#include #include #include "../game.h" #include "mapres_image.h" #include "mapres_tilemap.h" using namespace baselib; static int texture_char_default = 0; static int texture_game = 0; static int texture_weapon = 0; static int texture_sun = 0; static int texture_particles = 0; struct weapontexcell { float x; float y; float w; float h; }; struct renderparams { float sizex; float sizey; float offsetx; float offsety; }; int numcellsx = 32; int numcellsy = 32; renderparams weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; renderparams modifierrenderparams[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; weapontexcell weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; weapontexcell weapontexcoord[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; weapontexcell weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; weapontexcell poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_NUMPOWERUPS]; weapontexcell modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_NUMMODIFIERS]; weapontexcell modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_NUMMODIFIERS]; int nummuzzletex[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; weapontexcell muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS][3]; renderparams muzzleparams[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS]; #define NUMHADOKENS 6 #define NUMSTARS 2 #define NUMPARTICLES 9 int particlesnumcellsx = 16; int particlesnumcellsy = 16; weapontexcell chaintexcoord; weapontexcell chainheadtexcoord; weapontexcell stars[NUMSTARS]; float lifemodifier[NUMPARTICLES]; vec4 particlecolors[NUMPARTICLES]; weapontexcell particlestexcoord[NUMPARTICLES]; int charnumcellsx = 8; int charnumcellsy = 32; int charoffsety = 2; weapontexcell body[2]; weapontexcell leye; weapontexcell reye; weapontexcell feet[2]; int charids[16] = { 2,10,0,4,12,6,14,1,9,15,13,11,7,5,8,3 }; renderparams hadokenparams[6]; weapontexcell hadoken[6]; float recoils[WEAPON_NUMWEAPONS] = { 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f }; static int font_texture = 0; static vec2 mouse_pos; static vec2 local_player_pos; static obj_player *local_player; float frandom() { return rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX); } float sign(float f) { return f<0.0f?-1.0f:1.0f; } // sound helpers template class sound_kit { private: int sounds[N]; int last_id; public: sound_kit() : last_id(-1) { } int& operator[](int id) { return sounds[id]; } inline void play_random(float vol = 1.0f, float pan = 0.0f); }; template<> inline void sound_kit<1>::play_random(float vol, float pan) { snd_play(sounds[0], SND_PLAY_ONCE, vol, pan); } template inline void sound_kit::play_random(float vol, float pan) { int id; do { id = rand() % N; } while(id == last_id); snd_play(sounds[id], SND_PLAY_ONCE, vol, pan); last_id = id; } // sound volume tweak static const float stereo_separation = 0.01f; static const float stereo_separation_deadzone = 512.0f; static const float volume_distance_falloff = 100.0f; static const float volume_distance_deadzone = 512.0f; static const float volume_gun = 0.5f; static const float volume_tee = 0.5f; static const float volume_hit = 0.5f; static const float volume_music = 0.8f; // sounds sound_kit<3> sound_gun_fire; sound_kit<3> sound_shotty_fire; sound_kit<3> sound_flump_launch; sound_kit<3> sound_hammer_swing; sound_kit<3> sound_ninja_attack; sound_kit<3> sound_flump_explode; sound_kit<4> sound_ninja_hit; sound_kit<3> sound_weapon_switch; sound_kit<12> sound_pain_short; sound_kit<2> sound_pain_long; sound_kit<4> sound_body_jump; sound_kit<4> sound_body_land; sound_kit<2> sound_body_splat; sound_kit<7> sound_spawn; sound_kit<2> sound_tee_cry; sound_kit<1> sound_hook_loop; sound_kit<3> sound_hook_attach; void sound_vol_pan(const vec2& p, float *vol, float *pan) { vec2 player_to_ev = p - local_player_pos; *pan = 0.0f; *vol = 1.0f; if(abs(player_to_ev.x) > stereo_separation_deadzone) { *pan = stereo_separation * (player_to_ev.x - sign(player_to_ev.x)*stereo_separation_deadzone); if(*pan < -1.0f) *pan = -1.0f; if(*pan > 1.0f) *pan = 1.0f; } float len = length(player_to_ev); if(len > volume_distance_deadzone) { *vol = volume_distance_falloff / (len - volume_distance_deadzone); if(*vol < 0.0f) *vol = 0.0f; if(*vol > 1.0f) *vol = 1.0f; } } // TODO: we should do something nicer then this static void cell_select_ex(int cx, int cy, float x, float y, float w, float h) { gfx_quads_setsubset(x/(float)cx,y/(float)cy,(x+w)/(float)cx,(y+h)/(float)cy); } static void cell_select_ex_flip_x(int cx, int cy, float x, float y, float w, float h) { gfx_quads_setsubset((x+w)/(float)cx,y/(float)cy,x /(float)cx,(y+h)/(float)cy); } static void cell_select_ex_flip_y(int cx, int cy, float x, float y, float w, float h) { gfx_quads_setsubset(x/(float)cx,(y+h)/(float)cy,(x+w)/(float)cx,y/(float)cy); } static void cell_select(int x, int y, int w, int h) { gfx_quads_setsubset(x/16.0f,y/16.0f,(x+w)/16.0f,(y+h)/16.0f); } inline void cell_select_flip_x(int x, int y, int w, int h) { gfx_quads_setsubset((x+w)/16.0f,y/16.0f,(x)/16.0f,(y+h)/16.0f); } inline void cell_select_flip_y(int x, int y, int w, int h) { gfx_quads_setsubset(x/16.0f,(y+h)/16.0f,(x+w)/16.0f,(y)/16.0f); } struct particle { vec2 pos; vec2 vel; float life; float max_life; float size; float rot; float rotspeed; float gravity; float friction; int iparticle; vec4 color; }; void move_point(vec2 *inout_pos, vec2 *inout_vel, float elasticity) { vec2 pos = *inout_pos; vec2 vel = *inout_vel; if(col_check_point(pos + vel)) { int affected = 0; if(col_check_point(pos.x + vel.x, pos.y)) { inout_vel->x *= -elasticity; affected++; } if(col_check_point(pos.x, pos.y + vel.y)) { inout_vel->y *= -elasticity; affected++; } if(affected == 0) { inout_vel->x *= -elasticity; inout_vel->y *= -elasticity; } } else { *inout_pos = pos + vel; } } class health_texts { public: int64 lastupdate; struct item { vec2 pos; vec2 vel; int amount; int istar; float life; float startangle; }; enum { MAX_ITEMS=16, }; health_texts() { lastupdate = 0; } item items[MAX_ITEMS]; int num_items; item *create_i() { if (num_items < MAX_ITEMS) { item *p = &items[num_items]; num_items++; return p; } return 0; } void destroy_i(item *i) { num_items--; *i = items[num_items]; } void create(vec2 pos, int amount) { amount = max(1,amount); for (int j = 0; j < amount; j++) { float a = j/(float)amount-0.5f; item *i = create_i(); if (i) { i->pos = pos; i->pos.y -= 20.0f; i->pos.x += ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * 5.0f; i->amount = amount; i->life = 1.5f; i->istar = rand() % NUMSTARS; i->vel = vec2(((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) * 50.0f,-150.0f); i->startangle = (( (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX) - 1.0f) * 2.0f * pi; } } } void render() { if (!lastupdate) lastupdate = time_get(); int64 lasttime = lastupdate; lastupdate = time_get(); float delta = (float) (lastupdate - lasttime) / (float)time_freq(); gfx_texture_set(texture_particles); gfx_quads_begin(); for(int i = 0; i < num_items;) { items[i].vel += vec2(0,500.0f) * delta; items[i].pos += items[i].vel * delta; items[i].life -= delta; //items[i].pos.y -= frametime*15.0f; if(items[i].life < 0.0f) destroy_i(&items[i]); else { gfx_quads_setcolor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f, items[i].life / 1.5f); gfx_quads_setrotation(items[i].startangle + items[i].life * 2.0f); float size = 64.0f; cell_select_ex(particlesnumcellsx,particlesnumcellsy, stars[items[i].istar].x,stars[items[i].istar].y, stars[items[i].istar].w, stars[items[i].istar].h); gfx_quads_draw(items[i].pos.x-size/2, items[i].pos.y-size/2, size, size); /*char buf[32]; if(items[i].amount < 0) { sprintf(buf, "%d", items[i].amount*-1); } else { sprintf(buf, "%d", items[i].amount); } float size = 42.0f; if(items[i].life > 1.25f) size += 42.0f * ((items[i].life - 1.25f) * 4); gfx_quads_text(items[i].pos.x-size/2, items[i].pos.y, size, buf);*/ i++; } } gfx_quads_end(); } }; /*class texture_animator { public: int texture; int numframes; float duration; float* framereltime; weapontexcell* params; texture_animator() { texture = -1; numframes = 0; duration = 0; framereltime = 0; params = 0; } ~texture_animator() { if (params) mem_free(params); if (framereltime) mem_free(framereltime); } void create_anim(int texture, int numframes, float duration) { framereltime = 0; params = 0; this->texture = texture; this->numframes = numframes; this->duration = duration; if (numframes) { framereltime = (float*)mem_alloc(sizeof(float) * numframes,1); params = (weapontexcell*)mem_alloc(sizeof(renderparams) * numframes,1); float delta = 1.0f / (float)(numframes - 1); for (int i = 0; i < numframes; i++) { framereltime[i] = delta * i; } } } static void create_gunmuzzle(texture_animator& anim, int texture, float duration) { anim.create_anim(texture, 3, duration); anim.params[0].x = 8; anim.params[0].y = 4; anim.params[0].w = 3; anim.params[0].h = 2; anim.params[1].x = 12; anim.params[1].y = 4; anim.params[1].w = 3; anim.params[1].h = 2; anim.params[2].x = 16; anim.params[2].y = 4; anim.params[2].w = 3; anim.params[2].h = 2; } static void create_shotgunmuzzle() { } };*/ class keyframe { public: vec2 pos; float angle; float relativetime; }; class anim { public: keyframe* keyframes; int numframes; float duration; anim() { numframes = 0; keyframes = 0; } ~anim() { if (keyframes) mem_free(keyframes); } void create_anim(int numframes, float duration) { if (keyframes) mem_free(keyframes); this->numframes = numframes; this->duration = duration; keyframes = (keyframe*)mem_alloc(sizeof(keyframe) * numframes,1); float delta = 1.0f / (float) (numframes - 1); for (int i = 0; i < numframes; i++) { keyframes[i].pos = vec2(0.0f,0.0f); keyframes[i].angle = 0; keyframes[i].relativetime = delta * (float)i; } } void getframes(float relativetime, keyframe*& frame1, keyframe*& frame2, float& blend) { for (int i = 1; i < numframes; i++) { if (keyframes[i-1].relativetime <= relativetime && keyframes[i].relativetime >= relativetime) { frame1 = &keyframes[i-1]; frame2 = &keyframes[i]; blend = (relativetime - frame1->relativetime) / (frame2->relativetime - frame1->relativetime); } } } void evalanim(float time, vec2& pos, float& angle) { float reltime = max(0.0f, min(1.0f, time / duration)); keyframe* frame1 = 0; keyframe* frame2 = 0; float blend = 0.0f; getframes(reltime, frame1, frame2, blend); if (frame1 && frame2) { pos = mix(frame1->pos, frame2->pos, blend); angle = LERP(frame1->angle, frame2->angle, blend); } } static void setup_hammer(anim& hammeranim) { // straight up = -0.25 // frame0 = standard pose time 0 // frame1 = back a little time 0.3 // frame2 = over head time 0.4 // frame3 = on ground smashed time 0.5 // frame4 = back to standard pose time 1.0 hammeranim.create_anim(5, 1.0f); // only angles... (for now...) hammeranim.keyframes[0].angle = -0.35f * pi * 2.0f; hammeranim.keyframes[1].angle = -0.4f * pi * 2.0f; hammeranim.keyframes[1].relativetime = 0.3f; hammeranim.keyframes[2].angle = -0.25f; hammeranim.keyframes[2].relativetime = 0.4f; hammeranim.keyframes[3].angle = 0.0f * pi * 2.0f; hammeranim.keyframes[3].relativetime = 0.5f; hammeranim.keyframes[4].angle = -0.35f * pi * 2.0f; hammeranim.keyframes[4].relativetime = 1.0f; } static void setup_ninja(anim& ninjanim) { // (straight up = -0.25) // frame0 = standard pose straight back time 0.0 // frame1 = overhead attack frame 1 time 0.1 // frame2 = attack end frame time 0.15 // frame3 = attack hold frame (a bit up) time 0.4 // frame4 = attack hold frame end time 0.7 // frame5 = endframe time 1.0 ninjanim.create_anim(6, 1.0f); // only angles... (for now...) ninjanim.keyframes[0].angle = -0.5f * pi * 2.0f; ninjanim.keyframes[1].angle = -0.3f * pi * 2.0f; ninjanim.keyframes[1].relativetime = 0.1f; ninjanim.keyframes[2].angle = 0.1f * pi * 2.0f; ninjanim.keyframes[2].relativetime = 0.15f; ninjanim.keyframes[3].angle = -0.05f * pi * 2.0f; ninjanim.keyframes[3].relativetime = 0.42; ninjanim.keyframes[4].angle = -0.05f * pi * 2.0f; ninjanim.keyframes[4].relativetime = 0.5f; ninjanim.keyframes[5].angle = -0.5f * pi * 2.0f; ninjanim.keyframes[5].relativetime = 1.0f; } }; static anim hammeranim; static anim ninjaanim; static health_texts healthmods; class particle_system { public: enum { MAX_PARTICLES=1024, }; particle particles[MAX_PARTICLES]; int num_particles; particle_system() { num_particles = 0; } void new_particle(vec2 pos, vec2 vel, float life, float size, float gravity, float friction) { if (num_particles >= MAX_PARTICLES) return; particles[num_particles].iparticle = rand() % NUMPARTICLES; particles[num_particles].pos = pos; particles[num_particles].vel = vel; particles[num_particles].life = life - lifemodifier[particles[num_particles].iparticle] * life; particles[num_particles].size = size; particles[num_particles].max_life = life; particles[num_particles].gravity = gravity; particles[num_particles].friction = friction; particles[num_particles].rot = frandom()*pi*2; particles[num_particles].rotspeed = frandom() * 10.0f; num_particles++; } void update(float time_passed) { for(int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { particles[i].vel.y += particles[i].gravity*time_passed; particles[i].vel *= particles[i].friction; vec2 vel = particles[i].vel*time_passed; move_point(&particles[i].pos, &vel, 0.1f+0.9f*frandom()); particles[i].vel = vel* (1.0f/time_passed); particles[i].life += time_passed; particles[i].rot += time_passed * particles[i].rotspeed; // check particle death if(particles[i].life > particles[i].max_life) { num_particles--; particles[i] = particles[num_particles]; i--; } } } void render() { gfx_blend_additive(); gfx_texture_set(texture_particles); gfx_quads_begin(); //cell_select(4,1,1,1); //cell_select(0,6,2,2); //gfx_quads_setrotation(get_angle(vec2(proj->vx, proj->vy))); for(int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { int type = particles[i].iparticle; cell_select_ex(particlesnumcellsx,particlesnumcellsy,particlestexcoord[type].x, particlestexcoord[type].y, particlestexcoord[type].w, particlestexcoord[type].h); float a = 1 - particles[i].life / particles[i].max_life; vec2 p = particles[i].pos; //a *= length(particles[i].vel) * 0.01f; gfx_quads_setrotation(particles[i].rot); gfx_quads_setcolor(particlecolors[type].x,particlecolors[type].y,particlecolors[type].z,pow(a,0.75f)); //gfx_quads_setcolor(particlecolors[type].x * 0.5,particlecolors[type].y * 0.5,particlecolors[type].z* 0.5,pow(a,0.75f)); //gfx_quads_setcolor(particlecolors[type].x * 0.0,particlecolors[type].y * 0.0,particlecolors[type].z* 0.0,pow(a,0.75f)); //gfx_quads_setcolor(0.64f*2,0.28f*2,0.16f*2,pow(a,0.75f)); gfx_quads_draw(p.x, p.y,particles[i].size,particles[i].size); } gfx_quads_end(); gfx_blend_normal(); } }; static particle_system temp_system; void modc_init() { // load textures texture_weapon = gfx_load_texture_tga("data/tileset_weapons.tga"); texture_game = gfx_load_texture_tga("data/game_main.tga"); texture_char_default = gfx_load_texture_tga("data/char_teefault.tga"); texture_sun = gfx_load_texture_tga("data/sun.tga"); texture_particles = gfx_load_texture_tga("data/tileset_particles.tga"); font_texture = gfx_load_texture_tga("data/debug_font.tga"); // load sounds