##### authors ##### #originally created by: # ksgcln72 #contributors: # Pathos ##### translated strings ##### %ds left == %d 초 후 취소 %i minute left == %i 분 남음 %i minutes left == %i 분 남음 %i second left == %i 초 남음 %i seconds left == %i 초 남음 %s wins! == %s 승리! -Page %d- == -Page %d- Abort == 취소 Add == 추가 Add Friend == 친구 추가 Address == 주소 All == 모두 Are you sure that you want to delete the demo? == 데모를 삭제하시겠습니까? Are you sure that you want to quit? == 종료하시겠습니까? Are you sure that you want to remove the player from your friends list? == 당신의 친구목록에서 플레이어를 제거하시겠습니까? Automatically record demos == 자동으로 데모 기록 Automatically take game over screenshot == 자동으로 게임 종료 스크린샷 저장 Blue team == 블루팀 Blue team wins! == 블루팀 승리! Body == 몸 Call vote == 투표 Change settings == 세팅 바꿈 Chat == 채팅 Clan == 클랜 Client == 클라이언트 Close == 닫기 Compatible version == 버전 호환 Connect == 연결 Connecting to == 연결 중 Connection Problems... == 연결에 문제가 있음... Console == 콘솔 Controls == 조작 Count players only == 플레이어만 세기 Current == 현재 Custom colors == 사용자 정의 색상 Delete == 삭제 Delete demo == 데모 삭제 Demo details == 데모 세부정보 Demos == 데모 Disconnect == 연결끊기 Disconnected == 연결 끊김 Downloading map == 맵 다운로드 중 Draw! == 무승부! Dynamic Camera == 다이내믹 카메라 Emoticon == 이모티콘 Enter == 입력 Error == 에러 Error loading demo == 데모 로딩 에러 Favorite == 즐겨찾기 Favorites == 즐겨찾기 Feet == 발 Filter == 필터 Fire == 발사 Folder == 폴더 Force vote == 강제 투표 Free-View == 자유 시점 Friends == 친구 Fullscreen == 전체화면 Game == 게임 Game info == 게임 정보 Game over == 게임 오버 Game type == 게임 종류 Game types: == 게임 종류: General == 일반 Graphics == 그래픽 Grenade == 유탄 발사기 Hammer == 해머 Has people playing == 적어도 한 플레이어 High Detail == 자세한 내용 Hook == 갈고리 Invalid Demo == 잘못된 데모 Join blue == 블루팀에 참가 Join red == 레드팀에 참가 Jump == 점프 Kick player == 플레이어 추방 Language == 언어 MOTD == MOTD Map == 맵 Maximum ping: == 최대 핑 Mouse sens. == 미우스 감도 Move left == 왼쪽으로 이동 Move player to spectators == 관전자로 플레이어 이동 Move right == 오른쪽으로 이동 Movement == 이동 Mute when not active == 음소거 때 비활성 Name == 이름 Next weapon == 다음 무기 Nickname == 닉네임 No == 아니오 No password == 비밀번호 없음 No servers found == 서버를 찾을 수 없음 No servers match your filter criteria == 필터에 일치하는 서버가 없음 Ok == 확인 Open == 열기 Parent Folder == 상위 폴더 Password == 비밀번호 Password incorrect == 비밀번호 오류 Ping == 핑 Pistol == 권총 [Demo browser] Play == 플레이 Player == 플레이어 Player options == 플레이어 옵션 Players == 유저수 Please balance teams! == 팀 밸런스! Prev. weapon == 이전 무기 Quit == 종료 Reason: == 이유: Red team == 레드팀 Red team wins! == 레드팀 승리! Refresh == 새로고침 Refreshing master servers == 마스터 서버를 새로 고치는 중 Remote console == 원격 콘솔 Remove == 삭제 Remove friend == 친구 삭제 Rename == 이름 변경 Rename demo == 데모 이름 변경 Reset filter == 필터 초기화 Sample rate == 샘플링 속도 Score == 점수 Score limit == 점수 제한 Scoreboard == 점수판 Screenshot == 스크린샷 Server address: == 서버 주소: Server details == 서버 세부정보 Server filter == 서버 필터 Server info == 서버 정보 Server not full == 빈 방 Shotgun == 샷건 Show chat == 채팅 보기 Show friends only == 친구가 있는 방 Show ingame HUD == 게임 인터페이스 표시 Show name plates == 이름 표시 Show only supported == 지원하는 해상도 표시 Skins == 스킨 Sound == 소리 Sound error == 소리 오류 Spectate == 관전 Spectator mode == 관전 모드 Spectators == 관전자 Stop record == 기록 중지 Strict gametype filter == 엄격한 모드 필터 Sudden Death == 서든 데스 Switch weapon on pickup == 획득한 무기로 교체 Team == 팀 Team chat == 팀 채팅 The audio device couldn't be initialised. == 오디오 장치를 초기화할 수 없음 The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type. == 이 서버는 게임의 표준 형식에 비표준 설정을 사용합니다. There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it before you quit the game. == 맵이 저장되지 않았습니다. 종료하기 전에 저장할 수 있습니다. Time limit == 시간 제한 Time limit: %d min == 시간 제한: %d min Try again == 재시도 Type == 종류 Unable to delete the demo == 데모를 삭제할 수 없음 Unable to rename the demo == 데모의 이름을 바꿀 수 없음 Use sounds == 소리 사용 Use team colors for name plates == 이름에 팀 컬러 사용 V-Sync == V-Sync Version == 버전 Vote command: == 투표 명령: Vote description: == 투표 설명: Vote no == 아니오 Vote yes == 예 Voting == 투표 중 Warmup == 준비 Weapon == 무기 Yes == 예 You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == 설정을 적용하기 위해선 게임을 다시 시작해야 합니다. ##### needs translation ##### Game paused == 게임 일시 중지 Play background music == 배경 음악 Player country: == 플레이어 국가: Show only chat messages from friends == 친구 메세지만 보기 Spectate next == 다음 플레이어 관전 Spectate previous == 이전 플레이어 관전 New name: == 새 이름: Max demos == 최대 리플레이 Internet == 인터넷 Round == 라운드 Quit anyway? == 종료하시겠습니까? News == 뉴스 Join game == 게임 참가 Crc: == Crc: FSAA samples == FSAA 샘플 Sat. == 채도 LAN == 랜 Sound volume == 소리 크기 Created: == Created: Record demo == 데모 녹화 Miscellaneous == 여러가지 Netversion: == 넷 버전: Info == 정보 UI Color == 메뉴 색깔 Your skin == 당신의 스킨 Max Screenshots == 최대 스크린샷 Size: == 사이즈: Hue == 색조 Reset to defaults == 초기화 Laser == 레이저 Display Modes == 디스플레이 모드 Version: == 버전: Map: == 맵: Lht. == 명도 Alpha == 알파 Length: == 길이: Name plates size == 이름 글꼴 크기 Type: == 종류: Successfully saved the replay! == Saving ddnet-settings.cfg failed == Replay feature is disabled! == The width of texture %s is not divisible by %d, or the height is not divisible by %d, which might cause visual bugs. == Warning == Debug mode enabled. