##### authors ##### #originally created by: # SiuFu #modified by: # 2020-08-19 TsFreddie # 2020-08-20 Dan_cao # 2020-11-12 TsFreddie # 2021-06-01 TsFreddie # 2021-11-19 cheeser0613 # 2021-12-21 cheeser0613 # 2022-02-07 cheeser0613 # 2022-03-19 cheeser0613 # 2022-03-22 cheeser0613 # 2022-03-24 cheeser0613 # 2022-05-14 cheeser0613 # 2022-06-16 cheeser0613 # 2022-06-27 cheeser0613 # 2022-08-08 cheeser0613 # 2022-09-17 cheeser0613 # 2022-10-24 cheeser0613 # 2022-12-11 cheeser0613 # 2023-01-11 cheeser0613 ##### /authors ##### ##### translated strings ##### %ds left == 還剩%d秒 %i minute left == 還剩下%i分鐘 %i minutes left == 還剩下%i分鐘 %i second left == 還剩下%i秒鐘 %i seconds left == 還剩下%i秒鐘 %s wins! == %s勝利! -Page %d- == -第%d頁- Abort == 取消 Add == 新增 Add Friend == 新增好友 Address == 地址 All == 全部 Are you sure that you want to quit? == 你確定要退出嗎? Automatically record demos == 自動錄製回放 Automatically take game over screenshot == 自動擷取遊戲結束畫面 Blue team == 藍隊 Blue team wins! == 藍隊勝利! Body == 身體 Call vote == 發起投票 Change settings == 變更設定 Chat == 聊天 Clan == 戰隊 Client == 客戶端 Close == 關閉 Connect == 連線 Connecting to == 正在連線到 Connection Problems... == 連線中斷... Console == 控制檯 Controls == 控制 Count players only == 過濾旁觀位 Current == 當前 Custom colors == 自定義顏色 Delete == 刪除 Delete demo == 刪除回放 Demo details == 回放詳細資訊 Demofile: %s == 回放檔案:%s Demos == 回放 Disconnect == 斷開連線 Disconnected == 連線已斷開 Downloading map == 正在下載地圖 Draw! == 平局! Dynamic Camera == 動態視距 Emoticon == 表情 Error == 錯誤 Error loading demo == 回放載入錯誤 Favorite == 收藏 Favorites == 收藏 Feet == 腳 Filter == 過濾器 Fire == 開火 Folder == 資料夾 Force vote == 強制投票 Free-View == 自由視角 Friends == 好友 Fullscreen == 獨占全螢幕 Game == 遊戲 Game info == 遊戲資訊 Game over == 遊戲結束 Game paused == 遊戲已暫停 Game type == 遊戲模式 Game types: == 遊戲模式: General == 常規 Graphics == 顯示 Grenade == 榴彈槍 Hammer == 錘子 Has people playing == 有人在玩 High Detail == 顯示地圖細節 Hook == 鉤索 Invalid Demo == 回放檔案無效或已損壞 Join blue == 加入藍隊 Join red == 加入紅隊 Jump == 跳躍 Kick player == 踢除玩家 Language == 語言 DDNet Client needs to be restarted to complete update! == DDNet客戶端需要重新啟動才能完成更新! MOTD == 公告 Map == 地圖 Move left == 向左移動 Move player to spectators == 將玩家移至旁觀位 Move right == 向右移動 Movement == 移動 Mute when not active == 在後臺時靜音 Enable game sounds == 啟用遊戲聲音 Enable gun sound == 啟用槍聲 Enable server message sound == 啟用伺服器通知聲音 Enable regular chat sound == 啟用聊天提示音 Enable team chat sound == 啟用隊伍聊天提示音 Enable highlighted chat sound == 啟用被提及時的提示音 Threaded sound loading == 啟用多執行緒音訊載入 Name == 名稱 Next weapon == 下一個武器 Nickname == 暱稱 No == 否 No password == 沒有密碼 No servers found == 未檢測到任何伺服器 No servers match your filter criteria == 沒有伺服器滿足設定的過濾條件 Ok == 確定 Open == 開啟 Parent Folder == 上級目錄 Password == 密碼 Password incorrect == 密碼錯誤 Ping == 延遲 Pistol == 手槍 [Demo browser] Play == 播放 Play background music == 播放背景音樂 Player == 玩家 HUD == HUD Player country: == 玩家國家/地區: Player options == 玩家選項 Players == 玩家 Please balance teams! == 隊伍人數不平衡! Prev. weapon == 上一個武器 Quit == 退出 Reason: == 理由: Red team == 紅隊 Red team wins! == 紅隊勝利! Refresh == 重新整理 Remote console == 遠端控制檯 Remove == 移除 Remove friend == 刪除好友 