/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "client.h" #include "demoedit.h" #include "friends.h" #include "notifications.h" #include "serverbrowser.h" #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) #include "video.h" #endif #include "SDL.h" #ifdef main #undef main #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; static const ColorRGBA gs_ClientNetworkPrintColor{0.7f, 1, 0.7f, 1.0f}; static const ColorRGBA gs_ClientNetworkErrPrintColor{1.0f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f}; CClient::CClient() : m_DemoPlayer(&m_SnapshotDelta, true, [&]() { UpdateDemoIntraTimers(); }), m_InputtimeMarginGraph(128), m_GametimeMarginGraph(128), m_FpsGraph(4096) { m_StateStartTime = time_get(); for(auto &DemoRecorder : m_aDemoRecorder) DemoRecorder = CDemoRecorder(&m_SnapshotDelta); m_LastRenderTime = time_get(); mem_zero(m_aInputs, sizeof(m_aInputs)); mem_zero(m_aapSnapshots, sizeof(m_aapSnapshots)); for(auto &SnapshotStorage : m_aSnapshotStorage) SnapshotStorage.Init(); mem_zero(m_aDemorecSnapshotHolders, sizeof(m_aDemorecSnapshotHolders)); mem_zero(&m_CurrentServerInfo, sizeof(m_CurrentServerInfo)); mem_zero(&m_Checksum, sizeof(m_Checksum)); for(auto &GameTime : m_aGameTime) GameTime.Init(0); m_PredictedTime.Init(0); } // ----- send functions ----- static inline bool RepackMsg(const CMsgPacker *pMsg, CPacker &Packer) { Packer.Reset(); if(pMsg->m_MsgId < OFFSET_UUID) { Packer.AddInt((pMsg->m_MsgId << 1) | (pMsg->m_System ? 1 : 0)); } else { Packer.AddInt(pMsg->m_System ? 1 : 0); // NETMSG_EX, NETMSGTYPE_EX g_UuidManager.PackUuid(pMsg->m_MsgId, &Packer); } Packer.AddRaw(pMsg->Data(), pMsg->Size()); return false; } int CClient::SendMsg(int Conn, CMsgPacker *pMsg, int Flags) { CNetChunk Packet; if(State() == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) return 0; // repack message (inefficient) CPacker Pack; if(RepackMsg(pMsg, Pack)) return 0; mem_zero(&Packet, sizeof(CNetChunk)); Packet.m_ClientId = 0; Packet.m_pData = Pack.Data(); Packet.m_DataSize = Pack.Size(); if(Flags & MSGFLAG_VITAL) Packet.m_Flags |= NETSENDFLAG_VITAL; if(Flags & MSGFLAG_FLUSH) Packet.m_Flags |= NETSENDFLAG_FLUSH; if((Flags & MSGFLAG_RECORD) && Conn == g_Config.m_ClDummy) { for(auto &i : m_aDemoRecorder) if(i.IsRecording()) i.RecordMessage(Packet.m_pData, Packet.m_DataSize); } if(!(Flags & MSGFLAG_NOSEND)) { m_aNetClient[Conn].Send(&Packet); } return 0; } int CClient::SendMsgActive(CMsgPacker *pMsg, int Flags) { return SendMsg(g_Config.m_ClDummy, pMsg, Flags); } void CClient::SendInfo(int Conn) { CMsgPacker MsgVer(NETMSG_CLIENTVER, true); MsgVer.AddRaw(&m_ConnectionId, sizeof(m_ConnectionId)); MsgVer.AddInt(GameClient()->DDNetVersion()); MsgVer.AddString(GameClient()->DDNetVersionStr()); SendMsg(Conn, &MsgVer, MSGFLAG_VITAL); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_INFO, true); Msg.AddString(GameClient()->NetVersion()); Msg.AddString(m_aPassword); SendMsg(Conn, &Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_FLUSH); } void CClient::SendEnterGame(int Conn) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_ENTERGAME, true); SendMsg(Conn, &Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_FLUSH); } void CClient::SendReady(int Conn) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_READY, true); SendMsg(Conn, &Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_FLUSH); } void CClient::SendMapRequest() { if(m_MapdownloadFileTemp) { io_close(m_MapdownloadFileTemp); Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } m_MapdownloadFileTemp = Storage()->OpenFile(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_REQUEST_MAP_DATA, true); Msg.AddInt(m_MapdownloadChunk); SendMsg(CONN_MAIN, &Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_FLUSH); } void CClient::RconAuth(const char *pName, const char *pPassword) { if(RconAuthed()) return; if(pName != m_aRconUsername) str_copy(m_aRconUsername, pName); if(pPassword != m_aRconPassword) str_copy(m_aRconPassword, pPassword); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_RCON_AUTH, true); Msg.AddString(pName); Msg.AddString(pPassword); Msg.AddInt(1); SendMsgActive(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } void CClient::Rcon(const char *pCmd) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_RCON_CMD, true); Msg.AddString(pCmd); SendMsgActive(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } bool CClient::ConnectionProblems() const { return m_aNetClient[g_Config.m_ClDummy].GotProblems(MaxLatencyTicks() * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()) != 0; } void CClient::DirectInput(int *pInput, int Size) { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_INPUT, true); Msg.AddInt(m_aAckGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]); Msg.AddInt(m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]); Msg.AddInt(Size); for(int i = 0; i < Size / 4; i++) Msg.AddInt(pInput[i]); SendMsgActive(&Msg, 0); } void CClient::SendInput() { int64_t Now = time_get(); if(m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] <= 0) return; bool Force = false; // fetch input for(int Dummy = 0; Dummy < NUM_DUMMIES; Dummy++) { if(!m_DummyConnected && Dummy != 0) { break; } int i = g_Config.m_ClDummy ^ Dummy; int Size = GameClient()->OnSnapInput(m_aInputs[i][m_aCurrentInput[i]].m_aData, Dummy, Force); if(Size) { // pack input CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_INPUT, true); Msg.AddInt(m_aAckGameTick[i]); Msg.AddInt(m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]); Msg.AddInt(Size); m_aInputs[i][m_aCurrentInput[i]].m_Tick = m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]; m_aInputs[i][m_aCurrentInput[i]].m_PredictedTime = m_PredictedTime.Get(Now); m_aInputs[i][m_aCurrentInput[i]].m_PredictionMargin = PredictionMargin() * time_freq() / 1000; m_aInputs[i][m_aCurrentInput[i]].m_Time = Now; // pack it for(int k = 0; k < Size / 4; k++) Msg.AddInt(m_aInputs[i][m_aCurrentInput[i]].m_aData[k]); m_aCurrentInput[i]++; m_aCurrentInput[i] %= 200; SendMsg(i, &Msg, MSGFLAG_FLUSH); // ugly workaround for dummy. we need to send input with dummy to prevent // prediction time resets. but if we do it too often, then it's // impossible to use grenade with frozen dummy that gets hammered... if(g_Config.m_ClDummyCopyMoves || m_aCurrentInput[i] % 2) Force = true; } } } const char *CClient::LatestVersion() const { return m_aVersionStr; } // TODO: OPT: do this a lot smarter! int *CClient::GetInput(int Tick, int IsDummy) const { int Best = -1; const int d = IsDummy ^ g_Config.m_ClDummy; for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { if(m_aInputs[d][i].m_Tick != -1 && m_aInputs[d][i].m_Tick <= Tick && (Best == -1 || m_aInputs[d][Best].m_Tick < m_aInputs[d][i].m_Tick)) Best = i; } if(Best != -1) return (int *)m_aInputs[d][Best].m_aData; return 0; } // ------ state handling ----- void CClient::SetState(EClientState State) { if(m_State == IClient::STATE_QUITTING || m_State == IClient::STATE_RESTARTING) return; if(m_State == State) return; if(g_Config.m_Debug) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "state change. last=%d current=%d", m_State, State); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", aBuf); } const EClientState OldState = m_State; m_State = State; m_StateStartTime = time_get(); GameClient()->OnStateChange(m_State, OldState); if(State == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE && m_ReconnectTime == 0) { if(g_Config.m_ClReconnectFull > 0 && (str_find_nocase(ErrorString(), "full") || str_find_nocase(ErrorString(), "reserved"))) m_ReconnectTime = time_get() + time_freq() * g_Config.m_ClReconnectFull; else if(g_Config.m_ClReconnectTimeout > 0 && (str_find_nocase(ErrorString(), "Timeout") || str_find_nocase(ErrorString(), "Too weak connection"))) m_ReconnectTime = time_get() + time_freq() * g_Config.m_ClReconnectTimeout; } if(State == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { const bool AnnounceAddr = m_ServerBrowser.IsRegistered(ServerAddress()); Discord()->SetGameInfo(ServerAddress(), m_aCurrentMap, AnnounceAddr); Steam()->SetGameInfo(ServerAddress(), m_aCurrentMap, AnnounceAddr); } else if(OldState == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { Discord()->ClearGameInfo(); Steam()->ClearGameInfo(); } } // called when the map is loaded and we should init for a new round void CClient::OnEnterGame(bool Dummy) { // reset input for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { m_aInputs[Dummy][i].m_Tick = -1; } m_aCurrentInput[Dummy] = 0; // reset snapshots m_aapSnapshots[Dummy][SNAP_CURRENT] = nullptr; m_aapSnapshots[Dummy][SNAP_PREV] = nullptr; m_aSnapshotStorage[Dummy].PurgeAll(); m_aReceivedSnapshots[Dummy] = 0; m_aSnapshotParts[Dummy] = 0; m_aSnapshotIncomingDataSize[Dummy] = 0; m_SnapCrcErrors = 0; // Also make gameclient aware that snapshots have been purged GameClient()->InvalidateSnapshot(); // reset times m_aAckGameTick[Dummy] = -1; m_aCurrentRecvTick[Dummy] = 0; m_aPrevGameTick[Dummy] = 0; m_aCurGameTick[Dummy] = 0; m_aGameIntraTick[Dummy] = 0.0f; m_aGameTickTime[Dummy] = 0.0f; m_aGameIntraTickSincePrev[Dummy] = 0.0f; m_aPredTick[Dummy] = 0; m_aPredIntraTick[Dummy] = 0.0f; m_aGameTime[Dummy].Init(0); m_PredictedTime.Init(0); if(!Dummy) { m_LastDummyConnectTime = 0; } GameClient()->OnEnterGame(); } void CClient::EnterGame(int Conn) { if(State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) return; m_aCodeRunAfterJoin[Conn] = false; // now we will wait for two snapshots // to finish the connection SendEnterGame(Conn); OnEnterGame(Conn); ServerInfoRequest(); // fresh one for timeout protection m_CurrentServerNextPingTime = time_get() + time_freq() / 2; } void GenerateTimeoutCode(char *pBuffer, unsigned Size, char *pSeed, const NETADDR *pAddrs, int NumAddrs, bool Dummy) { MD5_CTX Md5; md5_init(&Md5); const char *pDummy = Dummy ? "dummy" : "normal"; md5_update(&Md5, (unsigned char *)pDummy, str_length(pDummy) + 1); md5_update(&Md5, (unsigned char *)pSeed, str_length(pSeed) + 1); for(int i = 0; i < NumAddrs; i++) { md5_update(&Md5, (unsigned char *)&pAddrs[i], sizeof(pAddrs[i])); } MD5_DIGEST Digest = md5_finish(&Md5); unsigned short aRandom[8]; mem_copy(aRandom, Digest.data, sizeof(aRandom)); generate_password(pBuffer, Size, aRandom, 8); } void CClient::GenerateTimeoutSeed() { secure_random_password(g_Config.m_ClTimeoutSeed, sizeof(g_Config.m_ClTimeoutSeed), 16); } void CClient::GenerateTimeoutCodes(const NETADDR *pAddrs, int NumAddrs) { if(g_Config.m_ClTimeoutSeed[0]) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GenerateTimeoutCode(m_aTimeoutCodes[i], sizeof(m_aTimeoutCodes[i]), g_Config.m_ClTimeoutSeed, pAddrs, NumAddrs, i); char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "timeout code '%s' (%s)", m_aTimeoutCodes[i], i == 0 ? "normal" : "dummy"); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", aBuf); } } else { str_copy(m_aTimeoutCodes[0], g_Config.m_ClTimeoutCode); str_copy(m_aTimeoutCodes[1], g_Config.m_ClDummyTimeoutCode); } } void CClient::Connect(const char *pAddress, const char *pPassword) { // Disconnect will not change the state if we are already quitting/restarting if(m_State == IClient::STATE_QUITTING || m_State == IClient::STATE_RESTARTING) return; Disconnect(); dbg_assert(m_State == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE, "Disconnect must ensure that client is offline"); m_ConnectionId = RandomUuid(); if(pAddress != m_aConnectAddressStr) str_copy(m_aConnectAddressStr, pAddress); char aMsg[512]; str_format(aMsg, sizeof(aMsg), "connecting to '%s'", m_aConnectAddressStr); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aMsg, gs_ClientNetworkPrintColor); ServerInfoRequest(); int NumConnectAddrs = 0; NETADDR aConnectAddrs[MAX_SERVER_ADDRESSES]; mem_zero(aConnectAddrs, sizeof(aConnectAddrs)); const char *pNextAddr = pAddress; char aBuffer[128]; while((pNextAddr = str_next_token(pNextAddr, ",", aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer)))) { NETADDR NextAddr; char aHost[128]; int url = net_addr_from_url(&NextAddr, aBuffer, aHost, sizeof(aHost)); if(url > 0) str_copy(aHost, aBuffer); if(net_host_lookup(aHost, &NextAddr, m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].NetType()) != 0) { log_error("client", "could not find address of %s", aHost); continue; } if(NumConnectAddrs == (int)std::size(aConnectAddrs)) { log_warn("client", "too many connect addresses, ignoring %s", aHost); continue; } if(NextAddr.port == 0) { NextAddr.port = 8303; } char aNextAddr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE]; net_addr_str(&NextAddr, aNextAddr, sizeof(aNextAddr), true); log_debug("client", "resolved connect address '%s' to %s", aBuffer, aNextAddr); aConnectAddrs[NumConnectAddrs] = NextAddr; NumConnectAddrs += 1; } if(NumConnectAddrs == 0) { log_error("client", "could not find any connect address, defaulting to localhost for whatever reason..."); net_host_lookup("localhost", &aConnectAddrs[0], m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].NetType()); NumConnectAddrs = 1; } if(m_SendPassword) { str_copy(m_aPassword, g_Config.m_Password); m_SendPassword = false; } else if(!pPassword) m_aPassword[0] = 0; else str_copy(m_aPassword, pPassword); m_CanReceiveServerCapabilities = true; m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].Connect(aConnectAddrs, NumConnectAddrs); m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].RefreshStun(); SetState(IClient::STATE_CONNECTING); m_InputtimeMarginGraph.Init(-150.0f, 150.0f); m_GametimeMarginGraph.Init(-150.0f, 150.0f); GenerateTimeoutCodes(aConnectAddrs, NumConnectAddrs); } void CClient::DisconnectWithReason(const char *pReason) { if(pReason != nullptr && pReason[0] == '\0') pReason = nullptr; DummyDisconnect(pReason); char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "disconnecting. reason='%s'", pReason ? pReason : "unknown"); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf, gs_ClientNetworkPrintColor); // stop demo playback and recorder // make sure to remove replay tmp demo m_DemoPlayer.Stop(); for(int Recorder = 0; Recorder < RECORDER_MAX; Recorder++) { DemoRecorder(Recorder)->Stop(Recorder == RECORDER_REPLAYS ? IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::REMOVE_FILE : IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::KEEP_FILE); } m_aRconAuthed[0] = 0; mem_zero(m_aRconUsername, sizeof(m_aRconUsername)); mem_zero(m_aRconPassword, sizeof(m_aRconPassword)); m_ServerSentCapabilities = false; m_UseTempRconCommands = 0; m_ReceivingRconCommands = false; m_pConsole->DeregisterTempAll(); m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].Disconnect(pReason); SetState(IClient::STATE_OFFLINE); m_pMap->Unload(); m_CurrentServerPingInfoType = -1; m_CurrentServerPingBasicToken = -1; m_CurrentServerPingToken = -1; mem_zero(&m_CurrentServerPingUuid, sizeof(m_CurrentServerPingUuid)); m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime = -1; m_CurrentServerNextPingTime = -1; // disable all downloads m_MapdownloadChunk = 0; if(m_pMapdownloadTask) m_pMapdownloadTask->Abort(); if(m_MapdownloadFileTemp) { io_close(m_MapdownloadFileTemp); Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } m_MapdownloadFileTemp = 0; m_MapdownloadSha256Present = false; m_MapdownloadSha256 = SHA256_ZEROED; m_MapdownloadCrc = 0; m_MapdownloadTotalsize = -1; m_MapdownloadAmount = 0; m_MapDetailsPresent = false; // clear the current server info mem_zero(&m_CurrentServerInfo, sizeof(m_CurrentServerInfo)); // clear snapshots m_aapSnapshots[0][SNAP_CURRENT] = 0; m_aapSnapshots[0][SNAP_PREV] = 0; m_aReceivedSnapshots[0] = 0; m_LastDummy = false; } void CClient::Disconnect() { if(m_State != IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) { DisconnectWithReason(nullptr); } } bool CClient::DummyConnected() const { return m_DummyConnected; } bool CClient::DummyConnecting() const { return !m_DummyConnected && m_LastDummyConnectTime > 0 && m_LastDummyConnectTime + GameTickSpeed() * 5 > GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); } void CClient::DummyConnect() { if(m_LastDummyConnectTime > 0 && m_LastDummyConnectTime + GameTickSpeed() * 5 > GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy)) return; if(m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].State() != NETSTATE_ONLINE) return; if(m_DummyConnected || !DummyAllowed()) return; m_LastDummyConnectTime = GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); m_aRconAuthed[1] = 0; m_DummySendConnInfo = true; g_Config.m_ClDummyCopyMoves = 0; g_Config.m_ClDummyHammer = 0; // connect to the server m_aNetClient[CONN_DUMMY].Connect(m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].ServerAddress(), 1); } void CClient::DummyDisconnect(const char *pReason) { if(!m_DummyConnected) return; m_aNetClient[CONN_DUMMY].Disconnect(pReason); g_Config.m_ClDummy = 0; if(!m_aRconAuthed[0] && m_aRconAuthed[1]) { RconAuth(m_aRconUsername, m_aRconPassword); } m_aRconAuthed[1] = 0; m_aapSnapshots[1][SNAP_CURRENT] = 0; m_aapSnapshots[1][SNAP_PREV] = 0; m_aReceivedSnapshots[1] = 0; m_DummyConnected = false; GameClient()->OnDummyDisconnect(); } bool CClient::DummyAllowed() const { return m_ServerCapabilities.m_AllowDummy; } int CClient::GetCurrentRaceTime() { if(GameClient()->GetLastRaceTick() < 0) return 0; return (GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy) - GameClient()->GetLastRaceTick()) / GameTickSpeed(); } void CClient::GetServerInfo(CServerInfo *pServerInfo) const { mem_copy(pServerInfo, &m_CurrentServerInfo, sizeof(m_CurrentServerInfo)); } void CClient::ServerInfoRequest() { mem_zero(&m_CurrentServerInfo, sizeof(m_CurrentServerInfo)); m_CurrentServerInfoRequestTime = 0; } void