/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef GAME_SERVER_ENTITIES_CHARACTER_H #define GAME_SERVER_ENTITIES_CHARACTER_H #include #include #include #include enum { WEAPON_GAME = -3, // team switching etc WEAPON_SELF = -2, // console kill command WEAPON_WORLD = -1, // death tiles etc }; class CCharacter : public CEntity { MACRO_ALLOC_POOL_ID() public: //character's size static const int ms_PhysSize = 28; CCharacter(CGameWorld *pWorld); virtual void Reset(); virtual void Destroy(); virtual void Tick(); virtual void TickDefered(); virtual void Snap(int SnappingClient); bool IsGrounded(); void SetWeapon(int W); void HandleWeaponSwitch(); void DoWeaponSwitch(); void HandleWeapons(); void HandleNinja(); void OnPredictedInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput); void OnDirectInput(CNetObj_PlayerInput *pNewInput); void ResetInput(); void FireWeapon(); void Die(int Killer, int Weapon); bool TakeDamage(vec2 Force, int Dmg, int From, int Weapon); bool Spawn(class CPlayer *pPlayer, vec2 Pos); bool Remove(); bool IncreaseHealth(int Amount); bool IncreaseArmor(int Amount); bool GiveWeapon(int Weapon, int Ammo); void GiveNinja(); void SetEmote(int Emote, int Tick); bool IsAlive() const { return m_Alive; } class CPlayer *GetPlayer() { return m_pPlayer; } private: // player controlling this character class CPlayer *m_pPlayer; bool m_Alive; // weapon info CEntity *m_apHitObjects[10]; int m_NumObjectsHit; struct WeaponStat { int m_AmmoRegenStart; int m_Ammo; int m_Ammocost; bool m_Got; } m_aWeapons[NUM_WEAPONS]; int m_ActiveWeapon; int m_LastWeapon; int m_QueuedWeapon; int m_ReloadTimer; int m_AttackTick; int m_DamageTaken; int m_EmoteType; int m_EmoteStop; // last tick that the player took any action ie some input int m_LastAction; // these are non-heldback inputs CNetObj_PlayerInput m_LatestPrevInput; CNetObj_PlayerInput m_LatestInput; // input CNetObj_PlayerInput m_PrevInput; CNetObj_PlayerInput m_Input; int m_NumInputs; int m_Jumped; int m_DamageTakenTick; int m_Health; int m_Armor; // ninja struct { vec2 m_ActivationDir; int m_ActivationTick; int m_CurrentMoveTime; int m_OldVelAmount; } m_Ninja; // the player core for the physics CCharacterCore m_Core; // info for dead reckoning int m_ReckoningTick; // tick that we are performing dead reckoning From CCharacterCore m_SendCore; // core that we should send CCharacterCore m_ReckoningCore; // the dead reckoning core }; #endif