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to disable debug mode. == Server best: == Personal best: == Reset == Browser == Ghost == Loading DDNet Client == Reconnect in %d sec == Render demo == Replace video == File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == Are you sure that you want to disconnect? == Disconnect Dummy == Are you sure that you want to disconnect your dummy? == Welcome to DDNet == DDraceNetwork is a cooperative online game where the goal is for you and your group of tees to reach the finish line of the map. As a newcomer you should start on Novice servers, which host the easiest maps. Consider the ping to choose a server close to you. == The maps contain freeze, which temporarily make a tee unable to move. You have to work together to get through these parts. == The mouse wheel changes weapons. Hammer (left mouse) can be used to hit other tees and wake them up from being frozen. == Hook (right mouse) can be used to swing through the map and to hook other tees to you. == Most importantly communication is key: There is no tutorial so you'll have to chat (t key) with other players to learn the basics and tricks of the game. == Use k key to kill (restart), q to pause and watch other players. See settings for other key binds. == It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server. == Please enter your nickname below. == Existing Player == Your nickname '%s' is already used (%d points). Do you still want to use it? == Checking for existing player with your name == Country / Region == Destination file already exist == Speed == Video name: == Show DDNet map finishes in server browser == transmits your player name to info2.ddnet.tw == Theme == Search == Exclude == %d of %d servers == %d of %d server == %d players == %d player == Filter connecting players == Indicate map finish == Unfinished map == Countries == Types == Select a name == Please use a different name == Remove chat == Demofile: %s == Markers: == %.2f MiB == %.2f KiB == Demo == Markers == Length == Date == Fetch Info == Demos directory == Render == Connecting dummy == Connect Dummy == Kill == Pause == Reload == Deactivate == Activate == Save == Smooth Dynamic Camera == Switch weapon when out of ammo == Reset wanted weapon on death == Show clan above name plates == Clan plates size == Skip the main menu == Refresh Rate == Show console window == Themes directory == Automatically take statboard screenshot == Automatically create statboard csv == Max CSVs == Dummy settings == Download skins == Vanilla skins only == Fat skins (DDFat) == Skin prefix == Skin Database == Skins directory == Hook collisions == Zoom in == Zoom out == Default zoom == Show others == Show all == Toggle dyncam == Toggle dummy == Toggle ghost == Dummy copy == Hammerfly dummy == Converse == Statboard == Lock team == Show entities == Show HUD == 45° aim == Deepfly on == Deepfly off == UI mouse s. == Dummy == Borderless window == may cause delay == Screen == Use OpenGL 3.3 (experimental) == Preinit VBO (iGPUs only) == Multiple texture units (disable for MacOS) == Use high DPI == Enable game sounds == Enable gun sound == Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze) == Enable server message sound == Enable regular chat sound == Enable team chat sound == Enable highlighted chat sound == Threaded sound loading == Game sound volume == Chat sound volume == Map sound volume == Background music volume == HUD == DDNet == Assets == DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update! == Use DDRace Scoreboard == Show client IDs == Show score == Show health + ammo == Show names in chat in team colors == Show kill messages == Show votes window after voting == Laser Outline Color == Laser Inner Color == Use old chat style == Messages == System message == Highlighted message == Team message == Friend message == Normal message == Client message == Preview == Save the best demo of each race == Default length: %d == Enable replays == Show ghost == Save ghost == Gameplay == Overlay entities == Size == Show text entities == Show others (own team only) == Show quads == AntiPing == AntiPing: predict other players == AntiPing: predict weapons == AntiPing: predict grenade paths == Show other players' hook collision lines == Show other players' key presses == Old mouse mode == Background == Entities Background color == Use current map as background == Show tiles layers from BG map == Regular Background Color == Try fast HTTP map download first == New random timeout code == DDNet %s is available: == Update now == Updating... == DDNet Client updated! == No updates available == Check now == Entities == Emoticons == Particles == Assets directory == Learn == https://wiki.ddnet.tw/ == Website == Settings == Stop server == Run server == Server executable not found, can't run server == Editor == [Start menu] Play == DDNet %s is out! == Downloading %s: == Update failed! Check log... == Restart == Time == Manual == Race == Auto == Replay == Follow == Frags == Deaths == Suicides == Ratio == Net == FPM == Spree == Best == Grabs == 1 new mention == %d new mentions == 9+ new mentions ==