CClient::LoadDebugFont() { m_DebugFont = Graphics()->LoadTexture("debug_font.png", IStorage::TYPE_ALL); } // --- void *CClient::SnapGetItem(int SnapId, int Index, CSnapItem *pItem) const { dbg_assert(SnapId >= 0 && SnapId < NUM_SNAPSHOT_TYPES, "invalid SnapId"); const CSnapshot *pSnapshot = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SnapId]->m_pAltSnap; const CSnapshotItem *pSnapshotItem = pSnapshot->GetItem(Index); pItem->m_DataSize = pSnapshot->GetItemSize(Index); pItem->m_Type = pSnapshot->GetItemType(Index); pItem->m_Id = pSnapshotItem->Id(); return (void *)pSnapshotItem->Data(); } int CClient::SnapItemSize(int SnapId, int Index) const { dbg_assert(SnapId >= 0 && SnapId < NUM_SNAPSHOT_TYPES, "invalid SnapId"); return m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SnapId]->m_pAltSnap->GetItemSize(Index); } const void *CClient::SnapFindItem(int SnapId, int Type, int Id) const { if(!m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SnapId]) return nullptr; return m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SnapId]->m_pAltSnap->FindItem(Type, Id); } int CClient::SnapNumItems(int SnapId) const { dbg_assert(SnapId >= 0 && SnapId < NUM_SNAPSHOT_TYPES, "invalid SnapId"); if(!m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SnapId]) return 0; return m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SnapId]->m_pAltSnap->NumItems(); } void CClient::SnapSetStaticsize(int ItemType, int Size) { m_SnapshotDelta.SetStaticsize(ItemType, Size); } void CClient::DebugRender() { if(!g_Config.m_Debug) return; static NETSTATS s_Prev, s_Current; static int64_t s_LastSnapTime = 0; static float s_FrameTimeAvg = 0; char aBuffer[512]; Graphics()->TextureSet(m_DebugFont); Graphics()->MapScreen(0, 0, Graphics()->ScreenWidth(), Graphics()->ScreenHeight()); Graphics()->QuadsBegin(); if(time_get() - s_LastSnapTime > time_freq()) { s_LastSnapTime = time_get(); s_Prev = s_Current; net_stats(&s_Current); } /* eth = 14 ip = 20 udp = 8 total = 42 */ s_FrameTimeAvg = s_FrameTimeAvg * 0.9f + m_RenderFrameTime * 0.1f; str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "ticks: %8d %8d gfx mem(tex/buff/stream/staging): (%" PRIu64 "k/%" PRIu64 "k/%" PRIu64 "k/%" PRIu64 "k) fps: %3d", m_aCurGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy], m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy], (Graphics()->TextureMemoryUsage() / 1024), (Graphics()->BufferMemoryUsage() / 1024), (Graphics()->StreamedMemoryUsage() / 1024), (Graphics()->StagingMemoryUsage() / 1024), (int)(1.0f / s_FrameTimeAvg + 0.5f)); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 2, 16, aBuffer); { uint64_t SendPackets = (s_Current.sent_packets - s_Prev.sent_packets); uint64_t SendBytes = (s_Current.sent_bytes - s_Prev.sent_bytes); uint64_t SendTotal = SendBytes + SendPackets * 42; uint64_t RecvPackets = (s_Current.recv_packets - s_Prev.recv_packets); uint64_t RecvBytes = (s_Current.recv_bytes - s_Prev.recv_bytes); uint64_t RecvTotal = RecvBytes + RecvPackets * 42; if(!SendPackets) SendPackets++; if(!RecvPackets) RecvPackets++; str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "send: %3" PRIu64 " %5" PRIu64 "+%4" PRIu64 "=%5" PRIu64 " (%3" PRIu64 " kbps) avg: %5" PRIu64 "\nrecv: %3" PRIu64 " %5" PRIu64 "+%4" PRIu64 "=%5" PRIu64 " (%3" PRIu64 " kbps) avg: %5" PRIu64, SendPackets, SendBytes, SendPackets * 42, SendTotal, (SendTotal * 8) / 1024, SendBytes / SendPackets, RecvPackets, RecvBytes, RecvPackets * 42, RecvTotal, (RecvTotal * 8) / 1024, RecvBytes / RecvPackets); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 14, 16, aBuffer); } // render rates { int y = 0; str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "%5s %20s: %8s %8s %8s", "ID", "Name", "Rate", "Updates", "R/U"); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 100 + y * 12, 16, aBuffer); y++; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_NETOBJTYPES; i++) { if(m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i)) { str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "%5d %20s: %8d %8d %8d", i, GameClient()->GetItemName(i), m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) / 8, m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataUpdates(i), (m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) / m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataUpdates(i)) / 8); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 100 + y * 12, 16, aBuffer); y++; } } for(int i = CSnapshot::MAX_TYPE; i > (CSnapshot::MAX_TYPE - 64); i--) { if(m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) && m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][IClient::SNAP_CURRENT]) { int Type = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][IClient::SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pAltSnap->GetExternalItemType(i); if(Type == UUID_INVALID) { str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "%5d %20s: %8d %8d %8d", i, "Unknown UUID", m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) / 8, m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataUpdates(i), (m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) / m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataUpdates(i)) / 8); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 100 + y * 12, 16, aBuffer); y++; } else if(Type != i) { str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "%5d %20s: %8d %8d %8d", Type, GameClient()->GetItemName(Type), m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) / 8, m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataUpdates(i), (m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataRate(i) / m_SnapshotDelta.GetDataUpdates(i)) / 8); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 100 + y * 12, 16, aBuffer); y++; } } } } str_format(aBuffer, sizeof(aBuffer), "pred: %d ms", GetPredictionTime()); Graphics()->QuadsText(2, 70, 16, aBuffer); Graphics()->QuadsEnd(); // render graphs if(g_Config.m_DbgGraphs) { float w = Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / 4.0f; float h = Graphics()->ScreenHeight() / 6.0f; float sp = Graphics()->ScreenWidth() / 100.0f; float x = Graphics()->ScreenWidth() - w - sp; m_FpsGraph.Scale(time_freq()); m_FpsGraph.Render(Graphics(), TextRender(), x, sp * 5, w, h, "FPS"); m_InputtimeMarginGraph.Scale(5 * time_freq()); m_InputtimeMarginGraph.Render(Graphics(), TextRender(), x, sp * 6 + h, w, h, "Prediction Margin"); m_GametimeMarginGraph.Scale(5 * time_freq()); m_GametimeMarginGraph.Render(Graphics(), TextRender(), x, sp * 7 + h * 2, w, h, "Gametime Margin"); } } void CClient::Restart() { SetState(IClient::STATE_RESTARTING); } void CClient::Quit() { SetState(IClient::STATE_QUITTING); } const char *CClient::PlayerName() const { if(g_Config.m_PlayerName[0]) { return g_Config.m_PlayerName; } if(g_Config.m_SteamName[0]) { return g_Config.m_SteamName; } return "nameless tee"; } const char *CClient::DummyName() const { if(g_Config.m_ClDummyName[0]) { return g_Config.m_ClDummyName; } const char *pBase = 0; if(g_Config.m_PlayerName[0]) { pBase = g_Config.m_PlayerName; } else if(g_Config.m_SteamName[0]) { pBase = g_Config.m_SteamName; } if(pBase) { static char aDummyNameBuf[16]; str_format(aDummyNameBuf, sizeof(aDummyNameBuf), "[D] %s", pBase); return aDummyNameBuf; } return "brainless tee"; } const char *CClient::ErrorString() const { return m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].ErrorString(); } void CClient::Render() { if(g_Config.m_ClOverlayEntities) { ColorRGBA bg = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClBackgroundEntitiesColor)); Graphics()->Clear(bg.r, bg.g, bg.b); } else { ColorRGBA bg = color_cast(ColorHSLA(g_Config.m_ClBackgroundColor)); Graphics()->Clear(bg.r, bg.g, bg.b); } GameClient()->OnRender(); DebugRender(); if(State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE && g_Config.m_ClAntiPingLimit) { int64_t Now = time_get(); g_Config.m_ClAntiPing = (m_PredictedTime.Get(Now) - m_aGameTime[g_Config.m_ClDummy].Get(Now)) * 1000 / (float)time_freq() > g_Config.m_ClAntiPingLimit; } } const char *CClient::LoadMap(const char *pName, const char *pFilename, SHA256_DIGEST *pWantedSha256, unsigned WantedCrc) { static char s_aErrorMsg[128]; SetState(IClient::STATE_LOADING); SetLoadingStateDetail(IClient::LOADING_STATE_DETAIL_LOADING_MAP); if((bool)m_LoadingCallback) m_LoadingCallback(IClient::LOADING_CALLBACK_DETAIL_MAP); if(!m_pMap->Load(pFilename)) { str_format(s_aErrorMsg, sizeof(s_aErrorMsg), "map '%s' not found", pFilename); return s_aErrorMsg; } if(pWantedSha256 && m_pMap->Sha256() != *pWantedSha256) { char aWanted[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE]; char aGot[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE]; sha256_str(*pWantedSha256, aWanted, sizeof(aWanted)); sha256_str(m_pMap->Sha256(), aGot, sizeof(aWanted)); str_format(s_aErrorMsg, sizeof(s_aErrorMsg), "map differs from the server. %s != %s", aGot, aWanted); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", s_aErrorMsg); m_pMap->Unload(); return s_aErrorMsg; } // Only check CRC if we don't have the secure SHA256. if(!pWantedSha256 && m_pMap->Crc() != WantedCrc) { str_format(s_aErrorMsg, sizeof(s_aErrorMsg), "map differs from the server. %08x != %08x", m_pMap->Crc(), WantedCrc); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", s_aErrorMsg); m_pMap->Unload(); return s_aErrorMsg; } // stop demo recording if we loaded a new map for(int Recorder = 0; Recorder < RECORDER_MAX; Recorder++) { DemoRecorder(Recorder)->Stop(Recorder == RECORDER_REPLAYS ? IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::REMOVE_FILE : IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::KEEP_FILE); } char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "loaded map '%s'", pFilename); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", aBuf); str_copy(m_aCurrentMap, pName); str_copy(m_aCurrentMapPath, pFilename); return 0; } static void FormatMapDownloadFilename(const char *pName, const SHA256_DIGEST *pSha256, int Crc, bool Temp, char *pBuffer, int BufferSize) { char aSuffix[32]; if(Temp) { IStorage::FormatTmpPath(aSuffix, sizeof(aSuffix), ""); } else { str_copy(aSuffix, ".map"); } if(pSha256) { char aSha256[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE]; sha256_str(*pSha256, aSha256, sizeof(aSha256)); str_format(pBuffer, BufferSize, "downloadedmaps/%s_%s%s", pName, aSha256, aSuffix); } else { str_format(pBuffer, BufferSize, "downloadedmaps/%s_%08x%s", pName, Crc, aSuffix); } } const char *CClient::LoadMapSearch(const char *pMapName, SHA256_DIGEST *pWantedSha256, int WantedCrc) { char aBuf[512]; char aWanted[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE + 16]; aWanted[0] = 0; if(pWantedSha256) { char aWantedSha256[SHA256_MAXSTRSIZE]; sha256_str(*pWantedSha256, aWantedSha256, sizeof(aWantedSha256)); str_format(aWanted, sizeof(aWanted), "sha256=%s ", aWantedSha256); } str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "loading map, map=%s wanted %scrc=%08x", pMapName, aWanted, WantedCrc); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", aBuf); // try the normal maps folder str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "maps/%s.map", pMapName); const char *pError = LoadMap(pMapName, aBuf, pWantedSha256, WantedCrc); if(!pError) return nullptr; // try the downloaded maps FormatMapDownloadFilename(pMapName, pWantedSha256, WantedCrc, false, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); pError = LoadMap(pMapName, aBuf, pWantedSha256, WantedCrc); if(!pError) return nullptr; // backward compatibility with old names if(pWantedSha256) { FormatMapDownloadFilename(pMapName, 0, WantedCrc, false, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); pError = LoadMap(pMapName, aBuf, pWantedSha256, WantedCrc); if(!pError) return nullptr; } // search for the map within subfolders char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "%s.map", pMapName); if(Storage()->FindFile(aFilename, "maps", IStorage::TYPE_ALL, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf))) { pError = LoadMap(pMapName, aBuf, pWantedSha256, WantedCrc); if(!pError) return nullptr; } static char s_aErrorMsg[256]; str_format(s_aErrorMsg, sizeof(s_aErrorMsg), "Could not find map '%s'", pMapName); return s_aErrorMsg; } void CClient::ProcessConnlessPacket(CNetChunk *pPacket) { // server info if(pPacket->m_DataSize >= (int)sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_INFO)) { int Type = -1; if(mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_INFO, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_INFO)) == 0) Type = SERVERINFO_VANILLA; else if(mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_INFO_EXTENDED, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_INFO_EXTENDED)) == 0) Type = SERVERINFO_EXTENDED; else if(mem_comp(pPacket->m_pData, SERVERBROWSE_INFO_EXTENDED_MORE, sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_INFO_EXTENDED_MORE)) == 0) Type = SERVERINFO_EXTENDED_MORE; if(Type != -1) { void *pData = (unsigned char *)pPacket->m_pData + sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_INFO); int DataSize = pPacket->m_DataSize - sizeof(SERVERBROWSE_INFO); ProcessServerInfo(Type, &pPacket->m_Address, pData, DataSize); } } } static int SavedServerInfoType(int Type) { if(Type == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED_MORE) return SERVERINFO_EXTENDED; return Type; } void CClient::ProcessServerInfo(int RawType, NETADDR *pFrom, const void *pData, int DataSize) { CServerBrowser::CServerEntry *pEntry = m_ServerBrowser.Find(*pFrom); CServerInfo Info = {0}; int SavedType = SavedServerInfoType(RawType); if(SavedType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED && pEntry && pEntry->m_GotInfo && SavedType == pEntry->m_Info.m_Type) { Info = pEntry->m_Info; } Info.m_Type = SavedType; net_addr_str(pFrom, Info.m_aAddress, sizeof(Info.m_aAddress), true); CUnpacker Up; Up.Reset(pData, DataSize); #define GET_STRING(array) str_copy(array, Up.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC | CUnpacker::SKIP_START_WHITESPACES), sizeof(array)) #define GET_INT(integer) (integer) = str_toint(Up.GetString()) int Token; int PacketNo = 0; // Only used if SavedType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED GET_INT(Token); if(RawType != SERVERINFO_EXTENDED_MORE) { GET_STRING(Info.m_aVersion); GET_STRING(Info.m_aName); GET_STRING(Info.m_aMap); if(SavedType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED) { GET_INT(Info.m_MapCrc); GET_INT(Info.m_MapSize); } GET_STRING(Info.m_aGameType); GET_INT(Info.m_Flags); GET_INT(Info.m_NumPlayers); GET_INT(Info.m_MaxPlayers); GET_INT(Info.m_NumClients); GET_INT(Info.m_MaxClients); // don't add invalid info to the server browser list if(Info.m_NumClients < 0 || Info.m_MaxClients < 0 || Info.m_NumPlayers < 0 || Info.m_MaxPlayers < 0 || Info.m_NumPlayers > Info.m_NumClients || Info.m_MaxPlayers > Info.m_MaxClients) { return; } m_ServerBrowser.UpdateServerCommunity(&Info); m_ServerBrowser.UpdateServerRank(&Info); switch(SavedType) { case SERVERINFO_VANILLA: if(Info.m_MaxPlayers > VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS || Info.m_MaxClients > VANILLA_MAX_CLIENTS) { return; } break; case SERVERINFO_64_LEGACY: if(Info.m_MaxPlayers > MAX_CLIENTS || Info.m_MaxClients > MAX_CLIENTS) { return; } break; case SERVERINFO_EXTENDED: if(Info.m_NumPlayers > Info.m_NumClients) return; break; default: dbg_assert(false, "unknown serverinfo type"); } if(SavedType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED) PacketNo = 0; } else { GET_INT(PacketNo); // 0 needs to be excluded because that's reserved for the main packet. if(PacketNo <= 0 || PacketNo >= 64) return; } bool DuplicatedPacket = false; if(SavedType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED) { Up.GetString(); // extra info, reserved uint64_t Flag = (uint64_t)1 << PacketNo; DuplicatedPacket = Info.m_ReceivedPackets & Flag; Info.m_ReceivedPackets |= Flag; } bool IgnoreError = false; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS && Info.m_NumReceivedClients < MAX_CLIENTS && !Up.Error(); i++) { CServerInfo::CClient *pClient = &Info.m_aClients[Info.m_NumReceivedClients]; GET_STRING(pClient->m_aName); if(Up.Error()) { // Packet end, no problem unless it happens during one // player info, so ignore the error. IgnoreError = true; break; } GET_STRING(pClient->m_aClan); GET_INT(pClient->m_Country); GET_INT(pClient->m_Score); GET_INT(pClient->m_Player); if(SavedType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED) { Up.GetString(); // extra info, reserved } if(!Up.Error()) { if(SavedType == SERVERINFO_64_LEGACY) { uint64_t Flag = (uint64_t)1 << i; if(!