/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gamecontext.h" #include #include #include #include "gamemodes/DDRace.h" /* #include "gamemodes/dm.h" #include "gamemodes/tdm.h" #include "gamemodes/ctf.h" #include "gamemodes/mod.h" */ #include "score.h" #include "score/file_score.h" #if defined(CONF_SQL) #include "score/sql_score.h" #endif #include enum { RESET, NO_RESET }; void CGameContext::Construct(int Resetting) { m_Resetting = 0; m_pServer = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) m_apPlayers[i] = 0; m_pController = 0; m_VoteCloseTime = 0; m_pVoteOptionFirst = 0; m_pVoteOptionLast = 0; if(Resetting==NO_RESET) { m_pVoteOptionHeap = new CHeap(); m_pScore = 0; m_NumMutes = 0; } } CGameContext::CGameContext(int Resetting) { Construct(Resetting); } CGameContext::CGameContext() { Construct(NO_RESET); } CGameContext::~CGameContext() { for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) delete m_apPlayers[i]; if(!m_Resetting) delete m_pVoteOptionHeap; } void CGameContext::Clear() { CHeap *pVoteOptionHeap = m_pVoteOptionHeap; CVoteOption *pVoteOptionFirst = m_pVoteOptionFirst; CVoteOption *pVoteOptionLast = m_pVoteOptionLast; CTuningParams Tuning = m_Tuning; m_Resetting = true; this->~CGameContext(); mem_zero(this, sizeof(*this)); new (this) CGameContext(RESET); m_pVoteOptionHeap = pVoteOptionHeap; m_pVoteOptionFirst = pVoteOptionFirst; m_pVoteOptionLast = pVoteOptionLast; m_Tuning = Tuning; } class CCharacter *CGameContext::GetPlayerChar(int ClientID) { if(ClientID < 0 || ClientID >= MAX_CLIENTS || !m_apPlayers[ClientID]) return 0; return m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetCharacter(); } void CGameContext::CreateDamageInd(vec2 Pos, float Angle, int Amount, int Mask) { float a = 3 * 3.14159f / 2 + Angle; //float a = get_angle(dir); float s = a-pi/3; float e = a+pi/3; for(int i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { float f = mix(s, e, float(i+1)/float(Amount+2)); NETEVENT_DAMAGEIND *pEvent = (NETEVENT_DAMAGEIND *)m_Events.Create(NETEVENTTYPE_DAMAGEIND, sizeof(NETEVENT_DAMAGEIND), Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pEvent->m_Angle = (int)(f*256.0f); } } } void CGameContext::CreateHammerHit(vec2 Pos, int Mask) { // create the event NETEVENT_HAMMERHIT *pEvent = (NETEVENT_HAMMERHIT *)m_Events.Create(NETEVENTTYPE_HAMMERHIT, sizeof(NETEVENT_HAMMERHIT), Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; } } void CGameContext::CreateExplosion(vec2 Pos, int Owner, int Weapon, bool NoDamage, int ActivatedTeam,int Mask) { // create the event NETEVENT_EXPLOSION *pEvent = (NETEVENT_EXPLOSION *)m_Events.Create(NETEVENTTYPE_EXPLOSION, sizeof(NETEVENT_EXPLOSION), Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; } /* if (!NoDamage) { */ // deal damage CCharacter *apEnts[MAX_CLIENTS]; float Radius = 135.0f; float InnerRadius = 48.0f; int Num = m_World.FindEntities(Pos, Radius, (CEntity**)apEnts, MAX_CLIENTS, CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_CHARACTER); for(int i = 0; i < Num; i++) { vec2 Diff = apEnts[i]->m_Pos - Pos; vec2 ForceDir(0,1); float l = length(Diff); if(l) ForceDir = normalize(Diff); l = 1-clamp((l-InnerRadius)/(Radius-InnerRadius), 0.0f, 1.0f); float Dmg = 6 * l; if((int)Dmg) if((g_Config.m_SvHit||NoDamage) || Owner == apEnts[i]->GetPlayer()->GetCID()) { if(Owner != -1 && apEnts[i]->IsAlive() && !apEnts[i]->CanCollide(Owner)) continue; if(Owner == -1 && ActivatedTeam != -1 && apEnts[i]->IsAlive() && apEnts[i]->Team() != ActivatedTeam) continue; apEnts[i]->TakeDamage(ForceDir*Dmg*2, (int)Dmg, Owner, Weapon); if(!g_Config.m_SvHit||NoDamage) break; } } //} } /* void create_smoke(vec2 Pos) { // create the event EV_EXPLOSION *pEvent = (EV_EXPLOSION *)events.create(EVENT_SMOKE, sizeof(EV_EXPLOSION)); if(pEvent) { pEvent->x = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->y = (int)Pos.y; } }*/ void CGameContext::CreatePlayerSpawn(vec2 Pos, int Mask) { // create the event NETEVENT_SPAWN *ev = (NETEVENT_SPAWN *)m_Events.Create(NETEVENTTYPE_SPAWN, sizeof(NETEVENT_SPAWN)); if(ev) { ev->m_X = (int)Pos.x; ev->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; } } void CGameContext::CreateDeath(vec2 Pos, int ClientID, int Mask) { // create the event NETEVENT_DEATH *pEvent = (NETEVENT_DEATH *)m_Events.Create(NETEVENTTYPE_DEATH, sizeof(NETEVENT_DEATH), Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pEvent->m_ClientID = ClientID; } } void CGameContext::CreateSound(vec2 Pos, int Sound, int Mask) { if (Sound < 0) return; // create a sound NETEVENT_SOUNDWORLD *pEvent = (NETEVENT_SOUNDWORLD *)m_Events.Create(NETEVENTTYPE_SOUNDWORLD, sizeof(NETEVENT_SOUNDWORLD), Mask); if(pEvent) { pEvent->m_X = (int)Pos.x; pEvent->m_Y = (int)Pos.y; pEvent->m_SoundID = Sound; } } void CGameContext::CreateSoundGlobal(int Sound, int Target) { if (Sound < 0) return; CNetMsg_Sv_SoundGlobal Msg; Msg.m_SoundID = Sound; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, Target); } void CGameContext::SendChatTarget(int To, const char *pText) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 0; Msg.m_ClientID = -1; Msg.m_pMessage = pText; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, To); } void CGameContext::SendChat(int ChatterClientID, int Team, const char *pText, int SpamProtectionClientID) { if(SpamProtectionClientID >= 0 && SpamProtectionClientID < MAX_CLIENTS) { if(ProcessSpamProtection(SpamProtectionClientID)) { SendChatTarget(SpamProtectionClientID, "Muted text:"); SendChatTarget(SpamProtectionClientID, pText); return; } } char aBuf[268], aText[256], aConvertedTextUTF8[512], aConvertedTextLatin[512]; // just to be safe, a little bit more, cause utf8 chars can consist of up to 4 c-chars (4 bytes vs. 1 byte) bool isUTF8Text; str_copy(aText, pText, sizeof(aText)); // chat if(ChatterClientID >= 0 && ChatterClientID < MAX_CLIENTS) str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d:%d:%s: %s", ChatterClientID, Team, Server()->ClientName(ChatterClientID), aText); // /me chat else if(ChatterClientID == -2) { str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "### %s", aText); str_copy(aText, aBuf, sizeof(aText)); ChatterClientID = -1; } // /say chat else str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "*** %s", aText); if (str_utf8_check(aText)) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "chat", aBuf); UTF8toLatin1(aConvertedTextLatin,aText,512); // we will need this in a loop soon isUTF8Text = true; } else { Latin1toUTF8(aConvertedTextUTF8,aBuf,512); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "chat", aConvertedTextUTF8); Latin1toUTF8(aConvertedTextUTF8,aText,512); // we will need this in a loop soon isUTF8Text = false; } if(Team == CHAT_ALL) { CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 0; Msg.m_ClientID = ChatterClientID; if (!str_utf8_check(aText)) ((CServer*)Server())->m_aClients[ChatterClientID].m_IsUsingUTF8Client = false; for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i] != 0)//m_apPlayers[i]->GetCharacter();->CClient && m_apPlayers[i].m_State == CClient::STATE_INGAME) { if (((CServer*)Server())->m_aClients[i].m_IsUsingUTF8Client || m_apPlayers[i]->m_IsUsingDDRaceClient) { if (isUTF8Text) Msg.m_pMessage = aText; else { Msg.m_pMessage = aConvertedTextUTF8; } } else { if (isUTF8Text) { Msg.m_pMessage = aConvertedTextLatin; } else Msg.m_pMessage = aText; } Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, i); } } } else { CTeamsCore * Teams = &((CGameControllerDDRace*)m_pController)->m_Teams.m_Core; CNetMsg_Sv_Chat Msg; Msg.m_Team = 1; Msg.m_ClientID = ChatterClientID; // pack one for the recording only Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL|MSGFLAG_NOSEND, -1); // send to the clients for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i] != 0) { if (((CServer*)Server())->m_aClients[i].m_IsUsingUTF8Client || m_apPlayers[i]->m_IsUsingDDRaceClient) { if (isUTF8Text) Msg.m_pMessage = aText; else { Msg.m_pMessage = aConvertedTextUTF8; } } else { if (isUTF8Text) { Msg.m_pMessage = aConvertedTextLatin; } else Msg.m_pMessage = aText; } if(Team == CHAT_SPEC) { if(m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() == CHAT_SPEC) { Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL|MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } } else { if(Teams->Team(i) == Team && m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() != CHAT_SPEC) { Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL|MSGFLAG_NORECORD, i); } } } } } } void CGameContext::SendEmoticon(int ClientID, int Emoticon) { CNetMsg_Sv_Emoticon Msg; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; Msg.m_Emoticon = Emoticon; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); } void CGameContext::SendWeaponPickup(int ClientID, int Weapon) { CNetMsg_Sv_WeaponPickup Msg; Msg.m_Weapon = Weapon; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::SendBroadcast(const char *pText, int ClientID) { CNetMsg_Sv_Broadcast Msg; Msg.m_pMessage = pText; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } // void CGameContext::StartVote(const char *pDesc, const char *pCommand) { // check if a vote is already running if(m_VoteCloseTime) return; // reset votes m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_UNKNOWN; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) { m_apPlayers[i]->m_Vote = 0; m_apPlayers[i]->m_VotePos = 0; } } // start vote m_VoteCloseTime = time_get() + time_freq()*25; str_copy(m_aVoteDescription, pDesc, sizeof(m_aVoteDescription)); str_copy(m_aVoteCommand, pCommand, sizeof(m_aVoteCommand)); SendVoteSet(-1); m_VoteUpdate = true; } void CGameContext::EndVote() { m_VoteCloseTime = 0; SendVoteSet(-1); } void CGameContext::SendVoteSet(int ClientID) { CNetMsg_Sv_VoteSet Msg; if(m_VoteCloseTime) { Msg.m_Timeout = (m_VoteCloseTime-time_get())/time_freq(); Msg.m_pDescription = m_aVoteDescription; Msg.m_pCommand = ""; } else { Msg.m_Timeout = 0; Msg.m_pDescription = ""; Msg.m_pCommand = ""; } Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::SendVoteStatus(int ClientID, int Total, int Yes, int No) { CNetMsg_Sv_VoteStatus Msg = {0}; Msg.m_Total = Total; Msg.m_Yes = Yes; Msg.m_No = No; Msg.m_Pass = Total - (Yes+No); Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::AbortVoteKickOnDisconnect(int ClientID) { if(m_VoteCloseTime && !str_comp_num(m_aVoteCommand, "kick ", 5) && str_toint(&m_aVoteCommand[5]) == ClientID) m_VoteCloseTime = -1; } void CGameContext::CheckPureTuning() { // might not be created yet during start up if(!m_pController) return; if( str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "DM")==0 || str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "TDM")==0 || str_comp(m_pController->m_pGameType, "CTF")==0) { CTuningParams p; if(mem_comp(&p, &m_Tuning, sizeof(p)) != 0) { Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "resetting tuning due to pure server"); m_Tuning = p; } } } void CGameContext::SendTuningParams(int ClientID) { CheckPureTuning(); CMsgPacker Msg(NETMSGTYPE_SV_TUNEPARAMS); int *pParams = (int *)&m_Tuning; for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(m_Tuning)/sizeof(int); i++) Msg.AddInt(pParams[i]); Server()->SendMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::OnTick() { // check tuning CheckPureTuning(); // copy tuning m_World.m_Core.m_Tuning = m_Tuning; m_World.Tick(); //if(world.paused) // make sure that the game object always updates m_pController->Tick(); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) m_apPlayers[i]->Tick(); } // update voting if(m_VoteCloseTime) { // abort the kick-vote on player-leave if(m_VoteCloseTime == -1) { SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote aborted"); EndVote(); } else { int Total = 0, Yes = 0, No = 0; if(m_VoteUpdate) { // count votes char aaBuf[MAX_CLIENTS][64] = {{0}}; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) if(m_apPlayers[i]) Server()->GetClientIP(i, aaBuf[i], 64); bool aVoteChecked[MAX_CLIENTS] = {0}; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(!m_apPlayers[i] || (g_Config.m_SvSpectatorVotes == 0 && m_apPlayers[i]->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) || aVoteChecked[i]) // don't count in votes by spectators continue; if(m_VoteKick && GetPlayerChar(m_VoteCreator) && GetPlayerChar(i) && GetPlayerChar(m_VoteCreator)->Team() != GetPlayerChar(i)->Team()) continue; int ActVote = m_apPlayers[i]->m_Vote; int ActVotePos = m_apPlayers[i]->m_VotePos; // check for more players with the same ip (only use the vote of the one who voted first) for(int j = i+1; j < MAX_CLIENTS; ++j) { if(!m_apPlayers[j] || aVoteChecked[j] || str_comp(aaBuf[j], aaBuf[i])) continue; aVoteChecked[j] = true; if(m_apPlayers[j]->m_Vote && (!ActVote || ActVotePos > m_apPlayers[j]->m_VotePos)) { ActVote = m_apPlayers[j]->m_Vote; ActVotePos = m_apPlayers[j]->m_VotePos; } } Total++; if(ActVote > 0) Yes++; else if(ActVote < 0) No++; } if(Yes > Total / (100.0 / g_Config.m_SvVoteYesPercentage)) m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_YES; else if(No >= Total - Total / (100.0 / g_Config.m_SvVoteYesPercentage)) m_VoteEnforce = VOTE_ENFORCE_NO; m_VoteWillPass = Yes > (Yes + No) / (100.0 / g_Config.m_SvVoteYesPercentage); } if(time_get() > m_VoteCloseTime && !g_Config.m_SvVoteMajority) m_VoteEnforce = (m_VoteWillPass) ? VOTE_ENFORCE_YES : VOTE_ENFORCE_NO; if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES) { Console()->ExecuteLine(m_aVoteCommand, IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_CONFIG, -1, CServer::SendRconLineAuthed, Server(), SendChatResponseAll, this); EndVote(); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote passed"); if(m_apPlayers[m_VoteCreator]) m_apPlayers[m_VoteCreator]->m_Last_VoteCall = 0; } else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_YES_ADMIN) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf),"Vote passed enforced by '%s'", (m_VoteEnforcer < 0) ? "Server Administrator" : Server()->ClientName(m_VoteEnforcer)); Console()->ExecuteLine(m_aVoteCommand, 3, -1, CServer::SendRconLineAuthed, Server(), SendChatResponseAll, this); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); EndVote(); m_VoteEnforcer = -1; } else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN) { char aBuf[64]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf),"Vote failed enforced by '%s'", (m_VoteEnforcer < 0) ? "Server Administrator" : Server()->ClientName(m_VoteEnforcer)); EndVote(); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); } else if(m_VoteEnforce == VOTE_ENFORCE_NO || (time_get() > m_VoteCloseTime && g_Config.m_SvVoteMajority)) { EndVote(); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, "Vote failed"); } else if(m_VoteUpdate) { m_VoteUpdate = false; SendVoteStatus(-1, Total, Yes, No); } } } for(int i = 0; i < m_NumMutes; i++) { if(m_aMutes[i].m_Expire <= Server()->Tick()) { m_NumMutes--; m_aMutes[i] = m_aMutes[m_NumMutes]; } } if(Server()->Tick() % (g_Config.m_SvAnnouncementInterval * Server()->TickSpeed() * 60) == 0) { char *Line = ((CServer *) Server())->GetAnnouncementLine(g_Config.m_SvAnnouncementFileName); if(Line) SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, Line); } if(Collision()->m_NumSwitchers > 0) for (int i = 0; i < Collision()->m_NumSwitchers+1; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { if(Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_EndTick[j] <= Server()->Tick() && Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_Type[j] == TILE_SWITCHTIMEDOPEN) { Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_Status[j] = false; Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_EndTick[j] = 0; Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_Type[j] = TILE_SWITCHCLOSE; } else if(Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_EndTick[j] <= Server()->Tick() && Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_Type[j] == TILE_SWITCHTIMEDCLOSE) { Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_Status[j] = true; Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_EndTick[j] = 0; Collision()->m_pSwitchers[i].m_Type[j] = TILE_SWITCHOPEN; } } } #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { for(int i = 0; i < g_Config.m_DbgDummies ; i++) { CNetObj_PlayerInput Input = {0}; Input.m_Direction = (i&1)?-1:1; m_apPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS-i-1]->OnPredictedInput(&Input); } } #endif } // Server hooks void CGameContext::OnClientDirectInput(int ClientID, void *pInput) { if(!m_World.m_Paused) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->OnDirectInput((CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput); } void CGameContext::OnClientPredictedInput(int ClientID, void *pInput) { if(!m_World.m_Paused) m_apPlayers[ClientID]->OnPredictedInput((CNetObj_PlayerInput *)pInput); } void CGameContext::OnClientEnter(int ClientID) { //world.insert_entity(&players[client_id]); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->Respawn(); // init the player Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->Reset(); Score()->LoadScore(ClientID); Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_CurrentTime = Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_BestTime; m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Score = (Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_BestTime)?Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_BestTime:-9999; if(((CServer *) Server())->m_aPrevStates[ClientID] < CServer::CClient::STATE_INGAME) { char aBuf[512]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "'%s' entered and joined the %s", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), m_pController->GetTeamName(m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetTeam())); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aBuf); SendChatTarget(ClientID, "DDRace Mod. Version: " GAME_VERSION); SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Official site: DDRace.info"); SendChatTarget(ClientID, "For more Info /cmdlist"); SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Or visit DDRace.info"); SendChatTarget(ClientID, "To see this again say /info"); SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Note This is an Alpha release, just for testing, your feedback is important!!"); if(g_Config.m_SvWelcome[0]!