sound_gun_fire[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_gun_fire-01.wav"); sound_gun_fire[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_gun_fire-01.wav"); sound_gun_fire[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_gun_fire-02.wav"); sound_shotty_fire[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_shotty_fire-01.wav"); sound_shotty_fire[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_shotty_fire-02.wav"); sound_shotty_fire[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_shotty_fire-03.wav"); sound_flump_launch[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_flump_launch-01.wav"); sound_flump_launch[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_flump_launch-02.wav"); sound_flump_launch[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_flump_launch-03.wav"); sound_hammer_swing[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_hammer_swing-01.wav"); sound_hammer_swing[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_hammer_swing-02.wav"); sound_hammer_swing[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_hammer_swing-03.wav"); sound_ninja_attack[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_attack-01.wav"); sound_ninja_attack[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_attack-02.wav"); sound_ninja_attack[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_attack-03.wav"); sound_flump_explode[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_flump_explo-01.wav"); sound_flump_explode[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_flump_explo-02.wav"); sound_flump_explode[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_flump_explo-03.wav"); sound_ninja_hit[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_hit-01.wav"); sound_ninja_hit[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_hit-02.wav"); sound_ninja_hit[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_hit-03.wav"); sound_ninja_hit[3] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_ninja_hit-04.wav"); sound_weapon_switch[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_switch-01.wav"); sound_weapon_switch[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_switch-02.wav"); sound_weapon_switch[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/wp_switch-03.wav"); sound_pain_short[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-01.wav"); sound_pain_short[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-02.wav"); sound_pain_short[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-03.wav"); sound_pain_short[3] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-04.wav"); sound_pain_short[4] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-05.wav"); sound_pain_short[5] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-06.wav"); sound_pain_short[6] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-07.wav"); sound_pain_short[7] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-08.wav"); sound_pain_short[8] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-09.wav"); sound_pain_short[9] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-10.wav"); sound_pain_short[10] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-11.wav"); sound_pain_short[11] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_short-12.wav"); sound_pain_long[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_long-01.wav"); sound_pain_long[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_pain_long-02.wav"); sound_body_land[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_land-01.wav"); sound_body_land[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_land-02.wav"); sound_body_land[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_land-03.wav"); sound_body_land[3] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_land-04.wav"); sound_body_jump[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_left-01.wav"); sound_body_jump[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_left-02.wav"); sound_body_jump[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_left-03.wav"); sound_body_jump[3] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_left-04.wav"); sound_body_jump[4] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_right-01.wav"); sound_body_jump[5] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_right-02.wav"); sound_body_jump[6] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_right-03.wav"); sound_body_jump[7] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_foot_right-04.wav"); sound_body_splat[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_body_splat-02.wav"); sound_body_splat[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_body_splat-03.wav"); sound_body_splat[3] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/foley_body_splat-04.wav"); sound_spawn[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-01.wav"); sound_spawn[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-02.wav"); sound_spawn[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-03.wav"); sound_spawn[3] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-04.wav"); sound_spawn[4] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-05.wav"); sound_spawn[5] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-06.wav"); sound_spawn[6] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_spawn-07.wav"); sound_tee_cry[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_cry-01.wav"); sound_tee_cry[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/vo_teefault_cry-02.wav"); //sound_hook_loop[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/hook_loop-01.wav"); sound_hook_loop[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/hook_loop-02.wav"); sound_hook_attach[0] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/hook_attach-01.wav"); sound_hook_attach[1] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/hook_attach-02.wav"); sound_hook_attach[2] = snd_load_wav("data/audio/hook_attach-03.wav"); poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_HEALTH].x = 10; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_HEALTH].y = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_HEALTH].w = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_HEALTH].h = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_ARMOR].x = 12; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_ARMOR].y = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_ARMOR].w = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_ARMOR].h = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_WEAPON].x = 3; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_WEAPON].y = 0; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_WEAPON].w = 6; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_WEAPON].h = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_NINJA].x = 3; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_NINJA].y = 10; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_NINJA].w = 7; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_NINJA].h = 2; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].x = 3; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].y = 0; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].w = 6; poweruptexcoord[POWERUP_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].h = 2; // Setup weapon cell coords float sizemodifier = 1.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].sizex = 60.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].sizey = 30.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].offsetx = 32.