/* copyright (c) 2007 magnus auvinen, see licence.txt for more info */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ec_font.h" /* compressed textures */ #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB 0x84ED #define GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB 0x84EE #define TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT 0x84FE enum { DRAWING_QUADS=1, DRAWING_LINES=2 }; /* */ typedef struct { float x, y, z; } VEC3; typedef struct { float u, v; } TEXCOORD; typedef struct { float r, g, b, a; } COLOR; typedef struct { VEC3 pos; TEXCOORD tex; COLOR color; } VERTEX; const int vertex_buffer_size = 32*1024; static VERTEX *vertices = 0; static int num_vertices = 0; static COLOR color[4]; static TEXCOORD texture[4]; static int do_screenshot = 0; static int screen_width = -1; static int screen_height = -1; static float rotation = 0; static int drawing = 0; static float screen_x0 = 0; static float screen_y0 = 0; static float screen_x1 = 0; static float screen_y1 = 0; typedef struct { GLuint tex; int memsize; int flags; int next; } TEXTURE; enum { MAX_TEXTURES = 128 }; static TEXTURE textures[MAX_TEXTURES]; static int first_free_texture; static int memory_usage = 0; static const unsigned char null_texture_data[] = { 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0x00,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, 0xff,0xff,0x00,0xff, }; static void flush() { if(num_vertices == 0) return; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(VERTEX), (char*)vertices); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(VERTEX), (char*)vertices + sizeof(float)*3); glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(VERTEX), (char*)vertices + sizeof(float)*5); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); if(drawing == DRAWING_QUADS) glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, num_vertices); else if(drawing == DRAWING_LINES) glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, num_vertices); /* Reset pointer */ num_vertices = 0; } static void draw_line() { num_vertices += 2; if((num_vertices + 2) >= vertex_buffer_size) flush(); } static void draw_quad() { num_vertices += 4; if((num_vertices + 4) >= vertex_buffer_size) flush(); } static void screen_resize(int width, int height) { screen_width = width; screen_height = height; glViewport(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height); } int gfx_init() { int i; screen_width = config.gfx_screen_width; screen_height = config.gfx_screen_height; glfwInit(); if(config.dbg_stress) { screen_width = 320; screen_height = 240; } /* set antialiasing */ if(config.gfx_fsaa_samples) glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_FSAA_SAMPLES, config.gfx_fsaa_samples); /* set refresh rate */ if(config.gfx_refresh_rate) glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_REFRESH_RATE, config.gfx_refresh_rate); /* no resizing allowed */ if (!config.gfx_debug_resizable) glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_WINDOW_NO_RESIZE, 1); /* open window */ if(config.gfx_fullscreen) { int result = glfwOpenWindow(screen_width, screen_height, 8, 8, 8, 0, 24, 0, GLFW_FULLSCREEN); if(result != GL_TRUE) { dbg_msg("game", "failed to create gl context"); return 0; } } else { int result = glfwOpenWindow(screen_width, screen_height, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, GLFW_WINDOW); if(result != GL_TRUE) { dbg_msg("game", "failed to create gl context"); return 0; } } glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(screen_resize); glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_BITS, &i); dbg_msg("gfx", "depthbits = %d", i); glfwSetWindowTitle("Teewars"); /* We don't want to see the window when we run the stress testing */ if(config.dbg_stress) glfwIconifyWindow(); /* Init vertices */ if (vertices) mem_free(vertices); vertices = (VERTEX*)mem_alloc(sizeof(VERTEX) * vertex_buffer_size, 1); num_vertices = 0; /* dbg_msg("gfx", "OpenGL version %d.