=0) SendChatTarget(ClientID,g_Config.m_SvWelcome); //str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "team_join player='%d:%s' team=%d", ClientID, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), m_apPlayers[ClientID]->GetTeam()); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG, "game", aBuf); } m_VoteUpdate = true; } void CGameContext::OnClientConnected(int ClientID) { // Check which team the player should be on const int StartTeam = g_Config.m_SvTournamentMode ? TEAM_SPECTATORS : m_pController->GetAutoTeam(ClientID); m_apPlayers[ClientID] = new(ClientID) CPlayer(this, ClientID, StartTeam); //players[client_id].init(client_id); //players[client_id].client_id = client_id; //(void)m_pController->CheckTeamBalance(); #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { if(ClientID >= MAX_CLIENTS-g_Config.m_DbgDummies) return; } #endif // send active vote if(m_VoteCloseTime) SendVoteSet(ClientID); // send motd CNetMsg_Sv_Motd Msg; Msg.m_pMessage = g_Config.m_SvMotd; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } void CGameContext::OnClientDrop(int ClientID) { AbortVoteKickOnDisconnect(ClientID); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->OnDisconnect(); delete m_apPlayers[ClientID]; m_apPlayers[ClientID] = 0; //(void)m_pController->CheckTeamBalance(); m_VoteUpdate = true; } void CGameContext::OnMessage(int MsgId, CUnpacker *pUnpacker, int ClientID) { void *pRawMsg = m_NetObjHandler.SecureUnpackMsg(MsgId, pUnpacker); CPlayer *p = m_apPlayers[ClientID]; if(!pRawMsg) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "dropped weird message '%s' (%d), failed on '%s'", m_NetObjHandler.GetMsgName(MsgId), MsgId, m_NetObjHandler.FailedMsgOn()); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "server", aBuf); return; } if(MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_SAY) { CNetMsg_Cl_Say *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Cl_Say *)pRawMsg; int Team = pMsg->m_Team; /* if(Team) Team = p->GetTeam(); else Team = CGameContext::CHAT_ALL; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && p->m_Last_Chat && p->m_Last_Chat+Server()->TickSpeed() > Server()->Tick()) return; p->m_Last_Chat = Server()->Tick(); */ int GameTeam = ((CGameControllerDDRace*)m_pController)->m_Teams.m_Core.Team(p->GetCID()); if(Team) Team = ((p->GetTeam() == -1) ? CHAT_SPEC : GameTeam); else Team = CHAT_ALL; if(str_length(pMsg->m_pMessage)>370) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Your Message is too long"); return; } // check for invalid chars unsigned char *pMessage = (unsigned char *)pMsg->m_pMessage; while (*pMessage) { if(*pMessage < 32) *pMessage = ' '; pMessage++; } if(pMsg->m_pMessage[0]=='/') { ChatResponseInfo Info; Info.m_GameContext = this; Info.m_To = ClientID; Console()->ExecuteLine(pMsg->m_pMessage + 1, ((CServer *) Server())->m_aClients[ClientID].m_Authed, ClientID, CServer::SendRconLineAuthed, Server(), SendChatResponse, &Info); Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_ADDINFO, "chat", pMsg->m_pMessage); } else SendChat(ClientID, Team, pMsg->m_pMessage, ClientID); } else if(MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_CALLVOTE) { if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && p->m_Last_VoteTry && p->m_Last_VoteTry + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvVoteDelay > Server()->Tick()) return; int64 Now = Server()->Tick(); p->m_Last_VoteTry = Now; if(g_Config.m_SvSpectatorVotes == 0 && p->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Spectators aren't allowed to start a vote."); return; } if(m_VoteCloseTime) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Wait for current vote to end before calling a new one."); return; } int Timeleft = p->m_Last_VoteCall + Server()->TickSpeed()*60 - Now; if(p->m_Last_VoteCall && Timeleft > 0) { char aChatmsg[512] = {0}; str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "You must wait %d seconds before making another vote", (Timeleft/Server()->TickSpeed())+1); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return; } char aChatmsg[512] = {0}; char aDesc[512] = {0}; char aCmd[512] = {0}; CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Cl_CallVote *)pRawMsg; if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_Type, "option") == 0) { CVoteOption *pOption = m_pVoteOptionFirst; static int64 LastMapVote = 0; while(pOption) { if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_Value, pOption->m_aCommand) == 0) { if(!Console()->LineIsValid(pOption->m_aCommand)) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid option"); return; } if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Authed <= 0 && strncmp(pOption->m_aCommand, "sv_map ", 7) == 0 && time_get() < LastMapVote + (time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvVoteMapTimeDelay)) { char chatmsg[512] = {0}; str_format(chatmsg, sizeof(chatmsg), "There's a %d second delay between map-votes,Please wait %d Second(s)", g_Config.m_SvVoteMapTimeDelay,((LastMapVote+(g_Config.m_SvVoteMapTimeDelay * time_freq()))/time_freq())-(time_get()/time_freq())); SendChatTarget(ClientID, chatmsg); return; } str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called vote to change server option '%s'", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), pOption->m_aCommand); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "%s", pOption->m_aCommand); str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "%s", pOption->m_aCommand); LastMapVote = time_get(); break; } pOption = pOption->m_pNext; } if(!pOption) { if (p->m_Authed < 3) // allow admins to call any vote they want { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' isn't an option on this server", pMsg->m_Value); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aChatmsg); return; } else { str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called vote to change server option '%s'", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), pMsg->m_Value); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "%s", pMsg->m_Value); str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "%s", pMsg->m_Value); } } LastMapVote = time_get(); m_VoteKick = false; } else if(str_comp_nocase(pMsg->m_Type, "kick") == 0) { if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Authed == 0 && time_get() < m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote + (time_freq() * 5)) return; else if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Authed == 0 && time_get() < m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote + (time_freq() * g_Config.m_SvVoteKickTimeDelay)) { char chatmsg[512] = {0}; str_format(chatmsg, sizeof(chatmsg), "There's a %d second wait time between kick votes for each player please wait %d