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].offsety = 4.0f; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].x = 0; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].y = 4; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].w = 2; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].h = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].x = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].y = 4; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].w = 4; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].h = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].x = 6; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].y = 4; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].w = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].h = 2; nummuzzletex[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN] = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][0].x = 8; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][0].y = 4; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][0].w = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][0].h = 2; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][1].x = 12; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][1].y = 4; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][1].w = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][1].h = 2; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][2].x = 16; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][2].y = 4; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][2].w = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN][2].h = 2; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].sizex = 60.0f * sizemodifier; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].sizey = 40.0f * sizemodifier; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].offsetx = 50.0f * sizemodifier; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_GUN].offsety = 6.0f * sizemodifier; sizemodifier = 1.3f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].sizex = 70.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].sizey = 20.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].offsetx = 24.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].offsety = -2.0f; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].x = 0; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].y = 8; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].w = 2; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].h = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].x = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].y = 8; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].w = 7; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].h = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].x = 10; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].y = 8; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].w = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_ROCKET].h = 2; /*weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].sizex = 60.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].sizey = 20.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].offsetx = 16.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].offsety = 4.0f; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].x = 0; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].y = 6; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].w = 2; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].h = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].x = 3; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].y = 6; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].w = 6; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].h = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].x = 10; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].y = 6; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].w = 1; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SNIPER].h = 1;*/ weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].sizex = 80.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].sizey = 20.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].offsetx = 24.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].offsety = -2.0f; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].x = 0; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].y = 6; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].w = 2; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].h = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].x = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].y = 6; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].w = 8; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].h = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].x = 10; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].y = 6; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].w = 2; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].h = 2; nummuzzletex[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN] = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][0].x = 12; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][0].y = 6; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][0].w = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][0].h = 2; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][1].x = 16; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][1].y = 6; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][1].w = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][1].h = 2; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][2].x = 20; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][2].y = 6; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][2].w = 3; muzzletexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN][2].h = 2; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].sizex = 60.0f * sizemodifier; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].sizey = 40.0f * sizemodifier; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].offsetx = 50.0f * sizemodifier; muzzleparams[WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN].offsety = 6.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].sizex = 60.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].sizey = 50.0f * sizemodifier; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].offsetx = 20.0f; weaponrenderparams[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].offsety = -4.0f; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].x = 0; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].y = 0; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].w = 2; weapontexcoordcursor[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].h = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].x = 2; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].y = 1; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].w = 4; weapontexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].h = 3; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].x = 0; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].y = 0; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].w = 0; weaponprojtexcoord[WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE].h = 0; // MODIFIERS sizemodifier = 2.0; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].sizex = 60.0f * sizemodifier; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].sizey = 20.0f * sizemodifier; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].offsetx = 20.0f; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].offsety = 4.0f; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].x = 2; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].y = 10; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].w = 7; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].h = 2; modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].x = 0; modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].y = 10; modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].w = 2; modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].h = 2; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].sizex = 60.0f * sizemodifier; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].sizey = 20.0f * sizemodifier; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].offsetx = 16.0f; modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].offsety = 4.0f; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].x = 0; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].y = 0; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].w = 0; modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_TIMEFIELD].h = 0; stars[0].x = 0; stars[0].y = 0; stars[0].w = 2; stars[0].h = 2; stars[1].x = 0; stars[1].y = 2; stars[1].w = 2; stars[1].h = 2; particlecolors[0].x = 0.7f; particlecolors[0].y = 0.7f; particlecolors[0].z = 0.7f; particlecolors[0].