(Info.m_ReceivedPackets & Flag)) { Info.m_ReceivedPackets |= Flag; Info.m_NumReceivedClients++; } } else { Info.m_NumReceivedClients++; } } } str_clean_whitespaces(Info.m_aName); if(!Up.Error() || IgnoreError) { if(!DuplicatedPacket && (!pEntry || !pEntry->m_GotInfo || SavedType >= pEntry->m_Info.m_Type)) { m_ServerBrowser.OnServerInfoUpdate(*pFrom, Token, &Info); } // Player info is irrelevant for the client (while connected), // it gets its info from elsewhere. // // SERVERINFO_EXTENDED_MORE doesn't carry any server // information, so just skip it. if(net_addr_comp(&ServerAddress(), pFrom) == 0 && RawType != SERVERINFO_EXTENDED_MORE) { // Only accept server info that has a type that is // newer or equal to something the server already sent // us. if(SavedType >= m_CurrentServerInfo.m_Type) { mem_copy(&m_CurrentServerInfo, &Info, sizeof(m_CurrentServerInfo)); m_CurrentServerInfo.m_NumAddresses = 1; m_CurrentServerInfo.m_aAddresses[0] = ServerAddress(); m_CurrentServerInfoRequestTime = -1; } bool ValidPong = false; if(!m_ServerCapabilities.m_PingEx && m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime >= 0 && SavedType >= m_CurrentServerPingInfoType) { if(RawType == SERVERINFO_VANILLA) { ValidPong = Token == m_CurrentServerPingBasicToken; } else if(RawType == SERVERINFO_EXTENDED) { ValidPong = Token == m_CurrentServerPingToken; } } if(ValidPong) { int LatencyMs = (time_get() - m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime) * 1000 / time_freq(); m_ServerBrowser.SetCurrentServerPing(ServerAddress(), LatencyMs); m_CurrentServerPingInfoType = SavedType; m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime = -1; char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "got pong from current server, latency=%dms", LatencyMs); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf); } } } #undef GET_STRING #undef GET_INT } static CServerCapabilities GetServerCapabilities(int Version, int Flags) { CServerCapabilities Result; bool DDNet = false; if(Version >= 1) { DDNet = Flags & SERVERCAPFLAG_DDNET; } Result.m_ChatTimeoutCode = DDNet; Result.m_AnyPlayerFlag = DDNet; Result.m_PingEx = false; Result.m_AllowDummy = true; Result.m_SyncWeaponInput = false; if(Version >= 1) { Result.m_ChatTimeoutCode = Flags & SERVERCAPFLAG_CHATTIMEOUTCODE; } if(Version >= 2) { Result.m_AnyPlayerFlag = Flags & SERVERCAPFLAG_ANYPLAYERFLAG; } if(Version >= 3) { Result.m_PingEx = Flags & SERVERCAPFLAG_PINGEX; } if(Version >= 4) { Result.m_AllowDummy = Flags & SERVERCAPFLAG_ALLOWDUMMY; } if(Version >= 5) { Result.m_SyncWeaponInput = Flags & SERVERCAPFLAG_SYNCWEAPONINPUT; } return Result; } void CClient::ProcessServerPacket(CNetChunk *pPacket, int Conn, bool Dummy) { // only allow packets from the server we actually want if(net_addr_comp(&pPacket->m_Address, &ServerAddress())) { return; } CUnpacker Unpacker; Unpacker.Reset(pPacket->m_pData, pPacket->m_DataSize); CMsgPacker Packer(NETMSG_EX, true); // unpack msgid and system flag int Msg; bool Sys; CUuid Uuid; int Result = UnpackMessageId(&Msg, &Sys, &Uuid, &Unpacker, &Packer); if(Result == UNPACKMESSAGE_ERROR) { return; } else if(Result == UNPACKMESSAGE_ANSWER) { SendMsg(Conn, &Packer, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } if(Sys) { // system message if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_MAP_DETAILS) { const char *pMap = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC | CUnpacker::SKIP_START_WHITESPACES); SHA256_DIGEST *pMapSha256 = (SHA256_DIGEST *)Unpacker.GetRaw(sizeof(*pMapSha256)); int MapCrc = Unpacker.GetInt(); int MapSize = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } const char *pMapUrl = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC); if(Unpacker.Error()) { pMapUrl = ""; } m_MapDetailsPresent = true; (void)MapSize; str_copy(m_aMapDetailsName, pMap); m_MapDetailsSha256 = *pMapSha256; m_MapDetailsCrc = MapCrc; str_copy(m_aMapDetailsUrl, pMapUrl); } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_CAPABILITIES) { if(!m_CanReceiveServerCapabilities) { return; } int Version = Unpacker.GetInt(); int Flags = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(Unpacker.Error() || Version <= 0) { return; } m_ServerCapabilities = GetServerCapabilities(Version, Flags); m_CanReceiveServerCapabilities = false; m_ServerSentCapabilities = true; } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_MAP_CHANGE) { if(m_CanReceiveServerCapabilities) { m_ServerCapabilities = GetServerCapabilities(0, 0); m_CanReceiveServerCapabilities = false; } bool MapDetailsWerePresent = m_MapDetailsPresent; m_MapDetailsPresent = false; const char *pMap = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC | CUnpacker::SKIP_START_WHITESPACES); int MapCrc = Unpacker.GetInt(); int MapSize = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } if(MapSize < 0 || MapSize > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 1 GiB { DisconnectWithReason("invalid map size"); return; } for(int i = 0; pMap[i]; i++) // protect the player from nasty map names { if(pMap[i] == '/' || pMap[i] == '\\') { DisconnectWithReason("strange character in map name"); return; } } if(m_DummyConnected) { DummyDisconnect(0); } SHA256_DIGEST *pMapSha256 = nullptr; const char *pMapUrl = nullptr; if(MapDetailsWerePresent && str_comp(m_aMapDetailsName, pMap) == 0 && m_MapDetailsCrc == MapCrc) { pMapSha256 = &m_MapDetailsSha256; pMapUrl = m_aMapDetailsUrl[0] ? m_aMapDetailsUrl : nullptr; } if(LoadMapSearch(pMap, pMapSha256, MapCrc) == nullptr) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client/network", "loading done"); SetLoadingStateDetail(IClient::LOADING_STATE_DETAIL_SENDING_READY); SendReady(CONN_MAIN); } else { if(m_MapdownloadFileTemp) { io_close(m_MapdownloadFileTemp); Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } // start map download FormatMapDownloadFilename(pMap, pMapSha256, MapCrc, false, m_aMapdownloadFilename, sizeof(m_aMapdownloadFilename)); FormatMapDownloadFilename(pMap, pMapSha256, MapCrc, true, m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, sizeof(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp)); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "starting to download map to '%s'", m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client/network", aBuf); m_MapdownloadChunk = 0; str_copy(m_aMapdownloadName, pMap); m_MapdownloadSha256Present = (bool)pMapSha256; m_MapdownloadSha256 = pMapSha256 ? *pMapSha256 : SHA256_ZEROED; m_MapdownloadCrc = MapCrc; m_MapdownloadTotalsize = MapSize; m_MapdownloadAmount = 0; ResetMapDownload(); if(pMapSha256) { char aUrl[256]; char aEscaped[256]; EscapeUrl(aEscaped, sizeof(aEscaped), m_aMapdownloadFilename + 15); // cut off downloadedmaps/ bool UseConfigUrl = str_comp(g_Config.m_ClMapDownloadUrl, "https://maps.ddnet.org") != 0 || m_aMapDownloadUrl[0] == '\0'; str_format(aUrl, sizeof(aUrl), "%s/%s", UseConfigUrl ? g_Config.m_ClMapDownloadUrl : m_aMapDownloadUrl, aEscaped); m_pMapdownloadTask = HttpGetFile(pMapUrl ? pMapUrl : aUrl, Storage(), m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); m_pMapdownloadTask->Timeout(CTimeout{g_Config.m_ClMapDownloadConnectTimeoutMs, 0, g_Config.m_ClMapDownloadLowSpeedLimit, g_Config.m_ClMapDownloadLowSpeedTime}); m_pMapdownloadTask->MaxResponseSize(MapSize); m_pMapdownloadTask->ExpectSha256(*pMapSha256); Http()->Run(m_pMapdownloadTask); } else { SendMapRequest(); } } } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && Msg == NETMSG_MAP_DATA) { if(!m_MapdownloadFileTemp) { return; } int Last = Unpacker.GetInt(); int MapCRC = Unpacker.GetInt(); int Chunk = Unpacker.GetInt(); int Size = Unpacker.GetInt(); const unsigned char *pData = Unpacker.GetRaw(Size); if(Unpacker.Error() || Size <= 0 || MapCRC != m_MapdownloadCrc || Chunk != m_MapdownloadChunk) { return; } io_write(m_MapdownloadFileTemp, pData, Size); m_MapdownloadAmount += Size; if(Last) { if(m_MapdownloadFileTemp) { io_close(m_MapdownloadFileTemp); m_MapdownloadFileTemp = 0; } FinishMapDownload(); } else { // request new chunk m_MapdownloadChunk++; CMsgPacker MsgP(NETMSG_REQUEST_MAP_DATA, true); MsgP.AddInt(m_MapdownloadChunk); SendMsg(CONN_MAIN, &MsgP, MSGFLAG_VITAL | MSGFLAG_FLUSH); if(g_Config.m_Debug) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "requested chunk %d", m_MapdownloadChunk); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client/network", aBuf); } } } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_CON_READY) { GameClient()->OnConnected(); } else if(Conn == CONN_DUMMY && Msg == NETMSG_CON_READY) { m_DummyConnected = true; g_Config.m_ClDummy = 1; Rcon("crashmeplx"); if(m_aRconAuthed[0]) RconAuth(m_aRconUsername, m_aRconPassword); } else if(Msg == NETMSG_PING) { CMsgPacker MsgP(NETMSG_PING_REPLY, true); int Vital = (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 ? MSGFLAG_VITAL : 0; SendMsg(Conn, &MsgP, MSGFLAG_FLUSH | Vital); } else if(Msg == NETMSG_PINGEX) { CUuid *pId = (CUuid *)Unpacker.GetRaw(sizeof(*pId)); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } CMsgPacker MsgP(NETMSG_PONGEX, true); MsgP.AddRaw(pId, sizeof(*pId)); int Vital = (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 ? MSGFLAG_VITAL : 0; SendMsg(Conn, &MsgP, MSGFLAG_FLUSH | Vital); } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && Msg == NETMSG_PONGEX) { CUuid *pId = (CUuid *)Unpacker.GetRaw(sizeof(*pId)); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } if(m_ServerCapabilities.m_PingEx && m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime >= 0 && *pId == m_CurrentServerPingUuid) { int LatencyMs = (time_get() - m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime) * 1000 / time_freq(); m_ServerBrowser.SetCurrentServerPing(ServerAddress(), LatencyMs); m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime = -1; char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "got pong from current server, latency=%dms", LatencyMs); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf); } } else if(Msg == NETMSG_CHECKSUM_REQUEST) { CUuid *pUuid = (CUuid *)Unpacker.GetRaw(sizeof(*pUuid)); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } int ResultCheck = HandleChecksum(Conn, *pUuid, &Unpacker); if(ResultCheck) { CMsgPacker MsgP(NETMSG_CHECKSUM_ERROR, true); MsgP.AddRaw(pUuid, sizeof(*pUuid)); MsgP.AddInt(ResultCheck); SendMsg(Conn, &MsgP, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } } else if(Msg == NETMSG_REDIRECT) { int RedirectPort = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } char aAddr[128]; char aIp[64]; NETADDR ServerAddr = ServerAddress(); net_addr_str(&ServerAddr, aIp, sizeof(aIp), 0); str_format(aAddr, sizeof(aAddr), "%s:%d", aIp, RedirectPort); Connect(aAddr); } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_RCON_CMD_ADD) { const char *pName = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC); const char *pHelp = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC); const char *pParams = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC); if(!Unpacker.Error()) { m_pConsole->RegisterTemp(pName, pParams, CFGFLAG_SERVER, pHelp); } } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_RCON_CMD_REM) { const char *pName = Unpacker.GetString(CUnpacker::SANITIZE_CC); if(!Unpacker.Error()) { m_pConsole->DeregisterTemp(pName); } } else if((pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_RCON_AUTH_STATUS) { int ResultInt = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(!Unpacker.Error()) { m_aRconAuthed[Conn] = ResultInt; } if(Conn == CONN_MAIN) { int Old = m_UseTempRconCommands; m_UseTempRconCommands = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(Unpacker.Error()) { m_UseTempRconCommands = 0; } if(Old != 0 && m_UseTempRconCommands == 0) { m_pConsole->DeregisterTempAll(); m_ReceivingRconCommands = false; } } } else if(!Dummy && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_RCON_LINE) { const char *pLine = Unpacker.GetString(); if(!Unpacker.Error()) { GameClient()->OnRconLine(pLine); } } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && Msg == NETMSG_PING_REPLY) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "latency %.2f", (time_get() - m_PingStartTime) * 1000 / (float)time_freq()); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client/network", aBuf); } else if(Msg == NETMSG_INPUTTIMING) { int InputPredTick = Unpacker.GetInt(); int TimeLeft = Unpacker.GetInt(); if(Unpacker.Error()) { return; } int64_t Now = time_get(); // adjust our prediction time int64_t Target = 0; for(int k = 0; k < 200; k++) { if(m_aInputs[Conn][k].m_Tick == InputPredTick) { Target = m_aInputs[Conn][k].m_PredictedTime + (Now - m_aInputs[Conn][k].m_Time); Target = Target - (int64_t)((TimeLeft / 1000.0f) * time_freq()); break; } } if(Target) m_PredictedTime.Update(&m_InputtimeMarginGraph, Target, TimeLeft, CSmoothTime::ADJUSTDIRECTION_UP); } else if(Msg == NETMSG_SNAP || Msg == NETMSG_SNAPSINGLE || Msg == NETMSG_SNAPEMPTY) { // we are not allowed to process snapshot yet if(State() < IClient::STATE_LOADING) { return; } int GameTick = Unpacker.GetInt(); int DeltaTick = GameTick - Unpacker.GetInt(); int NumParts = 1; int Part = 0; if(Msg == NETMSG_SNAP) { NumParts = Unpacker.GetInt(); Part = Unpacker.GetInt(); } unsigned int Crc = 0; int PartSize = 0; if(Msg != NETMSG_SNAPEMPTY) { Crc = Unpacker.GetInt(); PartSize = Unpacker.GetInt(); } const char *pData = (const char *)Unpacker.GetRaw(PartSize); if(Unpacker.Error() || NumParts < 1 || NumParts > CSnapshot::MAX_PARTS || Part < 0 || Part >= NumParts || PartSize < 0 || PartSize > MAX_SNAPSHOT_PACKSIZE) { return; } // Check m_aAckGameTick to see if we already got a snapshot for that tick if(GameTick >= m_aCurrentRecvTick[Conn] && GameTick > m_aAckGameTick[Conn]) { if(GameTick != m_aCurrentRecvTick[Conn]) { m_aSnapshotParts[Conn] = 0; m_aCurrentRecvTick[Conn] = GameTick; m_aSnapshotIncomingDataSize[Conn] = 0; } mem_copy((char *)m_aaSnapshotIncomingData[Conn] + Part * MAX_SNAPSHOT_PACKSIZE, pData, clamp(PartSize, 0, (int)sizeof(m_aaSnapshotIncomingData[Conn]) - Part * MAX_SNAPSHOT_PACKSIZE)); m_aSnapshotParts[Conn] |= (uint64_t)(1) << Part; if(Part == NumParts - 1) { m_aSnapshotIncomingDataSize[Conn] = (NumParts - 1) * MAX_SNAPSHOT_PACKSIZE + PartSize; } if((NumParts < CSnapshot::MAX_PARTS && m_aSnapshotParts[Conn] == (((uint64_t)(1) << NumParts) - 1)) || (NumParts == CSnapshot::MAX_PARTS && m_aSnapshotParts[Conn] == std::numeric_limits::max())) { unsigned char aTmpBuffer2[CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE]; unsigned char aTmpBuffer3[CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE]; CSnapshot *pTmpBuffer3 = (CSnapshot *)aTmpBuffer3; // Fix compiler warning for strict-aliasing // reset snapshoting m_aSnapshotParts[Conn] = 0; // find snapshot that we should use as delta const CSnapshot *pDeltaShot = CSnapshot::EmptySnapshot(); if(DeltaTick >= 0) { int DeltashotSize = m_aSnapshotStorage[Conn].Get(DeltaTick, nullptr, &pDeltaShot, nullptr); if(DeltashotSize < 0) { // couldn't find the delta snapshots that the server used // to compress this snapshot. force the server to resync if(g_Config.m_Debug) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", "error, couldn't find the delta snapshot"); } // ack snapshot m_aAckGameTick[Conn] = -1; SendInput(); return; } } // decompress snapshot const void *pDeltaData = m_SnapshotDelta.EmptyDelta(); int DeltaSize = sizeof(int) * 3; if(m_aSnapshotIncomingDataSize[Conn]) { int IntSize = CVariableInt::Decompress(m_aaSnapshotIncomingData[Conn], m_aSnapshotIncomingDataSize[Conn], aTmpBuffer2, sizeof(aTmpBuffer2)); if(IntSize < 0) // failure during decompression return; pDeltaData = aTmpBuffer2; DeltaSize = IntSize; } // unpack delta const int SnapSize = m_SnapshotDelta.UnpackDelta(pDeltaShot, pTmpBuffer3, pDeltaData, DeltaSize); if(SnapSize < 0) { dbg_msg("client", "delta unpack failed. error=%d", SnapSize); return; } if(!pTmpBuffer3->IsValid(SnapSize)) { dbg_msg("client", "snapshot invalid. SnapSize=%d, DeltaSize=%d", SnapSize, DeltaSize); return; } if(Msg != NETMSG_SNAPEMPTY && pTmpBuffer3->Crc() != Crc) { if(g_Config.m_Debug) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "snapshot crc error #%d - tick=%d wantedcrc=%d gotcrc=%d compressed_size=%d delta_tick=%d", m_SnapCrcErrors, GameTick, Crc, pTmpBuffer3->Crc(), m_aSnapshotIncomingDataSize[Conn], DeltaTick); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "client", aBuf); } m_SnapCrcErrors++; if(m_SnapCrcErrors > 10) { // to many errors, send reset m_aAckGameTick[Conn] = -1; SendInput(); m_SnapCrcErrors = 0; } return; } else { if(m_SnapCrcErrors) m_SnapCrcErrors--; } // purge old snapshots int PurgeTick = DeltaTick; if(m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_PREV] && m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick < PurgeTick) PurgeTick = m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick; if(m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_CURRENT] && m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick < PurgeTick) PurgeTick = m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick; m_aSnapshotStorage[Conn].PurgeUntil(PurgeTick); // create a verified and unpacked snapshot unsigned char aAltSnapBuffer[CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE]; CSnapshot *pAltSnapBuffer = (CSnapshot *)aAltSnapBuffer; const int AltSnapSize = UnpackAndValidateSnapshot(pTmpBuffer3, pAltSnapBuffer); if(AltSnapSize < 0) { dbg_msg("client", "unpack snapshot and validate failed. error=%d", AltSnapSize); return; } // add new m_aSnapshotStorage[Conn].Add(GameTick, time_get(), SnapSize, pTmpBuffer3, AltSnapSize, pAltSnapBuffer); if(!Dummy) { // for antiping: if the projectile netobjects from the server contains extra data, this is removed and the original content restored before recording demo SnapshotRemoveExtraProjectileInfo(pTmpBuffer3); // add snapshot to demo for(auto &DemoRecorder : m_aDemoRecorder) { if(DemoRecorder.IsRecording()) { // write snapshot DemoRecorder.RecordSnapshot(GameTick, pTmpBuffer3, SnapSize); } } } // apply snapshot, cycle pointers m_aReceivedSnapshots[Conn]++; // we got two snapshots until we see us self as connected if(m_aReceivedSnapshots[Conn] == 2) { // start at 200ms and work from there if(!Dummy) { m_PredictedTime.Init(GameTick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()); m_PredictedTime.SetAdjustSpeed(CSmoothTime::ADJUSTDIRECTION_UP, 1000.0f); m_PredictedTime.UpdateMargin(PredictionMargin() * time_freq() / 1000); } m_aGameTime[Conn].Init((GameTick - 1) * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()); m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_PREV] = m_aSnapshotStorage[Conn].m_pFirst; m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_CURRENT] = m_aSnapshotStorage[Conn].m_pLast; m_aPrevGameTick[Conn] = m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick; m_aCurGameTick[Conn] = m_aapSnapshots[Conn][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick; if(!Dummy) { m_LocalStartTime = time_get(); #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) IVideo::SetLocalStartTime(m_LocalStartTime); #endif GameClient()->OnNewSnapshot(); } SetState(IClient::STATE_ONLINE); if(!Dummy) { DemoRecorder_HandleAutoStart(); } } // adjust game time if(m_aReceivedSnapshots[Conn] > 2) { int64_t Now = m_aGameTime[Conn].Get(time_get()); int64_t TickStart = GameTick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); int64_t TimeLeft = (TickStart - Now) * 1000 / time_freq(); m_aGameTime[Conn].Update(&m_GametimeMarginGraph, (GameTick - 1) * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(), TimeLeft, CSmoothTime::ADJUSTDIRECTION_DOWN); } if(m_aReceivedSnapshots[Conn] > GameTickSpeed() && !m_aCodeRunAfterJoin[Conn]) { if(m_ServerCapabilities.m_ChatTimeoutCode) { CNetMsg_Cl_Say MsgP; MsgP.m_Team = 0; char aBuf[128]; char aBufMsg[256]; if(!g_Config.m_ClRunOnJoin[0] && !g_Config.m_ClDummyDefaultEyes && !g_Config.m_ClPlayerDefaultEyes) str_format(aBufMsg, sizeof(aBufMsg), "/timeout %s", m_aTimeoutCodes[Conn]); else str_format(aBufMsg, sizeof(aBufMsg), "/mc;timeout %s", m_aTimeoutCodes[Conn]); if(g_Config.m_ClRunOnJoin[0]) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ";%s", g_Config.m_ClRunOnJoin); str_append(aBufMsg, aBuf); } if(g_Config.m_ClDummyDefaultEyes || g_Config.m_ClPlayerDefaultEyes) { int Emote = ((g_Config.m_ClDummy) ? !Dummy : Dummy) ? g_Config.m_ClDummyDefaultEyes : g_Config.m_ClPlayerDefaultEyes; char aBufEmote[128]; aBufEmote[0] = '\0'; switch(Emote) { case EMOTE_NORMAL: break; case EMOTE_PAIN: str_format(aBufEmote, sizeof(aBufEmote), "emote pain %d", g_Config.m_ClEyeDuration); break; case EMOTE_HAPPY: str_format(aBufEmote, sizeof(aBufEmote), "emote happy %d", g_Config.m_ClEyeDuration); break; case EMOTE_SURPRISE: str_format(aBufEmote, sizeof(aBufEmote), "emote surprise %d", g_Config.m_ClEyeDuration); break; case EMOTE_ANGRY: str_format(aBufEmote, sizeof(aBufEmote), "emote angry %d", g_Config.m_ClEyeDuration); break; case EMOTE_BLINK: str_format(aBufEmote, sizeof(aBufEmote), "emote blink %d", g_Config.m_ClEyeDuration); break; } if(aBufEmote[0]) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), ";%s", aBufEmote); str_append(aBufMsg, aBuf); } } MsgP.m_pMessage = aBufMsg; CMsgPacker PackerTimeout(&MsgP); MsgP.Pack(&PackerTimeout); SendMsg(Conn, &PackerTimeout, MSGFLAG_VITAL); } m_aCodeRunAfterJoin[Conn] = true; } // ack snapshot m_aAckGameTick[Conn] = GameTick; } } } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && Msg == NETMSG_RCONTYPE) { bool UsernameReq = Unpacker.GetInt() & 1; if(!Unpacker.Error()) { GameClient()->OnRconType(UsernameReq); } } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_RCON_CMD_GROUP_START) { m_ReceivingRconCommands = true; } else if(Conn == CONN_MAIN && (pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0 && Msg == NETMSG_RCON_CMD_GROUP_END) { m_ReceivingRconCommands = false; } } else if((pPacket->m_Flags & NET_CHUNKFLAG_VITAL) != 0) { // game message if(!Dummy) { for(auto &DemoRecorder : m_aDemoRecorder) if(DemoRecorder.IsRecording()) DemoRecorder.RecordMessage(pPacket->m_pData, pPacket->m_DataSize); } GameClient()->OnMessage(Msg, &Unpacker, Conn, Dummy); } } int CClient::UnpackAndValidateSnapshot(CSnapshot *pFrom, CSnapshot *pTo) { CUnpacker Unpacker; CSnapshotBuilder Builder; Builder.Init(); CNetObjHandler *pNetObjHandler = GameClient()->GetNetObjHandler(); int Num = pFrom->NumItems(); for(int Index = 0; Index < Num; Index++) { const CSnapshotItem *pFromItem = pFrom->GetItem(Index); const int FromItemSize = pFrom->GetItemSize(Index); const int ItemType = pFrom->GetItemType(Index); const void *pData = pFromItem->Data(); Unpacker.Reset(pData, FromItemSize); void *pRawObj = pNetObjHandler->SecureUnpackObj(ItemType, &Unpacker); if(!pRawObj) { if(g_Config.m_Debug && ItemType != UUID_UNKNOWN) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "dropped weird object '%s' (%d), failed on '%s'", pNetObjHandler->GetObjName(ItemType), ItemType, pNetObjHandler->FailedObjOn()); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", aBuf); } continue; } const int ItemSize = pNetObjHandler->GetUnpackedObjSize(ItemType); void *pObj = Builder.NewItem(pFromItem->Type(), pFromItem->Id(), ItemSize); if(!pObj) return -4; mem_copy(pObj, pRawObj, ItemSize); } return Builder.Finish(pTo); } void CClient::ResetMapDownload() { if(m_pMapdownloadTask) { m_pMapdownloadTask->Abort(); m_pMapdownloadTask = NULL; } m_MapdownloadFileTemp = 0; m_MapdownloadAmount = 0; } void CClient::FinishMapDownload() { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client/network", "download complete, loading map"); int Prev = m_MapdownloadTotalsize; m_MapdownloadTotalsize = -1; SHA256_DIGEST *pSha256 = m_MapdownloadSha256Present ? &m_MapdownloadSha256 : 0; bool FileSuccess = true; if(Storage()->FileExists(m_aMapdownloadFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE)) FileSuccess &= Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aMapdownloadFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); FileSuccess &= Storage()->RenameFile(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, m_aMapdownloadFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(!FileSuccess) { ResetMapDownload(); char aError[128 + IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aError, sizeof(aError), Localize("Could not save downloaded map. Try manually deleting this file: %s"), m_aMapdownloadFilename); DisconnectWithReason(aError); return; } // load map const char *pError = LoadMap(m_aMapdownloadName, m_aMapdownloadFilename, pSha256, m_MapdownloadCrc); if(!pError) { ResetMapDownload(); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client/network", "loading done"); SendReady(CONN_MAIN); } else if(m_pMapdownloadTask) // fallback { ResetMapDownload(); m_MapdownloadTotalsize = Prev; SendMapRequest(); } else { if(m_MapdownloadFileTemp) { io_close(m_MapdownloadFileTemp); m_MapdownloadFileTemp = 0; Storage()->RemoveFile(m_aMapdownloadFilenameTemp, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } ResetMapDownload(); DisconnectWithReason(pError); } } void CClient::ResetDDNetInfoTask() { if(m_pDDNetInfoTask) { m_pDDNetInfoTask->Abort(); m_pDDNetInfoTask = NULL; } } void CClient::FinishDDNetInfo() { if(m_ServerBrowser.DDNetInfoSha256() == m_pDDNetInfoTask->ResultSha256()) { log_debug("client/info", "DDNet info already up-to-date"); return; } char aTempFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; IStorage::FormatTmpPath(aTempFilename, sizeof(aTempFilename), DDNET_INFO_FILE); IOHANDLE File = Storage()->OpenFile(aTempFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(!File) { log_error("client/info", "Failed to open temporary DDNet info '%s' for writing", aTempFilename); return; } unsigned char *pResult; size_t ResultLength; m_pDDNetInfoTask->Result(&pResult, &ResultLength); bool Error = io_write(File, pResult, ResultLength) != ResultLength; Error |= io_close(File) != 0; if(Error) { log_error("client/info", "Error writing temporary DDNet info to file '%s'", aTempFilename); return; } if(Storage()->FileExists(DDNET_INFO_FILE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE) && !Storage()->RemoveFile(DDNET_INFO_FILE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE)) { log_error("client/info", "Failed to remove old DDNet info '%s'", DDNET_INFO_FILE); Storage()->RemoveFile(aTempFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); return; } if(!Storage()->RenameFile(aTempFilename, DDNET_INFO_FILE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE)) { log_error("client/info", "Failed to rename temporary DDNet info '%s' to '%s'", aTempFilename, DDNET_INFO_FILE); Storage()->RemoveFile(aTempFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); return; } log_debug("client/info", "Loading new DDNet info"); LoadDDNetInfo(); } typedef std::tuple TVersion; static const TVersion gs_InvalidVersion = std::make_tuple(-1, -1, -1); TVersion ToVersion(char *pStr) { int aVersion[3] = {0, 0, 0}; const char *p = strtok(pStr, "."); for(int i = 0; i < 3 && p; ++i) { if(!str_isallnum(p)) return gs_InvalidVersion; aVersion[i] = str_toint(p); p = strtok(NULL, "."); } if(p) return gs_InvalidVersion; return std::make_tuple(aVersion[0], aVersion[1], aVersion[2]); } void CClient::LoadDDNetInfo() { const json_value *pDDNetInfo = m_ServerBrowser.LoadDDNetInfo(); if(!pDDNetInfo) return; const json_value &DDNetInfo = *pDDNetInfo; const json_value &CurrentVersion = DDNetInfo["version"]; if(CurrentVersion.type == json_string) { char aNewVersionStr[64]; str_copy(aNewVersionStr, CurrentVersion); char aCurVersionStr[64]; str_copy(aCurVersionStr, GAME_RELEASE_VERSION); if(ToVersion(aNewVersionStr) > ToVersion(aCurVersionStr)) { str_copy(m_aVersionStr, CurrentVersion); } else { m_aVersionStr[0] = '0'; m_aVersionStr[1] = '\0'; } } const json_value &News = DDNetInfo["news"]; if(News.type == json_string) { // Only mark news button if something new was added to the news if(m_aNews[0] && str_find(m_aNews, News) == nullptr) g_Config.m_UiUnreadNews = true; str_copy(m_aNews, News); } const json_value &MapDownloadUrl = DDNetInfo["map-download-url"]; if(MapDownloadUrl.type == json_string) { str_copy(m_aMapDownloadUrl, MapDownloadUrl); } const json_value &Points = DDNetInfo["points"]; if(Points.type == json_integer) { m_Points = Points.u.integer; } const json_value &StunServersIpv6 = DDNetInfo["stun-servers-ipv6"]; if(StunServersIpv6.type == json_array && StunServersIpv6[0].type == json_string) { NETADDR Addr; if(!net_addr_from_str(&Addr, StunServersIpv6[0])) { m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].FeedStunServer(Addr); } } const json_value &StunServersIpv4 = DDNetInfo["stun-servers-ipv4"]; if(StunServersIpv4.type == json_array && StunServersIpv4[0].type == json_string) { NETADDR Addr; if(!net_addr_from_str(&Addr, StunServersIpv4[0])) { m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].FeedStunServer(Addr); } } const json_value &ConnectingIp = DDNetInfo["connecting-ip"]; if(ConnectingIp.type == json_string) { NETADDR Addr; if(!net_addr_from_str(&Addr, ConnectingIp)) { m_HaveGlobalTcpAddr = true; m_GlobalTcpAddr = Addr; log_debug("info", "got global tcp ip address: %s", (const char *)ConnectingIp); } } const json_value &WarnPngliteIncompatibleImages = DDNetInfo["warn-pnglite-incompatible-images"]; Graphics()->WarnPngliteIncompatibleImages(WarnPngliteIncompatibleImages.type == json_boolean && (bool)WarnPngliteIncompatibleImages); } int CClient::ConnectNetTypes() const { const NETADDR *pConnectAddrs; int NumConnectAddrs; m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].ConnectAddresses(&pConnectAddrs, &NumConnectAddrs); int NetType = 0; for(int i = 0; i < NumConnectAddrs; i++) { NetType |= pConnectAddrs[i].type; } return NetType; } void CClient::PumpNetwork() { for(auto &NetClient : m_aNetClient) { NetClient.Update(); } if(State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { // check for errors if(State() != IClient::STATE_OFFLINE && State() < IClient::STATE_QUITTING && m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].State() == NETSTATE_OFFLINE) { Disconnect(); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "offline error='%s'", m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].ErrorString()); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf, gs_ClientNetworkErrPrintColor); } if(State() != IClient::STATE_OFFLINE && State() < IClient::STATE_QUITTING && m_DummyConnected && m_aNetClient[CONN_DUMMY].State() == NETSTATE_OFFLINE) { DummyDisconnect(0); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "offline dummy error='%s'", m_aNetClient[CONN_DUMMY].ErrorString()); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf, gs_ClientNetworkErrPrintColor); } // if(State() == IClient::STATE_CONNECTING && m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].State() == NETSTATE_ONLINE) { // we switched to online m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", "connected, sending info", gs_ClientNetworkPrintColor); SetState(IClient::STATE_LOADING); SetLoadingStateDetail(IClient::LOADING_STATE_DETAIL_INITIAL); SendInfo(CONN_MAIN); } } // process packets CNetChunk Packet; for(int Conn = 0; Conn < NUM_CONNS; Conn++) { while(m_aNetClient[Conn].Recv(&Packet)) { if(Packet.m_ClientId == -1) { ProcessConnlessPacket(&Packet); continue; } if(Conn == CONN_MAIN || Conn == CONN_DUMMY) { ProcessServerPacket(&Packet, Conn, g_Config.m_ClDummy ^ Conn); } } } } void CClient::OnDemoPlayerSnapshot(void *pData, int Size) { // update ticks, they could have changed const CDemoPlayer::CPlaybackInfo *pInfo = m_DemoPlayer.Info(); m_aCurGameTick[0] = pInfo->m_Info.m_CurrentTick; m_aPrevGameTick[0] = pInfo->m_PreviousTick; // create a verified and unpacked snapshot unsigned char aAltSnapBuffer[CSnapshot::MAX_SIZE]; CSnapshot *pAltSnapBuffer = (CSnapshot *)aAltSnapBuffer; const int AltSnapSize = UnpackAndValidateSnapshot((CSnapshot *)pData, pAltSnapBuffer); if(AltSnapSize < 0) { dbg_msg("client", "unpack snapshot and validate failed. error=%d", AltSnapSize); return; } // handle snapshots after validation std::swap(m_aapSnapshots[0][SNAP_PREV], m_aapSnapshots[0][SNAP_CURRENT]); mem_copy(m_aapSnapshots[0][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pSnap, pData, Size); mem_copy(m_aapSnapshots[0][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pAltSnap, pAltSnapBuffer, AltSnapSize); GameClient()->OnNewSnapshot(); } void CClient::OnDemoPlayerMessage(void *pData, int Size) { CUnpacker Unpacker; Unpacker.Reset(pData, Size); CMsgPacker Packer(NETMSG_EX, true); // unpack msgid and system flag int Msg; bool Sys; CUuid Uuid; int Result = UnpackMessageId(&Msg, &Sys, &Uuid, &Unpacker, &Packer); if(Result == UNPACKMESSAGE_ERROR) { return; } if(!Sys) GameClient()->OnMessage(Msg, &Unpacker, CONN_MAIN, false); } void CClient::UpdateDemoIntraTimers() { // update timers const CDemoPlayer::CPlaybackInfo *pInfo = m_DemoPlayer.Info(); m_aCurGameTick[0] = pInfo->m_Info.m_CurrentTick; m_aPrevGameTick[0] = pInfo->m_PreviousTick; m_aGameIntraTick[0] = pInfo->m_IntraTick; m_aGameTickTime[0] = pInfo->m_TickTime; m_aGameIntraTickSincePrev[0] = pInfo->m_IntraTickSincePrev; }; void CClient::Update() { PumpNetwork(); if(State() == IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { if(m_DemoPlayer.IsPlaying()) { #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) if(IVideo::Current()) { IVideo::Current()->NextVideoFrame(); IVideo::Current()->NextAudioFrameTimeline([this](short *pFinalOut, unsigned Frames) { Sound()->Mix(pFinalOut, Frames); }); } #endif m_DemoPlayer.Update(); // update timers const CDemoPlayer::CPlaybackInfo *pInfo = m_DemoPlayer.Info(); m_aCurGameTick[0] = pInfo->m_Info.m_CurrentTick; m_aPrevGameTick[0] = pInfo->m_PreviousTick; m_aGameIntraTick[0] = pInfo->m_IntraTick; m_aGameTickTime[0] = pInfo->m_TickTime; } else { // Disconnect when demo playback stopped, either due to playback error // or because the end of the demo was reached when rendering it. DisconnectWithReason(m_DemoPlayer.ErrorMessage()); if(m_DemoPlayer.ErrorMessage()[0] != '\0') { SWarning Warning(Localize("Error playing demo"), m_DemoPlayer.ErrorMessage()); Warning.m_AutoHide = false; m_vWarnings.emplace_back(Warning); } } } else if(State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { if(m_LastDummy != (bool)g_Config.m_ClDummy) { // Invalidate references to !m_ClDummy snapshots GameClient()->InvalidateSnapshot(); GameClient()->OnDummySwap(); } if(m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]) { // switch dummy snapshot int64_t Now = m_aGameTime[!g_Config.m_ClDummy].Get(time_get()); while(true) { if(!m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pNext) break; int64_t TickStart = m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); if(TickStart >= Now) break; m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV] = m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]; m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT] = m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pNext; // set ticks m_aCurGameTick[!g_Config.m_ClDummy] = m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick; m_aPrevGameTick[!g_Config.m_ClDummy] = m_aapSnapshots[!g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick; } } if(m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]) { // switch snapshot bool Repredict = false; int64_t Now = m_aGameTime[g_Config.m_ClDummy].Get(time_get()); int64_t PredNow = m_PredictedTime.Get(time_get()); if(m_LastDummy != (bool)g_Config.m_ClDummy && m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV]) { // Load snapshot for m_ClDummy GameClient()->OnNewSnapshot(); Repredict = true; } while(true) { if(!m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pNext) break; int64_t TickStart = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); if(TickStart >= Now) break; m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV] = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]; m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT] = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_pNext; // set ticks m_aCurGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick; m_aPrevGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick; GameClient()->OnNewSnapshot(); Repredict = true; } if(m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV]) { int64_t CurTickStart = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_CURRENT]->m_Tick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); int64_t PrevTickStart = m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); int PrevPredTick = (int)(PredNow * GameTickSpeed() / time_freq()); int NewPredTick = PrevPredTick + 1; m_aGameIntraTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = (Now - PrevTickStart) / (float)(CurTickStart - PrevTickStart); m_aGameTickTime[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = (Now - PrevTickStart) / (float)time_freq(); m_aGameIntraTickSincePrev[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = (Now - PrevTickStart) / (float)(time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()); int64_t CurPredTickStart = NewPredTick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); int64_t PrevPredTickStart = PrevPredTick * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed(); m_aPredIntraTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = (PredNow - PrevPredTickStart) / (float)(CurPredTickStart - PrevPredTickStart); if(absolute(NewPredTick - m_aapSnapshots[g_Config.m_ClDummy][SNAP_PREV]->m_Tick) > MaxLatencyTicks()) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", "prediction time reset!"); m_PredictedTime.Init(CurTickStart + 2 * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()); } if(NewPredTick > m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy]) { m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] = NewPredTick; Repredict = true; // send input SendInput(); } } // only do sane predictions if(Repredict) { if(m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] > m_aCurGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] && m_aPredTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] < m_aCurGameTick[g_Config.m_ClDummy] + MaxLatencyTicks()) GameClient()->OnPredict(); } // fetch server info if we don't have it if(m_CurrentServerInfoRequestTime >= 0 && time_get() > m_CurrentServerInfoRequestTime) { m_ServerBrowser.RequestCurrentServer(ServerAddress()); m_CurrentServerInfoRequestTime = time_get() + time_freq() * 2; } // periodically ping server if(m_CurrentServerNextPingTime >= 0 && time_get() > m_CurrentServerNextPingTime) { int64_t NowPing = time_get(); int64_t Freq = time_freq(); char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "pinging current server%s", !m_ServerCapabilities.m_PingEx ? ", using fallback via server info" : ""); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "client", aBuf); m_CurrentServerPingUuid = RandomUuid(); if(!m_ServerCapabilities.m_PingEx) { m_ServerBrowser.RequestCurrentServerWithRandomToken(ServerAddress(), &m_CurrentServerPingBasicToken, &m_CurrentServerPingToken); } else { CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_PINGEX, true); Msg.AddRaw(&m_CurrentServerPingUuid, sizeof(m_CurrentServerPingUuid)); SendMsg(CONN_MAIN, &Msg, MSGFLAG_FLUSH); } m_CurrentServerCurrentPingTime = NowPing; m_CurrentServerNextPingTime = NowPing + 600 * Freq; // ping every 10 minutes } } m_LastDummy = (bool)g_Config.m_ClDummy; } // STRESS TEST: join the server again #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgStress) { static int64_t s_ActionTaken = 0; int64_t Now = time_get(); if(State() == IClient::STATE_OFFLINE) { if(Now > s_ActionTaken + time_freq() * 2) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "stress", "reconnecting!"); Connect(g_Config.m_DbgStressServer); s_ActionTaken = Now; } } else { if(Now > s_ActionTaken + time_freq() * (10 + g_Config.m_DbgStress)) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "stress", "disconnecting!"); Disconnect(); s_ActionTaken = Now; } } } #endif if(m_pMapdownloadTask) { if(m_pMapdownloadTask->State() == EHttpState::DONE) FinishMapDownload(); else if(m_pMapdownloadTask->State() == EHttpState::ERROR || m_pMapdownloadTask->State() == EHttpState::ABORTED) { dbg_msg("webdl", "http failed, falling back to gameserver"); ResetMapDownload(); SendMapRequest(); } } if(m_pDDNetInfoTask) { if(m_pDDNetInfoTask->State() == EHttpState::DONE) { FinishDDNetInfo(); ResetDDNetInfoTask(); } else if(m_pDDNetInfoTask->State() == EHttpState::ERROR || m_pDDNetInfoTask->State() == EHttpState::ABORTED) { ResetDDNetInfoTask(); } } if(State() == IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { if(!m_EditJobs.empty()) { std::shared_ptr pJob = m_EditJobs.front(); if(pJob->State() == IJob::STATE_DONE) { char aBuf[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH + 64]; if(pJob->Success()) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Successfully saved the replay to '%s'!", pJob->Destination()); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", aBuf); GameClient()->Echo(Localize("Successfully saved the replay!")); } else { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Failed saving the replay to '%s'...", pJob->Destination()); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", aBuf); GameClient()->Echo(Localize("Failed saving the replay!")); } m_EditJobs.pop_front(); } } } // update the server browser m_ServerBrowser.Update(); // update editor/gameclient if(m_EditorActive) m_pEditor->OnUpdate(); else GameClient()->OnUpdate(); Discord()->Update(); Steam()->Update(); if(Steam()->GetConnectAddress()) { HandleConnectAddress(Steam()->GetConnectAddress()); Steam()->ClearConnectAddress(); } if(m_ReconnectTime > 0 && time_get() > m_ReconnectTime) { if(State() != STATE_ONLINE) Connect(m_aConnectAddressStr); m_ReconnectTime = 0; } m_PredictedTime.UpdateMargin(PredictionMargin() * time_freq() / 1000); } void CClient::RegisterInterfaces() { Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_MANUAL]), false); Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_DemoPlayer), false); Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_GhostRecorder), false); Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_GhostLoader), false); Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_ServerBrowser), false); #if defined(CONF_AUTOUPDATE) Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_Updater), false); #endif Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_Friends), false); Kernel()->ReregisterInterface(static_cast(&m_Foes)); Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(&m_Http), false); } void CClient::InitInterfaces() { // fetch interfaces m_pEngine = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pEditor = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pFavorites = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pSound = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pGameClient = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pInput = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pMap = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConfigManager = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConfig = m_pConfigManager->Values(); #if defined(CONF_AUTOUPDATE) m_pUpdater = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); #endif m_pDiscord = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pSteam = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pNotifications = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pStorage = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_DemoEditor.Init(m_pGameClient->NetVersion(), &m_SnapshotDelta, m_pConsole, m_pStorage); m_ServerBrowser.SetBaseInfo(&m_aNetClient[CONN_CONTACT], m_pGameClient->NetVersion()); #if defined(CONF_AUTOUPDATE) m_Updater.Init(&m_Http); #endif m_pConfigManager->RegisterCallback(IFavorites::ConfigSaveCallback, m_pFavorites); m_Friends.Init(); m_Foes.Init(true); m_GhostRecorder.Init(); m_GhostLoader.Init(); } void CClient::Run() { m_LocalStartTime = m_GlobalStartTime = time_get(); #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) IVideo::SetLocalStartTime(m_LocalStartTime); #endif m_aSnapshotParts[0] = 0; m_aSnapshotParts[1] = 0; if(m_GenerateTimeoutSeed) { GenerateTimeoutSeed(); } unsigned int Seed; secure_random_fill(&Seed, sizeof(Seed)); srand(Seed); if(g_Config.m_Debug) { g_UuidManager.DebugDump(); } // init graphics m_pGraphics = CreateEngineGraphicsThreaded(); Kernel()->RegisterInterface(m_pGraphics); // IEngineGraphics Kernel()->RegisterInterface(static_cast(m_pGraphics), false); if(m_pGraphics->Init() != 0) { log_error("client", "couldn't init graphics"); ShowMessageBox("Graphics Error", "The graphics could not be initialized."); return; } // make sure the first frame just clears everything to prevent undesired colors when waiting for io Graphics()->Clear(0, 0, 0); Graphics()->Swap(); // init sound, allowed to fail const bool SoundInitFailed = Sound()->Init() != 0; #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) // init video recorder aka ffmpeg CVideo::Init(); #endif #ifndef CONF_WEBASM char aNetworkError[256]; if(!InitNetworkClient(aNetworkError, sizeof(aNetworkError))) { log_error("client", "%s", aNetworkError); ShowMessageBox("Network Error", aNetworkError); return; } #endif if(!m_Http.Init(std::chrono::seconds{1})) { const char *pErrorMessage = "Failed to initialize the HTTP client."; log_error("client", "%s", pErrorMessage); ShowMessageBox("HTTP Error", pErrorMessage); return; } // init text render m_pTextRender = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pTextRender->Init(); // init the input Input()->Init(); // init the editor m_pEditor->Init(); m_ServerBrowser.OnInit(); // loads the existing ddnet info file if it exists LoadDDNetInfo(); LoadDebugFont(); if(Steam()->GetPlayerName()) { str_copy(g_Config.m_SteamName, Steam()->GetPlayerName()); } Graphics()->AddWindowResizeListener([this] { OnWindowResize(); }); GameClient()->OnInit(); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", "version " GAME_RELEASE_VERSION " on " CONF_PLATFORM_STRING " " CONF_ARCH_STRING, ColorRGBA(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); if(GIT_SHORTREV_HASH) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "git revision hash: %s", GIT_SHORTREV_HASH); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf, ColorRGBA(0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); } // m_FpsGraph.Init(0.0f, 120.0f); // never start with the editor g_Config.m_ClEditor = 0; // process pending commands m_pConsole->StoreCommands(false); m_Fifo.Init(m_pConsole, g_Config.m_ClInputFifo, CFGFLAG_CLIENT); InitChecksum(); m_pConsole->InitChecksum(ChecksumData()); // request the new ddnet info from server if already past the welcome dialog if(g_Config.m_ClShowWelcome) g_Config.m_ClShowWelcome = 0; else RequestDDNetInfo(); if(SoundInitFailed) { SWarning Warning(Localize("Sound error"), Localize("The audio device couldn't be initialised.")); Warning.m_AutoHide = false; m_vWarnings.emplace_back(Warning); } bool LastD = false; bool LastE = false; bool LastG = false; auto LastTime = time_get_nanoseconds(); int64_t LastRenderTime = time_get(); while(true) { set_new_tick(); // handle pending connects if(m_aCmdConnect[0]) { str_copy(g_Config.m_UiServerAddress, m_aCmdConnect); Connect(m_aCmdConnect); m_aCmdConnect[0] = 0; } // handle pending demo play if(m_aCmdPlayDemo[0]) { const char *pError = DemoPlayer_Play(m_aCmdPlayDemo, IStorage::TYPE_ALL_OR_ABSOLUTE); if(pError) log_error("demo_player", "playing passed demo file '%s' failed: %s", m_aCmdPlayDemo, pError); m_aCmdPlayDemo[0] = 0; } // handle pending map edits if(m_aCmdEditMap[0]) { int Result = m_pEditor->HandleMapDrop(m_aCmdEditMap, IStorage::TYPE_ALL_OR_ABSOLUTE); if(Result) g_Config.m_ClEditor = true; else log_error("editor", "editing passed map file '%s' failed", m_aCmdEditMap); m_aCmdEditMap[0] = 0; } // progress on dummy connect when the connection is online if(m_DummySendConnInfo && m_aNetClient[CONN_DUMMY].State() == NETSTATE_ONLINE) { m_DummySendConnInfo = false; SendInfo(CONN_DUMMY); m_aNetClient[CONN_DUMMY].Update(); SendReady(CONN_DUMMY); GameClient()->SendDummyInfo(true); SendEnterGame(CONN_DUMMY); } // update input if(Input()->Update()) { if(State() == IClient::STATE_QUITTING) break; else SetState(IClient::STATE_QUITTING); // SDL_QUIT } char aFile[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; if(Input()->GetDropFile(aFile, sizeof(aFile))) { if(str_startswith(aFile, CONNECTLINK_NO_SLASH)) HandleConnectLink(aFile); else if(str_endswith(aFile, ".demo")) HandleDemoPath(aFile); else if(str_endswith(aFile, ".map")) HandleMapPath(aFile); } #if defined(CONF_AUTOUPDATE) Updater()->Update(); #endif // update sound Sound()->Update(); if(CtrlShiftKey(KEY_D, LastD)) g_Config.m_Debug ^= 1; if(CtrlShiftKey(KEY_G, LastG)) g_Config.m_DbgGraphs ^= 1; if(CtrlShiftKey(KEY_E, LastE)) { if(g_Config.m_ClEditor) m_pEditor->OnClose(); g_Config.m_ClEditor = g_Config.m_ClEditor ^ 1; } // render { if(g_Config.m_ClEditor) { if(!m_EditorActive) { Input()->MouseModeRelative(); GameClient()->OnActivateEditor(); m_pEditor->OnActivate(); m_EditorActive = true; } } else if(m_EditorActive) { m_EditorActive = false; } Update(); int64_t Now = time_get(); bool IsRenderActive = (g_Config.m_GfxBackgroundRender || m_pGraphics->WindowOpen()); bool AsyncRenderOld = g_Config.m_GfxAsyncRenderOld; int GfxRefreshRate = g_Config.m_GfxRefreshRate; #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) // keep rendering synced if(IVideo::Current()) { AsyncRenderOld = false; GfxRefreshRate = 0; } #endif if(IsRenderActive && (!AsyncRenderOld || m_pGraphics->IsIdle()) && (!GfxRefreshRate || (time_freq() / (int64_t)g_Config.m_GfxRefreshRate) <= Now - LastRenderTime)) { // update frametime m_RenderFrameTime = (Now - m_LastRenderTime) / (float)time_freq(); m_FpsGraph.Add(1.0f / m_RenderFrameTime); if(m_BenchmarkFile) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Frametime %d us\n", (int)(m_RenderFrameTime * 1000000)); io_write(m_BenchmarkFile, aBuf, str_length(aBuf)); if(time_get() > m_BenchmarkStopTime) { io_close(m_BenchmarkFile); m_BenchmarkFile = 0; Quit(); } } m_FrameTimeAvg = m_FrameTimeAvg * 0.9f + m_RenderFrameTime * 0.1f; // keep the overflow time - it's used to make sure the gfx refreshrate is reached int64_t AdditionalTime = g_Config.m_GfxRefreshRate ? ((Now - LastRenderTime) - (time_freq() / (int64_t)g_Config.m_GfxRefreshRate)) : 0; // if the value is over the frametime of a 60 fps frame, reset the additional time (drop the frames, that are lost already) if(AdditionalTime > (time_freq() / 60)) AdditionalTime = (time_freq() / 60); LastRenderTime = Now - AdditionalTime; m_LastRenderTime = Now; if(!m_EditorActive) Render(); else { m_pEditor->OnRender(); DebugRender(); } m_pGraphics->Swap(); } else if(!IsRenderActive) { // if the client does not render, it should reset its render time to a time where it would render the first frame, when it wakes up again LastRenderTime = g_Config.m_GfxRefreshRate ? (Now - (time_freq() / (int64_t)g_Config.m_GfxRefreshRate)) : Now; } } AutoScreenshot_Cleanup(); AutoStatScreenshot_Cleanup(); AutoCSV_Cleanup(); m_Fifo.Update(); if(State() == IClient::STATE_QUITTING || State() == IClient::STATE_RESTARTING) break; // beNice auto Now = time_get_nanoseconds(); decltype(Now) SleepTimeInNanoSeconds{0}; bool Slept = false; if(g_Config.m_ClRefreshRateInactive && !m_pGraphics->WindowActive()) { SleepTimeInNanoSeconds = (std::chrono::nanoseconds(1s) / (int64_t)g_Config.m_ClRefreshRateInactive) - (Now - LastTime); std::this_thread::sleep_for(SleepTimeInNanoSeconds); Slept = true; } else if(g_Config.m_ClRefreshRate) { SleepTimeInNanoSeconds = (std::chrono::nanoseconds(1s) / (int64_t)g_Config.m_ClRefreshRate) - (Now - LastTime); auto SleepTimeInNanoSecondsInner = SleepTimeInNanoSeconds; auto NowInner = Now; while((SleepTimeInNanoSecondsInner / std::chrono::nanoseconds(1us).count()) > 0ns) { net_socket_read_wait(m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].m_Socket, SleepTimeInNanoSecondsInner); auto NowInnerCalc = time_get_nanoseconds(); SleepTimeInNanoSecondsInner -= (NowInnerCalc - NowInner); NowInner = NowInnerCalc; } Slept = true; } if(Slept) { // if the diff gets too small it shouldn't get even smaller (drop the updates, that could not be handled) if(SleepTimeInNanoSeconds < -16666666ns) SleepTimeInNanoSeconds = -16666666ns; // don't go higher than the frametime of a 60 fps frame else if(SleepTimeInNanoSeconds > 16666666ns) SleepTimeInNanoSeconds = 16666666ns; // the time diff between the time that was used actually used and the time the thread should sleep/wait // will be calculated in the sleep time of the next update tick by faking the time it should have slept/wait. // so two cases (and the case it slept exactly the time it should): // - the thread slept/waited too long, then it adjust the time to sleep/wait less in the next update tick // - the thread slept/waited too less, then it adjust the time to sleep/wait more in the next update tick LastTime = Now + SleepTimeInNanoSeconds; } else LastTime = Now; // update local and global time m_LocalTime = (time_get() - m_LocalStartTime) / (float)time_freq(); m_GlobalTime = (time_get() - m_GlobalStartTime) / (float)time_freq(); } GameClient()->RenderShutdownMessage(); Disconnect(); if(!m_pConfigManager->Save()) { char aError[128]; str_format(aError, sizeof(aError), Localize("Saving settings to '%s' failed"), CONFIG_FILE); m_vQuittingWarnings.emplace_back(Localize("Error saving settings"), aError); } m_Fifo.Shutdown(); m_Http.Shutdown(); Engine()->ShutdownJobs(); GameClient()->RenderShutdownMessage(); GameClient()->OnShutdown(); delete m_pEditor; // close sockets for(unsigned int i = 0; i < std::size(m_aNetClient); i++) m_aNetClient[i].Close(); // shutdown text render while graphics are still available