/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include "gamecontext.h" #include #include "teeinfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "entities/character.h" #include "gamemodes/DDRace.h" #include "gamemodes/mod.h" #include "player.h" #include "score.h" // Not thread-safe! class CClientChatLogger : public ILogger { CGameContext *m_pGameServer; int m_ClientID; ILogger *m_pOuterLogger; public: CClientChatLogger(CGameContext *pGameServer, int ClientID, ILogger *pOuterLogger) : m_pGameServer(pGameServer), m_ClientID(ClientID), m_pOuterLogger(pOuterLogger) { } void Log(const CLogMessage *pMessage) override; }; void CClientChatLogger::Log(const CLogMessage *pMessage) { if(str_comp(pMessage->m_aSystem, "chatresp") == 0) { if(m_Filter.Filters(pMessage)) { return; } m_pGameServer->SendChatTarget(m_ClientID, pMessage->Message()); } else { m_pOuterLogger->Log(pMessage); } } enum { RESET, NO_RESET }; void CGameContext::Construct(int Resetting) { m_Resetting = false; m_pServer = 0; for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) pPlayer = 0; mem_zero(&m_aLastPlayerInput, sizeof(m_aLastPlayerInput)); mem_zero(&m_aPlayerHasInput, sizeof(m_aPlayerHasInput)); m_pController = 0; m_aVoteCommand[0] = 0; m_VoteType = VOTE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; m_VoteCloseTime = 0; m_pVoteOptionFirst = 0; m_pVoteOptionLast = 0; m_NumVoteOptions = 0; m_LastMapVote = 0; m_SqlRandomMapResult = nullptr; m_pScore = nullptr; m_NumMutes = 0; m_NumVoteMutes = 0; m_LatestLog = 0; mem_zero(&m_aLogs, sizeof(m_aLogs)); if(Resetting == NO_RESET) { m_NonEmptySince = 0; m_pVoteOptionHeap = new CHeap(); } m_aDeleteTempfile[0] = 0; m_TeeHistorianActive = false; } void CGameContext::Destruct(int Resetting) { for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) delete pPlayer; if(Resetting == NO_RESET) delete m_pVoteOptionHeap; if(m_pScore) { delete m_pScore; m_pScore = nullptr; } } CGameContext::CGameContext() { Construct(NO_RESET); } CGameContext::CGameContext(int Reset) { Construct(Reset); } CGameContext::~CGameContext() { Destruct(m_Resetting ? RESET : NO_RESET); } void CGameContext::Clear() { CHeap *pVoteOptionHeap = m_pVoteOptionHeap; CVoteOptionServer *pVoteOptionFirst = m_pVoteOptionFirst; CVoteOptionServer *pVoteOptionLast = m_pVoteOptionLast; int NumVoteOptions = m_NumVoteOptions; CTuningParams Tuning = m_Tuning; m_Resetting = true; this->~CGameContext(); new(this) CGameContext(RESET); m_pVoteOptionHeap = pVoteOptionHeap; m_pVoteOptionFirst = pVoteOptionFirst; m_pVoteOptionLast = pVoteOptionLast; m_NumVoteOptions = NumVoteOptions; m_Tuning = Tuning; } void CGameContext::TeeHistorianWrite(const void *pData, int DataSize, void *pUser) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUser; aio_write(pSelf->m_pTeeHistorianFile, pData, DataSize); } void CGameContext::CommandCallback(int ClientID, int FlagMask, const char *pCmd, IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUser) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUser; if(pSelf->m_TeeHistorianActive) { pSelf->m_TeeHistorian.RecordConsoleCommand(ClientID, FlagMask, pCmd, pResult); } } CNetObj_PlayerInput CGameContext::GetLastPlayerInput(int ClientID) const { dbg_assert(0 <= ClientID && ClientID < MAX_CLIENTS, "invalid ClientID"); return m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID]; } class CCharacter *CGameContext::GetPlayerChar(int ClientID) { if(ClientID < 0 || ClientID >= MAX_CLIENTS || !m_apPlayers[ClientID]) return 0; return m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter(); } bool CGameContext::EmulateBug(int Bug) { return m_MapBugs.Contains(Bug); } void CGameContext::FillAntibot(CAntibotRoundData *pData) { if(!pData->m_Map.m_pTiles) { Collision()->FillAntibot(&pData->m_Map); } pData->m_Tick = Server()->Tick(); mem_zero(pData->m_aCharacters, sizeof(pData->m_aCharacters)); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { CAntibotCharacterData *pChar = &pData->m_aCharacters[i]; for(auto &LatestInput : pChar->m_aLatestInputs) { LatestInput.m_TargetX = -1; LatestInput.m_TargetY = -1; } pChar->m_Alive = false; pChar->m_Pause = false; pChar->m_Team = -1; pChar->m_Pos = vec2(-1, -1); pChar->m_Vel = vec2(0, 0); pChar->m_Angle = -1; pChar->m_HookedPlayer = -1; pChar->m_SpawnTick = -1; pChar->m_WeaponChangeTick = -1; if(m_apPlayers[i]) { str_copy(pChar->m_aName, Server()->ClientName(i), sizeof(pChar->m_aName)); CCharacter *pGameChar = m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter(); pChar->m_Alive = (bool)pGameChar; pChar->m_Pause = m_apPlayers[i]->IsPaused(); pChar->m_Team = m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam(); if(pGameChar) { pGameChar->FillAntibot(pChar); } } } } void CGameContext::CreateDamageInd(vec2 Pos, float Angle, int Amount, CClientMask Mask) { float a = 3 * pi / 2 + Angle; //float a = get_angle(dir); float s = a - pi / 3; float e = a + pi / 3; for(int i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { float f = mix(s, e, (i + 1) / (float)(Amount + 2)); CNetEvent_DamageInd *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pEvent->m_Angle = (int)(f * 256.0f); } } } void CGameContext::CreateHammerHit(vec2 Pos, CClientMask Mask) { // create the event CNetEvent_HammerHit *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; } } void CGameContext::CreateExplosion(vec2 Pos, int Owner, int Weapon, bool NoDamage, int ActivatedTeam, CClientMask Mask) { // create the event CNetEvent_Explosion *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; } // deal damage CEntity *apEnts[MAX_CLIENTS]; float Radius = 135.0f; float InnerRadius = 48.0f; int Num = m_World.FindEntities(Pos, Radius, apEnts, MAX_CLIENTS, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); CClientMask TeamMask = CClientMask().set(); for(int i = 0; i < Num; i++) { auto *pChr = static_cast(apEnts[i]); vec2 Diff = pChr->m_Pos - Pos; vec2 ForceDir(0, 1); float l = length(Diff); if(l) ForceDir = normalize(Diff); l = 1 - clamp((l - InnerRadius) / (Radius - InnerRadius), 0.0f, 1.0f); float Strength; if(Owner == -1 || !m_apPlayers[Owner] || !m_apPlayers[Owner]->m_TuneZone) Strength = Tuning()->m_ExplosionStrength; else Strength = TuningList()[m_apPlayers[Owner]->m_TuneZone].m_ExplosionStrength; float Dmg = Strength * l; if(!(int)Dmg) continue; if((GetPlayerChar(Owner) ? !GetPlayerChar(Owner)->GrenadeHitDisabled() : g_Config.m_SvHit) || NoDamage || Owner == pChr->GetPlayer()->GetCID()) { if(Owner != -1 && pChr->IsAlive() && !pChr->CanCollide(Owner)) continue; if(Owner == -1 && ActivatedTeam != -1 && pChr->IsAlive() && pChr->Team() != ActivatedTeam) continue; // Explode at most once per team int PlayerTeam = pChr->Team(); if((GetPlayerChar(Owner) ? GetPlayerChar(Owner)->GrenadeHitDisabled() : !g_Config.m_SvHit) || NoDamage) { if(PlayerTeam == TEAM_SUPER) continue; if(!TeamMask.test(PlayerTeam)) continue; TeamMask.reset(PlayerTeam); } pChr->TakeDamage(ForceDir * Dmg * 2, (int)Dmg, Owner, Weapon); } } } void CGameContext::CreatePlayerSpawn(vec2 Pos, CClientMask Mask) { // create the event CNetEvent_Spawn *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; } } void CGameContext::CreateDeath(vec2 Pos, int ClientID, CClientMask Mask) { // create the event CNetEvent_Death *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pEvent->m_ClientID = ClientID; } } void CGameContext::CreateSound(vec2 Pos, int Sound, CClientMask Mask) { if(Sound < 0) return; // create a sound CNetEvent_SoundWorld *pEvent = m_Events.Create(Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pEvent->m_SoundID = Sound; } } void CGameContext::CreateSoundGlobal(int Sound, int Target) { if(Sound < 0) return; CNetMsg_Sv_SoundGlobal Msg; Msg.m_SoundID = Sound; if(Target == -2) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_NOSEND, -1); else { int Flag = MSGFLAG_VITAL; if(Target != -1) Flag |= MSGFLAG_NORECORD; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, Flag, Target); } } bool CGameContext::SnapLaserObject(const CSnapContext &Context, int SnapID, const vec2 &To, const vec2 &From, int StartTick, int Owner, int LaserType, int Subtype, int SwitchNumber) { if(Context.GetClientVersion() >= VERSION_DDNET_MULTI_LASER) { CNetObj_DDNetLaser *pObj = Server()->SnapNewItem(SnapID); if(!pObj) return false; pObj->m_ToX = (int)To.x; pObj->m_ToY = (int)To.y; pObj->m_FromX = (int)From.x; pObj->m_FromY = (int)From.y; pObj->m_StartTick = StartTick; pObj->m_Owner = Owner; pObj->m_Type = LaserType; pObj->m_Subtype = Subtype; pObj->m_SwitchNumber = SwitchNumber; pObj->m_Flags = 0; } else { CNetObj_Laser *pObj = Server()->SnapNewItem(SnapID); if(!pObj) return false; pObj->m_X = (int)To.x; pObj->m_Y = (int)To.y; pObj->m_FromX = (int)From.x; pObj->m_FromY = (int)From.y; pObj->m_StartTick = StartTick; } return true; } bool CGameContext::SnapPickup(const CSnapContext &Context, int SnapID, const vec2 &Pos, int Type, int SubType, int SwitchNumber) { if(Context.IsSixup()) { protocol7::CNetObj_Pickup *pPickup = Server()->SnapNewItem(SnapID); if(!pPickup) return false; pPickup->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pPickup->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; if(Type == POWERUP_WEAPON) pPickup->m_Type = SubType == WEAPON_SHOTGUN ? protocol7::PICKUP_SHOTGUN : SubType == WEAPON_GRENADE ? protocol7::PICKUP_GRENADE : protocol7::PICKUP_LASER; else if(Type == POWERUP_NINJA) pPickup->m_Type = protocol7::PICKUP_NINJA; } else if(Context.GetClientVersion() >= VERSION_DDNET_ENTITY_NETOBJS) { CNetObj_DDNetPickup *pPickup = Server()->SnapNewItem(SnapID); if(!pPickup) return false; pPickup->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pPickup->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pPickup->m_Type = Type; pPickup->m_Subtype = SubType; pPickup->m_SwitchNumber = SwitchNumber; } else { CNetObj_Pickup *pPickup = Server()->SnapNewItem(SnapID); if(!pPickup) return false; pPickup->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pPickup->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pPickup->m_Type = Type; if(Context.GetClientVersion() < VERSION_DDNET_WEAPON_SHIELDS) { if(Type >= POWERUP_ARMOR_SHOTGUN && Type <= POWERUP_ARMOR_LASER) { pPickup->m_Type = POWERUP_ARMOR; } } pPickup->m_Subtype = SubType; } return true; } void CGameContext::CallVote(int ClientID, const char *pDesc, const char *pCmd, const char *pReason, const char *pChatmsg, const char *pSixupDesc) { // check if a vote is already running if(m_VoteCloseTime) return; int64_t Now = Server()->Tick(); CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(!pPlayer) return; SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, pChatmsg, -1, CHAT_SIX); if(!pSixupDesc) pSixupDesc = pDesc; m_VoteCreator = ClientID; StartVote(pDesc, pCmd, pReason, pSixupDesc); pPlayer->m_Vote = 1; pPlayer->m_VotePos = m_VotePos = 1; pPlayer->m_LastVoteCall = Now; } void CGameContext::SendChatTarget(int To, const char *pText, int Flags) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 0; Msg.m_ClientID = -1; Msg.m_pMessage = pText; if(g_Config.m_SvDemoChat) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NOSEND, SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT); if(To == -1) { for(int i = 0; i < Server()->MaxClients(); i++) { if(!((Server()->IsSixup(i) && (Flags & CHAT_SIXUP)) || (!Server()->IsSixup(i) && (Flags & CHAT_SIX)))) continue; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } } else { if(!((Server()->IsSixup(To) && (Flags & CHAT_SIXUP)) || (!Server()->IsSixup(To) && (Flags & CHAT_SIX)))) return; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, To); } } void CGameContext::SendChatTeam(int Team, const char *pText) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) if(m_apPlayers[i] != nullptr && GetDDRaceTeam(i) == Team) SendChatTarget(i, pText); } void CGameContext::SendChat(int ChatterClientID, int Team, const char *pText, int SpamProtectionClientID, int Flags) { if(SpamProtectionClientID >= 0 && SpamProtectionClientID < MAX_CLIENTS) if(ProcessSpamProtection(SpamProtectionClientID)) return; char aBuf[256], aText[256]; str_copy(aText, pText, sizeof(aText)); if(ChatterClientID >= 0 && ChatterClientID < MAX_CLIENTS) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d:%d:%s: %s", ChatterClientID, Team, Server()->ClientName(ChatterClientID), aText); else if(ChatterClientID == -2) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "### %s", aText); str_copy(aText, aBuf, sizeof(aText)); ChatterClientID = -1; } else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "*** %s", aText); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, Team != CHAT_ALL ? "teamchat" : "chat", aBuf); if(Team == CHAT_ALL) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 0; Msg.m_ClientID = ChatterClientID; Msg.m_pMessage = aText; // pack one for the recording only if(g_Config.m_SvDemoChat) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NOSEND, SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT); // send to the clients for(int i = 0; i < Server()->MaxClients(); i++) { if(!m_apPlayers[i]) continue; bool Send = (Server()->IsSixup(i) && (Flags & CHAT_SIXUP)) || (!Server()->IsSixup(i) && (Flags & CHAT_SIX)); if(!m_apPlayers[i]->m_DND && Send) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } str_format(aBuf, sizeof aBuf, "Chat: %s", aText); LogEvent(aBuf, ChatterClientID); } else { CTeamsCore *pTeams = &m_pController->Teams().m_Core; CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 1; Msg.m_ClientID = ChatterClientID; Msg.m_pMessage = aText; // pack one for the recording only if(g_Config.m_SvDemoChat) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NOSEND, SERVER_DEMO_CLIENT); // send to the clients for(int i = 0; i < Server()->MaxClients(); i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i] != 0) { if(Team == CHAT_SPEC) { if(m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() == CHAT_SPEC) { Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } } else { if(pTeams->Team(i) == Team && m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() != CHAT_SPEC) { Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } } } } } } void CGameContext::SendStartWarning(int ClientID, const char *pMessage) { CCharacter *pChr = GetPlayerChar(ClientID); if(pChr && pChr->m_LastStartWarning < Server()->Tick() - 3 * Server()->TickSpeed()) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, pMessage); pChr->m_LastStartWarning = Server()->Tick(); } } void CGameContext::SendEmoticon(int ClientID, int Emoticon, int TargetClientID) { CNetMsg_Sv_Emoticon Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; Msg.m_Emoticon = Emoticon; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, TargetClientID); } void CGameContext::SendWeaponPickup(int ClientID, int Weapon) { CNetMsg_Sv_WeaponPickup Msg; Msg.m_Weapon = Weapon; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::SendMotd(int ClientID) { CNetMsg_Sv_Motd Msg; Msg.m_pMessage = g_Config.m_SvMotd; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::SendSettings(int ClientID) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_ServerSettings Msg; Msg.m_KickVote = g_Config.m_SvVoteKick; Msg.m_KickMin = g_Config.m_SvVoteKickMin; Msg.m_SpecVote = g_Config.m_SvVoteSpectate; Msg.m_TeamLock = 0; Msg.m_TeamBalance = 0; Msg.m_PlayerSlots = g_Config.m_SvMaxClients - g_Config.m_SvSpectatorSlots; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } void CGameContext::SendBroadcast(const char *pText, int ClientID, bool IsImportant) { CNetMsg_Sv_Broadcast Msg; Msg.m_pMessage = pText; if(ClientID == -1) { dbg_assert(IsImportant, "broadcast messages to all players must be important"); Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer) { pPlayer->m_LastBroadcastImportance = true; pPlayer->m_LastBroadcast = Server()->Tick(); } } return; } if(!m_apPlayers[ClientID]) return; if(!IsImportant && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastBroadcastImportance && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastBroadcast > Server()->Tick() - Server()->TickSpeed() * 10) return; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastBroadcast = Server()->Tick(); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastBroadcastImportance = IsImportant; } void CGameContext::StartVote(const char *pDesc, const char *pCommand, const char *pReason, const char *pSixupDesc) { // reset votes m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_UNKNOWN; m_VoteEnforcer = -1; for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer) { pPlayer->m_Vote = 0; pPlayer->m_VotePos = 0; } } // start vote m_VoteCloseTime = time_get() + time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvVoteTime; str_copy(m_aVoteDescription, pDesc, sizeof(m_aVoteDescription)); str_copy(m_aSixupVoteDescription, pSixupDesc, sizeof(m_aSixupVoteDescription)); str_copy(m_aVoteCommand, pCommand, sizeof(m_aVoteCommand)); str_copy(m_aVoteReason, pReason, sizeof(m_aVoteReason)); SendVoteSet(-1); m_VoteUpdate = true; } void CGameContext::EndVote() { m_VoteCloseTime = 0; SendVoteSet(-1); } void CGameContext::SendVoteSet(int ClientID) { ::CNetMsg_Sv_VoteSet Msg6; protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_VoteSet Msg7; Msg7.m_ClientID = m_VoteCreator; if(m_VoteCloseTime) { Msg6.m_Timeout = Msg7.m_Timeout = (m_VoteCloseTime - time_get()) / time_freq(); Msg6.m_pDescription = m_aVoteDescription; Msg7.m_pDescription = m_aSixupVoteDescription; Msg6.m_pReason = Msg7.m_pReason = m_aVoteReason; int &Type = (Msg7.m_Type = protocol7::VOTE_UNKNOWN); if(IsKickVote()) Type = protocol7::VOTE_START_KICK; else if(IsSpecVote()) Type = protocol7::VOTE_START_SPEC; else if(IsOptionVote()) Type = protocol7::VOTE_START_OP; } else { Msg6.m_Timeout = Msg7.m_Timeout = 0; Msg6.m_pDescription = Msg7.m_pDescription = ""; Msg6.m_pReason = Msg7.m_pReason = ""; int &Type = (Msg7.m_Type = protocol7::VOTE_UNKNOWN); if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO || m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN) Type = protocol7::VOTE_END_FAIL; else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES || m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES_ADMIN) Type = protocol7::VOTE_END_PASS; else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_ABORT) Type = protocol7::VOTE_END_ABORT; if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN || m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES_ADMIN) Msg7.m_ClientID = -1; } if(ClientID == -1) { for(int i = 0; i < Server()->MaxClients(); i++) { if(!m_apPlayers[i]) continue; if(!Server()->IsSixup(i)) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg6, MSGFLAG_VITAL, i); else Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg7, MSGFLAG_VITAL, i); } } else { if(!Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg6, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); else Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg7, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } } void CGameContext::SendVoteStatus(int ClientID, int Total, int Yes, int No) { if(ClientID == -1) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) if(Server()->ClientIngame(i)) SendVoteStatus(i, Total, Yes, No); return; } if(Total > VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS && m_apPlayers[ClientID] && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetClientVersion() <= VERSION_DDRACE) { Yes = (Yes * VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS) / (float)Total; No = (No * VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS) / (float)Total; Total = VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS; } CNetMsg_Sv_VoteStatus Msg = {0}; Msg.m_Total = Total; Msg.m_Yes = Yes; Msg.m_No = No; Msg.m_Pass = Total - (Yes + No); Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::AbortVoteKickOnDisconnect(int ClientID) { if(m_VoteCloseTime && ((str_startswith(m_aVoteCommand, "kick ") && str_toint(&m_aVoteCommand[5]) == ClientID) || (str_startswith(m_aVoteCommand, "set_team ") && str_toint(&m_aVoteCommand[9]) == ClientID))) m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_ABORT; } void CGameContext::CheckPureTuning() { // might not be created yet during start up if(!m_pController) return; if(str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "DM") == 0 || str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "TDM") == 0 || str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "CTF") == 0) { CTuningParams p; if(mem_comp(&p, &m_Tuning, sizeof(p)) != 0) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "resetting tuning due to pure server"); m_Tuning = p; } } } void CGameContext::SendTuningParams(int ClientID, int Zone) { if(ClientID == -1) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) { if(m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter()) { if(m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter()->m_TuneZone == Zone) SendTuningParams(i, Zone); } else if(m_apPlayers[i]->m_TuneZone == Zone) { SendTuningParams(i, Zone); } } } return; } CheckPureTuning(); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_TUNEPARAMS); int *pParams = 0; if(Zone == 0) pParams = (int *)&m_Tuning; else pParams = (int *)&(m_aTuningList[Zone]); for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(m_Tuning) / sizeof(int); i++) { if(m_apPlayers[ClientID] && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()) { if((i == 30) // laser_damage is removed from 0.7 && (Server()->IsSixup(ClientID))) { continue; } else if((i == 31) // collision && (m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_SOLO || m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_NOCOLL)) { Msg.AddInt(0); } else if((i == 32) // hooking && (m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_SOLO || m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_NOHOOK)) { Msg.AddInt(0); } else if((i == 3) // ground jump impulse && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_NOJUMP) { Msg.AddInt(0); } else if((i == 33) // jetpack && !(m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_JETPACK)) { Msg.AddInt(0); } else if((i == 36) // hammer hit && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter()->NeededFaketuning() & FAKETUNE_NOHAMMER) { Msg.AddInt(0); } else { Msg.AddInt(pParams[i]); } } else Msg.AddInt(pParams[i]); // if everything is normal just send true tunings } Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::OnPreTickTeehistorian() { if(!m_TeeHistorianActive) return; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i] != nullptr) m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerTeam(i, GetDDRaceTeam(i)); else m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerTeam(i, 0); } for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordTeamPractice(i, m_pController->Teams().IsPractice(i)); } } void CGameContext::OnTick() { // check tuning CheckPureTuning(); if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { int Error = aio_error(m_pTeeHistorianFile); if(Error) { dbg_msg("teehistorian", "error writing to file, err=%d", Error); Server()->SetErrorShutdown("teehistorian io error"); } if(!m_TeeHistorian.Starting()) { m_TeeHistorian.EndInputs(); m_TeeHistorian.EndTick(); } m_TeeHistorian.BeginTick(Server()->Tick()); m_TeeHistorian.BeginPlayers(); } // copy tuning m_World.m_Core.m_aTuning[0] = m_Tuning; m_World.Tick(); UpdatePlayerMaps(); //if(world.paused) // make sure that the game object always updates m_pController->Tick(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) { // send vote options ProgressVoteOptions(i); m_apPlayers[i]->Tick(); m_apPlayers[i]->PostTick(); } } for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer) pPlayer->PostPostTick(); } // update voting if(m_VoteCloseTime) { // abort the kick-vote on player-leave if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_ABORT) { SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote aborted"); EndVote(); } else { int Total = 0, Yes = 0, No = 0; bool Veto = false, VetoStop = false; if(m_VoteUpdate) { // count votes char aaBuf[MAX_CLIENTS][NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE] = {{0}}, *pIP = NULL; bool SinglePlayer = true; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) { Server()->GetClientAddr(i, aaBuf[i], NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE); if(!pIP) pIP = aaBuf[i]; else if(SinglePlayer && str_comp(pIP, aaBuf[i])) SinglePlayer = false; } } // remember checked players, only the first player with a specific ip will be handled bool aVoteChecked[MAX_CLIENTS] = {false}; int64_t Now = Server()->Tick(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!m_apPlayers[i] || aVoteChecked[i]) continue; if((IsKickVote() || IsSpecVote()) && (m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS || (GetPlayerChar(m_VoteCreator) && GetPlayerChar(i) && GetPlayerChar(m_VoteCreator)->Team() != GetPlayerChar(i)->Team()))) continue; if(m_apPlayers[i]->IsAfk() && i != m_VoteCreator) continue; // can't vote in kick and spec votes in the beginning after joining if((IsKickVote() || IsSpecVote()) && Now < m_apPlayers[i]->m_FirstVoteTick) continue; // connecting clients with spoofed ips can clog slots without being ingame if(!Server()->ClientIngame(i)) continue; // don't count votes by blacklisted clients if(g_Config.m_SvDnsblVote && !m_pServer->DnsblWhite(i) && !SinglePlayer) continue; int CurVote = m_apPlayers[i]->m_Vote; int CurVotePos = m_apPlayers[i]->m_VotePos; // only allow IPs to vote once, but keep veto ability // check for more players with the same ip (only use the vote of the one who voted first) for(int j = i + 1; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++) { if(!m_apPlayers[j] || aVoteChecked[j] || str_comp(aaBuf[j], aaBuf[i]) != 0) continue; // count the latest vote by this ip if(CurVotePos < m_apPlayers[j]->m_VotePos) { CurVote = m_apPlayers[j]->m_Vote; CurVotePos = m_apPlayers[j]->m_VotePos; } aVoteChecked[j] = true; } Total++; if(CurVote > 0) Yes++; else if(CurVote < 0) No++; // veto right for players who have been active on server for long and who're not afk if(!IsKickVote() && !IsSpecVote() && g_Config.m_SvVoteVetoTime) { // look through all players with same IP again, including the current player for(int j = i; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++) { // no need to check ip address of current player if(i != j && (!m_apPlayers[j] || str_comp(aaBuf[j], aaBuf[i]) != 0)) continue; if(m_apPlayers[j] && !m_apPlayers[j]->IsAfk() && m_apPlayers[j]->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS && ((Server()->Tick() - m_apPlayers[j]->m_JoinTick) / (Server()->TickSpeed() * 60) > g_Config.m_SvVoteVetoTime || (m_apPlayers[j]->GetCharacter() && m_apPlayers[j]->GetCharacter()->m_DDRaceState == DDRACE_STARTED && (Server()->Tick() - m_apPlayers[j]->GetCharacter()->m_StartTime) / (Server()->TickSpeed() * 60) > g_Config.m_SvVoteVetoTime))) { if(CurVote == 0) Veto = true; else if(CurVote < 0) VetoStop = true; break; } } } } if(g_Config.m_SvVoteMaxTotal && Total > g_Config.m_SvVoteMaxTotal && (IsKickVote() || IsSpecVote())) Total = g_Config.m_SvVoteMaxTotal; if((Yes > Total / (100.0f / g_Config.m_SvVoteYesPercentage)) && !Veto) m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_YES; else if(No >= Total - Total / (100.0f / g_Config.m_SvVoteYesPercentage)) m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_NO; if(VetoStop) m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_NO; m_VoteWillPass = Yes > (Yes + No) / (100.0f / g_Config.m_SvVoteYesPercentage); } if(time_get() > m_VoteCloseTime && !g_Config.m_SvVoteMajority) m_VoteEnforce = (m_VoteWillPass && !Veto) ? VOTE_ENFORCE_YES : VOTE_ENFORCE_NO; // / Ensure minimum time for vote to end when moderating. if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES && !(PlayerModerating() && (IsKickVote() || IsSpecVote()) && time_get() < m_VoteCloseTime)) { Server()->SetRconCID(IServer::RCON_CID_VOTE); Console()->ExecuteLine(m_aVoteCommand); Server()->SetRconCID(IServer::RCON_CID_SERV); EndVote(); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote passed", -1, CHAT_SIX); if(m_apPlayers[m_VoteCreator] && !IsKickVote() && !IsSpecVote()) m_apPlayers[m_VoteCreator]->m_LastVoteCall = 0; } else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES_ADMIN) { Console()->ExecuteLine(m_aVoteCommand, m_VoteEnforcer); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote passed enforced by authorized player", -1, CHAT_SIX); EndVote(); } else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN) { EndVote(); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote failed enforced by authorized player", -1, CHAT_SIX); } //else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO || time_get() > m_VoteCloseTime) else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO || (time_get() > m_VoteCloseTime && g_Config.m_SvVoteMajority)) { EndVote(); if(VetoStop || (m_VoteWillPass && Veto)) SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote failed because of veto. Find an empty server instead", -1, CHAT_SIX); else SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote failed", -1, CHAT_SIX); } else if(m_VoteUpdate) { m_VoteUpdate = false; SendVoteStatus(-1, Total, Yes, No); } } } for(int i = 0; i < m_NumMutes; i++) { if(m_aMutes[i].m_Expire <= Server()->Tick()) { m_NumMutes--; m_aMutes[i] = m_aMutes[m_NumMutes]; } } for(int i = 0; i < m_NumVoteMutes; i++) { if(m_aVoteMutes[i].m_Expire <= Server()->Tick()) { m_NumVoteMutes--; m_aVoteMutes[i] = m_aVoteMutes[m_NumVoteMutes]; } } if(Server()->Tick() % (g_Config.m_SvAnnouncementInterval * Server()->TickSpeed() * 60) == 0) { const char *pLine = Server()->GetAnnouncementLine(g_Config.m_SvAnnouncementFileName); if(pLine) SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, pLine); } for(auto &Switcher : Switchers()) { for(int j = 0; j < MAX_CLIENTS; ++j) { if(Switcher.m_aEndTick[j] <= Server()->Tick() && Switcher.m_aType[j] == TILE_SWITCHTIMEDOPEN) { Switcher.m_aStatus[j] = false; Switcher.m_aEndTick[j] = 0; Switcher.m_aType[j] = TILE_SWITCHCLOSE; } else if(Switcher.m_aEndTick[j] <= Server()->Tick() && Switcher.m_aType[j] == TILE_SWITCHTIMEDCLOSE) { Switcher.m_aStatus[j] = true; Switcher.m_aEndTick[j] = 0; Switcher.m_aType[j] = TILE_SWITCHOPEN; } } } if(m_SqlRandomMapResult != nullptr && m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_Completed) { if(m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_Success) { if(PlayerExists(m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_ClientID) && m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_aMessage[0] != '\0') SendChatTarget(m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_ClientID, m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_aMessage); if(m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_aMap[0] != '\0') Server()->ChangeMap(m_SqlRandomMapResult->m_aMap); else m_LastMapVote = 0; } m_SqlRandomMapResult = nullptr; } #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { for(int i = 0; i < g_Config.m_DbgDummies; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS - i - 1]) { CNetObj_PlayerInput Input = {0}; Input.m_Direction = (i & 1) ? -1 : 1; m_apPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS - i - 1]->OnPredictedInput(&Input); } } } #endif // Record player position at the end of the tick if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i] && m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter()) { CNetObj_CharacterCore Char; m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter()->GetCore().Write(&Char); m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayer(i, &Char); } else { m_TeeHistorian.RecordDeadPlayer(i); } } m_TeeHistorian.EndPlayers(); m_TeeHistorian.BeginInputs(); } // Warning: do not put code in this function directly above or below this comment } static int PlayerFlags_SevenToSix(int Flags) { int Six = 0; if(Flags & protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING) Six |= PLAYERFLAG_CHATTING; if(Flags & protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_SCOREBOARD) Six |= PLAYERFLAG_SCOREBOARD; if(Flags & protocol7::PLAYERFLAG_AIM) Six |= PLAYERFLAG_AIM; return Six; } // Server hooks void CGameContext::OnClientPrepareInput(int ClientID, void *pInput) { auto *pPlayerInput = (CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput; if(Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) pPlayerInput->m_PlayerFlags = PlayerFlags_SevenToSix(pPlayerInput->m_PlayerFlags); } void CGameContext::OnClientDirectInput(int ClientID, void *pInput) { if(!m_World.m_Paused) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->OnDirectInput((CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput); int Flags = ((CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput)->m_PlayerFlags; if((Flags & 256) || (Flags & 512)) { Server()->Kick(ClientID, "please update your client or use DDNet client"); } } void CGameContext::OnClientPredictedInput(int ClientID, void *pInput) { // early return if no input at all has been sent by a player if(pInput == nullptr && !m_aPlayerHasInput[ClientID]) return; // set to last sent input when no new input has been sent CNetObj_PlayerInput *pApplyInput = (CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput; if(pApplyInput == nullptr) { pApplyInput = &m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID]; } if(!m_World.m_Paused) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->OnPredictedInput(pApplyInput); } void CGameContext::OnClientPredictedEarlyInput(int ClientID, void *pInput) { // early return if no input at all has been sent by a player if(pInput == nullptr && !m_aPlayerHasInput[ClientID]) return; // set to last sent input when no new input has been sent CNetObj_PlayerInput *pApplyInput = (CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput; if(pApplyInput == nullptr) { pApplyInput = &m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID]; } else { // Store input in this function and not in `OnClientPredictedInput`, // because this function is called on all inputs, while // `OnClientPredictedInput` is only called on the first input of each // tick. mem_copy(&m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID], pApplyInput, sizeof(m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID])); m_aPlayerHasInput[ClientID] = true; } if(!m_World.m_Paused) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->OnPredictedEarlyInput(pApplyInput); if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerInput(ClientID, m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetUniqueCID(), pApplyInput); } } struct