second(s)", g_Config.m_SvVoteKickTimeDelay, ((m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote + (m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote*time_freq()))/time_freq())-(time_get()/time_freq()) ); SendChatTarget(ClientID, chatmsg); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote = time_get(); return; } else if(!g_Config.m_SvVoteKick && p->m_Authed < 2) // allow admins to call kick votes even if they are forbidden { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Server does not allow voting to kick players"); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote = time_get(); return; } int KickId = str_toint(pMsg->m_Value); if(KickId < 0 || KickId >= MAX_CLIENTS || !m_apPlayers[KickId]) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "Invalid client id to kick"); return; } if(KickId == ClientID) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can\'t kick yourself"); return; } if(m_apPlayers[KickId]->m_Authed > 0 && m_apPlayers[KickId]->m_Authed >= p->m_Authed) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can\'t kick admins"); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote = time_get(); char aBufKick[128]; str_format(aBufKick, sizeof(aBufKick), "'%s' called for vote to kick you", Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); SendChatTarget(KickId, aBufKick); return; } if(GetPlayerChar(ClientID) && GetPlayerChar(KickId) && GetPlayerChar(ClientID)->Team() != GetPlayerChar(KickId)->Team()) { SendChatTarget(ClientID, "You can kick only your team member"); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote = time_get(); return; } const char *pReason = "No reason given"; for(const char *p = pMsg->m_Value; *p; ++p) { if(*p == ' ') { pReason = p+1; break; } } str_format(aChatmsg, sizeof(aChatmsg), "'%s' called for vote to kick '%s' (%s)", Server()->ClientName(ClientID), Server()->ClientName(KickId), pReason); str_format(aDesc, sizeof(aDesc), "Kick '%s'", Server()->ClientName(KickId)); if (!g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime) str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "kick %d Kicked by vote", KickId); else { char aBuf[64] = {0}; Server()->GetClientIP(KickId, aBuf, sizeof(aBuf)); str_format(aCmd, sizeof(aCmd), "ban %s %d Banned by vote", aBuf, g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime); } m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_KickVote = time_get(); m_VoteKick = true; } if(aCmd[0]) { SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aChatmsg); StartVote(aDesc, aCmd); p->m_Vote = 1; p->m_VotePos = m_VotePos = 1; m_VoteCreator = ClientID; p->m_Last_VoteCall = Now; } } else if(MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_VOTE) { if(!m_VoteCloseTime) return; if(p->m_Vote == 0) { CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Cl_Vote *)pRawMsg; if(!pMsg->m_Vote) return; p->m_Vote = pMsg->m_Vote; p->m_VotePos = ++m_VotePos; m_VoteUpdate = true; } } else if (MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_SETTEAM && !m_World.m_Paused) { CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Cl_SetTeam *)pRawMsg; if(p->GetTeam() == pMsg->m_Team || (g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && p->m_Last_SetTeam && p->m_Last_SetTeam+Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvTeamChangeDelay > Server()->Tick())) return; // Switch team on given client and kill/respawn him if(m_pController->CanJoinTeam(pMsg->m_Team, ClientID)) { //if(m_pController->CanChangeTeam(p, pMsg->m_Team)) //{ if(p->GetTeam()==-1 && p->m_InfoSaved) SendChatTarget(ClientID,"Use /pause first then you can kill"); else { p->m_Last_SetTeam = Server()->Tick(); if(p->GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATORS || pMsg->m_Team == TEAM_SPECTATORS) m_VoteUpdate = true; p->SetTeam(pMsg->m_Team); //(void)m_pController->CheckTeamBalance(); } //else //SendBroadcast("Teams must be balanced, please join other team", ClientID); } else { char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "Only %d active players are allowed", g_Config.m_SvMaxClients-g_Config.m_SvSpectatorSlots); SendBroadcast(aBuf, ClientID); } } else if (MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_ISDDRACE) { p->m_IsUsingDDRaceClient = true; char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%d use DDRace Client", ClientID); dbg_msg("DDRace", aBuf); //first update his teams state ((CGameControllerDDRace*)m_pController)->m_Teams.SendTeamsState(ClientID); //second give him records SendRecord(ClientID); //third give him others current time for table score if(g_Config.m_SvHideScore) return; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i] && Score()->PlayerData(i)->m_CurrentTime > 0) { CNetMsg_Sv_PlayerTime Msg; Msg.m_Time = Score()->PlayerData(i)->m_CurrentTime * 100; Msg.m_ClientID = i; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); //also send its time to others } } //also send its time to others if(Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_CurrentTime > 0) { //TODO: make function for this fucking steps CNetMsg_Sv_PlayerTime Msg; Msg.m_Time = Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_CurrentTime * 100; Msg.m_ClientID = ClientID; Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); } } else if (MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_CHANGEINFO || MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO) { CNetMsg_Cl_ChangeInfo *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Cl_ChangeInfo *)pRawMsg; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && p->m_Last_ChangeInfo && p->m_Last_ChangeInfo + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvInfoChangeDelay > Server()->Tick()) return; p->m_Last_ChangeInfo = Server()->Tick(); p->m_TeeInfos.m_UseCustomColor = pMsg->m_UseCustomColor; p->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorBody = pMsg->m_ColorBody; p->m_TeeInfos.m_ColorFeet = pMsg->m_ColorFeet; // copy old name char aOldName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; str_copy(aOldName, Server()->ClientName(ClientID), MAX_NAME_LENGTH); Server()->SetClientName(ClientID, pMsg->m_pName); if(MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_CHANGEINFO && str_comp(aOldName, Server()->ClientName(ClientID)) != 0) { char aChatText[256]; str_format(aChatText, sizeof(aChatText), "'%s' changed