Rename == 重新命名 Rename demo == 重新命名回放 Reset filter == 重置過濾器 Sample rate == 取樣率 Score == 分數 Score limit == 目標得分 Scoreboard == 計分板 Screenshot == 截圖 Server address: == 伺服器地址: Server details == 伺服器詳細資訊 Server filter == 伺服器過濾器 Server info == 伺服器資訊 Server not full == 伺服器未滿 Shotgun == 霰彈槍 Show chat == 顯示聊天 Show friends only == 只顯示好友 Show ingame HUD == 顯示HUD Show name plates == 顯示暱稱 Show only chat messages from friends == 只顯示好友訊息 Sound == 聲音 Sound error == 音訊錯誤 Spectate == 旁觀 Spectate next == 旁觀下一個 Spectate previous == 旁觀上一個 Spectator mode == 旁觀者模式 Spectators == 旁觀者 Stop record == 停止錄製 Strict gametype filter == 嚴格過濾遊戲模式 Sudden Death == 決勝 Switch weapon on pickup == 拾取武器時自動裝備 Switch weapon when out of ammo == 子彈打空時自動切換武器 Show clan above name plates == 顯示戰隊名稱 Clan plates size == 戰隊名稱大小 Team == 隊伍 Team chat == 隊伍聊天 The audio device couldn't be initialised. == 初始化音訊裝置失敗。 The server is running a non-standard tuning on a pure game type. == 此伺服器執行著經過調整的非標準遊戲模式。 There's an unsaved map in the editor, you might want to save it before you quit the game. == 編輯器中的地圖尚未儲存,建議你在退出遊戲之前返回編輯器進行儲存。 Time limit == 規定時限 Time limit: %d min == 規定時限:%d 分鐘 Try again == 重試 Type == 模式 Unable to rename the demo == 無法重新命名這個回放 Use sounds == 開啟聲音 Use team colors for name plates == 用隊伍顏色標註暱稱 V-Sync == 垂直同步 Version == 版本 Vote command: == 投票命令: Vote description: == 投票描述: Vote no == 反對 Vote yes == 贊成 Voting == 投票 Warmup == 熱身 Weapon == 武器 Yes == 是 You must restart the game for all settings to take effect. == 你需要重啟遊戲來使某些設定生效。 Demo == 回放 Reset == 重置 Screen == 螢幕 New name: == 新檔名: Sat. == 飽和度 Miscellaneous == 雜項 Internet == 網際網路 Max demos == 最大回放數 News == 新聞 Join game == 加入遊戲 FSAA samples == 全屏抗鋸齒(FSAA)取樣倍數 Sound volume == 音量 Map sound volume == 地圖音效音量 Created: == 建立時間: Max Screenshots == 最大截圖數 Dummy settings == 分身設定 Length: == 長度: Laser == 鐳射 Netversion: == 通訊版本: Map: == 地圖: Info == 資訊 Hue == 色調 Record demo == 錄製回放 Your skin == 你的外觀 Size: == 大小: Reset to defaults == 恢復預設設定 Quit anyway? == 無論如何都要退出嗎? Version: == 版本: Round == 回合 Lht. == 亮度 Automatically take statboard screenshot == 自動對統計板截圖 UI Color == 介面顏色 Crc: == Crc: Alpha == 透明度 LAN == 區域網 Name plates size == 暱稱大小 Type: == 型別: Use DDRace Scoreboard == 使用 DDRace 計分板 Show score == 顯示比分 Show names in chat in team colors == 以隊伍顏色顯示玩家暱稱 Show kill messages == 顯示擊殺訊息 Show votes window after voting == 投票後不關閉投票視窗 Messages == 訊息 System message == 系統訊息 Highlighted message == 被提及訊息 Team message == 隊伍訊息 Normal message == 普通訊息 Friend message == 好友訊息 Save the best demo of each race == 儲存競速模式最高記錄的回放 Ghost == 影子 Show ghost == 顯示影子 Save ghost == 儲存影子 Gameplay == 遊戲 Overlay entities == 顯示實體層 Show others == 顯示其他玩家 Show quads == 顯示背景 Default zoom == 預設縮放 AntiPing: predict other players == AntiPing:預測其他玩家 AntiPing: predict weapons == AntiPing:預測武器 AntiPing: predict grenade paths == AntiPing:預測榴彈路徑 Show other players' hook collision lines == 顯示其他玩家的鉤索輔助線 Show other players' key presses == 顯示其他玩家的按鍵 Show tiles layers from BG map == 顯示實體層背景地圖的圖塊層 DDNet %s is available: == DDNet %s 現已可用: Update now == 現在更新 Updating... == 