%d.%d", context.version_major(), context.version_minor(), context.version_rev());*/ gfx_mapscreen(0,0,config.gfx_screen_width, config.gfx_screen_height); /* set some default settings */ glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); gfx_mask_op(MASK_NONE, 0); /* Set all z to -5.0f */ for (i = 0; i < vertex_buffer_size; i++) vertices[i].pos.z = -5.0f; /* init textures */ first_free_texture = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; i++) textures[i].next = i+1; textures[MAX_TEXTURES-1].next = -1; glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); /* init input */ inp_init(); /* create null texture, will get id=0 */ gfx_load_texture_raw(4,4,IMG_RGBA,null_texture_data,IMG_RGBA); /* set vsync as needed */ gfx_set_vsync(config.gfx_vsync); return 1; } float gfx_screenaspect() { return gfx_screenwidth()/(float)gfx_screenheight(); } void gfx_clear_mask(int fill) { int i; glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK, &i); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glClearDepth(0.0f); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDepthMask(i); } void gfx_mask_op(int mask, int write) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if(write) glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); else glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); if(mask == MASK_NONE) glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS); else if(mask == MASK_SET) glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); else if(mask == MASK_ZERO) glDepthFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL); } int gfx_window_active() { return glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_ACTIVE) == GL_TRUE ? 1 : 0; } int gfx_window_open() { return glfwGetWindowParam(GLFW_OPENED) == GL_TRUE ? 1 : 0; } VIDEO_MODE fakemodes[] = { {320,240,8,8,8}, {400,300,8,8,8}, {640,480,8,8,8}, {720,400,8,8,8}, {768,576,8,8,8}, {800,600,8,8,8}, {1024,600,8,8,8}, {1024,768,8,8,8}, {1152,864,8,8,8}, {1280,768,8,8,8}, {1280,800,8,8,8}, {1280,960,8,8,8}, {1280,1024,8,8,8}, {1368,768,8,8,8}, {1400,1050,8,8,8}, {1440,900,8,8,8}, {1440,1050,8,8,8}, {1600,1000,8,8,8}, {1600,1200,8,8,8}, {1680,1050,8,8,8}, {1792,1344,8,8,8}, {1800,1440,8,8,8}, {1856,1392,8,8,8}, {1920,1080,8,8,8}, {1920,1200,8,8,8}, {1920,1440,8,8,8}, {1920,2400,8,8,8}, {2048,1536,8,8,8}, {320,240,5,6,5}, {400,300,5,6,5}, {640,480,5,6,5}, {720,400,5,6,5}, {768,576,5,6,5}, {800,600,5,6,5}, {1024,600,5,6,5}, {1024,768,5,6,5}, {1152,864,5,6,5}, {1280,768,5,6,5}, {1280,800,5,6,5}, {1280,960,5,6,5}, {1280,1024,5,6,5}, {1368,768,5,6,5}, {1400,1050,5,6,5}, {1440,900,5,6,5}, {1440,1050,5,6,5}, {1600,1000,5,6,5}, {1600,1200,5,6,5}, {1680,1050,5,6,5}, {1792,1344,5,6,5}, {1800,1440,5,6,5}, {1856,1392,5,6,5}, {1920,1080,5,6,5}, {1920,1200,5,6,5}, {1920,1440,5,6,5}, {1920,2400,5,6,5}, {2048,1536,5,6,5} }; int gfx_get_video_modes(VIDEO_MODE *list, int maxcount) { if(config.gfx_display_all_modes) { int count = sizeof(fakemodes)/sizeof(VIDEO_MODE); mem_copy(list, fakemodes, sizeof(fakemodes)); if(maxcount < count) count = maxcount; return count; } return glfwGetVideoModes((GLFWvidmode *)list, maxcount); } void gfx_set_vsync(int val) { glfwSwapInterval(val); } int gfx_unload_texture(int index) { glDeleteTextures(1, &textures[index].tex); textures[index].next = first_free_texture; memory_usage -= textures[index].memsize; first_free_texture = index; return 0; } void gfx_blend_normal() { glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } void gfx_blend_additive() { glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); } int gfx_memory_usage() { return