CVoteOptionServer *CGameContext::GetVoteOption(int Index) { CVoteOptionServer *pCurrent; for(pCurrent = m_pVoteOptionFirst; Index > 0 && pCurrent; Index--, pCurrent = pCurrent->m_pNext) ; if(Index > 0) return 0; return pCurrent; } void CGameContext::ProgressVoteOptions(int ClientID) { CPlayer *pPl = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pPl->m_SendVoteIndex == -1) return; // we didn't start sending options yet if(pPl->m_SendVoteIndex > m_NumVoteOptions) return; // shouldn't happen / fail silently int VotesLeft = m_NumVoteOptions - pPl->m_SendVoteIndex; int NumVotesToSend = minimum(g_Config.m_SvSendVotesPerTick, VotesLeft); if(!VotesLeft) { // player has up to date vote option list return; } // build vote option list msg int CurIndex = 0; CNetMsg_Sv_VoteOptionListAdd OptionMsg; OptionMsg.m_pDescription0 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription1 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription2 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription3 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription4 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription5 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription6 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription7 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription8 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription9 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription10 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription11 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription12 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription13 = ""; OptionMsg.m_pDescription14 = ""; // get current vote option by index CVoteOptionServer *pCurrent = GetVoteOption(pPl->m_SendVoteIndex); while(CurIndex < NumVotesToSend && pCurrent != NULL) { switch(CurIndex) { case 0: OptionMsg.m_pDescription0 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 1: OptionMsg.m_pDescription1 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 2: OptionMsg.m_pDescription2 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 3: OptionMsg.m_pDescription3 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 4: OptionMsg.m_pDescription4 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 5: OptionMsg.m_pDescription5 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 6: OptionMsg.m_pDescription6 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 7: OptionMsg.m_pDescription7 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 8: OptionMsg.m_pDescription8 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 9: OptionMsg.m_pDescription9 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 10: OptionMsg.m_pDescription10 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 11: OptionMsg.m_pDescription11 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 12: OptionMsg.m_pDescription12 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 13: OptionMsg.m_pDescription13 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; case 14: OptionMsg.m_pDescription14 = pCurrent->m_aDescription; break; } CurIndex++; pCurrent = pCurrent->m_pNext; } // send msg OptionMsg.m_NumOptions = NumVotesToSend; Server()->SendPackMsg(&OptionMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); pPl->m_SendVoteIndex += NumVotesToSend; } void CGameContext::OnClientEnter(int ClientID) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerReady(ClientID); } m_pController->OnPlayerConnect(m_apPlayers[ClientID]); if(Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) { { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_GameInfo Msg; Msg.m_GameFlags = protocol7::GAMEFLAG_RACE; Msg.m_MatchCurrent = 1; Msg.m_MatchNum = 0; Msg.m_ScoreLimit = 0; Msg.m_TimeLimit = 0; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } // /team is essential { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_CommandInfoRemove Msg; Msg.m_pName = "team"; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } for(const IConsole::CCommandInfo *pCmd = Console()->FirstCommandInfo(IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_USER, CFGFLAG_CHAT); pCmd; pCmd = pCmd->NextCommandInfo(IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_USER, CFGFLAG_CHAT)) { if(!str_comp_nocase(pCmd->m_pName, "w") || !str_comp_nocase(pCmd->m_pName, "whisper")) continue; const char *pName = pCmd->m_pName; if(!str_comp_nocase(pCmd->m_pName, "r")) pName = "rescue"; protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_CommandInfo Msg; Msg.m_pName = pName; Msg.m_pArgsFormat = pCmd->m_pParams; Msg.m_pHelpText = pCmd->m_pHelp; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } } { int Empty = -1; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!Server()->ClientIngame(i)) { Empty = i; break; } } CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 0; Msg.m_ClientID = Empty; Msg.m_pMessage = "Do you know someone who uses a bot? Please report them to the moderators."; m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_EligibleForFinishCheck = time_get(); Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } IServer::CClientInfo Info; if(Server()->GetClientInfo(ClientID, &Info) && Info.m_GotDDNetVersion) { if(OnClientDDNetVersionKnown(ClientID)) return; // kicked } if(!Server()->ClientPrevIngame(ClientID)) { if(g_Config.m_SvWelcome[0] != 0) SendChatTarget(ClientID, g_Config.m_SvWelcome); if(g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault > SHOW_OTHERS_OFF) { if(g_Config.m_SvShowOthers) SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can see other players. To disable this use DDNet client and type /showothers"); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_ShowOthers = g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault; } } m_VoteUpdate = true; // send active vote if(m_VoteCloseTime) SendVoteSet(ClientID); Server()->ExpireServerInfo(); CPlayer *pNewPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; mem_zero(&m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID], sizeof(m_aLastPlayerInput[ClientID])); m_aPlayerHasInput[ClientID] = false; // new info for others protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_ClientInfo NewClientInfoMsg; NewClientInfoMsg.m_ClientID = ClientID; NewClientInfoMsg.m_Local = 0; NewClientInfoMsg.m_Team = pNewPlayer->GetTeam(); NewClientInfoMsg.m_pName = Server()->ClientName(ClientID); NewClientInfoMsg.m_pClan = Server()->ClientClan(ClientID); NewClientInfoMsg.m_Country = Server()->ClientCountry(ClientID); NewClientInfoMsg.m_Silent = false; for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { NewClientInfoMsg.m_apSkinPartNames[p] = pNewPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_apSkinPartNames[p]; NewClientInfoMsg.m_aUseCustomColors[p] = pNewPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aUseCustomColors[p]; NewClientInfoMsg.m_aSkinPartColors[p] = pNewPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinPartColors[p]; } // update client infos (others before local) for(int i = 0; i < Server()->MaxClients(); ++i) { if(i == ClientID || !m_apPlayers[i] || !Server()->ClientIngame(i)) continue; CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[i]; if(Server()->IsSixup(i)) Server()->SendPackMsg(&NewClientInfoMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); if(Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) { // existing infos for new player protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_ClientInfo ClientInfoMsg; ClientInfoMsg.m_ClientID = i; ClientInfoMsg.m_Local = 0; ClientInfoMsg.m_Team = pPlayer->GetTeam(); ClientInfoMsg.m_pName = Server()->ClientName(i); ClientInfoMsg.m_pClan = Server()->ClientClan(i); ClientInfoMsg.m_Country = Server()->ClientCountry(i); ClientInfoMsg.m_Silent = 0; for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { ClientInfoMsg.m_apSkinPartNames[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_apSkinPartNames[p]; ClientInfoMsg.m_aUseCustomColors[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aUseCustomColors[p]; ClientInfoMsg.m_aSkinPartColors[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinPartColors[p]; } Server()->SendPackMsg(&ClientInfoMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } } // local info if(Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) { NewClientInfoMsg.m_Local = 1; Server()->SendPackMsg(&NewClientInfoMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } // initial chat delay if(g_Config.m_SvChatInitialDelay != 0 && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_JoinTick > m_NonEmptySince + 10 * Server()->TickSpeed()) { char aBuf[128]; NETADDR Addr; Server()->GetClientAddr(ClientID, &Addr); str_format(aBuf, sizeof aBuf, "This server has an initial chat delay, you will need to wait %d seconds before talking.", g_Config.m_SvChatInitialDelay); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); Mute(&Addr, g_Config.m_SvChatInitialDelay, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), "Initial chat delay", true); } LogEvent("Connect", ClientID); } bool CGameContext::OnClientDataPersist(int ClientID, void *pData) { CPersistentClientData *pPersistent = (CPersistentClientData *)pData; if(!m_apPlayers[ClientID]) { return false; } pPersistent->m_IsSpectator = m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS; pPersistent->m_IsAfk = m_apPlayers[ClientID]->IsAfk(); return true; } void CGameContext::OnClientConnected(int ClientID, void *pData) { CPersistentClientData *pPersistentData = (CPersistentClientData *)pData; bool Spec = false; bool Afk = true; if(pPersistentData) { Spec = pPersistentData->m_IsSpectator; Afk = pPersistentData->m_IsAfk; } { bool Empty = true; for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { // connecting clients with spoofed ips can clog slots without being ingame if(pPlayer && Server()->ClientIngame(pPlayer->GetCID())) { Empty = false; break; } } if(Empty) { m_NonEmptySince = Server()->Tick(); } } // Check which team the player should be on const int StartTeam = (Spec || g_Config.m_SvTournamentMode) ? TEAM_SPECTATORS : m_pController->GetAutoTeam(ClientID); if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]) delete m_apPlayers[ClientID]; m_apPlayers[ClientID] = new(ClientID) CPlayer(this, NextUniqueClientID, ClientID, StartTeam); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->SetInitialAfk(Afk); NextUniqueClientID += 1; #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { if(ClientID >= MAX_CLIENTS - g_Config.m_DbgDummies) return; } #endif SendMotd(ClientID); SendSettings(ClientID); Server()->ExpireServerInfo(); } void CGameContext::OnClientDrop(int ClientID, const char *pReason) { LogEvent("Disconnect", ClientID); AbortVoteKickOnDisconnect(ClientID); m_pController->OnPlayerDisconnect(m_apPlayers[ClientID], pReason); delete m_apPlayers[ClientID]; m_apPlayers[ClientID] = 0; m_VoteUpdate = true; // update spectator modes for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer && pPlayer->m_SpectatorID == ClientID) pPlayer->m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; } // update conversation targets for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer && pPlayer->m_LastWhisperTo == ClientID) pPlayer->m_LastWhisperTo = -1; } protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_ClientDrop Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; Msg.m_pReason = pReason; Msg.m_Silent = false; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, -1); Server()->ExpireServerInfo(); } void CGameContext::TeehistorianRecordAntibot(const void *pData, int DataSize) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordAntibot(pData, DataSize); } } void CGameContext::TeehistorianRecordPlayerJoin(int ClientID, bool Sixup) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerJoin(ClientID, !Sixup ? CTeeHistorian::PROTOCOL_6 : CTeeHistorian::PROTOCOL_7); } } void CGameContext::TeehistorianRecordPlayerDrop(int ClientID, const char *pReason) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerDrop(ClientID, pReason); } } void CGameContext::TeehistorianRecordPlayerRejoin(int ClientID) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerRejoin(ClientID); } } bool CGameContext::OnClientDDNetVersionKnown(int ClientID) { IServer::CClientInfo Info; dbg_assert(Server()->GetClientInfo(ClientID, &Info), "failed to get client info"); int ClientVersion = Info.m_DDNetVersion; dbg_msg("ddnet", "cid=%d version=%d", ClientID, ClientVersion); if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { if(Info.m_pConnectionID && Info.m_pDDNetVersionStr) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordDDNetVersion(ClientID, *Info.m_pConnectionID, ClientVersion, Info.m_pDDNetVersionStr); } else { m_TeeHistorian.RecordDDNetVersionOld(ClientID, ClientVersion); } } // Autoban known bot versions. if(g_Config.m_SvBannedVersions[0] != '\0' && IsVersionBanned(ClientVersion)) { Server()->Kick(ClientID, "unsupported client"); return true; } CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(ClientVersion >= VERSION_DDNET_GAMETICK) pPlayer->m_TimerType = g_Config.m_SvDefaultTimerType; // First update the teams state. m_pController->Teams().SendTeamsState(ClientID); // Then send records. SendRecord(ClientID); // And report correct tunings. if(ClientVersion < VERSION_DDNET_EARLY_VERSION) SendTuningParams(ClientID, pPlayer->m_TuneZone); // Tell old clients to update. if(ClientVersion < VERSION_DDNET_UPDATER_FIXED && g_Config.m_SvClientSuggestionOld[0] != '\0') SendBroadcast(g_Config.m_SvClientSuggestionOld, ClientID); // Tell known bot clients that they're botting and we know it. if(((ClientVersion >= 15 && ClientVersion < 100) || ClientVersion == 502) && g_Config.m_SvClientSuggestionBot[0] != '\0') SendBroadcast(g_Config.m_SvClientSuggestionBot, ClientID); return false; } void *CGameContext::PreProcessMsg(int *pMsgID, CUnpacker *pUnpacker, int ClientID) { if(Server()->IsSixup(ClientID) && *pMsgID < OFFSET_UUID) { void *pRawMsg = m_NetObjHandler7.SecureUnpackMsg(*pMsgID, pUnpacker); if(!pRawMsg) return 0; CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; static char s_aRawMsg[1024]; if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_SAY) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Say *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Say *)pRawMsg; // Should probably use a placement new to start the lifetime of the object to avoid future weirdness ::CNetMsg_Cl_Say *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_Say *)s_aRawMsg; if(pMsg7->m_Target >= 0) { if(ProcessSpamProtection(ClientID)) return 0; // Should we maybe recraft the message so that it can go through the usual path? WhisperID(ClientID, pMsg7->m_Target, pMsg7->m_pMessage); return 0; } pMsg->m_Team = pMsg7->m_Mode == protocol7::CHAT_TEAM; pMsg->m_pMessage = pMsg7->m_pMessage; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_StartInfo *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_StartInfo *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_StartInfo *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_StartInfo *)s_aRawMsg; pMsg->m_pName = pMsg7->m_pName; pMsg->m_pClan = pMsg7->m_pClan; pMsg->m_Country = pMsg7->m_Country; CTeeInfo Info(pMsg7->m_apSkinPartNames, pMsg7->m_aUseCustomColors, pMsg7->m_aSkinPartColors); Info.FromSixup(); pPlayer->m_TeeInfos = Info; str_copy(s_aRawMsg + sizeof(*pMsg), Info.m_aSkinName, sizeof(s_aRawMsg) - sizeof(*pMsg)); pMsg->m_pSkin = s_aRawMsg + sizeof(*pMsg); pMsg->m_UseCustomColor = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_UseCustomColor; pMsg->m_ColorBody = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorBody; pMsg->m_ColorFeet = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorFeet; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_SKINCHANGE) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_SkinChange *pMsg = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_SkinChange *)pRawMsg; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo && pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvInfoChangeDelay > Server()->Tick()) return 0; pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo = Server()->Tick(); CTeeInfo Info(pMsg->m_apSkinPartNames, pMsg->m_aUseCustomColors, pMsg->m_aSkinPartColors); Info.FromSixup(); pPlayer->m_TeeInfos = Info; protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_SkinChange Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { Msg.m_apSkinPartNames[p] = pMsg->m_apSkinPartNames[p]; Msg.m_aSkinPartColors[p] = pMsg->m_aSkinPartColors[p]; Msg.m_aUseCustomColors[p] = pMsg->m_aUseCustomColors[p]; } Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, -1); return 0; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_SETSPECTATORMODE) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_SetSpectatorMode *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_SetSpectatorMode *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_SetSpectatorMode *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_SetSpectatorMode *)s_aRawMsg; if(pMsg7->m_SpecMode == protocol7::SPEC_FREEVIEW) pMsg->m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; else if(pMsg7->m_SpecMode == protocol7::SPEC_PLAYER) pMsg->m_SpectatorID = pMsg7->m_SpectatorID; else