute(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) return true; FormatCreateMaps(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); if(Execute(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) return true; FormatCreateSaves(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); if(Execute(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) return true; FormatCreatePoints(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); if(Execute(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) return true; m_Setup = false; } return false; } void CSqliteConnection::Disconnect() { if(m_pStmt != nullptr) sqlite3_finalize(m_pStmt); m_pStmt = nullptr; m_InUse.store(false); } bool CSqliteConnection::PrepareStatement(const char *pStmt, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { if(m_pStmt != nullptr) sqlite3_finalize(m_pStmt); m_pStmt = nullptr; int Result = sqlite3_prepare_v2( m_pDb, pStmt, -1, // pStmt can be any length &m_pStmt, NULL); if(FormatError(Result, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } m_Done = false; return false; } void CSqliteConnection::BindString(int Idx, const char *pString) { int Result = sqlite3_bind_text(m_pStmt, Idx, pString, -1, NULL); AssertNoError(Result); m_Done = false; } void CSqliteConnection::BindBlob(int Idx, unsigned char *pBlob, int Size) { int Result = sqlite3_bind_blob(m_pStmt, Idx, pBlob, Size, NULL); AssertNoError(Result); m_Done = false; } void CSqliteConnection::BindInt(int Idx, int Value) { int Result = sqlite3_bind_int(m_pStmt, Idx, Value); AssertNoError(Result); m_Done = false; } void CSqliteConnection::BindInt64(int Idx, int64_t Value) { int Result = sqlite3_bind_int64(m_pStmt, Idx, Value); AssertNoError(Result); m_Done = false; } void CSqliteConnection::BindFloat(int Idx, float Value) { int Result = sqlite3_bind_double(m_pStmt, Idx, (double)Value); AssertNoError(Result); m_Done = false; } // Keep support for SQLite < 3.14 on older Linux distributions. MinGW does not // support __attribute__((weak)): https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9687 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) extern char *sqlite3_expanded_sql(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt) __attribute__((weak)); // NOLINT(readability-redundant-declaration) #endif void CSqliteConnection::Print() { if(m_pStmt != nullptr #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && sqlite3_expanded_sql != nullptr #endif ) { char *pExpandedStmt = sqlite3_expanded_sql(m_pStmt); dbg_msg("sql", "SQLite statement: %s", pExpandedStmt); sqlite3_free(pExpandedStmt); } } bool CSqliteConnection::Step(bool *pEnd, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { if(m_Done) { *pEnd = true; return false; } int Result = sqlite3_step(m_pStmt); if(Result == SQLITE_ROW) { *pEnd = false; return false; } else if(Result == SQLITE_DONE) { m_Done = true; *pEnd = true; return false; } else { if(FormatError(Result, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } } *pEnd = true; return false; } bool CSqliteConnection::ExecuteUpdate(int *pNumUpdated, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { bool End; if(Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } *pNumUpdated = sqlite3_changes(m_pDb); return false; } bool CSqliteConnection::IsNull(int Col) { return sqlite3_column_type(m_pStmt, Col - 1) == SQLITE_NULL; } float CSqliteConnection::GetFloat(int Col) { return (float)sqlite3_column_double(m_pStmt, Col - 1); } int CSqliteConnection::GetInt(int Col) { return sqlite3_column_int(m_pStmt, Col - 1); } int64_t CSqliteConnection::GetInt64(int Col) { return sqlite3_column_int64(m_pStmt, Col - 1); } void CSqliteConnection::GetString(int Col, char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) { str_copy(pBuffer, (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(m_pStmt, Col - 1), BufferSize); } int CSqliteConnection::GetBlob(int Col, unsigned char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) { int Size = sqlite3_column_bytes(m_pStmt, Col - 1); Size = minimum(Size, BufferSize); mem_copy(pBuffer, sqlite3_column_blob(m_pStmt, Col - 1), Size); return Size; } const char *CSqliteConnection::MedianMapTime(char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) const { str_format(pBuffer, BufferSize, "SELECT AVG(" " CASE counter %% 2 " " WHEN 0 THEN CASE WHEN rn IN (counter / 2, counter / 2 + 1) THEN Time END " " WHEN 1 THEN CASE WHEN rn = counter / 2 + 1 THEN Time END END) " " OVER (PARTITION BY Map) AS Median " "FROM (" " SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() " " OVER (PARTITION BY Map ORDER BY Time) rn, COUNT(*) " " OVER (PARTITION BY Map) counter " " FROM %s_race where Map = l.Map) as r", GetPrefix()); return pBuffer; } bool CSqliteConnection::Execute(const char *pQuery, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { char *pErrorMsg; int Result = sqlite3_exec(m_pDb, pQuery, NULL, NULL, &pErrorMsg); if(Result != SQLITE_OK) { str_format(pError, ErrorSize, "error executing query: '%s'", pErrorMsg); sqlite3_free(pErrorMsg); return true; } return false; } bool CSqliteConnection::FormatError(int Result, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { if(Result != SQLITE_OK) { str_copy(pError, sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDb), ErrorSize); return true; } return false; } void CSqliteConnection::AssertNoError(int Result) { char aBuf[128]; if(FormatError(Result, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf))) { dbg_msg("sqlite", "unexpected sqlite error: %s", aBuf); dbg_assert(0, "sqlite error"); } } bool CSqliteConnection::AddPoints(const char *pPlayer, int Points, char *pError, int ErrorSize) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "INSERT INTO %s_points(Name, Points) " "VALUES (?, ?) " "ON CONFLICT(Name) DO UPDATE SET Points=Points+?", GetPrefix()); if(PrepareStatement(aBuf, pError, ErrorSize)) { return true; } BindString(1, pPlayer); BindInt(2, Points); BindInt(3, Points); bool End; return Step(&End, pError, ErrorSize); } std::unique_ptr CreateSqliteConnection(const char *pFilename, bool Setup) { return std::make_unique(pFilename, Setup); }