/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_SHARED_E_CONFIG_H #define ENGINE_SHARED_E_CONFIG_H struct CConfiguration { #define MACRO_CONFIG_INT(Name,ScriptName,Def,Min,Max,Save,Desc,Level) int m_##Name; #define MACRO_CONFIG_STR(Name,ScriptName,Len,Def,Save,Desc,Level) char m_##Name[Len]; // Flawfinder: ignore #include "config_variables.h" #undef MACRO_CONFIG_INT #undef MACRO_CONFIG_STR }; extern CConfiguration g_Config; void dbg_msg1(const char * where, const char * format, ...); enum { CFGFLAG_SAVE=1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT=2, CFGFLAG_SERVER=4, CFGFLAG_STORE=8, CFGFLAG_MASTER=16, //DDRace CMDFLAG_CHEAT=32, CMDFLAG_TIMER=64, CMDFLAG_HELPERCMD=128 }; #endif