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[0].x = 2; particlestexcoord[0].y = 0; particlestexcoord[0].w = 2; particlestexcoord[0].h = 2; particlecolors[1].x = 1.0f; particlecolors[1].y = 1.0f; particlecolors[1].z = 1.0f; particlecolors[1].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[1].x = 4; particlestexcoord[1].y = 0; particlestexcoord[1].w = 2; particlestexcoord[1].h = 2; particlecolors[2].x = 0.8f; particlecolors[2].y = 0.8f; particlecolors[2].z = 0.8f; particlecolors[2].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[2].x = 6; particlestexcoord[2].y = 0; particlestexcoord[2].w = 2; particlestexcoord[2].h = 2; particlecolors[3].x = 0.988f; particlecolors[3].y = 1.0f; particlecolors[3].z = 0.16f; particlecolors[3].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[3].x = 8; particlestexcoord[3].y = 0; particlestexcoord[3].w = 2; particlestexcoord[3].h = 2; particlecolors[4].x = 1.0f; particlecolors[4].y = 1.0f; particlecolors[4].z = 1.0f; particlecolors[4].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[4].x = 10; particlestexcoord[4].y = 0; particlestexcoord[4].w = 2; particlestexcoord[4].h = 2; particlecolors[5].x = 0.6f; particlecolors[5].y = 0.6f; particlecolors[5].z = 0.6f; particlecolors[5].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[5].x = 2; particlestexcoord[5].y = 2; particlestexcoord[5].w = 2; particlestexcoord[5].h = 2; particlecolors[6].x = 1.0f; particlecolors[6].y = 1.0f; particlecolors[6].z = 1.0f; particlecolors[6].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[6].x = 4; particlestexcoord[6].y = 2; particlestexcoord[6].w = 2; particlestexcoord[6].h = 2; particlecolors[5].x = 0.9f; particlecolors[5].y = 0.9f; particlecolors[5].z = 0.9f; particlecolors[5].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[7].x = 6; particlestexcoord[7].y = 2; particlestexcoord[7].w = 2; particlestexcoord[7].h = 2; particlecolors[8].x = 1.0f; particlecolors[8].y = 1.0f; particlecolors[8].z = 1.0f; particlecolors[8].w = 1.0f; particlestexcoord[8].x = 8; particlestexcoord[8].y = 2; particlestexcoord[8].w = 2; particlestexcoord[8].h = 2; lifemodifier[0] = 0.5f; lifemodifier[1] = 0.5f; lifemodifier[2] = 0.5f; lifemodifier[3] = 0.7f; lifemodifier[4] = 0.7f; lifemodifier[5] = 1.0f; lifemodifier[6] = 1.0f; lifemodifier[7] = 1.5f; lifemodifier[8] = 0.4f; chaintexcoord.x = 2; chaintexcoord.y = 0; chaintexcoord.w = 1; chaintexcoord.h = 1; chainheadtexcoord.x = 3; chainheadtexcoord.y = 0; chainheadtexcoord.w = 2; chainheadtexcoord.h = 1; // anims anim::setup_hammer(hammeranim); anim::setup_ninja(ninjaanim); for (int i = 0; i < NUMHADOKENS; i++) { hadoken[i].x = 1; hadoken[i].y = 12; hadoken[i].w = 7; hadoken[i].h = 4; hadokenparams[i].sizex = 0.0f; hadokenparams[i].sizey = 0.0f; hadokenparams[i].offsetx = 0.0f; hadokenparams[i].offsety = 0.0f;//-hadokenparams[0].sizey * 0.15f; } // hadoken hadoken[0].x = 1; hadoken[0].y = 12; hadoken[0].w = 7; hadoken[0].h = 4; hadokenparams[0].sizex = 70.0f * 2.5f; hadokenparams[0].sizey = 40.0f * 2.5f; hadokenparams[0].offsetx = -60.0f; hadokenparams[0].offsety = 0;//-hadokenparams[0].sizey * 0.15f; hadoken[2].x = 8; hadoken[2].y = 12; hadoken[2].w = 8; hadoken[2].h = 4; hadokenparams[2].sizex = 80.0f * 2.5f; hadokenparams[2].sizey = 40.0f * 2.5f; hadokenparams[2].offsetx = -60.0f; hadokenparams[2].offsety = 0;//-hadokenparams[1].sizey * 0.5f; hadoken[4].x = 17; hadoken[4].y = 12; hadoken[4].w = 7; hadoken[4].h = 4; hadokenparams[4].sizex = 70.0f * 2.5f; hadokenparams[4].sizey = 40.0f * 2.5f; hadokenparams[4].offsetx = -60.0f; hadokenparams[4].offsety = 0;//-hadokenparams[2].sizey * 0.5f; // 0 = outline, 1 = body body[0].x = 2; body[0].y = 0; body[0].w = 2; body[0].h = 2; body[1].x = 0; body[1].y = 0; body[1].w = 2; body[1].h = 2; feet[0].x = 4; feet[0].y = 1; feet[0].w = 1; feet[0].h = 0.5; feet[1].x = 4; feet[1].y = 1.52; feet[1].w = 1; feet[1].h = 0.48; leye.x = 5; leye.y = 1; leye.w = 0.5; leye.h = 0.5; reye.x = 5; reye.y = 1.0; reye.w = 0.5; reye.h = 0.5; } void modc_entergame() { col_init(32); img_init(); tilemap_init(); } void modc_shutdown() { } void modc_newsnapshot() { int num = snap_num_items(SNAP_CURRENT); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snap_item item; void *data = snap_get_item(SNAP_CURRENT, i, &item); if(item.type == EVENT_HEALTHMOD) { ev_healthmod *ev = (ev_healthmod *)data; healthmods.create(vec2(ev->x, ev->y), ev->amount); } else if(item.type == EVENT_EXPLOSION) { ev_explosion *ev = (ev_explosion *)data; vec2 p(ev->x, ev->y); // center explosion temp_system.new_particle(p, vec2(0,0), 0.3f, 96.0f, 0, 0.95f); temp_system.new_particle(p, vec2(0,0), 0.3f, 64.0f, 0, 0.95f); temp_system.new_particle(p, vec2(0,0), 0.3f, 32.0f, 0, 0.95f); temp_system.new_particle(p, vec2(0,0), 0.3f, 16.0f, 0, 0.95f); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { vec2 v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, frandom()-0.5f))*(128.0f+frandom()*128.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 0.2f+0.25f*frandom(), 16.0f, 0, 0.985f); } for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { vec2 v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, frandom()-0.5f))*(256.0f+frandom()*512.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 0.2f+0.25f*frandom(), 16.0f, 128.0f, 0.985f); } for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { vec2 v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, frandom()-0.5f))*(frandom()*256.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 0.2f+0.25f*frandom(), 24.0f, 128.0f, 0.985f); } } else if(item.type == EVENT_SMOKE) { ev_explosion *ev = (ev_explosion *)data; vec2 p(ev->x, ev->y); // center explosion vec2 v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, -frandom()))*(32.0f+frandom()*32.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 1.2f, 64.0f, 0, 0.95f); v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, -frandom()))*(128.0f+frandom()*128.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 1.2f, 32.0f, 0, 0.95f); v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, -frandom()))*(128.0f+frandom()*128.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 1.2f, 16.0f, 0, 0.95f); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { vec2 v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, frandom()-0.5f))*(64.0f+frandom()*64.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 0.5f+0.5f*frandom(), 16.0f, 0, 0.985f); } for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { vec2 v = normalize(vec2(frandom()-0.5f, frandom()-0.5f))*(128.0f+frandom()*256.0f); temp_system.new_particle(p, v, 0.5f+0.5f*frandom(), 16.0f, 128.0f, 0.985f); } } else if(item.type == EVENT_SOUND) { ev_sound *ev = (ev_sound *)data; vec2 p(ev->x, ev->y); int sound = (ev->sound & SOUND_MASK); bool bstartloop = (ev->sound & SOUND_LOOPFLAG_STARTLOOP) != 0; bool bstoploop = (ev->sound & SOUND_LOOPFLAG_STOPLOOP) != 0; float vol, pan; sound_vol_pan(p, &vol, &pan); switch(sound) { // FIRE! case SOUND_FIRE_GUN: sound_gun_fire.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_FIRE_SHOTGUN: sound_shotty_fire.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_FIRE_ROCKET: sound_flump_launch.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_FIRE_MELEE: sound_hammer_swing.