import argparse import csv import sys def check_name(kind, qualifiers, typ, name): if kind == "variable": return check_variable_name(qualifiers, typ, name) if kind in "class struct".split(): if name[0] not in "CI": return "should start with 'C' (or 'I' for interfaces)" if len(name) < 2: return "must be at least two characters long" if not name[1].isupper(): return "must start with an uppercase letter" if kind == "enum_constant": if not name.isupper(): return "must only contain uppercase letters, digits and underscores" return None ALLOW = set(""" dx dy fx fy mx my ix iy px py sx sy wx wy x0 x1 y0 y1 """.split()) def check_variable_name(qualifiers, typ, name): if qualifiers == "" and typ == "" and name == "argc": return None if qualifiers == "" and typ == "pp" and name == "argv": return None if qualifiers == "cs": # Allow all uppercase names for constant statics. if name.isupper(): return None qualifiers = "s" # Allow single lowercase letters as member and variable names. if qualifiers in ["m", ""] and len(name) == 1 and name.islower(): return None prefix = "".join([qualifiers, "_" if qualifiers else "", typ]) if not name.startswith(prefix): return f"should start with {prefix!r}" if name in ALLOW: return None name = name[len(prefix):] if not name[0].isupper(): if prefix: return f"should start with an uppercase letter after the prefix {prefix!r}" return "should start with an uppercase letter" return None def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check identifiers (input via stdin in CSV format from for naming style in DDNet code") p.parse_args() identifiers = list(csv.DictReader(sys.stdin)) unclean = False for i in identifiers: error = check_name(i["kind"], i["qualifiers"], i["type"], i["name"]) if error: unclean = True print(f"{i['file']}:{i['line']}:{i['column']}: {i['name']}: {error}") return unclean if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())