更新中... DDNet Client updated! == DDNet 客戶端更新成功! No updates available == 沒有可用的更新 Check now == 檢查更新 Loading DDNet Client == 載入 DDNet 客戶端中... Browser == 瀏覽 Connecting dummy == 正在連線分身 Search == 搜尋 Vanilla skins only == 只顯示原生外觀 Fat skins (DDFat) == 胖胖的外觀 (DDFat) Ratio == F/D ##### Ratio的演算法是擊殺除以死亡次數 ##### AntiPing == AntiPing Countries == 國家 Reconnect in %d sec == %d 秒後重新連線 Grabs == 得旗數 DDNet == DDNet Select a name == 另存為 Deaths == 死亡數 Please use a different name == 請換一個不同的檔名 Restart == 重新開始 Old mouse mode == 舊版滑鼠模式 Follow == 跟隨 Automatically create statboard csv == 自動將統計板匯出為csv檔案 Are you sure that you want to disconnect? == 確定要斷開連線嗎? Types == 模式 Remove chat == 刪除訊息記錄 Frags == 擊殺數 Enable long pain sound (used when shooting in freeze) == 啟用在凍結時的呼救聲 %.2f MiB == %.2f MiB Refresh Rate == 重新整理率 New random timeout code == 隨機生成新的超時還原碼 Suicides == 自殺數 Net == 淨擊殺 ##### Net的演算法是殺人+1被殺-1 ##### FPM == 擊殺/分 ##### 得分速度就是效率FPM ##### Spree == 連殺 Max CSVs == 最大csv檔案數 %.2f KiB == %.2f KiB Best == 最高 Exclude == 排除 may cause delay == 可能會產生延遲 Unfinished map == 未完成的地圖 Deactivate == 停用 Welcome to DDNet == 歡迎來到 DDNet Activate == 啟用 File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == 檔案已存在,是否覆蓋? Indicate map finish == 標記已完成地圖 Save == 儲存 Date == 日期 Show DDNet map finishes in server browser == 在伺服器瀏覽器中顯示已完成的 DDNet 地圖 transmits your player name to info.ddnet.org == 將會發送你的玩家名稱到 info.ddnet.org Reload == 重新整理 Enable replays == 啟用短時回放 Time == 用時 Show entities == 實體層顯示開關 Show all == 顯示所有玩家 Downloading %s: == 正在下載 %s: %d new mentions == %d 條新提及 Toggle dummy == 切換分身 Replay feature is disabled! == 短時回放功能未啟用! Are you sure that you want to disconnect your dummy? == 確定要斷連分身嗎? Hook collisions == 鉤索輔助線 DDNet %s is out! == DDNet %s 已經更新了! Markers == 標記 Filter connecting players == 過濾正在連線的玩家 Markers: == 標記 Zoom in == 視距放大 1 new mention == 1 條新提及 Update failed! Check log... == 更新失敗!請檢查日誌... Pause == 暫停 Length == 長度 Converse == 繼續會話 Successfully saved the replay! == 成功儲存短時回放! Fetch Info == 回放詳情 Lock team == 鎖定隊伍 Size == 大小 Dummy copy == 分身同步動作 9+ new mentions == 9+ 條新提及 Statboard == 統計板 Disconnect Dummy == 中斷分身的連線 Show HUD == 遊戲HUD開關 Hammerfly dummy == 分身Hammerfly開關 Default length: %d == 預設長度: %d Toggle ghost == 影子記錄開關 Kill == 自殺 Zoom out == 視距縮小 Show text entities == 顯示文字實體 Skin prefix == 外觀名稱字首 Toggle dyncam == 動態鏡頭開關 DDraceNetwork is a cooperative online game where the goal is for you and your group of tees to reach the finish line of the map. As a newcomer you should start on Novice servers, which host the easiest maps. Consider the ping to choose a server close to you. == DDraceNetwork 是以到達地圖終點為目標,單人或組隊的線上合作遊戲。如果你是新手,你可以從有入門級地圖的 Novice 伺服器開 始。記得選擇 Ping 值低的伺服器。 It's recommended that you check the settings to adjust them to your liking before joining a server. == 推薦在加入伺服器前,先將設定調整到符合你的習慣。 Please enter your nickname below. == 請輸入你的暱稱。 Render == 渲染 Server best: == 伺服器最佳 Learn == 教程Wiki Use high DPI == 使用高 DPI Personal best: == 個人最佳 Render demo == 渲染回放 Replace video == 替換影片 Video name: == 影片名稱 Connect Dummy == 連線分身 Client message == 客戶端訊息 Show others (own team only) == 顯示其他玩家 (僅同隊伍) Use k key to kill (restart), q to pause and watch other players. See settings for other key binds. == 使用 k鍵 自殺以重新開始,使用 q鍵 可以暫停以旁觀他人或檢視地圖。 