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_FIRE_NINJA: sound_ninja_attack.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; // IMPACT case SOUND_IMPACT_PROJECTILE_GUN: break; case SOUND_IMPACT_PROJECTILE_SHOTGUN: break; case SOUND_IMPACT_PROJECTILE_ROCKET: sound_flump_explode.play_random(volume_hit*vol, pan); break; // PLAYER case SOUND_PLAYER_JUMP: sound_body_jump.play_random(volume_tee*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_SHORT: sound_pain_short.play_random(volume_tee*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_LONG: sound_pain_long.play_random(volume_tee*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_SPAWN: sound_spawn.play_random(volume_tee*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_CHAIN_LOOP: sound_hook_loop.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_CHAIN_IMPACT: sound_hook_attach.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_IMPACT: sound_body_land.play_random(volume_hit*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_IMPACT_NINJA: sound_ninja_hit.play_random(volume_hit*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_DIE: sound_body_splat.play_random(volume_tee*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_SWITCHWEAPON: sound_weapon_switch.play_random(volume_gun*vol, pan); break; case SOUND_PLAYER_EQUIP: break; case SOUND_PLAYER_LAND: sound_body_land.play_random(volume_tee*vol, pan); break; } } } } static void render_projectile(obj_projectile *prev, obj_projectile *current) { gfx_texture_set(texture_weapon); gfx_quads_begin(); cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy,weaponprojtexcoord[current->type].x, weaponprojtexcoord[current->type].y, weaponprojtexcoord[current->type].w, weaponprojtexcoord[current->type].h); vec2 vel(current->vx, current->vy); // TODO: interpolare angle aswell if(length(vel) > 0.00001f) gfx_quads_setrotation(get_angle(vel)); else gfx_quads_setrotation(0); vec2 pos = mix(vec2(prev->x, prev->y), vec2(current->x, current->y), snap_intratick()); gfx_quads_draw(pos.x, pos.y,32,32); gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); } static void render_powerup(obj_powerup *prev, obj_powerup *current) { //dbg_msg("client", "rendering powerup at %d,%d", current->x, current->y); gfx_texture_set(texture_weapon); gfx_quads_begin(); float angle = 0.0f; float sizex = 64.0f; float sizey = 64.0f; if (current->type == POWERUP_TYPE_WEAPON) { angle = -0.25f * pi * 2.0f; cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy,weapontexcoord[current->subtype].x, weapontexcoord[current->subtype].y, weapontexcoord[current->subtype].w, weapontexcoord[current->subtype].h); sizex = weaponrenderparams[current->subtype].sizex; sizey = weaponrenderparams[current->subtype].sizey; } else cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy,poweruptexcoord[current->type].x, poweruptexcoord[current->type].y, poweruptexcoord[current->type].w, poweruptexcoord[current->type].h); vec2 vel(current->vx, current->vy); gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); // TODO: interpolare angle aswell /*if(length(vel) > 0.00001f) gfx_quads_setrotation(get_angle(vel)); else gfx_quads_setrotation(0);*/ vec2 pos = mix(vec2(prev->x, prev->y), vec2(current->x, current->y), snap_intratick()); float offset = pos.y/32.0f + pos.x/32.0f; gfx_quads_draw(pos.x+cosf(client_localtime()*2.0f+offset)*2.5f, pos.y+sinf(client_localtime()*2.0f+offset)*2.5f,sizex * 0.65f,sizey * 0.65f); gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); } float getmeleeangle(vec2 direction, obj_player* prev, obj_player* player) { vec2 meleedir(0.53, -0.84); meleedir = normalize(meleedir); vec2 meleedirattack(0.95, -0.3); meleedirattack = normalize(meleedirattack); if(direction.x < 0) { meleedir.x = -meleedir.x; meleedirattack.x = -meleedirattack.x; } // 0 -> visualtimeattack go to end pose, (len - visualime) -> go back to normal pose float angle = get_angle(meleedir); if (prev->attackticks) { float angleattack = get_angle(meleedirattack); int phase1tick = (player->attacklen - player->attackticks); if (phase1tick < player->visualtimeattack) { float intratick = snap_intratick(); float t = ((((float)phase1tick) + intratick)/(float)player->visualtimeattack); angle = LERP(angle, angleattack, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); } else { // go back to normal pose int phase2tick = (player->attacklen - player->visualtimeattack - player->attackticks); float intratick = snap_intratick(); float t = ((((float)phase2tick) + intratick)/(float)player->visualtimeattack); angle = LERP(angleattack, angle, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); } } /*if (prev->attackticks && !player->attackticks) { // blend back to normal float angleattack = get_angle(meleedirattack); angle = LERP(angleattack, angle, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,snap_intratick()))); } else if (player->attackticks) { float angleattack = get_angle(meleedirattack); float intratick = snap_intratick(); float t = ((((float)player->attackticks) - intratick)/(float)player->attacklen); angle = LERP(angleattack, angle, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); }*/ return angle; } float gethammereangle(vec2 direction, obj_player* prev, obj_player* player) { float t = 0.0f; if (prev->attackticks) t = 1.0f - ((((float)player->attackticks) - snap_intratick())/(float)player->attacklen); vec2 pos; float angle = 0.0f; hammeranim.evalanim(t,pos,angle); if(direction.x < 0) angle = pi -angle;// + ; //dbg_msg("anim", "Time: %f", t); return angle; } float getninjaangle(vec2 direction, obj_player* prev, obj_player* player) { float t = 0.0f; if (prev->attackticks) t = 1.0f - ((((float)player->attackticks) - snap_intratick())/(float)player->attacklen); vec2 pos; float angle = 0.0f; ninjaanim.evalanim(t,pos,angle); if(direction.x < 0) angle = pi -angle;// + ; //dbg_msg("anim", "Time: %f", t); return angle; } float getrecoil(obj_player* prev, obj_player* player) { // attack = -10 float recoil = 0.0f; if (prev->attackticks) { float attackrecoil = recoils[player->weapon]; int phase1tick = (player->attacklen - player->attackticks); if (phase1tick < player->visualtimeattack) { float intratick = snap_intratick(); float t = ((((float)phase1tick) + intratick)/(float)player->visualtimeattack); recoil = LERP(0, attackrecoil, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); } else { // go back to normal pose int phase2tick = (player->attacklen - player->visualtimeattack - player->attackticks); float intratick = snap_intratick(); float t = ((((float)phase2tick) + intratick)/(float)(player->attacklen - player->visualtimeattack)); recoil = LERP(attackrecoil, 0.0f, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); } } return recoil; } static void render_player(obj_player *prev, obj_player *player) { vec2 direction = get_direction(player->angle); float angle = player->angle/256.0f; vec2 position = mix(vec2(prev->x, prev->y), vec2(player->x, player->y), snap_intratick()); // draw hook if(player->hook_active) { gfx_texture_set(texture_weapon); gfx_quads_begin(); //gfx_quads_begin(); vec2 pos = position; vec2 hook_pos = mix(vec2(prev->hook_x, prev->hook_y), vec2(player->hook_x, player->hook_y), snap_intratick()); float d = distance(pos, hook_pos); vec2 dir = normalize(pos-hook_pos); gfx_quads_setrotation(get_angle(dir)+pi); // render head cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy, chainheadtexcoord.x,chainheadtexcoord.y, chainheadtexcoord.w, chainheadtexcoord.h); gfx_quads_draw(hook_pos.x, hook_pos.y, 24,16); // render chain cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy, chaintexcoord.x, chaintexcoord.y, chaintexcoord.w, chaintexcoord.h); for(float f = 24; f < d; f += 24) { vec2 p = hook_pos + dir*f; gfx_quads_draw(p.x, p.y,24,16); } gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); } // draw gun { gfx_texture_set(texture_weapon); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); if (player->modifier & (1 << MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA)) { float playerangle = angle; // render NINJA!!! (0.53, 0.84) when idle to -> (0.95, 0.3) at the end of attack if(direction.x < 0) cell_select_ex_flip_y(numcellsx, numcellsy, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].x, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].y, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].w, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].h); else cell_select_ex(numcellsx, numcellsy, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].x, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].y, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].w, modifiertexcoord[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].h); angle = getninjaangle(direction, prev, player);//getmeleeangle(direction, prev, player); vec2 ninjadir = get_direction(angle * 256.0f); gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); vec2 p = position + vec2(0,modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].offsety)+ ninjadir * modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].offsetx; // if attack is active hold it differently and draw speedlines behind us? gfx_quads_draw(p.x,p.y/*+bob*/,modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].sizex, modifierrenderparams[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].sizey); if ((player->attacklen - player->attackticks) <= (SERVER_TICK_SPEED / 5)) { gfx_quads_setrotation(playerangle); int ihadoken = rand() % NUMHADOKENS; cell_select_ex(numcellsx, numcellsy, hadoken[ihadoken].x, hadoken[ihadoken].y, hadoken[ihadoken].w, hadoken[ihadoken].h); vec2 p = position + vec2(0,hadokenparams[ihadoken].offsety)+ direction * hadokenparams[ihadoken].offsetx; gfx_quads_draw(p.x,p.y/*+bob*/,hadokenparams[ihadoken].sizex, hadokenparams[ihadoken].sizey); } } else { // normal weapons if(direction.x < 0) cell_select_ex_flip_y(numcellsx, numcellsy, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].x, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].y, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].w, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].h); else cell_select_ex(numcellsx, numcellsy, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].x, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].y, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].w, weapontexcoord[player->weapon].h); vec2 dir = direction; float recoil = 0.0f; if (player->weapon == WEAPON_TYPE_MELEE) { // if attack is under way, bash stuffs //angle = getmeleeangle(direction, prev, player); angle = gethammereangle(direction, prev, player); gfx_quads_setrotation(angle); dir = get_direction(angle * 256.0f); } else { recoil = getrecoil(prev, player); } vec2 p = position + vec2(0,weaponrenderparams[player->weapon].offsety) + dir * weaponrenderparams[player->weapon].offsetx - dir * recoil; gfx_quads_draw(p.x,p.y/*+bob*/,weaponrenderparams[player->weapon].sizex, weaponrenderparams[player->weapon].sizey); // draw muzzleflare if (player->weapon == WEAPON_TYPE_GUN || player->weapon == WEAPON_TYPE_SHOTGUN) { // check if we're firing stuff if (true)///prev->attackticks) { float alpha = 0.0f; int phase1tick = (player->attacklen - player->attackticks); if (phase1tick < (player->visualtimeattack + 3)) { float intratick = snap_intratick(); float t = ((((float)phase1tick) + intratick)/(float)player->visualtimeattack); alpha = LERP(2.0, 0.0f, min(1.0f,max(0.0f,t))); } if (alpha > 0.0f) { float offsety = -muzzleparams[player->weapon].offsety; int itex = rand() % nummuzzletex[player->weapon]; if(direction.x < 0) { offsety = -offsety; cell_select_ex_flip_y(numcellsx, numcellsy, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].x, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].y, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].w, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].h); } else cell_select_ex(numcellsx, numcellsy, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].x, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].y, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].w, muzzletexcoord[player->weapon][itex].h); gfx_quads_setcolor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,alpha); vec2 diry(-dir.y,dir.x); p += dir * muzzleparams[player->weapon].offsetx + diry * offsety; gfx_quads_draw(p.x,p.y/*+bob*/,muzzleparams[player->weapon].sizex, muzzleparams[player->weapon].sizey); } } } } /*else { // minigun if(direction.x < 0) cell_select_flip_y(4,4,8,2); else cell_select(4,4,8,2); vec2 p = position + vec2(0,3); gfx_quads_draw(p.x,p.y,8*8,8*2); }*/ gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_quads_end(); } gfx_texture_set(texture_char_default); gfx_quads_begin(); float bob = 0; // draw foots const float cyclelength = 128.0f; const float steplength = 26; const float lift = 4.0f; bool stationary = player->vx < 1 && player->vx > -1; bool inair = col_check_point(player->x, player->y+16) == 0; for(int p = 0; p < 2; p++) { // first pass we draw the outline // second pass we draw the filling //int v_offset = p?0:5; int outline = p;// ? 1 : 0; float offsety = charids[player->clientid % 16] * 2.0f; for(int f = 0; f < 2; f++) { float basesize = 10.0f; if(f == 1) { // draw body float t = fmod(position.x, cyclelength/2)/(cyclelength/2); bob = -sinf(pow(t,2)*pi) * 3; cell_select_ex(charnumcellsx,charnumcellsy, body[outline].x,body[outline].y + offsety,body[outline].w,body[outline].h); //cell_select_ex(16,16, 0,0+v_offset,4,4); //const float size = 64.0f; if(stationary || inair) bob = 0; gfx_quads_draw(position.x, position.y-5+bob, 4*basesize, 4*basesize); // draw eyes if(p == 1) { //cell_select_ex(16,16, 8,3,1,1); vec2 md = get_direction(player->angle); float mouse_dir_x = md.x; float mouse_dir_y = md.y; // normal cell_select_ex(charnumcellsx,charnumcellsy, leye.x,leye.y + offsety,leye.w,leye.h); gfx_quads_draw(position.x-4+mouse_dir_x*4, position.y-8+mouse_dir_y*3+bob, basesize, basesize); cell_select_ex(charnumcellsx,charnumcellsy, reye.x,reye.y + offsety,reye.w,reye.h); gfx_quads_draw(position.x+4+mouse_dir_x*4, position.y-8+mouse_dir_y*3+bob, basesize, basesize); } } // draw feet //cell_select_ex(16,16, 5,2+v_offset, 2,2); cell_select_ex(charnumcellsx,charnumcellsy, feet[outline].x,feet[outline].y + offsety, feet[outline].w,feet[outline].h); float w = basesize*2.5f; float h = basesize*1.425f; if(inair) { float r = 0.0f; if(player->vy < 0.0f) r = player->vy/3.0f; else r = player->vy/15.0f; // clamp the rotation if(r > 0.5f) r = 0.5f; if(r < -0.5f) r = -0.5f; if(player->vx > 0.0f) r *= -1.0f; gfx_quads_setrotation(r); gfx_quads_drawTL(position.x-4+f*7-w/2, position.y+16 - h, w, h); gfx_quads_setrotation(0); } else if(stationary) { // stationary gfx_quads_drawTL(position.x-7+f*14-w/2, position.y+16 - h, w, h); } else { /* The walk cycle, 2 parts 111 1 1 2 1 2 1 2222221 GROUND GROUND GROUND */ // moving float tx = position.x+f*(cyclelength/2); float t = fmod(tx, cyclelength) / cyclelength; if(player->vx < 0) t = 1.0f-t; float y; float x = 0; float r = 0; float r_back = 1.5f; if(t < 0.5f) { // stomp down foot (part 1) float st = t*2; y = 1.0f-pow(st, 0.5f) + sinf(pow(st,2)*pi)*0.5f; x = -steplength/2 + st*steplength; r = r_back*(1-st) + sinf(pow(st,1.5f)*pi*2); } else { // lift foot up again (part 2) float st = (t-0.5f)*2; y = pow(st, 5.0f); x = steplength/2 - st*steplength; r = y*r_back; } if(player->vx > 0) { gfx_quads_setrotation(r); gfx_quads_drawTL(position.x+x-w/2, position.y+16-y*lift - h, w, h); } else { gfx_quads_setrotation(-r); gfx_quads_drawTL(position.x-x-w/2, position.y+16-y*lift - h, w, h); } gfx_quads_setrotation(0); } } } gfx_quads_end(); } static player_input oldinput; static bool bfirst = true; void modc_render() { if (bfirst) { bfirst = false; oldinput.activeweapon = 0; oldinput.angle = 0; oldinput.blink = 0; oldinput.fire = 0; oldinput.hook = 0; oldinput.jump = 0; oldinput.left = 0; oldinput.right = 0; } // fetch new input { int x, y; inp_mouse_relative(&x, &y); mouse_pos += vec2(x, y); float l = length(mouse_pos); if(l > 600.0f) mouse_pos = normalize(mouse_pos)*600.0f; } // snap input { player_input input; input.left = inp_key_pressed('A'); input.right = inp_key_pressed('D'); float a = atan((float)mouse_pos.y/(float)mouse_pos.x); if(mouse_pos.x < 0) a = a+pi; input.angle = (int)(a*256.0f); input.jump = inp_key_pressed(baselib::keys::space) || inp_key_pressed('W'); input.fire = inp_mouse_button_pressed(0);// | (oldinput.fire << 16); //oldinput.fire = input.fire & 0x0000ffff; input.hook = inp_mouse_button_pressed(1) || inp_key_pressed(baselib::keys::lctrl); // be nice to mac users O.o input.blink = inp_key_pressed('S'); // Weapon switching input.activeweapon = inp_key_pressed('1') ? 