pMsg->m_SpectatorID = SPEC_FREEVIEW; // Probably not needed } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_SETTEAM) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *)s_aRawMsg; pMsg->m_Team = pMsg7->m_Team; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_COMMAND) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Command *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Command *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_Say *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_Say *)s_aRawMsg; str_format(s_aRawMsg + sizeof(*pMsg), sizeof(s_aRawMsg) - sizeof(*pMsg), "/%s %s", pMsg7->m_pName, pMsg7->m_pArguments); pMsg->m_pMessage = s_aRawMsg + sizeof(*pMsg); dbg_msg("debug", "line='%s'", s_aRawMsg + sizeof(*pMsg)); pMsg->m_Team = 0; *pMsgID = NETMSGTYPE_CL_SAY; return s_aRawMsg; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_CALLVOTE) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *)s_aRawMsg; int Authed = Server()->GetAuthedState(ClientID); if(pMsg7->m_Force) { str_format(s_aRawMsg, sizeof(s_aRawMsg), "force_vote \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"", pMsg7->m_pType, pMsg7->m_pValue, pMsg7->m_pReason); Console()->SetAccessLevel(Authed == AUTHED_ADMIN ? IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN : Authed == AUTHED_MOD ? IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_MOD : IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_HELPER); Console()->ExecuteLine(s_aRawMsg, ClientID, false); Console()->SetAccessLevel(IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN); return 0; } pMsg->m_pValue = pMsg7->m_pValue; pMsg->m_pReason = pMsg7->m_pReason; pMsg->m_pType = pMsg7->m_pType; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_EMOTICON) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *)s_aRawMsg; pMsg->m_Emoticon = pMsg7->m_Emoticon; } else if(*pMsgID == protocol7::NETMSGTYPE_CL_VOTE) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *pMsg7 = (protocol7::CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *)pRawMsg; ::CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *pMsg = (::CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *)s_aRawMsg; pMsg->m_Vote = pMsg7->m_Vote; } *pMsgID = Msg_SevenToSix(*pMsgID); return s_aRawMsg; } else return m_NetObjHandler.SecureUnpackMsg(*pMsgID, pUnpacker); } void CGameContext::CensorMessage(char *pCensoredMessage, const char *pMessage, int Size) { str_copy(pCensoredMessage, pMessage, Size); for(auto &Item : m_vCensorlist) { char *pCurLoc = pCensoredMessage; do { pCurLoc = (char *)str_utf8_find_nocase(pCurLoc, Item.c_str()); if(pCurLoc) { for(int i = 0; i < (int)Item.length(); i++) { pCurLoc[i] = '*'; } pCurLoc++; } } while(pCurLoc); } } void CGameContext::OnMessage(int MsgID, CUnpacker *pUnpacker, int ClientID) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { if(m_NetObjHandler.TeeHistorianRecordMsg(MsgID)) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerMessage(ClientID, pUnpacker->CompleteData(), pUnpacker->CompleteSize()); } } void *pRawMsg = PreProcessMsg(&MsgID, pUnpacker, ClientID); if(!pRawMsg) return; if(Server()->ClientIngame(ClientID)) { switch(MsgID) { case NETMSGTYPE_CL_SAY: OnSayNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID, pUnpacker); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_CALLVOTE: OnCallVoteNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_VOTE: OnVoteNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_SETTEAM: OnSetTeamNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_ISDDNETLEGACY: OnIsDDNetLegacyNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID, pUnpacker); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_SHOWOTHERSLEGACY: OnShowOthersLegacyNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_SHOWOTHERS: OnShowOthersNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_SHOWDISTANCE: OnShowDistanceNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_SETSPECTATORMODE: OnSetSpectatorModeNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_CHANGEINFO: OnChangeInfoNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_EMOTICON: OnEmoticonNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; case NETMSGTYPE_CL_KILL: OnKillNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); break; default: break; } } if(MsgID == NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO) { OnStartInfoNetMessage(static_cast(pRawMsg), ClientID); } } void CGameContext::OnSayNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_Say *pMsg, int ClientID, const CUnpacker *pUnpacker) { if(!str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pMessage)) { return; } CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; bool Check = !pPlayer->m_NotEligibleForFinish && pPlayer->m_EligibleForFinishCheck + 10 * time_freq() >= time_get(); if(Check && str_comp(pMsg->m_pMessage, "xd sure chillerbot.png is lyfe") == 0 && pMsg->m_Team == 0) { if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordPlayerMessage(ClientID, pUnpacker->CompleteData(), pUnpacker->CompleteSize()); } pPlayer->m_NotEligibleForFinish = true; dbg_msg("hack", "bot detected, cid=%d", ClientID); return; } int Team = pMsg->m_Team; // trim right and set maximum length to 256 utf8-characters int Length = 0; const char *p = pMsg->m_pMessage; const char *pEnd = 0; while(*p) { const char *pStrOld = p; int Code = str_utf8_decode(&p); // check if unicode is not empty if(!str_utf8_isspace(Code)) { pEnd = 0; } else if(pEnd == 0) pEnd = pStrOld; if(++Length >= 256) { *(const_cast(p)) = 0; break; } } if(pEnd != 0) *(const_cast(pEnd)) = 0; // drop empty and autocreated spam messages (more than 32 characters per second) if(Length == 0 || (pMsg->m_pMessage[0] != '/' && (g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastChat && pPlayer->m_LastChat + Server()->TickSpeed() * ((31 + Length) / 32) > Server()->Tick()))) return; int GameTeam = GetDDRaceTeam(pPlayer->GetCID()); if(Team) Team = ((pPlayer->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) ? CHAT_SPEC : GameTeam); else Team = CHAT_ALL; if(pMsg->m_pMessage[0] == '/') { if(str_startswith_nocase(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, "w ")) { char aWhisperMsg[256]; str_copy(aWhisperMsg, pMsg->m_pMessage + 3, 256); Whisper(pPlayer->GetCID(), aWhisperMsg); } else if(str_startswith_nocase(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, "whisper ")) { char aWhisperMsg[256]; str_copy(aWhisperMsg, pMsg->m_pMessage + 9, 256); Whisper(pPlayer->GetCID(), aWhisperMsg); } else if(str_startswith_nocase(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, "c ")) { char aWhisperMsg[256]; str_copy(aWhisperMsg, pMsg->m_pMessage + 3, 256); Converse(pPlayer->GetCID(), aWhisperMsg); } else if(str_startswith_nocase(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, "converse ")) { char aWhisperMsg[256]; str_copy(aWhisperMsg, pMsg->m_pMessage + 10, 256); Converse(pPlayer->GetCID(), aWhisperMsg); } else { if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && !str_startswith(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, "timeout ") && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[0] && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[0] + Server()->TickSpeed() > Server()->Tick() && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[1] && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[1] + Server()->TickSpeed() > Server()->Tick() && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[2] && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[2] + Server()->TickSpeed() > Server()->Tick() && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[3] && pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[3] + Server()->TickSpeed() > Server()->Tick()) return; int64_t Now = Server()->Tick(); pPlayer->m_aLastCommands[pPlayer->m_LastCommandPos] = Now; pPlayer->m_LastCommandPos = (pPlayer->m_LastCommandPos + 1) % 4; Console()->SetFlagMask(CFGFLAG_CHAT); int Authed = Server()->GetAuthedState(ClientID); if(Authed) Console()->SetAccessLevel(Authed == AUTHED_ADMIN ? IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN : Authed == AUTHED_MOD ? IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_MOD : IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_HELPER); else Console()->SetAccessLevel(IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_USER); { CClientChatLogger Logger(this, ClientID, log_get_scope_logger()); CLogScope Scope(&Logger); Console()->ExecuteLine(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, ClientID, false); } // m_apPlayers[ClientID] can be NULL, if the player used a // timeout code and replaced another client. char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d used %s", ClientID, pMsg->m_pMessage); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "chat-command", aBuf); Console()->SetAccessLevel(IConsole::ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->SetFlagMask(CFGFLAG_SERVER); } } else { pPlayer->UpdatePlaytime(); char aCensoredMessage[256]; CensorMessage(aCensoredMessage, pMsg->m_pMessage, sizeof(aCensoredMessage)); SendChat(ClientID, Team, aCensoredMessage, ClientID); } } void CGameContext::OnCallVoteNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(RateLimitPlayerVote(ClientID) || m_VoteCloseTime) return; m_apPlayers[ClientID]->UpdatePlaytime(); m_VoteType = VOTE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; char aChatmsg[512] = {0}; char aDesc[VOTE_DESC_LENGTH] = {0}; char aSixupDesc[VOTE_DESC_LENGTH] = {0}; char aCmd[VOTE_CMD_LENGTH] = {0}; char aReason[VOTE_REASON_LENGTH] = "No reason given"; if(!str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pType) || !str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pReason) || !str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pValue)) { return; } if(pMsg->m_pReason[0]) { str_copy(aReason, pMsg->m_pReason, sizeof(aReason)); } if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_pType, "option") == 0) { int Authed = Server()->GetAuthedState(ClientID); CVoteOptionServer *pOption = m_pVoteOptionFirst; while(pOption) { if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_pValue, pOption->m_aDescription) == 0) { if(!Console()->LineIsValid(pOption->m_aCommand)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid option"); return; } if((str_find(pOption->m_aCommand, "sv_map ") != 0 || str_find(pOption->m_aCommand, "change_map ") != 0 || str_find(pOption->m_aCommand, "random_map") != 0 || str_find(pOption->m_aCommand, "random_unfinished_map") != 0) && RateLimitPlayerMapVote(ClientID)) { return; } str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called vote to change server option '%s' (%s)", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), pOption->m_aDescription, aReason); str_copy(aDesc, pOption->m_aDescription); if((str_endswith(pOption->m_aCommand, "random_map") || str_endswith(pOption->m_aCommand, "random_unfinished_map")) && str_length(aReason) == 1 && aReason[0] >= '0' && aReason[0] <= '5') { int Stars = aReason[0] - '0'; str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "%s %d", pOption->m_aCommand, Stars); } else { str_copy(aCmd, pOption->m_aCommand); } m_LastMapVote = time_get(); break; } pOption = pOption->m_pNext; } if(!pOption) { if(Authed != AUTHED_ADMIN) // allow admins to call any vote they want { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' isn't an option on this server", pMsg->m_pValue); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return; } else { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called vote to change server option '%s'", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), pMsg->m_pValue); str_copy(aDesc, pMsg->m_pValue); str_copy(aCmd, pMsg->m_pValue); } } m_VoteType = VOTE_TYPE_OPTION; } else if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_pType, "kick") == 0) { int Authed = Server()->GetAuthedState(ClientID); if(!g_Config.m_SvVoteKick && !Authed) // allow admins to call kick votes even if they are forbidden { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Server does not allow voting to kick players"); return; } if(!Authed && time_get() < m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote + (time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvVoteKickDelay)) { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "There's a %d second wait time between kick votes for each player please wait %d second(s)", g_Config.m_SvVoteKickDelay, (int)((m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote + g_Config.m_SvVoteKickDelay * time_freq() - time_get()) / time_freq())); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return; } if(g_Config.m_SvVoteKickMin && !GetDDRaceTeam(ClientID)) { char aaAddresses[MAX_CLIENTS][NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE] = {{0}}; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) { Server()->GetClientAddr(i, aaAddresses[i], NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE); } } int NumPlayers = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(m_apPlayers[i] && m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS && !GetDDRaceTeam(i)) { NumPlayers++; for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if(m_apPlayers[j] && m_apPlayers[j]->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS && !GetDDRaceTeam(j)) { if(str_comp(aaAddresses[i], aaAddresses[j]) == 0) { NumPlayers--; break; } } } } } if(NumPlayers < g_Config.m_SvVoteKickMin) { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "Kick voting requires %d players", g_Config.m_SvVoteKickMin); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return; } } int KickID = str_toint(pMsg->m_pValue); if(KickID < 0 || KickID >= MAX_CLIENTS || !m_apPlayers[KickID]) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid client id to kick"); return; } if(KickID == ClientID) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can't kick yourself"); return; } if(!Server()->ReverseTranslate(KickID, ClientID)) { return; } int KickedAuthed = Server()->GetAuthedState(KickID); if(KickedAuthed > Authed) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can't kick authorized players"); char aBufKick[128]; str_format(aBufKick, sizeof(aBufKick), "'%s' called for vote to kick you", Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); SendChatTarget(KickID, aBufKick); return; } // Don't allow kicking if a player has no character if(!GetPlayerChar(ClientID) || !GetPlayerChar(KickID) || GetDDRaceTeam(ClientID) != GetDDRaceTeam(KickID)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can kick only your team member"); return; } str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called for vote to kick '%s' (%s)", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), Server()->ClientName(KickID), aReason); str_format(aSixupDesc, sizeof(aSixupDesc), "%2d: %s", KickID, Server()->ClientName(KickID)); if(!GetDDRaceTeam(ClientID)) { if(!g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime) { str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "kick %d Kicked by vote", KickID); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "Kick '%s'", Server()->ClientName(KickID)); } else { char aAddrStr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE] = {0}; Server()->GetClientAddr(KickID, aAddrStr, sizeof(aAddrStr)); str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "ban %s %d Banned by vote", aAddrStr, g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "Ban '%s'", Server()->ClientName(KickID)); } } else { str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "uninvite %d %d; set_team_ddr %d 0", KickID, GetDDRaceTeam(KickID), KickID); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "Move '%s' to team 0", Server()->ClientName(KickID)); } m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote = time_get(); m_VoteType = VOTE_TYPE_KICK; m_VoteVictim = KickID; } else if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_pType, "spectate") == 0) { if(!g_Config.m_SvVoteSpectate) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Server does not allow voting to move players to spectators"); return; } int SpectateID = str_toint(pMsg->m_pValue); if(SpectateID < 0 || SpectateID >= MAX_CLIENTS || !m_apPlayers[SpectateID] || m_apPlayers[SpectateID]->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid client id to move"); return; } if(SpectateID == ClientID) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can't move yourself"); return; } if(!Server()->ReverseTranslate(SpectateID, ClientID)) { return; } if(!GetPlayerChar(ClientID) || !GetPlayerChar(SpectateID) || GetDDRaceTeam(ClientID) != GetDDRaceTeam(SpectateID)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can only move your team member to spectators"); return; } str_format(aSixupDesc, sizeof(aSixupDesc), "%2d: %s", SpectateID, Server()->ClientName(SpectateID)); if(g_Config.m_SvPauseable && g_Config.m_SvVotePause) { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called for vote to pause '%s' for %d seconds (%s)", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), Server()->ClientName(SpectateID), g_Config.m_SvVotePauseTime, aReason); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "Pause '%s' (%ds)", Server()->ClientName(SpectateID), g_Config.m_SvVotePauseTime); str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "uninvite %d %d; force_pause %d %d", SpectateID, GetDDRaceTeam(SpectateID), SpectateID, g_Config.m_SvVotePauseTime); } else { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called for vote to move '%s' to spectators (%s)", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), Server()->ClientName(SpectateID), aReason); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "Move '%s' to spectators", Server()->ClientName(SpectateID)); str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "uninvite %d %d; set_team %d -1 %d", SpectateID, GetDDRaceTeam(SpectateID), SpectateID, g_Config.m_SvVoteSpectateRejoindelay); } m_VoteType = VOTE_TYPE_SPECTATE; m_VoteVictim = SpectateID; } if(aCmd[0] && str_comp_nocase(aCmd, "info") != 0) CallVote(ClientID, aDesc, aCmd, aReason, aChatmsg, aSixupDesc[0] ? aSixupDesc : 0); } void CGameContext::OnVoteNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(!m_VoteCloseTime) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastVoteTry && pPlayer->m_LastVoteTry + Server()->TickSpeed() * 3 > Server()->Tick()) return; int64_t Now = Server()->Tick(); pPlayer->m_LastVoteTry = Now; pPlayer->UpdatePlaytime(); if(!pMsg->m_Vote) return; pPlayer->m_Vote = pMsg->m_Vote; pPlayer->m_VotePos = ++m_VotePos; m_VoteUpdate = true; CNetMsg_Sv_YourVote Msg = {pMsg->m_Vote}; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::OnSetTeamNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(m_World.m_Paused) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pPlayer->GetTeam() == pMsg->m_Team || (g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastSetTeam && pPlayer->m_LastSetTeam + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvTeamChangeDelay > Server()->Tick())) return; // Kill Protection CCharacter *pChr = pPlayer->GetCharacter(); if(pChr) { int CurrTime = (Server()->Tick() - pChr->m_StartTime) / Server()->TickSpeed(); if(g_Config.m_SvKillProtection != 0 && CurrTime >= (60 * g_Config.m_SvKillProtection) && pChr->m_DDRaceState == DDRACE_STARTED) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Kill Protection enabled. If you really want to join the spectators, first type /kill"); return; } } if(pPlayer->m_TeamChangeTick > Server()->Tick()) { pPlayer->m_LastSetTeam = Server()->Tick(); int TimeLeft = (pPlayer->m_TeamChangeTick - Server()->Tick()) / Server()->TickSpeed(); char aTime[32]; str_time((int64_t)TimeLeft * 100, TIME_HOURS, aTime, sizeof(aTime)); char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Time to wait before changing team: %s", aTime); SendBroadcast(aBuf, ClientID); return; } // Switch team on given client and kill/respawn them if(m_pController->CanJoinTeam(pMsg->m_Team, ClientID)) { if(pPlayer->IsPaused()) SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Use /pause first then you can kill"); else { if(pPlayer->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS || pMsg->m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) m_VoteUpdate = true; m_pController->DoTeamChange(pPlayer, pMsg->m_Team); pPlayer->m_TeamChangeTick = Server()->Tick(); } } else { char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Only %d active players are allowed", Server()->MaxClients() - g_Config.m_SvSpectatorSlots); SendBroadcast(aBuf, ClientID); } } void CGameContext::OnIsDDNetLegacyNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_IsDDNetLegacy *pMsg, int ClientID, CUnpacker *pUnpacker) { IServer::CClientInfo Info; if(Server()->GetClientInfo(ClientID, &Info) && Info.m_GotDDNetVersion) { return; } int DDNetVersion = pUnpacker->GetInt(); if(pUnpacker->Error() || DDNetVersion < 0) { DDNetVersion = VERSION_DDRACE; } Server()->SetClientDDNetVersion(ClientID, DDNetVersion); OnClientDDNetVersionKnown(ClientID); } void CGameContext::OnShowOthersLegacyNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_ShowOthersLegacy *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(g_Config.m_SvShowOthers && !g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault) { CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; pPlayer->m_ShowOthers = pMsg->m_Show; } } void CGameContext::OnShowOthersNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_ShowOthers *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(g_Config.m_SvShowOthers && !g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault) { CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; pPlayer->m_ShowOthers = pMsg->m_Show; } } void CGameContext::OnShowDistanceNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_ShowDistance *pMsg, int ClientID) { CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; pPlayer->m_ShowDistance = vec2(pMsg->m_X, pMsg->m_Y); } void CGameContext::OnSetSpectatorModeNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_SetSpectatorMode *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(m_World.m_Paused) return; int SpectatorID = clamp(pMsg->m_SpectatorID, (int)SPEC_FOLLOW, MAX_CLIENTS - 1); if(SpectatorID >= 0) if(!Server()->ReverseTranslate(SpectatorID, ClientID)) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if((g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastSetSpectatorMode && pPlayer->m_LastSetSpectatorMode + Server()->TickSpeed() / 4 > Server()->Tick())) return; pPlayer->m_LastSetSpectatorMode = Server()->Tick(); pPlayer->UpdatePlaytime(); if(SpectatorID >= 0 && (!m_apPlayers[SpectatorID] || m_apPlayers[SpectatorID]->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS)) SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid spectator id used"); else pPlayer->m_SpectatorID = SpectatorID; } void CGameContext::OnChangeInfoNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_ChangeInfo *pMsg, int ClientID) { CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo && pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvInfoChangeDelay > Server()->Tick()) return; bool SixupNeedsUpdate = false; if(!str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pName) || !str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pClan) || !str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pSkin)) { return; } pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo = Server()->Tick(); pPlayer->UpdatePlaytime(); // set infos if(Server()->WouldClientNameChange(ClientID, pMsg->m_pName) && !ProcessSpamProtection(ClientID)) { char aOldName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; str_copy(aOldName, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), sizeof(aOldName)); Server()->SetClientName(ClientID, pMsg->m_pName); char aChatText[256]; str_format(aChatText, sizeof(aChatText), "'%s' changed name to '%s'", aOldName, Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aChatText); // reload scores Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->Reset(); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Score.reset(); Score()->LoadPlayerData(ClientID); SixupNeedsUpdate = true; LogEvent("Name change", ClientID); } if(str_comp(Server()->ClientClan(ClientID), pMsg->m_pClan)) SixupNeedsUpdate = true; Server()->SetClientClan(ClientID, pMsg->m_pClan); if(Server()->ClientCountry(ClientID) != pMsg->m_Country) SixupNeedsUpdate = true; Server()->SetClientCountry(ClientID, pMsg->m_Country); str_copy(pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinName, pMsg->m_pSkin, sizeof(pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinName)); pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_UseCustomColor = pMsg->m_UseCustomColor; pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorBody = pMsg->m_ColorBody; pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorFeet = pMsg->m_ColorFeet; if(!Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.ToSixup(); if(SixupNeedsUpdate) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_ClientDrop Drop; Drop.m_ClientID = ClientID; Drop.m_pReason = ""; Drop.m_Silent = true; protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_ClientInfo Info; Info.m_ClientID = ClientID; Info.m_pName = Server()->ClientName(ClientID); Info.m_Country = pMsg->m_Country; Info.m_pClan = pMsg->m_pClan; Info.m_Local = 0; Info.m_Silent = true; Info.m_Team = pPlayer->GetTeam(); for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { Info.m_apSkinPartNames[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_apSkinPartNames[p]; Info.m_aSkinPartColors[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinPartColors[p]; Info.m_aUseCustomColors[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aUseCustomColors[p]; } for(int i = 0; i < Server()->MaxClients(); i++) { if(i != ClientID) { Server()->SendPackMsg(&Drop, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); Server()->SendPackMsg(&Info, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } } } else { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_SkinChange Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; for(int p = 0; p < 6; p++) { Msg.m_apSkinPartNames[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_apSkinPartNames[p]; Msg.m_aSkinPartColors[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinPartColors[p]; Msg.m_aUseCustomColors[p] = pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aUseCustomColors[p]; } Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, -1); } Server()->ExpireServerInfo(); } void CGameContext::OnEmoticonNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(m_World.m_Paused) return; CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; auto &&CheckPreventEmote = [&](int64_t LastEmote, int64_t DelayInMs) { return (LastEmote * (int64_t)1000) + (int64_t)Server()->TickSpeed() * DelayInMs > ((int64_t)Server()->Tick() * (int64_t)1000); }; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && CheckPreventEmote((int64_t)pPlayer->m_LastEmote, (int64_t)g_Config.m_SvEmoticonMsDelay)) return; CCharacter *pChr = pPlayer->GetCharacter(); // player needs a character to send emotes if(!pChr) return; pPlayer->m_LastEmote = Server()->Tick(); pPlayer->UpdatePlaytime(); // check if the global emoticon is prevented and emotes are only send to nearby players if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && CheckPreventEmote((int64_t)pPlayer->m_LastEmoteGlobal, (int64_t)g_Config.m_SvGlobalEmoticonMsDelay)) { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(m_apPlayers[i] && pChr->CanSnapCharacter(i) && pChr->IsSnappingCharacterInView(i)) { SendEmoticon(ClientID, pMsg->m_Emoticon, i); } } } else { // else send emoticons to all players pPlayer->m_LastEmoteGlobal = Server()->Tick(); SendEmoticon(ClientID, pMsg->m_Emoticon, -1); } if(g_Config.m_SvEmotionalTees && pPlayer->m_EyeEmoteEnabled) { int EmoteType = EMOTE_NORMAL; switch(pMsg->m_Emoticon) { case EMOTICON_EXCLAMATION: case EMOTICON_GHOST: case EMOTICON_QUESTION: case EMOTICON_WTF: EmoteType = EMOTE_SURPRISE; break; case EMOTICON_DOTDOT: case EMOTICON_DROP: case EMOTICON_ZZZ: EmoteType = EMOTE_BLINK; break; case EMOTICON_EYES: case EMOTICON_HEARTS: case EMOTICON_MUSIC: EmoteType = EMOTE_HAPPY; break; case EMOTICON_OOP: case EMOTICON_SORRY: case EMOTICON_SUSHI: EmoteType = EMOTE_PAIN; break; case EMOTICON_DEVILTEE: case EMOTICON_SPLATTEE: case EMOTICON_ZOMG: EmoteType = EMOTE_ANGRY; break; default: break; } pChr->SetEmote(EmoteType, Server()->Tick() + 2 * Server()->TickSpeed()); } } void CGameContext::OnKillNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_Kill *pMsg, int ClientID) { if(m_World.m_Paused) return; if(m_VoteCloseTime && m_VoteCreator == ClientID && GetDDRaceTeam(ClientID) && (IsKickVote() || IsSpecVote())) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You are running a vote please try again after the vote is done!"); return; } CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pPlayer->m_LastKill && pPlayer->m_LastKill + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvKillDelay > Server()->Tick()) return; if(pPlayer->IsPaused()) return; CCharacter *pChr = pPlayer->GetCharacter(); if(!pChr) return; // Kill Protection int CurrTime = (Server()->Tick() - pChr->m_StartTime) / Server()->TickSpeed(); if(g_Config.m_SvKillProtection != 0 && CurrTime >= (60 * g_Config.m_SvKillProtection) && pChr->m_DDRaceState == DDRACE_STARTED) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Kill Protection enabled. If you really want to kill, type /kill"); return; } pPlayer->m_LastKill = Server()->Tick(); pPlayer->KillCharacter(WEAPON_SELF); pPlayer->Respawn(); } void CGameContext::OnStartInfoNetMessage(const CNetMsg_Cl_StartInfo *pMsg, int ClientID) { CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(pPlayer->m_IsReady) return; if(!str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pName)) { Server()->Kick(ClientID, "name is not valid utf8"); return; } if(!str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pClan)) { Server()->Kick(ClientID, "clan is not valid utf8"); return; } if(!str_utf8_check(pMsg->m_pSkin)) { Server()->Kick(ClientID, "skin is not valid utf8"); return; } pPlayer->m_LastChangeInfo = Server()->Tick(); // set start infos Server()->SetClientName(ClientID, pMsg->m_pName); // trying to set client name can delete the player object, check if it still exists if(!m_apPlayers[ClientID]) { return; } Server()->SetClientClan(ClientID, pMsg->m_pClan); Server()->SetClientCountry(ClientID, pMsg->m_Country); str_copy(pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinName, pMsg->m_pSkin, sizeof(pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_aSkinName)); pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_UseCustomColor = pMsg->m_UseCustomColor; pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorBody = pMsg->m_ColorBody; pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorFeet = pMsg->m_ColorFeet; if(!Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) pPlayer->m_TeeInfos.ToSixup(); // send clear vote options CNetMsg_Sv_VoteClearOptions ClearMsg; Server()->SendPackMsg(&ClearMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); // begin sending vote options pPlayer->m_SendVoteIndex = 0; // send tuning parameters to client SendTuningParams(ClientID, pPlayer->m_TuneZone); // client is ready to enter pPlayer->m_IsReady = true; CNetMsg_Sv_ReadyToEnter m; Server()->SendPackMsg(&m, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_FLUSH, ClientID); Server()->ExpireServerInfo(); } void CGameContext::ConTuneParam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pParamName = pResult->GetString(0); char aBuf[256]; if(pResult->NumArguments() == 2) { float NewValue = pResult->GetFloat(1); if(pSelf->Tuning()->Set(pParamName, NewValue) && pSelf->Tuning()->Get(pParamName, &NewValue)) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s changed to %.2f", pParamName, NewValue); pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such tuning parameter: %s", pParamName); } } else { float Value; if(pSelf->Tuning()->Get(pParamName, &Value)) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %.2f", pParamName, Value); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such tuning parameter: %s", pParamName); } } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); } void CGameContext::ConToggleTuneParam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pParamName = pResult->GetString(0); float OldValue; char aBuf[256]; if(!pSelf->Tuning()->Get(pParamName, &OldValue)) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such tuning parameter: %s", pParamName); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); return; } float NewValue = absolute(OldValue - pResult->GetFloat(1)) < 0.0001f ? pResult->GetFloat(2) : pResult->GetFloat(1); pSelf->Tuning()->Set(pParamName, NewValue); pSelf->Tuning()->Get(pParamName, &NewValue); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s changed to %.2f", pParamName, NewValue); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1); } void CGameContext::ConTuneReset(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { const char *pParamName = pResult->GetString(0); float DefaultValue = 0.0f; char aBuf[256]; CTuningParams TuningParams; if(TuningParams.Get(pParamName, &DefaultValue) && pSelf->Tuning()->Set(pParamName, DefaultValue) && pSelf->Tuning()->Get(pParamName, &DefaultValue)) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s reset to %.2f", pParamName, DefaultValue); pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such tuning parameter: %s", pParamName); } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); } else { pSelf->ResetTuning(); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", "Tuning reset"); } } void CGameContext::ConTunes(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; char aBuf[256]; for(int i = 0; i < CTuningParams::Num(); i++) { float Value; pSelf->Tuning()->Get(i, &Value); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %.2f", CTuningParams::Name(i), Value); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); } } void CGameContext::ConTuneZone(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int List = pResult->GetInteger(0); const char *pParamName = pResult->GetString(1); float NewValue = pResult->GetFloat(2); if(List >= 0 && List < NUM_TUNEZONES) { char aBuf[256]; if(pSelf->TuningList()[List].Set(pParamName, NewValue) && pSelf->TuningList()[List].Get(pParamName, &NewValue)) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s