name to '%s'", aOldName, Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, aChatText); } // set skin str_copy(p->m_TeeInfos.m_SkinName, pMsg->m_pSkin, sizeof(p->m_TeeInfos.m_SkinName)); //m_pController->OnPlayerInfoChange(p); if(MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_STARTINFO) { // send vote options CNetMsg_Sv_VoteClearOptions ClearMsg; Server()->SendPackMsg(&ClearMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); CVoteOption *pCurrent = m_pVoteOptionFirst; while(pCurrent) { CNetMsg_Sv_VoteOption OptionMsg; OptionMsg.m_pCommand = pCurrent->m_aCommand; Server()->SendPackMsg(&OptionMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); pCurrent = pCurrent->m_pNext; } // send tuning parameters to client SendTuningParams(ClientID); // CNetMsg_Sv_ReadyToEnter m; Server()->SendPackMsg(&m, MSGFLAG_VITAL|MSGFLAG_FLUSH, ClientID); } } else if (MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_EMOTICON && !m_World.m_Paused) { CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *pMsg = (CNetMsg_Cl_Emoticon *)pRawMsg; if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && p->m_Last_Emote && p->m_Last_Emote+Server()->TickSpeed()*g_Config.m_SvEmoticonDelay > Server()->Tick()) return; p->m_Last_Emote = Server()->Tick(); SendEmoticon(ClientID, pMsg->m_Emoticon); CCharacter* pChr = p->GetCharacter(); if(pChr && g_Config.m_SvEmotionalTees && pChr->m_EyeEmote) { switch(pMsg->m_Emoticon) { case EMOTICON_2: case EMOTICON_8: pChr->SetEmoteType(EMOTE_SURPRISE); break; case EMOTICON_1: case EMOTICON_4: case EMOTICON_7: case EMOTICON_13: pChr->SetEmoteType(EMOTE_BLINK); break; case EMOTICON_3: case EMOTICON_6: pChr->SetEmoteType(EMOTE_HAPPY); break; case EMOTICON_9: case EMOTICON_15: pChr->SetEmoteType(EMOTE_PAIN); break; case EMOTICON_10: case EMOTICON_11: case EMOTICON_12: pChr->SetEmoteType(EMOTE_ANGRY); break; default: break; } pChr->SetEmoteStop(Server()->Tick() + 2 * Server()->TickSpeed()); } } else if (MsgId == NETMSGTYPE_CL_KILL && !m_World.m_Paused) { if(p->m_Last_Kill && p->m_Last_Kill+Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvKillDelay > Server()->Tick()) return; p->m_Last_Kill = Server()->Tick(); p->KillCharacter(WEAPON_SELF); p->m_RespawnTick = Server()->Tick()+Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvSuicidePenalty; } } void CGameContext::ConTuneParam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pParamName = pResult->GetString(0); float NewValue = pResult->GetFloat(1); if(pSelf->Tuning()->Set(pParamName, NewValue)) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s changed to %.2f", pParamName, NewValue); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1); } else pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", "No such tuning parameter"); } void CGameContext::ConTuneReset(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; CTuningParams p; *pSelf->Tuning() = p; pSelf->SendTuningParams(-1); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", "Tuning reset"); } void CGameContext::ConTuneDump(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; char aBuf[256]; for(int i = 0; i < pSelf->Tuning()->Num(); i++) { float v; pSelf->Tuning()->Get(i, &v); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "%s %.2f", pSelf->Tuning()->m_apNames[i], v); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "tuning", aBuf); } } void CGameContext::ConChangeMap(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->m_pController->ChangeMap(pResult->NumArguments() ? pResult->GetString(0) : ""); } void CGameContext::ConRestart(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; if(pResult->NumArguments()) pSelf->m_pController->DoWarmup(pResult->GetInteger(0)); else pSelf->m_pController->StartRound(); } void CGameContext::ConBroadcast(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->SendBroadcast(pResult->GetString(0), -1); } void CGameContext::ConSay(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->SendChat(-1, CGameContext::CHAT_ALL, pResult->GetString(0)); } void CGameContext::ConSetTeam(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; //int ClientID = clamp(pResult->GetInteger(0), 0, (int)MAX_CLIENTS-1); int Victim = pResult->GetVictim(); int Team = clamp(pResult->GetInteger(0), -1, 1); if(!pSelf->m_apPlayers[Victim]) return; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "moved client %d to team %d", Victim, Team); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); pSelf->m_apPlayers[Victim]->SetTeam(Team); //(void)pSelf->m_pController->CheckTeamBalance(); } void CGameContext::ConSetTeamAll(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; int Team = clamp(pResult->GetInteger(0), -1, 1); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "moved all clients to team %d", Team); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[i]) pSelf->m_apPlayers[i]->SetTeam(Team); //(void)pSelf->m_pController->CheckTeamBalance(); } void CGameContext::ConAddVote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; const char *pString = pResult->GetString(0); // check for valid option if(!pSelf->Console()->LineIsValid(pResult->GetString(0)) && pResult->GetString(0)[0] != '#') { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "skipped invalid option '%s'", pResult->GetString(0)); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } CGameContext::CVoteOption *pOption = pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst; while(pOption) { if(str_comp_nocase(pString, pOption->m_aCommand) == 0) { char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "option '%s' already exists", pString); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); return; } pOption = pOption->m_pNext; } int Len = str_length(pString); pOption = (CGameContext::CVoteOption *)pSelf->m_pVoteOptionHeap->Allocate(sizeof(CGameContext::CVoteOption) + Len); pOption->m_pNext = 0; pOption->m_pPrev = pSelf->m_pVoteOptionLast; if(pOption->m_pPrev) pOption->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pOption; pSelf->m_pVoteOptionLast = pOption; if(!pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst) pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst = pOption; mem_copy(pOption->m_aCommand, pString, Len+1); char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "added