import os, re, sys alphanum = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyxABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_" cpp_keywords = ["auto", "const", "double", "float", "int", "short", "struct", "unsigned", # C "break", "continue", "else", "for", "long", "signed", "switch", "void", "case", "default", "enum", "goto", "register", "sizeof", "typedef", "volatile", "char", "do", "extern", "if", "return", "static", "union", "while", "asm", "dynamic_cast", "namespace", "reinterpret_cast", "try", # C++ "bool", "explicit", "new", "static_cast", "typeid", "catch", "false", "operator", "template", "typename", "class", "friend", "private", "this", "using", "const_cast", "inline", "public", "throw", "virtual", "delete", "mutable", "protected", "true", "wchar_t"] allowed_words = [] #allowed_words += ["bitmap_left", "advance", "glyph"] # ft2 allowed_words += ["qsort"] # stdio / stdlib allowed_words += ["size_t", "cosf", "sinf", "asinf", "acosf", "atanf", "powf", "fabs", "rand", "powf", "fmod", "sqrtf"] # math.h allowed_words += ["time_t", "time", "strftime", "localtime"] # time.h allowed_words += [ # system.h "int64", "dbg_assert", "dbg_msg", "dbg_break", "dbg_logger_stdout", "dbg_logger_debugger", "dbg_logger_file", "mem_alloc", "mem_zero", "mem_free", "mem_copy", "mem_move", "mem_comp", "mem_stats", "total_allocations", "allocated", "thread_create", "thread_sleep", "lock_wait", "lock_create", "lock_release", "lock_destroy", "swap_endian", "io_open", "io_read", "io_read", "io_write", "io_flush", "io_close", "io_seek", "io_skip", "io_tell", "io_length", "str_comp", "str_length", "str_quickhash", "str_format", "str_copy", "str_comp_nocase", "str_sanitize", "str_append", "str_comp_num", "str_find_nocase", "str_sanitize_strong", "str_uppercase", "str_toint", "str_tofloat", "str_utf8_encode", "str_utf8_rewind", "str_utf8_forward", "str_utf8_decode", "str_sanitize_cc", "str_skip_whitespaces", "fs_makedir", "fs_listdir", "fs_storage_path", "fs_is_dir", "net_init", "net_addr_comp", "net_host_lookup", "net_addr_str", "type", "port", "net_addr_from_str", "net_udp_create", "net_udp_send", "net_udp_recv", "net_udp_close", "net_socket_read_wait", "net_stats", "sent_bytes", "recv_bytes", "recv_packets", "sent_packets", "time_get", "time_freq", "time_timestamp"] allowed_words += ["vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "round", "clamp", "length", "dot", "normalize", "frandom", "mix", "distance", "min", "closest_point_on_line", "max", "absolute"] # math.hpp allowed_words += [ # tl "array", "sorted_array", "string", "all", "sort", "add", "remove_index", "remove", "delete_all", "set_size", "base_ptr", "size", "swap", "empty", "front", "pop_front", "find_binary", "find_linear", "clear", "range", "end", "cstr", "partition_linear", "partition_binary"] allowed_words += ["fx2f", "f2fx"] # fixed point math def CheckIdentifier(ident): return False class Checker: def CheckStart(self, checker, filename): pass def CheckLine(self, checker, line): pass def CheckEnd(self, checker): pass class FilenameExtentionChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): self.allowed = [".cpp", ".h"] def CheckStart(self, checker, filename): ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext in self.allowed: checker.Error("file extension '%s' is not allowed" % ext) class IncludeChecker(Checker): def __init__(self): self.disallowed_headers = ["stdio.h", "stdlib.h", "string.h", "memory.h"] def CheckLine(self, checker, line): if "#include" in line: include_file = "" if '<' in line: include_file = line.split('<')[1].split(">")[0] #if not "/" in include_file: # checker.Error("%s is not allowed" % include_file) elif '"' in line: include_file = line.split('"')[1] #print include_file if include_file in self.disallowed_headers: checker.Error("%s is not allowed" % include_file) class HeaderGuardChecker(Checker): def CheckStart(self, checker, filename): self.check = ".h" in filename self.guard = "#ifndef " + filename[4:].replace("/", "_").replace(".hpp", "").replace(".h", "").upper() + "_H" def CheckLine(self, checker, line): if self.check: #if "#" in line: self.check = False #if not self.check: if line.strip() == self.guard: pass else: checker.Error("malformed or missing header guard. Should be '%s'" % self.guard) class CommentChecker(Checker): def CheckLine(self, checker, line): if line.strip()[-2:] == "*/" and "/*" in line: checker.Error("single line multiline comment") class FileChecker: def __init__(self): self.checkers = [] self.checkers += [FilenameExtentionChecker()] self.checkers += [HeaderGuardChecker()] self.checkers += [IncludeChecker()] self.checkers += [CommentChecker()] def Error(self, errormessage): self.current_errors += [(self.current_line, errormessage)] def CheckLine(self, line): for c in self.checkers: c.CheckLine(self, line) return True def CheckFile(self, filename): self.current_file = filename self.current_line = 0 self.current_errors = [] for c in self.checkers: c.CheckStart(self, filename) for line in file(filename).readlines(): self.current_line += 1 if "ignore_check" in line: continue self.CheckLine(line) for c in self.checkers: c.CheckEnd(self) def GetErrors(self): return self.current_errors def cstrip(lines): d = "" for l in lines: if "ignore_convention" in l: continue l = re.sub("^[\t ]*#.*", "", l) l = re.sub("//.*", "", l) l = re.sub('\".*?\"', '"String"', l) # remove strings d += l.strip() + " " d = re.sub('\/\*.*?\*\/', "", d) # remove /* */ comments d = d.replace("\t", " ") # tab to space d = re.sub(" *", " ", d) # remove double spaces #d = re.sub("", "", d) # remove /* */ comments d = d.strip() # this eats up cases like 'n {' i = 1 while i < len(d)-2: if d[i] == ' ': if not (d[i-1] in alphanum and d[i+1] in alphanum): d = d[:i] + d[i+1:] i += 1 return d #def stripstrings(data): # return re.sub('\".*?\"', 'STRING', data) def get_identifiers(data): idents = {} data = " "+data+" " regexp = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[^a-zA-Z0-9_]") start = 0 while 1: m =, start) if m == None: break start = m.end()-1 name = data[m.start()+1:m.end()-1] if name in idents: idents[name] += 1 else: idents[name] = 1 return idents grand_total = 0 grand_offenders = 0 gen_html = 1 if gen_html: print "
" print '' print "" print "" print '' print '
' print '
% | # | File | Offenders |
%s, %d errors | |||
%d | %s |
%d%% | %d | %s | ' % (color, done, offenders, filename), print '%s | ' % offender_string print "