memory_usage; } static unsigned char sample(int w, int h, const unsigned char *data, int u, int v, int offset) { return (data[(v*w+u)*4+offset]+ data[(v*w+u+1)*4+offset]+ data[((v+1)*w+u)*4+offset]+ data[((v+1)*w+u+1)*4+offset])/4; } int gfx_load_texture_raw(int w, int h, int format, const void *data, int store_format) { int mipmap = 1; unsigned char *texdata = (unsigned char *)data; unsigned char *tmpdata = 0; int oglformat = 0; int store_oglformat = 0; int tex = 0; /* don't waste memory on texture if we are stress testing */ if(config.dbg_stress) return -1; /* grab texture */ tex = first_free_texture; first_free_texture = textures[tex].next; textures[tex].next = -1; /* resample if needed */ if(config.gfx_texture_quality==0) { if(w > 16 && h > 16 && format == IMG_RGBA) { unsigned char *tmpdata; int c = 0; int x, y; tmpdata = (unsigned char *)mem_alloc(w*h*4, 1); w/=2; h/=2; for(y = 0; y < h; y++) for(x = 0; x < w; x++, c++) { tmpdata[c*4] = sample(w*2, h*2, texdata, x*2,y*2, 0); tmpdata[c*4+1] = sample(w*2, h*2, texdata, x*2,y*2, 1); tmpdata[c*4+2] = sample(w*2, h*2, texdata, x*2,y*2, 2); tmpdata[c*4+3] = sample(w*2, h*2, texdata, x*2,y*2, 3); } texdata = tmpdata; } } if(config.debug) dbg_msg("gfx", "%d = %dx%d", tex, w, h); oglformat = GL_RGBA; if(format == IMG_RGB) oglformat = GL_RGB; else if(format == IMG_ALPHA) oglformat = GL_ALPHA; /* upload texture */ if(config.gfx_texture_compression) { store_oglformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB; if(store_format == IMG_RGB) store_oglformat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB; else if(store_format == IMG_ALPHA) store_oglformat = GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA_ARB; } else { store_oglformat = GL_RGBA; if(store_format == IMG_RGB) store_oglformat = GL_RGB; else if(store_format == IMG_ALPHA) store_oglformat = GL_ALPHA; } glGenTextures(1, &textures[tex].tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[tex].tex); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, store_oglformat, w, h, oglformat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, texdata); /* calculate memory usage */ { int pixel_size = 4; if(store_format == IMG_RGB) pixel_size = 3; else if(store_format == IMG_ALPHA) pixel_size = 1; textures[tex].memsize = w*h*pixel_size; if(mipmap) { while(w > 2 && h > 2) { w>>=1; h>>=1; textures[tex].memsize += w*h*pixel_size; } } } memory_usage += textures[tex].memsize; mem_free(tmpdata); return tex; } /* simple uncompressed RGBA loaders */ int gfx_load_texture(const char *filename, int store_format) { int l = strlen(filename); int id; IMAGE_INFO img; if(l < 3) return 0; if(gfx_load_png(&img, filename)) { if (store_format == IMG_AUTO) store_format = img.format; id = gfx_load_texture_raw(img.width, img.height, img.format, img.data, store_format); mem_free(img.data); return id; } return 0; } int gfx_load_png(IMAGE_INFO *img, const char *filename) { unsigned char *buffer; png_t png; /* open file for reading */ png_init(0,0); if(png_open_file(&png, filename) != PNG_NO_ERROR) { dbg_msg("game/png", "failed to open file. filename='%s'", filename); return 0; } if(png.depth != 8 || (png.color_type != PNG_TRUECOLOR && png.color_type != PNG_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA)) { dbg_msg("game/png", "invalid format. filename='%s'", filename); png_close_file(&png); return 0; } buffer = (unsigned char *)mem_alloc(png.width * png.height * png.bpp, 1); png_get_data(&png, buffer); png_close_file(&png); img->width = png.width; img->height = png.height; if(png.color_type == PNG_TRUECOLOR) img->format = IMG_RGB; else if(png.color_type == PNG_TRUECOLOR_ALPHA) img->format = IMG_RGBA; img->data = buffer; return 1; } void gfx_shutdown() { if (vertices) mem_free(vertices); glfwCloseWindow(); glfwTerminate(); } void