m_pTextRender->Shutdown(); } bool CClient::InitNetworkClient(char *pError, size_t ErrorSize) { NETADDR BindAddr; if(g_Config.m_Bindaddr[0] == '\0') { mem_zero(&BindAddr, sizeof(BindAddr)); } else if(net_host_lookup(g_Config.m_Bindaddr, &BindAddr, NETTYPE_ALL) != 0) { str_format(pError, ErrorSize, "The configured bindaddr '%s' cannot be resolved.", g_Config.m_Bindaddr); return false; } BindAddr.type = NETTYPE_ALL; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < std::size(m_aNetClient); i++) { int &PortRef = i == CONN_MAIN ? g_Config.m_ClPort : i == CONN_DUMMY ? g_Config.m_ClDummyPort : g_Config.m_ClContactPort; if(PortRef < 1024) // Reject users setting ports that we don't want to use { PortRef = 0; } BindAddr.port = PortRef; unsigned RemainingAttempts = 25; while(BindAddr.port == 0 || !m_aNetClient[i].Open(BindAddr)) { if(BindAddr.port != 0) { --RemainingAttempts; if(RemainingAttempts == 0) { if(g_Config.m_Bindaddr[0]) str_format(pError, ErrorSize, "Could not open the network client, try changing or unsetting the bindaddr '%s'.", g_Config.m_Bindaddr); else str_format(pError, ErrorSize, "Could not open the network client."); return false; } } BindAddr.port = (secure_rand() % 64511) + 1024; } } return true; } bool CClient::CtrlShiftKey(int Key, bool &Last) { if(Input()->ModifierIsPressed() && Input()->ShiftIsPressed() && !Last && Input()->KeyIsPressed(Key)) { Last = true; return true; } else if(Last && !Input()->KeyIsPressed(Key)) Last = false; return false; } void CClient::Con_Connect(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->HandleConnectLink(pResult->GetString(0)); } void CClient::Con_Disconnect(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->Disconnect(); } void CClient::Con_DummyConnect(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->DummyConnect(); } void CClient::Con_DummyDisconnect(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->DummyDisconnect(0); } void CClient::Con_DummyResetInput(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->GameClient()->DummyResetInput(); } void CClient::Con_Quit(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->Quit(); } void CClient::Con_Restart(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->Restart(); } void CClient::Con_Minimize(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->Graphics()->Minimize(); } void CClient::Con_Ping(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_PING, true); pSelf->SendMsg(CONN_MAIN, &Msg, MSGFLAG_FLUSH); pSelf->m_PingStartTime = time_get(); } void CClient::AutoScreenshot_Start() { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoScreenshot) { Graphics()->TakeScreenshot("auto/autoscreen"); m_AutoScreenshotRecycle = true; } } void CClient::AutoStatScreenshot_Start() { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoStatboardScreenshot) { Graphics()->TakeScreenshot("auto/stats/autoscreen"); m_AutoStatScreenshotRecycle = true; } } void CClient::AutoScreenshot_Cleanup() { if(m_AutoScreenshotRecycle) { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoScreenshotMax) { // clean up auto taken screens CFileCollection AutoScreens; AutoScreens.Init(Storage(), "screenshots/auto", "autoscreen", ".png", g_Config.m_ClAutoScreenshotMax); } m_AutoScreenshotRecycle = false; } } void CClient::AutoStatScreenshot_Cleanup() { if(m_AutoStatScreenshotRecycle) { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoStatboardScreenshotMax) { // clean up auto taken screens CFileCollection AutoScreens; AutoScreens.Init(Storage(), "screenshots/auto/stats", "autoscreen", ".png", g_Config.m_ClAutoStatboardScreenshotMax); } m_AutoStatScreenshotRecycle = false; } } void CClient::AutoCSV_Start() { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoCSV) m_AutoCSVRecycle = true; } void CClient::AutoCSV_Cleanup() { if(m_AutoCSVRecycle) { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoCSVMax) { // clean up auto csvs CFileCollection AutoRecord; AutoRecord.Init(Storage(), "record/csv", "autorecord", ".csv", g_Config.m_ClAutoCSVMax); } m_AutoCSVRecycle = false; } } void CClient::Con_Screenshot(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->Graphics()->TakeScreenshot(0); } #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) void CClient::Con_StartVideo(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = static_cast(pUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) { pSelf->StartVideo(pResult->GetString(0), false); } else { pSelf->StartVideo("video", true); } } void CClient::StartVideo(const char *pFilename, bool WithTimestamp) { if(State() != IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK) { log_error("videorecorder", "Video can only be recorded in demo player."); return; } if(IVideo::Current()) { log_error("videorecorder", "Already recording."); return; } char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; if(WithTimestamp) { char aTimestamp[20]; str_timestamp(aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp)); str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "videos/%s_%s.mp4", pFilename, aTimestamp); } else { str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "videos/%s.mp4", pFilename); } // wait for idle, so there is no data race Graphics()->WaitForIdle(); // pause the sound device while creating the video instance Sound()->PauseAudioDevice(); new CVideo((CGraphics_Threaded *)m_pGraphics, Sound(), Storage(), Graphics()->ScreenWidth(), Graphics()->ScreenHeight(), aFilename); Sound()->UnpauseAudioDevice(); IVideo::Current()->Start(); if(m_DemoPlayer.Info()->m_Info.m_Paused) { IVideo::Current()->Pause(true); } log_info("videorecorder", "Recording to '%s'", aFilename); } void CClient::Con_StopVideo(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { if(!IVideo::Current()) { log_error("videorecorder", "Not recording."); return; } IVideo::Current()->Stop(); log_info("videorecorder", "Stopped recording."); } #endif void CClient::Con_Rcon(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->Rcon(pResult->GetString(0)); } void CClient::Con_RconAuth(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->RconAuth("", pResult->GetString(0)); } void CClient::Con_RconLogin(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->RconAuth(pResult->GetString(0), pResult->GetString(1)); } void CClient::Con_BeginFavoriteGroup(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->m_FavoritesGroup) { log_error("client", "opening favorites group while there is already one, discarding old one"); for(int i = 0; i < pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum; i++) { char aAddr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE]; net_addr_str(&pSelf->m_aFavoritesGroupAddresses[i], aAddr, sizeof(aAddr), true); log_warn("client", "discarding %s", aAddr); } } pSelf->m_FavoritesGroup = true; pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupAllowPing = false; pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum = 0; } void CClient::Con_EndFavoriteGroup(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(!pSelf->m_FavoritesGroup) { log_error("client", "closing favorites group while there is none, ignoring"); return; } log_info("client", "adding group of %d favorites", pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum); pSelf->m_pFavorites->Add(pSelf->m_aFavoritesGroupAddresses, pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum); if(pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupAllowPing) { pSelf->m_pFavorites->AllowPing(pSelf->m_aFavoritesGroupAddresses, pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum, true); } pSelf->m_FavoritesGroup = false; } void CClient::Con_AddFavorite(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; NETADDR Addr; if(net_addr_from_str(&Addr, pResult->GetString(0)) != 0) { char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "invalid address '%s'", pResult->GetString(0)); pSelf->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "client", aBuf); return; } bool AllowPing = pResult->NumArguments() > 1 && str_find(pResult->GetString(1), "allow_ping"); char aAddr[NETADDR_MAXSTRSIZE]; net_addr_str(&Addr, aAddr, sizeof(aAddr), true); if(pSelf->m_FavoritesGroup) { if(pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum == (int)std::size(pSelf->m_aFavoritesGroupAddresses)) { log_error("client", "discarding %s because groups can have at most a size of %d", aAddr, pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum); return; } log_info("client", "adding %s to favorites group", aAddr); pSelf->m_aFavoritesGroupAddresses[pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum] = Addr; pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupAllowPing = pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupAllowPing || AllowPing; pSelf->m_FavoritesGroupNum += 1; } else { log_info("client", "adding %s to favorites", aAddr); pSelf->m_pFavorites->Add(&Addr, 1); if(AllowPing) { pSelf->m_pFavorites->AllowPing(&Addr, 1, true); } } } void CClient::Con_RemoveFavorite(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; NETADDR Addr; if(net_addr_from_str(&Addr, pResult->GetString(0)) == 0) pSelf->m_pFavorites->Remove(&Addr, 1); } void CClient::DemoSliceBegin() { const CDemoPlayer::CPlaybackInfo *pInfo = m_DemoPlayer.Info(); g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceBegin = pInfo->m_Info.m_CurrentTick; } void CClient::DemoSliceEnd() { const CDemoPlayer::CPlaybackInfo *pInfo = m_DemoPlayer.Info(); g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceEnd = pInfo->m_Info.m_CurrentTick; } void CClient::Con_DemoSliceBegin(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->DemoSliceBegin(); } void CClient::Con_DemoSliceEnd(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->DemoSliceEnd(); } void CClient::Con_SaveReplay(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) { int Length = pResult->GetInteger(0); if(Length <= 0) pSelf->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", "ERROR: length must be greater than 0 second."); else { if(pResult->NumArguments() >= 2) pSelf->SaveReplay(Length, pResult->GetString(1)); else pSelf->SaveReplay(Length); } } else pSelf->SaveReplay(g_Config.m_ClReplayLength); } void CClient::SaveReplay(const int Length, const char *pFilename) { if(!g_Config.m_ClReplays) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", "Feature is disabled. Please enable it via configuration."); GameClient()->Echo(Localize("Replay feature is disabled!")); return; } if(!DemoRecorder(RECORDER_REPLAYS)->IsRecording()) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", "ERROR: demorecorder isn't recording. Try to rejoin to fix that."); } else if(DemoRecorder(RECORDER_REPLAYS)->Length() < 1) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", "ERROR: demorecorder isn't recording for at least 1 second."); } else { char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; if(pFilename[0] == '\0') { char aTimestamp[20]; str_timestamp(aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp)); str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "demos/replays/%s_%s_(replay).demo", m_aCurrentMap, aTimestamp); } else { str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "demos/replays/%s.demo", pFilename); IOHANDLE Handle = m_pStorage->OpenFile(aFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); if(!Handle) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", "ERROR: invalid filename. Try a different one!"); return; } io_close(Handle); m_pStorage->RemoveFile(aFilename, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE); } // Stop the recorder to correctly slice the demo after DemoRecorder(RECORDER_REPLAYS)->Stop(IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::KEEP_FILE); // Slice the demo to get only the last cl_replay_length seconds const char *pSrc = m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_REPLAYS].CurrentFilename(); const int EndTick = GameTick(g_Config.m_ClDummy); const int StartTick = EndTick - Length * GameTickSpeed(); m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "replay", "Saving replay..."); // Create a job to do this slicing in background because it can be a bit long depending on the file size std::shared_ptr pDemoEditTask = std::make_shared(GameClient()->NetVersion(), &m_SnapshotDelta, m_pStorage, pSrc, aFilename, StartTick, EndTick); Engine()->AddJob(pDemoEditTask); m_EditJobs.push_back(pDemoEditTask); // And we restart the recorder DemoRecorder_UpdateReplayRecorder(); } } void CClient::DemoSlice(const char *pDstPath, CLIENTFUNC_FILTER pfnFilter, void *pUser) { if(m_DemoPlayer.IsPlaying()) { m_DemoEditor.Slice(m_DemoPlayer.Filename(), pDstPath, g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceBegin, g_Config.m_ClDemoSliceEnd, pfnFilter, pUser); } } const char *CClient::DemoPlayer_Play(const char *pFilename, int StorageType) { // Don't disconnect unless the file exists (only for play command) if(!Storage()->FileExists(pFilename, StorageType)) return "No demo with this filename exists"; Disconnect(); m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].ResetErrorString(); SetState(IClient::STATE_LOADING); SetLoadingStateDetail(IClient::LOADING_STATE_DETAIL_LOADING_DEMO); if((bool)m_LoadingCallback) m_LoadingCallback(IClient::LOADING_CALLBACK_DETAIL_DEMO); // try to start playback m_DemoPlayer.SetListener(this); if(m_DemoPlayer.Load(Storage(), m_pConsole, pFilename, StorageType)) { DisconnectWithReason(m_DemoPlayer.ErrorMessage()); return m_DemoPlayer.ErrorMessage(); } // load map const CMapInfo *pMapInfo = m_DemoPlayer.GetMapInfo(); int Crc = pMapInfo->m_Crc; SHA256_DIGEST Sha = pMapInfo->m_Sha256; const char *pError = LoadMapSearch(pMapInfo->m_aName, Sha != SHA256_ZEROED ? &Sha : nullptr, Crc); if(pError) { if(!m_DemoPlayer.ExtractMap(Storage())) { DisconnectWithReason(pError); return pError; } Sha = m_DemoPlayer.GetMapInfo()->m_Sha256; pError = LoadMapSearch(pMapInfo->m_aName, &Sha, Crc); if(pError) { DisconnectWithReason(pError); return pError; } } // setup current server info mem_zero(&m_CurrentServerInfo, sizeof(m_CurrentServerInfo)); str_copy(m_CurrentServerInfo.m_aMap, pMapInfo->m_aName); m_CurrentServerInfo.m_MapCrc = pMapInfo->m_Crc; m_CurrentServerInfo.m_MapSize = pMapInfo->m_Size; if(g_Config.m_ClDemoAssumeRace) { str_copy(m_CurrentServerInfo.m_aGameType, "DDraceNetwork"); } GameClient()->OnConnected(); // setup buffers mem_zero(m_aaaDemorecSnapshotData, sizeof(m_aaaDemorecSnapshotData)); for(int SnapshotType = 0; SnapshotType < NUM_SNAPSHOT_TYPES; SnapshotType++) { m_aapSnapshots[0][SnapshotType] = &m_aDemorecSnapshotHolders[SnapshotType]; m_aapSnapshots[0][SnapshotType]->m_pSnap = (CSnapshot *)&m_aaaDemorecSnapshotData[SnapshotType][0]; m_aapSnapshots[0][SnapshotType]->m_pAltSnap = (CSnapshot *)&m_aaaDemorecSnapshotData[SnapshotType][1]; m_aapSnapshots[0][SnapshotType]->m_SnapSize = 0; m_aapSnapshots[0][SnapshotType]->m_AltSnapSize = 0; m_aapSnapshots[0][SnapshotType]->m_Tick = -1; } // enter demo playback state SetState(IClient::STATE_DEMOPLAYBACK); m_DemoPlayer.Play(); GameClient()->OnEnterGame(); return 0; } #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) const char *CClient::DemoPlayer_Render(const char *pFilename, int StorageType, const char *pVideoName, int SpeedIndex, bool StartPaused) { const char *pError = DemoPlayer_Play(pFilename, StorageType); if(pError) return pError; StartVideo(pVideoName, false); m_DemoPlayer.SetSpeedIndex(SpeedIndex); if(StartPaused) { m_DemoPlayer.Pause(); } return nullptr; } #endif void CClient::Con_Play(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->HandleDemoPath(pResult->GetString(0)); } void CClient::Con_DemoPlay(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->m_DemoPlayer.IsPlaying()) { if(pSelf->m_DemoPlayer.BaseInfo()->m_Paused) { pSelf->m_DemoPlayer.Unpause(); } else { pSelf->m_DemoPlayer.Pause(); } } } void CClient::Con_DemoSpeed(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->m_DemoPlayer.SetSpeed(pResult->GetFloat(0)); } void CClient::DemoRecorder_Start(const char *pFilename, bool WithTimestamp, int Recorder, bool Verbose) { if(State() != IClient::STATE_ONLINE) { if(Verbose) { m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "demorec/record", "client is not online"); } } else { char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; if(WithTimestamp) { char aTimestamp[20]; str_timestamp(aTimestamp, sizeof(aTimestamp)); str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "demos/%s_%s.demo", pFilename, aTimestamp); } else { str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "demos/%s.demo", pFilename); } m_aDemoRecorder[Recorder].Start(Storage(), m_pConsole, aFilename, GameClient()->NetVersion(), m_aCurrentMap, m_pMap->Sha256(), m_pMap->Crc(), "client", m_pMap->MapSize(), 0, m_pMap->File()); } } void CClient::DemoRecorder_HandleAutoStart() { if(g_Config.m_ClAutoDemoRecord) { DemoRecorder(RECORDER_AUTO)->Stop(IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::KEEP_FILE); char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "auto/%s", m_aCurrentMap); DemoRecorder_Start(aFilename, true, RECORDER_AUTO); if(g_Config.m_ClAutoDemoMax) { // clean up auto recorded demos CFileCollection AutoDemos; AutoDemos.Init(Storage(), "demos/auto", "" /* empty for wild card */, ".demo", g_Config.m_ClAutoDemoMax); } } DemoRecorder_UpdateReplayRecorder(); } void CClient::DemoRecorder_UpdateReplayRecorder() { if(!g_Config.m_ClReplays && DemoRecorder(RECORDER_REPLAYS)->IsRecording()) { DemoRecorder(RECORDER_REPLAYS)->Stop(IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::REMOVE_FILE); } if(g_Config.m_ClReplays && !DemoRecorder(RECORDER_REPLAYS)->IsRecording()) { char