in zone %d changed to %.2f", pParamName, List, NewValue); pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1, List); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No such tuning parameter: %s", pParamName); } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); } } void CGameContext::ConTuneDumpZone(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int List = pResult->GetInteger(0); char aBuf[256]; if(List >= 0 && List < NUM_TUNEZONES) { for(int i = 0; i < CTuningParams::Num(); i++) { float Value; pSelf->TuningList()[List].Get(i, &Value); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "zone %d: %s %.2f", List, CTuningParams::Name(i), Value); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); } } } void CGameContext::ConTuneResetZone(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; CTuningParams TuningParams; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { int List = pResult->GetInteger(0); if(List >= 0 && List < NUM_TUNEZONES) { pSelf->TuningList()[List] = TuningParams; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Tunezone %d reset", List); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1, List); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TUNEZONES; i++) { *(pSelf->TuningList() + i) = TuningParams; pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1, i); } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", "All Tunezones reset"); } } void CGameContext::ConTuneSetZoneMsgEnter(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { int List = pResult->GetInteger(0); if(List >= 0 && List < NUM_TUNEZONES) { str_copy(pSelf->m_aaZoneEnterMsg[List], pResult->GetString(1), sizeof(pSelf->m_aaZoneEnterMsg[List])); } } } void CGameContext::ConTuneSetZoneMsgLeave(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { int List = pResult->GetInteger(0); if(List >= 0 && List < NUM_TUNEZONES) { str_copy(pSelf->m_aaZoneLeaveMsg[List], pResult->GetString(1), sizeof(pSelf->m_aaZoneLeaveMsg[List])); } } } void CGameContext::ConMapbug(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pMapBugName = pResult->GetString(0); if(pSelf->m_pController) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "mapbugs", "can't add map bugs after the game started"); return; } switch(pSelf->m_MapBugs.Update(pMapBugName)) { case MAPBUGUPDATE_OK: break; case MAPBUGUPDATE_OVERRIDDEN: pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "mapbugs", "map-internal setting overridden by database"); break; case MAPBUGUPDATE_NOTFOUND: { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "unknown map bug '%s', ignoring", pMapBugName); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "mapbugs", aBuf); } break; default: dbg_assert(0, "unreachable"); } } void CGameContext::ConSwitchOpen(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int Switch = pResult->GetInteger(0); if(in_range(Switch, (int)pSelf->Switchers().size() - 1)) { pSelf->Switchers()[Switch].m_Initial = false; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "switch %d opened by default", Switch); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); } } void CGameContext::ConPause(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->m_World.m_Paused ^= 1; } void CGameContext::ConChangeMap(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->m_pController->ChangeMap(pResult->NumArguments() ? pResult->GetString(0) : ""); } void CGameContext::ConRandomMap(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int Stars = pResult->NumArguments() ? pResult->GetInteger(0) : -1; pSelf->m_pScore->RandomMap(pSelf->m_VoteCreator, Stars); } void CGameContext::ConRandomUnfinishedMap(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int Stars = pResult->NumArguments() ? pResult->GetInteger(0) : -1; pSelf->m_pScore->RandomUnfinishedMap(pSelf->m_VoteCreator, Stars); } void CGameContext::ConRestart(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) pSelf->m_pController->DoWarmup(pResult->GetInteger(0)); else pSelf->m_pController->StartRound(); } void CGameContext::ConBroadcast(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; char aBuf[1024]; str_copy(aBuf, pResult->GetString(0), sizeof(aBuf)); int i, j; for(i = 0, j = 0; aBuf[i]; i++, j++) { if(aBuf[i] == '\\' && aBuf[i + 1] == 'n') { aBuf[j] = '\n'; i++; } else if(i != j) { aBuf[j] = aBuf[i]; } } aBuf[j] = '\0'; pSelf->SendBroadcast(aBuf, -1); } void CGameContext::ConSay(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, pResult->GetString(0)); } void CGameContext::ConSetTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int ClientID = clamp(pResult->GetInteger(0), 0, (int)MAX_CLIENTS - 1); int Team = clamp(pResult->GetInteger(1), -1, 1); int Delay = pResult->NumArguments() > 2 ? pResult->GetInteger(2) : 0; if(!pSelf->m_apPlayers[ClientID]) return; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "moved client %d to team %d", ClientID, Team); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); pSelf->m_apPlayers[ClientID]->Pause(CPlayer::PAUSE_NONE, false); // reset /spec and /pause to allow rejoin pSelf->m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_TeamChangeTick = pSelf->Server()->Tick() + pSelf->Server()->TickSpeed() * Delay * 60; pSelf->m_pController->DoTeamChange(pSelf->m_apPlayers[ClientID], Team); if(Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) pSelf->m_apPlayers[ClientID]->Pause(CPlayer::PAUSE_NONE, true); } void CGameContext::ConSetTeamAll(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int Team = clamp(pResult->GetInteger(0), -1, 1); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "All players were moved to the %s", pSelf->m_pController->GetTeamName(Team)); pSelf->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); for(auto &pPlayer : pSelf->m_apPlayers) if(pPlayer) pSelf->m_pController->DoTeamChange(pPlayer, Team, false); } void CGameContext::ConAddVote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pDescription = pResult->GetString(0); const char *pCommand = pResult->GetString(1); pSelf->AddVote(pDescription, pCommand); } void CGameContext::AddVote(const char *pDescription, const char *pCommand) { if(m_NumVoteOptions == MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "maximum number of vote options reached"); return; } // check for valid option if(!Console()->LineIsValid(pCommand) || str_length(pCommand) >= VOTE_CMD_LENGTH) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "skipped invalid command '%s'", pCommand); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } while(*pDescription == ' ') pDescription++; if(str_length(pDescription) >= VOTE_DESC_LENGTH || *pDescription == 0) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "skipped invalid option '%s'", pDescription); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } // check for duplicate entry CVoteOptionServer *pOption = m_pVoteOptionFirst; while(pOption) { if(str_comp_nocase(pDescription, pOption->m_aDescription) == 0) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "option '%s' already exists", pDescription); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } pOption = pOption->m_pNext; } // add the option ++m_NumVoteOptions; int Len = str_length(pCommand); pOption = (CVoteOptionServer *)m_pVoteOptionHeap->Allocate(sizeof(CVoteOptionServer) + Len, alignof(CVoteOptionServer)); pOption->m_pNext = 0; pOption->m_pPrev = m_pVoteOptionLast; if(pOption->m_pPrev) pOption->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pOption; m_pVoteOptionLast = pOption; if(!m_pVoteOptionFirst) m_pVoteOptionFirst = pOption; str_copy(pOption->m_aDescription, pDescription, sizeof(pOption->m_aDescription)); mem_copy(pOption->m_aCommand, pCommand, Len + 1); } void CGameContext::ConRemoveVote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pDescription = pResult->GetString(0); // check for valid option CVoteOptionServer *pOption = pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst; while(pOption) { if(str_comp_nocase(pDescription, pOption->m_aDescription) == 0) break; pOption = pOption->m_pNext; } if(!pOption) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "option '%s' does not exist", pDescription); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } // start reloading vote option list // clear vote options CNetMsg_Sv_VoteClearOptions VoteClearOptionsMsg; pSelf->Server()->SendPackMsg(&VoteClearOptionsMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); // reset sending of vote options for(auto &pPlayer : pSelf->m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer) pPlayer->m_SendVoteIndex = 0; } // TODO: improve this // remove the option --pSelf->m_NumVoteOptions; CHeap *pVoteOptionHeap = new CHeap(); CVoteOptionServer *pVoteOptionFirst = 0; CVoteOptionServer *pVoteOptionLast = 0; int NumVoteOptions = pSelf->m_NumVoteOptions; for(CVoteOptionServer *pSrc = pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst; pSrc; pSrc = pSrc->m_pNext) { if(pSrc == pOption) continue; // copy option int Len = str_length(pSrc->m_aCommand); CVoteOptionServer *pDst = (CVoteOptionServer *)pVoteOptionHeap->Allocate(sizeof(CVoteOptionServer) + Len); pDst->m_pNext = 0; pDst->m_pPrev = pVoteOptionLast; if(pDst->m_pPrev) pDst->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pDst; pVoteOptionLast = pDst; if(!pVoteOptionFirst) pVoteOptionFirst = pDst; str_copy(pDst->m_aDescription, pSrc->m_aDescription, sizeof(pDst->m_aDescription)); mem_copy(pDst->m_aCommand, pSrc->m_aCommand, Len + 1); } // clean up delete pSelf->m_pVoteOptionHeap; pSelf->m_pVoteOptionHeap = pVoteOptionHeap; pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst = pVoteOptionFirst; pSelf->m_pVoteOptionLast = pVoteOptionLast; pSelf->m_NumVoteOptions = NumVoteOptions; } void CGameContext::ConForceVote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pType = pResult->GetString(0); const char *pValue = pResult->GetString(1); const char *pReason = pResult->NumArguments() > 2 && pResult->GetString(2)[0] ? pResult->GetString(2) : "No reason given"; char aBuf[128] = {0}; if(str_comp_nocase(pType, "option") == 0) { CVoteOptionServer *pOption = pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst; while(pOption) { if(str_comp_nocase(pValue, pOption->m_aDescription) == 0) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "authorized player forced server option '%s' (%s)", pValue, pReason); pSelf->SendChatTarget(-1, aBuf, CHAT_SIX); pSelf->Console()->ExecuteLine(pOption->m_aCommand); break; } pOption = pOption->m_pNext; } if(!pOption) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' isn't an option on this server", pValue); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } } else if(str_comp_nocase(pType, "kick") == 0) { int KickID = str_toint(pValue); if(KickID < 0 || KickID >= MAX_CLIENTS || !pSelf->m_apPlayers[KickID]) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "Invalid client id to kick"); return; } if(!g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "kick %d %s", KickID, pReason); pSelf->Console()->ExecuteLine(aBuf); } else { char aAddrStr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE] = {0}; pSelf->Server()->GetClientAddr(KickID, aAddrStr, sizeof(aAddrStr)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "ban %s %d %s", aAddrStr, g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime, pReason); pSelf->Console()->ExecuteLine(aBuf); } } else if(str_comp_nocase(pType, "spectate") == 0) { int SpectateID = str_toint(pValue); if(SpectateID < 0 || SpectateID >= MAX_CLIENTS || !pSelf->m_apPlayers[SpectateID] || pSelf->m_apPlayers[SpectateID]->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "Invalid client id to move"); return; } str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' was moved to spectator (%s)", pSelf->Server()->ClientName(SpectateID), pReason); pSelf->SendChatTarget(-1, aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "set_team %d -1 %d", SpectateID, g_Config.m_SvVoteSpectateRejoindelay); pSelf->Console()->ExecuteLine(aBuf); } } void CGameContext::ConClearVotes(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; CNetMsg_Sv_VoteClearOptions VoteClearOptionsMsg; pSelf->Server()->SendPackMsg(&VoteClearOptionsMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); pSelf->m_pVoteOptionHeap->Reset(); pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst = 0; pSelf->m_pVoteOptionLast = 0; pSelf->m_NumVoteOptions = 0; // reset sending of vote options for(auto &pPlayer : pSelf->m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer) pPlayer->m_SendVoteIndex = 0; } } struct CMapNameItem { char m_aName[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 4]; bool operator<(const CMapNameItem &Other) const { return str_comp_nocase(m_aName, Other.m_aName) < 0; } }; void CGameContext::ConAddMapVotes(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; std::vector vMapList; pSelf->Storage()->ListDirectory(IStorage::TYPE_ALL, "maps", MapScan, &vMapList); std::sort(vMapList.begin(), vMapList.end()); for(auto &Item : vMapList) { char aDescription[64]; str_format(aDescription, sizeof(aDescription), "Map: %s", Item.m_aName); char aCommand[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 2 + 10]; char aMapEscaped[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 2]; char *pDst = aMapEscaped; str_escape(&pDst, Item.m_aName, aMapEscaped + sizeof(aMapEscaped)); str_format(aCommand, sizeof(aCommand), "change_map \"%s\"", aMapEscaped); pSelf->AddVote(aDescription, aCommand); } pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "added maps to votes"); } int CGameContext::MapScan(const char *pName, int IsDir, int DirType, void *pUserData) { if(IsDir || !str_endswith(pName, ".map")) return 0; CMapNameItem Item; str_truncate(Item.m_aName, sizeof(Item.m_aName), pName, str_length(pName) - str_length(".map")); static_cast *>(pUserData)->push_back(Item); return 0; } void CGameContext::ConVote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "yes") == 0) pSelf->ForceVote(pResult->m_ClientID, true); else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "no") == 0) pSelf->ForceVote(pResult->m_ClientID, false); } void CGameContext::ConVotes(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int Page = pResult->NumArguments() > 0 ? pResult->GetInteger(0) : 0; static const int s_EntriesPerPage = 20; const int Start = Page * s_EntriesPerPage; const int End = (Page + 1) * s_EntriesPerPage; char aBuf[512]; int Count = 0; for(CVoteOptionServer *pOption = pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst; pOption; pOption = pOption->m_pNext, Count++) { if(Count < Start || Count >= End) { continue; } str_copy(aBuf, "add_vote \""); char *pDst = aBuf + str_length(aBuf); str_escape(&pDst, pOption->m_aDescription, aBuf + sizeof(aBuf)); str_append(aBuf, "\" \""); pDst = aBuf + str_length(aBuf); str_escape(&pDst, pOption->m_aCommand, aBuf + sizeof(aBuf)); str_append(aBuf, "\""); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "votes", aBuf); } str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d %s, showing entries %d - %d", Count, Count == 1 ? "vote" : "votes", Start, End - 1); pSelf->Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "votes", aBuf); } void CGameContext::ConchainSpecialMotdupdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->SendMotd(-1); } } void CGameContext::ConchainSettingUpdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->SendSettings(-1); } } void CGameContext::OnConsoleInit() { m_pServer = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConfig = Kernel()->RequestInterface()->Values(); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pEngine = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); Console()->Register("tune", "s[tuning] ?i[value]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConTuneParam, this, "Tune variable to value or show current value"); Console()->Register("toggle_tune", "s[tuning] i[value 1] i[value 2]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConToggleTuneParam, this, "Toggle tune variable"); Console()->Register("tune_reset", "?s[tuning]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTuneReset, this, "Reset all or one tuning variable to default"); Console()->Register("tunes", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTunes, this, "List all tuning variables and their values"); Console()->Register("tune_zone", "i[zone] s[tuning] i[value]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConTuneZone, this, "Tune in zone a variable to value"); Console()->Register("tune_zone_dump", "i[zone]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTuneDumpZone, this, "Dump zone tuning in zone x"); Console()->Register("tune_zone_reset", "?i[zone]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTuneResetZone, this, "reset zone tuning in zone x or in all zones"); Console()->Register("tune_zone_enter", "i[zone] r[message]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConTuneSetZoneMsgEnter, this, "which message to display on zone enter; use 0 for normal area"); Console()->Register("tune_zone_leave", "i[zone] r[message]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConTuneSetZoneMsgLeave, this, "which message to display on zone