/* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */ /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at teeworlds.com. */ #ifndef ENGINE_SOUND_H #define ENGINE_SOUND_H #include "kernel.h" class ISound : public IInterface { MACRO_INTERFACE("sound", 0) public: enum { FLAG_LOOP=1, FLAG_POS=2, FLAG_ALL=3 }; class CVoiceHandle { friend class ISound; int m_Id; int m_Age; public: CVoiceHandle() : m_Id(-1), m_Age(-1) {} bool IsValid() const { return (Id() >= 0) && (Age() >= 0); } int Id() const { return m_Id; } int Age() const { return m_Age; } bool operator ==(const CVoiceHandle &Other) const { return m_Id == Other.m_Id && m_Age == Other.m_Age; } }; virtual bool IsSoundEnabled() = 0; virtual int LoadWV(const char *pFilename) = 0; virtual int LoadWVFromMem(const void *pData, unsigned DataSize, bool FromEditor = false) = 0; virtual void UnloadSample(int SampleID) = 0; virtual float GetSampleDuration(int SampleID) = 0; // in s virtual void SetChannel(int ChannelID, float Volume, float Panning) = 0; virtual void SetListenerPos(float x, float y) = 0; virtual void SetVoiceVolume(CVoiceHandle Voice, float Volume) = 0; virtual void SetVoiceMaxDistance(CVoiceHandle Voice, int Distance) = 0; virtual void SetVoiceLocation(CVoiceHandle Voice, float x, float y) = 0; virtual void SetVoiceTimeOffset(CVoiceHandle Voice, float offset) = 0; // in s virtual CVoiceHandle PlayAt(int ChannelID, int SampleID, int Flags, float x, float y) = 0; virtual CVoiceHandle Play(int ChannelID, int SampleID, int Flags) = 0; virtual void Stop(int SampleID) = 0; virtual void StopAll() = 0; virtual void StopVoice(CVoiceHandle Voice) = 0; protected: inline CVoiceHandle CreateVoiceHandle(int Index, int Age) { CVoiceHandle Voice; Voice.m_Id = Index; Voice.m_Age = Age; return Voice; } }; class IEngineSound : public ISound { MACRO_INTERFACE("enginesound", 0) public: virtual int Init() = 0; virtual int Update() = 0; virtual int Shutdown() = 0; }; extern IEngineSound *CreateEngineSound(); #endif