Ogg = { basepath = PathDir(ModuleFilename()), OptFind = function (name, required) local check = function(option, settings) option.value = false option.lib_path = nil if IsNegativeTerm(ScriptArgs[name .. ".use_pkgconfig"]) then option.use_pkgconfig = false elseif IsPositiveTerm(ScriptArgs[name .. ".use_pkgconfig"]) then option.use_pkgconfig = true end if family ~= "windows" and ExecuteSilent("pkg-config ogg") == 0 then option.value = true if option.use_pkgconfig == nil then option.use_pkgconfig = true end end if option.use_pkgconfig == nil then option.use_pkgconfig = false end if platform == "win32" then option.value = true elseif platform == "win64" then option.value = true elseif platform == "macosx" and string.find(settings.config_name, "32") then option.value = true elseif platform == "macosx" and string.find(settings.config_name, "64") then option.value = true elseif platform == "linux" and arch == "ia32" then option.value = true elseif platform == "linux" and arch == "amd64" then option.value = true end end local apply = function(option, settings) if option.use_pkgconfig == true then settings.cc.flags:Add("`pkg-config --cflags ogg`") settings.link.flags:Add("`pkg-config --libs ogg`") else settings.cc.includes:Add(Ogg.basepath .. "/include") settings.cc.includes:Add(Ogg.basepath .. "/include/ogg") if family ~= "windows" then settings.link.libs:Add("ogg") end if platform == "win32" then client_settings.link.libpath:Add("other/opus/windows/lib32") elseif platform == "win64" then client_settings.link.libpath:Add("other/opus/windows/lib64") elseif platform == "macosx" and string.find(settings.config_name, "32") then client_settings.link.libpath:Add("other/opus/mac/lib32") elseif platform == "macosx" and string.find(settings.config_name, "64") then client_settings.link.libpath:Add("other/opus/mac/lib64") elseif platform == "linux" then client_settings.link.libpath:Add("other/opus/linux/lib64") client_settings.link.libpath:Add("other/opus/linux/lib32") end end end local save = function(option, output) output:option(option, "value") output:option(option, "use_pkgconfig") end local display = function(option) if option.value == true then if option.use_pkgconfig == true then return "using pkg-config" end return "using bundled libs" else if option.required then return "not found (required)" else return "not found (optional)" end end end local o = MakeOption(name, 0, check, save, display) o.Apply = apply o.include_path = nil o.lib_path = nil o.required = required return o end }