leave; use 0 for normal area"); Console()->Register("mapbug", "s[mapbug]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConMapbug, this, "Enable map compatibility mode using the specified bug (example: grenade-doubleexplosion@ddnet.tw)"); Console()->Register("switch_open", "i[switch]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_GAME, ConSwitchOpen, this, "Whether a switch is deactivated by default (otherwise activated)"); Console()->Register("pause_game", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConPause, this, "Pause/unpause game"); Console()->Register("change_map", "?r[map]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_STORE, ConChangeMap, this, "Change map"); Console()->Register("random_map", "?i[stars]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRandomMap, this, "Random map"); Console()->Register("random_unfinished_map", "?i[stars]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRandomUnfinishedMap, this, "Random unfinished map"); Console()->Register("restart", "?i[seconds]", CFGFLAG_SERVER | CFGFLAG_STORE, ConRestart, this, "Restart in x seconds (0 = abort)"); Console()->Register("broadcast", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConBroadcast, this, "Broadcast message"); Console()->Register("say", "r[message]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSay, this, "Say in chat"); Console()->Register("set_team", "i[id] i[team-id] ?i[delay in minutes]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetTeam, this, "Set team of player to team"); Console()->Register("set_team_all", "i[team-id]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetTeamAll, this, "Set team of all players to team"); Console()->Register("add_vote", "s[name] r[command]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConAddVote, this, "Add a voting option"); Console()->Register("remove_vote", "r[name]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConRemoveVote, this, "remove a voting option"); Console()->Register("force_vote", "s[name] s[command] ?r[reason]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConForceVote, this, "Force a voting option"); Console()->Register("clear_votes", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConClearVotes, this, "Clears the voting options"); Console()->Register("add_map_votes", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConAddMapVotes, this, "Automatically adds voting options for all maps"); Console()->Register("vote", "r['yes'|'no']", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConVote, this, "Force a vote to yes/no"); Console()->Register("votes", "?i[page]", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConVotes, this, "Show all votes (page 0 by default, 20 entries per page)"); Console()->Register("dump_antibot", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConDumpAntibot, this, "Dumps the antibot status"); Console()->Chain("sv_motd", ConchainSpecialMotdupdate, this); Console()->Chain("sv_vote_kick", ConchainSettingUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("sv_vote_kick_min", ConchainSettingUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("sv_vote_spectate", ConchainSettingUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("sv_spectator_slots", ConchainSettingUpdate, this); Console()->Chain("sv_max_clients", ConchainSettingUpdate, this); #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help) m_pConsole->Register(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help); #include #define CHAT_COMMAND(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help) m_pConsole->Register(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help); #include } void CGameContext::OnInit(const void *pPersistentData) { const CPersistentData *pPersistent = (const CPersistentData *)pPersistentData; m_pServer = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConfig = Kernel()->RequestInterface()->Values(); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pEngine = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pAntibot = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_World.SetGameServer(this); m_Events.SetGameServer(this); m_GameUuid = RandomUuid(); Console()->SetTeeHistorianCommandCallback(CommandCallback, this); uint64_t aSeed[2]; secure_random_fill(aSeed, sizeof(aSeed)); m_Prng.Seed(aSeed); m_World.m_Core.m_pPrng = &m_Prng; DeleteTempfile(); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_NETOBJTYPES; i++) Server()->SnapSetStaticsize(i, m_NetObjHandler.GetObjSize(i)); m_Layers.Init(Kernel()); m_Collision.Init(&m_Layers); m_World.m_pTuningList = m_aTuningList; m_World.m_Core.InitSwitchers(m_Collision.m_HighestSwitchNumber); char aMapName[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; int MapSize; SHA256_DIGEST MapSha256; int MapCrc; Server()->GetMapInfo(aMapName, sizeof(aMapName), &MapSize, &MapSha256, &MapCrc); m_MapBugs = GetMapBugs(aMapName, MapSize, MapSha256); // Reset Tunezones CTuningParams TuningParams; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TUNEZONES; i++) { TuningList()[i] = TuningParams; TuningList()[i].Set("gun_curvature", 0); TuningList()[i].Set("gun_speed", 1400); TuningList()[i].Set("shotgun_curvature", 0); TuningList()[i].Set("shotgun_speed", 500); TuningList()[i].Set("shotgun_speeddiff", 0); } for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TUNEZONES; i++) { // Send no text by default when changing tune zones. m_aaZoneEnterMsg[i][0] = 0; m_aaZoneLeaveMsg[i][0] = 0; } // Reset Tuning if(g_Config.m_SvTuneReset) { ResetTuning(); } else { Tuning()->Set("gun_speed", 1400); Tuning()->Set("gun_curvature", 0); Tuning()->Set("shotgun_speed", 500); Tuning()->Set("shotgun_speeddiff", 0); Tuning()->Set("shotgun_curvature", 0); } if(g_Config.m_SvDDRaceTuneReset) { g_Config.m_SvHit = 1; g_Config.m_SvEndlessDrag = 0; g_Config.m_SvOldLaser = 0; g_Config.m_SvOldTeleportHook = 0; g_Config.m_SvOldTeleportWeapons = 0; g_Config.m_SvTeleportHoldHook = 0; g_Config.m_SvTeam = SV_TEAM_ALLOWED; g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault = SHOW_OTHERS_OFF; for(auto &Switcher : Switchers()) Switcher.m_Initial = true; } Console()->ExecuteFile(g_Config.m_SvResetFile, -1); LoadMapSettings(); m_MapBugs.Dump(); if(g_Config.m_SvSoloServer) { g_Config.m_SvTeam = SV_TEAM_FORCED_SOLO; g_Config.m_SvShowOthersDefault = SHOW_OTHERS_ON; Tuning()->Set("player_collision", 0); Tuning()->Set("player_hooking", 0); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_TUNEZONES; i++) { TuningList()[i].Set("player_collision", 0); TuningList()[i].Set("player_hooking", 0); } } if(!str_comp(Config()->m_SvGametype, "mod")) m_pController = new CGameControllerMod(this); else m_pController = new CGameControllerDDRace(this); const char *pCensorFilename = "censorlist.txt"; IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(pCensorFilename, IOFLAG_READ | IOFLAG_SKIP_BOM, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); if(!File) { dbg_msg("censorlist", "failed to open '%s'", pCensorFilename); } else { CLineReader LineReader; LineReader.Init(File); char *pLine; while((pLine = LineReader.Get())) { m_vCensorlist.emplace_back(pLine); } io_close(File); } m_TeeHistorianActive = g_Config.m_SvTeeHistorian; if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { char aGameUuid[UUID_MAXSTRSIZE]; FormatUuid(m_GameUuid, aGameUuid, sizeof(aGameUuid)); char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "teehistorian/%s.teehistorian", aGameUuid); IOHANDLE THFile = Storage()->OpenFile(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(!THFile) { dbg_msg("teehistorian", "failed to open '%s'", aFilename); Server()->SetErrorShutdown("teehistorian open error"); return; } else { dbg_msg("teehistorian", "recording to '%s'", aFilename); } m_pTeeHistorianFile = aio_new(THFile); char aVersion[128]; if(GIT_SHORTREV_HASH) { str_format(aVersion, sizeof(aVersion), "%s (%s)", GAME_VERSION, GIT_SHORTREV_HASH); } else { str_copy(aVersion, GAME_VERSION); } CTeeHistorian::CGameInfo GameInfo; GameInfo.m_GameUuid = m_GameUuid; GameInfo.m_pServerVersion = aVersion; GameInfo.m_StartTime = time(0); GameInfo.m_pPrngDescription = m_Prng.Description(); GameInfo.m_pServerName = g_Config.m_SvName; GameInfo.m_ServerPort = Server()->Port(); GameInfo.m_pGameType = m_pController->m_pGameType; GameInfo.m_pConfig = &g_Config; GameInfo.m_pTuning = Tuning(); GameInfo.m_pUuids = &g_UuidManager; GameInfo.m_pMapName = aMapName; GameInfo.m_MapSize = MapSize; GameInfo.m_MapSha256 = MapSha256; GameInfo.m_MapCrc = MapCrc; if(pPersistent) { GameInfo.m_HavePrevGameUuid = true; GameInfo.m_PrevGameUuid = pPersistent->m_PrevGameUuid; } else { GameInfo.m_HavePrevGameUuid = false; mem_zero(&GameInfo.m_PrevGameUuid, sizeof(GameInfo.m_PrevGameUuid)); } m_TeeHistorian.Reset(&GameInfo, TeeHistorianWrite, this); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { int Level = Server()->GetAuthedState(i); if(Level) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordAuthInitial(i, Level, Server()->GetAuthName(i)); } } } if(!m_pScore) { m_pScore = new CScore(this, ((CServer *)Server())->DbPool()); } // create all entities from the game layer CreateAllEntities(true); if(GIT_SHORTREV_HASH) Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "git-revision", GIT_SHORTREV_HASH); m_pAntibot->RoundStart(this); #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { for(int i = 0; i < g_Config.m_DbgDummies; i++) { OnClientConnected(MAX_CLIENTS - i - 1, 0); } } #endif } void CGameContext::CreateAllEntities(bool Initial) { const CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTileMap = m_Layers.GameLayer(); const CTile *pTiles = static_cast(Kernel()->RequestInterface()->GetData(pTileMap->m_Data)); const CTile *pFront = nullptr; if(m_Layers.FrontLayer()) pFront = static_cast(Kernel()->RequestInterface()->GetData(m_Layers.FrontLayer()->m_Front)); const CSwitchTile *pSwitch = nullptr; if(m_Layers.SwitchLayer()) pSwitch = static_cast(Kernel()->RequestInterface()->GetData(m_Layers.SwitchLayer()->m_Switch)); for(int y = 0; y < pTileMap->m_Height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < pTileMap->m_Width; x++) { const int Index = y * pTileMap->m_Width + x; // Game layer { const int GameIndex = pTiles[Index].m_Index; if(GameIndex == TILE_OLDLASER) { g_Config.m_SvOldLaser = 1; dbg_msg("game_layer", "found old laser tile"); } else if(GameIndex == TILE_NPC) { m_Tuning.Set("player_collision", 0); dbg_msg("game_layer", "found no collision tile"); } else if(GameIndex == TILE_EHOOK) { g_Config.m_SvEndlessDrag = 1; dbg_msg("game_layer", "found unlimited hook time tile"); } else if(GameIndex == TILE_NOHIT) { g_Config.m_SvHit = 0; dbg_msg("game_layer", "found no weapons hitting others tile"); } else if(GameIndex == TILE_NPH) { m_Tuning.Set("player_hooking", 0); dbg_msg("game_layer", "found no player hooking tile"); } else if(GameIndex >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { m_pController->OnEntity(GameIndex - ENTITY_OFFSET, x, y, LAYER_GAME, pTiles[Index].m_Flags, Initial); } } if(pFront) { const int FrontIndex = pFront[Index].m_Index; if(FrontIndex == TILE_OLDLASER) { g_Config.m_SvOldLaser = 1; dbg_msg("front_layer", "found old laser tile"); } else if(FrontIndex == TILE_NPC) { m_Tuning.Set("player_collision", 0); dbg_msg("front_layer", "found no collision tile"); } else if(FrontIndex == TILE_EHOOK) { g_Config.m_SvEndlessDrag = 1; dbg_msg("front_layer", "found unlimited hook time tile"); } else if(FrontIndex == TILE_NOHIT) { g_Config.m_SvHit = 0; dbg_msg("front_layer", "found no weapons hitting others tile"); } else if(FrontIndex == TILE_NPH) { m_Tuning.Set("player_hooking", 0); dbg_msg("front_layer", "found no player hooking tile"); } else if(FrontIndex >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { m_pController->OnEntity(FrontIndex - ENTITY_OFFSET, x, y, LAYER_FRONT, pFront[Index].m_Flags, Initial); } } if(pSwitch) { const int SwitchType = pSwitch[Index].m_Type; // TODO: Add off by default door here // if(SwitchType == TILE_DOOR_OFF) if(SwitchType >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { m_pController->OnEntity(SwitchType - ENTITY_OFFSET, x, y, LAYER_SWITCH, pSwitch[Index].m_Flags, Initial, pSwitch[Index].m_Number); } } } } } void CGameContext::DeleteTempfile() { if(m_aDeleteTempfile[0] != 0) { Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aDeleteTempfile, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); m_aDeleteTempfile[0] = 0; } } void CGameContext::OnMapChange(char *pNewMapName, int MapNameSize) { char aConfig[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aConfig, sizeof(aConfig), "maps/%s.cfg", g_Config.m_SvMap); IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(aConfig, IOFLAG_READ | IOFLAG_SKIP_BOM, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); if(!File) { // No map-specific config, just return. return; } CLineReader LineReader; LineReader.Init(File); std::vector vLines; char *pLine; int TotalLength = 0; while((pLine = LineReader.Get())) { int Length = str_length(pLine) + 1; char *pCopy = (char *)malloc(Length); mem_copy(pCopy, pLine, Length); vLines.push_back(pCopy); TotalLength += Length; } io_close(File); char *pSettings = (char *)malloc(maximum(1, TotalLength)); int Offset = 0; for(auto &Line : vLines) { int Length = str_length(Line) + 1; mem_copy(pSettings + Offset, Line, Length); Offset += Length; free(Line); } CDataFileReader Reader; Reader.Open(Storage(), pNewMapName, IStorage::TYPE_ALL); CDataFileWriter Writer; int SettingsIndex = Reader.NumData(); bool FoundInfo = false; for(int i = 0; i < Reader.NumItems(); i++) { int TypeID; int ItemID; void *pData = Reader.GetItem(i, &TypeID, &ItemID); int Size = Reader.GetItemSize(i); CMapItemInfoSettings MapInfo; if(TypeID == MAPITEMTYPE_INFO && ItemID == 0) { FoundInfo = true; if(Size >= (int)sizeof(CMapItemInfoSettings)) { CMapItemInfoSettings *pInfo = (CMapItemInfoSettings *)pData; if(pInfo->m_Settings > -1) { SettingsIndex = pInfo->m_Settings; char *pMapSettings = (char *)Reader.GetData(SettingsIndex); int DataSize = Reader.GetDataSize(SettingsIndex); if(DataSize == TotalLength && mem_comp(pSettings, pMapSettings, DataSize) == 0) { // Configs coincide, no need to update map. free(pSettings); return; } Reader.UnloadData(pInfo->m_Settings); } else { MapInfo = *pInfo; MapInfo.m_Settings = SettingsIndex; pData = &MapInfo; Size = sizeof(MapInfo); } } else { *(CMapItemInfo *)&MapInfo = *(CMapItemInfo *)pData; MapInfo.m_Settings = SettingsIndex; pData = &MapInfo; Size = sizeof(MapInfo); } } Writer.AddItem(TypeID, ItemID, Size, pData); } if(!FoundInfo) { CMapItemInfoSettings Info; Info.m_Version = 1; Info.m_Author = -1; Info.m_MapVersion = -1; Info.m_Credits = -1; Info.m_License = -1; Info.m_Settings = SettingsIndex; Writer.AddItem(MAPITEMTYPE_INFO, 0, sizeof(Info), &Info); } for(int i = 0; i < Reader.NumData() || i == SettingsIndex; i++) { if(i == SettingsIndex) { Writer.AddData(TotalLength, pSettings); continue; } const void *pData = Reader.GetData(i); int Size = Reader.GetDataSize(i); Writer.AddData(Size, pData); Reader.UnloadData(i); } dbg_msg("mapchange", "imported settings"); free(pSettings); Reader.Close(); char aTemp[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; Writer.Open(Storage(), IStorage::FormatTmpPath(aTemp, sizeof(aTemp), pNewMapName)); Writer.Finish(); str_copy(pNewMapName, aTemp, MapNameSize); str_copy(m_aDeleteTempfile, aTemp, sizeof(m_aDeleteTempfile)); } void CGameContext::OnShutdown(void *pPersistentData) { CPersistentData *pPersistent = (CPersistentData *)pPersistentData; if(pPersistent) { pPersistent->m_PrevGameUuid = m_GameUuid; } Antibot()->RoundEnd(); if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { m_TeeHistorian.Finish(); aio_close(m_pTeeHistorianFile); aio_wait(m_pTeeHistorianFile); int Error = aio_error(m_pTeeHistorianFile); if(Error) { dbg_msg("teehistorian", "error closing file, err=%d", Error); Server()->SetErrorShutdown("teehistorian close error"); } aio_free(m_pTeeHistorianFile); } DeleteTempfile(); Console()->ResetGameSettings(); Collision()->Dest(); delete m_pController; m_pController = 0; Clear(); } void CGameContext::LoadMapSettings() { IMap *pMap = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); int Start, Num; pMap->GetType(MAPITEMTYPE_INFO, &Start, &Num); for(int i = Start; i < Start + Num; i++) { int ItemID; CMapItemInfoSettings *pItem = (CMapItemInfoSettings *)pMap->GetItem(i, nullptr, &ItemID); int ItemSize = pMap->GetItemSize(i); if(!pItem || ItemID != 0) continue; if(ItemSize < (int)sizeof(CMapItemInfoSettings)) break; if(!