option '%s'", pOption->m_aCommand); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); CNetMsg_Sv_VoteOption OptionMsg; OptionMsg.m_pCommand = pOption->m_aCommand; pSelf->Server()->SendPackMsg(&OptionMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); } void CGameContext::ConClearVotes(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", "cleared votes"); CNetMsg_Sv_VoteClearOptions VoteClearOptionsMsg; pSelf->Server()->SendPackMsg(&VoteClearOptionsMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, -1); pSelf->m_pVoteOptionHeap->Reset(); pSelf->m_pVoteOptionFirst = 0; pSelf->m_pVoteOptionLast = 0; } void CGameContext::ConVote(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, int ClientID) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; bool Private = true; if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "yes") == 0) pSelf->m_VoteEnforce = CGameContext::VOTE_ENFORCE_YES_ADMIN; else if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(0), "no") == 0) pSelf->m_VoteEnforce = CGameContext::VOTE_ENFORCE_NO_ADMIN; else return; if(str_comp_nocase(pResult->GetString(1), "no") == 0) Private = false; char aBuf[256]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "forcing vote %s", pResult->GetString(0)); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "server", aBuf); pSelf->Console()->PrintResponse(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "info", "Due to vote enforcing, vote level has been set to 3"); pSelf->m_VoteEnforcer = (Private) ? -1 : ClientID; } void CGameContext::ConchainSpecialMotdupdate(IConsole::IResult *pResult, void *pUserData, IConsole::FCommandCallback pfnCallback, void *pCallbackUserData) { pfnCallback(pResult, pCallbackUserData, -1); if(pResult->NumArguments()) { CNetMsg_Sv_Motd Msg; Msg.m_pMessage = g_Config.m_SvMotd; CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUserData; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i) if(pSelf->m_apPlayers[i]) pSelf->Server()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, i); } } void CGameContext::OnConsoleInit() { m_pServer = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); Console()->Register("tune", "si", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTuneParam, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("tune_reset", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTuneReset, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("tune_dump", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConTuneDump, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("change_map", "?r", CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_STORE, ConChangeMap, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("restart", "?i", CFGFLAG_SERVER|CFGFLAG_STORE, ConRestart, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("broadcast", "r", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConBroadcast, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("say", "r", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSay, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("set_team", "vi", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetTeam, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("set_team_all", "i", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConSetTeamAll, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("addvote", "r", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConAddVote, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("clear_votes", "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConClearVotes, this, "", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); Console()->Register("vote", "s?s", CFGFLAG_SERVER, ConVote, this, "Force the vote to yes or no?, Make the forcing of the vote private?", IConsole::CONSOLELEVEL_ADMIN); #define CONSOLE_COMMAND(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help, level) m_pConsole->Register(name, params, flags, callback, userdata, help, level); #include "game/ddracecommands.h" Console()->Chain("sv_motd", ConchainSpecialMotdupdate, this); } void CGameContext::OnInit(/*class IKernel *pKernel*/) { m_pServer = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_pConsole = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); m_World.SetGameServer(this); m_Events.SetGameServer(this); //if(!data) // only load once //data = load_data_from_memory(internal_data); for(int i = 0; i < NUM_NETOBJTYPES; i++) Server()->SnapSetStaticsize(i, m_NetObjHandler.GetObjSize(i)); m_Layers.Init(Kernel()); m_Collision.Init(&m_Layers); // reset everything here //world = new GAMEWORLD; //players = new CPlayer[MAX_CLIENTS]; char buf[512]; str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "data/maps/%s.cfg", g_Config.m_SvMap); Console()->ExecuteFile(buf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4); str_format(buf, sizeof(buf), "data/maps/%s.map.cfg", g_Config.m_SvMap); Console()->ExecuteFile(buf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4); /* // select gametype if(str_comp(g_Config.m_SvGametype, "mod") == 0) m_pController = new CGameControllerMOD(this); else if(str_comp(g_Config.m_SvGametype, "ctf") == 0) m_pController = new CGameControllerCTF(this); else if(str_comp(g_Config.m_SvGametype, "tdm") == 0) m_pController = new CGameControllerTDM(this); else m_pController = new CGameControllerDM(this); */ m_pController = new CGameControllerDDRace(this); ((CGameControllerDDRace*)m_pController)->m_Teams.Reset(); Server()->SetBrowseInfo(m_pController->m_pGameType, -1); // delete old score object if(m_pScore) delete m_pScore; // create score object (add sql later) #if defined(CONF_SQL) if(g_Config.m_SvUseSQL) m_pScore = new CSqlScore(this); else #endif m_pScore = new CFileScore(this); // setup core world //for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) // game.players[i].core.world = &game.world.core; // create all entities from the game layer CMapItemLayerTilemap *pTileMap = m_Layers.GameLayer(); CTile *pTiles = (CTile *)Kernel()->RequestInterface()->GetData(pTileMap->m_Data); /* num_spawn_points[0] = 0; num_spawn_points[1] = 0; num_spawn_points[2] = 0; */ CTile *pFront = 0; CSwitchTile *pSwitch = 0; if(m_Layers.FrontLayer()) pFront = (CTile *)Kernel()->RequestInterface()->GetData(pTileMap->m_Front); if(m_Layers.SwitchLayer()) pSwitch = (CSwitchTile *)Kernel()->RequestInterface()->GetData(pTileMap->m_Switch); for(int y = 0; y < pTileMap->m_Height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < pTileMap->m_Width; x++) { int Index = pTiles[y*pTileMap->m_Width+x].m_Index; if(Index == TILE_OLDLASER) { g_Config.m_SvOldLaser = 1; dbg_msg("Game Layer", "Found Old Laser Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_NPC) { m_Tuning.Set("player_collision", 0); dbg_msg("Game Layer", "Found No Collision Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_EHOOK) { g_Config.m_SvEndlessDrag = 1; dbg_msg("Game Layer", "Found No Unlimited hook time Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_NOHIT) { g_Config.m_SvHit = 0; dbg_msg("Game Layer", "Found No Weapons Hitting others Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_NPH) { m_Tuning.Set("player_hooking", 0); dbg_msg("Game Layer", "Found No Player Hooking Tile"); } if(Index >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { vec2 Pos(x * 32.0f + 16.0f, y * 32.0f + 16.0f); m_pController->OnEntity(Index - ENTITY_OFFSET, Pos, LAYER_GAME, pTiles[y * pTileMap->m_Width + x].m_Flags); } if(pFront) { Index = pFront[y * pTileMap->m_Width + x].m_Index; if(Index == TILE_OLDLASER) { g_Config.m_SvOldLaser = 1; dbg_msg("Front Layer", "Found Old Laser Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_NPC) { m_Tuning.Set("player_collision", 0); dbg_msg("Front Layer", "Found No Collision Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_EHOOK) { g_Config.m_SvEndlessDrag = 1; dbg_msg("Front Layer", "Found No Unlimited hook time Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_NOHIT) { g_Config.m_SvHit = 0; dbg_msg("Front Layer", "Found No Weapons Hitting others Tile"); } else if(Index == TILE_NPH) { m_Tuning.Set("player_hooking", 0); dbg_msg("Front Layer", "Found No Player Hooking Tile"); } if(Index >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { vec2 Pos(x*32.0f+16.0f, y*32.0f+16.0f); m_pController->OnEntity(Index-ENTITY_OFFSET, Pos, LAYER_FRONT, pFront[y*pTileMap->m_Width+x].m_Flags); } } if(pSwitch) { Index = pSwitch[y*pTileMap->m_Width + x].m_Type; if(Index >= ENTITY_OFFSET) { vec2 Pos(x*32.0f+16.0f, y*32.0f+16.0f); m_pController->OnEntity(Index-ENTITY_OFFSET, Pos, LAYER_SWITCH, pSwitch[y*pTileMap->m_Width+x].m_Flags, pSwitch[y*pTileMap->m_Width+x].m_Number); } } } } //game.world.insert_entity(game.Controller); #ifdef CONF_DEBUG if(g_Config.m_DbgDummies) { for(int i = 0; i < g_Config.m_DbgDummies ; i++) { OnClientConnected(MAX_CLIENTS-i-1); } } #endif } void CGameContext::OnShutdown() { Layers()->Dest(); Collision()->Dest(); delete m_pController; m_pController = 0; Clear(); } void CGameContext::OnSnap(int ClientID) { m_World.Snap(ClientID); m_pController->Snap(ClientID); m_Events.Snap(ClientID); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if(m_apPlayers[i]) m_apPlayers[i]->Snap(ClientID); } } void CGameContext::OnPreSnap() {} void CGameContext::OnPostSnap() { m_Events.Clear(); } const char *CGameContext::Version() { return GAME_VERSION; } const char *CGameContext::NetVersion() { return GAME_NETVERSION; } IGameServer *CreateGameServer() { return new CGameContext; } void CGameContext::SendChatResponseAll(const char *pLine, void *pUser) { CGameContext *pSelf = (CGameContext *)pUser; static volatile int ReentryGuard = 0; if(ReentryGuard) return; ReentryGuard++; if(*pLine == '[') do pLine++; while(*(pLine - 2) != ':' && *pLine != 0);//remove the category (e.g. [Console]: No Such Command) pSelf->SendChat(-1, CHAT_ALL, pLine); ReentryGuard--; } void CGameContext::SendChatResponse(const char *pLine, void *pUser) { ChatResponseInfo *pInfo = (ChatResponseInfo *)pUser; static volatile int ReentryGuard = 0; if(ReentryGuard) return; ReentryGuard++; if(*pLine == '[') do pLine++; while(*(pLine - 2) != ':' && *pLine != 0); // remove the category (e.g. [Console]: No Such Command) pInfo->m_GameContext->SendChatTarget(pInfo->m_To, pLine); ReentryGuard--; } bool CGameContext::PlayerCollision() { float Temp; m_Tuning.Get("player_collision", &Temp); return Temp != 0.0; } bool CGameContext::PlayerHooking() { float Temp; m_Tuning.Get("player_hooking", &Temp); return Temp != 0.0; } void CGameContext::OnSetAuthed(int ClientID, int Level) { CServer* pServ = (CServer*)Server(); if(m_apPlayers[ClientID]) { m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Authed = Level; char aBuf[512], aIP[20]; pServ->GetClientIP(ClientID, aIP, sizeof(aIP)); str_format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), "ban %s %d Banned by vote", aIP, g_Config.m_SvVoteKickBantime); if(!str_comp_nocase(m_aVoteCommand,aBuf) && Level > 0) { m_VoteEnforce = CGameContext::VOTE_ENFORCE_NO; Console()->Print(IConsole::OUTPUT_LEVEL_STANDARD, "CGameContext", "Aborted vote by admin login."); } } } void CGameContext::SendRecord(int ClientID) { CNetMsg_Sv_Record RecordsMsg; RecordsMsg.m_PlayerTimeBest = Score()->PlayerData(ClientID)->m_BestTime * 100.0f;// RecordsMsg.m_ServerTimeBest = m_pController->m_CurrentRecord * 100.0f;//TODO: finish this Server()->SendPackMsg(&RecordsMsg, MSGFLAG_VITAL, ClientID); } int CGameContext::ProcessSpamProtection(int ClientID) { if(g_Config.m_SvSpamprotection && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_Chat && m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_Chat + Server()->TickSpeed() * g_Config.m_SvChatDelay > Server()->Tick()) return 1; else m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_Last_Chat = Server()->Tick(); NETADDR Addr; Server()->GetClientAddr(ClientID, &Addr); int Muted = 0; for(int i = 0; i < m_NumMutes && !Muted; i++) { if(!net_addr_comp(&Addr, &m_aMutes[i].m_Addr)) Muted = (m_aMutes[i].m_Expire - Server()->Tick()) / Server()->TickSpeed(); } if (Muted > 0) { char aBuf[128]; str_format(aBuf, sizeof aBuf, "You are not permitted to talk for the next %d seconds.", Muted); SendChatTarget(ClientID, aBuf); return 1; } if ((m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_ChatScore += g_Config.m_SvChatPenalty) > g_Config.m_SvChatThreshold) { Mute(&Addr, g_Config.m_SvSpamMuteDuration, Server()->ClientName(ClientID)); m_apPlayers[ClientID]->m_ChatScore = 0; return 1; } return 0; }