gfx_screenshot() { do_screenshot = 1; } static int64 next_frame = 0; static int record = 0; void gfx_swap() { if(record) { int w = screen_width; int h = screen_height; unsigned char *pixel_data = (unsigned char *)mem_alloc(w*(h+1)*3, 1); /*unsigned char *temp_row = pixel_data+w*h*3;*/ glReadPixels(0,0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixel_data); /* clean up */ mem_free(pixel_data); if(next_frame) next_frame += time_freq()/30; else next_frame = time_get() + time_freq()/30; while(time_get() < next_frame) (void)0; } if(do_screenshot) { /* fetch image data */ int y; int w = screen_width; int h = screen_height; unsigned char *pixel_data = (unsigned char *)mem_alloc(w*(h+1)*3, 1); unsigned char *temp_row = pixel_data+w*h*3; glReadPixels(0,0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixel_data); /* flip the pixel because opengl works from bottom left corner */ for(y = 0; y < h/2; y++) { mem_copy(temp_row, pixel_data+y*w*3, w*3); mem_copy(pixel_data+y*w*3, pixel_data+(h-y-1)*w*3, w*3); mem_copy(pixel_data+(h-y-1)*w*3, temp_row,w*3); } /* find filename */ { char wholepath[1024]; char filename[128]; static int index = 1; png_t png; for(; index < 1000; index++) { IOHANDLE io; sprintf(filename, "screenshots/screenshot%04d.png", index); engine_savepath(filename, wholepath, sizeof(wholepath)); io = io_open(wholepath, IOFLAG_READ); if(io) io_close(io); else break; } /* save png */ dbg_msg("client", "saved screenshot to '%s'", wholepath); png_open_file_write(&png, wholepath); png_set_data(&png, w, h, 8, PNG_TRUECOLOR, (unsigned char *)pixel_data); png_close_file(&png); } /* clean up */ mem_free(pixel_data); do_screenshot = 0; } { static PERFORMACE_INFO pscope = {"glfwSwapBuffers", 0}; perf_start(&pscope); glFinish(); glfwSwapBuffers(); perf_end(); } { static PERFORMACE_INFO pscope = {"glFlush", 0}; perf_start(&pscope); glFlush(); perf_end(); } { static PERFORMACE_INFO pscope = {"glFinish", 0}; perf_start(&pscope); glFinish(); perf_end(); } { static PERFORMACE_INFO pscope = {"glfwPollEvents", 0}; perf_start(&pscope); glfwPollEvents(); perf_end(); } } int gfx_screenwidth() { return screen_width; } int gfx_screenheight() { return screen_height; } void gfx_texture_set(int slot) { dbg_assert(drawing == 0, "called gfx_texture_set within begin"); if(slot == -1) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); else { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[slot].tex); } } void gfx_clear(float r, float g, float b) { glClearColor(r,g,b,1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); } void gfx_mapscreen(float tl_x, float tl_y, float br_x, float br_y) { screen_x0 = tl_x; screen_y0 = tl_y; screen_x1 = br_x; screen_y1 = br_y; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(tl_x, br_x, br_y, tl_y, 1.0f, 10.f); } void gfx_getscreen(float *tl_x, float *tl_y, float *br_x, float *br_y) { *tl_x = screen_x0; *tl_y = screen_y0; *br_x = screen_x1; *br_y = screen_y1; } void gfx_setoffset(float x, float y) { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); } void gfx_quads_begin() { dbg_assert(drawing == 0, "called quads_begin twice"); drawing = DRAWING_QUADS; gfx_quads_setsubset(0,0,1,1); gfx_quads_setrotation(0); gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,1); } void gfx_quads_end() { dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called quads_end without begin"); flush(); drawing = 0; } void gfx_quads_setrotation(float angle) { dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called gfx_quads_setrotation without begin"); rotation = angle; } void gfx_setcolorvertex(int i, float r, float g, float b, float a) { dbg_assert(drawing != 0, "called gfx_quads_setcolorvertex without begin"); color[i].r = r; color[i].g = g; color[i].b = b; color[i].a = a; } void