(pItem->m_Settings > -1)) break; int Size = pMap->GetDataSize(pItem->m_Settings); char *pSettings = (char *)pMap->GetData(pItem->m_Settings); char *pNext = pSettings; while(pNext < pSettings + Size) { int StrSize = str_length(pNext) + 1; Console()->ExecuteLine(pNext, IConsole::CLIENT_ID_GAME); pNext += StrSize; } pMap->UnloadData(pItem->m_Settings); break; } char aBuf[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "maps/%s.map.cfg", g_Config.m_SvMap); Console()->ExecuteFile(aBuf, IConsole::CLIENT_ID_NO_GAME); } void CGameContext::OnSnap(int ClientID) { // add tuning to demo CTuningParams StandardTuning; if(Server()->IsRecording(ClientID > -1 ? ClientID : MAX_CLIENTS) && mem_comp(&StandardTuning, &m_Tuning, sizeof(CTuningParams)) != 0) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_TUNEPARAMS); int *pParams = (int *)&m_Tuning; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(m_Tuning) / sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(pParams[i]); Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_RECORD | MSGFLAG_NOSEND, ClientID); } m_pController->Snap(ClientID); for(auto &pPlayer : m_apPlayers) { if(pPlayer) pPlayer->Snap(ClientID); } if(ClientID > -1) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->FakeSnap(); m_World.Snap(ClientID); m_Events.Snap(ClientID); } void CGameContext::OnPreSnap() {} void CGameContext::OnPostSnap() { m_Events.Clear(); } void CGameContext::UpdatePlayerMaps() { const auto DistCompare = [](std::pair a, std::pair b) -> bool { return (a.first < b.first); }; if(Server()->Tick() % g_Config.m_SvMapUpdateRate != 0) return; std::pair Dist[MAX_CLIENTS]; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!Server()->ClientIngame(i)) continue; if(Server()->GetClientVersion(i) >= VERSION_DDNET_OLD) continue; int *pMap = Server()->GetIdMap(i); // compute distances for(int j = 0; j < MAX_CLIENTS; j++) { Dist[j].second = j; if(j == i) continue; if(!Server()->ClientIngame(j) || !m_apPlayers[j]) { Dist[j].first = 1e10; continue; } CCharacter *pChr = m_apPlayers[j]->GetCharacter(); if(!pChr) { Dist[j].first = 1e9; continue; } if(!pChr->CanSnapCharacter(i)) Dist[j].first = 1e8; else Dist[j].first = length_squared(m_apPlayers[i]->m_ViewPos - pChr->GetPos()); } // always send the player themselves, even if all in same position Dist[i].first = -1; std::nth_element(&Dist[0], &Dist[VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1], &Dist[MAX_CLIENTS], DistCompare); int Index = 1; // exclude self client id for(int j = 0; j < VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1; j++) { pMap[j + 1] = -1; // also fill player with empty name to say chat msgs if(Dist[j].second == i || Dist[j].first > 5e9f) continue; pMap[Index++] = Dist[j].second; } // sort by real client ids, guarantee order on distance changes, O(Nlog(N)) worst case // sort just clients in game always except first (self client id) and last (fake client id) indexes std::sort(&pMap[1], &pMap[minimum(Index, VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS - 1)]); } } bool CGameContext::IsClientReady(int ClientID) const { return m_apPlayers[ClientID] && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_IsReady; } bool CGameContext::IsClientPlayer(int ClientID) const { return m_apPlayers[ClientID] && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATORS; } CUuid CGameContext::GameUuid() const { return m_GameUuid; } const char *CGameContext::GameType() const { return m_pController && m_pController->m_pGameType ? m_pController->m_pGameType : ""; } const char *CGameContext::Version() const { return GAME_VERSION; } const char *CGameContext::NetVersion() const { return GAME_NETVERSION; } IGameServer *CreateGameServer() { return new CGameContext; } void CGameContext::OnSetAuthed(int ClientID, int Level) { if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]) { char aBuf[512], aIP[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE]; Server()->GetClientAddr(ClientID, aIP, sizeof(aIP)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "ban %s %d Banned by vote", aIP, g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime); if(!str_comp_nocase(m_aVoteCommand, aBuf) && Level > Server()->GetAuthedState(m_VoteCreator)) { m_VoteEnforce = CGameContext::VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN; Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "CGameContext", "Vote aborted by authorized login."); } } if(m_TeeHistorianActive) { if(Level) { m_TeeHistorian.RecordAuthLogin(ClientID, Level, Server()->GetAuthName(ClientID)); } else { m_TeeHistorian.RecordAuthLogout(ClientID); } } } void CGameContext::SendRecord(int ClientID) { CNetMsg_Sv_Record Msg; CNetMsg_Sv_RecordLegacy MsgLegacy; MsgLegacy.m_PlayerTimeBest = Msg.m_PlayerTimeBest = Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_BestTime * 100.0f; MsgLegacy.m_ServerTimeBest = Msg.m_ServerTimeBest = m_pController->m_CurrentRecord * 100.0f; //TODO: finish this Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); if(!Server()->IsSixup(ClientID) && GetClientVersion(ClientID) < VERSION_DDNET_MSG_LEGACY) { Server()->SendPackMsg(&MsgLegacy, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } } bool CGameContext::ProcessSpamProtection(int ClientID, bool RespectChatInitialDelay) { if(!m_apPlayers[ClientID]) return false; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastChat && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastChat + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvChatDelay > Server()->Tick()) return true; else if(g_Config.m_SvDnsblChat && Server()->DnsblBlack(ClientID)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Players are not allowed to chat from VPNs at this time"); return true; } else m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastChat = Server()->Tick(); NETADDR Addr; Server()->GetClientAddr(ClientID, &Addr); CMute Muted; int Expires = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumMutes && Expires <= 0; i++) { if(!net_addr_comp_noport(&Addr, &m_aMutes[i].m_Addr)) { if(RespectChatInitialDelay || m_aMutes[i].m_InitialChatDelay) { Muted = m_aMutes[i]; Expires = (m_aMutes[i].m_Expire - Server()->Tick()) / Server()->TickSpeed(); } } } if(Expires > 0) { char aBuf[128]; if(Muted.m_InitialChatDelay) str_format(aBuf, sizeof aBuf, "This server has an initial chat delay, you will be able to talk in %d seconds.", Expires); else str_format(aBuf, sizeof aBuf, "You are not permitted to talk for the next %d seconds.", Expires); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); return true; } if(g_Config.m_SvSpamMuteDuration && (m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_ChatScore += g_Config.m_SvChatPenalty) > g_Config.m_SvChatThreshold) { Mute(&Addr, g_Config.m_SvSpamMuteDuration, Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_ChatScore = 0; return true; } return false; } int CGameContext::GetDDRaceTeam(int ClientID) { return m_pController->Teams().m_Core.Team(ClientID); } void CGameContext::ResetTuning() { CTuningParams TuningParams; m_Tuning = TuningParams; Tuning()->Set("gun_speed", 1400); Tuning()->Set("gun_curvature", 0); Tuning()->Set("shotgun_speed", 500); Tuning()->Set("shotgun_speeddiff", 0); Tuning()->Set("shotgun_curvature", 0); SendTuningParams(-1); } bool CheckClientID2(int ClientID) { return ClientID >= 0 && ClientID < MAX_CLIENTS; } void CGameContext::Whisper(int ClientID, char *pStr) { if(ProcessSpamProtection(ClientID)) return; pStr = str_skip_whitespaces(pStr); char *pName; int Victim; bool Error = false; // add token if(*pStr == '"') { pStr++; pName = pStr; char *pDst = pStr; // we might have to process escape data while(true) { if(pStr[0] == '"') { break; } else if(pStr[0] == '\\') { if(pStr[1] == '\\') pStr++; // skip due to escape else if(pStr[1] == '"') pStr++; // skip due to escape } else if(pStr[0] == 0) { Error = true; break; } *pDst = *pStr; pDst++; pStr++; } if(!Error) { // write null termination *pDst = 0; pStr++; for(Victim = 0; Victim < MAX_CLIENTS; Victim++) if(str_comp(pName, Server()->ClientName(Victim)) == 0) break; } } else { pName = pStr; while(true) { if(pStr[0] == 0) { Error = true; break; } if(pStr[0] == ' ') { pStr[0] = 0; for(Victim = 0; Victim < MAX_CLIENTS; Victim++) if(str_comp(pName, Server()->ClientName(Victim)) == 0) break; pStr[0] = ' '; if(Victim < MAX_CLIENTS) break; } pStr++; } } if(pStr[0] != ' ') { Error = true; } *pStr = 0; pStr++; if(Error) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid whisper"); return; } if(Victim >= MAX_CLIENTS || !CheckClientID2(Victim)) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "No player with name \"%s\" found", pName); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); return; } WhisperID(ClientID, Victim, pStr); } void CGameContext::WhisperID(int ClientID, int VictimID, const char *pMessage) { if(!CheckClientID2(ClientID)) return; if(!CheckClientID2(VictimID)) return; if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_LastWhisperTo = VictimID; char aCensoredMessage[256]; CensorMessage(aCensoredMessage, pMessage, sizeof(aCensoredMessage)); char aBuf[256]; if(Server()->IsSixup(ClientID)) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; Msg.m_Mode = protocol7::CHAT_WHISPER; Msg.m_pMessage = aCensoredMessage; Msg.m_TargetID = VictimID; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } else if(GetClientVersion(ClientID) >= VERSION_DDNET_WHISPER) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = CHAT_WHISPER_SEND; Msg.m_ClientID = VictimID; Msg.m_pMessage = aCensoredMessage; if(g_Config.m_SvDemoChat) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); else Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, ClientID); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "[→ %s] %s", Server()->ClientName(VictimID), aCensoredMessage); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); } if(Server()->IsSixup(VictimID)) { protocol7::CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; Msg.m_Mode = protocol7::CHAT_WHISPER; Msg.m_pMessage = aCensoredMessage; Msg.m_TargetID = VictimID; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, VictimID); } else if(GetClientVersion(VictimID) >= VERSION_DDNET_WHISPER) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg2; Msg2.m_Team = CHAT_WHISPER_RECV; Msg2.m_ClientID = ClientID; Msg2.m_pMessage = aCensoredMessage; if(g_Config.m_SvDemoChat) Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg2, MSGFLAG_VITAL, VictimID); else Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg2, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_NORECORD, VictimID); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "[← %s] %s", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), aCensoredMessage); SendChatTarget(VictimID, aBuf); } } void CGameContext::Converse(int ClientID, char *pStr) { CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(!pPlayer) return; if(ProcessSpamProtection(ClientID)) return; if(pPlayer->m_LastWhisperTo < 0) SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You do not have an ongoing conversation. Whisper to someone to start one"); else { WhisperID(ClientID, pPlayer->m_LastWhisperTo, pStr); } } bool CGameContext::IsVersionBanned(int Version) { char aVersion[16]; str_from_int(Version, aVersion); return str_in_list(g_Config.m_SvBannedVersions, ",", aVersion); } void CGameContext::List(int ClientID, const char *pFilter) { int Total = 0; char aBuf[256]; int Bufcnt = 0; if(pFilter[0]) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Listing players with \"%s\" in name:", pFilter); else str_copy(aBuf, "Listing all players:"); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) { Total++; const char *pName = Server()->ClientName(i); if(str_utf8_find_nocase(pName, pFilter) == NULL) continue; if(Bufcnt + str_length(pName) + 4 > 256) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); Bufcnt = 0; } if(Bufcnt != 0) { str_format(&aBuf[Bufcnt], sizeof(aBuf) - Bufcnt, ", %s", pName); Bufcnt += 2 + str_length(pName); } else { str_copy(&aBuf[Bufcnt], pName, sizeof(aBuf) - Bufcnt); Bufcnt += str_length(pName); } } } if(Bufcnt != 0) SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d players online", Total); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); } int CGameContext::GetClientVersion(int ClientID) const { return Server()->GetClientVersion(ClientID); } CClientMask CGameContext::ClientsMaskExcludeClientVersionAndHigher(int Version) { CClientMask Mask; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) { if(GetClientVersion(i) >= Version) continue; Mask.set(i); } return Mask; } bool CGameContext::PlayerModerating() const { return std::any_of(std::begin(m_apPlayers), std::end(m_apPlayers), [](const CPlayer *pPlayer) { return pPlayer && pPlayer->m_Moderating; }); } void CGameContext::ForceVote(int EnforcerID, bool Success) { // check if there is a vote running if(!m_VoteCloseTime) return; m_VoteEnforce = Success ? CGameContext::VOTE_ENFORCE_YES_ADMIN : CGameContext::VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN; m_VoteEnforcer = EnforcerID; char aBuf[256]; const char *pOption = Success ? "yes" : "no"; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "authorized player forced vote %s", pOption); SendChatTarget(-1, aBuf); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "forcing vote %s", pOption); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); } bool CGameContext::RateLimitPlayerVote(int ClientID) { int64_t Now = Server()->Tick(); int64_t TickSpeed = Server()->TickSpeed(); CPlayer *pPlayer = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(g_Config.m_SvRconVote && !Server()->GetAuthedState(ClientID)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can only vote after logging in."); return true; } if(g_Config.m_SvDnsblVote && Server()->DistinctClientCount() > 1) { if(m_pServer->DnsblPending(ClientID)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You are not allowed to vote because we're currently checking for VPNs. Try again in ~30 seconds."); return true; } else if(m_pServer->DnsblBlack(ClientID)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You are not allowed to vote because you appear to be using a VPN. Try connecting without a VPN or contacting an admin if you think this is a mistake."); return true; } } if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && pPlayer->m_LastVoteTry && pPlayer->m_LastVoteTry + TickSpeed * 3 > Now) return true; pPlayer->m_LastVoteTry = Now; if(m_VoteCloseTime) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Wait for current vote to end before calling a new one."); return true; } if(Now < pPlayer->m_FirstVoteTick) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "You must wait %d seconds before making your first vote.", (int)((pPlayer->m_FirstVoteTick - Now) / TickSpeed) + 1); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); return true; } int TimeLeft = pPlayer->m_LastVoteCall + TickSpeed * g_Config.m_SvVoteDelay - Now; if(pPlayer->m_LastVoteCall && TimeLeft > 0) { char aChatmsg[64]; str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "You must wait %d seconds before making another vote.", (int)(TimeLeft / TickSpeed) + 1); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return true; } NETADDR Addr; Server()->GetClientAddr(ClientID, &Addr); int VoteMuted = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumVoteMutes && !VoteMuted; i++) if(!net_addr_comp_noport(&Addr, &m_aVoteMutes[i].m_Addr)) VoteMuted = (m_aVoteMutes[i].m_Expire - Server()->Tick()) / Server()->TickSpeed(); for(int i = 0; i < m_NumMutes && VoteMuted == 0; i++) { if(!net_addr_comp_noport(&Addr, &m_aMutes[i].m_Addr)) VoteMuted = (m_aMutes[i].m_Expire - Server()->Tick()) / Server()->TickSpeed(); } if(VoteMuted > 0) { char aChatmsg[64]; str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "You are not permitted to vote for the next %d seconds.", VoteMuted); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return true; } return false; } bool CGameContext::RateLimitPlayerMapVote(int ClientID) { if(!Server()->GetAuthedState(ClientID) && time_get() < m_LastMapVote + (time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvVoteMapTimeDelay)) { char aChatmsg[512] = {0}; str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "There's a %d second delay between map-votes, please wait %d seconds.", g_Config.m_SvVoteMapTimeDelay, (int)((m_LastMapVote + g_Config.m_SvVoteMapTimeDelay * time_freq() - time_get()) / time_freq())); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return true; } return false; } void CGameContext::OnUpdatePlayerServerInfo(char *aBuf, int BufSize, int ID) { if(BufSize <= 0) return; aBuf[0] = '\0'; if(!m_apPlayers[ID]) return; char aCSkinName[64]; CTeeInfo &TeeInfo = m_apPlayers[ID]->m_TeeInfos; char aJsonSkin[400]; aJsonSkin[0] = '\0'; if(!Server()->IsSixup(ID)) { // 0.6 if(TeeInfo.m_UseCustomColor) { str_format(aJsonSkin, sizeof(aJsonSkin), "\"name\":\"%s\"," "\"color_body\":%d," "\"color_feet\":%d", EscapeJson(aCSkinName, sizeof(aCSkinName), TeeInfo.m_aSkinName), TeeInfo.m_ColorBody, TeeInfo.m_ColorFeet); } else { str_format(aJsonSkin, sizeof(aJsonSkin), "\"name\":\"%s\"", EscapeJson(aCSkinName, sizeof(aCSkinName), TeeInfo.m_aSkinName)); } } else { const char *apPartNames[protocol7::NUM_SKINPARTS] = {"body", "marking", "decoration", "hands", "feet", "eyes"}; char aPartBuf[64]; for(int i = 0; i < protocol7::NUM_SKINPARTS; ++i) { str_format(aPartBuf, sizeof(aPartBuf), "%s\"%s\":{" "\"name\":\"%s\"", i == 0 ? "" : ",", apPartNames[i], EscapeJson(aCSkinName, sizeof(aCSkinName), TeeInfo.m_apSkinPartNames[i])); str_append(aJsonSkin, aPartBuf); if(TeeInfo.m_aUseCustomColors[i]) { str_format(aPartBuf, sizeof(aPartBuf), ",\"color\":%d", TeeInfo.m_aSkinPartColors[i]); str_append(aJsonSkin, aPartBuf); } str_append(aJsonSkin, "}"); } } str_format(aBuf, BufSize, ",\"skin\":{" "%s" "}," "\"afk\":%s," "\"team\":%d", aJsonSkin, JsonBool(m_apPlayers[ID]->IsAfk()), m_apPlayers[ID]->GetTeam()); }