0x80000000 : 0; if (!input.activeweapon) input.activeweapon = inp_key_pressed('2') ? 0x80000000 | 1 : 0; if (!input.activeweapon) input.activeweapon = inp_key_pressed('3') ? 0x80000000 | 2 : 0; if (!input.activeweapon) input.activeweapon = inp_key_pressed('4') ? 0x80000000 | 3 : 0; /*if (!input.activeweapon) input.activeweapon = inp_key_pressed('5') ? 0x80000000 | 4 : 0;*/ snap_input(&input, sizeof(input)); } // setup world view { // 1. fetch local player // 2. set him to the center int num = snap_num_items(SNAP_CURRENT); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snap_item item; void *data = snap_get_item(SNAP_CURRENT, i, &item); if(item.type == OBJTYPE_PLAYER) { obj_player *player = (obj_player *)data; if(player->local) { local_player = player; local_player_pos = vec2(player->x, player->y); void *p = snap_find_item(SNAP_PREV, item.type, item.id); if(p) local_player_pos = mix(vec2(((obj_player *)p)->x, ((obj_player *)p)->y), local_player_pos, snap_intratick()); break; } } } } // pseudo format float zoom = inp_key_pressed('T') ? 1.0 : 3.0f; float width = 400*zoom; float height = 300*zoom; float screen_x = 0; float screen_y = 0; // center at char but can be moved when mouse is far away float offx = 0, offy = 0; int deadzone = 300; if(mouse_pos.x > deadzone) offx = mouse_pos.x-deadzone; if(mouse_pos.x <-deadzone) offx = mouse_pos.x+deadzone; if(mouse_pos.y > deadzone) offy = mouse_pos.y-deadzone; if(mouse_pos.y <-deadzone) offy = mouse_pos.y+deadzone; offx = offx*2/3; offy = offy*2/3; screen_x = local_player_pos.x+offx; screen_y = local_player_pos.y+offy; gfx_mapscreen(screen_x-width/2, screen_y-height/2, screen_x+width/2, screen_y+height/2); // draw background gfx_clear(0.65f,0.78f,0.9f); { vec2 pos(local_player_pos.x*0.5f, local_player_pos.y*0.5f); gfx_texture_set(-1); gfx_blend_additive(); gfx_quads_begin(); const int rays = 10; gfx_quads_setcolor(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.025f); for(int r = 0; r < rays; r++) { float a = r/(float)rays + client_localtime()*0.05f; float size = (1.0f/(float)rays)*0.25f; vec2 dir0(sinf((a-size)*pi*2.0f), cosf((a-size)*pi*2.0f)); vec2 dir1(sinf((a+size)*pi*2.0f), cosf((a+size)*pi*2.0f)); //gfx_quads_draw_freeform(0,0, -100,0, -100,-100, 0,-100); gfx_quads_setcolorvertex(0, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.025f); gfx_quads_setcolorvertex(1, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.025f); gfx_quads_setcolorvertex(2, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.0f); gfx_quads_setcolorvertex(3, 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.0f); const float range = 1000.0f; gfx_quads_draw_freeform( pos.x+dir0.x, pos.y+dir0.y, pos.x+dir1.x, pos.y+dir1.y, pos.x+dir0.x*range, pos.y+dir0.y*range, pos.x+dir1.x*range, pos.y+dir1.y*range); } gfx_quads_end(); gfx_blend_normal(); gfx_texture_set(texture_sun); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_quads_draw(pos.x, pos.y, 256, 256); gfx_quads_end(); } // render map tilemap_render(32.0f, 0); #ifdef _DEBUG float speed = 0.0f; #endif // render items int num = snap_num_items(SNAP_CURRENT); for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snap_item item; void *data = snap_get_item(SNAP_CURRENT, i, &item); if(item.type == OBJTYPE_PLAYER) { void *prev = snap_find_item(SNAP_PREV, item.type, item.id); if(prev) { render_player((obj_player *)prev, (obj_player *)data); /*#ifdef _DEBUG { obj_player *p = (obj_player *)prev; obj_player *c = (obj_player *)data; vec2 positionold = vec2(p->x, p->y); vec2 poscur = vec2(c->x, c->y); speed = distance(positionold,poscur); } #endif*/ } } else if(item.type == OBJTYPE_PROJECTILE) { void *prev = snap_find_item(SNAP_PREV, item.type, item.id); if(prev) render_projectile((obj_projectile *)prev, (obj_projectile *)data); } else if(item.type == OBJTYPE_POWERUP) { void *prev = snap_find_item(SNAP_PREV, item.type, item.id); if(prev) render_powerup((obj_powerup*)prev, (obj_powerup *)data); } } // render particles temp_system.update(client_frametime()); temp_system.render(); tilemap_render(32.0f, 1); // render health mods healthmods.render(); // render cursor // FIXME CURSOR!!! if(local_player) { gfx_texture_set(texture_weapon); gfx_quads_begin(); if (local_player->modifier & (1 << MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA)) cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy, modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].x, modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].y, modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].w, modifiertexcoordcursor[MODIFIER_TYPE_NINJA].h); else cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy, weapontexcoordcursor[local_player->weapon].x, weapontexcoordcursor[local_player->weapon].y, weapontexcoordcursor[local_player->weapon].w, weapontexcoordcursor[local_player->weapon].h); float cursorsize = 64; gfx_quads_draw(local_player_pos.x+mouse_pos.x, local_player_pos.y+mouse_pos.y,cursorsize,cursorsize); // render ammo count // render gui stuff gfx_quads_end(); gfx_quads_begin(); gfx_mapscreen(0,0,400,300); cell_select_ex(numcellsx,numcellsy, weaponprojtexcoord[local_player->weapon].x, weaponprojtexcoord[local_player->weapon].y, weaponprojtexcoord[local_player->weapon].w, weaponprojtexcoord[local_player->weapon].h); for (int i = 0; i < local_player->ammocount; i++) { gfx_quads_drawTL(10+i*12,34,10,10); } gfx_quads_end(); gfx_texture_set(texture_game); gfx_quads_begin(); int h = 0; cell_select_ex(32,16, 0,0, 4,4); for(; h < local_player->health; h++) gfx_quads_drawTL(10+h*12,10,10,10); cell_select_ex(32,16, 5,0, 4,4); for(; h < 10; h++) gfx_quads_drawTL(10+h*12,10,10,10); h = 0; cell_select_ex(32,16, 0,5, 4,4); for(; h < local_player->armor; h++) gfx_quads_drawTL(10+h*12,22,10,10); cell_select_ex(32,16, 5,5, 4,4); for(; h < 10; h++) gfx_quads_drawTL(10+h*12,22,10,10); gfx_quads_end(); // render speed /*#ifdef _DEBUG gfx_texture_set(font_texture); char text[256]; sprintf(text,"speed: %f",speed); gfx_quads_text(300,20,10,text); #endif*/ } // render gui stuff gfx_mapscreen(0,0,400,300); // render score board if(inp_key_pressed(baselib::keys::tab)) { gfx_texture_set(font_texture); gfx_quads_text(10, 50, 8, "Score Board"); int num = snap_num_items(SNAP_CURRENT); int row = 1; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { snap_item item; void *data = snap_get_item(SNAP_CURRENT, i, &item); if(item.type == OBJTYPE_PLAYER) { obj_player *player = (obj_player *)data; if(player) { char buf[128]; char name[32]; snap_decode_string(player->name, name, 32); sprintf(buf, "%4d %s", player->score, name); gfx_quads_text(10, 50 + 10 * row, 8, buf); row++; } } } } }