gfx_setcolor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { dbg_assert(drawing != 0, "called gfx_quads_setcolor without begin"); gfx_setcolorvertex(0, r, g, b, a); gfx_setcolorvertex(1, r, g, b, a); gfx_setcolorvertex(2, r, g, b, a); gfx_setcolorvertex(3, r, g, b, a); } void gfx_quads_setsubset(float tl_u, float tl_v, float br_u, float br_v) { dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called gfx_quads_setsubset without begin"); texture[0].u = tl_u; texture[0].v = tl_v; texture[1].u = br_u; texture[1].v = tl_v; texture[2].u = br_u; texture[2].v = br_v; texture[3].u = tl_u; texture[3].v = br_v; } void gfx_quads_setsubset_free( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { texture[0].u = x0; texture[0].v = y0; texture[1].u = x1; texture[1].v = y1; texture[2].u = x2; texture[2].v = y2; texture[3].u = x3; texture[3].v = y3; } static void rotate(VEC3 *center, VEC3 *point) { float x = point->x - center->x; float y = point->y - center->y; point->x = x * cosf(rotation) - y * sinf(rotation) + center->x; point->y = x * sinf(rotation) + y * cosf(rotation) + center->y; } void gfx_quads_draw(float x, float y, float w, float h) { gfx_quads_drawTL(x-w/2, y-h/2,w,h); } void gfx_quads_drawTL(float x, float y, float width, float height) { VEC3 center; dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called quads_draw without begin"); center.x = x + width/2; center.y = y + height/2; center.z = 0; vertices[num_vertices].pos.x = x; vertices[num_vertices].pos.y = y; vertices[num_vertices].tex = texture[0]; vertices[num_vertices].color = color[0]; rotate(¢er, &vertices[num_vertices].pos); vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos.x = x+width; vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos.y = y; vertices[num_vertices + 1].tex = texture[1]; vertices[num_vertices + 1].color = color[1]; rotate(¢er, &vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos); vertices[num_vertices + 2].pos.x = x + width; vertices[num_vertices + 2].pos.y = y+height; vertices[num_vertices + 2].tex = texture[2]; vertices[num_vertices + 2].color = color[2]; rotate(¢er, &vertices[num_vertices + 2].pos); vertices[num_vertices + 3].pos.x = x; vertices[num_vertices + 3].pos.y = y+height; vertices[num_vertices + 3].tex = texture[3]; vertices[num_vertices + 3].color = color[3]; rotate(¢er, &vertices[num_vertices + 3].pos); draw_quad(); } void gfx_quads_draw_freeform( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_QUADS, "called quads_draw_freeform without begin"); vertices[num_vertices].pos.x = x0; vertices[num_vertices].pos.y = y0; vertices[num_vertices].tex = texture[0]; vertices[num_vertices].color = color[0]; vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos.x = x1; vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos.y = y1; vertices[num_vertices + 1].tex = texture[1]; vertices[num_vertices + 1].color = color[1]; vertices[num_vertices + 2].pos.x = x3; vertices[num_vertices + 2].pos.y = y3; vertices[num_vertices + 2].tex = texture[3]; vertices[num_vertices + 2].color = color[3]; vertices[num_vertices + 3].pos.x = x2; vertices[num_vertices + 3].pos.y = y2; vertices[num_vertices + 3].tex = texture[2]; vertices[num_vertices + 3].color = color[2]; draw_quad(); } void gfx_quads_text(float x, float y, float size, const char *text) { float startx = x; gfx_quads_begin(); while(*text) { char c = *text; text++; if(c == '\n') { x = startx; y += size; } else { gfx_quads_setsubset( (c%16)/16.0f, (c/16)/16.0f, (c%16)/16.0f+1.0f/16.0f, (c/16)/16.0f+1.0f/16.0f); gfx_quads_drawTL(x,y,size,size); x += size/2; } } gfx_quads_end(); } static int word_length(const char *text) { int s = 1; while(1) { if(*text == 0) return s-1; if(*text == '\n' || *text == '\t' || *text == ' ') return s; text++; s++; } } static float