aFilename[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; str_format(aFilename, sizeof(aFilename), "replays/replay_tmp_%s", m_aCurrentMap); DemoRecorder_Start(aFilename, true, RECORDER_REPLAYS); } } void CClient::DemoRecorder_AddDemoMarker(int Recorder) { m_aDemoRecorder[Recorder].AddDemoMarker(); } class IDemoRecorder *CClient::DemoRecorder(int Recorder) { return &m_aDemoRecorder[Recorder]; } void CClient::Con_Record(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_MANUAL].IsRecording()) { pSelf->m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "demo_recorder", "Demo recorder already recording"); return; } if(pResult->NumArguments()) pSelf->DemoRecorder_Start(pResult->GetString(0), false, RECORDER_MANUAL, true); else pSelf->DemoRecorder_Start(pSelf->m_aCurrentMap, true, RECORDER_MANUAL, true); } void CClient::Con_StopRecord(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pSelf->DemoRecorder(RECORDER_MANUAL)->Stop(IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::KEEP_FILE); } void CClient::Con_AddDemoMarker(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; for(int Recorder = 0; Recorder < RECORDER_MAX; Recorder++) pSelf->DemoRecorder_AddDemoMarker(Recorder); } void CClient::Con_BenchmarkQuit(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; int Seconds = pResult->GetInteger(0); const char *pFilename = pResult->GetString(1); pSelf->BenchmarkQuit(Seconds, pFilename); } void CClient::BenchmarkQuit(int Seconds, const char *pFilename) { char aBuf[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; m_BenchmarkFile = Storage()->OpenFile(pFilename, IOFLAG_WRITE, IStorage::TYPE_ABSOLUTE, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); m_BenchmarkStopTime = time_get() + time_freq() * Seconds; } void CClient::UpdateAndSwap() { Input()->Update(); Graphics()->Swap(); Graphics()->Clear(0, 0, 0); } void CClient::ServerBrowserUpdate() { m_ServerBrowser.RequestResort(); } void CClient::ConchainServerBrowserUpdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) ((CClient *)pUserData)->ServerBrowserUpdate(); } void CClient::InitChecksum() { CChecksumData *pData = &m_Checksum.m_Data; pData->m_SizeofData = sizeof(*pData); str_copy(pData->m_aVersionStr, GAME_NAME " " GAME_RELEASE_VERSION " (" CONF_PLATFORM_STRING "; " CONF_ARCH_STRING ")"); pData->m_Start = time_get(); os_version_str(pData->m_aOsVersion, sizeof(pData->m_aOsVersion)); secure_random_fill(&pData->m_Random, sizeof(pData->m_Random)); pData->m_Version = GameClient()->DDNetVersion(); pData->m_SizeofClient = sizeof(*this); pData->m_SizeofConfig = sizeof(pData->m_Config); pData->InitFiles(); } #ifndef DDNET_CHECKSUM_SALT // salt@checksum.ddnet.tw: db877f2b-2ddb-3ba6-9f67-a6d169ec671d #define DDNET_CHECKSUM_SALT \ { \ { \ 0xdb, 0x87, 0x7f, 0x2b, 0x2d, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xa6, \ 0x9f, 0x67, 0xa6, 0xd1, 0x69, 0xec, 0x67, 0x1d, \ } \ } #endif int CClient::HandleChecksum(int Conn, CUuid Uuid, CUnpacker *pUnpacker) { int Start = pUnpacker->GetInt(); int Length = pUnpacker->GetInt(); if(pUnpacker->Error()) { return 1; } if(Start < 0 || Length < 0 || Start > std::numeric_limits::max() - Length) { return 2; } int End = Start + Length; int ChecksumBytesEnd = minimum(End, (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes)); int FileStart = maximum(Start, (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes)); unsigned char aStartBytes[sizeof(int32_t)]; unsigned char aEndBytes[sizeof(int32_t)]; uint_to_bytes_be(aStartBytes, Start); uint_to_bytes_be(aEndBytes, End); if(Start <= (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes)) { mem_zero(&m_Checksum.m_Data.m_Config, sizeof(m_Checksum.m_Data.m_Config)); #define CHECKSUM_RECORD(Flags) (((Flags)&CFGFLAG_CLIENT) == 0 || ((Flags)&CFGFLAG_INSENSITIVE) != 0) #define MACRO_CONFIG_INT(Name, ScriptName, Def, Min, Max, Flags, Desc) \ if(CHECKSUM_RECORD(Flags)) \ { \ m_Checksum.m_Data.m_Config.m_##Name = g_Config.m_##Name; \ } #define MACRO_CONFIG_COL(Name, ScriptName, Def, Flags, Desc) \ if(CHECKSUM_RECORD(Flags)) \ { \ m_Checksum.m_Data.m_Config.m_##Name = g_Config.m_##Name; \ } #define MACRO_CONFIG_STR(Name, ScriptName, Len, Def, Flags, Desc) \ if(CHECKSUM_RECORD(Flags)) \ { \ str_copy(m_Checksum.m_Data.m_Config.m_##Name, g_Config.m_##Name, sizeof(m_Checksum.m_Data.m_Config.m_##Name)); \ } #include #undef CHECKSUM_RECORD #undef MACRO_CONFIG_INT #undef MACRO_CONFIG_COL #undef MACRO_CONFIG_STR } if(End > (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes)) { if(m_OwnExecutableSize == 0) { m_OwnExecutable = io_current_exe(); // io_length returns -1 on error. m_OwnExecutableSize = m_OwnExecutable ? io_length(m_OwnExecutable) : -1; } // Own executable not available. if(m_OwnExecutableSize < 0) { return 3; } if(End - (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes) > m_OwnExecutableSize) { return 4; } } SHA256_CTX Sha256Ctxt; sha256_init(&Sha256Ctxt); CUuid Salt = DDNET_CHECKSUM_SALT; sha256_update(&Sha256Ctxt, &Salt, sizeof(Salt)); sha256_update(&Sha256Ctxt, &Uuid, sizeof(Uuid)); sha256_update(&Sha256Ctxt, aStartBytes, sizeof(aStartBytes)); sha256_update(&Sha256Ctxt, aEndBytes, sizeof(aEndBytes)); if(Start < (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes)) { sha256_update(&Sha256Ctxt, m_Checksum.m_aBytes + Start, ChecksumBytesEnd - Start); } if(End > (int)sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes)) { unsigned char aBuf[2048]; if(io_seek(m_OwnExecutable, FileStart - sizeof(m_Checksum.m_aBytes), IOSEEK_START)) { return 5; } for(int i = FileStart; i < End; i += sizeof(aBuf)) { int Read = io_read(m_OwnExecutable, aBuf, minimum((int)sizeof(aBuf), End - i)); sha256_update(&Sha256Ctxt, aBuf, Read); } } SHA256_DIGEST Sha256 = sha256_finish(&Sha256Ctxt); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSG_CHECKSUM_RESPONSE, true); Msg.AddRaw(&Uuid, sizeof(Uuid)); Msg.AddRaw(&Sha256, sizeof(Sha256)); SendMsg(Conn, &Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL); return 0; } void CClient::SwitchWindowScreen(int Index) { //Tested on windows 11 64 bit (gtx 1660 super, intel UHD 630 opengl 1.2.0, 3.3.0 and vulkan 1.1.0) int IsFullscreen = g_Config.m_GfxFullscreen; int IsBorderless = g_Config.m_GfxBorderless; if(Graphics()->SetWindowScreen(Index)) g_Config.m_GfxScreen = Index; SetWindowParams(3, false); // prevent DDNet to get stretch on monitors CVideoMode CurMode; Graphics()->GetCurrentVideoMode(CurMode, Index); const int Depth = CurMode.m_Red + CurMode.m_Green + CurMode.m_Blue > 16 ? 24 : 16; g_Config.m_GfxColorDepth = Depth; g_Config.m_GfxScreenWidth = CurMode.m_WindowWidth; g_Config.m_GfxScreenHeight = CurMode.m_WindowHeight; g_Config.m_GfxScreenRefreshRate = CurMode.m_RefreshRate; Graphics()->ResizeToScreen(); SetWindowParams(IsFullscreen, IsBorderless); } void CClient::ConchainWindowScreen(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->Graphics() && pResult->NumArguments()) { if(g_Config.m_GfxScreen != pResult->GetInteger(0)) pSelf->SwitchWindowScreen(pResult->GetInteger(0)); } else pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); } void CClient::SetWindowParams(int FullscreenMode, bool IsBorderless) { g_Config.m_GfxFullscreen = clamp(FullscreenMode, 0, 3); g_Config.m_GfxBorderless = (int)IsBorderless; Graphics()->SetWindowParams(FullscreenMode, IsBorderless); } void CClient::ConchainFullscreen(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->Graphics() && pResult->NumArguments()) { if(g_Config.m_GfxFullscreen != pResult->GetInteger(0)) pSelf->SetWindowParams(pResult->GetInteger(0), g_Config.m_GfxBorderless); } else pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); } void CClient::ConchainWindowBordered(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->Graphics() && pResult->NumArguments()) { if(!g_Config.m_GfxFullscreen && (g_Config.m_GfxBorderless != pResult->GetInteger(0))) pSelf->SetWindowParams(g_Config.m_GfxFullscreen, !g_Config.m_GfxBorderless); } else pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); } void CClient::ToggleWindowVSync() { if(Graphics()->SetVSync(g_Config.m_GfxVsync ^ 1)) g_Config.m_GfxVsync ^= 1; } void CClient::Notify(const char *pTitle, const char *pMessage) { if(m_pGraphics->WindowActive() || !g_Config.m_ClShowNotifications) return; Notifications()->Notify(pTitle, pMessage); Graphics()->NotifyWindow(); } void CClient::OnWindowResize() { TextRender()->OnPreWindowResize(); GameClient()->OnWindowResize(); m_pEditor->OnWindowResize(); TextRender()->OnWindowResize(); } void CClient::ConchainWindowVSync(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; if(pSelf->Graphics() && pResult->NumArguments()) { if(g_Config.m_GfxVsync != pResult->GetInteger(0)) pSelf->ToggleWindowVSync(); } else pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); } void CClient::ConchainWindowResize(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pSelf->Graphics() && pResult->NumArguments()) { pSelf->Graphics()->ResizeToScreen(); } } void CClient::ConchainTimeoutSeed(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) pSelf->m_GenerateTimeoutSeed = false; } void CClient::ConchainPassword(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments() && pSelf->m_LocalStartTime) //won't set m_SendPassword before game has started pSelf->m_SendPassword = true; } void CClient::ConchainReplays(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) { pSelf->DemoRecorder_UpdateReplayRecorder(); } } void CClient::ConchainLoglevel(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments()) { pSelf->m_pFileLogger->SetFilter(CLogFilter{IConsole::ToLogLevelFilter(g_Config.m_Loglevel)}); } } void CClient::ConchainStdoutOutputLevel(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { CClient *pSelf = (CClient *)pUserData; pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData); if(pResult->NumArguments() && pSelf->m_pStdoutLogger) { pSelf->m_pStdoutLogger->SetFilter(CLogFilter{IConsole::ToLogLevelFilter(g_Config.m_StdoutOutputLevel)}); } } void CClient::RegisterCommands() { m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConsole->Register("dummy_connect", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DummyConnect, this, "Connect dummy"); m_pConsole->Register("dummy_disconnect", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DummyDisconnect, this, "Disconnect dummy"); m_pConsole->Register("dummy_reset", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DummyResetInput, this, "Reset dummy"); m_pConsole->Register("quit", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Quit, this, "Quit the client"); m_pConsole->Register("exit", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Quit, this, "Quit the client"); m_pConsole->Register("restart", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Restart, this, "Restart the client"); m_pConsole->Register("minimize", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Minimize, this, "Minimize the client"); m_pConsole->Register("connect", "r[host|ip]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_Connect, this, "Connect to the specified host/ip"); m_pConsole->Register("disconnect", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_Disconnect, this, "Disconnect from the server"); m_pConsole->Register("ping", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_Ping, this, "Ping the current server"); m_pConsole->Register("screenshot", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Screenshot, this, "Take a screenshot"); #if defined(CONF_VIDEORECORDER) m_pConsole->Register("start_video", "?r[file]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_StartVideo, this, "Start recording a video"); m_pConsole->Register("stop_video", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_StopVideo, this, "Stop recording a video"); #endif m_pConsole->Register("rcon", "r[rcon-command]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_Rcon, this, "Send specified command to rcon"); m_pConsole->Register("rcon_auth", "r[password]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_RconAuth, this, "Authenticate to rcon"); m_pConsole->Register("rcon_login", "s[username] r[password]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_RconLogin, this, "Authenticate to rcon with a username"); m_pConsole->Register("play", "r[file]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_Play, this, "Play back a demo"); m_pConsole->Register("record", "?r[file]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_Record, this, "Start recording a demo"); m_pConsole->Register("stoprecord", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_StopRecord, this, "Stop recording a demo"); m_pConsole->Register("add_demomarker", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_AddDemoMarker, this, "Add demo timeline marker"); m_pConsole->Register("begin_favorite_group", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_BeginFavoriteGroup, this, "Use this before `add_favorite` to group favorites. End with `end_favorite_group`"); m_pConsole->Register("end_favorite_group", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_EndFavoriteGroup, this, "Use this after `add_favorite` to group favorites. Start with `begin_favorite_group`"); m_pConsole->Register("add_favorite", "s[host|ip] ?s['allow_ping']", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_AddFavorite, this, "Add a server as a favorite"); m_pConsole->Register("remove_favorite", "r[host|ip]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_RemoveFavorite, this, "Remove a server from favorites"); m_pConsole->Register("demo_slice_start", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DemoSliceBegin, this, "Mark the beginning of a demo cut"); m_pConsole->Register("demo_slice_end", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DemoSliceEnd, this, "Mark the end of a demo cut"); m_pConsole->Register("demo_play", "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DemoPlay, this, "Play/pause the current demo"); m_pConsole->Register("demo_speed", "i[speed]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_DemoSpeed, this, "Set current demo speed"); m_pConsole->Register("save_replay", "?i[length] ?r[filename]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT, Con_SaveReplay, this, "Save a replay of the last defined amount of seconds"); m_pConsole->Register("benchmark_quit", "i[seconds] r[file]", CFGFLAG_CLIENT | CFGFLAG_STORE, Con_BenchmarkQuit, this, "Benchmark frame times for number of seconds to file, then quit"); RustVersionRegister(*m_pConsole); m_pConsole->Chain("cl_timeout_seed", ConchainTimeoutSeed, this); m_pConsole->Chain("cl_replays", ConchainReplays, this); m_pConsole->Chain("password", ConchainPassword, this); // used for server browser update m_pConsole->Chain("br_filter_string", ConchainServerBrowserUpdate, this); m_pConsole->Chain("br_filter_gametype", ConchainServerBrowserUpdate, this); m_pConsole->Chain("br_filter_serveraddress", ConchainServerBrowserUpdate, this); m_pConsole->Chain("add_favorite", ConchainServerBrowserUpdate, this); m_pConsole->Chain("remove_favorite", ConchainServerBrowserUpdate, this); m_pConsole->Chain("end_favorite_group", ConchainServerBrowserUpdate, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_screen", ConchainWindowScreen, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_screen_width", ConchainWindowResize, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_screen_height", ConchainWindowResize, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_screen_refresh_rate", ConchainWindowResize, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_fullscreen", ConchainFullscreen, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_borderless", ConchainWindowBordered, this); m_pConsole->Chain("gfx_vsync", ConchainWindowVSync, this); m_pConsole->Chain("loglevel", ConchainLoglevel, this); m_pConsole->Chain("stdout_output_level", ConchainStdoutOutputLevel, this); } static CClient *CreateClient() { return new CClient; } void CClient::HandleConnectAddress(const NETADDR *pAddr) { net_addr_str(pAddr, m_aCmdConnect, sizeof(m_aCmdConnect), true); } void CClient::HandleConnectLink(const char *pLink) { // Chrome works fine with ddnet:// but not with ddnet: // Check ddnet:// before ddnet: because we don't want the // as part of connect command if(str_startswith(pLink, CONNECTLINK_DOUBLE_SLASH)) str_copy(m_aCmdConnect, pLink + sizeof(CONNECTLINK_DOUBLE_SLASH) - 1); else if(str_startswith(pLink, CONNECTLINK_NO_SLASH)) str_copy(m_aCmdConnect, pLink + sizeof(CONNECTLINK_NO_SLASH) - 1); else str_copy(m_aCmdConnect, pLink); // Edge appends / to the URL const int len = str_length(m_aCmdConnect); if(m_aCmdConnect[len - 1] == '/') m_aCmdConnect[len - 1] = '\0'; } void CClient::HandleDemoPath(const char *pPath) { str_copy(m_aCmdPlayDemo, pPath); } void CClient::HandleMapPath(const char *pPath) { str_copy(m_aCmdEditMap, pPath); } static bool UnknownArgumentCallback(const char *pCommand, void *pUser) { CClient *pClient = static_cast(pUser); if(str_startswith(pCommand, CONNECTLINK_NO_SLASH)) { pClient->HandleConnectLink(pCommand); return true; } else if(str_endswith(pCommand, ".demo")) { pClient->HandleDemoPath(pCommand); return true; } else if(str_endswith(pCommand, ".map")) { pClient->HandleMapPath(pCommand); return true; } return false; } static bool SaveUnknownCommandCallback(const char *pCommand, void *pUser) { CClient *pClient = static_cast(pUser); pClient->ConfigManager()->StoreUnknownCommand(pCommand); return true; } static Uint32 GetSdlMessageBoxFlags(IClient::EMessageBoxType Type) { switch(Type) { case IClient::MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_ERROR: return SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; case IClient::MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_WARNING: return SDL_MESSAGEBOX_WARNING; case IClient::MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_INFO: return SDL_MESSAGEBOX_INFORMATION; } dbg_assert(false, "Type invalid"); return 0; } static void ShowMessageBox(const char *pTitle, const char *pMessage, IClient::EMessageBoxType Type = IClient::MESSAGE_BOX_TYPE_ERROR) { SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(GetSdlMessageBoxFlags(Type), pTitle, pMessage, nullptr); } /* Server Time Client Mirror Time Client Predicted Time Snapshot Latency Downstream latency Prediction Latency Upstream latency */ #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS) extern "C" int TWMain(int argc, const char **argv) #elif defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) int SDL_main(int argc, char *argv[]); extern "C" void InitAndroid(); int SDL_main(int argc, char *argv2[]) #else int main(int argc, const char **argv) #endif { const int64_t MainStart = time_get(); #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) const char **argv = const_cast(argv2); #elif defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) CWindowsComLifecycle WindowsComLifecycle(true); #endif CCmdlineFix CmdlineFix(&argc, &argv); bool Silent = false; for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(str_comp("-s", argv[i]) == 0 || str_comp("--silent", argv[i]) == 0) { Silent = true; } } #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) InitAndroid(); #endif #if defined(CONF_EXCEPTION_HANDLING) init_exception_handler(); #endif std::vector> vpLoggers; std::shared_ptr pStdoutLogger = nullptr; #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID) pStdoutLogger = std::shared_ptr(log_logger_android()); #else if(!Silent) { pStdoutLogger = std::shared_ptr(log_logger_stdout()); } #endif if(pStdoutLogger) { vpLoggers.push_back(pStdoutLogger); } std::shared_ptr pFutureFileLogger = std::make_shared(); vpLoggers.push_back(pFutureFileLogger); std::shared_ptr pFutureConsoleLogger = std::make_shared(); vpLoggers.push_back(pFutureConsoleLogger); std::shared_ptr pFutureAssertionLogger = std::make_shared(); vpLoggers.push_back(pFutureAssertionLogger); log_set_global_logger(log_logger_collection(std::move(vpLoggers)).release()); std::stack> CleanerFunctions; std::function PerformCleanup = [&CleanerFunctions]() mutable { while(!CleanerFunctions.empty()) { CleanerFunctions.top()(); CleanerFunctions.pop(); } }; std::function PerformFinalCleanup = []() { #ifdef CONF_PLATFORM_ANDROID // properly close this native thread, so globals are destructed std::exit(0); #endif }; std::function PerformAllCleanup = [PerformCleanup, PerformFinalCleanup]() mutable { PerformCleanup(); PerformFinalCleanup(); }; const bool RandInitFailed = secure_random_init() != 0; if(!RandInitFailed) CleanerFunctions.emplace([]() { secure_random_uninit(); }); // Register SDL for cleanup before creating the kernel and client, // so SDL is shutdown after kernel and client. Otherwise the client // may crash when shutting down after SDL is already shutdown. CleanerFunctions.emplace([]() { SDL_Quit(); }); CClient *pClient = CreateClient(); pClient->SetLoggers(pFutureFileLogger, std::move(pStdoutLogger)); IKernel *pKernel = IKernel::Create(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pClient, false); pClient->RegisterInterfaces(); CleanerFunctions.emplace([pKernel, pClient]() { // Ensure that the assert handler doesn't use the client/graphics after they've been destroyed dbg_assert_set_handler(nullptr); pKernel->Shutdown(); delete pKernel; delete pClient; }); const std::thread::id MainThreadId = std::this_thread::get_id(); dbg_assert_set_handler([MainThreadId, pClient](const char *pMsg) { if(MainThreadId != std::this_thread::get_id()) return; char aVersionStr[128]; if(!os_version_str(aVersionStr, sizeof(aVersionStr))) str_copy(aVersionStr, "unknown"); char aGpuInfo[256]; pClient->GetGpuInfoString(aGpuInfo); char aMessage[768]; str_format(aMessage, sizeof(aMessage), "An assertion error occurred. Please write down or take a screenshot of the following information and report this error.\n" "Please also share the assert log which you should find in the 'dumps' folder in your config directory.\n\n" "%s\n\n" "Platform: %s\n" "Game version: %s %s\n" "OS version: %s\n\n" "%s", // GPU info pMsg, CONF_PLATFORM_STRING, GAME_RELEASE_VERSION, GIT_SHORTREV_HASH != nullptr ? GIT_SHORTREV_HASH : "", aVersionStr, aGpuInfo); pClient->ShowMessageBox("Assertion Error", aMessage); // Client will crash due to assertion, don't call PerformAllCleanup in this inconsistent state }); // create the components IEngine *pEngine = CreateEngine(GAME_NAME, pFutureConsoleLogger, 2 * std::thread::hardware_concurrency() + 2); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pEngine, false); CleanerFunctions.emplace([pEngine]() { // Engine has to be destroyed before the graphics so that skin download thread can finish delete pEngine; }); IStorage *pStorage = CreateStorage(IStorage::STORAGETYPE_CLIENT, argc, (const char **)argv); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pStorage); pFutureAssertionLogger->Set(CreateAssertionLogger(pStorage, GAME_NAME)); #if defined(CONF_EXCEPTION_HANDLING) char aBufPath[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char aBufName[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char aDate[64]; str_timestamp(aDate, sizeof(aDate)); str_format(aBufName, sizeof(aBufName), "dumps/" GAME_NAME "_%s_crash_log_%s_%d_%s.RTP", CONF_PLATFORM_STRING, aDate, pid(), GIT_SHORTREV_HASH != nullptr ? GIT_SHORTREV_HASH : ""); pStorage->GetCompletePath(IStorage::TYPE_SAVE, aBufName, aBufPath, sizeof(aBufPath)); set_exception_handler_log_file(aBufPath); #endif if(RandInitFailed) { const char *pError = "Failed to initialize the secure RNG."; log_error("secure", "%s", pError); pClient->ShowMessageBox("Secure RNG Error", pError); PerformAllCleanup(); return -1; } IConsole *pConsole = CreateConsole(CFGFLAG_CLIENT).release(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pConsole); IConfigManager *pConfigManager = CreateConfigManager(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pConfigManager); IEngineSound *pEngineSound = CreateEngineSound(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pEngineSound); // IEngineSound pKernel->RegisterInterface(static_cast(pEngineSound), false); IEngineInput *pEngineInput = CreateEngineInput(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pEngineInput); // IEngineInput pKernel->RegisterInterface(static_cast(pEngineInput), false); IEngineTextRender *pEngineTextRender = CreateEngineTextRender(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pEngineTextRender); // IEngineTextRender pKernel->RegisterInterface(static_cast(pEngineTextRender), false); IEngineMap *pEngineMap = CreateEngineMap(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pEngineMap); // IEngineMap pKernel->RegisterInterface(static_cast(pEngineMap), false); IDiscord *pDiscord = CreateDiscord(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pDiscord); ISteam *pSteam = CreateSteam(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pSteam); INotifications *pNotifications = CreateNotifications(); pKernel->RegisterInterface(pNotifications); pKernel->RegisterInterface(CreateEditor(), false); pKernel->RegisterInterface(CreateFavorites().release()); pKernel->RegisterInterface(CreateGameClient()); pEngine->Init(); pConsole->Init(); pConfigManager->Init(); pNotifications->Init(GAME_NAME " Client"); // register all console commands pClient->RegisterCommands(); pKernel->RequestInterface()->OnConsoleInit(); // init client's interfaces pClient->InitInterfaces(); // execute config file if(pStorage->FileExists(CONFIG_FILE, IStorage::TYPE_ALL)) { pConsole->SetUnknownCommandCallback(SaveUnknownCommandCallback, pClient); if(!pConsole->ExecuteFile(CONFIG_FILE)) { const char *pError = "Failed to load config from '" CONFIG_FILE "'."; log_error("client", "%s", pError); pClient->ShowMessageBox("Config File Error", pError); PerformAllCleanup(); return -1; } pConsole->SetUnknownCommandCallback(IConsole::EmptyUnknownCommandCallback, nullptr); } // execute autoexec file if(pStorage->FileExists(AUTOEXEC_CLIENT_FILE, IStorage::TYPE_ALL)) { pConsole->ExecuteFile(AUTOEXEC_CLIENT_FILE); } else // fallback { pConsole->ExecuteFile(AUTOEXEC_FILE); } if(g_Config.m_ClConfigVersion < 1) { if(g_Config.m_ClAntiPing == 0) { g_Config.m_ClAntiPingPlayers = 1; g_Config.m_ClAntiPingGrenade = 1; g_Config.m_ClAntiPingWeapons = 1; } } g_Config.m_ClConfigVersion = 1; // parse the command line arguments pConsole->SetUnknownCommandCallback(UnknownArgumentCallback, pClient); pConsole->ParseArguments(argc - 1, (const char **)&argv[1]); pConsole->SetUnknownCommandCallback(IConsole::EmptyUnknownCommandCallback, nullptr); if(pSteam->GetConnectAddress()) { pClient->HandleConnectAddress(pSteam->GetConnectAddress()); pSteam->ClearConnectAddress(); } const int Mode = g_Config.m_Logappend ? IOFLAG_APPEND : IOFLAG_WRITE; if(g_Config.m_Logfile[0]) { IOHANDLE Logfile = pStorage->OpenFile(g_Config.m_Logfile, Mode, IStorage::TYPE_SAVE_OR_ABSOLUTE); if(Logfile) { pFutureFileLogger->Set(log_logger_file(Logfile)); } else { log_error("client", "failed to open '%s' for logging", g_Config.m_Logfile); } } // Register protocol and file extensions #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) pClient->ShellRegister(); #endif #if defined(CONF_PLATFORM_MACOS) // Hints will not be set if there is an existing override hint or environment variable that takes precedence. // So this respects cli environment overrides. SDL_SetHint("SDL_MAC_OPENGL_ASYNC_DISPATCH", "1"); #endif #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) SDL_SetHint("SDL_IME_SHOW_UI", g_Config.m_InpImeNativeUi ? "1" : "0"); #else SDL_SetHint("SDL_IME_SHOW_UI", "1"); #endif // init SDL if(SDL_Init(0) < 0) { char aError[256]; str_format(aError, sizeof(aError), "Unable to initialize SDL base: %s", SDL_GetError()); log_error("client", "%s", aError); pClient->ShowMessageBox("SDL Error", aError); PerformAllCleanup(); return -1; } // run the client log_trace("client", "initialization finished after %.2fms, starting...", (time_get() - MainStart) * 1000.0f / (float)time_freq()); pClient->Run(); const bool Restarting = pClient->State() == CClient::STATE_RESTARTING; char aRestartBinaryPath[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; if(Restarting) { pStorage->GetBinaryPath(PLAT_CLIENT_EXEC, aRestartBinaryPath, sizeof(aRestartBinaryPath)); } std::vector vQuittingWarnings = pClient->QuittingWarnings(); PerformCleanup(); for(const SWarning &Warning : vQuittingWarnings) { ::ShowMessageBox(Warning.m_aWarningTitle, Warning.m_aWarningMsg); } if(Restarting) { shell_execute(aRestartBinaryPath, EShellExecuteWindowState::FOREGROUND); } PerformFinalCleanup(); return 0; } // DDRace const char *CClient::GetCurrentMap() const { return m_aCurrentMap; } const char *CClient::GetCurrentMapPath() const { return m_aCurrentMapPath; } SHA256_DIGEST CClient::GetCurrentMapSha256() const { return m_pMap->Sha256(); } unsigned CClient::GetCurrentMapCrc() const { return m_pMap->Crc(); } void CClient::RaceRecord_Start(const char *pFilename) { if(State() != IClient::STATE_ONLINE) m_pConsole->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "demorec/record", "client is not online"); else m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_RACE].Start(Storage(), m_pConsole, pFilename, GameClient()->NetVersion(), m_aCurrentMap, m_pMap->Sha256(), m_pMap->Crc(), "client", m_pMap->MapSize(), 0, m_pMap->File()); } void CClient::RaceRecord_Stop() { if(m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_RACE].IsRecording()) { m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_RACE].Stop(IDemoRecorder::EStopMode::KEEP_FILE); } } bool CClient::RaceRecord_IsRecording() { return m_aDemoRecorder[RECORDER_RACE].IsRecording(); } void CClient::RequestDDNetInfo() { if(m_pDDNetInfoTask && !m_pDDNetInfoTask->Done()) return; char aUrl[256]; str_copy(aUrl, DDNET_INFO_URL); if(g_Config.m_BrIndicateFinished) { char aEscaped[128]; EscapeUrl(aEscaped, sizeof(aEscaped), PlayerName()); str_append(aUrl, "?name="); str_append(aUrl, aEscaped); } // Use ipv4 so we can know the ingame ip addresses of players before they join game servers m_pDDNetInfoTask = HttpGet(aUrl); m_pDDNetInfoTask->Timeout(CTimeout{10000, 0, 500, 10}); m_pDDNetInfoTask->IpResolve(IPRESOLVE::V4); Http()->Run(m_pDDNetInfoTask); } int CClient::GetPredictionTime() { int64_t Now = time_get(); return (int)((m_PredictedTime.Get(Now) - m_aGameTime[g_Config.m_ClDummy].Get(Now)) * 1000 / (float)time_freq()); } void CClient::GetSmoothTick(int *pSmoothTick, float *pSmoothIntraTick, float MixAmount) { int64_t GameTime = m_aGameTime[g_Config.m_ClDummy].Get(time_get()); int64_t PredTime = m_PredictedTime.Get(time_get()); int64_t SmoothTime = clamp(GameTime + (int64_t)(MixAmount * (PredTime - GameTime)), GameTime, PredTime); *pSmoothTick = (int)(SmoothTime * GameTickSpeed() / time_freq()) + 1; *pSmoothIntraTick = (SmoothTime - (*pSmoothTick - 1) * time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()) / (float)(time_freq() / GameTickSpeed()); } void CClient::AddWarning(const SWarning &Warning) { m_vWarnings.emplace_back(Warning); } SWarning *CClient::GetCurWarning() { if(m_vWarnings.empty()) { return NULL; } else if(m_vWarnings[0].m_WasShown) { m_vWarnings.erase(m_vWarnings.begin()); return NULL; } else { return m_vWarnings.data(); } } int CClient::MaxLatencyTicks() const { return GameTickSpeed() + (PredictionMargin() * GameTickSpeed()) / 1000; } int CClient::PredictionMargin() const { return m_ServerCapabilities.m_SyncWeaponInput ? g_Config.m_ClPredictionMargin : 10; } int CClient::UdpConnectivity(int NetType) { static const int NETTYPES[2] = {NETTYPE_IPV6, NETTYPE_IPV4}; int Connectivity = CONNECTIVITY_UNKNOWN; for(int PossibleNetType : NETTYPES) { if((NetType & PossibleNetType) == 0) { continue; } NETADDR GlobalUdpAddr; int NewConnectivity; switch(m_aNetClient[CONN_MAIN].GetConnectivity(PossibleNetType, &GlobalUdpAddr)) { case CONNECTIVITY::UNKNOWN: NewConnectivity = CONNECTIVITY_UNKNOWN; break; case CONNECTIVITY::CHECKING: NewConnectivity = CONNECTIVITY_CHECKING; break; case CONNECTIVITY::UNREACHABLE: NewConnectivity = CONNECTIVITY_UNREACHABLE; break; case CONNECTIVITY::REACHABLE: NewConnectivity = CONNECTIVITY_REACHABLE; break; case CONNECTIVITY::ADDRESS_KNOWN: GlobalUdpAddr.port = 0; if(m_HaveGlobalTcpAddr && NetType == (int)m_GlobalTcpAddr.type && net_addr_comp(&m_GlobalTcpAddr, &GlobalUdpAddr) != 0) { NewConnectivity = CONNECTIVITY_DIFFERING_UDP_TCP_IP_ADDRESSES; break; } NewConnectivity = CONNECTIVITY_REACHABLE; break; default: dbg_assert(0, "invalid connectivity value"); return CONNECTIVITY_UNKNOWN; } Connectivity = std::max(Connectivity, NewConnectivity); } return Connectivity; } #if defined(CONF_FAMILY_WINDOWS) void CClient::ShellRegister() { char aFullPath[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; Storage()->GetBinaryPathAbsolute(PLAT_CLIENT_EXEC, aFullPath, sizeof(aFullPath)); if(!aFullPath[0]) { log_error("client", "Failed to register protocol and file extensions: could not determine absolute path"); return; } bool Updated = false; if(!shell_register_protocol("ddnet", aFullPath, &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to register ddnet protocol"); if(!shell_register_extension(".map", "Map File", GAME_NAME, aFullPath, &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to register .map file extension"); if(!shell_register_extension(".demo", "Demo File", GAME_NAME, aFullPath, &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to register .demo file extension"); if(!shell_register_application(GAME_NAME, aFullPath, &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to register application"); if(Updated) shell_update(); } void CClient::ShellUnregister() { char aFullPath[IO_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; Storage()->GetBinaryPathAbsolute(PLAT_CLIENT_EXEC, aFullPath, sizeof(aFullPath)); if(!aFullPath[0]) { log_error("client", "Failed to unregister protocol and file extensions: could not determine absolute path"); return; } bool Updated = false; if(!shell_unregister_class("ddnet", &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to unregister ddnet protocol"); if(!shell_unregister_class(GAME_NAME ".map", &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to unregister .map file extension"); if(!shell_unregister_class(GAME_NAME ".demo", &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to unregister .demo file extension"); if(!shell_unregister_application(aFullPath, &Updated)) log_error("client", "Failed to unregister application"); if(Updated) shell_update(); } #endif void CClient::ShowMessageBox(const char *pTitle, const char *pMessage, EMessageBoxType Type) { if(m_pGraphics == nullptr || !m_pGraphics->ShowMessageBox(GetSdlMessageBoxFlags(Type), pTitle, pMessage)) ::ShowMessageBox(pTitle, pMessage, Type); } void CClient::GetGpuInfoString(char (&aGpuInfo)[256]) { if(m_pGraphics != nullptr && m_pGraphics->IsBackendInitialized()) { str_format(aGpuInfo, std::size(aGpuInfo), "GPU: %s - %s - %s", m_pGraphics->GetVendorString(), m_pGraphics->GetRendererString(), m_pGraphics->GetVersionString()); } else { str_copy(aGpuInfo, "Graphics backend was not yet initialized."); } } void CClient::SetLoggers(std::shared_ptr &&pFileLogger, std::shared_ptr &&pStdoutLogger) { m_pFileLogger = pFileLogger; m_pStdoutLogger = pStdoutLogger; }