/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include static char application_save_path[512] = {0}; const char *engine_savepath(const char *filename, char *buffer, int max) { sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s", application_save_path, filename); return buffer; } void engine_init(const char *appname, int argc, char **argv) { dbg_msg("engine", "running on %s-%s-%s", CONF_FAMILY_STRING, CONF_PLATFORM_STRING, CONF_ARCH_STRING); #ifdef CONF_ARCH_ENDIAN_LITTLE dbg_msg("engine", "arch is little endian"); #elif defined(CONF_ARCH_ENDIAN_BIG) dbg_msg("engine", "arch is big endian"); #else dbg_msg("engine", "unknown endian"); #endif /* init the network */ net_init(); /* create storage location */ { char path[1024] = {0}; fs_storage_path(appname, application_save_path, sizeof(application_save_path)); if(fs_makedir(application_save_path) == 0) { strcpy(path, application_save_path); strcat(path, "/screenshots"); fs_makedir(path); } } /* reset the config */ config_reset(); /* load the configuration */ { int i; int abs = 0; const char *config_filename = "default.cfg"; char buf[1024]; for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'f' && argv[i][2] == 0 && argc - i > 1) { config_filename = argv[i+1]; abs = 1; i++; } } if(abs) config_load(config_filename); else config_load(engine_savepath(config_filename, buf, sizeof(buf))); } /* search arguments for overrides */ { int i; for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) config_set(argv[i]); } } void engine_writeconfig() { char buf[1024]; config_save(engine_savepath("default.cfg", buf, sizeof(buf))); } static int perf_tick = 1; static PERFORMACE_INFO *current = 0; void perf_init() { } void perf_next() { perf_tick++; current = 0; } void perf_start(PERFORMACE_INFO *info) { if(info->tick != perf_tick) { info->parent = current; info->first_child = 0; info->next_child = 0; if(info->parent) { info->next_child = info->parent->first_child; info->parent->first_child = info; } info->tick = perf_tick; info->biggest = 0; info->total = 0; } current = info; current->start = time_get(); } void perf_end() { current->last_delta = time_get()-current->start; current->total += current->last_delta; if(current->last_delta > current->biggest) current->biggest = current->last_delta; current = current->parent; } static void perf_dump_imp(PERFORMACE_INFO *info, int indent) { char buf[512] = {0}; int64 freq = time_freq(); int i; for(i = 0; i < indent; i++) buf[i] = ' '; sprintf(&buf[indent], "%-20s %8.2f %8.2f", info->name, info->total*1000/(float)freq, info->biggest*1000/(float)freq); dbg_msg("perf", "%s", buf); info = info->first_child; while(info) { perf_dump_imp(info, indent+2); info = info->next_child; } } void perf_dump(PERFORMACE_INFO *top) { perf_dump_imp(top, 0); }