text_r=1; static float text_g=1; static float text_b=1; static float text_a=1; static FONT_SET *default_font_set = 0; void gfx_text_set_default_font(void *font) { default_font_set = (FONT_SET *)font; } float gfx_text_raw(void *font_set_v, float x, float y, float size, const char *text, int length) { FONT_SET *font_set = font_set_v; float fake_to_screen_x = (screen_width/(screen_x1-screen_x0)); float fake_to_screen_y = (screen_height/(screen_y1-screen_y0)); FONT *font; int actual_size; int i; float draw_x; /* to correct coords, convert to screen coords, round, and convert back */ int actual_x = x * fake_to_screen_x; int actual_y = y * fake_to_screen_y; x = actual_x / fake_to_screen_x; y = actual_y / fake_to_screen_y; /* same with size */ actual_size = size * fake_to_screen_y; size = actual_size / fake_to_screen_y; if(!font_set) font_set = default_font_set; font = font_set_pick(font_set, actual_size); if (length < 0) length = strlen(text); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *)text; int to_render = length; draw_x = x; if (i == 0) gfx_texture_set(font->outline_texture); else gfx_texture_set(font->text_texture); gfx_quads_begin(); if (i == 0) gfx_setcolor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f); else gfx_setcolor(text_r, text_g, text_b, text_a); while (to_render--) { float tex_x0, tex_y0, tex_x1, tex_y1; float width, height; float x_offset, y_offset, x_advance; float advance; font_character_info(font, *c, &tex_x0, &tex_y0, &tex_x1, &tex_y1, &width, &height, &x_offset, &y_offset, &x_advance); gfx_quads_setsubset(tex_x0, tex_y0, tex_x1, tex_y1); gfx_quads_drawTL(draw_x+x_offset*size, y+y_offset*size, width*size, height*size); advance = x_advance + font_kerning(font, *c, *(c+1)); draw_x += advance*size; c++; } gfx_quads_end(); } return draw_x; } void gfx_text(void *font_set_v, float x, float y, float size, const char *text, int max_width) { if(max_width == -1) gfx_text_raw(font_set_v, x, y, size, text, -1); else { float startx = x; while(*text) { int wlen = word_length(text); float w = gfx_text_width(font_set_v, size, text, wlen); if(x+w-startx > max_width) { y += size; x = startx; } x = gfx_text_raw(font_set_v, x, y, size, text, wlen); text += wlen; } } gfx_text_raw(font_set_v, x, y, size, text, -1); } float gfx_text_width(void *font_set_v, float size, const char *text, int length) { FONT_SET *font_set = font_set_v; FONT *font; float fake_to_screen_y = (screen_height/(screen_y1-screen_y0)); int actual_size = size * fake_to_screen_y; size = actual_size / fake_to_screen_y; if(!font_set) font_set = default_font_set; font = font_set_pick(font_set, actual_size); return font_text_width(font, text, size, length); } void gfx_text_color(float r, float g, float b, float a) { text_r = r; text_g = g; text_b = b; text_a = a; } void gfx_lines_begin() { dbg_assert(drawing == 0, "called begin twice"); drawing = DRAWING_LINES; gfx_setcolor(1,1,1,1); } void gfx_lines_end() { dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_LINES, "called end without begin"); flush(); drawing = 0; } void gfx_lines_draw(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { dbg_assert(drawing == DRAWING_LINES, "called draw without begin"); vertices[num_vertices].pos.x = x0; vertices[num_vertices].pos.y = y0; vertices[num_vertices].tex = texture[0]; vertices[num_vertices].color = color[0]; vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos.x = x1; vertices[num_vertices + 1].pos.y = y1; vertices[num_vertices + 1].tex = texture[1]; vertices[num_vertices + 1].color = color[1]; draw_line(); } void gfx_clip_enable(int x, int y, int w, int h) { glScissor(x, gfx_screenheight()-(y+h), w, h); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } void gfx_clip_disable() { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); }