/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_GAMECORE_H #define GAME_GAMECORE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "collision.h" #include #include #include "teamscore.h" #include "mapitems.h" class CTuneParam { int m_Value; public: void Set(int v) { m_Value = v; } int Get() const { return m_Value; } CTuneParam &operator = (int v) { m_Value = (int)(v*100.0f); return *this; } CTuneParam &operator = (float v) { m_Value = (int)(v*100.0f); return *this; } operator float() const { return m_Value/100.0f; } }; class CTuningParams { public: CTuningParams() { const float TicksPerSecond = 50.0f; #define MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(Name,ScriptName,Value,Description) m_##Name.Set((int)(Value*100.0f)); #include "tuning.h" #undef MACRO_TUNING_PARAM } static const char *ms_apNames[]; #define MACRO_TUNING_PARAM(Name,ScriptName,Value,Description) CTuneParam m_##Name; #include "tuning.h" #undef MACRO_TUNING_PARAM static int Num() { return sizeof(CTuningParams)/sizeof(int); } bool Set(int Index, float Value); bool Set(const char *pName, float Value); bool Get(int Index, float *pValue); bool Get(const char *pName, float *pValue); }; inline vec2 GetDirection(int Angle) { float a = Angle/256.0f; return vec2(cosf(a), sinf(a)); } inline vec2 GetDir(float Angle) { return vec2(cosf(Angle), sinf(Angle)); } inline float GetAngle(vec2 Dir) { if(Dir.x == 0 && Dir.y == 0) return 0.0f; float a = atanf(Dir.y/Dir.x); if(Dir.x < 0) a = a+pi; return a; } inline void StrToInts(int *pInts, int Num, const char *pStr) { int Index = 0; while(Num) { char aBuf[4] = {0,0,0,0}; for(int c = 0; c < 4 && pStr[Index]; c++, Index++) aBuf[c] = pStr[Index]; *pInts = ((aBuf[0]+128)<<24)|((aBuf[1]+128)<<16)|((aBuf[2]+128)<<8)|(aBuf[3]+128); pInts++; Num--; } // null terminate pInts[-1] &= 0xffffff00; } inline void IntsToStr(const int *pInts, int Num, char *pStr) { while(Num) { pStr[0] = (((*pInts)>>24)&0xff)-128; pStr[1] = (((*pInts)>>16)&0xff)-128; pStr[2] = (((*pInts)>>8)&0xff)-128; pStr[3] = ((*pInts)&0xff)-128; pStr += 4; pInts++; Num--; } // null terminate pStr[-1] = 0; } inline vec2 CalcPos(vec2 Pos, vec2 Velocity, float Curvature, float Speed, float Time) { vec2 n; Time *= Speed; n.x = Pos.x + Velocity.x*Time; n.y = Pos.y + Velocity.y*Time + Curvature/10000*(Time*Time); return n; } template inline T SaturatedAdd(T Min, T Max, T Current, T Modifier) { if(Modifier < 0) { if(Current < Min) return Current; Current += Modifier; if(Current < Min) Current = Min; return Current; } else { if(Current > Max) return Current; Current += Modifier; if(Current > Max) Current = Max; return Current; } } float VelocityRamp(float Value, float Start, float Range, float Curvature); // hooking stuff enum { HOOK_RETRACTED=-1, HOOK_IDLE=0, HOOK_RETRACT_START=1, HOOK_RETRACT_END=3, HOOK_FLYING, HOOK_GRABBED, COREEVENT_GROUND_JUMP=0x01, COREEVENT_AIR_JUMP=0x02, COREEVENT_HOOK_LAUNCH=0x04, COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_PLAYER=0x08, COREEVENT_HOOK_ATTACH_GROUND=0x10, COREEVENT_HOOK_HIT_NOHOOK=0x20, COREEVENT_HOOK_RETRACT=0x40, //COREEVENT_HOOK_TELE=0x80, }; class CWorldCore { public: CWorldCore() { mem_zero(m_apCharacters, sizeof(m_apCharacters)); } CTuningParams m_Tuning[2]; class CCharacterCore *m_apCharacters[MAX_CLIENTS]; }; class CCharacterCore { friend class CCharacter; CWorldCore *m_pWorld; CCollision *m_pCollision; std::map > *m_pTeleOuts; public: vec2 m_Pos; vec2 m_Vel; bool m_Hook; bool m_Collision; vec2 m_HookPos; vec2 m_HookDir; vec2 m_HookTeleBase; int m_HookTick; int m_HookState; int m_HookedPlayer; int m_ActiveWeapon; bool m_NewHook; int m_Jumped; int m_JumpedTotal; int m_Jumps; int m_Direction; int m_Angle; CNetObj_PlayerInput m_Input; int m_TriggeredEvents; void Init(CWorldCore *pWorld, CCollision *pCollision, CTeamsCore *pTeams); void Init(CWorldCore *pWorld, CCollision *pCollision, CTeamsCore *pTeams, std::map > *pTeleOuts); void Reset(); void Tick(bool UseInput); void Move(); void Read(const CNetObj_CharacterCore *pObjCore); void Write(CNetObj_CharacterCore *pObjCore); void Quantize(); // DDRace int m_Id; bool m_pReset; class CCollision *Collision() { return m_pCollision; } vec2 m_LastVel; int m_Colliding; bool m_LeftWall; // DDnet Character bool m_Solo; bool m_Jetpack; bool m_NoCollision; bool m_EndlessHook; bool m_EndlessJump; bool m_NoHammerHit; bool m_NoGrenadeHit; bool m_NoRifleHit; bool m_NoShotgunHit; bool m_NoHookHit; bool m_Super; bool m_HasTelegunGun; bool m_HasTelegunGrenade; bool m_HasTelegunLaser; int m_FreezeEnd; bool m_DeepFrozen; void LimitForce(vec2 *Force); void ApplyForce(vec2 Force); private: CTeamsCore *m_pTeams; int m_TileIndex; int m_TileFlags; int m_TileFIndex; int m_TileFFlags; int m_TileSIndex; int m_TileSFlags; int m_TileIndexL; int m_TileFlagsL; int m_TileFIndexL; int m_TileFFlagsL; int m_TileSIndexL; int m_TileSFlagsL; int m_TileIndexR; int m_TileFlagsR; int m_TileFIndexR; int m_TileFFlagsR; int m_TileSIndexR; int m_TileSFlagsR; int m_TileIndexT; int m_TileFlagsT; int m_TileFIndexT; int m_TileFFlagsT; int m_TileSIndexT; int m_TileSFlagsT; int m_TileIndexB; int m_TileFlagsB; int m_TileFIndexB; int m_TileFFlagsB; int m_TileSIndexB; int m_TileSFlagsB; bool IsRightTeam(int MapIndex); }; //input count struct CInputCount { int m_Presses; int m_Releases; }; inline CInputCount CountInput(int Prev, int Cur) { CInputCount c = {0, 0}; Prev &= INPUT_STATE_MASK; Cur &= INPUT_STATE_MASK; int i = Prev; while(i != Cur) { i = (i+1)&INPUT_STATE_MASK; if(i&1) c.m_Presses++; else c.m_Releases++; } return c; } #endif