請在設定中檢視其他按鍵。 https://wiki.ddnet.org/ == https://wiki.ddnet.org/wiki/Main_Page/zh Warning == 警告 Speed == 速度 Skip the main menu == 跳過主選單 Website == 網站 Settings == 設定 [Start menu] Play == 開始遊戲 Stop server == 停止伺服器 Run server == 開啟伺服器 Server executable not found, can't run server == 未檢測到伺服器的可執行檔案,無法開啟 Editor == 編輯器 Manual == 手動 Race == 競速 Auto == 自動 Replay == 回放 Saving ddnet-settings.cfg failed == 配置檔案 ddnet-settings.cfg 儲存失敗 Debug mode enabled. Press Ctrl+Shift+D to disable debug mode. == 偵錯模式已啟用。按 Ctrl+Shift+D 禁用偵錯模式。 Existing Player == 玩家已存在 Your nickname '%s' is already used (%d points). Do you still want to use it? == 你使用的暱稱 "%s" 在DDNet中有%d分的記錄,這可能代表這個暱稱已經被其他人使用過。確認要使用這個名字嗎? Checking for existing player with your name == 正在查詢該暱稱的DDNet記錄 Theme == 主題 %d of %d servers == 符合條件 %d / 總共 %d 個伺服器 %d of %d server == 符合條件 %d / 總共 %d 個伺服器 %d players == %d 在線玩家 %d player == %d 在線玩家 Demos directory == 回放目錄 Smooth Dynamic Camera == 動態視距平滑化 Themes directory == 主題目錄 Download skins == 下載官方外觀 Skin Database == 外觀數據庫 Skins directory == 外觀目錄 Game sound volume == 遊戲音效音量 Chat sound volume == 聊天提示音量 Background music volume == 背景音樂音量 Assets == 材質 Use old chat style == 原始聊天框 Use current map as background == 使用當前地圖作爲實體層背景地圖 Entities == 實體層 Emoticons == 表情 Particles == 粒子 Assets directory == 材質目錄 The width of texture %s is not divisible by %d, or the height is not divisible by %d, which might cause visual bugs. == 紋理 %s 的寬度無法被 %d 整除,或者高度無法被 %d 整除,這可能會導致視覺錯誤。 AFR == 非洲 ASI == 亞洲 AUS == 澳洲 EUR == 歐洲 NA == 北美 SA == 南美 CHN == 中國 Getting server list from master server == 正在從主伺服器獲取伺服器列表 Leak IP == 洩露IP Chat command == 聊天框指令 Dummy == 分身 Windowed == 視窗化 Windowed borderless == 無邊框視窗 Desktop fullscreen == 無邊框全螢幕 Preview == 預覽 Background == 背景 Entities Background color == 實體層背景顏色 Regular Background Color == 背景層背景顏色 Discord == Discord https://ddnet.org/discord == https://ddnet.org/discord Are you sure that you want to disconnect and switch to a different server? == 你確定要中斷此伺服器并嘗試加入其他伺服器嗎? Refreshing... == 正在重整... Kill Messages == 擊殺訊息 Show local player's key presses == 顯示周圍玩家的按鍵輸入 Settings file == 設定檔案 Config directory == 配置目錄 (cfg) Run on join == 加入時執行 Chat command (e.g. showall 1) == 聊天指令 (例如: showall 1) Windowed fullscreen == 視窗化全螢幕 The format of texture %s is not RGBA which will cause visual bugs. == 紋理文件 %s 并非 RGBA 格式,這可能會導致顯示錯誤 Join Tutorial Server == 加入教學伺服器 Skip Tutorial == 跳過教學 Renderer == 渲染設定 default == 預設 custom == 自定義 Graphics cards == 顯示卡 auto == 自動 Tutorial == 教學 Toggle to edit your dummy settings == 編輯分身設定 Choose default eyes when joining a server == 加入伺服器時的預設表情 Allows maps to render with more detail == 允許地圖渲染更多細節 When you cross the start line, show a ghost tee replicating the movements of your best time == 當越過起跑綫時,游戲裏將有影子回放你的最佳成績 Opacity == 不透明度 Adjust the opacity of entities belonging to other teams, such as tees and nameplates == 