/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_SERVER_EVENTHANDLER_H #define GAME_SERVER_EVENTHANDLER_H #include class CEventHandler { static const int MAX_EVENTS = 128; static const int MAX_DATASIZE = 128 * 64; int m_aTypes[MAX_EVENTS]; // TODO: remove some of these arrays int m_aOffsets[MAX_EVENTS]; int m_aSizes[MAX_EVENTS]; int64_t m_aClientMasks[MAX_EVENTS]; char m_aData[MAX_DATASIZE]; class CGameContext *m_pGameServer; int m_CurrentOffset; int m_NumEvents; public: CGameContext *GameServer() const { return m_pGameServer; } void SetGameServer(CGameContext *pGameServer); CEventHandler(); void *Create(int Type, int Size, int64_t Mask = -1LL); void Clear(); void Snap(int SnappingClient); void EventToSixup(int *Type, int *Size, const char **Data); }; #endif