/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "pickup_data.h" #include #include #include CPickupData ExtractPickupInfo(int NetObjType, const void *pData, const CNetObj_EntityEx *pEntEx) { if(NetObjType == NETOBJTYPE_DDNETPICKUP) { return ExtractPickupInfoDDNet((CNetObj_DDNetPickup *)pData); } CNetObj_Pickup *pPickup = (CNetObj_Pickup *)pData; CPickupData Result = {vec2(0, 0)}; Result.m_Pos.x = pPickup->m_X; Result.m_Pos.y = pPickup->m_Y; Result.m_Type = pPickup->m_Type; Result.m_Subtype = pPickup->m_Subtype; Result.m_SwitchNumber = pEntEx ? pEntEx->m_SwitchNumber : 0; return Result; } CPickupData ExtractPickupInfoDDNet(const CNetObj_DDNetPickup *pPickup) { CPickupData Result = {vec2(0, 0)}; Result.m_Pos.x = pPickup->m_X; Result.m_Pos.y = pPickup->m_Y; Result.m_Type = pPickup->m_Type; Result.m_Subtype = pPickup->m_Subtype; Result.m_SwitchNumber = pPickup->m_SwitchNumber; return Result; }