調整單人區域或其他隊伍中玩家的不透明度 Quads are used for background decoration == 顯示用於背景裝飾的貼圖 Tries to predict other entities to give a feel of low latency == 嘗試預測其他實體物以帶來低延遲的游玩體驗 Can't find a Tutorial server == 無法找到教學伺服器 Super == 無敵 Team %d == 隊伍 %d Position: == 坐標 Speed: == 速度 Angle: == 角度 Trying to determine UDP connectivity... == 正在嘗試檢測 UDP 連接... UDP seems to be filtered. == UDP 疑似被過濾 UDP and TCP IP addresses seem to be different. Try disabling VPN, proxy or network accelerators. == UDP 與 TCP 的 IP 地址并不相同。請嘗試屏蔽 VPN 、代理網路以及網路加速器。 No answer from server yet. == 伺服器無響應 Download community skins == 下載社區外觀 Enable controller == 啓用控制器 Controller %d: %s == 控制器 %d: %s Click to cycle through all available controllers. == 點擊以切換其他控制器 [Ingame controller mode] Relative == 相對 [Ingame controller mode] Absolute == 絕對 Ingame controller mode == 游戲内控制器瞄準模式 Ingame controller sens. == 搖桿靈敏度(游戲) UI controller sens. == 搖桿靈敏度(界面) Controller jitter tolerance == 搖桿錯位容錯 Device == 輸入設備 Status == 狀態 Aim bind == 操作軸綁定 Controller Axis #%d == 搖桿 #%d Mouse == 滑鼠 Ingame mouse sens. == 滑鼠靈敏度(游戲) UI mouse sens. == 滑鼠靈敏度(界面) Controller == 控制器 Show dummy actions == 顯示分身狀態 Show freeze bars == 顯示解凍進度條 Show player position == 顯示玩家坐標 Show player speed == 顯示玩家速度 Show player target angle == 顯示玩家瞄準角度 Opacity of freeze bars inside freeze == 解凍進度條不透明度 Normal Color == 非相關訊息顔色 Highlight Color == 相關訊息顔色 Extras == 其他 Preparing demo playback == 正在準備回放 Connected == 連接成功 Loading map file from storage == 正在從硬盤中加載地圖檔案 Why are you slowmo replaying to read this? == 所以你爲什麽要慢速回放來看這個 Initializing components == 正在初始化游戲引擎 Initializing assets == 正在初始化材質 Initializing map logic == 正在初始化地圖邏輯 Sending initial client info == 正在發送初始客戶端資訊 Uploading map data to GPU == 正在將地圖數據傳輸至顯示卡 Getting game info == 正在獲取游戲資訊 Requesting to join the game == 正在請求加入游戲 Loading menu images == 正在加載主菜單圖片 Loading demo files == 正在加載回放檔案 Loading ghost files == 正在加載影子檔案 Loading skin files == 正在加載外觀檔案 Appearance == 游戲界面 Name Plate == 匿稱板塊 Hook Collisions == 瞄準輔助 Show health, shields and ammo == 顯示生命、護甲與彈藥欄 DDRace HUD == DDRace HUD Show client IDs in scoreboard == 顯示客戶端 IDs (計分板中) Show DDRace HUD == 顯示 DDRace HUD Show jumps indicator == 顯示跳躍次數 Show hook strength indicator == 顯示對其他玩家的鈎索强度 Hook collision line == 瞄準輔助綫 Hook collision line width == 輔助綫寬度 Hook collision line opacity == 輔助綫不透明度 Colors of the hook collision line, in case of a possible collision with: == 輔助綫顔色(當瞄準以下實體物時): Your movements are not taken into account when calculating the line colors == 移動所造成的瞄準偏移將不計入考量 Nothing hookable == 未瞄準任何實體物 Something hookable == 可鈎索的方塊 A Tee == 其他玩家 Loading assets == 正在加載材質 Loading race demo files == 正在加載回放檔案 Loading sound files == 正在加載聲音檔案 Play the current demo == 播放回放 Pause the current demo == 暫停回放 Stop the current demo == 結束回放 Slow down the demo == 減慢播放速度 Speed up the demo == 加快播放速度 Mark the beginning of a cut == 標記裁剪起點 Mark the end of a cut == 標記裁剪終點 Export cut as a separate demo == 另存爲新回放檔案 Toggle keyboard shortcuts == 啓用/禁用鍵盤快捷鍵 Weapons == 武器 Rifle Laser Outline Color == 鐳射槍彈道外框顔色 Rifle Laser Inner Color == 鐳射槍彈道實心顔色 Shotgun Laser Outline Color == 霰彈槍彈道外框顔色 Shotgun Laser Inner Color == 霰彈槍彈道實心顔色 Door Laser Outline Color == 鐳射門外框顔色 Door Laser Inner Color == 鐳射門實心顔色 Freeze Laser Outline Color == 凍結鐳射外框顔色 Freeze Laser Inner Color == 凍結鐳射實心顔色 Menu opened. Press Esc key again to close menu. == 菜單已打開,再次點擊 Esc 以關閉 Set all to Rifle == 統一為鐳射槍顔色 Cancel == 取消 File '%s' already exists, do you want to overwrite it? == 檔案名 "%s" 已經存在,是否要取代該檔案? Are you sure that you want to remove the player '%s' from your friends list? == 你確定要將好友 "%s" 從你的好友列表中移除? Are you sure that you want to remove the clan '%s' from your friends list? == 你確定要將戰隊 "%s" 從你的好友列表中移除? Go back one tick == 上一個 tick Go forward one tick == 下一個 tick Go back one marker == 返回上一個標記 Go forward one marker == 跳至下一個標記 Are you sure that you want to delete the demo '%s'? == 你確定要刪除回放檔案 "%s" ? Unable to delete the demo '%s' == 無法刪除回放檔案 "%s" Reset controls == 恢復預設設定 Are you sure that you want to reset the controls to their defaults? == 你確定要將當前的控制恢復至預設設定 [Graphics error] [Graphics error] Failed during initialization. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. == 初始化失敗。請嘗試打開配置目錄中的設定檔案(settings_ddnet.cfg)并將“gfx_backend OpenGL”修改為“gfx_backend Vulkan”(若沒有前者則可直接輸入後者)再重試。 [Graphics error] Out of VRAM. Try removing custom assets (skins, entities, etc.), especially those with high resolution. == 顯存不足。請嘗試移除自定義材質(如外觀,實體層等等),尤其高分辨率的自定義材質。 [Graphics error] An error during command recording occurred. Try to update your GPU drivers. == 指令記錄期間檢測到錯誤。請嘗試更新顯示卡驅動程序。 [Graphics error] A render command failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. == 渲染指令錯誤。請嘗試更新顯示卡驅動程序。 [Graphics error] Submitting the render commands failed. Try to update your GPU drivers. == 渲染指令提交失敗。請嘗試更新顯示卡驅動程序。 [Graphics error] Failed to swap framebuffers. Try to update your GPU drivers. == 幀緩存交替失敗。請嘗試更新顯示卡驅動程序。 [Graphics error] Unknown error. Try to change gfx_backend to OpenGL or Vulkan in settings_ddnet.cfg in the config directory and try again. == 未知錯誤。請嘗試打開配置目錄中的設定檔案(settings_ddnet.cfg)并將“gfx_backend OpenGL”修改為“gfx_backend Vulkan”(若沒有前者則可直接輸入後者)再重試。 [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, reverting to the default backend now. == 無法初始化當前配置的圖形後端,正在將配置回退至預設圖形後端。 Open the directory that contains the demo files == 打開存有回放檔案的資料夾路徑 Save power by lowering refresh rate (higher input latency) == 節能模式(限制幀率上限以降低功耗但也將提高輸入延遲) Open the settings file == 打開設定檔案 Open the directory that contains the configuration and user files == 打開存有配置檔案與用戶檔案的資料夾路徑 Open the directory to add custom themes == 打開用以添加自定義主題的資料夾路徑 Open the directory to add custom skins == 打開用以添加自定義外觀的資料夾路徑 No controller found. Plug in a controller. == 未檢測到任何控制器。請嘗試重新連接控制器。 Unregister protocol and file extensions == 未注冊的協議與擴充檔案 Open the directory to add custom assets == 打開用以添加自定義材質的資料夾路徑 [Graphics error] Could not initialize the given graphics backend, this is probably because you didn't install the driver of the integrated graphics card. == Could not save downloaded map. Try manually deleting this file: %s == Search: == Copy info ==